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Flutter 2.0.0 release notes


This page has release notes for 2.0.0. For information about subsequent bug-fix releases, see our CHANGELOG

Merged PRs by labels for flutter/flutter


framework - 793 pull request(s)


48223 Add HeroMode widget (a: animation, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: routes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55209 Updated SearchDelegate to follow custom InputDecorationTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

56024 Pass RouteSettings to the internal Route in showCupertinoModalPopup (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

61366 Continue the clipBehavior breaking change (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break)

61981 Positioning IME bars on iOS (a: fidelity, a: internationalization, a: text input, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

62616 Migrate foundation test to nullsafety (a: accessibility, a: null-safety, cla: yes, framework)

62694 Convert services tests to NNBD (cla: yes, framework, team)

62701 Migrate gestures, physics and scheduler tests to null safety. (a: null-safety, cla: yes, framework)

62927 AutocompleteCore (a: text input, cla: yes, framework, severe: new feature)

63272 Remove back button when using end drawer (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

63466 [MaterialSlice] adds property to customize slice color (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

63683 Tab bar improvements (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

63813 Lazily compute PointerEvent's transformed positions (cla: yes, f: gestures, framework)

63834 Treat hover events as normal pointer events, and bring them back to Listener (a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

63910 Improve Stepper controlsBuilder docs (cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

63996 fuchsia_remote_debug_protocol allows open port on remote device (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, tool)

64140 [ReorderableListView] Fix item dropping animation (a: animation, cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64222 Allow modification of ListTile's horizontalTitleGap, minVerticalPadding, minLeadingWidth (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

64240 Add sample code to FadeTransition (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64379 Make Dismissible's HitTestBehavior an argument (cla: yes, f: gestures, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64468 Fix CupertinoAlertDialog TextStyle (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

64638 Add sample code to DefaultTextStyleTransition (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64639 Change LicensePage's loading color from scaffoldBackgroundColor to cardColor (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64678 Wrap PopupMenu with SafeArea to respect status bar (a: layout, a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64698 Added sample code to AnimatedAlign (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64746 FloatingActionButton always keeps the same position when FloatingActionButtonLocation is top. (a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64846 Expose GestureBinding.handlePointerEvent, replacing dispatchEvent as the preferred way to dispatch events (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

64930 Add CompositedTransformFollower.{followerAnchor, leaderAnchor} for custom anchoring (a: layout, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64966 Minor docs updates (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65000 [LayoutBuilder] Implements baseline logic to pass baseline to child (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65010 Fix Semi Hidden helpText in showDatePicker (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: date/time picker, f: material design, framework)

65044 TextSelectionTheme support (step 2 of 3) (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

65057 SpringDescription parameter for the AnimationController fling method (a: animation, cla: yes, f: gestures, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65072 Find text containing in tests (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65080 [ReorderableListView] remove extra margin added after picking up the item (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65087 Let Flutter SDK use cupertino_icons 1.0.0 (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, team, tool)

65126 fix overlay entry remove to remove itself from the overlay first if i… (a: animation, cla: yes, f: routes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65164 Add dart-pad example code for CupertinoSliverRefreshControl (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65180 [fix] once errorBuilder is called Image widget stops loading images (cla: yes, framework)

65193 Generate RawKeyEvents for iOS 13.4+ (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

65226 Improve the behavior of Scrollable.ensureVisible when Scrollable nested (cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework)

65235 CupertinoTextField should not accept requestFocus when disabled (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65246 Deprecated unused property [RectangularSliderTrackShape.disabledThumbGapWidth] (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

65274 Add sample code for CupertinoActionSheet (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

65313 Bug fix where MouseScrollWheel zoom in flutter-web does not execute onInteraction functions (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65320 Add onSelectionChanged into SelectableText widget (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65323 Sliver padding overlap fix (a: quality, cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65432 Fix InteractiveViewer minScale bug (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65444 Make parameter optional (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65463 [Tabs] Fix tab indicator flies off issue (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65499 [web] Inform the engine when read-only flag is flipped (a: tests, a: text input, cla: yes, framework, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

65501 Update the cupertino picker visuals (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

65503 Improve docs of ImageFiltered and BackdropFilter (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65505 Creates a way to test private APIs in the Flutter package. (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

65528 Reland "Nnbd widgets" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65568 Remove unused 'dart:async' imports. (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

65579 Move the registration of the restoration channel to binding initialization (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65584 List tile docs (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65602 Reland "perf test for measuring scroll smoothness" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

65635 Revert "Reland "Make sure all isolates start during flutter driver tests"" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65658 Make Navigator restorable (inkl. WidgetsApp, MaterialApp, CupertinoApp) (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65659 [Material] Fix a jumping animation in the beginning of the extended Navigation Rail transition (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65660 Revert "Reland "Make sure all isolates start during flutter driver te… (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

65662 Buttons animate elevation changes before changing background color (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65665 Updated API doc references to obsolete Material button classes (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65667 Fix the character field of the RawKeyEvent to hold correct data on non-Android platforms. (a: desktop, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

65695 Fix FormFieldState value not in sync with the onChanged value from TextFormField. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

65703 Make sure all isolates start during flutter driver tests. (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65704 Revert "fuchsia_remote_debug_protocol allows open port on remote device" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, tool)

65754 Fix the inconsistency between the local state of the input and the engine state (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65766 Adds getter/setter for slider semantics flag. (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework)

65787 Flutter Stable Framework Cherrypicks 1.20.4 (a: internationalization, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

65817 Clarify the docs on what scrollUntilVisible does (a: tests, cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, framework)

65832 fix issue #55400 PopupMenuButton positions menu incorrectly with nest… (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65857 [flutter] elide semantic information from certain widget spans (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65861 fix nullability of ScrollMetrics (cla: yes, framework)

65871 Revert "Add CompositedTransformFollower.{followerAnchor, leaderAnchor} for custom anchoring (#64930)" (cla: yes, framework)

65876 Allow new methods to be added to ui.Image for tests (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

65877 Update Navigation Rail test with regression comment and cleaner size checking (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65878 Revert "Add CompositedTransformFollower.{followerAnchor, leaderAnchor… (cla: yes, framework)

65880 migrate some cupertino files to nullsafety (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65884 Reland 64930 Add CompositedTransformFollower.{followerAnchor, leaderAnchor} for custom anchoring (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65910 Added clipBehavior to Overlay, Flow, AnimatedSize and AndroidView (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65915 Fix DropdownButton bug (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65918 Changed field title to label in bottom_navigation_bar_test.dart (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65944 Divider with subheader example update (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65951 [flutter_tools] connect widget cache from frontend_server (cla: yes, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

65966 TextField constrained layout bug (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

65973 always adds alert label for alert dialog in Android (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65988 Replaced reference to obsolete FlatButton button class in SnackBar (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65997 remove non-nullability on Navigator methods (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

65998 Fix bug when updating the divisions and value of the slider at the same time (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66014 add ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior to CustomScrollView constructor (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66020 Remove deprecated activity indicator (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66023 Fix mistake in the docs of RouteInformationParser (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66024 migrate some cupertino files to nullsafety (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

66027 Revert "TextField constrained layout bug" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

66031 Revert "always adds alert label for alert dialog in Android" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

66039 fix mouse wheel scroll miscontrol of ScrollPosition. (a: desktop, a: mouse, cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66043 Deprecate VelocityTracker default constructor and added VelocityTracker.withKind constructor (cla: yes, framework, team)

66051 Revert "TextSelectionTheme support (step 2 of 3)" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

66054 Add versioning to gold endpoints (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, team: infra, waiting for tree to go green)

66055 Reland "TextField constrained layout bug (#65966)" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66057 reland always adds alert label for alert dialog in Android (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66061 Reland: TextSelectionTheme support (step 2 of 3) (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

66065 InteractiveViewer onInteractionUpdate focalPoint (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66073 Prevent a potential infinite loop in setMessageHandler (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66081 Trivial file name fix (continous -> continuous) (cla: yes, framework)

66082 [flutter_tools] register service worker after first frame event (cla: yes, framework, team, tool)

66139 Fix local gold output for flutter/flutter (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66142 Fix 'Invalid Image Data' for local Gold testing (a: error message, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66186 Changed title to label in flutter/test/material (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66201 Added transformAlignment for container (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66213 Fixes typos in showDialog documentation (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework)

66257 Actually consume top padding in bottomsheet if scrollcontrolled (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66262 SliverList perform layout start from the initial child when there is no valid layout offset (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66267 Add back the autovalidate class property (a: text input, cla: yes, framework)

66271 Reland fuchsia_remote_debug_protocol allows open port on remote device (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66274 Make CupertinoThemeData properties non-nullable (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66291 TextField intrinsic height layout bug (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

66305 Add Overflow back with deprecation (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66370 Change the default visual density to be adaptive based on platform. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

66375 Provide defaulting for textScaleFactor when passing to dart:ui (a: typography, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66379 Remove last FakeImage implementation (cla: yes, framework)

66387 enable lint unnecessary_nullable_for_final_variable_declarations (cla: yes, framework)

66409 Change emoji in About dialog to be a divider (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66418 fix nullability issues (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

66424 migrate some cupertino files to nullsafety (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66455 apply upcoming lint cast_nullable_to_non_nullable (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

66482 TextSelectionTheme support (step 3 of 3) (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

66493 migrate cupertino to nullsafety (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66500 Flutter 1.22.0-12.2.pre Framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

66504 Re-land ScaffoldMessenger (a: quality, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), f: material design, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

66506 Allow futures that resolve to null (incl. Future) in Future/StreamBuilder (cla: yes, framework)

66508 [Docs] [Material] Fix Icons api docs (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

66542 Fix last month not being displayed if last date is selected in DateRangePicker (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66567 Length formatter minor fix (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66582 Update docs about complex character support (cla: yes, framework)

66596 [Material] Remove opacity from dark theme overlay check (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66597 Replaced obsolete use of FlatButton with TextButton (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66602 Replaced obsolete use of FlatButton with TextButton in scroll_activity_test (cla: yes, framework)

66603 Replaced use of obsolete RaisedButton with ElevatedButton in widget_inspector_test (cla: yes, framework)

66633 migration of material files to nullsafety (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66639 Further explain parent constraints in SizedBox (cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66640 Add decoration parameter to DataTable and DataTableTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

66652 [Material] Update some semantics for time picker controls (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

66653 Changed TickerProviderStateMixin to SingleTickerProviderStateMixin in… (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

66663 Migrate flutter_test (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66670 Updated tests in material/bottom_navigation_bar_test.dart (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66688 Dispose of images after using them (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, perf: memory, severe: performance)

66692 Allow modifying barrier color and barrier dismissible for Cupertino Modal Popup (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66694 Page-subclasses to take children instead of builder (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66700 Default FittedBox's clipBehavior to none (cla: yes, framework, severe: API break)

66743 cleanup completed todo and unused variable for WidgetTester (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66745 move resampler to handlePointerEvent and fix complex_layout_android__scroll_smoothness with PointerEvent (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66754 [desktop] default to shrink wrap on desktop platforms (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66783 fix the tree (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

66785 Add textSelectionControls to TextField etc. (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

66798 Fix ListTile assert when layout at zero size (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

66834 GlobalKey docs improvement (cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, framework)

66845 fix _getPixelPerfectCursorOffset logic when infinite (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66849 Flutter 1.22.0-12.3.pre framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

66851 EditableText action handlers swallow errors (cla: yes, framework)

66858 migrate some material files to nullsafty (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

66864 More EditableText docs (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66889 Add more unit test cases for EditableText widget (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66914 Move assert(s) that reference 'this' to the constructor bodies. (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

66916 Re-enables tests previously failing due to new semantics flag. (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66918 Revert "Improve the behavior of Scrollable.ensureVisible when Scrollable nested" (cla: yes, framework)

66972 Nested Scaffolds - Suggested Changes (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework)

66985 migrate some material files to nullsafety (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67000 Text test should check that a paragraph's longest line is not greater than the width constraint (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67003 API docs for typedefs. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67017 Handle empty selection box lists in RenderParagraph.assembleSemanticsNode (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67020 Relax the bounds of some Cupertino text field tests (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

67021 test that ensureVisible does not change PageView pages (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67046 Add transformAlignment and clipBehavior to AnimatedContainer (cla: yes, framework)

67058 Migrate the tests of flutter_test to null-safety (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67066 docs for image disposal (cla: yes, d: api docs, framework)

67076 [Time Picker] Double tapping hours/minutes will switch time picker to input mode (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67078 migrate some material files to nullsafety (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67080 Fix resampling of down, up, and remove events. (cla: yes, framework)

67083 [flutter] Update some tests in flutter/test (a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67085 Migrate some tests to null-safety (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67086 [NNBD] Migrate some Cupertino tests (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67098 Migrate non-test files in flutter/test (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67100 Revert dispose images when done (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

67105 [AppBarTheme] adds titleSpacing parameter (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67135 Expose the tileColor property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67152 [null-safety] pass experiments to builders (cla: yes, framework, tool)

67155 [null-safety] migrate app dependencies of flutter driver (a: accessibility, a: null-safety, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

67159 Invalid dates when switching back to calendar mode in the date range picker (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67166 migrate material to nullsafety (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67167 Add missing margin to SnackBarAction (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67169 Make CupertinoTabView restorable (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67177 Reland dispose images when done (#67100) (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

67183 Revert "migrate some material files to nullsafety" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67193 Roll flutter engine to a24c7c13925e4e3282f7b85814b70e63782fa057 (cla: yes, engine, framework)

67197 Preserve composing range if possible on sel change (a: desktop, a: text input, cla: yes, framework)

67218 change the documentation of bottom navigation bar (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67249 Add detection of drawer open and close in Scaffold widget as a callback method. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67290 Update documentation for borderWidth/renderBorder on ToggleButtons (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67306 fix nullability issues (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67314 InteractiveViewer table example improvements (cla: yes, framework)

67318 Reland "migrate some material files to nullsafety (#67078)" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67320 Provide oldLayer where possible (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67323 [NNBD] More test migration for Cupertino & Painting (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67324 add web_long_running_tests shard containing long-running web tests (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67334 Fix Align widthFactor and heightFactor docs to allow 0 values (cla: yes, framework)

67340 Remove the extra wrapping of Listener (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67342 [Material] Fix BottomNavTheme.showSelectedLabels bug (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67351 Migrate some more non-test utils for tests (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67359 Mark keys that match a shortcut, but have no action defined as "not handled". (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, a: text input, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, framework, team)

67360 Migrate more tests to null safety (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67361 Characters docs (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67364 Make FlutterErrorDetails.exception non-nullable as documented (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67375 Add rootOverlay flag to [Draggable], to put feedback on root [Overlay] (cla: yes, framework)

67410 Fix the tree (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

67414 Add tristate to parent checkbox for DataTable (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67419 Exposes ListTile.shape for CheckboxListTile and SwitchListTile (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67425 [flutter_test] handle breaking change to test main (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, tool)

67427 Remove required for onRemove in InteractiveInkFeature.create (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67433 Revert "[null-safety] migrate app dependencies of flutter driver" (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

67438 Add contentPadding property for RadioListTile (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67440 Removed remaining obsolete button widget references (cla: yes, d: examples, f: material design, framework, team)

67441 [null-safety] reland: migrate app side flutter driver to null-safety (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

67443 fix nullability issues (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67446 Add the missing parantheses (cla: yes, framework)

67449 [NNBD] Migrates some rendering tests (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67453 Migrate framework tests for rendering, semantics, widgets to null safety (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67456 Flutter Driver - Create widget finders from serialized finders extensions (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67468 Remove Cirrus support for Gold (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, team: infra, will affect goldens)

67476 fix build analysis errors (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

67477 Migrate some material tests to nnbd (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67482 Migrate More Material Tests (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67525 unnecessary null comparison (a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67545 Reland removal of examples/catalog (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67552 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.1 Framework Cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

67555 Turn timer_picker_test goldens back on (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

67556 Migrate Material framework tests to null safety (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67557 enable null_check_on_nullable_type_parameter and tighten_type_of_initializing_formals (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67558 Some NNBD Test Conversion (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67561 Revert "[null-safety] reland: migrate app side flutter driver to null-safety" (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

67562 [Material] Time picker semantics updates (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67566 Revert "Wrap PopupMenu with SafeArea to respect status bar" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67570 Reland "[null-safety] reland: migrate app side flutter driver to null-safety" (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67574 Implement documented behavior of WidgetsApp.builder (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67578 Re-land 'Wrap PopupMenu with SafeArea to respect status bar' (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67585 Add documentation talking about ScrollPhysics.applyTo(null) (cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67591 Migrate more material tests (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67629 enable lint cast_nullable_to_non_nullable (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

67652 Replace the flag emoji in the emoji caret test with a modifier sequence (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67656 Fix new analyzer rule failure (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67668 fix the tree (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67672 make router assert more strict (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67674 Migrate more material tests to NNBD (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67675 Fix nullability for some routing related stuff (cla: yes, framework)

67679 Search bar dark mode contrast (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67682 Final definite assignment (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67683 make Router.of nullable (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67687 Revert "Flutter Driver - Create widget finders from serialized finders extensions" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

67689 [NNBD] Migrating some Material tests (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, team: infra, waiting for tree to go green)

67692 Migrate tests to null-safety (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67694 Fix nullability warnings in routes_test (cla: yes, framework)

67696 NNDB TextField tests (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67711 Reland "Flutter Driver - Create widget finders from serialized finders extensions" with null safety (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

67736 Fix text field label width on outline input border (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67751 Fix tree (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67769 Flutter driver patch: export finder factory (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

67770 Make CupertinoTabScaffold restorable (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67773 Reland ensure visible fix for nested viewports (cla: yes, framework)

67776 Migrate some widget tests to NNBD (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67777 Revert "Flutter driver patch: export finder factory" (a: tests, framework)

67779 Patch: Flutter driver export finder factory (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

67782 Convert some widgets tests to NNBD (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67790 Migrate more Material framework tests to null safety. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67799 Add test for TabBarView (cla: yes, framework)

67811 Fix typos in the [BottomNavigationBar] document (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67849 Migrate even more widget framework tests to null safety. (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework)

67860 [Improvement] Add prefix Alignment. for toString of Alignment (cla: yes, framework)

67885 [gestures] make stylus pointer types use touch pan/drag slop (cla: yes, framework)

67887 [NNBD] Migrate some Material tests to NNBD (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67892 Fix TextField bug when the formatter repeatedly format (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67900 Expose date symbols and patterns for en_US in framework (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

67913 Add test case for AndroidView clipBehavior (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67916 Flutter Driver: command extensions and extension feature cleanup (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67919 [Material] Use primary color for selected rows and checkboxes in DataTable (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67926 Date Picker jumps back to initialDatePickerMode after day selection (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67938 [Material] Parent checkbox in DataTable should deselect all, if children checkboxes are disabled or selected (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67939 Remove unused Gold methods (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67940 Fix NestedScrollView sample code (a: quality, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67941 Migrate yet even more widget framework tests to null safety. (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework)

67946 Migrate Scaffold SnackBars in the framework to ScaffoldMessenger (a: tests, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67947 Deprecate old SnackBar methods (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

67952 Replace obsolete FlatButton reference in flutter_driver extension_test.dart (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

67969 Revert "Pass RouteSettings to the internal Route in showCupertinoModalPopup" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

67988 prevent pageView scrolling when calling ensureVisible (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67990 Fix for "Pass RouteSettings to the internal Route in showCupertinoModalPopup" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

68000 Provide a way to change the default PopupMenuButton's icon size (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68001 Improve the document of pageView and ListView (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68019 Set slider semantics flag for sliders (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68025 Revert "More EditableText docs" (cla: yes, framework)

68032 [flutter_test] export fake from flutter_test (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

68034 [NNBD] Migrate some Widgets tests (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

68036 Revert "prevent pageView scrolling when calling ensureVisible" (cla: yes, framework)

68037 Migrate more tests (cla: yes, framework)

68038 Mark unusuallyLongTimeout as internal (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68043 Reland "More EditableText docs (#66864)" (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68065 Improve performance of collectAllElements (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, perf: speed, severe: performance, t: flutter driver, team, waiting for tree to go green)

68074 Added CupertinoSearchTextField (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68086 Introduce MaxLengthEnforcement (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

68088 [NNBD] More widget tests (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68102 [Flutter] Use the correct place for the system navigation bar color adjustment (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68123 [MergeSemantics] added code snippet (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68124 Do not instantiate intermediate tabs during transition (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

68129 Convert some more widget tests to NNBD (cla: yes, framework)

68133 Migrate Switch tests to null safety. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68135 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.2 framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

68136 Sync lints (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68150 Migrate some widget tests to NNBD (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68151 Updated Builder API doc (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68157 [NNBD] Migrate some Widgets tests (a: null-safety, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

68160 Convert some more widget tests to NNBD (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68163 Migrate last batch of tests (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68166 Rerun text formatters in didUpdateWidget if needed (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68171 Make TabBar indicator color automatic adjustment optional (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68173 [NNBD] Migrate more widget tests to NNBD (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68185 Draggable: onDragUpdate callback (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68199 Fix/issue 68182: Fix rounding issue in getMaxChildIndexForScrollOffset (cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68207 Revert "Improve performance of collectAllElements" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

68214 reland List queue search optimization (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

68227 Selecting spaces (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

68232 Migrated the Slider widget and tests to null safety. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68237 Add useDeleteButtonTooltip property for Chip (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68241 Migrate missed tests (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68287 fix the tree (cla: yes, framework)

68301 use_is_even_rather_than_modulo (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

68302 enable unnecessary_string_escapes and use_raw_strings (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68325 Correctly handle centerSlice with resoultion-aware assets. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68327 InteractiveViewer constrained docs (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68358 [SwitchListTile and CheckboxListTile] Adds selectedTileColor property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68374 Fix links to GitHub bug template (a: internationalization, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68402 Fix error cursor position for left and right arrow event after text selection (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68494 InteractiveViewer minScale docs improvement (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68505 Updated one reference to FlatButton in real_tests/extension_test.dart (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

68508 Remove references to CupertinoDialog (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68513 Fix grammar and writing style for some of the Router documentation (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68587 Fix a multiple pointers bug (cla: yes, framework)

68596 Add border side property to Chip, and resolve shape with border side with Material states (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68630 IME private command docs improvement (cla: yes, framework)

68638 Handle setting TextEditingController text to null (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68642 Sound null safety for framework and flutter_test (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

68644 Fix overscroll edge case that puts NestedScrollViews out of sync (cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, severe: regression, waiting for tree to go green)

68645 Migrate flutter_localizations to null safety. (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

68646 Remove the defaults for textBaseline (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68654 Driver vm service (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, t: flutter driver, team, waiting for tree to go green)

68661 Fix null safety error in inspector service extensions taking a variable number of args. (cla: yes, framework)

68662 Add clipBehavior to BoxFit doc (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68672 Revert "Fix text field label width on outline input border" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68681 Apply Desktop specs for Tooltip (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68694 Fix a widgetspan hittest bug (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68714 Revert "enable unnecessary_string_escapes and use_raw_strings" (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

68721 Fix assert due to VSCode passing in an isolateId as well as the expected args to setPubRootDirectories. (cla: yes, framework)

68727 Fix floating behavior of long label and outline input border (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

68735 Improve backbuttondispatcher (cla: yes, framework)

68736 Remove nullOk in MediaQuery.of (cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

68751 router.dart: fix grammer mistake (cla: yes, d: api docs, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68775 change TextEditingController.clear() behavior (cla: yes, framework)

68793 Move service extension to correct binding so images are repainted after enabling/disabling, update test (cla: yes, framework)

68794 Add bottom to search bar (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

68804 fix simple dialog introducing additional node for semantics label (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

68807 Make Material/CupertinoLocalizations non-nullable (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

68812 Handle backspace in text fields (cla: yes, framework)

68814 Ignore "unused" analysis for dart:ui imports for web-only API. (cla: yes, framework, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

68831 [Material] Add support for customizing active + disabled state color for selection controls. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

68841 Revert "Fix a multiple pointers bug" (cla: yes, framework)

68883 Fix a typo: "Its weight" instead of "It's weight" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68894 retry getting the main isolate (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

68905 Remove nullOk parameter from Cupertino color resolution APIs (cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

68908 Remove nullOk from Scaffold.of and ScaffoldMessenger.of, create maybeOf for both (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68910 Remove nullOk parameter from Router.of and make it return a non-nullable value (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68911 Add maybeLocaleOf to Localizations (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68913 Delay Route disposal until OverlayEntries are unmounted (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

68917 Remove nullOk parameter from Focus.of, FocusTraversalOrder.of, and FocusTraversalGroup.of (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

68918 Adaptive TextField (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68920 Revert "change TextEditingController.clear() behavior" (cla: yes, framework)

68921 Remove nullOk parameter from Shortcuts.of, Actions.find, and Actions.handler (cla: yes, framework)

68922 Make Theme.of non-nullable (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68923 Fix crash if update pages right after a navigator pop (cla: yes, framework)

68925 Remove nullOk parameter from AnimatedList.of and SliverAnimatedList.of (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68968 Fix typo in form.dart (cla: yes, d: api docs, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68981 Error on FocusTraversalGroup or Focus docs (cla: yes, framework)

68987 Added none property in a DismissDirection (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69005 Fix null issue with dynamically updating from zero tabs for TabBar (a: null-safety, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69025 Reland: enable unnecessary_string_escapes and use_raw_strings (#68302) (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69046 Print errors in all build modes (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69050 InheritedTheme updates (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69055 Make WidgetsLocalizations.of non-nullable (cla: yes, framework)

69060 Make Directionality.of non-null (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69062 Remove duplicate setState in TextFormFieldState.reset (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69063 Add horizontal gesture support for CupertinoScrollbar (a: desktop, a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69074 Revert "Driver vm service" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

69077 Reland "Driver vm service"" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

69088 added enableFeedback property to ListTile (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69089 Revert "Driver vm service" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

69096 Improve resampling of up and remove events. (cla: yes, framework)

69101 Mouse drag should not show selection handles (cla: yes, framework)

69107 remove unnecessary null aware operator (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

69117 Add Directionality.maybeOf (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69119 Adaptive icons (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

69126 reland driver vm_service migration (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, tool)

69143 Adaptive progress indicator (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69156 Reland "change TextEditingController.clear() behavior"" (cla: yes, framework)

69160 Use runZonedGuarded() instead of deprecated onError. (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, tool)

69164 Replaced null check with hasContentDimensions in NestedScrollView (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69197 [Material] Add splash radius property to selection controls (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69211 Fix dropdown crash (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69219 Fix crash when a MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter is disposed during frame decoding (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69226 [flutter_tools] measure driver success and failure (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

69230 Allow adding/removing onTap/onDismiss to Semantics (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69234 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.3 framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

69241 Revert "Updated SearchDelegate to follow custom InputDecorationTheme (#55209)" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69251 AppBar draws its defaults from theme.colorScheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69253 make stack frame parser handle missing class info (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69307 [framework] increase threshold for compute to 50Kb (cla: yes, framework)

69312 Update FAB elevation to match spec (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69316 [flutter_tools] allow default driver log to fail due to IO error (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

69328 Reland: Fix a multiple pointers bug (cla: yes, framework)

69346 Adaptive constructor / TextInputAction docs fix (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69383 Fix the PopupMenuButton offset bug (a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69399 [RadioListTile] Adds shape, tileColor and selectedTileColor to RadioListTile (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69404 Added padding property in NavigationRail (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69419 AutocompleteCore => RawAutocomplete (cla: yes, framework)

69422 [a11y] do not attach onTap semantics if no onTap handler is provided to InkWell (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69426 Fix build (cla: yes, framework)

69428 Material Text Selection Toolbar improvements (a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69445 Standardize dartdoc macro names (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69451 Fix spelling errors (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

69457 Enable customization of TabBar's InkWell (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69498 AdoptAWidget - Progress indicator (adopt a widget, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69503 AdoptAWidget: FittedBox (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69507 Add stackTrace to AsyncSnapshot (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69509 AdoptAWidget: aspectRatio (adopt a widget, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69513 AnimatedPositioned (adopt a widget, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69518 AdoptAWidget: Tooltip (adopt a widget, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69521 AdoptAWidget: AbsorbPointer (adopt a widget, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69524 AdoptAWidget: NotificationListener (adopt a widget, cla: yes, framework)

69527 Update Draggable API Docs (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69530 AdoptAWidget: MaterialBanner (adopt a widget, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69532 Add Scaffold to Tooltip code samples (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69534 TextField's hintText should support TextDirection. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69535 AdoptAWidget: Dismissible (adopt a widget, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69539 AdoptAWidget: PreferredSizeWidget (cla: yes, framework)

69555 AdoptAWidget: SnackBar (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69557 AdoptAWidget: SliverWithKeepAliveWidget (#69470) (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69563 AdoptAWidget: WillPopScope (adopt a widget, cla: yes, framework)

69567 Offstage Docs Sample (cla: yes, framework)

69568 AdoptAWidget: Shortcut (cla: yes, framework)

69575 [ExpansionTile] adds collapsedBackgroundColor property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69576 Correct GtkKeyHelper key codes for the Meta key (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69588 AdoptAWidget: Table (#69488) (cla: yes, framework)

69594 Fix textfield messing with user-supplied input formatter list (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69596 Updated the button.icon factory constructors for NNBD (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69610 Make header optional in PaginatedDataTable (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69614 Remove usage of --enable-experiment to analysis server (cla: yes, engine, framework, tool)

69617 Remove references to Window, and switch usages to PlatformDispatcher or SingletonFlutterWindow (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

69620 Remove deprecated methods from BuildContext (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

69631 Revert TextField.adaptive (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69644 Center the AnimatedPositioned code sample (cla: yes, d: api docs, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69650 Update ReorderableListView API docs (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69653 Reland "Updated SearchDelegate to follow custom InputDecorationTheme" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69654 removed an and used a (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69668 fix #24469, #67354 (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69713 ButtonStyle style side should default to shape.side (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69717 AdoptAWidget - Update ActionListener with an example (adopt a widget, cla: yes, framework)

69724 Fix excessive rebuilds of DSS (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69732 Cancel drag or hold when scrolling is disabled. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69761 Link the API docs on waitFor() to the docs for runUnsynchronized() (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

69781 Added dartpad examples for SliverAppBar (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69783 Reduce refresh indicator pull-down distance (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69793 Do not crash if RichText has recognizers without handlers (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69795 Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

69799 Choose higher-res image variants on low-DPR screens (cla: yes, framework)

69812 fix typo in RenderChip.computeMaxIntrinsicWidth implementation (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69866 Add a [valid] property of [MouseTrackerAnnotation] indicates the annotation states. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69890 Added enableFeedback property PopupMenuButton (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69891 Fix Editable(Text) shortcuts to respect read-only on desktop (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69904 Ignore several import_of_legacy_library_into_null_safe (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

69919 Fix crash when widgetspan does not produce a semantics node in render… (cla: yes, framework)

69982 Add new ListTile parameters to ListTileTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70080 Let SnackBar inherit themeData from its ancestor (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70092 AdoptAWidget: Stepper (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

70131 Remove old todo (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70139 Assert for RenderFlex intrinsics if using baseline alignment (cla: yes, framework)

70149 Fix for the ListTile horizontalTitleGap calculation introduced with PR #64222. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

70156 Ignore DismissIntent when barrier is not dismissible (cla: yes, framework)

70160 Update PopupMenuButton to match Material Design spec (a: fidelity, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70184 [FloatingActionButtonLocation] Add diagrams to documentation of FloatingActionButtonLocation (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70185 🚀 AdoptAWidget: IgnorePointer (cla: yes, framework)

70212 Revert "AppBar draws its defaults from theme.colorScheme" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70236 Intrinsic Width fixes for RenderParagraph (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70252 Fix Platform channel errors in web tests (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70277 Improve the behavior of DropdownButton.disabledHint (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70311 [Material] Add selection control themes (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70319 Revert usages of the binding's platformDispatcher to use window instead (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

70321 Add autofill troubleshooting tips to autofillHints documentation (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70327 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.4 framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

70343 Code sample small fixes (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70368 [integration_test] Wrap pumped widgets with a RepaintBoundary (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70379 Added Tabar Code samples (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70382 Update FlexibleSpaceBar dartpad sample (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70391 Revert "Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

70392 Revert "Actually consume top padding in bottomsheet if scrollcontrolled" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70393 Update OutlinedButton default outline geometry to be backwards compatible (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

70397 Fix return type of ContextAction.invoke (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70398 Properly initialize RestorationManager in the TestBinding (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70401 Re-land 'Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController' (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature)

70404 Allow propagation to ancestor actions if actions lower down are disabled (cla: yes, framework)

70424 Cherry pick - Flutter 1.24 candidate.11 (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

70447 fix some unit test cases(ink_well_test.dart) bug (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

70469 Enable test after engine fix (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70487 Ignore text selection boxes when assembling semantics for placeholder runs (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70491 Remove some unnecessary casts, now that changes have rolled from the engine (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70500 More lints (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, team)

70501 Minor documentation fixes (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70603 [Material] Decoration for DataTable is not used inside PaginatedDataTable (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70637 Remove last references to Window in docs. (cla: yes, framework)

70656 Fixes Intrinsics for RenderParagraph and RenderWrap (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

70669 [Material] Add method to get dark mode overlay color without needing BuildContext (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70670 Update [ToggleButtons] to support extend down/up vertically (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70675 Revert "Re-land 'Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController' (#70401)" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

70676 Added CupertinoFormSection, CupertinoSplitFormRow, and CupertinoTextFormField (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70683 Set [InputDecoration.floatingLabelBehavior] default to null (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70687 Chip theme label style is merged with the provided label style (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70708 Material Date Picker code restructure (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

70726 Remove the nullOk parameter from Navigator.of and add Navigator.maybeOf (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

70730 Improve performance of Widget Tests (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70773 Use adaptive more icon for popup_menu (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70787 Restart EditableText cursor timer when it moves (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70809 Fix type cast null safety in MethodChannel._invokeMethod (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70819 Add RichText debugFillProperties TestCase (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70862 [flutter_test] Correct flutter_test_configuration.dart documentation (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70872 Prevent text from overflowing in OutlineButton and OutlinedButton label. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

70883 Skip reformatting and calling onChanged for composing region only changes. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70893 Re-land 'Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController' (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

70953 Fix pointer scroll for nested NeverScrollables (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: regression, waiting for tree to go green)

70968 [flutter] Update package README (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70972 Fix EditableText.enableInteractiveSelection on desktop & web (cla: yes, framework)

70974 Fix _LateInitializationError for RenderObjectElement.renderObject (cla: yes, framework)

70975 Remove private OutlinedButton default outline geometry class (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

70977 [flutter_tools] Remove usage of --precompiled flag for web tests (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

70999 [flutter_tools] fix port leak in flutter_driver (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, tool)

71041 Remove unnecessary argument from Row and Column constructor comments (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71050 Add dartpad sample for AnimatedPadding (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71061 Expose the YearPicker as a public API again to match the previous API. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

71079 [BottomNavigationBar] Adds more control to ToolTip (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71093 AdoptAWidget: ColorFiltered (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71097 Implement dryLayout for RenderAnimatedSize (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71137 Fix the duration assertion error for the _animateToInternal method and refine the error description (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71174 AdoptAWidget: PageView (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework)

71180 Revert "Implement dryLayout for RenderAnimatedSize" (cla: yes, framework)

71184 Update AppBar and AppBar Theme to new Theme conventions and latest Material spec (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

71185 Reland "Implement dryLayout for RenderAnimatedSize" (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71236 Raw keyboard shortcuts & deletions should not read from _plainText (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71266 [Proposal] Make mouseWheel zoom in % instead of pixels value (cla: yes, framework)

71303 RefreshIndicator can be shown when dragging from non-zero scroll position (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71314 BottomNavigationBar unselected items modified to use unselectedWidgetColor (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71376 Added mainAxisExtent to SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount and SliverGridDelegateWithMaxCrossAxisExtent (cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

71378 [FloatingActionButtonLocation] Add proper formatting to documentation (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71401 Update documentation link (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

71411 Add testing shard for release mode guard (cla: yes, framework, team, tool)

71459 Revert "Fix excessive rebuilds of DSS" (cla: yes, framework)

71490 Revert "Added CupertinoFormSection, CupertinoSplitFormRow, and CupertinoTextFormField" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

71497 InteractiveViewer Scale Jump (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71522 Re-land CupertinoFormSection, CupertinoFormRow, and CupertinoTextFormFieldRow (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

71539 Add a test for intrinsic size checks (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71547 fix nullability of parameters with redirecting factory constructors (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

71559 Revert "Improve the behavior of DropdownButton.disabledHint" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

71569 [Material] Resolve overlay color for pressed/active/inactive states in selection controls (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71580 Updated dialog background color documentation (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

71587 Accessibility: repeated label on BottomNavigationBar fixed (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71611 Updated GridView API Doc (cla: yes, framework)

71628 Reland "Improve the behavior of DropdownButton.disabledHint" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

71636 [showModalBottomSheet] fix: showModalBottomSheet does not move along keyboard (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71653 [State Restoration] RestorableBoolN (a: state restoration, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71656 enableFlutterDriverExtension: optionally disable text entry emulation (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

71657 [ExpansionPanel] Exposes color property of MaterialSlice (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71664 Updated Interactive Scrollbars (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

71689 Minor doc, style, and perf updates to Navigator/Routes (cla: yes, framework)

71707 Add stretch property to CupertinoSliverNavigationBar (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

71756 Correct text selection pivot points (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71783 circleAvatar: foreground Image uses background Image as a fall-back (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, will affect goldens)

71807 StandardMethodCodec.decodeEnvelope should allow null error message (a: null-safety, cla: yes, framework)

71830 Fix a ConstantTween's clerical error and Add some Tween testcases. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71838 showDialog assertion for non-null builder or child property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71843 Improve the ScrollBar behavior when nested (a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

71852 Fix text direction logic for material icon variants (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71853 Add previews for CupertinoIcons (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71861 Remove isMaterialAppTheme property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71868 Doc fixes for dry layout (cla: yes, framework)

71872 Make FocusManager configurable in BuildOwner (cla: yes, framework)

71879 Add DynamicFeature system channel (cla: yes, engine, framework, platform-android)

71880 Constrain width/hight when asking child for intrinsics (cla: yes, framework)

71899 let NOTICES be double gzip wrapped to reduce on-disk installed space (cla: yes, framework, team, tool)

71940 Remove duplicate code in Element.rebuild() and BuildOwner.buildScope() (cla: yes, framework)

71944 app bar leading back button should not change if the route is popped (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71986 Add removeListenerWhileNotifying benchmark for ChangeNotifier (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72011 Editable text should call onSelectionChanged when selection changes a… (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72014 [flutter_releases] Flutter Framework Stable 1.22.5 Cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

72017 Remove deprecated CupertinoTextThemeData.brightness (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72040 Prepare to migrate API doc samples and snippets to null safety (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72043 Deprecate maxLengthEnforced for text fields (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

72046 Add footer to CupertinoFormSection and fix CupertinoFormSection margins. (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72079 [flutter_releases] Flutter Framework Stable 1.22.5 cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

72091 Cleanup nullability for ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72102 Revert "Constrain width/hight when asking child for intrinsics" (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72103 Fix RenderCustomPaint intrinsics (cla: yes, framework)

72115 Reschedule engine frame if it arrives in the middle of warm-up (cla: yes, framework)

72120 Revert "Remove duplicate code in Element.rebuild() and BuildOwner.buildScope()" (cla: yes, cp: 1.25, cp: 1.25 completed, framework)

72122 Avoid null check operator failure in RenderFlex._hasOverflow (cla: yes, framework)

72132 RefreshIndicator should not be shown when overscroll occurs due to inertia (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72159 Fix api doc to fix tree (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

72162 Make web buttons respond to enter key (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72163 Add some new examples to Actions and Shortcuts (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

72169 Migrate the first batch of API samples to null safety (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72207 Fix navigator 2.0 in Flutter Web (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72297 Migrate some material doc samples to null safety. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72300 Fixed issue for SliverAppBar collapsedHeight (cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72303 Migrate some more material doc samples to null safety. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72305 InteractiveViewer NNBD Docs Migration (cla: yes, framework)

72307 RawAutocomplete NNBD Docs Migration (cla: yes, framework)

72308 Add ScrollbarTheme/ScrollbarThemeData (cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

72316 Remove Scrollbar.isAlwaysShown assert based on Scrollbar.controller (a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

72344 Add BuildContext parameter to TextEditingController.buildTextSpan (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72382 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.25.0-8.1.pre framework cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework)

72384 Fix cupertino icons mapping which was misaligned by 1 (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, team)

72389 Nnbd docs updates for various widgets (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72392 Migrate more doc samples (cla: yes, framework)

72395 Remove deprecated [PointerEnterEvent, PointerExitEvent].fromHoverEvent (cla: yes, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

72410 Remove unused dart:async imports. (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

72431 Fixes: "FloatingActionButton.extended's isExtended property if false should show icon, not label" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

72438 Revert "let NOTICES be double gzip wrapped to reduce on-disk installed space" (cla: yes, framework, team, tool)

72446 Enable structured errors by default. (cla: yes, framework)

72472 Added backwardsCompatibility flag to AppBarTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72476 Allow nullable tweens in TweenAnimationBuilder (a: animation, a: null-safety, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72477 Updated the MaterialBanner example, NNBD, etc (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72488 Support flutter_test_config for flutter test on web platforms (cla: yes, framework, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

72490 Bottom navigation items length docs (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72494 Fix flutter in preparation for implementing Dart's "Infer non-nullability from local boolean variables" (cla: yes, framework)

72512 fix a DragTarget type cast bug (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72526 Make RenderColoredBox.paint() skip painting color if it's transparent (cla: yes, framework, will affect goldens)

72530 Slight cleanup in MultiChildRenderObjectElement (cla: yes, framework)

72531 Update Scrollbar behavior for mobile devices (a: fidelity, cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72532 Remove deprecated showDialog.child (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

72541 Proposal : #72346 - expose property to pass AnimationController to showBottomSheet/showModalBottomSheet (a: animation, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

72548 Update various API docs (cla: yes, framework)

72553 Autocomplete Split UI (cla: yes, framework)

72558 Migrate some sample code to NNBD [1] (a: null-safety, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72560 Add PrioritizedIntents to support multiple shortcut configurations (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: focus, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

72708 [State Restoration] Adds remaining Restorable{Property}N (a: state restoration, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72741 Apply physics boundary to scrollbar dragging (a: quality, cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72754 [flutter_releases] Flutter Beta 1.25.0-8.2 Framework Cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

72755 Migrate some sample code to NNBD [2] (a: null-safety, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72766 Migrated some cupertino doc comments to null safety. (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72772 Unprefixes the class with the "new" keyword (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72788 [State Restoration] Scaffold.drawer and Scaffold.endDrawer (a: state restoration, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72792 Migrated some services and widgets doc comments to null safety. (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72794 [NNBD] Migrate sample code pt 1 (a: null-safety, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72798 [NNBD] Migrate sample code pt 2 (a: null-safety, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72803 [text_input] prepare for custom text input sources (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72829 Migrate some sample code to NNBD [3] (a: null-safety, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72833 Fix scrollbar configuration for hover events (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

72837 [NNBD] Migrate sample code pt 3 (a: null-safety, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72838 Migrated some more widgets doc comments to null safety. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72842 [NNBD] Migrate sample code pt 4 (a: null-safety, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72845 [NNBD] Migrate sample code pt 5 (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72862 Fix type issue with RestorableNumN (and its subclasses) (cla: yes, framework)

72890 Remove deprecated Scaffold.resizeToAvoidBottomPadding (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

72893 Remove deprecated WidgetsBinding.[deferFirstFrameReport, allowFirstFrameReport] (cla: yes, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

72895 DeferredComponent utility class for manual handling of Deferred Components (cla: yes, customer: money (g3), engine, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

72901 Remove deprecated StatefulElement.inheritFromElement (cla: yes, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

72903 Remove deprecated Element methods (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

72904 improve error message when herocontroller is shared by multiple navig… (a: animation, a: error message, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72922 fix a RenderSliverFixedExtentBoxAdaptor Exception (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72927 Improve Cupertino docs (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

72930 Correct typos in RenderParagraph (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72933 fix(cupertinoDatePicker): do not display previous day when minimumDat… (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72938 [NNBD] Migrate sample code pt 6 (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

72939 Complete migration to null safety in api documentation (a: null-safety, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

72945 Add widget of the week videos (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72946 Handle infinite/NaN rects in Hero flights. Less exclamation marks. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73016 fix an assertion causes by zero offset pointer scroll (cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, severe: crash, waiting for tree to go green)

73018 Document TableRowInkWell and DataTable interactions better (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73044 [Api docs]Added dartpad demo for Bottom App Bar (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73067 Revert "Rerun text formatters in didUpdateWidget if needed" (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73082 Navigator assert on non restorable routes returned by onGenerateInitialRoutes (a: state restoration, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73084 Improve the Scaffold.bottomSheet update behavior (a: quality, cla: yes, f: focus, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73103 Add BottomNavigationBarType.shifting sample #72936 (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73138 Removed mouseCursor property from list of not null properties in InkWell and InkResponse. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73153 improve error message for navigator page api (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73195 SliverAppBar with ShrinkWrap Patch (a: layout, cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73247 Fixed typo in icon theme (cla: yes, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73276 Fix dateAndTime and time modes of CupertinoDatePicker. (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73281 Add clipBehavior to InteractiveViewer (cla: yes, framework)

73300 Selecting spaces on SelectableText (mobile) (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73340 Remove "unnecessary" imports in flutter/src/services (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73344 Remove "unnecessary" imports. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73352 Deprecated obsolete Material classes: FlatButton, RaisedButton, OutlineButton (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73361 Add material icons golden test (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, will affect goldens)

73368 Remove "unnecessary" imports in flutter/src/rendering (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73370 minor streetAddressLine2 documentation update (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73373 Map Linux AltGr to right alt. It was currently being ignored. (cla: yes, framework, team)

73374 macrobenchmark: active TextField with complex paragraph (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

73381 fix dropdown menu to position based on nearest navigator (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73389 Remove "unnecessary" imports from flutter/src/gestures (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73417 Fix Android delete key crash (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73474 Add [pointerCount] property to Scale Gesture Details (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73486 Remove "unnecessary" imports in flutter/src/cupertino (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73503 Revert "Add BuildContext parameter to TextEditingController.buildTextSpan" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

73509 Migrate missed sample code to NNBD (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73514 Update outdated links (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73521 Revert "Add material icons golden test (#73361)" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

73522 Flutter 1.26 candidate.8 (cla: yes, engine, f: material design, framework)

73545 Re-enable a ensureVisible test case (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73558 snackBar should paint above the bottomSheet (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

73566 Fix "RefreshIndicator.color didn't update at runtime" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

73571 Expose insetPadding and clipBehavior in SimpleDialog (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73575 Revert "Fix _LateInitializationError for RenderObjectElement.renderObject" (cla: yes, framework)

73578 Cupertino text selection menu customization (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

73580 Reland "Fix _LateInitializationError for RenderObjectElement.renderObject" (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73585 Add ios and hot reload/restart infos to restoration docs (cla: yes, framework)

73604 Remove deprecated CupertinoDialog (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

73618 ListTile Material Ripple and Shape Patch (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

73654 Fix dropdown menu overscroll (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73715 Revert "Prevent text from overflowing in OutlineButton and OutlinedButton label." (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73720 increase the value of debugImageOverheadAllowance from 1024 bytes to 128kb (cla: yes, framework)

73732 Removed the color field from AppBarTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

73745 Remove deprecated actionsForegroundColor from Cupertino[Sliver]NavigationBar (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

73746 Remove deprecated (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

73747 Remove span deprecations (cla: yes, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

73748 Remove deprecated RenderView.scheduleInitialFrame (cla: yes, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

73749 Remove deprecated Layer.findAll (cla: yes, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

73753 Autocomplete (Material) (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

73754 Remove deprecated WaitUntil[NoTransientCallbacks, NoPendingFrame, FirstFrameRasterized] methods from flutter_driver (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

73761 add a readme for the dart fix tests (cla: yes, documentation, framework)

73772 Update CupertinoSlidingSegmentedControl (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73780 Fix single ToggleButton border painting bugs (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

73829 Expose DialogRoutes for state restoration support (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73846 fix a tap gesture exception (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73882 Mac context menu (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

73894 Added ButtonStyle.alignment property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

73895 Flutter 1.26 candidate.10 (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73899 Restore adaptive nature to new Scrollbar (cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73900 Added CupertinoButton alignment property (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

73925 Apply ListTile colors to leading and trailing text widgets (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73985 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.25.0-8.3.pre framework cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, framework, team, tool)

73989 Add fixes for Stack deprecation (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

73992 BorderTween.lerp supports null begin/end values (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

73993 Fix canpop logic to be more robust (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73994 Add fixes for deprecations in TextTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

73996 Add fixes for autovalidate deprecation in Form, FormField, TextFormField, and DropdownButtonFormField (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

74066 Remove unused semantics tap action for readonly textfield and selecta… (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74077 Expand Stack fix to more exporting libraries (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

74088 Revert "Improve the ScrollBar behavior when nested" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

74089 Update the alt text to match recommendations in HTML spec (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74093 ScaffoldMessenger only shows to root nested Scaffold (a: layout, a: quality, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

74104 Reland "Improve the ScrollBar behavior when nested (#71843)" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74131 Add material icons golden test (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

74251 Print DevTools inspector links in RenderFlex Overflow errors (cla: yes, framework, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74273 Replaced uses of AppBarTheme.color with AppBarTheme.backgroundColor (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

74286 Material Desktop Context Menu (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

74299 New Reorderable list widgets (cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature)

74309 MaterialBanner alignment fixes and improvements (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74335 Revert "ListTile Material Ripple and Shape Patch (#73618)" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

74341 Improve DebugCreator docs (cla: yes, framework)

74342 Don't use iOS font names for the macOS theme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

74349 Revert "[text_input] prepare for custom text input sources" (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74402 fix a RenderBox.size access exception (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74425 Desktop keys: up/down + line modifier (cla: yes, framework)

74439 Revert "Update PopupMenuButton to match Material Design spec" (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

74449 Remove workaround now that type promotion accounts for local boolean variables. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74454 Space and arrow keys in a text field shouldn't scroll (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74455 Create custom DiagnosticsNode type for DevTools deep links. (cla: yes, framework)

74534 Add connectedVmServiceUri service extension and set from flutter_tools (cla: yes, framework, tool)

74610 ChoiceChip's default "selected" style in dark mode theme is unreadabl… (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74627 use predefined constants (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74657 Remove vestigial nullOk parameter from Localizations.localeOf (a: internationalization, cla: yes, framework)

74661 remove some stray nullOK mentions from docs (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74669 default CupertinoSliverNavigationBar's stretch to false (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74671 Roll packages (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74680 Remove nullOk from Actions.invoke, add Actions.maybeInvoke (cla: yes, framework)

74683 Swap the Shortcuts widget with its child in TextField (a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74689 Added some tests and comments for the Reorderable Lists. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

tool - 578 pull request(s)


58853 [flutter_tools] Support IntelliJ 2020.1 and later on Linux and Windows (cla: yes, tool)

61098 [flutter_tools] copy flutter_texture_registrar.h header for Windows shell (cla: yes, tool)

61589 [flutter_tools] According to AnalysisSeverity return exit code detailed proposal (cla: yes, tool)

62417 [flutter_tools] Add channel order aware version_test (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

62502 Fix typo subetting should be subsetting (a: error message, cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

63996 fuchsia_remote_debug_protocol allows open port on remote device (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, tool)

64644 [flutter_tools] generates version.json for web using flutter tool (cla: yes, tool)

64742 Remove FlutterApplication from app templates. (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

65087 Let Flutter SDK use cupertino_icons 1.0.0 (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, team, tool)

65118 Save startup timeline (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

65182 Apply darkmode style (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

65198 Avoid thinning frameworks in iOS extensions (cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

65418 [flutter_tools] handle terminals that do not support single char mode in Terminal.promptForCharInput (cla: yes, tool)

65422 [flutter_tools] only lock if an upgrade/download will be performed (linux/macos) and output building messages to stderr (cla: yes, team, tool)

65508 fix an issue where raw json output is written to IDE clients (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

65509 Sort generated plugin file content by plugin name (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

65568 Remove unused 'dart:async' imports. (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

65623 Remove invalid assert in daemon (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

65696 Minor Windows app template updates (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

65704 Revert "fuchsia_remote_debug_protocol allows open port on remote device" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, tool)

65765 Update flutter_command.dart (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

65784 [flutter_tools] automatically update to latest sw on install (cla: yes, tool)

65787 Flutter Stable Framework Cherrypicks 1.20.4 (a: internationalization, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

65797 [flutter_tools] fix failure to create ansi spinner if download needs to be retired (cla: yes, tool)

65802 [flutter_tools] make local engine integration testing easier (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

65806 [flutter_tools] port deprecated settings test to flutter integration shard (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

65814 [flutter_tools] use flutter tool handler for dwds resources and precache tool pub dependencies (cla: yes, tool)

65867 [flutter_tools] update windows config feature (cla: yes, tool)

65869 [flutter_tools] handle archive exception from invalid zip signature (cla: yes, tool)

65873 Reland "Re-enable the Dart Development Service (DDS) (#64671)" (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

65929 update_dart_sdk.ps1: Ensure Start-BitsTransfer always throws an exception (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

65951 [flutter_tools] connect widget cache from frontend_server (cla: yes, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

65964 Updated androidMissingSdkInstructions error message (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

65977 Inform user how to fix permissions when the observatory URL isn't found on iOS 14 (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

65978 Added the machine's architecture to macos doctor results. (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

65984 Hide flutter test --platform (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66021 Update Windows system font change handling (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66022 Consider the Windows app template stable (cla: yes, tool)

66025 Add VERSIONINFO to the Windows template (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66069 [flutter_tools] optimize fetch requests and remove main.dart.js bypass (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66082 [flutter_tools] register service worker after first frame event (cla: yes, framework, team, tool)

66092 Stream logging from attached debugger on iOS (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

66113 Remove the Windows 'flutter create' warning (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66123 Ensure VmService instance is disposed after failed direct connection attempt (cla: yes, tool)

66136 [versions] update to latest source span and roll engine to 4b8477d11573d233e6791204191c0090f733b05d (cla: yes, engine, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66151 [flutter_tools] map file Uri to multi-root scheme if provided (cla: yes, tool)

66152 Added timeout for closing devfs sync http connections. (cla: yes, tool)

66156 [flutter_tools] fix bug where last build id parent folder is missing (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66159 [flutter_tools] add EPERM to set of immediate exit errors (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66164 Revert "Ensure VmService instance is disposed after failed direct connection attempt" (cla: yes, tool)

66266 [flutter_tools] allow device classes to provide platform-specific interface for devFS Sync (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66271 Reland fuchsia_remote_debug_protocol allows open port on remote device (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66273 [flutter_tools] remove k toggle for canvaskit from web runner (cla: yes, tool)

66290 roll source_span 1.8.0-nullsafety.2 (cla: yes, team, tool)

66310 Listen to Debug VM stream to get Stdout logs from VMService (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66311 Expose enable-experiment in Flutter drive (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66358 [flutter_tools] dont crash if attach is given a bad debug uri (cla: yes, tool)

66359 Revert "Stream logging from attached debugger on iOS" (cla: yes, tool)

66360 Reland "Stream logging from attached debugger on iOS"" (cla: yes, tool)

66367 [dev release] Revert "Stream logging from attached debugger on iOS (#66092)" (cla: yes, tool)

66368 Revert "Stream logging from attached debugger on iOS" (cla: yes, tool)

66370 Change the default visual density to be adaptive based on platform. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

66377 Reland "Ensure VmService instance is disposed after failed direct connection attempt" (cla: yes, tool)

66382 Update .gitignore.tmpl (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66384 update to the latest null safe packages (cla: yes, team, tool)

66390 Stream logging from attached debugger on iOS (cla: yes, tool)

66397 Revert "Stream logging from attached debugger on iOS" (cla: yes, tool)

66399 Stream logging from attached debugger on iOS 13+ (cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool)

66401 [flutter_tools] fix calling debugToggleBrightness on release mode (cla: yes, tool)

66403 Revert "[flutter_tools] map file Uri to multi-root scheme if provided" (cla: yes, tool)

66405 [flutter_tools] reland: map file URIs to a multiroot scheme (cla: yes, tool)

66406 Check git commands in Flutter version check test (cla: yes, team, tool)

66417 [flutter_tools] flush UI thread tasks before finishing hot restart (cla: yes, tool)

66461 [flutter_tools] try deleting the web cache directory before copying new web sdk (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66468 [flutter_tools] do not add events to closed sink in throttle transform (cla: yes, tool)

66500 Flutter 1.22.0-12.2.pre Framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

66507 [flutter_tools] enable single widget reload optimization by default on master (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66519 Try the Wayland GDK backend, the engine now supports it (cla: yes, tool)

66559 [flutter_tools] bypass pubspec yaml content check when running pubdependencies (cla: yes, tool)

66590 Force plugins to inherit minimum iOS version from Flutter app (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

66606 [web] Change the web server to support path url strategy (cla: yes, platform-web, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66607 Set DDS port to requested observatory port for test (cla: yes, tool)

66621 Remove "Try accepting the local network permissions popup" warning (a: triage improvements, cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66645 [flutter_tools] Use XDG_CONFIG_HOME dir by default for config files (cla: yes, tool)

66678 [flutter_tools] enable LocalDevFSWriter for desktop devices, iOS simulator (cla: yes, tool)

66680 [flutter_tools] ensure ErrorHandlingFileSystem wraps current directory (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66685 [flutter_tools] handle missing zip/unzip argument errors (cla: yes, tool)

66687 Teach the flutter tool how to find android output files if the flavor contains uppercase letters (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66691 [flutter_tools] dont mention git clone of flutter in run message (cla: yes, tool)

66696 [flutter_tools] flutter logs no longer requires supported device (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66701 [flutter_tools] pretty print hot reload rejection error (cla: yes, tool)

66704 [flutter_tools] pass existsSync through error handling io (cla: yes, tool)

66705 [flutter_tools] do not crash if chrome preference save fails (cla: yes, tool)

66708 [flutter_tools] handle case where file is deleted by other program or running on read only volume (cla: yes, tool)

66742 [flutter_tools] hot reload/restart update for asset manager change (cla: yes, tool)

66748 Improve consistency of top-level help text (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66755 [flutter_tools] dont let crash reporter crash tool (cla: yes, tool)

66776 [flutter_tools] remove all pub caching logic (cla: yes, tool)

66780 [flutter_tools] do not error doctor on missing vs code extension (cla: yes, tool)

66782 [flutter_tools] do not error flutter doctor on missing AS/intellij plugins (cla: yes, tool)

66787 [flutter_tools] add a mechanism to turn off immediate tool exit (cla: yes, tool)

66801 Minor tool text typo (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66836 Roll package:dds to 1.4.0 and update error handling (cla: yes, team, tool)

66842 [flutter_tools] do not require a dependency on devtools server (cla: yes, tool)

66849 Flutter 1.22.0-12.3.pre framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

66854 Update flutter_tools to document need for FLUTTER_ROOT (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66897 Add the ability to inject a bootstrap script (cla: yes, tool)

66941 Replace MockFile with memory file system files (cla: yes, team, tool)

66946 Replace MockCache with Cache.test() (cla: yes, team, tool)

66980 [flutter_tools] fix documentation, globals, and todos in the android codebase (cla: yes, tool)

66983 [flutter_tools] prevent running analyze-size with split-debug-info (cla: yes, tool)

66995 [flutter_tool] enable single widget reload optimization by default on dev (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66997 Fix Windows and Linux plugin template filenames (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

67012 Replace MockArtifacts with Artifacts.test() (cla: yes, team, tool)

67019 Replace MockProcessManager with FakeProcessManager (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

67029 Improve Windows symlink instructions (a: build, a: desktop, cla: yes, platform-windows, tool)

67057 update stack_trace dep (and others) (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

67081 [web] Update index.html template to support new path strategy (cla: yes, f: routes, platform-web, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

67088 [web] Respond with 404 to non-found asset or package files (cla: yes, platform-web, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

67106 [null-safety] allow web shard to compile null-safe tests. (a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool)

67146 [flutter_tools] remove globals from desktop configuration (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

67150 [flutter_tools] support all engine debugging options with FLUTTER_ENGINE_SWITCH environment variables (cla: yes, tool)

67152 [null-safety] pass experiments to builders (cla: yes, framework, tool)

67165 [flutter_tools] update build rules to depend on subset of package_config contents (cla: yes, tool)

67171 [null-safety] add integration tests for sound null safety modes, add support for sound null safety in dart2js (a: null-safety, cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

67231 [flutter_tools] do not use IOSink for writing cache responses (cla: yes, tool)

67234 [flutter_tools] remove globals from FlutterValidator, add documentation and move tests to new file (cla: yes, tool)

67237 [flutter_tools] add more docs to cocoapods, move to globals (cla: yes, tool)

67240 [flutter_tools] remove globals from IntelliJ validator, refactor tests to remove dependency on JAR (cla: yes, tool)

67242 [flutter_tools] Simplify plugin test cases and expand coverage of AndroidPlugin (cla: yes, tool)

67274 [flutter_tools] refactor local engine locator to its own class (cla: yes, tool)

67279 [flutter_tools] delete code related to reload method (cla: yes, tool)

67295 Handle missing Android SDKs in getEmulators() (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

67316 Remove goldens request timeout (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

67331 [flutter_tools] disable source maps by default for release builds, enable for run and with command line arg (cla: yes, tool)

67357 Condense package:test_core imports (cla: yes, tool)

67367 Remove the .zip method from OSUtils, as it was not used (cla: yes, tool)

67369 [flutter_tools] work around hostonly test (cla: yes, tool)

67425 [flutter_test] handle breaking change to test main (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, tool)

67452 Add publish-port flag to disable mDNS port discovery (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

67466 Work around the glibc bug that causes rare Chrome crashes (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

67478 [flutter_tools] remove deprecated flutter command (cla: yes, tool)

67485 [flutter_tools] remove globals from compile and devices (cla: yes, tool)

67493 [flutter_tools] support powershell style help request (cla: yes, tool)

67530 [flutter_tools] remove stray print from engine locator (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

67552 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.1 Framework Cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

67572 Revert "[flutter_tools] remove all pub caching logic" (cla: yes, tool)

67576 Respect --enable-software-rendering flag on iOS simulators (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

67581 [flutter tools] Add a DelegatingLogger class (cla: yes, tool)

67589 [flutter_tools] Reland: simplify pub cache logic (cla: yes, tool)

67598 Build xcarchive command (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

67669 [flutter_tools] fold executable resolution into flutter (cla: yes, tool)

67670 Replace MockUsage with Usage.test in build tests (cla: yes, team, tool)

67744 Bump meta to 1.3.0-nullsafety.4 (cla: yes, team, tool)

67755 Remove uses of Dart VM bytecode mode (cla: yes, tool)

67766 [flutter_tools] remove train and inject-plugins command (cla: yes, team, tool)

67781 Build IPA command (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool)

67783 [flutter_tools] remove --with-driver-test (cla: yes, tool)

67786 [flutter_tools] dont allow creating package name that is invalid (cla: yes, tool)

67826 [flutter_tools] check asset files while the tool waits for the frontend_server compile (cla: yes, tool)

67827 [flutter_tools] Make ApplicationPackageFactory inject dependencies for Android Builds (cla: yes, tool)

67837 [flutter_tools] use fixed entry for dill uploads (cla: yes, tool)

67839 [flutter_tools] verify checksum of downloaded artifacts (cla: yes, tool)

67882 [flutter_tools] HACKTOBERFEST (cla: yes, tool)

67883 [flutter_tools] validate that SkSL bundle path exists (cla: yes, tool)

67884 [flutter_tools] document flutter root initialization (cla: yes, tool)

67899 Avoid skipping variable initialization using case. (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

67931 [flutter_tools] do not crash validator if intellij JAR file is missing (cla: yes, tool)

67936 [flutter_tools] teach flutter drive to uninstall if install fails (cla: yes, tool)

67954 Revert "[flutter_tools] fold executable resolution into flutter" (cla: yes, tool)

67957 [flutter_tools] reland: fold process resolution logic into the flutter tool (cla: yes, tool)

67959 [flutter_tools] do not measure progress timeout (cla: yes, tool)

67968 Revert "[flutter_tools] reland: fold process resolution logic into the flutter tool" (cla: yes, tool)

67970 Detect ARM macOS arch with sysctl hw.optional.arm64 (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

67971 [flutter_tools] attempt to stabilize hot restart benchmark the old fashioned way (cla: yes, team, tool)

67976 Move processUtils to globals (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

67992 [flutter_tools] support Android Studio 4.1 on Windows (cla: yes, tool)

68020 [flutter_tools] change the IntelliJ plugin detection logic. (cla: yes, tool)

68026 [flutter_tools] delete applicationPackageStore (cla: yes, tool)

68046 Detach debugger when VM connection fails on iOS (cla: yes, tool)

68050 Run Xcode command lines tools in native ARM (cla: yes, platform-mac, tool)

68060 [flutter_tool] support --use-application-binary in flutter drive (cla: yes, team, tool)

68071 [flutter_tools] do not allow attaching in release mode (cla: yes, tool)

68078 [flutter_tools] listen to the nice ios-deploy tool (cla: yes, tool)

68118 Revert "[flutter_tools] listen to the nice ios-deploy tool" (cla: yes, tool)

68128 [flutter_tools] partial revert of start app change (cla: yes, tool)

68131 [flutter_tools] ensure android log reader works in flutter drive (cla: yes, tool)

68132 Update package:stack_trace dependency to 1.10.0-nullsafety.4 (cla: yes, team, tool)

68135 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.2 framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

68136 Sync lints (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68140 [flutter_tools] move gradle download failure handling into tool (cla: yes, team, tool)

68145 Noninteractive iOS debugger session (cla: yes, tool)

68156 [devicelab] allow the devicelab to take a screenshot if the iOS connection fails with FLUTTER_IOS_SCREENSHOT_ON_CONNECTION_FAILURE (cla: yes, team, tool)

68168 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.23.0-18.1.pre Framework Cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, tool)

68206 [gen_l10n] Create pubspec.yaml in ".dart_tool/flutter_gen" if it does not already exist (a: internationalization, cla: yes, tool)

68222 Revert "[flutter_tools] ensure android log reader works in flutter drive" (cla: yes, tool)

68243 [flutter_tools] update metadata detection to account for invalid yaml (cla: yes, tool)

68245 Revert noninteractive lldb debugging, timeout warning (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

68277 fix the tree (cla: yes, tool)

68280 Use multiroot scheme for initial compilation in ResidentRunner recompile (cla: yes, tool)

68302 enable unnecessary_string_escapes and use_raw_strings (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68309 [flutter_tools] drive uses correct application package for prebuilt (cla: yes, tool)

68329 request.mainUri should be fileUri (cla: yes, tool)

68334 [flutter_tools] retry the driver launch of the application up to 3 times. (cla: yes, tool)

68361 Build iOS apps using Swift Packages (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68376 Generate only requested platform directories on create (cla: yes, tool)

68409 [flutter_tools] add --android-gradle-daemon option, use in devicelab (a: accessibility, cla: yes, team, tool)

68421 Add current version to the upgrade message of the Flutter tool (cla: yes, tool)

68437 Adjust constraints in templates (cla: yes, tool)

68451 [flutter_tools] refactor drive launch into separate service, split by mobile+desktop and web (cla: yes, tool)

68452 Disable header bar when not using GNOME Shell. (cla: yes, tool)

68488 [flutter_tools] increase devFS sync timeout to 60 seconds (cla: yes, tool)

68489 Revert "[flutter_tools] add --android-gradle-daemon option, use in devicelab" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, team, tool)

68491 [flutter_tools] reland: --no-android-gradle-daemon in devicelab (a: accessibility, cla: yes, team, tool)

68492 Respond to HTTP POST requests with 404 in WebAssetServer (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68533 [flutter_tools] make android deps no longer required for flutter doctor (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68535 Update Linux template app to pass through command line arguments to the Dart entrypoint (cla: yes, tool)

68542 Add CocoaPods sudo installation note (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68553 [gen-l10n] Fix untranslated messages (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68624 [flutter_tools] add some versions, cleanup (cla: yes, tool)

68650 [flutter_tools] remove iOS screenshot on failure functionality (cla: yes, tool)

68655 Clean up device logger and port forwarding on drive completion (cla: yes, tool)

68678 [flutter_tools] use --no-print-incremental-dependencies for non-resident and test compiles (cla: yes, tool)

68714 Revert "enable unnecessary_string_escapes and use_raw_strings" (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

68729 App.framework must support iOS 8 for older Flutter projects (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68737 Add a missing include to the Linux plugin template (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68756 [flutter_tools] remove fallback discovery and observatory timeout (cla: yes, tool)

68774 [gen_l10n] Make resource attributes optional for simple cases (a: internationalization, cla: yes, tool)

68790 [devicelab] de-flake iOS launch (cla: yes, tool)

68817 Turn off CLANG_WARN_QUOTED_INCLUDE_IN_FRAMEWORK_HEADER in CocoaPod targets (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68826 Better error message when export options plist does not a fix (cla: yes, tool)

68844 Stop debugger when iOS app crashes (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68845 Revert "[flutter_tools] refactor drive launch into separate service, split by mobile+desktop and web" (cla: yes, tool)

68848 Support --web-renderer options which would allow user to specify which rendering backend to use. (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68854 [flutter_tools] Support zipped application bundles for macOS (cla: yes, tool)

68855 Apple silicon arch -arm64 to -arm64e (cla: yes, platform-ios, platform-mac, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68866 [flutter_tools] Add --verify-only flag to flutter upgrade (cla: yes, tool)

68887 [flutter_tools] reland: drive service (cla: yes, tool)

68898 [flutter_tools] null safety mode is used for dill naming (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68931 Send command line arguments through to the Flutter Engine on Windows (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68978 [flutter_tools] eagerly set asset directory path, cache flutter views, simplify error handling (cla: yes, tool)

69000 [flutter_tools] implement safe file copy with multiple fallbacks (cla: yes, tool)

69016 [gen_l10n] Add base method code comments for improved discoverability (a: internationalization, cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69025 Reland: enable unnecessary_string_escapes and use_raw_strings (#68302) (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69033 [flutter_tools] update test platform to use buildInfo instead of mode + additional params (cla: yes, tool)

69041 Update null safe deps to prepare for the 2.12 sdk version (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69059 [flutter_tools] add package_config.json to analyze_once_test.dart (cla: yes, tool)

69067 [flutter_tools] update to vm_service 5.2.0, update to dwds 7.0.0 (cla: yes, team, tool)

69114 [flutter_tools] enable web integration tests (cla: yes, tool)

69115 [flutter_tools] handle windows holding file lock in web build directory (cla: yes, tool)

69121 [flutter_tools] fix test expectation in resident_runner.dart (cla: yes, tool)

69126 reland driver vm_service migration (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, tool)

69155 Remove intl_translation dependency from gen_l10n integration test (a: internationalization, cla: yes, tool)

69160 Use runZonedGuarded() instead of deprecated onError. (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, tool)

69194 Include VS Code + Android Studio URLs in the No IDE message (cla: yes, t: flutter doctor, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69220 [flutter_tools] use throwToolExit (cla: yes, tool)

69223 opt out the listener.dart generated file (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69234 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.3 framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

69237 [flutter_tools] fix --use-existing-app for flutter drive (cla: yes, team, tool)

69244 [flutter_tools] support ws scheme in use-existing-app (cla: yes, tool)

69245 Show macOS arm64 architecture in doctor and devices list (cla: yes, platform-mac, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69246 [flutter_tools] conditionally invoke pub run test for drive scripts based on presence of dependency (cla: yes, tool)

69255 Make the launch background drawable compatible with older Android API levels (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69261 Revert "[flutter_tools] enable web integration tests" (cla: yes, tool)

69264 [flutter_tools] Reland: Stage web tests (cla: yes, tool)

69319 Fix issue with --web-renderer. (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69340 [flutter_tools] disable failing gen l10n test (cla: yes, tool)

69351 [flutter_tools] retry sever socket setup (and port selection if port is unspecified) (cla: yes, tool)

69364 Fix: fix android studio 4.1 plugin path for macOS (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69382 [gen_l10n] Fix unintended use of raw string in generateString (a: internationalization, cla: yes, severe: regression, team, tool)

69405 [null-safety] update tests and tool auto-detection for null safe dart (a: accessibility, cla: yes, engine, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69420 [flutter_tools] Make flutter upgrade --verify-only display framework version differences instead of commit hashes (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69450 [flutter_tools] do not reload sources if no sources changed (cla: yes, tool)

69505 [flutter_tools] remove all globals from cache and cache_test (cla: yes, tool)

69547 [flutter_tools] remove unused or no longer useful code (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69548 [flutter_tools] remove globals from android_workflow (cla: yes, tool)

69549 [flutter_tool] initialize flutter root in executable (cla: yes, team, tool)

69550 [flutter_tools] add canvaskit hot reload integration test (cla: yes, tool)

69592 [flutter_tools] support --extra-gen-snapshot-options everywhere --extra-front-end-options is specified (cla: yes, tool)

69607 Add a --dart-entrypoint-args flag to flutter run to pass through Dart entrypoint arguments on Flutter Desktop (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69612 Build App.framework directly to build directory (cla: yes, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69614 Remove usage of --enable-experiment to analysis server (cla: yes, engine, framework, tool)

69617 Remove references to Window, and switch usages to PlatformDispatcher or SingletonFlutterWindow (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

69622 Move package:integration_test to flutter/flutter (cla: yes, team, tool)

69630 Update plugins dependencies for the Gallery test (a: null-safety, a: tests, cla: yes, team, tool)

69633 mark flaky tests as flaky (cla: yes, team, tool)

69641 Revert "Build App.framework directly to build directory" (cla: yes, tool)

69699 Build App.framework directly to build directory (cla: yes, t: xcode, team, tool)

69720 Deprecate build ios-framework --universal (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69726 Do not use --first-parent when determining version on master (cla: yes, tool)

69728 Disable web expression evaluation tests (cla: yes, tool)

69731 Compile snapshot_assembly with sdk root set in Xcode (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69736 Methods in build_ios_framework for universal and XCFrameworks (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69784 [flutter_tools] forward all args to pub (cla: yes, tool)

69791 [flutter_conductor] update dev/tools with release tool (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69798 fix hot reload benchmark data (cla: yes, tool)

69802 disable hot reload web tests on CI due to flakes (cla: yes, tool)

69809 Update CocoaPods recommended version to 1.9 (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

69810 [versions] roll versions (cla: yes, team, tool)

69837 Run more xcodebuild commands in native arm on Apple Silicon (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69840 Build either iphoneos or iphonesimulator App.framework, not both (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

69846 Remove add-to-app Xcode build phase input files (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, t: xcode, tool)

69870 Revert "Fix: fix android studio 4.1 plugin path for macOS" (cla: yes, tool)

69892 [versions] update more null safe versions (cla: yes, team, tool)

69911 [flutter_tools] allow using flutter test for testing the tool too (cla: yes, team, tool)

69914 [flutter_tools] split web integration tests into new shard (cla: yes, team, tool)

69920 [flutter_tools] deploy version.json asset on Linux (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69921 Persist Chrome Default Directory (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69954 Fix android studio 4.1 plugin path for mac (cla: yes, tool)

69966 remove the use of the analysis server --enable-experiments flag (cla: yes, tool)

69971 [flutter_tools] work around bug in plugins CI (cla: yes, tool)

69972 [flutter_tools] wrap http send in async guard (cla: yes, tool)

69987 [flutter_tools] remove material design schema, use dart code (cla: yes, f: material design, tool)

69997 move cupertino_icon template to 1.0.1 for null safety (cla: yes, team, tool)

70011 [flutter_tools] remove most globals from asset system and remove Cache manipulation in unit tests (cla: yes, tool)

70014 [flutter_tools] remove workaround for caching sound dill (a: null-safety, cla: yes, team, tool)

70023 Revert "Migrate Flutter gallery test to null safety" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, team, tool)

70026 [flutter_tools] Let CMake handle escaping (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70056 [flutter_tools] restore pub caching functionality (cla: yes, tool)

70058 [flutter_tools] remove branch migration and standardize constructor style for version interface (cla: yes, tool, work in progress; do not review)

70065 [flutter_tools] improve hash performance (cla: yes, tool)

70078 Roll engine and fix pubspecs that do not have a Dart SDK constraint (cla: yes, engine, team, tool)

70116 Migrate Flutter Gallery test to null safety (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, team, tool)

70120 default to unsound nullability for web (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70126 [null-safety] implement autodetection for the web (cla: yes, tool)

70132 Revert "[flutter_tools] restore pub caching functionality" (cla: yes, tool)

70133 [flutter_tools] restore pub caching functionality (cla: yes, tool)

70136 [flutter_tools] always run pub with prebuilt applications on drive (cla: yes, tool)

70144 Revert "[flutter_tools] restore pub caching functionality" (cla: yes, tool)

70146 [flutter_tools] always use dart to run test script. (cla: yes, tool)

70175 Revert "[flutter_tools] always use dart to run test script." (cla: yes, tool)

70180 [flutter_tools] reland: cache pub invocations (cla: yes, tool)

70183 [flutter_tools] remove experiment tracking analytics for null safety (cla: yes, tool)

70189 [flutter_tools] dont use autodetect enum for web (cla: yes, tool)

70200 [flutter_tools] migrate .packages to package_config, partial (cla: yes, tool)

70215 [flutter_tools] Display "no platforms" message based on results when creating plugins project (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70224 Move Flutter.framework to build directory instead of ios/Flutter (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

70226 Move web integration tool tests to web.shard (cla: yes, team, tool)

70240 Add integration_test template to create template (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70320 [flutter_tools] make getBuildInfo async (cla: yes, tool)

70323 [flutter_tools] use initially parsed package config for language version, sound mode determination (cla: yes, tool)

70327 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.4 framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

70334 [flutter_tools] make most integration tests null safe (cla: yes, tool)

70336 Support legacy behavior for --host-vmservice-port and --observatory-port with DDS (cla: yes, tool)

70337 Simplify the flutter_web_plugins plugin registration API. (cla: yes, tool)

70403 Clean up Windows plugin template (cla: yes, tool)

70405 Add -miphoneos-version-min=8.0 to App framework stub (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

70412 [flutter_tools] Add bot configuration to run web_tool_tests for linux, mac, and windows (cla: yes, team, tool)

70415 [gen-l10n] NNBD generated code (cla: yes, tool)

70475 [flutter_tools] remove automatic doctor from flutter create (cla: yes, tool)

70480 [flutter_tools] remove unused JSON schema (cla: yes, tool)

70482 [flutter_tools] remove global variables from mdns client (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70485 Disable failing test due to SDK issue (cla: yes, tool)

70495 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.24.0-10.1.pre framework cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, tool)

70505 Revert "Simplify the flutter_web_plugins plugin registration API." (cla: yes, tool)

70509 [flutter_tools] remove unused/deprecated asset parameters (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70511 [flutter_tools] stop unit from writing real file (cla: yes, tool)

70514 [flutter_tools] reduce build bundle API (cla: yes, tool)

70515 [flutter_tools] remove globals from features (cla: yes, tool)

70518 Remove unused host_app_editable_cocoapods template files (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, tool)

70617 Add liblzma as an explicit dependancy on Linux (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70647 Allow any iOS app to be added to an existing host app (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70649 Exclude ARM from macOS builds architectures (cla: yes, platform-mac, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70712 Roll package:dds to 1.5.1 and add isCompleted guards around completers in base/dds.dart (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70714 [flutter_tools] use frontend_server for web test compilation (a: null-safety, cla: yes, team, tool)

70718 [flutter_tools] display message for current null safety mode (a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool)

70719 Add extra Flutter settings to ios_app_with_extensions Podfile (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

70722 Simplify the flutter_web_plugins plugin registration API. (#70337) (cla: yes, tool)

70735 Force regeneration of old Podfile (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70739 Revert "Allow any iOS app to be added to an existing host app" (cla: yes, team, tool)

70740 Reland "Allow any iOS app to be added to an existing host app" (cla: yes, team, tool)

70790 Stop extra framework copy during build ios-framework (cla: yes, tool)

70791 [flutter_tools] add support for dart defines to flutter test (cla: yes, team, tool)

70795 [flutter_tools] refactor shared memory filesystem logic (cla: yes, tool)

70797 [flutter_tools] update dependencies (cla: yes, team, tool)

70799 [flutter_tools] run web unit tests in sound null safety (cla: yes, team, tool)

70801 Detect ARM ffi CocoaPods error, suggest gem install (cla: yes, platform-mac, tool)

70802 Revert "Stop extra framework copy during build ios-framework" (cla: yes, tool)

70808 Migrate template to Gradle 6.7 and AGP 4.1.0 (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

70834 Fix error message typo (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70847 Ensure attaching to an application with an existing DDS instance is not treated as a fatal error (cla: yes, team, tool)

70853 [flutter_tools] skip ck restart on all platforms (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70863 [flutter_tools] remove globals from flutter web platform (cla: yes, tool)

70865 [flutter_tools] wire up alternative invalidation strategy to features (cla: yes, tool)

70874 flutter_tools: refactor CreateCommand. (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70880 Clean-up docs for the --web-renderer option (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70884 Revert "[flutter_tools] wire up alternative invalidation strategy to features" (cla: yes, tool)

70896 Use module Profile scheme when profiling (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70898 Remove deprecated 'flutter build aot' (cla: yes, tool)

70903 [flutter_tools] share bootstrap module between run and test (cla: yes, tool)

70912 [flutter_tools] disable SWR optimization on dev (cla: yes, tool)

70914 [flutter_tools] delete BuildRunnerWebCompilationProxy and WebCompilationProxy (cla: yes, tool)

70959 flutter_tools: do more refactor on CreateBase and CreateCommand (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70962 only use code single path for verification of target file existence (cla: yes, tool)

70967 [flutter_tools] Catch all exception subtypes when unzipping a file (cla: yes, tool)

70969 [flutter_tools] support canvaskit unit testing on web (cla: yes, tool)

70970 Wait for Android plugin to load before configuring plugin dependency (cla: yes, tool)

70977 [flutter_tools] Remove usage of --precompiled flag for web tests (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

70999 [flutter_tools] fix port leak in flutter_driver (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, tool)

71003 [flutter_tools] Set basic error matcher for Linux builds (cla: yes, tool)

71094 iOS aot assembly requires SDK root (cla: yes, team, tool)

71095 Rename SdkType -> EnvironmentType (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71096 Revert "Migrate template to Gradle 6.7 and AGP 4.1.0" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

71103 Move Flutter.podspec to add-to-app project template (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

71113 Add XCFramework artifacts (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71128 [gen-l10n] Fix forwarding of output-dir in l10n.yaml file (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71170 Update CocoaPods minimum version to 1.9 (cla: yes, t: xcode, tool)

71196 [flutter_tools]fix typo in printHowToConsumeAar,which case sync fail (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71215 [flutter_tools] Don't fail copying files if the destination is not writable (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71411 Add testing shard for release mode guard (cla: yes, framework, team, tool)

71417 [flutter_tools] do not validate unused services key (cla: yes, tool)

71433 [flutter_tools] update some web configuration defaults (cla: yes, tool)

71434 [flutter_tools] allow hiding web server device, provide flags to re-enable (cla: yes, tool)

71439 [fluttter_tools] reland enable experimental invalidation strategy on by default in master channel (cla: yes, tool)

71446 Relands: Migrate template to Gradle 6.7 and AGP 4.1.0 (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

71451 Validate empty observatory URI for screenshot (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71487 [flutter_tools] report basic analytics for null-safety (cla: yes, tool)

71491 [flutter_tools] hide web server by default (cla: yes, tool)

71495 Adopt Flutter.xcframework in tool (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

71499 [flutter_tools] post process the gradle log output (cla: yes, tool)

71598 [flutter_tools] enable CK restart tests (cla: yes, tool)

71600 Create symlinks for local engine Maven metadata files required by the Android Gradle plugin (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71601 [flutter_tools] mode code size output to ~/.flutter-devtools (cla: yes, tool)

71618 [flutter_tools] wire up native-null-assertions for flutter web (cla: yes, tool)

71623 Add sysctl file fallbacks (cla: yes, platform-mac, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71660 Revert "Add integration_test template to create template" (cla: yes, tool)

71663 Remove left-overs from causal async stacks. (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71726 [flutter_tool] fix incorrect coverage file generation (cla: yes, tool)

71728 [flutter_tool] Report analytics as disabled when suppressed (cla: yes, tool)

71737 Launch DevTools from pub instead of devtools_server (cla: yes, team, tool)

71738 Allow flavors and build types when using plugins (cla: yes, platform-android, t: gradle, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71740 Reland integration template (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71744 Remove Flutter Authors from macOS project organization name (cla: yes, platform-mac, tool)

71745 Update macOS Xcode compatibilityVersion (cla: yes, platform-mac, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71748 Profiling Xcode app should use Flutter profile mode (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-mac, team, tool)

71750 Remove missing macOS RunnerUITests (cla: yes, platform-mac, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71752 Remove unused local from xcode_backend (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71757 Rename IOSMigrator -> ProjectMigrator (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71764 Move embedding and linking macOS Flutter frameworks into the tool (cla: yes, team, tool)

71829 Add --dart-define option support to build aar command (cla: yes, tool, waiting for customer response)

71860 Do not add CI build settings to macOS (cla: yes, team, tool)

71862 Remove manual Flutter linking for iOS projects (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool)

71870 Stop using Xcode build settings in materialized Info.plist (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

71882 Migrate devicelab to package:vm_service (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71899 let NOTICES be double gzip wrapped to reduce on-disk installed space (cla: yes, framework, team, tool)

71950 [flutter_tool] Fix crash in update-packages (cla: yes, tool)

71951 Revert "Move embedding and linking macOS Flutter frameworks into the tool" (cla: yes, team, tool)

71962 [flutter_tools] update message for flutter create -t plugin when no --platforms specified (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71964 Ensure apps can build while using AGP 3.3.0 (cla: yes, t: gradle, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71965 Reland Move embedding and linking macOS Flutter frameworks into the tool (cla: yes, platform-mac, team, tool)

71981 Test generated_plugin_registrant analysis & suppress long lines in web plugin registrant (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

72012 Revert "Reland Move embedding and linking macOS Flutter frameworks into the tool" (cla: yes, team, tool)

72014 [flutter_releases] Flutter Framework Stable 1.22.5 Cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

72020 Move macOS Podfile logic into the tool (cla: yes, platform-mac, t: xcode, team, tool)

72079 [flutter_releases] Flutter Framework Stable 1.22.5 cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

72092 Revert "Migrate devicelab to package:vm_service" (cla: yes, team, tool)

72110 Fix launching DevTools with Flutter Web applications (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

72114 macos_content_validation_test integration test (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

72151 Allow iOS plugins to support bitcode (cla: yes, tool)

72189 [flutter_tools] use 1-based index for device selection (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

72196 [flutter_tools] improve error surfacing from Linux builds (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

72295 Add text to --analyze-size command output to launch DevTools with size data (cla: yes, tool)

72306 Flutter clean Flutter.podspec (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

72323 Launch named iOS simulators (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

72372 Reland Move embedding and linking macOS Flutter frameworks into the tool (cla: yes, platform-mac, team, tool)

72378 Build/copy macOS frameworks to built products instead of ephemeral directory (cla: yes, platform-mac, team, tool)

72409 Return null instead of empty in Future.catchError callbacks (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

72410 Remove unused dart:async imports. (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

72420 update cupertino icons to 1.0.2 (cla: yes, team, tool, will affect goldens)

72438 Revert "let NOTICES be double gzip wrapped to reduce on-disk installed space" (cla: yes, framework, team, tool)

72447 Revert "Launch named iOS simulators" (cla: yes, tool)

72488 Support flutter_test_config for flutter test on web platforms (cla: yes, framework, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

72519 Add --no-launch-browser flag to DevTools pub run command (cla: yes, tool)

72538 Migrate usage value plugin count off .flutter-plugins (cla: yes, tool)

72554 groovy escaping was wrong for aar (cla: yes, tool)

72559 [flutter_tools] catch fatal build output errors on Linux (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

72736 Catch StateError and output more useful error message when DDS fails to start (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

72748 Exclude ARM from macOS builds (cla: yes, platform-mac, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

72754 [flutter_releases] Flutter Beta 1.25.0-8.2 Framework Cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

72761 Build iOS apps using Swift Packages (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

72764 Force plugins to inherit minimum macOS version from Flutter app (cla: yes, platform-mac, team, tool)

72834 Check for iOS simulator SDK during AOT validation instead of assuming x86 (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

72944 [gen_l10n] Improve status message when untranslated messages are still present (a: internationalization, cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

72950 [gen_l10n] Use l10n.yaml file instead of command line arguments if it exists (cla: yes, tool)

73052 Avoid broken symlinks in embedded Flutter frameworks (cla: yes, platform-mac, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73069 [web] add web-renderer option to flutter test. run web tests with this option (cla: yes, team, tool)

73070 Use simctl exit code instead of stderr (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool)

73072 Use SDK podhelper in add-to-app module Podfile (cla: yes, team, tool)

73110 Default add-to-app xcode_backend script to be verbose (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool)

73112 Optionally include CocoaPods xcconfig (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

73353 [flutter_tools] delegate first run message re-display to new class, only if changed (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73357 [flutter_tools] prevent NPE due to moved/deleted packages during upgrade packages (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73364 [flutter_tools] delete .packages during flutter clean (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73366 [flutter_tools] Serve DevTools at app start (cla: yes, tool)

73378 build ios-framework simulator slices for profile/release (cla: yes, team, tool)

73383 Remove build ios-framework --universal flag (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool)

73416 [web] Fix offline resource loader for serviceworker (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73420 [flutter_tools] prevent hot reload/restart if device has not finished devFS initialization (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73426 [flutter_tools] describe current null safety build mode (cla: yes, tool)

73430 [flutter_tools] allow applications to specify additional license files to be bundled into the application NOTICES automatically (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73437 Revert "Build iOS apps using Swift Packages" (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

73458 Exclude arm64 from supported iOS simulator architectures (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

73488 Remove "unnecessary" import in flutter_tools (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73502 [web] Switch flutter tool web-renderer default for web to auto (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73505 Remove an obsolete comment from pubspec.yaml (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73508 Build iOS apps using Swift Packages (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73511 Revert "Exclude arm64 from supported iOS simulator architectures" (cla: yes, team, tool)

73514 Update outdated links (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73529 Revert "[web] Switch flutter tool web-renderer default for web to auto" (cla: yes, tool)

73576 [flutter_tools] add API for passing arbitrary flags to tester binary (cla: yes, tool)

73577 Move ios_content_validation_test to pre-submit tools test (cla: yes, team, tool)

73579 [flutter_tools] add 483 to non-recoverable errors (cla: yes, tool)

73595 [web] Reland - Switch flutter tool web-renderer default for web to auto (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73630 Generate dSYM files during iOS archive (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73733 [flutter_tools] flutter precache downloads all enabled platforms if no flags are provided (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73736 [flutter_tools] daemon does not report platforms that are not enabled (cla: yes, tool)

73755 Exclude arm64 from valid iOS simulators (cla: yes, team, tool)

73758 Fix plugin java class desugar (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73773 Fix typo ' to ` in template (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73798 [flutter_tools] ensure --dart-define can parse args with commas (cla: yes, team, tool)

73803 sorting plugins alphabetically when refreshed (cla: yes, tool)

73807 Revert "Exclude arm64 from valid iOS simulators" (cla: yes, team, tool)

73808 Add recommended Xcode version to doctor (cla: yes, t: xcode, tool)

73877 Move async guard wrapping of crash reporter up a level (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73879 [flutter_tools] do not crash if target file cannot be read for language version (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73890 [flutter_tools] add error handling wrapping for File.createSync (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73891 [flutter_tools] dont crash on invalid utf8 in pubspec (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73896 Revert "[flutter_tools] Serve DevTools at app start" (cla: yes, tool)

73903 Revert "Revert "[flutter_tools] Serve DevTools at app start"" (cla: yes, tool)

73944 Avoid relative paths in .dart_tool/package_config.json when generate:true (cla: yes, tool)

73957 [flutter_tools] no-op maven artifacts if Android SDK is absent (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73962 [flutter_tools] open chrome to correct base URL when base url is specified in index.html (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73985 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.25.0-8.3.pre framework cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, framework, team, tool)

74003 Build x86_64 iOS apps with simulator local engines (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

74055 Skip flaky flutter_immediately_exit test (cla: yes, team: flakes, tool)

74060 Fix pub upgrade to work with new arguments (cla: yes, tool)

74068 Revert integration_test in flutter create template (cla: yes, tool)

74075 [flutter_tools] handle NPE in language analytics (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74079 [flutter_tools] verify successful dart migrate (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74090 Tests that module/plugin/package templates can be migrated to null-safety (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74091 [flutter_tools] ensure allowExistingDdsInstance param is always non-null (cla: yes, tool)

74215 Use package:vm_service instead of json_rpc_2 (cla: yes, team, tool)

74249 [flutter_tools] ensure pub get can run from partially valid state (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74251 Print DevTools inspector links in RenderFlex Overflow errors (cla: yes, framework, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74259 [flutter_tools] throwToolExit from archive failure (cla: yes, tool)

74264 [flutter_tools] pub get skips example dir if there is no pubspec.yaml (cla: yes, tool)

74265 Add null safety note to flutter create (cla: yes, tool)

74271 Return the existing DevTools server from DevToolsLauncher.serve if one is already running. (cla: yes, tool)

74272 Roll package:dds to 1.7.3 and add error handling for VM service disappearing (cla: yes, team, tool)

74280 Check VM service URI is valid before attempting to start DDS (Re-upload #73998) (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74285 Pass only Uri to package:http APIs (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74293 [flutter_tools] Fix ignoring of Flutter tester exitCode (cla: yes, tool)

74306 Rephrase null safety mode (cla: yes, tool)

74348 Adjust desktop feature flag (cla: yes, tool)

74355 [flutter_releases] Flutter Stable 1.22.6 Framework Cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, tool)

74359 Skip flutter_immediately_exit_test (cla: yes, team, tool)

74365 Don't crash on narrow window widths (cla: yes, tool)

74423 Fix bugs with ext.flutter.activeDevToolsServerAddress (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74424 Handle service disappeared RPCError when VM service connection disappears (cla: yes, tool)

74444 [flutter_tools] flag flip (cla: yes, tool)

74452 [flutter_tools] provide correct sources and metadata for different base hrefs (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74464 [flutter_tools] test toggle debugPaintsize (cla: yes, tool)

74513 [flutter_tools] fix web messaging (cla: yes, tool)

74526 [flutter_tools] ensure unstable compiler features are not available on stable (cla: yes, tool)

74528 Handle RPCError when VM service disappears while invoking VmService.getIsolate (cla: yes, tool)

74531 Re-add tool test general per-test timeout (cla: yes, team, tool)

74534 Add connectedVmServiceUri service extension and set from flutter_tools (cla: yes, framework, tool)

74543 Fail ColdRunner.attach() eagerly when device connection fails (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74545 Allow tests to override _DevFSHttpWriter._startWrite throttle time (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74574 Handle more cases where the tool receives RPCError 112 (cla: yes, tool)

74601 Revert "Handle more cases where the tool receives RPCError 112" (cla: yes, tool)

74602 Reland: Handle more cases where the tool receives RPCError 112 (cla: yes, tool)

74622 [flutter_tools] Consistently set the working directory for Flutter Test (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74664 [flutter_tools] handle waitForExtension having no isolates (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74665 Handle 'Existing VM service clients' error from old VM service instances (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74671 Roll packages (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74672 [flutter_tools] check if process manager can find adb (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74685 Move android_plugin_example_app_build_test from devicelab to tool integration tests (cla: yes, team, tool)

team - 506 pull request(s)


59797 [web] Support custom url strategies (cla: yes, f: routes, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

62694 Convert services tests to NNBD (cla: yes, framework, team)

63808 New benchmark: bench_mouse_region_mixed_grid_hover (cla: yes, team)

63834 Treat hover events as normal pointer events, and bring them back to Listener (a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

64478 migrate animated_placeholder_perf to e2e (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

64482 migrate backdrop_filter_perf to e2e (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

64484 migrate color_filter_and_fade_perf to e2e (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

64487 migrate cubic_bezier_perf to e2e (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

64503 migrate textfield_perf to e2e (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

64766 Updated file of the hello_world example (cla: yes, d: examples, team, waiting for tree to go green)

64846 Expose GestureBinding.handlePointerEvent, replacing dispatchEvent as the preferred way to dispatch events (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

65087 Let Flutter SDK use cupertino_icons 1.0.0 (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, team, tool)

65182 Apply darkmode style (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

65193 Generate RawKeyEvents for iOS 13.4+ (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

65198 Avoid thinning frameworks in iOS extensions (cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

65422 [flutter_tools] only lock if an upgrade/download will be performed (linux/macos) and output building messages to stderr (cla: yes, team, tool)

65505 Creates a way to test private APIs in the Flutter package. (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

65530 Have the analyzer bot ignore .DS_Store files. (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

65568 Remove unused 'dart:async' imports. (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

65578 Add mac builders to try configurations. (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

65602 Reland "perf test for measuring scroll smoothness" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

65667 Fix the character field of the RawKeyEvent to hold correct data on non-Android platforms. (a: desktop, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

65787 Flutter Stable Framework Cherrypicks 1.20.4 (a: internationalization, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

65791 [ci] remove create offline tests (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

65793 Match benchmark iOS project bundle identifiers (cla: yes, platform-ios, team)

65798 Collect memory metrics (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

65799 Updated references to obsolete Material button classes in benchmarks/test_apps/stocks (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

65806 [flutter_tools] port deprecated settings test to flutter integration shard (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

65873 Reland "Re-enable the Dart Development Service (DDS) (#64671)" (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

65876 Allow new methods to be added to ui.Image for tests (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

65896 Enable mac sdk tests and remove them from cirrus. (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

65898 Mark nonflaky tests as such (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

65900 Updated references to obsolete Material button classes in benchmarks/macrobenchmarks (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

65904 Updated references to obsolete Material button classes in examples (cla: yes, d: examples, team, waiting for tree to go green)

65949 [manual roll] Roll Engine from 1ef10b240e28 to f84e7a019663 (12 revisions) (cla: yes, engine, team, waiting for tree to go green)

65950 Updated references to obsolete Material button classes in microbenchmarks (cla: yes, team)

65951 [flutter_tools] connect widget cache from frontend_server (cla: yes, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

65961 Check that header exists instead of contents of header in build iOS module test (cla: yes, platform-ios, team)

65985 Enable pre/post submit hostonly tests. (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

65997 remove non-nullability on Navigator methods (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66029 Fix typos (cla: yes, team)

66043 Deprecate VelocityTracker default constructor and added VelocityTracker.withKind constructor (cla: yes, framework, team)

66048 Bump dartdoc to 0.34.0 (cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66052 Roll packages to fix #66038 (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66054 Add versioning to gold endpoints (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, team: infra, waiting for tree to go green)

66057 reland always adds alert label for alert dialog in Android (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66082 [flutter_tools] register service worker after first frame event (cla: yes, framework, team, tool)

66085 Enable linux and win hostonly devicelab tests. (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66136 [versions] update to latest source span and roll engine to 4b8477d11573d233e6791204191c0090f733b05d (cla: yes, engine, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66187 Turn off flutter_gallery__transition_perf_e2e_ios32 in devicelab (cla: yes, team)

66195 Fix windows hostonly_devicelab tests. (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66269 [flutter_tools] declare non-transitive deps correctly (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66277 [devicelab] fix manifest definition (cla: yes, team)

66284 Mark animated_placeholder_perf__e2e nonflaky (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66290 roll source_span 1.8.0-nullsafety.2 (cla: yes, team, tool)

66302 Revert "Turn off flutter_gallery__transition_perf_e2e_ios32 in devicelab" (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66370 Change the default visual density to be adaptive based on platform. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

66384 update to the latest null safe packages (cla: yes, team, tool)

66386 Default measureCpuGpu to true (cla: yes, perf: energy, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66391 Mark Windows gradle_plugin_light_apk_test as flaky (cla: yes, team)

66399 Stream logging from attached debugger on iOS 13+ (cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool)

66406 Check git commands in Flutter version check test (cla: yes, team, tool)

66481 [devicelab] increase timeout for cull bench (cla: yes, team)

66482 TextSelectionTheme support (step 3 of 3) (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

66487 Do not cleanup Gradle in non-Android integration tests (cla: yes, team)

66496 Fix gradle_plugin_light_apk test. (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66500 Flutter 1.22.0-12.2.pre Framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

66508 [Docs] [Material] Fix Icons api docs (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

66568 platform_views_scroll_perf_ios test: remove --trace-startup to fix the crash. (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66570 Let perf tests measure memory by default (cla: yes, perf: memory, severe: performance, team)

66584 Roll gallery to the newest version (cla: yes, team)

66587 Make Gradle plugin light apk test blocking again. (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66590 Force plugins to inherit minimum iOS version from Flutter app (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

66594 Revert "Default measureCpuGpu to true" (cla: yes, team)

66595 Mark nonflaky tests as such (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66604 Reland "Default measureCpuGpu to true (#66386)" (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66611 fix complex_layout_android__scroll_smoothness's lost of input event (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66663 Migrate flutter_test (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66666 Revert "Roll gallery to the newest version" (cla: yes, team)

66677 Add Firebase tests to flutter dashboard. (cla: yes, team)

66679 Add a compressionState value to HttpResponse mocks (cla: yes, team)

66693 Roll gallery to the newest version (cla: yes, team)

66736 [gallery] add linux and windows files to gallery example (cla: yes, team)

66745 move resampler to handlePointerEvent and fix complex_layout_android__scroll_smoothness with PointerEvent (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66836 Roll package:dds to 1.4.0 and update error handling (cla: yes, team, tool)

66849 Flutter 1.22.0-12.3.pre framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

66941 Replace MockFile with memory file system files (cla: yes, team, tool)

66946 Replace MockCache with Cache.test() (cla: yes, team, tool)

67012 Replace MockArtifacts with Artifacts.test() (cla: yes, team, tool)

67019 Replace MockProcessManager with FakeProcessManager (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

67025 Fix docset generation. (cla: yes, team)

67057 update stack_trace dep (and others) (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

67147 5x startup test repitition to reduce noise (cla: yes, customer: money (g3), perf: speed, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67155 [null-safety] migrate app dependencies of flutter driver (a: accessibility, a: null-safety, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

67171 [null-safety] add integration tests for sound null safety modes, add support for sound null safety in dart2js (a: null-safety, cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

67176 Add benchmark/test for drawing images across frames (cla: yes, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67324 add web_long_running_tests shard containing long-running web tests (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67337 Increase device discovery timeout in devicelab health check (cla: yes, team, team: infra)

67349 Remove deployment to play store for linux case in deploy_gallery test (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67359 Mark keys that match a shortcut, but have no action defined as "not handled". (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, a: text input, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, framework, team)

67361 Characters docs (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67363 Remove measureIosCpuGpu (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67425 [flutter_test] handle breaking change to test main (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, tool)

67432 Update dartdoc to 0.35.0 (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67433 Revert "[null-safety] migrate app dependencies of flutter driver" (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

67437 Updated the remaining obsolete button references in flutter_gallery (cla: yes, f: material design, team)

67440 Removed remaining obsolete button widget references (cla: yes, d: examples, f: material design, framework, team)

67441 [null-safety] reland: migrate app side flutter driver to null-safety (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

67466 Work around the glibc bug that causes rare Chrome crashes (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

67468 Remove Cirrus support for Gold (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, team: infra, will affect goldens)

67470 Remove examples/catalog (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67542 Revert "Remove examples/catalog" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, team)

67545 Reland removal of examples/catalog (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67550 Refactor devicelab logic to use TaskResult instead of JSON (a: accessibility, cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67552 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.1 Framework Cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

67561 Revert "[null-safety] reland: migrate app side flutter driver to null-safety" (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

67570 Reland "[null-safety] reland: migrate app side flutter driver to null-safety" (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67592 Mark nonflaky tests as such (cla: yes, team)

67594 Transport e2e based perforamnce test to integration_test and remove duplicate watchPerformance (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67598 Build xcarchive command (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

67654 [flutter_tools] always run build tests on presubmit (cla: yes, team)

67670 Replace MockUsage with Usage.test in build tests (cla: yes, team, tool)

67689 [NNBD] Migrating some Material tests (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, team: infra, waiting for tree to go green)

67693 Add web e2e to the flutter/flutter repo (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67697 Purge persistent cache for perf test runs (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67744 Bump meta to 1.3.0-nullsafety.4 (cla: yes, team, tool)

67749 Enable build_gallery tests in try/prod builders (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67757 delete fast start unit test (cla: yes, team)

67763 Revert "delete fast start unit test" (cla: yes, team)

67765 Revert "Revert "delete fast start unit test"" (cla: yes, team)

67766 [flutter_tools] remove train and inject-plugins command (cla: yes, team, tool)

67780 add links missed in the first pr (cla: yes, team)

67788 make the new e2e tests blocker (cla: yes, team)

67900 Expose date symbols and patterns for en_US in framework (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

67939 Remove unused Gold methods (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67946 Migrate Scaffold SnackBars in the framework to ScaffoldMessenger (a: tests, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67971 [flutter_tools] attempt to stabilize hot restart benchmark the old fashioned way (cla: yes, team, tool)

67974 remove missing argument (cla: yes, team)

67976 Move processUtils to globals (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68034 [NNBD] Migrate some Widgets tests (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

68060 [flutter_tool] support --use-application-binary in flutter drive (cla: yes, team, tool)

68065 Improve performance of collectAllElements (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, perf: speed, severe: performance, t: flutter driver, team, waiting for tree to go green)

68107 [devicelab] delete disabled or not useful benchmarks (cla: yes, team)

68109 [devicelab] mark ios catalina as flaky (cla: yes, team)

68110 [devicelab] turn down android X migration gradle tests (cla: yes, team)

68132 Update package:stack_trace dependency to 1.10.0-nullsafety.4 (cla: yes, team, tool)

68135 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.2 framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

68136 Sync lints (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68140 [flutter_tools] move gradle download failure handling into tool (cla: yes, team, tool)

68141 [devicelab] move test from flaky (cla: yes, team)

68156 [devicelab] allow the devicelab to take a screenshot if the iOS connection fails with FLUTTER_IOS_SCREENSHOT_ON_CONNECTION_FAILURE (cla: yes, team, tool)

68157 [NNBD] Migrate some Widgets tests (a: null-safety, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

68207 Revert "Improve performance of collectAllElements" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

68214 reland List queue search optimization (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

68218 [devicelab] track any leaked processes (cla: yes, team)

68230 Use --device-timeout instead of deprecated --timeout in devicelab (cla: yes, team)

68239 [devicelab] mark catalina not flaky and list iproxy processes before test (cla: yes, team)

68260 [flutter_tools] configure screenshot on failure for all tasks (cla: yes, team)

68261 Fix screenshotting code (cla: yes, team)

68301 use_is_even_rather_than_modulo (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

68302 enable unnecessary_string_escapes and use_raw_strings (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68324 Refactor command utilities for tests (cla: yes, team)

68333 [devicelab] Cocoon client (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

68361 Build iOS apps using Swift Packages (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68407 [devicelab] migrate defines test to DriverTest (cla: yes, team)

68409 [flutter_tools] add --android-gradle-daemon option, use in devicelab (a: accessibility, cla: yes, team, tool)

68410 [devicelab] split end to end tests into driver targets (cla: yes, team)

68487 [devicelab] update hostonly tests to use flutter directly or precache deps (cla: yes, team)

68489 Revert "[flutter_tools] add --android-gradle-daemon option, use in devicelab" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, team, tool)

68491 [flutter_tools] reland: --no-android-gradle-daemon in devicelab (a: accessibility, cla: yes, team, tool)

68511 Mark e2e ios32 warmup test as nonflaky (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

68516 [devicelab] reduce iterations, uninstall at end, and use --application-binary in all startup tests (cla: yes, team)

68518 [devicelab] remove twc enabled test and uncaught image test (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

68528 [devicelab] fix flutter gallery app name (cla: yes, team)

68530 Revert "[devicelab] fix flutter gallery app name" (cla: yes, team)

68531 Revert "[devicelab] reduce iterations, uninstall at end, and use --application-binary in all startup tests" (cla: yes, team)

68532 [devicelab] reland: reduce iterations of startup test, use application binary (cla: yes, team)

68538 remove --machine flag (team)

68539 [devicelab] remove commands test (cla: yes, team)

68541 [devicelab] Upload git branch (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

68548 [devicelab] uninstall during memory test (cla: yes, team)

68553 [gen-l10n] Fix untranslated messages (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68569 update packages (cla: yes, team)

68611 add sdk constraints where missing to prepare for nnbd flag flip (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

68636 Mark the test as flaky again (cla: yes, team)

68641 Updated dartdoc to 0.36.0 (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

68642 Sound null safety for framework and flutter_test (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

68645 Migrate flutter_localizations to null safety. (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

68654 Driver vm service (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, t: flutter driver, team, waiting for tree to go green)

68656 Enable dev/bots/ build_tests for macOS (a: desktop, cla: yes, platform-mac, team)

68657 Enable dev/bots/ build_tests for Windows (a: desktop, cla: yes, platform-windows, team)

68658 Enable dev/bots/ build_tests for Linux (a: desktop, cla: yes, platform-linux, team)

68708 Refactor update_icons (cla: yes, team)

68714 Revert "enable unnecessary_string_escapes and use_raw_strings" (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

68723 [null-safety] try updating snippets for null safety (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, team)

68726 Remove dartdoc checker exclusion for class and library files (cla: yes, team)

68729 App.framework must support iOS 8 for older Flutter projects (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68733 [null-safety] swap tool unit tests to dart test until tester supports null safety by default (cla: yes, team)

68736 Remove nullOk in MediaQuery.of (cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

68744 Migrate all of examples/layers to sound null safety (cla: yes, d: examples, team)

68791 Update to dartdoc 0.36.1 (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

68794 Add bottom to search bar (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

68822 [Doc Fixit 2020] Move dashboard documentation to flutter/cocoon (cla: yes, team, team: infra, waiting for tree to go green)

68895 [devicelab] mark web twc as flaky (cla: yes, team)

68900 [devicelab] never run pub (cla: yes, team)

68905 Remove nullOk parameter from Cupertino color resolution APIs (cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

68906 [devicelab] mark uncaught exceptions as flaky (cla: yes, team)

68987 Added none property in a DismissDirection (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69025 Reland: enable unnecessary_string_escapes and use_raw_strings (#68302) (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69041 Update null safe deps to prepare for the 2.12 sdk version (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69043 [null-safety] add language version to freeform template (cla: yes, team)

69046 Print errors in all build modes (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69048 Migrate Flutter gallery test to null safety (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, team)

69067 [flutter_tools] update to vm_service 5.2.0, update to dwds 7.0.0 (cla: yes, team, tool)

69074 Revert "Driver vm service" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

69077 Reland "Driver vm service"" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

69089 Revert "Driver vm service" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

69119 Adaptive icons (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

69122 [null-safety] fix the snippets (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69126 reland driver vm_service migration (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, tool)

69148 allow 2.12 prerelease sdks in flutter_goldens[_client] (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69210 mark test packages publish_to: none (cla: yes, team)

69226 [flutter_tools] measure driver success and failure (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

69228 [devicelab] mark routing test as flaky (cla: yes, team)

69234 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.3 framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

69237 [flutter_tools] fix --use-existing-app for flutter drive (cla: yes, team, tool)

69260 Increase device run perf test timeout (cla: yes, team)

69266 Decrease device discovery timeout from 10 to 5 seconds (cla: yes, team)

69268 [devicelab] do not fail test if CPU measurement is not recorded (cla: yes, team)

69272 [devicelab] retry startup of start up test (cla: yes, team)

69273 [devicelab] work around occasional null values for devtools (cla: yes, team)

69338 Mark flutter_gallery_sksl_warmup__transition_perf_e2e_ios32 as unflaky (cla: yes, team)

69339 Do not fail if average_memory_usage is not recorded (cla: yes, team, team: flakes)

69350 enable web_long_running_tests shard (cla: yes, team)

69382 [gen_l10n] Fix unintended use of raw string in generateString (a: internationalization, cla: yes, severe: regression, team, tool)

69405 [null-safety] update tests and tool auto-detection for null safe dart (a: accessibility, cla: yes, engine, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69430 disable web_long_running_tests due to flakiness (cla: yes, team)

69432 Disable test that times-out on CI (cla: yes, team)

69443 start and stop chromedriver once per sub-shard; do not wait for it to quit (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69445 Standardize dartdoc macro names (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69447 [devicelab] reboot attached devices after 30 test runs (cla: yes, team)

69451 Fix spelling errors (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

69549 [flutter_tool] initialize flutter root in executable (cla: yes, team, tool)

69591 Remove the flaky flag from post-bdf benchmark (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69617 Remove references to Window, and switch usages to PlatformDispatcher or SingletonFlutterWindow (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

69622 Move package:integration_test to flutter/flutter (cla: yes, team, tool)

69624 Say [APP] instead of [Gallery] in web benchmarks (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69629 Initial migration of metrics_center (cla: yes, severe: performance, team, team: infra)

69630 Update plugins dependencies for the Gallery test (a: null-safety, a: tests, cla: yes, team, tool)

69633 mark flaky tests as flaky (cla: yes, team, tool)

69693 Update dartdoc to 0.36.2 (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69696 mark flutter_gallery__transition_perf_e2e_ios32 flaky (cla: yes, team)

69699 Build App.framework directly to build directory (cla: yes, t: xcode, team, tool)

69703 Revert "[devicelab] reboot attached devices after 30 test runs" (cla: yes, team)

69710 [devicelab] re-land cocoon auto-restart (cla: yes, team)

69720 Deprecate build ios-framework --universal (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69723 Do not analyze files that are not checked in git (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69781 Added dartpad examples for SliverAppBar (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69791 [flutter_conductor] update dev/tools with release tool (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69803 Mark prod_builders tests as not flaky (cla: yes, team)

69809 Update CocoaPods recommended version to 1.9 (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

69810 [versions] roll versions (cla: yes, team, tool)

69828 Fix prod_builders json (cla: yes, team)

69831 [null-safety] update Dart SDK constraints (cla: yes, team)

69844 [flutter_web_plugins] Migrate to null safety. (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69848 Revert "Initial migration of metrics_center" (cla: yes, team)

69854 Revert "[null-safety] update Dart SDK constraints (#69831)" (cla: yes, team)

69892 [versions] update more null safe versions (cla: yes, team, tool)

69900 [null-safety] update version constraint (cla: yes, team)

69911 [flutter_tools] allow using flutter test for testing the tool too (cla: yes, team, tool)

69914 [flutter_tools] split web integration tests into new shard (cla: yes, team, tool)

69930 [null-safety] remove enable experiment flags (cla: yes, team)

69932 [flutter_tools] only run web shard if requested (cla: yes, team)

69970 mark flutter_gallery_sksl_warmup__transition_perf_e2e_ios32 as flaky (cla: yes, team)

69990 Add PageView benchmark (representative of full screen CustomPainter) (cla: yes, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69996 Reland migration (cla: yes, team)

69997 move cupertino_icon template to 1.0.1 for null safety (cla: yes, team, tool)

70014 [flutter_tools] remove workaround for caching sound dill (a: null-safety, cla: yes, team, tool)

70023 Revert "Migrate Flutter gallery test to null safety" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, team, tool)

70030 Add Dart SDK constraint to a pubspec (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

70075 [integration_test] Add a run method for proper reporting of test results (cla: yes, team)

70078 Roll engine and fix pubspecs that do not have a Dart SDK constraint (cla: yes, engine, team, tool)

70107 Ignore several import_of_legacy_library_into_null_safe (cla: yes, team)

70112 [null-safety] migrate hello_world to null safety (cla: yes, d: examples, team)

70115 Ignore import_of_legacy_library_into_null_safe (cla: yes, team)

70116 Migrate Flutter Gallery test to null safety (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, team, tool)

70130 Bump Gallery version (cla: yes, team)

70153 Add SkiaPerfPoint and FlutterEngineMetricPoint (cla: yes, team)

70224 Move Flutter.framework to build directory instead of ios/Flutter (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

70226 Move web integration tool tests to web.shard (cla: yes, team, tool)

70245 [null-safety] opt driver tests into null safety (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

70255 mark catalina ios tasks as flaky (cla: yes, team)

70324 Include null in the type that UpdateUrlFetcher's Future returns (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

70327 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.4 framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

70328 Revert "mark catalina ios tasks as flaky" (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

70396 Set the mixWithOthers option in the Gallery video demo (cla: yes, team)

70407 Revert "Add SkiaPerfPoint and FlutterEngineMetricPoint" (cla: yes, team)

70412 [flutter_tools] Add bot configuration to run web_tool_tests for linux, mac, and windows (cla: yes, team, tool)

70419 Reland "Add SkiaPerfPoint and FlutterEngineMetricPoint (#70153)" (cla: yes, team)

70424 Cherry pick - Flutter 1.24 candidate.11 (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

70439 e2e perf tests don't have CPU/GPU/memory metrics (cla: yes, team)

70464 [devicelab] LUCI builder flag (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

70466 Revert "[integration_test] Add a run method for proper reporting of test results" (cla: yes, team)

70496 Revert "[devicelab] LUCI builder flag" (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

70500 More lints (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, team)

70513 [integration_test] Reland add a run method for proper reporting of test results (cla: yes, team)

70617 Add liblzma as an explicit dependancy on Linux (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70631 Increase timeouts on XCUITest existence checks (cla: yes, team)

70643 [devicelab] update hot reload benchmark to be more representative (cla: yes, team)

70647 Allow any iOS app to be added to an existing host app (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70653 skip roll_dev_integration_test (cla: yes, team)

70666 fix and re-enable roll_dev_integration test (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

70668 preserve detailFiles entry in TaskResult JSON (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

70674 Add SkiaPerfGcsAdaptor and its tests (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

70702 [devicelab] LUCI builder flag (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

70712 Roll package:dds to 1.5.1 and add isCompleted guards around completers in base/dds.dart (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70714 [flutter_tools] use frontend_server for web test compilation (a: null-safety, cla: yes, team, tool)

70719 Add extra Flutter settings to ios_app_with_extensions Podfile (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

70724 Turn off bitcode in ios_app_with_extensions to match normal Flutter projects (cla: yes, platform-ios, team)

70726 Remove the nullOk parameter from Navigator.of and add Navigator.maybeOf (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

70737 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.24.0-10.2.pre framework cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, team)

70739 Revert "Allow any iOS app to be added to an existing host app" (cla: yes, team, tool)

70740 Reland "Allow any iOS app to be added to an existing host app" (cla: yes, team, tool)

70791 [flutter_tools] add support for dart defines to flutter test (cla: yes, team, tool)

70797 [flutter_tools] update dependencies (cla: yes, team, tool)

70799 [flutter_tools] run web unit tests in sound null safety (cla: yes, team, tool)

70804 Run module tests on try builders when flutter_tools changes (cla: yes, team, team: infra)

70808 Migrate template to Gradle 6.7 and AGP 4.1.0 (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

70847 Ensure attaching to an application with an existing DDS instance is not treated as a fatal error (cla: yes, team, tool)

70881 skip flaky test (cla: yes, team)

70882 Update dartdoc to 0.37.0 (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

70887 Add a post-submit test shard for flutter/plugins tests (cla: yes, team)

70893 Re-land 'Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController' (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

70945 Use details tag to improve issue log readability (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

70963 Uncomment build_ios_framework_module_test tmp cleanup (cla: yes, team)

70965 [devicelab] don't use set modified for hot reload bench (cla: yes, team)

70966 [web] Add wrapbox scroll benchmark (cla: yes, team)

70977 [flutter_tools] Remove usage of --precompiled flag for web tests (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

71094 iOS aot assembly requires SDK root (cla: yes, team, tool)

71096 Revert "Migrate template to Gradle 6.7 and AGP 4.1.0" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

71100 Make simulator framework test check explicit (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71108 Enable mac web_tool_tests (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71166 Pin the version of flutter/plugins to test against (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71188 mark "smoke_catalina_hot_mode_dev_cycle_ios__benchmark" flaky (cla: yes, team)

71244 Improve codesign script (cla: yes, team)

71303 RefreshIndicator can be shown when dragging from non-zero scroll position (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71401 Update documentation link (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

71411 Add testing shard for release mode guard (cla: yes, framework, team, tool)

71446 Relands: Migrate template to Gradle 6.7 and AGP 4.1.0 (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

71450 Upgrade deps (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71495 Adopt Flutter.xcframework in tool (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

71502 Run the flutter/plugins tests on presubmit, make it part of the tree status (cla: yes, team)

71525 ios_host_app Podfile search paths (cla: yes, platform-ios, team)

71531 Update CI to CocoaPods 1.10 (cla: yes, platform-ios, team, team: infra)

71597 Ensure the packaging script does not overwrite a previous upload (cla: yes, team)

71602 Turn on dependabot to roll bundler dependencies (cla: yes, team, team: infra, waiting for tree to go green)

71609 remove obsolete firebase script (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71610 Add verbose flag to hot mode tests (cla: yes, team)

71616 Mark hot_mode_dev_cycle_macos_target__benchmark flaky (cla: yes, team)

71624 Fix dependabot directory (cla: yes, team, team: infra, waiting for tree to go green)

71671 [flutter_tools] roll deps, fix completion bug (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71705 Copy the glibc bug fix to devicelab/integration tests (cla: yes, team)

71721 Pass --local-engine* flags from dev/bots/test.dart down to pub test via env variables (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71730 Turn off flaky module_test_ios FlutterUITests (a: tests, cla: yes, team)

71737 Launch DevTools from pub instead of devtools_server (cla: yes, team, tool)

71738 Allow flavors and build types when using plugins (cla: yes, platform-android, t: gradle, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71745 Update macOS Xcode compatibilityVersion (cla: yes, platform-mac, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71748 Profiling Xcode app should use Flutter profile mode (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-mac, team, tool)

71750 Remove missing macOS RunnerUITests (cla: yes, platform-mac, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71751 [devicelab] Add upload metrics test builder as flaky (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71760 Make macrobenchmarks buildable for macos (a: tests, cla: yes, platform-mac, team)

71761 Check in manual_tests gitignores (cla: yes, platform-mac, team)

71764 Move embedding and linking macOS Flutter frameworks into the tool (cla: yes, team, tool)

71852 Fix text direction logic for material icon variants (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71853 Add previews for CupertinoIcons (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71860 Do not add CI build settings to macOS (cla: yes, team, tool)

71866 Mark hot_mode_dev_cycle_macos_target__benchmark not flaky (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71882 Migrate devicelab to package:vm_service (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71886 [devicelab] Pass git branch via flag to test runner (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71899 let NOTICES be double gzip wrapped to reduce on-disk installed space (cla: yes, framework, team, tool)

71934 Add integration_test to integration tests build shard (cla: yes, p: integration_test, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71935 Update dartdoc to 0.38.0 (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71937 Run plugin tests on try builders when flutter_tools changes (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71951 Revert "Move embedding and linking macOS Flutter frameworks into the tool" (cla: yes, team, tool)

71953 Add macOS to lint plugins integration test (cla: yes, platform-mac, team)

71957 Stop using the List constructor (cla: yes, d: examples, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71964 Ensure apps can build while using AGP 3.3.0 (cla: yes, t: gradle, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71965 Reland Move embedding and linking macOS Flutter frameworks into the tool (cla: yes, platform-mac, team, tool)

71986 Add removeListenerWhileNotifying benchmark for ChangeNotifier (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72012 Revert "Reland Move embedding and linking macOS Flutter frameworks into the tool" (cla: yes, team, tool)

72014 [flutter_releases] Flutter Framework Stable 1.22.5 Cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

72016 Flutter Logo for Dark Mode (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72017 Remove deprecated CupertinoTextThemeData.brightness (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72020 Move macOS Podfile logic into the tool (cla: yes, platform-mac, t: xcode, team, tool)

72040 Prepare to migrate API doc samples and snippets to null safety (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72079 [flutter_releases] Flutter Framework Stable 1.22.5 cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

72092 Revert "Migrate devicelab to package:vm_service" (cla: yes, team, tool)

72136 [dev] Don't use await for on stdout and stdin; pass local engine argument (cla: yes, team)

72141 Revert "Pass --local-engine* flags from dev/bots/test.dart down to pub test via env variables (#71721)" (cla: yes, team)

72145 Reenable module_test_ios UI tests (a: tests, cla: yes, platform-ios, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72166 [devicelab] Migrate web_benchmarks_canvaskit to LUCI (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72169 Migrate the first batch of API samples to null safety (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72360 [devicelab] Migrate remaining linux vm tests to LUCI (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72366 [devicelab] Remove plugin_test_win from manifest (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72372 Reland Move embedding and linking macOS Flutter frameworks into the tool (cla: yes, platform-mac, team, tool)

72378 Build/copy macOS frameworks to built products instead of ephemeral directory (cla: yes, platform-mac, team, tool)

72384 Fix cupertino icons mapping which was misaligned by 1 (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, team)

72401 Add first ten linux devicelab luci tests (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72403 Fix devicelab Linux builder names (cla: yes, team)

72413 Fix builder name for Linux complex_layout_android__compile (cla: yes, team)

72420 update cupertino icons to 1.0.2 (cla: yes, team, tool, will affect goldens)

72438 Revert "let NOTICES be double gzip wrapped to reduce on-disk installed space" (cla: yes, framework, team, tool)

72445 Enable remaining LUCI devicelab linux builders to flutter dashboard (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72455 remove flaky flag & disable devicelab tests (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72479 add doc for scroll_smoothness metrics (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72544 Fix bug in docs.dart (cla: yes, team)

72557 Create (cla: yes, team)

72558 Migrate some sample code to NNBD [1] (a: null-safety, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72563 Unflaky remaining linux tasks (cla: yes, team)

72628 make sure tests and benchmarks use correct backend (cla: yes, team)

72641 Remove an obsolete (and now incorrect) comment in the pubspec.yaml (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72754 [flutter_releases] Flutter Beta 1.25.0-8.2 Framework Cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

72755 Migrate some sample code to NNBD [2] (a: null-safety, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72756 run framework unit tests on html backend (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72761 Build iOS apps using Swift Packages (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

72764 Force plugins to inherit minimum macOS version from Flutter app (cla: yes, platform-mac, team, tool)

72765 [devicelab] Add results path flag to test runner (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72792 Migrated some services and widgets doc comments to null safety. (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72829 Migrate some sample code to NNBD [3] (a: null-safety, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72837 [NNBD] Migrate sample code pt 3 (a: null-safety, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72939 Complete migration to null safety in api documentation (a: null-safety, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

73047 [web] make sure tests and benchmarks use correct backend - add autodetect false (cla: yes, team)

73052 Avoid broken symlinks in embedded Flutter frameworks (cla: yes, platform-mac, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73069 [web] add web-renderer option to flutter test. run web tests with this option (cla: yes, team, tool)

73072 Use SDK podhelper in add-to-app module Podfile (cla: yes, team, tool)

73112 Optionally include CocoaPods xcconfig (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

73303 fix a Gallery Menus issue (cla: yes, f: material design, team)

73373 Map Linux AltGr to right alt. It was currently being ignored. (cla: yes, framework, team)

73374 macrobenchmark: active TextField with complex paragraph (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

73378 build ios-framework simulator slices for profile/release (cla: yes, team, tool)

73383 Remove build ios-framework --universal flag (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool)

73437 Revert "Build iOS apps using Swift Packages" (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

73442 Run pod repo update in iOS extension test (cla: yes, platform-ios, team)

73458 Exclude arm64 from supported iOS simulator architectures (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

73505 Remove an obsolete comment from pubspec.yaml (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73508 Build iOS apps using Swift Packages (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73511 Revert "Exclude arm64 from supported iOS simulator architectures" (cla: yes, team, tool)

73514 Update outdated links (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73577 Move ios_content_validation_test to pre-submit tools test (cla: yes, team, tool)

73582 web benchmark choose renderer explicitly (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

73586 Mark firebase tests as flaky (a: tests, cla: yes, team, team: infra)

73589 Mark smoke-catalina not flaky (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

73591 Revert "Mark firebase tests as flaky" (cla: yes, team, team: infra)

73612 Temporarily mark some tests flaky that fail now that they are being run by infra (cla: yes, team)

73627 Revert "Temporarily mark some tests flaky that fail now that they are being run by infra" (cla: yes, team)

73630 Generate dSYM files during iOS archive (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73689 Bump cocoapods from 1.10.0 to 1.10.1 in /dev/ci/mac (cla: yes, team, team: infra, waiting for tree to go green)

73728 Turn off mac_build_gallery during infra investigation (cla: yes, team, team: infra)

73755 Exclude arm64 from valid iOS simulators (cla: yes, team, tool)

73758 Fix plugin java class desugar (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73798 [flutter_tools] ensure --dart-define can parse args with commas (cla: yes, team, tool)

73800 [versions] update all dependencies (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

73807 Revert "Exclude arm64 from valid iOS simulators" (cla: yes, team, tool)

73809 Mark linux_web_tool_tests not flaky (cla: yes, platform-web, team)

73875 Migrate the rest of the metrics center library (cla: yes, team)

73889 Add hot reload test tasks for Linux and Windows desktop (cla: yes, team)

73901 Add gradle_desugar_test to the builders (cla: yes, team)

73904 Mark perf tests as flaky (cla: yes, team)

73961 Revert "Improve codesign script" (cla: yes, team)

73985 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.25.0-8.3.pre framework cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, framework, team, tool)

73986 Remove flaky non-e2e test (cla: yes, team)

73989 Add fixes for Stack deprecation (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

73994 Add fixes for deprecations in TextTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

73996 Add fixes for autovalidate deprecation in Form, FormField, TextFormField, and DropdownButtonFormField (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

73997 Re-land codesign test improvement (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

74000 Update DDS to 1.7.1 (cla: yes, team)

74006 Remove smoke_catalina_hot_mode_dev_cycle__benchmark (a: tests, cla: yes, platform-mac, team, team: infra)

74007 Remove smoke_catalina_start_up_ios (cla: yes, team)

74062 Remove more flaky non-e2e tests (cla: yes, team)

74065 No test core (cla: yes, team)

74077 Expand Stack fix to more exporting libraries (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

74080 Add verbose build flag to ios_app_with_extensions_test (a: tests, cla: yes, team)

74109 Add tracing test to check default streams (cla: yes, team)

74171 Roll package:dds to 1.7.2 (cla: yes, team)

74215 Use package:vm_service instead of json_rpc_2 (cla: yes, team, tool)

74272 Roll package:dds to 1.7.3 and add error handling for VM service disappearing (cla: yes, team, tool)

74285 Pass only Uri to package:http APIs (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74359 Skip flutter_immediately_exit_test (cla: yes, team, tool)

74383 Remove "unnecessary" imports in dev/integration_tests (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: material design, team, waiting for tree to go green)

74385 Remove "unnecessary" imports in dev/manual_tests (cla: yes, f: material design, team, waiting for tree to go green)

74428 Add details to the iOS part integration_test (cla: yes, team)

74434 Manually close tree while devicelab staging is failing (cla: yes, team)

74438 Revert "Manually close tree while devicelab staging is failing (#74434)" (cla: yes, team)

74441 Block the tree on mac_android test failures running on luci. (cla: yes, team)

74450 Revert "Add removeListenerWhileNotifying benchmark for...(#71986)" (cla: yes, team)

74459 Remove devicelab mac android tasks from manifest.yaml (cla: yes, team)

74463 Remove build_gallery tests (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

74473 [integration_test] fix zip command (cla: yes, team)

74531 Re-add tool test general per-test timeout (cla: yes, team, tool)

74532 Remove unused bigquery code and deps (cla: yes, team)

74535 Drop metrics_center (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

74545 Allow tests to override _DevFSHttpWriter._startWrite throttle time (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74622 [flutter_tools] Consistently set the working directory for Flutter Test (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74671 Roll packages (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74675 Remove unused (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

74685 Move android_plugin_example_app_build_test from devicelab to tool integration tests (cla: yes, team, tool)

f: material design - 365 pull request(s)


55209 Updated SearchDelegate to follow custom InputDecorationTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

63272 Remove back button when using end drawer (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

63466 [MaterialSlice] adds property to customize slice color (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

63683 Tab bar improvements (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

63834 Treat hover events as normal pointer events, and bring them back to Listener (a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

63910 Improve Stepper controlsBuilder docs (cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64140 [ReorderableListView] Fix item dropping animation (a: animation, cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64222 Allow modification of ListTile's horizontalTitleGap, minVerticalPadding, minLeadingWidth (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

64639 Change LicensePage's loading color from scaffoldBackgroundColor to cardColor (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64678 Wrap PopupMenu with SafeArea to respect status bar (a: layout, a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64746 FloatingActionButton always keeps the same position when FloatingActionButtonLocation is top. (a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64846 Expose GestureBinding.handlePointerEvent, replacing dispatchEvent as the preferred way to dispatch events (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

64966 Minor docs updates (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65010 Fix Semi Hidden helpText in showDatePicker (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: date/time picker, f: material design, framework)

65044 TextSelectionTheme support (step 2 of 3) (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

65080 [ReorderableListView] remove extra margin added after picking up the item (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65246 Deprecated unused property [RectangularSliderTrackShape.disabledThumbGapWidth] (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

65320 Add onSelectionChanged into SelectableText widget (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65463 [Tabs] Fix tab indicator flies off issue (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65568 Remove unused 'dart:async' imports. (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

65584 List tile docs (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65658 Make Navigator restorable (inkl. WidgetsApp, MaterialApp, CupertinoApp) (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65659 [Material] Fix a jumping animation in the beginning of the extended Navigation Rail transition (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65662 Buttons animate elevation changes before changing background color (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65665 Updated API doc references to obsolete Material button classes (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65695 Fix FormFieldState value not in sync with the onChanged value from TextFormField. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

65787 Flutter Stable Framework Cherrypicks 1.20.4 (a: internationalization, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

65832 fix issue #55400 PopupMenuButton positions menu incorrectly with nest… (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65877 Update Navigation Rail test with regression comment and cleaner size checking (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65915 Fix DropdownButton bug (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65918 Changed field title to label in bottom_navigation_bar_test.dart (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65944 Divider with subheader example update (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65966 TextField constrained layout bug (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

65973 always adds alert label for alert dialog in Android (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65988 Replaced reference to obsolete FlatButton button class in SnackBar (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65993 Update localizations (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, waiting for tree to go green)

65998 Fix bug when updating the divisions and value of the slider at the same time (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66027 Revert "TextField constrained layout bug" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

66031 Revert "always adds alert label for alert dialog in Android" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

66051 Revert "TextSelectionTheme support (step 2 of 3)" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

66055 Reland "TextField constrained layout bug (#65966)" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66057 reland always adds alert label for alert dialog in Android (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66061 Reland: TextSelectionTheme support (step 2 of 3) (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

66186 Changed title to label in flutter/test/material (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66213 Fixes typos in showDialog documentation (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework)

66257 Actually consume top padding in bottomsheet if scrollcontrolled (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66274 Make CupertinoThemeData properties non-nullable (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66291 TextField intrinsic height layout bug (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

66370 Change the default visual density to be adaptive based on platform. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

66409 Change emoji in About dialog to be a divider (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66482 TextSelectionTheme support (step 3 of 3) (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

66504 Re-land ScaffoldMessenger (a: quality, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), f: material design, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

66508 [Docs] [Material] Fix Icons api docs (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

66524 [Icons] Update icon version to point to file that iOS will prefer. (cla: yes, f: material design, platform-ios, t: xcode, waiting for tree to go green)

66542 Fix last month not being displayed if last date is selected in DateRangePicker (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66596 [Material] Remove opacity from dark theme overlay check (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66597 Replaced obsolete use of FlatButton with TextButton (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66633 migration of material files to nullsafety (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66640 Add decoration parameter to DataTable and DataTableTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

66652 [Material] Update some semantics for time picker controls (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

66653 Changed TickerProviderStateMixin to SingleTickerProviderStateMixin in… (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

66663 Migrate flutter_test (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66670 Updated tests in material/bottom_navigation_bar_test.dart (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66684 [Icons][iOS] Pointing to version of material icon font that includes more metadata in the xml. (cla: yes, f: material design, waiting for tree to go green)

66694 Page-subclasses to take children instead of builder (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66754 [desktop] default to shrink wrap on desktop platforms (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66785 Add textSelectionControls to TextField etc. (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

66798 Fix ListTile assert when layout at zero size (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

66849 Flutter 1.22.0-12.3.pre framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

66858 migrate some material files to nullsafty (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

66914 Move assert(s) that reference 'this' to the constructor bodies. (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

66972 Nested Scaffolds - Suggested Changes (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework)

66985 migrate some material files to nullsafety (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67003 API docs for typedefs. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67076 [Time Picker] Double tapping hours/minutes will switch time picker to input mode (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67078 migrate some material files to nullsafety (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67083 [flutter] Update some tests in flutter/test (a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67105 [AppBarTheme] adds titleSpacing parameter (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67135 Expose the tileColor property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67159 Invalid dates when switching back to calendar mode in the date range picker (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67166 migrate material to nullsafety (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67167 Add missing margin to SnackBarAction (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67183 Revert "migrate some material files to nullsafety" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67249 Add detection of drawer open and close in Scaffold widget as a callback method. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67290 Update documentation for borderWidth/renderBorder on ToggleButtons (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67318 Reland "migrate some material files to nullsafety (#67078)" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67320 Provide oldLayer where possible (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67342 [Material] Fix BottomNavTheme.showSelectedLabels bug (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67351 Migrate some more non-test utils for tests (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67359 Mark keys that match a shortcut, but have no action defined as "not handled". (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, a: text input, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, framework, team)

67361 Characters docs (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67414 Add tristate to parent checkbox for DataTable (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67419 Exposes ListTile.shape for CheckboxListTile and SwitchListTile (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67427 Remove required for onRemove in InteractiveInkFeature.create (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67437 Updated the remaining obsolete button references in flutter_gallery (cla: yes, f: material design, team)

67438 Add contentPadding property for RadioListTile (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67440 Removed remaining obsolete button widget references (cla: yes, d: examples, f: material design, framework, team)

67443 fix nullability issues (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67477 Migrate some material tests to nnbd (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67482 Migrate More Material Tests (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67525 unnecessary null comparison (a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67545 Reland removal of examples/catalog (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67552 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.1 Framework Cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

67556 Migrate Material framework tests to null safety (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67557 enable null_check_on_nullable_type_parameter and tighten_type_of_initializing_formals (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67558 Some NNBD Test Conversion (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67562 [Material] Time picker semantics updates (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67566 Revert "Wrap PopupMenu with SafeArea to respect status bar" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67574 Implement documented behavior of WidgetsApp.builder (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67578 Re-land 'Wrap PopupMenu with SafeArea to respect status bar' (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67591 Migrate more material tests (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67629 enable lint cast_nullable_to_non_nullable (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

67656 Fix new analyzer rule failure (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67668 fix the tree (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67674 Migrate more material tests to NNBD (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67679 Search bar dark mode contrast (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67682 Final definite assignment (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67689 [NNBD] Migrating some Material tests (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, team: infra, waiting for tree to go green)

67692 Migrate tests to null-safety (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67696 NNDB TextField tests (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67736 Fix text field label width on outline input border (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67751 Fix tree (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67790 Migrate more Material framework tests to null safety. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67811 Fix typos in the [BottomNavigationBar] document (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67887 [NNBD] Migrate some Material tests to NNBD (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67900 Expose date symbols and patterns for en_US in framework (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

67919 [Material] Use primary color for selected rows and checkboxes in DataTable (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67926 Date Picker jumps back to initialDatePickerMode after day selection (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67938 [Material] Parent checkbox in DataTable should deselect all, if children checkboxes are disabled or selected (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67946 Migrate Scaffold SnackBars in the framework to ScaffoldMessenger (a: tests, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67947 Deprecate old SnackBar methods (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

68000 Provide a way to change the default PopupMenuButton's icon size (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68019 Set slider semantics flag for sliders (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68074 Added CupertinoSearchTextField (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68086 Introduce MaxLengthEnforcement (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

68124 Do not instantiate intermediate tabs during transition (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

68133 Migrate Switch tests to null safety. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68135 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.2 framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

68136 Sync lints (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68171 Make TabBar indicator color automatic adjustment optional (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68227 Selecting spaces (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

68232 Migrated the Slider widget and tests to null safety. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68237 Add useDeleteButtonTooltip property for Chip (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68241 Migrate missed tests (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68301 use_is_even_rather_than_modulo (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

68302 enable unnecessary_string_escapes and use_raw_strings (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68358 [SwitchListTile and CheckboxListTile] Adds selectedTileColor property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68596 Add border side property to Chip, and resolve shape with border side with Material states (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68638 Handle setting TextEditingController text to null (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68642 Sound null safety for framework and flutter_test (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

68645 Migrate flutter_localizations to null safety. (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

68672 Revert "Fix text field label width on outline input border" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68681 Apply Desktop specs for Tooltip (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68714 Revert "enable unnecessary_string_escapes and use_raw_strings" (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

68723 [null-safety] try updating snippets for null safety (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, team)

68727 Fix floating behavior of long label and outline input border (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

68736 Remove nullOk in MediaQuery.of (cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

68794 Add bottom to search bar (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

68804 fix simple dialog introducing additional node for semantics label (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

68807 Make Material/CupertinoLocalizations non-nullable (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

68831 [Material] Add support for customizing active + disabled state color for selection controls. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

68883 Fix a typo: "Its weight" instead of "It's weight" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68905 Remove nullOk parameter from Cupertino color resolution APIs (cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

68908 Remove nullOk from Scaffold.of and ScaffoldMessenger.of, create maybeOf for both (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68917 Remove nullOk parameter from Focus.of, FocusTraversalOrder.of, and FocusTraversalGroup.of (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

68918 Adaptive TextField (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68922 Make Theme.of non-nullable (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68987 Added none property in a DismissDirection (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69005 Fix null issue with dynamically updating from zero tabs for TabBar (a: null-safety, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69025 Reland: enable unnecessary_string_escapes and use_raw_strings (#68302) (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69048 Migrate Flutter gallery test to null safety (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, team)

69050 InheritedTheme updates (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69060 Make Directionality.of non-null (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69062 Remove duplicate setState in TextFormFieldState.reset (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69088 added enableFeedback property to ListTile (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69119 Adaptive icons (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

69143 Adaptive progress indicator (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69197 [Material] Add splash radius property to selection controls (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69211 Fix dropdown crash (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69234 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.3 framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

69241 Revert "Updated SearchDelegate to follow custom InputDecorationTheme (#55209)" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69251 AppBar draws its defaults from theme.colorScheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69312 Update FAB elevation to match spec (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69346 Adaptive constructor / TextInputAction docs fix (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69383 Fix the PopupMenuButton offset bug (a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69399 [RadioListTile] Adds shape, tileColor and selectedTileColor to RadioListTile (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69404 Added padding property in NavigationRail (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69422 [a11y] do not attach onTap semantics if no onTap handler is provided to InkWell (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69428 Material Text Selection Toolbar improvements (a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69445 Standardize dartdoc macro names (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69451 Fix spelling errors (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

69457 Enable customization of TabBar's InkWell (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69498 AdoptAWidget - Progress indicator (adopt a widget, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69518 AdoptAWidget: Tooltip (adopt a widget, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69530 AdoptAWidget: MaterialBanner (adopt a widget, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69532 Add Scaffold to Tooltip code samples (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69534 TextField's hintText should support TextDirection. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69555 AdoptAWidget: SnackBar (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69575 [ExpansionTile] adds collapsedBackgroundColor property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69594 Fix textfield messing with user-supplied input formatter list (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69596 Updated the button.icon factory constructors for NNBD (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69610 Make header optional in PaginatedDataTable (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69617 Remove references to Window, and switch usages to PlatformDispatcher or SingletonFlutterWindow (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

69620 Remove deprecated methods from BuildContext (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

69631 Revert TextField.adaptive (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69650 Update ReorderableListView API docs (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69653 Reland "Updated SearchDelegate to follow custom InputDecorationTheme" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69654 removed an and used a (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69713 ButtonStyle style side should default to shape.side (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69781 Added dartpad examples for SliverAppBar (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69783 Reduce refresh indicator pull-down distance (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69795 Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

69812 fix typo in RenderChip.computeMaxIntrinsicWidth implementation (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69890 Added enableFeedback property PopupMenuButton (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69982 Add new ListTile parameters to ListTileTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69987 [flutter_tools] remove material design schema, use dart code (cla: yes, f: material design, tool)

70023 Revert "Migrate Flutter gallery test to null safety" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, team, tool)

70080 Let SnackBar inherit themeData from its ancestor (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70092 AdoptAWidget: Stepper (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

70116 Migrate Flutter Gallery test to null safety (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, team, tool)

70149 Fix for the ListTile horizontalTitleGap calculation introduced with PR #64222. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

70157 Update cupertino and material translations (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design)

70160 Update PopupMenuButton to match Material Design spec (a: fidelity, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70184 [FloatingActionButtonLocation] Add diagrams to documentation of FloatingActionButtonLocation (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70212 Revert "AppBar draws its defaults from theme.colorScheme" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70277 Improve the behavior of DropdownButton.disabledHint (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70311 [Material] Add selection control themes (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70327 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.4 framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

70343 Code sample small fixes (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70379 Added Tabar Code samples (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70382 Update FlexibleSpaceBar dartpad sample (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70391 Revert "Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

70392 Revert "Actually consume top padding in bottomsheet if scrollcontrolled" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70393 Update OutlinedButton default outline geometry to be backwards compatible (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

70401 Re-land 'Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController' (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature)

70447 fix some unit test cases(ink_well_test.dart) bug (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

70603 [Material] Decoration for DataTable is not used inside PaginatedDataTable (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70656 Fixes Intrinsics for RenderParagraph and RenderWrap (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

70669 [Material] Add method to get dark mode overlay color without needing BuildContext (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70670 Update [ToggleButtons] to support extend down/up vertically (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70675 Revert "Re-land 'Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController' (#70401)" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

70683 Set [InputDecoration.floatingLabelBehavior] default to null (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70687 Chip theme label style is merged with the provided label style (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70708 Material Date Picker code restructure (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

70726 Remove the nullOk parameter from Navigator.of and add Navigator.maybeOf (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

70773 Use adaptive more icon for popup_menu (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70872 Prevent text from overflowing in OutlineButton and OutlinedButton label. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

70893 Re-land 'Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController' (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

70975 Remove private OutlinedButton default outline geometry class (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

70977 [flutter_tools] Remove usage of --precompiled flag for web tests (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

71061 Expose the YearPicker as a public API again to match the previous API. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

71079 [BottomNavigationBar] Adds more control to ToolTip (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71184 Update AppBar and AppBar Theme to new Theme conventions and latest Material spec (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

71236 Raw keyboard shortcuts & deletions should not read from _plainText (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71303 RefreshIndicator can be shown when dragging from non-zero scroll position (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71314 BottomNavigationBar unselected items modified to use unselectedWidgetColor (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71378 [FloatingActionButtonLocation] Add proper formatting to documentation (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71401 Update documentation link (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

71547 fix nullability of parameters with redirecting factory constructors (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

71559 Revert "Improve the behavior of DropdownButton.disabledHint" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

71569 [Material] Resolve overlay color for pressed/active/inactive states in selection controls (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71580 Updated dialog background color documentation (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

71587 Accessibility: repeated label on BottomNavigationBar fixed (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71628 Reland "Improve the behavior of DropdownButton.disabledHint" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

71636 [showModalBottomSheet] fix: showModalBottomSheet does not move along keyboard (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71657 [ExpansionPanel] Exposes color property of MaterialSlice (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71664 Updated Interactive Scrollbars (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

71756 Correct text selection pivot points (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71783 circleAvatar: foreground Image uses background Image as a fall-back (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, will affect goldens)

71838 showDialog assertion for non-null builder or child property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71843 Improve the ScrollBar behavior when nested (a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

71852 Fix text direction logic for material icon variants (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71853 Add previews for CupertinoIcons (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71861 Remove isMaterialAppTheme property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71944 app bar leading back button should not change if the route is popped (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72014 [flutter_releases] Flutter Framework Stable 1.22.5 Cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

72040 Prepare to migrate API doc samples and snippets to null safety (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72043 Deprecate maxLengthEnforced for text fields (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

72079 [flutter_releases] Flutter Framework Stable 1.22.5 cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

72091 Cleanup nullability for ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72132 RefreshIndicator should not be shown when overscroll occurs due to inertia (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72159 Fix api doc to fix tree (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

72162 Make web buttons respond to enter key (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72163 Add some new examples to Actions and Shortcuts (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

72297 Migrate some material doc samples to null safety. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72300 Fixed issue for SliverAppBar collapsedHeight (cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72303 Migrate some more material doc samples to null safety. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72308 Add ScrollbarTheme/ScrollbarThemeData (cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

72316 Remove Scrollbar.isAlwaysShown assert based on Scrollbar.controller (a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

72344 Add BuildContext parameter to TextEditingController.buildTextSpan (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72431 Fixes: "FloatingActionButton.extended's isExtended property if false should show icon, not label" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

72472 Added backwardsCompatibility flag to AppBarTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72477 Updated the MaterialBanner example, NNBD, etc (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72490 Bottom navigation items length docs (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72531 Update Scrollbar behavior for mobile devices (a: fidelity, cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72532 Remove deprecated showDialog.child (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

72541 Proposal : #72346 - expose property to pass AnimationController to showBottomSheet/showModalBottomSheet (a: animation, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

72772 Unprefixes the class with the "new" keyword (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72788 [State Restoration] Scaffold.drawer and Scaffold.endDrawer (a: state restoration, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72794 [NNBD] Migrate sample code pt 1 (a: null-safety, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72798 [NNBD] Migrate sample code pt 2 (a: null-safety, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72833 Fix scrollbar configuration for hover events (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

72837 [NNBD] Migrate sample code pt 3 (a: null-safety, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72890 Remove deprecated Scaffold.resizeToAvoidBottomPadding (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

72903 Remove deprecated Element methods (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

72938 [NNBD] Migrate sample code pt 6 (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

72939 Complete migration to null safety in api documentation (a: null-safety, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

72945 Add widget of the week videos (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73018 Document TableRowInkWell and DataTable interactions better (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73044 [Api docs]Added dartpad demo for Bottom App Bar (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73084 Improve the Scaffold.bottomSheet update behavior (a: quality, cla: yes, f: focus, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73103 Add BottomNavigationBarType.shifting sample #72936 (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73138 Removed mouseCursor property from list of not null properties in InkWell and InkResponse. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73303 fix a Gallery Menus issue (cla: yes, f: material design, team)

73352 Deprecated obsolete Material classes: FlatButton, RaisedButton, OutlineButton (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73361 Add material icons golden test (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, will affect goldens)

73381 fix dropdown menu to position based on nearest navigator (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73474 Add [pointerCount] property to Scale Gesture Details (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73503 Revert "Add BuildContext parameter to TextEditingController.buildTextSpan" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

73509 Migrate missed sample code to NNBD (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73514 Update outdated links (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73521 Revert "Add material icons golden test (#73361)" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

73522 Flutter 1.26 candidate.8 (cla: yes, engine, f: material design, framework)

73558 snackBar should paint above the bottomSheet (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

73566 Fix "RefreshIndicator.color didn't update at runtime" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

73571 Expose insetPadding and clipBehavior in SimpleDialog (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73578 Cupertino text selection menu customization (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

73618 ListTile Material Ripple and Shape Patch (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

73654 Fix dropdown menu overscroll (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73715 Revert "Prevent text from overflowing in OutlineButton and OutlinedButton label." (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73732 Removed the color field from AppBarTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

73746 Remove deprecated (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

73753 Autocomplete (Material) (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

73780 Fix single ToggleButton border painting bugs (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

73829 Expose DialogRoutes for state restoration support (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73882 Mac context menu (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

73894 Added ButtonStyle.alignment property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

73895 Flutter 1.26 candidate.10 (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73899 Restore adaptive nature to new Scrollbar (cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73925 Apply ListTile colors to leading and trailing text widgets (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73993 Fix canpop logic to be more robust (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73994 Add fixes for deprecations in TextTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

73996 Add fixes for autovalidate deprecation in Form, FormField, TextFormField, and DropdownButtonFormField (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

74066 Remove unused semantics tap action for readonly textfield and selecta… (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74077 Expand Stack fix to more exporting libraries (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

74088 Revert "Improve the ScrollBar behavior when nested" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

74093 ScaffoldMessenger only shows to root nested Scaffold (a: layout, a: quality, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

74104 Reland "Improve the ScrollBar behavior when nested (#71843)" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74131 Add material icons golden test (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

74273 Replaced uses of AppBarTheme.color with AppBarTheme.backgroundColor (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

74286 Material Desktop Context Menu (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

74299 New Reorderable list widgets (cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature)

74309 MaterialBanner alignment fixes and improvements (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74335 Revert "ListTile Material Ripple and Shape Patch (#73618)" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

74342 Don't use iOS font names for the macOS theme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

74383 Remove "unnecessary" imports in dev/integration_tests (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: material design, team, waiting for tree to go green)

74385 Remove "unnecessary" imports in dev/manual_tests (cla: yes, f: material design, team, waiting for tree to go green)

74439 Revert "Update PopupMenuButton to match Material Design spec" (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

74454 Space and arrow keys in a text field shouldn't scroll (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74610 ChoiceChip's default "selected" style in dark mode theme is unreadabl… (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74622 [flutter_tools] Consistently set the working directory for Flutter Test (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74627 use predefined constants (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74635 Update localizations (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design)

74661 remove some stray nullOK mentions from docs (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74683 Swap the Shortcuts widget with its child in TextField (a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

f: cupertino - 136 pull request(s)


48223 Add HeroMode widget (a: animation, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: routes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56024 Pass RouteSettings to the internal Route in showCupertinoModalPopup (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

61366 Continue the clipBehavior breaking change (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break)

64468 Fix CupertinoAlertDialog TextStyle (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

64846 Expose GestureBinding.handlePointerEvent, replacing dispatchEvent as the preferred way to dispatch events (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

64966 Minor docs updates (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65087 Let Flutter SDK use cupertino_icons 1.0.0 (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, team, tool)

65164 Add dart-pad example code for CupertinoSliverRefreshControl (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65235 CupertinoTextField should not accept requestFocus when disabled (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65274 Add sample code for CupertinoActionSheet (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

65501 Update the cupertino picker visuals (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

65528 Reland "Nnbd widgets" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65568 Remove unused 'dart:async' imports. (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

65658 Make Navigator restorable (inkl. WidgetsApp, MaterialApp, CupertinoApp) (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65880 migrate some cupertino files to nullsafety (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66020 Remove deprecated activity indicator (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66024 migrate some cupertino files to nullsafety (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

66274 Make CupertinoThemeData properties non-nullable (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66418 fix nullability issues (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

66424 migrate some cupertino files to nullsafety (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66493 migrate cupertino to nullsafety (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66663 Migrate flutter_test (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66670 Updated tests in material/bottom_navigation_bar_test.dart (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66692 Allow modifying barrier color and barrier dismissible for Cupertino Modal Popup (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66694 Page-subclasses to take children instead of builder (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66783 fix the tree (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

66785 Add textSelectionControls to TextField etc. (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

66849 Flutter 1.22.0-12.3.pre framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

66914 Move assert(s) that reference 'this' to the constructor bodies. (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

67020 Relax the bounds of some Cupertino text field tests (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

67085 Migrate some tests to null-safety (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67086 [NNBD] Migrate some Cupertino tests (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67166 migrate material to nullsafety (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67169 Make CupertinoTabView restorable (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67306 fix nullability issues (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67320 Provide oldLayer where possible (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67323 [NNBD] More test migration for Cupertino & Painting (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67359 Mark keys that match a shortcut, but have no action defined as "not handled". (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, a: text input, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, framework, team)

67361 Characters docs (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67410 Fix the tree (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

67476 fix build analysis errors (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

67555 Turn timer_picker_test goldens back on (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

67629 enable lint cast_nullable_to_non_nullable (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

67682 Final definite assignment (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67770 Make CupertinoTabScaffold restorable (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67969 Revert "Pass RouteSettings to the internal Route in showCupertinoModalPopup" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

67990 Fix for "Pass RouteSettings to the internal Route in showCupertinoModalPopup" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

68019 Set slider semantics flag for sliders (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68074 Added CupertinoSearchTextField (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68086 Introduce MaxLengthEnforcement (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

68135 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.2 framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

68136 Sync lints (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68227 Selecting spaces (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

68241 Migrate missed tests (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68302 enable unnecessary_string_escapes and use_raw_strings (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68508 Remove references to CupertinoDialog (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68642 Sound null safety for framework and flutter_test (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

68645 Migrate flutter_localizations to null safety. (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

68714 Revert "enable unnecessary_string_escapes and use_raw_strings" (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

68723 [null-safety] try updating snippets for null safety (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, team)

68736 Remove nullOk in MediaQuery.of (cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

68807 Make Material/CupertinoLocalizations non-nullable (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

68905 Remove nullOk parameter from Cupertino color resolution APIs (cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

68913 Delay Route disposal until OverlayEntries are unmounted (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

69025 Reland: enable unnecessary_string_escapes and use_raw_strings (#68302) (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69048 Migrate Flutter gallery test to null safety (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, team)

69060 Make Directionality.of non-null (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69063 Add horizontal gesture support for CupertinoScrollbar (a: desktop, a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69107 remove unnecessary null aware operator (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

69160 Use runZonedGuarded() instead of deprecated onError. (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, tool)

69234 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.3 framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

69346 Adaptive constructor / TextInputAction docs fix (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69445 Standardize dartdoc macro names (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69451 Fix spelling errors (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

69594 Fix textfield messing with user-supplied input formatter list (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69620 Remove deprecated methods from BuildContext (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

69795 Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

70023 Revert "Migrate Flutter gallery test to null safety" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, team, tool)

70116 Migrate Flutter Gallery test to null safety (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, team, tool)

70157 Update cupertino and material translations (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design)

70327 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.4 framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

70391 Revert "Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

70401 Re-land 'Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController' (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature)

70500 More lints (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, team)

70656 Fixes Intrinsics for RenderParagraph and RenderWrap (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

70675 Revert "Re-land 'Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController' (#70401)" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

70676 Added CupertinoFormSection, CupertinoSplitFormRow, and CupertinoTextFormField (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70726 Remove the nullOk parameter from Navigator.of and add Navigator.maybeOf (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

70893 Re-land 'Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController' (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

70977 [flutter_tools] Remove usage of --precompiled flag for web tests (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

71490 Revert "Added CupertinoFormSection, CupertinoSplitFormRow, and CupertinoTextFormField" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

71522 Re-land CupertinoFormSection, CupertinoFormRow, and CupertinoTextFormFieldRow (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

71664 Updated Interactive Scrollbars (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

71707 Add stretch property to CupertinoSliverNavigationBar (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

71843 Improve the ScrollBar behavior when nested (a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

71853 Add previews for CupertinoIcons (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72014 [flutter_releases] Flutter Framework Stable 1.22.5 Cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

72017 Remove deprecated CupertinoTextThemeData.brightness (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72040 Prepare to migrate API doc samples and snippets to null safety (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72043 Deprecate maxLengthEnforced for text fields (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

72046 Add footer to CupertinoFormSection and fix CupertinoFormSection margins. (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72079 [flutter_releases] Flutter Framework Stable 1.22.5 cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

72316 Remove Scrollbar.isAlwaysShown assert based on Scrollbar.controller (a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

72384 Fix cupertino icons mapping which was misaligned by 1 (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, team)

72410 Remove unused dart:async imports. (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

72755 Migrate some sample code to NNBD [2] (a: null-safety, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72766 Migrated some cupertino doc comments to null safety. (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72829 Migrate some sample code to NNBD [3] (a: null-safety, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72903 Remove deprecated Element methods (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

72927 Improve Cupertino docs (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

72933 fix(cupertinoDatePicker): do not display previous day when minimumDat… (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72939 Complete migration to null safety in api documentation (a: null-safety, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

73276 Fix dateAndTime and time modes of CupertinoDatePicker. (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73352 Deprecated obsolete Material classes: FlatButton, RaisedButton, OutlineButton (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73486 Remove "unnecessary" imports in flutter/src/cupertino (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73578 Cupertino text selection menu customization (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

73604 Remove deprecated CupertinoDialog (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

73745 Remove deprecated actionsForegroundColor from Cupertino[Sliver]NavigationBar (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

73772 Update CupertinoSlidingSegmentedControl (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73829 Expose DialogRoutes for state restoration support (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73882 Mac context menu (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

73900 Added CupertinoButton alignment property (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

73985 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.25.0-8.3.pre framework cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, framework, team, tool)

73992 BorderTween.lerp supports null begin/end values (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework)

73993 Fix canpop logic to be more robust (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74066 Remove unused semantics tap action for readonly textfield and selecta… (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74077 Expand Stack fix to more exporting libraries (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

74088 Revert "Improve the ScrollBar behavior when nested" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

74104 Reland "Improve the ScrollBar behavior when nested (#71843)" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74286 Material Desktop Context Menu (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

74454 Space and arrow keys in a text field shouldn't scroll (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74622 [flutter_tools] Consistently set the working directory for Flutter Test (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74627 use predefined constants (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74635 Update localizations (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design)

74661 remove some stray nullOK mentions from docs (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74669 default CupertinoSliverNavigationBar's stretch to false (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

a: tests - 104 pull request(s)


63834 Treat hover events as normal pointer events, and bring them back to Listener (a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

63996 fuchsia_remote_debug_protocol allows open port on remote device (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, tool)

64846 Expose GestureBinding.handlePointerEvent, replacing dispatchEvent as the preferred way to dispatch events (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

65072 Find text containing in tests (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65193 Generate RawKeyEvents for iOS 13.4+ (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

65444 Make parameter optional (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65499 [web] Inform the engine when read-only flag is flipped (a: tests, a: text input, cla: yes, framework, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

65568 Remove unused 'dart:async' imports. (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

65602 Reland "perf test for measuring scroll smoothness" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

65635 Revert "Reland "Make sure all isolates start during flutter driver tests"" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65660 Revert "Reland "Make sure all isolates start during flutter driver te… (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

65667 Fix the character field of the RawKeyEvent to hold correct data on non-Android platforms. (a: desktop, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

65703 Make sure all isolates start during flutter driver tests. (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65704 Revert "fuchsia_remote_debug_protocol allows open port on remote device" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, tool)

65817 Clarify the docs on what scrollUntilVisible does (a: tests, cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, framework)

66054 Add versioning to gold endpoints (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, team: infra, waiting for tree to go green)

66139 Fix local gold output for flutter/flutter (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66142 Fix 'Invalid Image Data' for local Gold testing (a: error message, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66271 Reland fuchsia_remote_debug_protocol allows open port on remote device (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66455 apply upcoming lint cast_nullable_to_non_nullable (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

66500 Flutter 1.22.0-12.2.pre Framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

66663 Migrate flutter_test (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66688 Dispose of images after using them (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, perf: memory, severe: performance)

66743 cleanup completed todo and unused variable for WidgetTester (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66745 move resampler to handlePointerEvent and fix complex_layout_android__scroll_smoothness with PointerEvent (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66849 Flutter 1.22.0-12.3.pre framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

66916 Re-enables tests previously failing due to new semantics flag. (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67058 Migrate the tests of flutter_test to null-safety (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67083 [flutter] Update some tests in flutter/test (a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67100 Revert dispose images when done (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

67155 [null-safety] migrate app dependencies of flutter driver (a: accessibility, a: null-safety, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

67166 migrate material to nullsafety (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67177 Reland dispose images when done (#67100) (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

67359 Mark keys that match a shortcut, but have no action defined as "not handled". (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, a: text input, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, framework, team)

67425 [flutter_test] handle breaking change to test main (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, tool)

67433 Revert "[null-safety] migrate app dependencies of flutter driver" (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

67441 [null-safety] reland: migrate app side flutter driver to null-safety (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

67456 Flutter Driver - Create widget finders from serialized finders extensions (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67468 Remove Cirrus support for Gold (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, team: infra, will affect goldens)

67525 unnecessary null comparison (a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67561 Revert "[null-safety] reland: migrate app side flutter driver to null-safety" (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

67570 Reland "[null-safety] reland: migrate app side flutter driver to null-safety" (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67629 enable lint cast_nullable_to_non_nullable (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

67687 Revert "Flutter Driver - Create widget finders from serialized finders extensions" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

67711 Reland "Flutter Driver - Create widget finders from serialized finders extensions" with null safety (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

67769 Flutter driver patch: export finder factory (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

67777 Revert "Flutter driver patch: export finder factory" (a: tests, framework)

67779 Patch: Flutter driver export finder factory (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

67916 Flutter Driver: command extensions and extension feature cleanup (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67946 Migrate Scaffold SnackBars in the framework to ScaffoldMessenger (a: tests, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67952 Replace obsolete FlatButton reference in flutter_driver extension_test.dart (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

68019 Set slider semantics flag for sliders (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68032 [flutter_test] export fake from flutter_test (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

68034 [NNBD] Migrate some Widgets tests (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

68038 Mark unusuallyLongTimeout as internal (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68065 Improve performance of collectAllElements (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, perf: speed, severe: performance, t: flutter driver, team, waiting for tree to go green)

68135 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.2 framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

68157 [NNBD] Migrate some Widgets tests (a: null-safety, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

68207 Revert "Improve performance of collectAllElements" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

68214 reland List queue search optimization (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

68301 use_is_even_rather_than_modulo (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

68302 enable unnecessary_string_escapes and use_raw_strings (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68505 Updated one reference to FlatButton in real_tests/extension_test.dart (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

68642 Sound null safety for framework and flutter_test (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

68654 Driver vm service (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, t: flutter driver, team, waiting for tree to go green)

68714 Revert "enable unnecessary_string_escapes and use_raw_strings" (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

68894 retry getting the main isolate (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

69025 Reland: enable unnecessary_string_escapes and use_raw_strings (#68302) (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69074 Revert "Driver vm service" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

69077 Reland "Driver vm service"" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

69089 Revert "Driver vm service" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

69126 reland driver vm_service migration (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, tool)

69226 [flutter_tools] measure driver success and failure (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

69234 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.3 framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

69316 [flutter_tools] allow default driver log to fail due to IO error (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

69445 Standardize dartdoc macro names (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69451 Fix spelling errors (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

69617 Remove references to Window, and switch usages to PlatformDispatcher or SingletonFlutterWindow (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

69630 Update plugins dependencies for the Gallery test (a: null-safety, a: tests, cla: yes, team, tool)

69761 Link the API docs on waitFor() to the docs for runUnsynchronized() (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

69904 Ignore several import_of_legacy_library_into_null_safe (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

70252 Fix Platform channel errors in web tests (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70319 Revert usages of the binding's platformDispatcher to use window instead (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

70327 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.4 framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

70398 Properly initialize RestorationManager in the TestBinding (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70424 Cherry pick - Flutter 1.24 candidate.11 (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

70491 Remove some unnecessary casts, now that changes have rolled from the engine (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70500 More lints (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, team)

70656 Fixes Intrinsics for RenderParagraph and RenderWrap (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

70730 Improve performance of Widget Tests (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70862 [flutter_test] Correct flutter_test_configuration.dart documentation (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70999 [flutter_tools] fix port leak in flutter_driver (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, tool)

71656 enableFlutterDriverExtension: optionally disable text entry emulation (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

71730 Turn off flaky module_test_ios FlutterUITests (a: tests, cla: yes, team)

71760 Make macrobenchmarks buildable for macos (a: tests, cla: yes, platform-mac, team)

72014 [flutter_releases] Flutter Framework Stable 1.22.5 Cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

72079 [flutter_releases] Flutter Framework Stable 1.22.5 cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

72145 Reenable module_test_ios UI tests (a: tests, cla: yes, platform-ios, team, waiting for tree to go green)

73545 Re-enable a ensureVisible test case (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73586 Mark firebase tests as flaky (a: tests, cla: yes, team, team: infra)

73754 Remove deprecated WaitUntil[NoTransientCallbacks, NoPendingFrame, FirstFrameRasterized] methods from flutter_driver (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

74006 Remove smoke_catalina_hot_mode_dev_cycle__benchmark (a: tests, cla: yes, platform-mac, team, team: infra)

74080 Add verbose build flag to ios_app_with_extensions_test (a: tests, cla: yes, team)

74671 Roll packages (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

platform-ios - 54 pull request(s)


65198 Avoid thinning frameworks in iOS extensions (cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

65793 Match benchmark iOS project bundle identifiers (cla: yes, platform-ios, team)

65961 Check that header exists instead of contents of header in build iOS module test (cla: yes, platform-ios, team)

65977 Inform user how to fix permissions when the observatory URL isn't found on iOS 14 (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66092 Stream logging from attached debugger on iOS (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

66310 Listen to Debug VM stream to get Stdout logs from VMService (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66399 Stream logging from attached debugger on iOS 13+ (cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool)

66524 [Icons] Update icon version to point to file that iOS will prefer. (cla: yes, f: material design, platform-ios, t: xcode, waiting for tree to go green)

66590 Force plugins to inherit minimum iOS version from Flutter app (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

66621 Remove "Try accepting the local network permissions popup" warning (a: triage improvements, cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

67452 Add publish-port flag to disable mDNS port discovery (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

67598 Build xcarchive command (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

67781 Build IPA command (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool)

67970 Detect ARM macOS arch with sysctl hw.optional.arm64 (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

68245 Revert noninteractive lldb debugging, timeout warning (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

68542 Add CocoaPods sudo installation note (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68729 App.framework must support iOS 8 for older Flutter projects (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68855 Apple silicon arch -arm64 to -arm64e (cla: yes, platform-ios, platform-mac, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69720 Deprecate build ios-framework --universal (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69731 Compile snapshot_assembly with sdk root set in Xcode (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69736 Methods in build_ios_framework for universal and XCFrameworks (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69809 Update CocoaPods recommended version to 1.9 (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

69837 Run more xcodebuild commands in native arm on Apple Silicon (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69840 Build either iphoneos or iphonesimulator App.framework, not both (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

70224 Move Flutter.framework to build directory instead of ios/Flutter (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

70405 Add -miphoneos-version-min=8.0 to App framework stub (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

70647 Allow any iOS app to be added to an existing host app (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70719 Add extra Flutter settings to ios_app_with_extensions Podfile (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

70724 Turn off bitcode in ios_app_with_extensions to match normal Flutter projects (cla: yes, platform-ios, team)

70735 Force regeneration of old Podfile (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70896 Use module Profile scheme when profiling (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71095 Rename SdkType -> EnvironmentType (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71100 Make simulator framework test check explicit (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71103 Move Flutter.podspec to add-to-app project template (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

71113 Add XCFramework artifacts (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71495 Adopt Flutter.xcframework in tool (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

71525 ios_host_app Podfile search paths (cla: yes, platform-ios, team)

71531 Update CI to CocoaPods 1.10 (cla: yes, platform-ios, team, team: infra)

71752 Remove unused local from xcode_backend (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71862 Remove manual Flutter linking for iOS projects (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool)

71870 Stop using Xcode build settings in materialized Info.plist (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

72145 Reenable module_test_ios UI tests (a: tests, cla: yes, platform-ios, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72323 Launch named iOS simulators (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

72761 Build iOS apps using Swift Packages (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

72834 Check for iOS simulator SDK during AOT validation instead of assuming x86 (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

73070 Use simctl exit code instead of stderr (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool)

73110 Default add-to-app xcode_backend script to be verbose (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool)

73112 Optionally include CocoaPods xcconfig (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

73383 Remove build ios-framework --universal flag (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool)

73442 Run pod repo update in iOS extension test (cla: yes, platform-ios, team)

73458 Exclude arm64 from supported iOS simulator architectures (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

73508 Build iOS apps using Swift Packages (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73630 Generate dSYM files during iOS archive (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74003 Build x86_64 iOS apps with simulator local engines (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

engine - 52 pull request(s)


65787 Flutter Stable Framework Cherrypicks 1.20.4 (a: internationalization, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

65902 Flutter 1.22.0-12.1.pre cherrypick (cla: yes, engine)

65949 [manual roll] Roll Engine from 1ef10b240e28 to f84e7a019663 (12 revisions) (cla: yes, engine, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66136 [versions] update to latest source span and roll engine to 4b8477d11573d233e6791204191c0090f733b05d (cla: yes, engine, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66500 Flutter 1.22.0-12.2.pre Framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

66849 Flutter 1.22.0-12.3.pre framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

66976 roll back engine to a6a6fd163b99e4ac53319afe69bce1a043116b1e (cla: yes, engine)

66978 Redo rollback to a6a6fd163b99e4ac53319afe69bce1a043116b1e (cla: yes, engine)

67193 Roll flutter engine to a24c7c13925e4e3282f7b85814b70e63782fa057 (cla: yes, engine, framework)

67359 Mark keys that match a shortcut, but have no action defined as "not handled". (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, a: text input, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, framework, team)

67546 Pick CP engine version 80dbeb3f2dfff1621e1efd6b2aad508adb09ad33 (cla: yes, engine)

67552 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.1 Framework Cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

68135 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.2 framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

68158 revert engine to 11d756a62ed0ddf87a9ce20b219b55300ec6b67d (cla: yes, engine)

68168 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.23.0-18.1.pre Framework Cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, tool)

68212 Revert "revert engine to 11d756a62ed0ddf87a9ce20b219b55300ec6b67d" (cla: yes, engine)

68479 Revert "Roll Engine from d03b759d049e to 499a70f5e21b (25 revisions)" (cla: yes, engine)

68789 Roll engine to defa8be2b10650dad50dfee9324ed8d16eeec13f (cla: yes, engine)

69234 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.3 framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

69405 [null-safety] update tests and tool auto-detection for null safe dart (a: accessibility, cla: yes, engine, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69418 Roll Engine from 99cc50dfffab to 8d3d953192aa (cla: yes, engine)

69440 [null-safety] enable null safety (cla: yes, engine)

69614 Remove usage of --enable-experiment to analysis server (cla: yes, engine, framework, tool)

69889 Revert "Roll Engine from bf259226b224 to e66a720137d9 (3 revisions)" (cla: yes, engine)

69988 Revert "Roll Engine from d21bb634e054 to cf376142ed5f (2 revisions) (#69976)" (cla: yes, engine)

70000 Revert "Roll Engine from d21bb634e054 to 2440ad6d39a5 (8 revisions)" (cla: yes, engine)

70078 Roll engine and fix pubspecs that do not have a Dart SDK constraint (cla: yes, engine, team, tool)

70327 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.4 framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

70388 Revert "Roll Engine from c5c7e83b9e53 to d97a81c88983 (6 revisions)" (cla: yes, engine)

70495 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.24.0-10.1.pre framework cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, tool)

70737 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.24.0-10.2.pre framework cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, team)

71114 roll engine hotfix (cla: yes, engine)

71286 Update engine hash for 1.25-candidate.1 (cla: yes, engine)

71519 Revert "Roll Engine from 20caf5496951 to d2ad4419bb07 (27 revisions) … (cla: yes, engine)

71879 Add DynamicFeature system channel (cla: yes, engine, framework, platform-android)

72014 [flutter_releases] Flutter Framework Stable 1.22.5 Cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

72079 [flutter_releases] Flutter Framework Stable 1.22.5 cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

72155 Revert "Roll Engine from 4797b0665242 to 4794d0448f8f (23 revisions)" (cla: yes, engine)

72317 Revert "Roll Engine from 4797b0665242 to 360a16ad7542 (40 revisions) … (cla: yes, engine)

72382 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.25.0-8.1.pre framework cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework)

72754 [flutter_releases] Flutter Beta 1.25.0-8.2 Framework Cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

72817 Cherrypick engine to 63a92ca0db5f5db462714f60f5b8e88bcef8f57b (cla: yes, engine)

72895 DeferredComponent utility class for manual handling of Deferred Components (cla: yes, customer: money (g3), engine, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

73490 Revert "Roll Engine from 2e5833b7c572 to 7f00e2f6c53c (3 revisions)" (cla: yes, engine)

73522 Flutter 1.26 candidate.8 (cla: yes, engine, f: material design, framework)

73609 Revert "Roll Engine from 2e5833b7c572 to 9cb4d2dd243d (32 revisions)" (cla: yes, engine)

73610 Revert "Revert "Roll Engine from 2e5833b7c572 to 9cb4d2dd243d (32 revisions)"" (cla: yes, engine)

73765 Revert "Roll Engine from 0ed964d6b764 to 2dee0d2f071b (8 revisions)" (cla: yes, engine)

73985 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.25.0-8.3.pre framework cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, f: cupertino, framework, team, tool)

74355 [flutter_releases] Flutter Stable 1.22.6 Framework Cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, tool)

74401 Cherrypick engine to 78200e894425e978bacba54320ef63e570af234a (cla: yes, engine)

74572 Cherrypick engine to 5c9b34399c2a4c6087feeae81f710fe7651568f5 (cla: yes, engine)

a: accessibility - 46 pull request(s)


62616 Migrate foundation test to nullsafety (a: accessibility, a: null-safety, cla: yes, framework)

65528 Reland "Nnbd widgets" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65568 Remove unused 'dart:async' imports. (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

65766 Adds getter/setter for slider semantics flag. (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework)

66057 reland always adds alert label for alert dialog in Android (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66916 Re-enables tests previously failing due to new semantics flag. (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67098 Migrate non-test files in flutter/test (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67155 [null-safety] migrate app dependencies of flutter driver (a: accessibility, a: null-safety, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

67306 fix nullability issues (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67359 Mark keys that match a shortcut, but have no action defined as "not handled". (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, a: text input, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, framework, team)

67433 Revert "[null-safety] migrate app dependencies of flutter driver" (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

67441 [null-safety] reland: migrate app side flutter driver to null-safety (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

67449 [NNBD] Migrates some rendering tests (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67453 Migrate framework tests for rendering, semantics, widgets to null safety (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67470 Remove examples/catalog (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67542 Revert "Remove examples/catalog" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, team)

67545 Reland removal of examples/catalog (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67550 Refactor devicelab logic to use TaskResult instead of JSON (a: accessibility, cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67561 Revert "[null-safety] reland: migrate app side flutter driver to null-safety" (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

67562 [Material] Time picker semantics updates (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

67570 Reland "[null-safety] reland: migrate app side flutter driver to null-safety" (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67682 Final definite assignment (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67849 Migrate even more widget framework tests to null safety. (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework)

67941 Migrate yet even more widget framework tests to null safety. (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework)

68088 [NNBD] More widget tests (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68150 Migrate some widget tests to NNBD (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68160 Convert some more widget tests to NNBD (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68173 [NNBD] Migrate more widget tests to NNBD (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68301 use_is_even_rather_than_modulo (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

68409 [flutter_tools] add --android-gradle-daemon option, use in devicelab (a: accessibility, cla: yes, team, tool)

68489 Revert "[flutter_tools] add --android-gradle-daemon option, use in devicelab" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, team, tool)

68491 [flutter_tools] reland: --no-android-gradle-daemon in devicelab (a: accessibility, cla: yes, team, tool)

69230 Allow adding/removing onTap/onDismiss to Semantics (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69405 [null-safety] update tests and tool auto-detection for null safe dart (a: accessibility, cla: yes, engine, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69445 Standardize dartdoc macro names (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69617 Remove references to Window, and switch usages to PlatformDispatcher or SingletonFlutterWindow (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

70319 Revert usages of the binding's platformDispatcher to use window instead (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

70424 Cherry pick - Flutter 1.24 candidate.11 (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

70500 More lints (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, team)

70656 Fixes Intrinsics for RenderParagraph and RenderWrap (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

70808 Migrate template to Gradle 6.7 and AGP 4.1.0 (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

70977 [flutter_tools] Remove usage of --precompiled flag for web tests (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

71096 Revert "Migrate template to Gradle 6.7 and AGP 4.1.0" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

71446 Relands: Migrate template to Gradle 6.7 and AGP 4.1.0 (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

72169 Migrate the first batch of API samples to null safety (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

74383 Remove "unnecessary" imports in dev/integration_tests (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: material design, team, waiting for tree to go green)

d: examples - 43 pull request(s)


64240 Add sample code to FadeTransition (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64638 Add sample code to DefaultTextStyleTransition (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64698 Added sample code to AnimatedAlign (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64766 Updated file of the hello_world example (cla: yes, d: examples, team, waiting for tree to go green)

65787 Flutter Stable Framework Cherrypicks 1.20.4 (a: internationalization, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

65904 Updated references to obsolete Material button classes in examples (cla: yes, d: examples, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67359 Mark keys that match a shortcut, but have no action defined as "not handled". (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, a: text input, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, framework, team)

67440 Removed remaining obsolete button widget references (cla: yes, d: examples, f: material design, framework, team)

67470 Remove examples/catalog (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67542 Revert "Remove examples/catalog" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, team)

67545 Reland removal of examples/catalog (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67940 Fix NestedScrollView sample code (a: quality, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67946 Migrate Scaffold SnackBars in the framework to ScaffoldMessenger (a: tests, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

68361 Build iOS apps using Swift Packages (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68642 Sound null safety for framework and flutter_test (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

68729 App.framework must support iOS 8 for older Flutter projects (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68736 Remove nullOk in MediaQuery.of (cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

68744 Migrate all of examples/layers to sound null safety (cla: yes, d: examples, team)

68905 Remove nullOk parameter from Cupertino color resolution APIs (cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

69781 Added dartpad examples for SliverAppBar (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

70112 [null-safety] migrate hello_world to null safety (cla: yes, d: examples, team)

70184 [FloatingActionButtonLocation] Add diagrams to documentation of FloatingActionButtonLocation (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70224 Move Flutter.framework to build directory instead of ios/Flutter (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

70327 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.4 framework cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

70379 Added Tabar Code samples (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70382 Update FlexibleSpaceBar dartpad sample (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70808 Migrate template to Gradle 6.7 and AGP 4.1.0 (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

71050 Add dartpad sample for AnimatedPadding (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71093 AdoptAWidget: ColorFiltered (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71096 Revert "Migrate template to Gradle 6.7 and AGP 4.1.0" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

71174 AdoptAWidget: PageView (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework)

71446 Relands: Migrate template to Gradle 6.7 and AGP 4.1.0 (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

71748 Profiling Xcode app should use Flutter profile mode (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-mac, team, tool)

71957 Stop using the List constructor (cla: yes, d: examples, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72014 [flutter_releases] Flutter Framework Stable 1.22.5 Cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

72079 [flutter_releases] Flutter Framework Stable 1.22.5 cherrypicks (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

72558 Migrate some sample code to NNBD [1] (a: null-safety, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72755 Migrate some sample code to NNBD [2] (a: null-safety, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72761 Build iOS apps using Swift Packages (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

72829 Migrate some sample code to NNBD [3] (a: null-safety, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

73044 [Api docs]Added dartpad demo for Bottom App Bar (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73437 Revert "Build iOS apps using Swift Packages" (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

73508 Build iOS apps using Swift Packages (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

d: api docs - 34 pull request(s)


63910 Improve Stepper controlsBuilder docs (cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64240 Add sample code to FadeTransition (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64638 Add sample code to DefaultTextStyleTransition (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64698 Added sample code to AnimatedAlign (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65817 Clarify the docs on what scrollUntilVisible does (a: tests, cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, framework)

66048 Bump dartdoc to 0.34.0 (cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66213 Fixes typos in showDialog documentation (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework)

66639 Further explain parent constraints in SizedBox (cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66834 GlobalKey docs improvement (cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, framework)

66972 Nested Scaffolds - Suggested Changes (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework)

67066 docs for image disposal (cla: yes, d: api docs, framework)

67585 Add documentation talking about ScrollPhysics.applyTo(null) (cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67811 Fix typos in the [BottomNavigationBar] document (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67940 Fix NestedScrollView sample code (a: quality, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67946 Migrate Scaffold SnackBars in the framework to ScaffoldMessenger (a: tests, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

68751 router.dart: fix grammer mistake (cla: yes, d: api docs, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68968 Fix typo in form.dart (cla: yes, d: api docs, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69503 AdoptAWidget: FittedBox (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69644 Center the AnimatedPositioned code sample (cla: yes, d: api docs, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69781 Added dartpad examples for SliverAppBar (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

70184 [FloatingActionButtonLocation] Add diagrams to documentation of FloatingActionButtonLocation (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70343 Code sample small fixes (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70379 Added Tabar Code samples (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70382 Update FlexibleSpaceBar dartpad sample (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71050 Add dartpad sample for AnimatedPadding (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71093 AdoptAWidget: ColorFiltered (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71174 AdoptAWidget: PageView (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework)

71378 [FloatingActionButtonLocation] Add proper formatting to documentation (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72490 Bottom navigation items length docs (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72558 Migrate some sample code to NNBD [1] (a: null-safety, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72755 Migrate some sample code to NNBD [2] (a: null-safety, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72829 Migrate some sample code to NNBD [3] (a: null-safety, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

73018 Document TableRowInkWell and DataTable interactions better (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73044 [Api docs]Added dartpad demo for Bottom App Bar (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

a: internationalization - 30 pull request(s)


61981 Positioning IME bars on iOS (a: fidelity, a: internationalization, a: text input, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65010 Fix Semi Hidden helpText in showDatePicker (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: date/time picker, f: material design, framework)

65568 Remove unused 'dart:async' imports. (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

65787 Flutter Stable Framework Cherrypicks 1.20.4 (a: internationalization, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

65993 Update localizations (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, waiting for tree to go green)

67359 Mark keys that match a shortcut, but have no action defined as "not handled". (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, a: text input, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, framework, team)

67900 Expose date symbols and patterns for en_US in framework (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

68074 Added CupertinoSearchTextField (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68206 [gen_l10n] Create pubspec.yaml in ".dart_tool/flutter_gen" if it does not already exist (a: internationalization, cla: yes, tool)

68302 enable unnecessary_string_escapes and use_raw_strings (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68374 Fix links to GitHub bug template (a: internationalization, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68553 [gen-l10n] Fix untranslated messages (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68645 Migrate flutter_localizations to null safety. (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

68714 Revert "enable unnecessary_string_escapes and use_raw_strings" (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

68774 [gen_l10n] Make resource attributes optional for simple cases (a: internationalization, cla: yes, tool)

69016 [gen_l10n] Add base method code comments for improved discoverability (a: internationalization, cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69025 Reland: enable unnecessary_string_escapes and use_raw_strings (#68302) (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69155 Remove intl_translation dependency from gen_l10n integration test (a: internationalization, cla: yes, tool)

69382 [gen_l10n] Fix unintended use of raw string in generateString (a: internationalization, cla: yes, severe: regression, team, tool)

69445 Standardize dartdoc macro names (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

70157 Update cupertino and material translations (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design)

70423 Add casts to widgets_test.dart to fix the engine roll. (a: internationalization, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

70491 Remove some unnecessary casts, now that changes have rolled from the engine (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70500 More lints (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, team)

72944 [gen_l10n] Improve status message when untranslated messages are still present (a: internationalization, cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73514 Update outdated links (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74439 Revert "Update PopupMenuButton to match Material Design spec" (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

74622 [flutter_tools] Consistently set the working directory for Flutter Test (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74635 Update localizations (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design)

74657 Remove vestigial nullOk parameter from Localizations.localeOf (a: internationalization, cla: yes, framework)

t: xcode - 29 pull request(s)


66524 [Icons] Update icon version to point to file that iOS will prefer. (cla: yes, f: material design, platform-ios, t: xcode, waiting for tree to go green)

66590 Force plugins to inherit minimum iOS version from Flutter app (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

67598 Build xcarchive command (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

67781 Build IPA command (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool)

68855 Apple silicon arch -arm64 to -arm64e (cla: yes, platform-ios, platform-mac, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69612 Build App.framework directly to build directory (cla: yes, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69699 Build App.framework directly to build directory (cla: yes, t: xcode, team, tool)

69731 Compile snapshot_assembly with sdk root set in Xcode (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69809 Update CocoaPods recommended version to 1.9 (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

69837 Run more xcodebuild commands in native arm on Apple Silicon (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69846 Remove add-to-app Xcode build phase input files (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, t: xcode, tool)

70224 Move Flutter.framework to build directory instead of ios/Flutter (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

70649 Exclude ARM from macOS builds architectures (cla: yes, platform-mac, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70719 Add extra Flutter settings to ios_app_with_extensions Podfile (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

70735 Force regeneration of old Podfile (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70896 Use module Profile scheme when profiling (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71170 Update CocoaPods minimum version to 1.9 (cla: yes, t: xcode, tool)

71495 Adopt Flutter.xcframework in tool (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

71752 Remove unused local from xcode_backend (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71862 Remove manual Flutter linking for iOS projects (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool)

72020 Move macOS Podfile logic into the tool (cla: yes, platform-mac, t: xcode, team, tool)

72761 Build iOS apps using Swift Packages (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

73070 Use simctl exit code instead of stderr (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool)

73110 Default add-to-app xcode_backend script to be verbose (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool)

73112 Optionally include CocoaPods xcconfig (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

73458 Exclude arm64 from supported iOS simulator architectures (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool)

73508 Build iOS apps using Swift Packages (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73630 Generate dSYM files during iOS archive (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

73808 Add recommended Xcode version to doctor (cla: yes, t: xcode, tool)

f: scrolling - 25 pull request(s)


64140 [ReorderableListView] Fix item dropping animation (a: animation, cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65226 Improve the behavior of Scrollable.ensureVisible when Scrollable nested (cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework)

65323 Sliver padding overlap fix (a: quality, cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66039 fix mouse wheel scroll miscontrol of ScrollPosition. (a: desktop, a: mouse, cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68199 Fix/issue 68182: Fix rounding issue in getMaxChildIndexForScrollOffset (cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

68644 Fix overscroll edge case that puts NestedScrollViews out of sync (cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, severe: regression, waiting for tree to go green)

69063 Add horizontal gesture support for CupertinoScrollbar (a: desktop, a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69795 Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

70401 Re-land 'Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController' (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature)

70953 Fix pointer scroll for nested NeverScrollables (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: regression, waiting for tree to go green)

71376 Added mainAxisExtent to SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount and SliverGridDelegateWithMaxCrossAxisExtent (cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

71664 Updated Interactive Scrollbars (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

71843 Improve the ScrollBar behavior when nested (a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

72300 Fixed issue for SliverAppBar collapsedHeight (cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72308 Add ScrollbarTheme/ScrollbarThemeData (cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

72316 Remove Scrollbar.isAlwaysShown assert based on Scrollbar.controller (a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

72531 Update Scrollbar behavior for mobile devices (a: fidelity, cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72560 Add PrioritizedIntents to support multiple shortcut configurations (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: focus, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

72741 Apply physics boundary to scrollbar dragging (a: quality, cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72833 Fix scrollbar configuration for hover events (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

73016 fix an assertion causes by zero offset pointer scroll (cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, severe: crash, waiting for tree to go green)

73195 SliverAppBar with ShrinkWrap Patch (a: layout, cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73899 Restore adaptive nature to new Scrollbar (cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74104 Reland "Improve the ScrollBar behavior when nested (#71843)" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74299 New Reorderable list widgets (cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature)

documentation - 25 pull request(s)


63910 Improve Stepper controlsBuilder docs (cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64240 Add sample code to FadeTransition (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64638 Add sample code to DefaultTextStyleTransition (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64698 Added sample code to AnimatedAlign (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65817 Clarify the docs on what scrollUntilVisible does (a: tests, cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, framework)

66048 Bump dartdoc to 0.34.0 (cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66639 Further explain parent constraints in SizedBox (cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66834 GlobalKey docs improvement (cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, framework)

67585 Add documentation talking about ScrollPhysics.applyTo(null) (cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67940 Fix NestedScrollView sample code (a: quality, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67946 Migrate Scaffold SnackBars in the framework to ScaffoldMessenger (a: tests, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69781 Added dartpad examples for SliverAppBar (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

70184 [FloatingActionButtonLocation] Add diagrams to documentation of FloatingActionButtonLocation (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70379 Added Tabar Code samples (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70382 Update FlexibleSpaceBar dartpad sample (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71050 Add dartpad sample for AnimatedPadding (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71093 AdoptAWidget: ColorFiltered (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71174 AdoptAWidget: PageView (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework)

71859 Update integration_test README for iOS (cla: yes, documentation, waiting for tree to go green)

72558 Migrate some sample code to NNBD [1] (a: null-safety, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72755 Migrate some sample code to NNBD [2] (a: null-safety, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72829 Migrate some sample code to NNBD [3] (a: null-safety, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

73044 [Api docs]Added dartpad demo for Bottom App Bar (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73247 Fixed typo in icon theme (cla: yes, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73761 add a readme for the dart fix tests (cla: yes, documentation, framework)

platform-mac - 22 pull request(s)


68050 Run Xcode command lines tools in native ARM (cla: yes, platform-mac, tool)

68656 Enable dev/bots/ build_tests for macOS (a: desktop, cla: yes, platform-mac, team)

68855 Apple silicon arch -arm64 to -arm64e (cla: yes, platform-ios, platform-mac, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69245 Show macOS arm64 architecture in doctor and devices list (cla: yes, platform-mac, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70649 Exclude ARM from macOS builds architectures (cla: yes, platform-mac, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

70801 Detect ARM ffi CocoaPods error, suggest gem install (cla: yes, platform-mac, tool)

71623 Add sysctl file fallbacks (cla: yes, platform-mac, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71744 Remove Flutter Authors from macOS project organization name (cla: yes, platform-mac, tool)

71745 Update macOS Xcode compatibilityVersion (cla: yes, platform-mac, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71748 Profiling Xcode app should use Flutter profile mode (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-mac, team, tool)

71750 Remove missing macOS RunnerUITests (cla: yes, platform-mac, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71760 Make macrobenchmarks buildable for macos (a: tests, cla: yes, platform-mac, team)

71761 Check in manual_tests gitignores (cla: yes, platform-mac, team)

71953 Add macOS to lint plugins integration test (cla: yes, platform-mac, team)

71965 Reland Move embedding and linking macOS Flutter frameworks into the tool (cla: yes, platform-mac, team, tool)

72020 Move macOS Podfile logic into the tool (cla: yes, platform-mac, t: xcode, team, tool)

72372 Reland Move embedding and linking macOS Flutter frameworks into the tool (cla: yes, platform-mac, team, tool)

72378 Build/copy macOS frameworks to built products instead of ephemeral directory (cla: yes, platform-mac, team, tool)

72748 Exclude ARM from macOS builds (cla: yes, platform-mac, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

72764 Force plugins to inherit minimum macOS version from Flutter app (cla: yes, platform-mac, team, tool)

73052 Avoid broken symlinks in embedded Flutter frameworks (cla: yes, platform-mac, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

74006 Remove smoke_catalina_hot_mode_dev_cycle__benchmark (a: tests, cla: yes, platform-mac, team, team: infra)

a: null-safety - 21 pull request(s)


62616 Migrate foundation test to nullsafety (a: accessibility, a: null-safety, cla: yes, framework)

62701 Migrate gestures, physics and scheduler tests to null safety. (a: null-safety, cla: yes, framework)

67106 [null-safety] allow web shard to compile null-safe tests. (a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool)

67155 [null-safety] migrate app dependencies of flutter driver (a: accessibility, a: null-safety, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

67171 [null-safety] add integration tests for sound null safety modes, add support for sound null safety in dart2js (a: null-safety, cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68157 [NNBD] Migrate some Widgets tests (a: null-safety, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69005 Fix null issue with dynamically updating from zero tabs for TabBar (a: null-safety, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69630 Update plugins dependencies for the Gallery test (a: null-safety, a: tests, cla: yes, team, tool)

70014 [flutter_tools] remove workaround for caching sound dill (a: null-safety, cla: yes, team, tool)

70714 [flutter_tools] use frontend_server for web test compilation (a: null-safety, cla: yes, team, tool)

70718 [flutter_tools] display message for current null safety mode (a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool)

71807 StandardMethodCodec.decodeEnvelope should allow null error message (a: null-safety, cla: yes, framework)

72476 Allow nullable tweens in TweenAnimationBuilder (a: animation, a: null-safety, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72558 Migrate some sample code to NNBD [1] (a: null-safety, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72755 Migrate some sample code to NNBD [2] (a: null-safety, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72794 [NNBD] Migrate sample code pt 1 (a: null-safety, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72798 [NNBD] Migrate sample code pt 2 (a: null-safety, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72829 Migrate some sample code to NNBD [3] (a: null-safety, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72837 [NNBD] Migrate sample code pt 3 (a: null-safety, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72842 [NNBD] Migrate sample code pt 4 (a: null-safety, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72939 Complete migration to null safety in api documentation (a: null-safety, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

will affect goldens - 20 pull request(s)


64468 Fix CupertinoAlertDialog TextStyle (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

65044 TextSelectionTheme support (step 2 of 3) (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

67468 Remove Cirrus support for Gold (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, team: infra, will affect goldens)

67555 Turn timer_picker_test goldens back on (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

68651 Roll Engine from ea2aea1c6102 to ed53ff19e83f (22 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

68897 Roll Engine from defa8be2b106 to 0b26570e933f (21 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

69709 Roll Engine from 346051939814 to 59b01e0e5a3f (35 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

70958 Roll Engine from 23a8e027dbbe to 97cacfbfec89 (14 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

71783 circleAvatar: foreground Image uses background Image as a fall-back (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, will affect goldens)

72086 Roll Engine from 827aa5d073f3 to 4797b0665242 (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

72147 Roll Engine from 4797b0665242 to 4794d0448f8f (23 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

72420 update cupertino icons to 1.0.2 (cla: yes, team, tool, will affect goldens)

72526 Make RenderColoredBox.paint() skip painting color if it's transparent (cla: yes, framework, will affect goldens)

73361 Add material icons golden test (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, will affect goldens)

73558 snackBar should paint above the bottomSheet (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

73780 Fix single ToggleButton border painting bugs (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

74078 Roll Engine from a243f4df0711 to 1424dfbe4d57 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

74093 ScaffoldMessenger only shows to root nested Scaffold (a: layout, a: quality, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

74126 Roll Engine from 1424dfbe4d57 to f392053b1f2a (11 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

74540 Roll Engine from fdddf8708039 to 05b4bec8b3c1 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

severe: API break - 18 pull request(s)


61366 Continue the clipBehavior breaking change (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break)

66700 Default FittedBox's clipBehavior to none (cla: yes, framework, severe: API break)

67947 Deprecate old SnackBar methods (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

69620 Remove deprecated methods from BuildContext (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

72017 Remove deprecated CupertinoTextThemeData.brightness (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72395 Remove deprecated [PointerEnterEvent, PointerExitEvent].fromHoverEvent (cla: yes, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

72532 Remove deprecated showDialog.child (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

72890 Remove deprecated Scaffold.resizeToAvoidBottomPadding (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

72893 Remove deprecated WidgetsBinding.[deferFirstFrameReport, allowFirstFrameReport] (cla: yes, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

72901 Remove deprecated StatefulElement.inheritFromElement (cla: yes, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

72903 Remove deprecated Element methods (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

73604 Remove deprecated CupertinoDialog (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

73745 Remove deprecated actionsForegroundColor from Cupertino[Sliver]NavigationBar (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

73746 Remove deprecated (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

73747 Remove span deprecations (cla: yes, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

73748 Remove deprecated RenderView.scheduleInitialFrame (cla: yes, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

73749 Remove deprecated Layer.findAll (cla: yes, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

73754 Remove deprecated WaitUntil[NoTransientCallbacks, NoPendingFrame, FirstFrameRasterized] methods from flutter_driver (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

adopt a widget - 17 pull request(s)


69498 AdoptAWidget - Progress indicator (adopt a widget, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

69503 AdoptAWidget: FittedBox (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69509 AdoptAWidget: aspectRatio (adopt a widget, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69513 AnimatedPositioned (adopt a widget, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69518 AdoptAWidget: Tooltip (adopt a widget, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69521 AdoptAWidget: AbsorbPointer (adopt a widget, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69524 AdoptAWidget: NotificationListener (adopt a widget, cla: yes, framework)

69530 AdoptAWidget: MaterialBanner (adopt a widget, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69535 AdoptAWidget: Dismissible (adopt a widget, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69563 AdoptAWidget: WillPopScope (adopt a widget, cla: yes, framework)

69717 AdoptAWidget - Update ActionListener with an example (adopt a widget, cla: yes, framework)

69781 Added dartpad examples for SliverAppBar (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

70343 Code sample small fixes (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70379 Added Tabar Code samples (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70382 Update FlexibleSpaceBar dartpad sample (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71050 Add dartpad sample for AnimatedPadding (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71093 AdoptAWidget: ColorFiltered (adopt a widget, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

team: infra - 15 pull request(s)


66054 Add versioning to gold endpoints (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, team: infra, waiting for tree to go green)

67337 Increase device discovery timeout in devicelab health check (cla: yes, team, team: infra)

67468 Remove Cirrus support for Gold (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, team: infra, will affect goldens)

67689 [NNBD] Migrating some Material tests (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, team: infra, waiting for tree to go green)

68822 [Doc Fixit 2020] Move dashboard documentation to flutter/cocoon (cla: yes, team, team: infra, waiting for tree to go green)

69629 Initial migration of metrics_center (cla: yes, severe: performance, team, team: infra)

70804 Run module tests on try builders when flutter_tools changes (cla: yes, team, team: infra)

71531 Update CI to CocoaPods 1.10 (cla: yes, platform-ios, team, team: infra)

71602 Turn on dependabot to roll bundler dependencies (cla: yes, team, team: infra, waiting for tree to go green)

71624 Fix dependabot directory (cla: yes, team, team: infra, waiting for tree to go green)

73586 Mark firebase tests as flaky (a: tests, cla: yes, team, team: infra)

73591 Revert "Mark firebase tests as flaky" (cla: yes, team, team: infra)

73689 Bump cocoapods from 1.10.0 to 1.10.1 in /dev/ci/mac (cla: yes, team, team: infra, waiting for tree to go green)

73728 Turn off mac_build_gallery during infra investigation (cla: yes, team, team: infra)

74006 Remove smoke_catalina_hot_mode_dev_cycle__benchmark (a: tests, cla: yes, platform-mac, team, team: infra)

a: quality - 14 pull request(s)


64678 Wrap PopupMenu with SafeArea to respect status bar (a: layout, a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64746 FloatingActionButton always keeps the same position when FloatingActionButtonLocation is top. (a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65323 Sliver padding overlap fix (a: quality, cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66054 Add versioning to gold endpoints (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, team: infra, waiting for tree to go green)

66139 Fix local gold output for flutter/flutter (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

66504 Re-land ScaffoldMessenger (a: quality, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), f: material design, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

67940 Fix NestedScrollView sample code (a: quality, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69063 Add horizontal gesture support for CupertinoScrollbar (a: desktop, a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69383 Fix the PopupMenuButton offset bug (a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

71843 Improve the ScrollBar behavior when nested (a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

72316 Remove Scrollbar.isAlwaysShown assert based on Scrollbar.controller (a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

72741 Apply physics boundary to scrollbar dragging (a: quality, cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73084 Improve the Scaffold.bottomSheet update behavior (a: quality, cla: yes, f: focus, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74093 ScaffoldMessenger only shows to root nested Scaffold (a: layout, a: quality, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

platform-web - 14 pull request(s)


59797 [web] Support custom url strategies (cla: yes, f: routes, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

65499 [web] Inform the engine when read-only flag is flipped (a: tests, a: text input, cla: yes, framework, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

66606 [web] Change the web server to support path url strategy (cla: yes, platform-web, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

67081 [web] Update index.html template to support new path strategy (cla: yes, f: routes, platform-web, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

67088 [web] Respond with 404 to non-found asset or package files (cla: yes, platform-web, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

68814 Ignore "unused" analysis for dart:ui imports for web-only API. (cla: yes, framework, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

69795 Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

69990 Add PageView benchmark (representative of full screen CustomPainter) (cla: yes, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

70401 Re-land 'Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController' (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature)

70953 Fix pointer scroll for nested NeverScrollables (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: regression, waiting for tree to go green)

71664 Updated Interactive Scrollbars (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

72560 Add PrioritizedIntents to support multiple shortcut configurations (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: focus, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

72833 Fix scrollbar configuration for hover events (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

73809 Mark linux_web_tool_tests not flaky (cla: yes, platform-web, team)

a: desktop - 14 pull request(s)


65667 Fix the character field of the RawKeyEvent to hold correct data on non-Android platforms. (a: desktop, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

66039 fix mouse wheel scroll miscontrol of ScrollPosition. (a: desktop, a: mouse, cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67029 Improve Windows symlink instructions (a: build, a: desktop, cla: yes, platform-windows, tool)

67197 Preserve composing range if possible on sel change (a: desktop, a: text input, cla: yes, framework)

68656 Enable dev/bots/ build_tests for macOS (a: desktop, cla: yes, platform-mac, team)

68657 Enable dev/bots/ build_tests for Windows (a: desktop, cla: yes, platform-windows, team)

68658 Enable dev/bots/ build_tests for Linux (a: desktop, cla: yes, platform-linux, team)

69063 Add horizontal gesture support for CupertinoScrollbar (a: desktop, a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

69795 Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

70401 Re-land 'Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController' (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature)

70953 Fix pointer scroll for nested NeverScrollables (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: regression, waiting for tree to go green)

71664 Updated Interactive Scrollbars (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

72560 Add PrioritizedIntents to support multiple shortcut configurations (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: focus, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

72833 Fix scrollbar configuration for hover events (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

severe: new feature - 13 pull request(s)


62927 AutocompleteCore (a: text input, cla: yes, framework, severe: new feature)

66504 Re-land ScaffoldMessenger (a: quality, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), f: material design, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

67947 Deprecate old SnackBar methods (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

69795 Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

70401 Re-land 'Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController' (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature)

71376 Added mainAxisExtent to SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount and SliverGridDelegateWithMaxCrossAxisExtent (cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

71664 Updated Interactive Scrollbars (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

71843 Improve the ScrollBar behavior when nested (a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

72308 Add ScrollbarTheme/ScrollbarThemeData (cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

72316 Remove Scrollbar.isAlwaysShown assert based on Scrollbar.controller (a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

72560 Add PrioritizedIntents to support multiple shortcut configurations (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: focus, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

72895 DeferredComponent utility class for manual handling of Deferred Components (cla: yes, customer: money (g3), engine, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

74299 New Reorderable list widgets (cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature)

a: existing-apps - 11 pull request(s)


69720 Deprecate build ios-framework --universal (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69736 Methods in build_ios_framework for universal and XCFrameworks (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

69840 Build either iphoneos or iphonesimulator App.framework, not both (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

69846 Remove add-to-app Xcode build phase input files (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, t: xcode, tool)

70518 Remove unused host_app_editable_cocoapods template files (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, tool)

70647 Allow any iOS app to be added to an existing host app (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71100 Make simulator framework test check explicit (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, team, waiting for tree to go green)

71103 Move Flutter.podspec to add-to-app project template (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

73110 Default add-to-app xcode_backend script to be verbose (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool)

73383 Remove build ios-framework --universal flag (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool)

74003 Build x86_64 iOS apps with simulator local engines (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

a: text input - 9 pull request(s)


61981 Positioning IME bars on iOS (a: fidelity, a: internationalization, a: text input, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

62927 AutocompleteCore (a: text input, cla: yes, framework, severe: new feature)

65499 [web] Inform the engine when read-only flag is flipped (a: tests, a: text input, cla: yes, framework, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

66267 Add back the autovalidate class property (a: text input, cla: yes, framework)

67197 Preserve composing range if possible on sel change (a: desktop, a: text input, cla: yes, framework)

67359 Mark keys that match a shortcut, but have no action defined as "not handled". (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, a: text input, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, framework, team)

69428 Material Text Selection Toolbar improvements (a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

74454 Space and arrow keys in a text field shouldn't scroll (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74683 Swap the Shortcuts widget with its child in TextField (a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

severe: performance - 7 pull request(s)


66386 Default measureCpuGpu to true (cla: yes, perf: energy, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

66570 Let perf tests measure memory by default (cla: yes, perf: memory, severe: performance, team)

66688 Dispose of images after using them (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, perf: memory, severe: performance)

67147 5x startup test repitition to reduce noise (cla: yes, customer: money (g3), perf: speed, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

67176 Add benchmark/test for drawing images across frames (cla: yes, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

68065 Improve performance of collectAllElements (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, perf: speed, severe: performance, t: flutter driver, team, waiting for tree to go green)

69629 Initial migration of metrics_center (cla: yes, severe: performance, team, team: infra)

a: animation - 7 pull request(s)


48223 Add HeroMode widget (a: animation, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: routes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64140 [ReorderableListView] Fix item dropping animation (a: animation, cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65057 SpringDescription parameter for the AnimationController fling method (a: animation, cla: yes, f: gestures, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65126 fix overlay entry remove to remove itself from the overlay first if i… (a: animation, cla: yes, f: routes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72476 Allow nullable tweens in TweenAnimationBuilder (a: animation, a: null-safety, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72541 Proposal : #72346 - expose property to pass AnimationController to showBottomSheet/showModalBottomSheet (a: animation, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

72904 improve error message when herocontroller is shared by multiple navig… (a: animation, a: error message, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

f: focus - 5 pull request(s)


67359 Mark keys that match a shortcut, but have no action defined as "not handled". (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, a: tests, a: text input, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, framework, team)

69795 Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

70401 Re-land 'Default Keyboard ScrollActions with PrimaryScrollController' (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: focus, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature)

72560 Add PrioritizedIntents to support multiple shortcut configurations (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: focus, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

73084 Improve the Scaffold.bottomSheet update behavior (a: quality, cla: yes, f: focus, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

f: routes - 4 pull request(s)


48223 Add HeroMode widget (a: animation, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: routes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59797 [web] Support custom url strategies (cla: yes, f: routes, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

65126 fix overlay entry remove to remove itself from the overlay first if i… (a: animation, cla: yes, f: routes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

67081 [web] Update index.html template to support new path strategy (cla: yes, f: routes, platform-web, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

a: state restoration - 4 pull request(s)


71653 [State Restoration] RestorableBoolN (a: state restoration, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72708 [State Restoration] Adds remaining Restorable{Property}N (a: state restoration, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72788 [State Restoration] Scaffold.drawer and Scaffold.endDrawer (a: state restoration, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73082 Navigator assert on non restorable routes returned by onGenerateInitialRoutes (a: state restoration, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

a: layout - 4 pull request(s)


64678 Wrap PopupMenu with SafeArea to respect status bar (a: layout, a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

64930 Add CompositedTransformFollower.{followerAnchor, leaderAnchor} for custom anchoring (a: layout, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

73195 SliverAppBar with ShrinkWrap Patch (a: layout, cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

74093 ScaffoldMessenger only shows to root nested Scaffold (a: layout, a: quality, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

customer: money (g3) - 4 pull request(s)


66504 Re-land ScaffoldMessenger (a: quality, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), f: material design, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

67147 5x startup test repitition to reduce noise (cla: yes, customer: money (g3), perf: speed, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

72895 DeferredComponent utility class for manual handling of Deferred Components (cla: yes, customer: money (g3), engine, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

74093 ScaffoldMessenger only shows to root nested Scaffold (a: layout, a: quality, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

f: gestures - 3 pull request(s)


63813 Lazily compute PointerEvent's transformed positions (cla: yes, f: gestures, framework)

64379 Make Dismissible's HitTestBehavior an argument (cla: yes, f: gestures, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

65057 SpringDescription parameter for the AnimationController fling method (a: animation, cla: yes, f: gestures, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

severe: regression - 3 pull request(s)


68644 Fix overscroll edge case that puts NestedScrollViews out of sync (cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, severe: regression, waiting for tree to go green)

69382 [gen_l10n] Fix unintended use of raw string in generateString (a: internationalization, cla: yes, severe: regression, team, tool)

70953 Fix pointer scroll for nested NeverScrollables (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, platform-web, severe: regression, waiting for tree to go green)

a: fidelity - 3 pull request(s)


61981 Positioning IME bars on iOS (a: fidelity, a: internationalization, a: text input, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

70160 Update PopupMenuButton to match Material Design spec (a: fidelity, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72531 Update Scrollbar behavior for mobile devices (a: fidelity, cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

a: error message - 3 pull request(s)


62502 Fix typo subetting should be subsetting (a: error message, cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

66142 Fix 'Invalid Image Data' for local Gold testing (a: error message, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

72904 improve error message when herocontroller is shared by multiple navig… (a: animation, a: error message, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

perf: memory - 2 pull request(s)


66570 Let perf tests measure memory by default (cla: yes, perf: memory, severe: performance, team)

66688 Dispose of images after using them (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, perf: memory, severe: performance)

perf: speed - 2 pull request(s)


67147 5x startup test repitition to reduce noise (cla: yes, customer: money (g3), perf: speed, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

68065 Improve performance of collectAllElements (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, perf: speed, severe: performance, t: flutter driver, team, waiting for tree to go green)

platform-android - 2 pull request(s)


71738 Allow flavors and build types when using plugins (cla: yes, platform-android, t: gradle, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71879 Add DynamicFeature system channel (cla: yes, engine, framework, platform-android)

platform-windows - 2 pull request(s)


67029 Improve Windows symlink instructions (a: build, a: desktop, cla: yes, platform-windows, tool)

68657 Enable dev/bots/ build_tests for Windows (a: desktop, cla: yes, platform-windows, team)

t: flutter driver - 2 pull request(s)


68065 Improve performance of collectAllElements (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, perf: speed, severe: performance, t: flutter driver, team, waiting for tree to go green)

68654 Driver vm service (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, t: flutter driver, team, waiting for tree to go green)

t: gradle - 2 pull request(s)


71738 Allow flavors and build types when using plugins (cla: yes, platform-android, t: gradle, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

71964 Ensure apps can build while using AGP 3.3.0 (cla: yes, t: gradle, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

team: flakes - 2 pull request(s)


69339 Do not fail if average_memory_usage is not recorded (cla: yes, team, team: flakes)

74055 Skip flaky flutter_immediately_exit test (cla: yes, team: flakes, tool)

work in progress; do not review - 1 pull request(s)


70058 [flutter_tools] remove branch migration and standardize constructor style for version interface (cla: yes, tool, work in progress; do not review)

platform-linux - 1 pull request(s)


68658 Enable dev/bots/ build_tests for Linux (a: desktop, cla: yes, platform-linux, team)

cp: 1.25 completed - 1 pull request(s)


72120 Revert "Remove duplicate code in Element.rebuild() and BuildOwner.buildScope()" (cla: yes, cp: 1.25, cp: 1.25 completed, framework)

f: date/time picker - 1 pull request(s)


65010 Fix Semi Hidden helpText in showDatePicker (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: date/time picker, f: material design, framework)

a: triage improvements - 1 pull request(s)


66621 Remove "Try accepting the local network permissions popup" warning (a: triage improvements, cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

severe: crash - 1 pull request(s)


73016 fix an assertion causes by zero offset pointer scroll (cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, severe: crash, waiting for tree to go green)

a: typography - 1 pull request(s)


66375 Provide defaulting for textScaleFactor when passing to dart:ui (a: typography, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

t: flutter doctor - 1 pull request(s)


69194 Include VS Code + Android Studio URLs in the No IDE message (cla: yes, t: flutter doctor, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

cp: 1.25 - 1 pull request(s)


72120 Revert "Remove duplicate code in Element.rebuild() and BuildOwner.buildScope()" (cla: yes, cp: 1.25, cp: 1.25 completed, framework)

a: build - 1 pull request(s)


67029 Improve Windows symlink instructions (a: build, a: desktop, cla: yes, platform-windows, tool)

p: integration_test - 1 pull request(s)


71934 Add integration_test to integration tests build shard (cla: yes, p: integration_test, team, waiting for tree to go green)

waiting for customer response - 1 pull request(s)


71829 Add --dart-define option support to build aar command (cla: yes, tool, waiting for customer response)

perf: energy - 1 pull request(s)


66386 Default measureCpuGpu to true (cla: yes, perf: energy, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

a: mouse - 1 pull request(s)


66039 fix mouse wheel scroll miscontrol of ScrollPosition. (a: desktop, a: mouse, cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

Merged PRs by labels for flutter/engine


cla: yes - 1864 pull request(s)


17881 Enabled metal on ios simulator (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18733 delete opengl texture when it detatch from surfacetexture. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19134 [web] Support custom url strategies (cla: yes, platform-web)

19292 [iOS] Fix platfotm view called multiple times (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

19405 Add windows plugin texture support (Work in progress (WIP), cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19634 Add accessibility suport to Linux shell. (cla: yes)

19843 Migrate Dart_WeakPersistentHandle uses and roll Dart (cla: yes)

19905 Updated ColorMatrix to ColorFilter (cla: yes)

19929 Implement iOS [UITextInput firstRectForRange:] with markedText (cla: yes, platform-ios)

19998 Added GLFW error-callback into FlutterEmbedderGLFW (cla: yes)

20160 iOS Text Editing Infinite Loop (cla: yes, platform-ios)

20254 Add support of cross-building the engine for ARM64 Linux Host (cla: yes)

20309 Exposing ColorFilter to ImageFilter conversion and Compose() (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

20330 Minor documentation details/breadcrumbs (cla: yes, platform-android)

20472 set old_gen_heap_size to half of available memory on iOS (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

20473 Limit heap growth on Android (cla: yes, platform-android)

20496 Migration to PlatformDispatcher and multi-window (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

20531 hasStrings Mac (cla: yes)

20629 Add Linux Wayland support (cla: yes)

20643 SKP based shader warmup (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

20748 Git versioning flag (cla: yes)

20794 Implement browser history class for router widget (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

20836 Track lock key down state instead of lock state (affects: desktop, cla: yes, needs tests, platform-linux)

20868 Deprecate Android v1 embedding classes (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

20962 Split out EmbedderTest{Context,Compositor} to handle software and GL separately (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

20963 running screenshot tests on ios-safari unit tests (cla: yes)

20972 Added keyEvent support for iOS 13.4+ (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

20981 Clean up deprecated EncodableValue code (cla: yes)

20997 add checker board for clip_path,clip_rect,clip_rrect,physical_shap_layer (cla: yes)

21048 [web] Allow updating input configuration while connection is active (cla: yes, platform-web)

21057 Create an ImageHandle wrapper (cla: yes)

21059 Add a new raster status kSkipAndRetry frame (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

21062 Make drain() consistently asynchronous. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21074 Roll Skia from fb5e0ebef07c to 0b6bf1c9668e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21076 add a line to build host for scenario tests (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21077 updating the documentation after integration_test migration (cla: yes)

21079 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 5o9onBKYd... to b9rM1nBK1... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21080 Disable flaky iOS Scenario app tests (cla: yes)

21081 Remove deprecated methods from FlutterViewController (cla: yes)

21082 Minor windows.h cleanup (cla: yes)

21083 Roll Dart SDK from 72393cc698da to 1abce6d054ad (3 revisions) (cla: yes)

21085 Roll Skia from 0b6bf1c9668e to 9d6f955f52e9 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21086 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from l8baHga4c... to XIejclW2X... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21087 Re-enable (most) iOS Scenarios tests (cla: yes)

21088 re-enable scenario tests on iOS (cla: yes)

21089 Copyright header hygiene improvements (cla: yes, platform-android)

21090 Roll Skia from 9d6f955f52e9 to bbe69951b416 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21091 Prefer C++ standard headers to their C counterpart (cla: yes)

21092 Roll Dart SDK from 1abce6d054ad to 14f1940f537e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21093 Roll Dart SDK from 14f1940f537e to 1c887123b92c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21095 [macOS] Set the display refresh rate (cla: yes)

21096 Roll Skia from bbe69951b416 to 6518d77a2200 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21101 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from b9rM1nBK1... to ggoll70iR... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21102 Handle malloc edge-case in mock_engine (cla: yes)

21107 Fix a AppLifecycleTest present time race between the animation and the rest of the test (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

21109 Fix erroneous dartdoc @tool directive. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21111 Update OCMock to version 3.7.1 (cla: yes)

21112 [web] Fix mis-aligned widget spans (cla: yes, platform-web)

21114 Fix comment indentation (cla: yes, platform-android)

21115 web: make a few variables non-null (cla: yes, platform-web)

21118 Check for a valid SkSL cache directory before calling VisitFiles (cla: yes)

21121 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from XIejclW2X... to f3YqG3OdI... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21122 Roll Skia from 6518d77a2200 to 9eb848ae8218 (20 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21124 Roll Skia from 9eb848ae8218 to 582c5a9a84ac (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21125 Disable iOS application lifetime Scenario tests (cla: yes)

21127 Clean up C++ header includes (cla: yes, platform-android)

21128 Roll Dart SDK from 1c887123b92c to d2ba4fd3275e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21130 [felt] Use autoninja instead of hardcoding threads (cla: yes)

21131 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from ggoll70iR... to oINI9fspF... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21132 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from f3YqG3OdI... to hO-ki0WJb... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21133 Roll Skia from 582c5a9a84ac to 186866c46179 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21134 Roll Dart SDK from d2ba4fd3275e to 3533cfda999e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21135 [felt] Eliminate ninja-jobs argument (cla: yes)

21136 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from oINI9fspF... to C73kzh_IF... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21137 Roll Dart SDK from 3533cfda999e to 4bf1f624d06e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21138 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from hO-ki0WJb... to 0XXjmMun1... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21139 Roll Dart SDK from 4bf1f624d06e to b6f67aa2cc72 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21140 Roll Skia from 186866c46179 to b711737c1384 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21141 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from C73kzh_IF... to 78RTO77Tu... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21142 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 0XXjmMun1... to KA_kDgY7C... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21143 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 78RTO77Tu... to m7z9dEdGg... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21144 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from KA_kDgY7C... to zKQw_oHsx... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21146 Roll Skia from b711737c1384 to 081bc32703b7 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21147 Roll Dart SDK from b6f67aa2cc72 to 27d9970dfeb1 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21148 Fix an include path to match the others. (cla: yes)

21149 Add --enable-isolate-groups to allowed flags in (cla: yes)

21151 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from m7z9dEdGg... to arL8NjPHW... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21152 [fuchsia] set maxframesinflight to be configurable (cla: yes)

21156 Roll Skia from 081bc32703b7 to 34b19c575066 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21157 Remove suppression of null-related warnings (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21159 Roll Skia from 34b19c575066 to 6253b5787df8 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21160 Roll Dart SDK from 27d9970dfeb1 to c835079edda4 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21161 [windows] Allow engine flags via environment vars (cla: yes)

21162 Roll Skia from 6253b5787df8 to 37fd658981dd (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21163 Use dispatchKeyEventPreIme, and handle keys sent to InputConnection.sendKeyEvent on Android (cla: yes, platform-android)

21164 Add an explicit API for font change notification (cla: yes)

21166 Define _USE_MATH_DEFINES on Windows where needed (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21167 Force builders to run. (cla: yes)

21169 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from arL8NjPHW... to 8q8xxvY60... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21170 Roll Skia from 37fd658981dd to 2bc4077c9e42 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21171 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from zKQw_oHsx... to -iBBiPj1C... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21172 Roll Skia from 2bc4077c9e42 to aecd484d03d7 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21176 Add missingheader for (strcmp, strrchr) (cla: yes)

21178 Roll Skia from aecd484d03d7 to 22aa7d791515 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21179 Discard wrong size layer tree instead of rendering it (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

21181 Roll Skia from 22aa7d791515 to d911c91d8895 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21183 Roll Skia from d911c91d8895 to 6f3ed7f72cd6 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21186 Roll Skia from 6f3ed7f72cd6 to 50dd7e15af47 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21188 Flutter 1.22.0-12.1.pre engine cherrypicks (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

21189 Fix NPE in PlatformPlugin.getClipboardData() (cla: yes, platform-android)

21190 Roll Skia from 50dd7e15af47 to a195d101f96c (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21191 Account for current open image in FlutterImageView (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

21193 [darwin] Header #import hygiene (cla: yes, platform-ios)

21194 [web] Integration test for selectable text (affects: text input, cla: yes, platform-web)

21197 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from -iBBiPj1C... to sXR21ye3r... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21203 Verify Flutter clang module, add hook for verifying consumer warnings (cla: yes, platform-ios)

21205 Roll Skia from a195d101f96c to 3e72b3ff8ca7 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21206 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 8q8xxvY60... to VpUd_W9Oi... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21208 Fix x-axis direction in Offset.direction doc (cla: yes)

21209 Roll Dart SDK from c835079edda4 to 7476b58cc9d0 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21210 Roll Skia from 3e72b3ff8ca7 to 2610e8261e9e (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21212 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from sXR21ye3r... to G5UItrFeP... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21213 IME Animation clean up extraneous window inset call (cla: yes, platform-android)

21216 Roll Dart SDK from 7476b58cc9d0 to 9b3b9c26a343 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21217 Add missing cstring header (fixes (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21218 Support Wayland only (without X11 support in gdk) (cla: yes)

21220 Roll Skia from 2610e8261e9e to 2564767d24e5 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21221 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from VpUd_W9Oi... to 13BzEPO47... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21222 Roll Dart SDK from 9b3b9c26a343 to 83365979ea85 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21224 Roll Dart SDK from 83365979ea85 to e41a6008746d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21226 [web] enable ios safari screenshot tests (cla: yes, platform-web)

21228 [web] run safari desktop tests on luci (cla: yes)

21230 Roll Skia from 2564767d24e5 to bf66ffbbd4ce (27 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21231 Enable delayed event delivery for macOS (affects: text input, cla: yes)

21232 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from G5UItrFeP... to 91U3isvKn... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21233 Roll Dart SDK from e41a6008746d to eb24e3324908 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21234 Fix segfault if engine is disposed with an uncompleted task. (cla: yes)

21235 Roll Skia from bf66ffbbd4ce to f9fdf291c567 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21238 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 13BzEPO47... to 2nHpC_AEO... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21239 Roll Dart SDK from eb24e3324908 to 99970d646dc9 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21241 [Fix] Replaces call to deprecated method (cla: yes)

21242 Roll Skia from f9fdf291c567 to 51a7f9559ad4 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21244 Roll Skia from 51a7f9559ad4 to 12d06a38427d (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21245 Roll Dart SDK from 99970d646dc9 to fcaedc6d9587 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21246 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 91U3isvKn... to Qi0ptKLxN... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21247 [web] Remove commented import (cla: yes, platform-web)

21248 avoid hard coding OS (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21249 Roll Skia from 12d06a38427d to 45f41b376260 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21250 Roll Skia from 45f41b376260 to c21dc07a78b9 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21254 Disable ShellTest.SkipAndSubmitFrame for flakes (cla: yes)

21257 Roll Dart SDK from fcaedc6d9587 to 2cec6af2652f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21258 Workaround for an Android emulator EGL bug that can cause inaccurate GL version strings (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

21259 Do not pass invalid platform view rendering surfaces to the rasterizer (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21260 Roll Skia from c21dc07a78b9 to 31634288fdf3 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21261 Roll Dart SDK from 2cec6af2652f to 6f333dbd6a2b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21262 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 2nHpC_AEO... to i2PBGu2n-... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21265 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from Qi0ptKLxN... to K2Oiy-AYh... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21266 Roll Skia from 31634288fdf3 to feb4d10f7b2d (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21270 Fix boolean value checks in StandardMessageCodec (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

21272 Enforce exclusivity for activity and fragments attached to the FlutterEngine (cla: yes, platform-android)

21275 support uri intent launcher in android (cla: yes, platform-android)

21276 Roll Dart SDK from 6f333dbd6a2b to 8c45e2e29cb4 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21277 Dark mode friendly iOS debugging message (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

21278 Roll Dart SDK from 8c45e2e29cb4 to 8bd3017291e5 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21279 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from i2PBGu2n-... to WsUbW2ZnA... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21284 [web] dispatch browser event on flutter/service_worker channel (cla: yes)

21286 Fix iOS platform view's mask view blocking touch events. (cla: yes, platform-ios)

21290 SecurityException: Permission Denial (cla: yes, platform-android)

21297 Make SkCanvas types @anonymous; reduce logging noise (cla: yes)

21298 implement decodeFromPixels (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21301 Do not create a TestGLSurface for software-only rendering in EmbedderTest (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21302 [fuchsia] add frames_in_flight info to trace events (cla: yes)

21303 [iOS TextInput] Avoid Unnecessary UndateEditingClient Calls (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

21304 Implement toString for Images on web (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21307 Disconnect the view's AndroidKeyProcessor when detaching from the engine (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

21308 [manual roll] Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from K2Oiy-AYh... to 2rXyLF0YK (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21309 Roll Skia from feb4d10f7b2d to 371fde549e35 (46 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21310 Roll Dart SDK from 8bd3017291e5 to c660a695266a (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21311 Relax test around a11y updates (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21312 Roll Skia from 371fde549e35 to 1a49a5334c36 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21313 [web] Add canUpdateAsMatch to PersistedPlatformView. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21314 Detect errors encoding method channel responses (cla: yes)

21315 Roll Dart SDK from c660a695266a to c61a0818e4bd (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21316 Add FlEventChannel (cla: yes, waiting for customer response)

21317 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 2rXyLF0YK... to VgNGzw-DQ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21318 Roll Skia from 1a49a5334c36 to 7a1f241c0134 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21319 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from WsUbW2ZnA... to WcbX470pS... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21320 Roll Dart SDK from c61a0818e4bd to 2b8d00ac48e7 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21321 Roll Skia from 7a1f241c0134 to 77960d9addc8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21322 Roll Skia from 77960d9addc8 to a38945abe337 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21323 Roll Skia from a38945abe337 to 84a008fa55b0 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21324 creating test result directory before running tests (cla: yes)

21325 enable Web Framework tests on try builds (cla: yes)

21326 Roll Skia from 84a008fa55b0 to 187b04b35777 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21328 Roll Skia from 187b04b35777 to c61c895393ea (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21329 [a11y] Flutter sends node roles as part of Fuchsia semantics updates. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21330 Retain the WindowInsetsAnimation callback if code shrinking is enabled (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

21331 clarify that offset is not used in addPlatformView for iOS/Android (cla: yes)

21332 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from VgNGzw-DQ... to VGnJQMPQM... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21333 Remove spurious semicolon (cla: yes, platform-ios)

21336 Added the ability to set the initial route via launch urls. (cla: yes, platform-ios)

21338 Revert "Deprecate Android v1 embedding classes" (cla: yes, platform-android)

21340 Roll Skia from c61c895393ea to 2b469ebd0627 (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21341 disabled the auto assign bot (cla: yes)

21343 Roll Skia from 2b469ebd0627 to 3eb813e0cc13 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21347 Re-land deprecate Android v1 embedding classes (cla: yes, platform-android)

21349 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from VGnJQMPQM... to IWfLWIJ93... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21350 Locale -> LanguageRange conversion to be more general in Android platformResolvedLocale (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

21351 Roll Skia from 3eb813e0cc13 to 18f4b1c7e31a (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21352 Roll Skia from 18f4b1c7e31a to 443d2c17b79b (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21353 remove web_tests from cirrus since they already run on LUCI (cla: yes)

21354 Roll Skia from 443d2c17b79b to ba615e892fcb (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21355 Embedder API Support for display settings (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

21356 Add an adjustment to currentLineWidth comparisons when pushing greedy line breaks (cla: yes)

21357 Roll Skia from ba615e892fcb to 81fc1fc3bfe6 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21358 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from WcbX470pS... to z7zaxhmps... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21359 Remove legacy C++ EncodableValue (cla: yes)

21362 Update error text for iOS 14 launch (cla: yes, platform-ios)

21363 Roll Skia from 81fc1fc3bfe6 to 7b97b3cb2bd0 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21364 Apply dpr transform to fuchsia accessibility bridge (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21365 Roll Skia from 7b97b3cb2bd0 to 59b2a92c96ba (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21366 Flutter 1.22.0-12.2.pre engine cherrypicks (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

21367 Reland: Adds fuchsia node roles to accessibility bridge updat… (cla: yes)

21368 Roll Skia from 59b2a92c96ba to 1b89eb742a66 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21369 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from IWfLWIJ93... to -grWUcdOo... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21370 fix EnginePicture.toImage; implement rawRgba toByteData; add test (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

21371 isCloneOf for Image (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21372 Fix for issue flutter/#66502. (cla: yes, platform-web)

21373 Roll Skia from 1b89eb742a66 to fc396a85e4c8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21374 Roll Skia from fc396a85e4c8 to 96d9b52bb948 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21376 Roll Dart SDK from 2b8d00ac48e7 to 616bc676e75b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21377 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from z7zaxhmps... to v7dguVBSA... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21378 Roll Skia from 96d9b52bb948 to cf43fc676856 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21380 Roll Dart SDK from 616bc676e75b to aac512605bfe (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21381 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from -grWUcdOo... to NeYDIjo58... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21383 E2e screenshot tests2 (cla: yes, platform-web)

21384 Roll Skia from cf43fc676856 to e74cebefdeeb (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21385 Roll Skia from e74cebefdeeb to 6e51d92a0278 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21386 Split out embedder_unittests test cases into GL and non-GL tests (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21387 Roll Dart SDK from aac512605bfe to 62aea7e5112a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21388 hasStrings Linux (affects: desktop, cla: yes, needs tests, platform-linux)

21389 Avoid sending a 0 DPR to framework (cla: yes)

21390 Roll Skia from 6e51d92a0278 to fe3d9a23095e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21391 Revert "Make drain() consistently asynchronous." (cla: yes)

21392 fuchsia: Don't send ViewportMetrics w/ 0 DPR (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)

21393 Roll Skia from fe3d9a23095e to 03c31eca19ce (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21395 Roll Dart SDK from 62aea7e5112a to eb8e6232da02 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21396 Support dragging native platform views (cla: yes, platform-android)

21397 Remove ASCII art from mDNS error log (cla: yes, platform-ios)

21398 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from v7dguVBSA... to xnB_uJM8T... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21399 Roll Skia from 03c31eca19ce to 5227335b0add (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21402 Roll Skia from 5227335b0add to 1748c6a3b8c8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21403 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from NeYDIjo58... to BFLXvCMVi... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21405 Add workaround for missing fl_method_xxx_response_get_type() symbols (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21406 fix lint failures (cla: yes)

21407 Roll Dart SDK from eb8e6232da02 to 13b3f2d7b6ea (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21408 Fix linking issue (missing wayland-client library) (cla: yes)

21410 Roll Skia from 1748c6a3b8c8 to 3b88c0772e89 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21411 Roll Skia from 3b88c0772e89 to d7ab45027877 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21414 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from xnB_uJM8T... to _e0onA6gY... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21415 Roll Skia from d7ab45027877 to aeae3a58e3da (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21417 Roll Skia from aeae3a58e3da to 7bd60430299f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21418 Enable embedder_unittests on Fuchsia (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21419 Roll Dart SDK from 13b3f2d7b6ea to 4fb134a228c7 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21420 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from BFLXvCMVi... to XcAUWQUZm... (cla: yes)

21421 Roll Skia from 7bd60430299f to 68861e391313 (14 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21422 Fix getNextFrame (cla: yes)

21423 [web] Respond with null for unimplemented method channels (cla: yes, platform-web)

21424 Roll Skia from 68861e391313 to a05d27b170ee (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21425 Roll Skia from a05d27b170ee to 5e1545fa00c8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21426 Roll Dart SDK from 4fb134a228c7 to db7eb2549480 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21427 Roll Dart SDK from db7eb2549480 to 200e8da5072a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21430 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from XcAUWQUZm... to 0nW5DAxcC... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21431 Roll Skia from 5e1545fa00c8 to 766eeb2ac325 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21432 [ios] Remove unused is_valid_ from IOS Metal Context (cla: yes, platform-ios)

21433 Roll Skia from 766eeb2ac325 to 5648572f4a94 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21434 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from _e0onA6gY... to SUSVNJcX5... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21435 Roll Skia from 5648572f4a94 to eabce08bb2f2 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21436 Allow hot reload without syncing all asset files to devFS (cla: yes)

21437 Roll Dart SDK from 200e8da5072a to c938793e2d6f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21438 Respect the --debug option in Firefox (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

21439 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 0nW5DAxcC... to xdxm8rU8b... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21440 Roll Dart SDK from c938793e2d6f to fe83360d3a7c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21441 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from SUSVNJcX5... to v5Ko06GkT... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21443 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from xdxm8rU8b... to ej-CkfSra... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21444 Remove unnecessary ?s from web_ui. (cla: yes)

21445 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from v5Ko06GkT... to k_lSjZxIH... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21446 Roll Dart SDK from fe83360d3a7c to 44e4f3958019 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21447 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from ej-CkfSra... to HNNs4gfuM... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21448 Roll Skia from eabce08bb2f2 to ad6aeace6eee (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21451 Roll Dart SDK from 44e4f3958019 to e2a4eaba73b8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21453 Roll Dart SDK from e2a4eaba73b8 to 13deada5b267 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21454 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from k_lSjZxIH... to qyoO7f9Sk... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21455 Roll Skia from ad6aeace6eee to 6a189f23af5e (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21456 Revert multiple display support for embedder API (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21458 Revert "Apply dpr transform to fuchsia accessibility bridge" (cla: yes)

21459 Reland Apply dpr transform to fuchsia accessibility bridge (cla: yes)

21461 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from HNNs4gfuM... to 2NPr4uMi-... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21462 Run embedder_tests on Fuchsia CI (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21463 Roll Dart SDK from 13deada5b267 to 58248a54dd58 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21464 Reland multiple display support for embedder API (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

21465 Roll Skia from 6a189f23af5e to d82e2c1ec126 (15 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21466 Flutter 1.22.0-12.3.pre engine cherrypicks (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

21467 Make scoped_nsprotocol::release() private. (cla: yes)

21468 [macos] Allow engine flags via environment vars (cla: yes)

21469 Roll Skia from d82e2c1ec126 to 427d8ebf308c (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21471 Roll Skia from 427d8ebf308c to e96cdd18ac5f (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21472 Roll Dart SDK from 58248a54dd58 to 281f1e388107 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21473 Clear the Minikin layout cache during engine destruction (cla: yes)

21474 Replace kLegacyFontHost_InitType with kUnknown_SkPixelGeometry. (cla: yes)

21475 Roll Dart SDK from 281f1e388107 to 4c0245356649 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21476 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from qyoO7f9Sk... to iiCa4hab1... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21477 Roll Skia from e96cdd18ac5f to 1fdcd389873d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21478 Do not remove directories in purge (cla: yes)

21479 Roll Skia from 1fdcd389873d to 01bbe189b0d0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21480 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 2NPr4uMi-... to 4UZwprAK4... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21481 Roll Skia from 01bbe189b0d0 to 842805ced156 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21482 Roll Dart SDK from 4c0245356649 to 4ea46a8b10a1 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21483 Roll Skia from 842805ced156 to c73bff39bd21 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21484 [fuchsia][a11y] Don't populate hidden state. (accessibility, cla: yes, platform-fuchsia, waiting for tree to go green)

21485 Roll Skia from c73bff39bd21 to 4b6f37d90277 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21487 Roll Skia from 4b6f37d90277 to 0b0fb4d50b75 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21488 [fuchsia] fix typo (cla: yes)

21489 Roll Dart SDK from 4ea46a8b10a1 to 2a4169b3cfab (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21492 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from iiCa4hab1... to tuXjGvikz... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21495 fuchsia: Remove display device availability check from Flutter (cla: yes)

21497 [linux] Allow engine flags via environment vars (affects: desktop, affects: engine, cla: yes, platform-linux)

21499 [web] Fix 3d transforms for html backend (cla: yes, platform-web)

21500 Roll Skia from 0b0fb4d50b75 to 9ecb3abfdfe8 (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21502 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 4UZwprAK4... to _ABSfRa7C... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21503 Roll Skia from 9ecb3abfdfe8 to 4cf00a814f7d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21504 Support loading assets from Android dynamic feature modules (cla: yes, platform-android)

21505 Roll Skia from 4cf00a814f7d to f201af8b00e8 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21506 Roll Dart SDK from 2a4169b3cfab to 0ed6ae6d709e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21507 Roll Skia from f201af8b00e8 to 8a1ed2a97bf4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21508 Roll Skia from 8a1ed2a97bf4 to a87c5076a876 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21509 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from tuXjGvikz... to aO19K7Ut2... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21511 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from _ABSfRa7C... to sDtTSnOFx... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21513 Revert "Use dispatchKeyEventPreIme, and handle keys sent to InputConnection.sendKeyEvent on Android" (cla: yes, platform-android)

21520 re-enable CanvasKit path ops test (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21522 Fix windows popup when unit tests have failures (cla: yes)

21523 Add missing returns in system channels handlers (affects: desktop, cla: yes, needs tests, platform-windows)

21525 Smooth window resizing on macOS (affects: desktop, cla: yes, needs tests, platform-macos, waiting for tree to go green)

21526 iOS: only add explicit transactions when there are platform views (only on main threads) (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

21527 fuchsia: Remove Opacity hole-punch (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)

21529 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from aO19K7Ut2... to U2Cd8uL4-... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21530 [web] Fix monotonic quadratic winding (cla: yes)

21531 [web] Fix setPreferredOrientations failure on iOS due to NNBD change. (cla: yes)

21532 cloning flutter repo for luci recipes (cla: yes)

21533 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from sDtTSnOFx... to GEYgsTBRM... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21534 [Android Text Input] Make the editing state listenable and allow batch edits (affects: text input, cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

21537 Roll Dart SDK from 0ed6ae6d709e to ddbeaabe8b3d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21538 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from U2Cd8uL4-... to UKTUc5UVB... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21540 Revert "Roll Dart SDK from 0ed6ae6d709e to ddbeaabe8b3d (1 revision)" (cla: yes)

21541 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from GEYgsTBRM... to EdtRxRaCS... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21542 Roll Dart SDK from 0ed6ae6d709e to ddbeaabe8b3d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21543 fuchsia: Fix test compile (affects: tests, cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)

21544 embedder: Exclude GL code (affects: engine, cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)

21546 Writing the commit no to a text file (cla: yes)

21547 Add debugDisposed to Image (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21548 Extract the WindowInsetsAnimation.Callback subclass into a separate class that will be lazily loaded (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

21550 Adds response to view requestFocus platformview message (cla: yes)

21552 web: implement frame timings (cla: yes)

21554 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from UKTUc5UVB... to gZ122oeKO... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21555 Implement Image.clone for CanvasKit (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21556 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from EdtRxRaCS... to CG6NCkBX9... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21562 Roll Skia from a87c5076a876 to 36366209d412 (55 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21564 remove the web integration test (cla: yes)

21565 Roll Skia from 36366209d412 to 8cc5f19f439d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21566 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from CG6NCkBX9... to 8Evelbjqf... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21567 test CkPath.reset() (cla: yes)

21568 Roll Skia from 8cc5f19f439d to b509bbb81f36 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21569 Roll Dart SDK from ddbeaabe8b3d to 9c89ce329247 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21570 Roll Skia from b509bbb81f36 to 2d7973afc29d (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21571 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from gZ122oeKO... to 1i9GaCxm8... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21574 Roll Dart SDK from 9c89ce329247 to 2eab25e4b239 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21576 Hookup view connected/disconnected events for platform view codepath (cla: yes)

21577 Roll Dart SDK from 2eab25e4b239 to 9f810fa15a9e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21578 Use absolute path in ios_test_flutter target (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

21580 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 8Evelbjqf... to J5Qe0sLAi... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21581 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 1i9GaCxm8... to 0pFgNUM8S... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21584 [web] Fix CapsLock keyevent (cla: yes)

21585 Refactor make_mock_engine into fl_test (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21587 Roll Dart SDK from 9f810fa15a9e to 1a039e595379 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21588 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from J5Qe0sLAi... to tz23Y3d1u... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21589 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 0pFgNUM8S... to D6xcV5RGw... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21590 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from tz23Y3d1u... to Hq4nRfNIg... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21591 Roll Skia from 2d7973afc29d to 223ffcdff922 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21592 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from D6xcV5RGw... to qljWjWwoR... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21595 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from Hq4nRfNIg... to 5KQYmRGqZ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21596 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from qljWjWwoR... to mhxbBrFZD... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21597 Roll Skia from 223ffcdff922 to e34a8d7f01ff (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21598 Roll Dart SDK from 1a039e595379 to 9560a32779fc (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21599 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 5KQYmRGqZ... to DMUD0TMLr... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21600 Roll Skia from e34a8d7f01ff to bd0881cb58eb (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21601 Roll Skia from bd0881cb58eb to e2c4999ec340 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21603 Use the gpu config for shell_unittests to declare SHELL_ENABLE_{GL,VULKAN} (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21604 Roll Skia from e2c4999ec340 to 0d31ed506863 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21606 Roll ICU to 146cb611fb2c1f53e63c2e59bd735d7a8ac6ec8c (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21607 Roll Skia from 0d31ed506863 to d30e9efdab5c (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21608 Roll Skia from d30e9efdab5c to 41d906752d13 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21610 fixing the autofill overlay problem (blue area for chrome) (cla: yes)

21611 Preserve specified AssetResolvers when performing a hot restart or updating the asset directory (cla: yes, platform-android)

21612 Separate mutators for text and selection (affects: desktop, affects: text input, cla: yes, platform-linux, platform-windows, waiting for tree to go green)

21613 running web tests only on DEPS and web directories (cla: yes)

21615 Roll Skia from 41d906752d13 to 05162812fd37 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21617 Roll Skia from 05162812fd37 to 347e5dc37127 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21619 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from mhxbBrFZD... to 8q-OCkyhO... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21620 Roll Skia from 347e5dc37127 to fa5ff7d234b8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21621 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from DMUD0TMLr... to HeAkKHbFY... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21622 Roll Skia from fa5ff7d234b8 to 00dc0bcb4d54 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21624 Roll Skia from 00dc0bcb4d54 to e2c6940c36e4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21625 Roll Skia from e2c6940c36e4 to c3bdd1c597dc (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21628 Roll Skia from c3bdd1c597dc to 33b42e12ab71 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21629 Add more TextStyle support to Paragraph in CanvasKit mode (cla: yes, platform-web)

21630 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from HeAkKHbFY... to kr1tNtZvZ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21632 Add flag to not publish the observatory port over mDNS (cla: yes, platform-ios)

21633 add api_conform_test to analyze step (cla: yes)

21634 Roll Skia from 33b42e12ab71 to 107114dd1d6e (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21635 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 8q-OCkyhO... to xM2vYLfIT... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21648 Use preTranslate when applying offset to matrix (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21656 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from xM2vYLfIT... to m6w8tDXMm... (cla: yes)

21660 Run desktop darwin tests in debug mode (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21663 Store selection base/extent as size_t (affects: text input, cla: yes, platform-linux, platform-windows)

21665 Ensure JNI is not called from raster thread (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

21666 Roll Skia from 107114dd1d6e to a7f69c290667 (18 revisions) (cla: yes)

21668 Remove dependencies on _product variants of libdart from the Fuchsia release mode build (cla: yes)

21669 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.1 Engine Cherrypicks (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

21670 [macOS] Allow loading of AOT snapshots and instructions from elf bundle (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21676 Roll Skia from a7f69c290667 to 041fd0ad7d93 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21677 Pass angles for SweepGradient in degrees, not radians (cla: yes, platform-web)

21678 Roll Dart SDK from 9560a32779fc to 8f1a96317589 (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21679 [flutter_releases] fix infra failure for web framework tests (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

21680 Avoid leaking the FlutterEngineAOTData structure in FlutterEngineCollectAOTData. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21681 [macOS] flutter_desktop_darwin_unittests can be enabled for all runtime modes (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21682 Add multi-step IME support to TextInputModel (affects: text input, cla: yes, platform-linux, platform-windows)

21683 Roll Skia from 041fd0ad7d93 to 38e6d226f24e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21684 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from kr1tNtZvZ... to ZJHmp3INU... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21685 Make TextInputModel::selection_start/end const (affects: text input, cla: yes, platform-linux, platform-windows)

21686 Roll Dart SDK from 8f1a96317589 to 8572b5c0f6dc (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21687 Revert "[web] Support custom url strategies" (cla: yes)

21688 Roll Skia from 38e6d226f24e to ac0723a06b53 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21689 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from m6w8tDXMm... to zhRBO0hCr... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21690 Use buildroot clang for scenario app (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21691 Roll Dart SDK from 8572b5c0f6dc to 98ea0b4971dd (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21692 Roll Skia from ac0723a06b53 to 8d43858ed21a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21694 Skip flaky test (cla: yes, platform-ios)

21695 Roll Dart SDK from 98ea0b4971dd to 44fa3b9e566c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21696 Forbid android.util.Log (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

21697 Update PR template to include the presubmit flake form (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21698 Roll Skia from 8d43858ed21a to 9c0b79a35489 (14 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21699 [macOS] Fix docs for loadAOTData and minor refactor (affects: desktop, cla: yes, needs tests, platform-macos)

21701 Fix engine Xcode projection for newer versions of Xcode. (cla: yes)

21702 [web] Reland Support custom url strategies (cla: yes, platform-web)

21705 chrome driver for chrome 86 (cla: yes)

21706 Fix the offset passed to minikin::GraphemeBreak::isGraphemeBreak (cla: yes)

21707 Roll Skia from 9c0b79a35489 to e17b0501963a (15 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21708 Roll Dart SDK from 44fa3b9e566c to 4ba58cad60e4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21709 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from ZJHmp3INU... to wrXNShr_8... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21711 Perform selection check in DeleteSelected (affects: text input, cla: yes, platform-linux, platform-windows)

21714 Revert "fix On iOS, dialog titles are announced twice (#19826)" (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

21716 [web] Add ShaderBuilder, change drawVertices to use builder. (cla: yes)

21718 Roll Dart SDK from 4ba58cad60e4 to fe566e6d08b1 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21719 Allow TalkBack navigation while a platform view is rendered (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

21720 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from zhRBO0hCr... to LyP59nILn... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21722 Extract textrange (affects: text input, cla: yes, platform-linux, platform-windows)

21723 Roll Dart SDK from fe566e6d08b1 to 1e7250f91944 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21725 Roll Dart SDK from 1e7250f91944 to 712e35f7fd0b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21729 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from wrXNShr_8... to EBX49sN_X... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21730 Fix viewInset.bottom and viewPadding.bottom… (affects: engine, cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

21732 Roll Skia from e17b0501963a to 453f67ff0ade (28 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21733 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from LyP59nILn... to lqn8xmlDn... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21734 Forward font collection APIs to the SkParagraph font collection (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21736 Roll Dart SDK from 712e35f7fd0b to 06536d68ca0f (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21737 Add dart_entrypoint_argc/argv to the FlutterProjectArgs (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21739 Roll Skia from 453f67ff0ade to 269e43fd9830 (11 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21740 Fix filesystem access prior to macOS 10.15 (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21741 Remove uses of Dart VM bytecode mode from Flutter engine (cla: yes)

21742 Roll Skia from 269e43fd9830 to 88cda17bbeb8 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21744 Roll Skia from 88cda17bbeb8 to 61003cde7688 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21746 Roll Skia from 61003cde7688 to 13fc260c7080 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21747 Reland "Create root isolate asynchronously (#20142)" (cla: yes)

21749 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from lqn8xmlDn... to gzhbqRUap... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21752 Roll Skia from 13fc260c7080 to aa64c352b349 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21753 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from EBX49sN_X... to YRTc9YoiB... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21754 Windows: Add UWP target stub [Flutter#14697] (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21758 Roll Skia from aa64c352b349 to d71dc2d25b8b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21759 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from gzhbqRUap... to _0R2HD4c8... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21760 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from YRTc9YoiB... to Nw5-0_sVF... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21762 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from _0R2HD4c8... to 82ankF-Ht... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21768 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 82ankF-Ht... to FFpTJfmj1... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21771 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from Nw5-0_sVF... to h-DeV4tgE... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21772 Roll Skia from d71dc2d25b8b to ceb6214a556a (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21773 Ignore analysis warning for doc comment (cla: yes)

21774 Roll Skia from ceb6214a556a to 9213e610ed92 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21775 Roll Dart SDK from 06536d68ca0f to e256855d07ba (6 revisions) (cla: yes)

21777 Prevent a race between SurfaceTexture.release and updateTexImage (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

21779 Roll Skia from 9213e610ed92 to 840e8ea7403e (11 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21780 Fix documentation build for window changes. (cla: yes)

21781 [web] Fix Altgr keyboard crash (cla: yes)

21782 Add missing ninja call to so it can be run locally easily (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21783 Roll Skia from 840e8ea7403e to ab6e62c131e9 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21784 [null-safety] fix build rule to produce sound dill (cla: yes)

21786 Ocmock dylib (cla: yes, platform-ios)

21789 [macOS] Add plumbing to grab dart entrypoint args (affects: desktop, cla: yes, needs tests, platform-macos, waiting for tree to go green)

21790 Call PlatformView.dispose when removing hybrid composition platform views (cla: yes, platform-android)

21792 Revert "Migration to PlatformDispatcher and multi-window #20496" (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

21794 Roll Skia from ab6e62c131e9 to f58db3c94da3 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21795 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from FFpTJfmj1... to 8Cb2zG9e3... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21797 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from h-DeV4tgE... to gdo4mZ5oI... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21798 [ios] Create a standalone external view embedder on iOS (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

21801 Roll Skia from f58db3c94da3 to 387fd62a1280 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21802 Enable lazy-async-stacks by-default in all modes (Take 4) (cla: yes)

21803 Roll Skia from 387fd62a1280 to c89a7ee628db (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21804 Roll Skia from c89a7ee628db to fa8891164062 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21805 Roll Skia from fa8891164062 to 01b93eabe25b (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21806 Forward Error objects to uncaught exception handler if there is one. (cla: yes, platform-android)

21807 [web] enabling firefox screenshot tests. adding to documentation (cla: yes)

21808 Roll Dart SDK from e256855d07ba to a3b62f366529 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21809 Roll Dart SDK from e256855d07ba to a3b62f366529 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21810 Roll Skia from 01b93eabe25b to 2e0c70dc9c3e (10 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21811 Switch macOS embedding to proc table embedder API (affects: desktop, affects: engine, cla: yes, platform-macos)

21813 Add a proc table version of embedder API (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21814 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from gdo4mZ5oI... to 41fVbRhb0... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21816 Roll Skia from 2e0c70dc9c3e to 7bbdde059685 (10 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21817 Enable clipRRect for android platform view hybrid composition (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

21819 Add a style note about Linux embedding style (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21820 Enable loading snapshots with sound null safety enabled. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21821 [flutter] add intercept_all_input flag support (cla: yes)

21823 Revert "Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from gdo4mZ5oI... to 41fVbRhb0..." (cla: yes)

21827 Upgrade to latest process runner, fix commands that throw to fail test (cla: yes)

21828 Collect logs in the background. (cla: yes)

21829 Revert Linux Fuchsia SDK rolls to 10/8 (cla: yes)

21830 Roll Dart SDK from a3b62f366529 to 4226116043f5 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21831 Explicitly make the X connection for EGL. (cla: yes)

21832 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 8Cb2zG9e3... to SFNhlfVb_... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21834 Roll Skia from 7bbdde059685 to 99446001182c (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21838 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.23.0-18.1.pre Engine Cherrypicks (cla: yes)

21839 [android] Refactor surface factory and wire in external view embedder (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

21840 Fix destruction order in C++ plugin registrar (cla: yes)

21841 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.2 engine cherrypicks (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

21842 Update flutter to pass Skia the VkImageUsageFlags and Samples (cla: yes)

21846 Roll Dart SDK from 4226116043f5 to 04cf6ade9fc4 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21847 [embedder] Platform View owns lifecycle of external view embedder (cla: yes)

21848 Roll Skia from 99446001182c to f4bda743ff8d (22 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21850 [fuchsia] External view embedder will be shared with platform view (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21851 Revert "Explicitly make the X connection for EGL. (#21831)" (cla: yes)

21852 Auto detect mode to determine which rendering backend to use. (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

21854 Migrate TextInputPlugin API to TextRange (affects: text input, cla: yes, platform-linux, platform-windows)

21856 Fixing semantics borders on mobile web (cla: yes, platform-web)

21864 Update more class names from GrContext to GrDirectContext (cla: yes, platform-ios)

21871 Reland "Explicitly make the X connection for EGL." (cla: yes)

21873 [web] Implement sweep gradient (cla: yes, platform-web)

21874 Add TextRange::Contains tests spanning base/extent (affects: text input, cla: yes, platform-linux, platform-windows)

21875 Fix typos in FlValue docs (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21877 [ios] Refactor IOSSurface factory and unify surface creation (cla: yes, platform-ios)

21879 Fix memory leaks in FlTextInputPlugin (cla: yes)

21882 Revert "Add flag to not publish the observatory port over mDNS" (cla: yes, platform-ios)

21883 Add flag to not publish the observatory port over mDNS (cla: yes, platform-ios)

21884 Roll buildroot to 9184ff0695be1b3e4bb20cf64efcfa56daa0a3c0 (cla: yes)

21889 Fix incldues to be flutter/shell rather than shell/ (cla: yes, platform-android)

21890 Refactored the FlutterEngine to make it easier to implement spawn functionality (cla: yes, platform-ios)

21891 Check for null images in ImageFromCompressedData (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21892 Roll Skia from f4bda743ff8d to f1b53836b705 (21 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21896 Show OSK on GNOME+Wayland (cla: yes)

21897 Add multi-step input method support for Linux (affects: desktop, affects: text input, cla: yes, needs tests, platform-linux)

21901 [web] Implement ClipOp.difference (cla: yes)

21904 Eliminate FLUTTER_NOLINT where possible (cla: yes, code health, platform-android)

21906 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from SFNhlfVb_... to _FaRRt69Z... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21909 Roll Dart SDK from 04cf6ade9fc4 to 80288ca68c49 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21910 Roll Skia from f1b53836b705 to db0288d747ae (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21911 Roll Skia from db0288d747ae to 839fb228ac44 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21915 Roll Dart SDK from 80288ca68c49 to e655b9a3839e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21917 Roll Skia from 839fb228ac44 to 418eda2c599a (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21918 Break the reference cycle between the surface factory and the external view embedder (cla: yes, platform-android)

21919 Roll Dart SDK from e655b9a3839e to b58cfe5ab24e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21920 Roll Dart SDK from e655b9a3839e to b58cfe5ab24e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21921 Update FLUTTER_NOLINT uses to include issue link (cla: yes, code health)

21922 Require that FLUTTER_NOLINT include issue link (cla: yes)

21923 Roll Skia from 418eda2c599a to f9c7b2803461 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21924 Revert "[fuchsia] External view embedder will be shared with platform view" (cla: yes)

21926 Set strokeCap, strokeJoin, and strokeMiter when resurrecting Paint (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21927 Define SK_VULKAN for clang-tidy runs (cla: yes, code health)

21928 [web] Fix scroll wheel line delta on Firefox. (cla: yes, platform-web)

21929 Roll Skia from f9c7b2803461 to f60a76e2ac01 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21932 Reland: Migration to PlatformDispatcher and multi-window (affects: desktop, cla: yes)

21933 Plumb through Dart entrypoint arguments on the Linux embedder (affects: desktop, cla: yes, needs tests, platform-linux)

21934 [fuchsia] Adds a test for timezone change (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21935 Eliminate unnecessary linter opt-outs (cla: yes, code health)

21936 Roll Skia from f60a76e2ac01 to be8004d2fb6c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21937 Roll the process_runner package used by the formatter script (cla: yes)

21938 Roll Dart SDK from b58cfe5ab24e to aaab579579be (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21939 [web] Fix image gap due to svg element without position attribute (cla: yes)

21940 Reformat some files that were not auto-formatted (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

21941 Add FML_UNREACHABLE to declare points in code that should never be reached. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21942 [null-safety] fix type declaration of Picutre._toImage (cla: yes)

21944 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from _FaRRt69Z... to XZSNobQCT... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21946 Roll Dart SDK from aaab579579be to 42a0bf548ea3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21948 Roll Dart SDK from 42a0bf548ea3 to 675c7165c071 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21950 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from XZSNobQCT... to 9mMCqUXkF... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21952 Roll Dart SDK from 675c7165c071 to 5c59a47beda7 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21953 Restore missing call to RuntimeDelegate.OnRootIsolateCreated (cla: yes)

21955 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 9mMCqUXkF... to MR_bRfe8I... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21956 Roll Skia from be8004d2fb6c to 27f7fe32f49b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21959 [null-safety] fix return type of some pushLayer native bindings (cla: yes)

21970 Revert "[ios] Refactor IOSSurface factory and unify surface creation" (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

21971 Temporarily disabled tests that were using latin and arabic characters while we fix them. (cla: yes)

21974 Specify the Noto Naskh Arabic font to get consistent results in tests using Arabic characters (cla: yes)

21975 Fixes Edge trigger route change announcement (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

21976 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from ZJHmp3INU... to dcMRY8S12... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21977 Fix the initialization of AndroidSurfaceFactoryImpl (cla: yes, platform-android)

21978 Roll Dart SDK from 5c59a47beda7 to 902538ea56d5 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21979 Reland: Use dispatchKeyEventPreIme, and handle keys sent to InputConnection.sendKeyEvent on Android (cla: yes, platform-android)

21980 Fix native constructor of list of zircon handles and remove unused list factory specializations. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21981 Roll Dart SDK from 902538ea56d5 to fc82eeed7df3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21982 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from MR_bRfe8I... to pZ9FgVZTK... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21983 [null-safety] fix Scene.toImage declaration (cla: yes)

21984 Roll Skia from 27f7fe32f49b to ac1ded033136 (15 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21986 Revert "[web] Fix image gap due to svg element without position attribute" (cla: yes)

21987 [iOS] Fixes leaks of presses key message (cla: yes, platform-ios)

21988 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from dcMRY8S12... to lPMs_KwnU... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21989 Roll Skia from ac1ded033136 to a25c0619b5ef (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21990 Roll Skia from a25c0619b5ef to 4964300530d3 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21993 Roll Skia from 4964300530d3 to 51dc28505fb9 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21994 [null-safety] fix soundness of Paragraph._addPlaceholder (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21995 Roll Skia from 51dc28505fb9 to 1c823674d957 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22002 Roll Dart SDK from fc82eeed7df3 to 8be6a08153cc (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22003 [fuchsia] zx::vmar::map migration (cla: yes)

22004 Revert "Reland: Use dispatchKeyEventPreIme, and handle keys sent to InputConnection.sendKeyEvent on Android (#21979)" (cla: yes, platform-android)

22005 Roll Dart SDK from fc82eeed7df3 to 8be6a08153cc (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22007 Fix FlTextInputPlugin tear down (affects: desktop, cla: yes, needs tests, platform-linux, waiting for tree to go green)

22008 Reland fuchsia external view embedder will be shared with platform view (cla: yes)

22009 [fuchsia] opt-out null-safety in standalone scripts (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22012 Revert "Define SK_VULKAN for clang-tidy runs (#21927)" (cla: yes)

22013 Determine null-safety isolate flags for launches of the service isolate. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22015 Roll Skia from 1c823674d957 to 2d2f82c00aeb (13 revisions) (cla: yes)

22016 Reland [ios] Refactor IOSSurface factory and unify surface creation (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

22018 Roll Dart SDK from 8be6a08153cc to 86242db30c23 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22019 Allow parse_and_send to use access tokens (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22023 Roll Dart SDK from 86242db30c23 to 874709e52a99 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22026 Roll Dart SDK from 874709e52a99 to a3d902d8598e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22033 Add a golden scenario test for fallback font rendering on iOS take 2 (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22038 Run framework tests in sound null safety mode (cla: yes)

22041 Ensure root isolate create callback is invoked before the isolate is in the running phase. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22052 Isolates launched by the engine instance use the settings of that instance. (cla: yes)

22055 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from pZ9FgVZTK... to WLxBkBnZa... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22057 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from lPMs_KwnU... to gqS_DIjN4... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22058 Roll Dart SDK from a3d902d8598e to 9f907e198970 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22059 Roll Skia from 2d2f82c00aeb to 5c7bb326a7b3 (33 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22060 Roll Skia from 5c7bb326a7b3 to 65674e4c2e56 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22061 Includes roles for links, checkboxes, and radio buttons in semantics (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22062 Roll Skia from 65674e4c2e56 to 01b05e5b830b (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22063 Defer macOS arrow and backspace handling to framework (cla: yes)

22064 [web] Prevent using DOM nodes for canvas with large number of draws (cla: yes)

22065 Roll Skia from 01b05e5b830b to 53281c712159 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22067 Add "input shield" to capture pointer input for reinjection (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22069 Roll Dart SDK from 9f907e198970 to 37ccceacad41 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22070 [web] Fix positioning of canvas elements due to svg filters (cla: yes, platform-web)

22072 [web] Fix image getting evicted after being consumed from CrossFrameCache (cla: yes)

22073 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from WLxBkBnZa... to zDfaxkqlv... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22074 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from gqS_DIjN4... to vuKxZmSVj... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22075 Roll Skia from 53281c712159 to 58cf3fe83b93 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22078 Revert dart rolls (cla: yes)

22080 add web framework tests to the prod builder (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22081 Roll Skia from 58cf3fe83b93 to 7c64798b3d0c (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22082 [ios] Convert FlutterPlatformViewsController to smart pointer (cla: yes, platform-ios)

22084 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from vuKxZmSVj... to ivUuUUnOL... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22085 Implement Scene.toImage() in CanvasKit mode. (cla: yes, platform-web)

22086 Add metrics scripts in preparation to move the builder to LUCI. (cla: yes)

22087 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from zDfaxkqlv... to kCSI3uPt1... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22089 Fix _lerpInt precision bug (cla: yes)

22090 Roll Dart SDK from a3d902d8598e to ae67d4be7d8e (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22091 Remove some obsolete code from RuntimeController (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22094 Add plumbing for command line arguments on Windows (affects: desktop, cla: yes, needs tests, platform-windows, waiting for tree to go green)

22095 Revert "Add a golden scenario test for fallback font rendering on iOS take 2" (cla: yes)

22096 Roll Dart SDK from ae67d4be7d8e to 51b403c0134a (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22097 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from ivUuUUnOL... to gHKi9MwVc... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22098 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from kCSI3uPt1... to pis4h1dA0... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22100 Roll Dart SDK from 51b403c0134a to 11d1c3de8d01 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22101 Roll Skia from 7c64798b3d0c to 312535b47d38 (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22103 Roll Dart SDK from 11d1c3de8d01 to 1897e02f5b1c (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22106 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from pis4h1dA0... to xFEwU5hU7... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22107 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from gHKi9MwVc... to 33fGX8ZWr... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22108 Roll Skia from 312535b47d38 to aea82732415c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22110 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 33fGX8ZWr... to d3HGOZddM... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22112 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from xFEwU5hU7... to GcGZpyAMA... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22113 Roll Dart SDK from 1897e02f5b1c to 96369fde1083 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22114 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from d3HGOZddM... to 5teTtbQ9-... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22115 Roll Dart SDK from 96369fde1083 to 9ba287dfd221 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22116 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from GcGZpyAMA... to n-yA0KEMT... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22117 Roll Dart SDK from 9ba287dfd221 to 6e015bd9cddb (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22118 Roll Skia from aea82732415c to c493eabd56d0 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22119 Roll Skia from c493eabd56d0 to 189ecd485ade (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22121 Roll Skia from 189ecd485ade to 5bbbb49f1da0 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22124 add a package config file to const finder test fixtures (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22125 Fix possible use of std::moved value in Rasterizer (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22127 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 5teTtbQ9-... to XYN02FThN... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22129 Set strut font to Roboto if the given font hasn't been registered (cla: yes)

22130 Add braces on if statements to match linter style (cla: yes)

22134 [null-safety] update path version (cla: yes)

22135 Fix incorrect parameter used for self object (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22136 Fix warning when no entrypoint args provided. (affects: desktop, cla: yes, needs tests, platform-linux)

22138 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from n-yA0KEMT... to GKPwGj1Ux... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22140 Roll Skia from 5bbbb49f1da0 to 7737a5bd2510 (13 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22142 Add dart-lang/sdk's new package:clock dependency (cla: yes)

22146 Roll Skia from 7737a5bd2510 to 5567a6091ceb (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22147 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from XYN02FThN... to UKgKCjxSA... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22150 [web] Clean up unused previousStyle logic (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

22151 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from GKPwGj1Ux... to xHjtLQPQ5... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22153 Manual Dart SDK roll 6e015bd9cddb to 9c6e76468ca4 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22155 Roll Skia from 5567a6091ceb to f548a028ce70 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22157 Invalidate the cached SkParagraph font collection when a new font manager is installed (cla: yes)

22159 Report error when instantiating CanvasKit network image (cla: yes, platform-web)

22160 [web] Fixes canvas pixelation and overallocation due to transforms. (cla: yes, platform-web)

22169 Update constraint to latest integration test (cla: yes)

22170 [profiling] Handle thread_info to account for killed threads (cla: yes, platform-ios)

22171 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.3 engine cherrypicks (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

22172 [web] Fix transform not invalidating path bounds causing debugValidate failure (cla: yes, platform-web)

22175 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from UKgKCjxSA... to PY5hNI-wY... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22177 Roll ANGLE to latest version (cla: yes)

22179 Split AOT Android Embedder and shell (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

22180 Standardize macro names for dartdoc macros (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22181 Refactor platform message logic (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22182 [web] Fix for firefox custom clipping (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

22184 [web] Assign default natural width/height for svgs that report 0,0 on firefox and ie11 (cla: yes, platform-web)

22188 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from xHjtLQPQ5... to ICK_JlnKJ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22194 [iOS] Fixes DisplayLinkManager leaks (cla: yes, platform-ios)

22195 Update painting.dart with an annotation error. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22197 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from PY5hNI-wY... to Usec4YBzR... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22198 Migrate runZoned to runZonedGuarded (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22201 bring back build_test to ensure we validate licenses (cla: yes)

22203 Fix some serious lifecycle bugs with Android embedding code (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

22205 makes android semanticsnode to ignore hittest if it is not focusable (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

22206 [ios] Surface factory holds the canonical reference to the external view embedder (cla: yes, platform-ios)

22207 Defer Windows arrow key and delete handling (cla: yes)

22211 Switch Windows embedding to proc table embedder API (cla: yes)

22212 use the dart analyze command to analyze source (cla: yes)

22213 Manual Roll of Dart to ba80ed989cc...9c6e76468ca (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22214 Platform views have CreateExternalViewEmbedder (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

22215 [web] Canoncalize font family on input fields (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

22216 Manual roll of Dart 1a18fff9ad2e...ba80ed989cc (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22219 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from ICK_JlnKJ... to mhak7e_o6... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22220 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from Usec4YBzR... to sNx8qabBn... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22221 Update painting.dart (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22222 Roll Dart SDK from 1a18fff9ad2e to f01bcdc24ec6 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22223 Roll Dart SDK from f01bcdc24ec6 to fed66f60a3bc (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22224 Roll Skia from f548a028ce70 to c21902c0d3cc (46 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22225 Roll Dart SDK from fed66f60a3bc to 25ef5dc559cf (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22226 Roll Skia from c21902c0d3cc to 9615bcf71f2a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22227 Fix includes to start with shell (cla: yes, platform-ios)

22230 Report image diff status for iOS scenario golden tests (cla: yes)

22231 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from mhak7e_o6... to 8SkbMXJJ9... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22234 Roll Skia from 9615bcf71f2a to d5e6368fffd0 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22235 updating integration tests version. (cla: yes)

22236 disable AppLifecycleTests (cla: yes)

22237 Roll Skia from d5e6368fffd0 to 7585a65ac709 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22239 [web] Put the paragraph painting logic in the Paragraph class (cla: yes, platform-web)

22240 Remove the metrics task from cirrus. (cla: yes)

22243 Roll Dart SDK from 25ef5dc559cf to 5acb5fcf84cb (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22244 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from sNx8qabBn... to QqGvMWaYk... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22246 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 8SkbMXJJ9... to Pz4ZHZrUp... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22247 scenario app: update golden for platform view opacity test (cla: yes)

22248 [web] fix type error during hot restart in font manager (cla: yes)

22250 Roll Skia from 7585a65ac709 to dffd20efe95c (14 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22251 fix _getArrayBuffer signature (cla: yes)

22252 [web] Fix nullability issue with (cla: yes)

22255 Roll Dart SDK from 5acb5fcf84cb to a9d583383410 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22256 [web] Add test for (cla: yes)

22257 do not print in _computePixelDensity (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22258 Roll Dart SDK from a9d583383410 to d2577410a501 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22260 Upgrades to felt (running on multiple modes, multiple backends, single test target option) (cla: yes, platform-web)

22261 web: make some errors more idiomatic (cla: yes, platform-web)

22262 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from Pz4ZHZrUp... to 6yEx5GNGG... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22264 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from QqGvMWaYk... to oLF1FW-gC... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22265 Roll Dart SDK from 52783837369d to b43baaaa477d (723 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22267 Make PlatformDispatcher.locale and locales return consistent values (cla: yes)

22268 Fix Linux handling of window exposure events (affects: desktop, cla: yes, needs tests, platform-linux)

22269 Roll Dart SDK from b43baaaa477d to a4fbabcd73dc (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22270 Fix code style issues in MacOS embedder (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22271 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 6yEx5GNGG... to o45EAhxJZ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22272 Remove GetExternalViewEmbedder from surface (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

22273 [web] Fix repaint logic for cullrect,transform changes (cla: yes)

22275 Do not involve external_view_embedder in submit frame process if threads are not merged. (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

22276 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from oLF1FW-gC... to Esyuo1am1... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22277 Roll Skia from dffd20efe95c to 6e7cfaff1817 (37 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22280 Switch Linux embedding to proc table embedder API (cla: yes)

22281 Roll Skia from 6e7cfaff1817 to 0e54309477ac (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22282 added unit tests to the rasterizer (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22283 Roll Dart SDK from a4fbabcd73dc to 57bb12dc24d2 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22284 [linux] Change the buildroot DEPS for Linux Arm64 support (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22285 [web] Enable Control+MouseWheel browser zoom (cla: yes)

22286 Roll Skia from 0e54309477ac to 938932225cef (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22287 Roll Dart SDK from 57bb12dc24d2 to 599329b5cd98 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22288 Roll Skia from 938932225cef to 97469f4abe0a (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22289 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from o45EAhxJZ... to m1uK0SlYN... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22291 Roll Dart SDK from 599329b5cd98 to fbc56c1561ba (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22292 Updated return-type for PathMetric.extractPath to be non-nullable (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22293 Roll Dart SDK from fbc56c1561ba to bf751197ddb9 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22294 Roll Skia from 97469f4abe0a to a8f4c91114b5 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22295 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from Esyuo1am1... to Z1HqmxtPR... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22296 Roll Skia from a8f4c91114b5 to 3744b2a36638 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22297 Roll Skia from 3744b2a36638 to 007d97d69962 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22298 Revert "support uri intent launcher in android (#21275)" (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

22299 Roll Dart SDK from bf751197ddb9 to e182eac158cf (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22302 started providing the GPU sync switch to external view embedders (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

22304 Reland: Use dispatchKeyEventPreIme, and handle keys sent to InputConnection.sendKeyEvent on Android (cla: yes, platform-android)

22306 Roll Skia from 007d97d69962 to 68dcf542b79f (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22307 [web] Split the EngineParagraph interface from the legacy implementation (cla: yes, platform-web)

22309 Roll the path package in web_ui and web_test_utils to match the version used by the framework (cla: yes)

22316 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from m1uK0SlYN... to NimIr5BT-... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22317 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from Z1HqmxtPR... to 2rLs0vAIz... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22319 Roll Skia from 68dcf542b79f to 694ff1735711 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22320 Move common graphics utils to //flutter/common/graphics (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

22321 Revert "Reland: Use dispatchKeyEventPreIme, and handle keys sent to InputConnection.sendKeyEvent on Android (#22304)" (cla: yes, platform-android)

22322 [null-safety] increase sky engine min sdk (cla: yes)

22323 Add initial settings message to Windows embedding (affects: desktop, cla: yes, platform-windows)

22324 Roll Skia from 694ff1735711 to 71624de2c5d9 (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22326 Ignore several import_of_legacy_library_into_null_safe (cla: yes)

22328 [web] Improve dom canvas speed. Fix density calculation regression in recomputeTransformClip (cla: yes)

22330 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from NimIr5BT-... to XV9_JbDD-... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22331 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 2rLs0vAIz... to pCIhWatQU... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22332 Roll dart e182eac158cf..9bc7d4604277 (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22333 Roll Skia from 71624de2c5d9 to f8f23b203079 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22335 [web] Remove sink parameter since _BaseAdapter exposes _callback (cla: yes)

22336 Move layer clip culling to Paint() method to fix child caching (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22337 Revert "Added the ability to set the initial route via launch urls. (… (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

22339 Roll Skia from f8f23b203079 to 8d0f710ef0e0 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22340 Use dispatchKeyEvent, and handle keys sent to InputConnection.sendKeyEvent on Android (cla: yes, platform-android)

22341 Roll Dart SDK from 9bc7d4604277 to 1936a7d1909d (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22342 [web] Fix recycling same canvas more than once and add assert to detect (cla: yes)

22343 Roll Skia from 8d0f710ef0e0 to 92bc649cd7e6 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22344 Roll Skia from 92bc649cd7e6 to 05f74f28d688 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22345 move deprecation from the PluginRegistry outer interface to inner, v1-specific fields (cla: yes, platform-android)

22346 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from XV9_JbDD-... to TwfKJxO8r... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22347 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from pCIhWatQU... to oNrhKDRLZ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22348 Rasterizer is initialized with an external view embedder (cla: yes)

22349 Roll Skia from 05f74f28d688 to 6cafdc069bdb (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22350 Roll Dart SDK from 1936a7d1909d to fe12b0536f42 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22352 Roll Skia from 6cafdc069bdb to ba9a04fb8d5a (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22353 PlatformViewIOS CreateExternalViewEmbedder refactor (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

22355 Roll Skia from ba9a04fb8d5a to 4eb7c23d5289 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22356 Reland deeplinking with info.plist check (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

22357 [web] Remove as checks (_generalNullableAsCheckImplementation) / pushSurface calls (cla: yes)

22358 Roll Skia from 4eb7c23d5289 to b8123cc87770 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22360 [android] Platform view creates external view embedder (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

22361 Roll Skia from b8123cc87770 to e886b8e8b10b (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22362 Remove extra method in ComputePlatformResolvedLocale (cla: yes)

22363 reland support uri launch in android (cla: yes, platform-android)

22364 Roll Skia from e886b8e8b10b to 86d4cfdf8edc (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22365 [web] Implement style inheritance during paragraph construction (cla: yes, platform-web)

22366 Update pubspecs to null-safe dependencies (cla: yes)

22367 Revert "Rasterizer is initialized with an external view embedder (#22348)" (cla: yes, platform-ios)

22368 Roll Skia from 86d4cfdf8edc to c2bfcff07225 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22369 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from TwfKJxO8r... to VMNxgZGv9... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22371 [web] Restore the ability to set a custom url strategy (cla: yes, platform-web)

22372 Reland "Do not involve external_view_embedder in submit frame process if threads are not merged. #22275" (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

22373 loadFontFromList returns void instead of string (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22375 Add SDK constraint to a pubspec (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22376 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from oNrhKDRLZ... to KMV-UCyzK... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22378 Roll Dart SDK from fe12b0536f42 to a188781c9fc8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22379 Roll Dart SDK from fe12b0536f42 to a188781c9fc8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22380 Roll ICU to 715ec351c0bcdd6b2d22f36e7d33b8e2ec519846 (cla: yes)

22381 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from VMNxgZGv9... to rMD6SyXwO... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22382 Roll Skia from c2bfcff07225 to ed435953dfd6 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22383 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from KMV-UCyzK... to e9vV76ZgA... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22385 Revert "Roll Dart SDK from fe12b0536f42 to a188781c9fc8 (1 revision)" (cla: yes)

22386 Roll Dart SDK from fe12b0536f42 to a188781c9fc8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22389 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from rMD6SyXwO... to ZOJgUMChm... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22390 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from e9vV76ZgA... to OBQ4E_4kG... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22391 Roll Skia from ed435953dfd6 to cfe647c02fb4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22392 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from ZOJgUMChm... to 5rXlkcaVT... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22393 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from OBQ4E_4kG... to g6EuxMthn... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22398 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 5rXlkcaVT... to fkTLW7DRc... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22399 Roll Skia from cfe647c02fb4 to ee0ce9858cbc (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22400 Roll Dart SDK from a188781c9fc8 to 26219fa05863 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22402 Roll Skia from ee0ce9858cbc to 5de0b38dd133 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22403 [PlatformViewsController] Clear root_views_ in Reset (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

22404 Roll Skia from 5de0b38dd133 to ee1098db15b2 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22405 Rasterizer is initialized with an external view embedder (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22406 PlatformViewsController always make sure the touch events are finished (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

22408 [web] Speed up PageView/CustomPainter rendering (cla: yes)

22409 Simplify API for scheduling Skia object deletions (cla: yes)

22411 Roll Skia from ee1098db15b2 to 84d503b21322 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22412 Add D3D9 fallback path for ANGLE and ensure fallbacks are actually attempted (affects: desktop, cla: yes, needs tests, platform-windows, waiting for tree to go green)

22413 Roll Dart SDK from 26219fa05863 to 8749fdff07f5 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22415 Simplify refs from CkImage to SkImage (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22416 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from fkTLW7DRc... to w10eytxvc... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22417 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from g6EuxMthn... to DzZi2gPbF... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22418 Roll Skia from 84d503b21322 to 5b8598952931 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22419 Roll Skia from 5b8598952931 to 02dd0ed8ce5e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22420 Roll Skia from 02dd0ed8ce5e to fb5850f41043 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22421 Roll Skia from fb5850f41043 to 008d63e23dab (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22422 Roll Skia from 008d63e23dab to 267826c86552 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22423 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from w10eytxvc... to e-4Jm-yWa... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22424 Roll Skia from 267826c86552 to 88e8bb2fe2d5 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22425 Roll Skia from 88e8bb2fe2d5 to a0a5146ba9d1 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22426 Fix typo in documentation for FlPlatformPlugin (cla: yes)

22427 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from DzZi2gPbF... to Z-OUQ5Dti... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22428 Roll Skia from a0a5146ba9d1 to 1fe2b80dc782 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22429 Fix talkback in hybrid composition while using FlutterFragmentActivity (cla: yes, platform-android)

22430 fuchsia: Add licenses to CIPD (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)

22432 Roll Skia from 1fe2b80dc782 to 24c18526a564 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22433 Roll Skia from 24c18526a564 to 7006e15df59d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22434 Revert "[Android Text Input] Make the editing state listenable and allow batch edits " (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

22435 [Android text input] Reland #21534 (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

22437 Roll Skia from 7006e15df59d to 869eb97f6c29 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22439 [fuchsia] shader warmup fixes (cla: yes)

22440 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from Z-OUQ5Dti... to pWW5QaeNe... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22442 [web] Better structure to prepare for rich text measurement (cla: yes, platform-web)

22443 [web] Refactor _measureSubstring to better suit rich text measurement (cla: yes, platform-web)

22444 [web] Reuse the existing font string builer in TextStyle (cla: yes, platform-web)

22445 fuchsia: Update buildroot (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)

22446 Make CkPath resurrectable (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22447 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from e-4Jm-yWa... to 9t3yDRxI8... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22449 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.4 engine cherrypicks (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

22450 Roll Dart SDK from 8749fdff07f5 to 40a4d9b44d72 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22451 libtxt: use a placeholder run's width as the width of the placeholder character's glyph (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22452 Roll Skia from 869eb97f6c29 to 70eba23828a3 (20 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22454 Also maintain the zone on the ChannelBuffers.push callback (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22455 Fix the event size parameters in the Embedder ComplexClip test (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22457 [macOS] Disable synchronous resizing until a frame is produced (affects: desktop, cla: yes, needs tests, platform-macos)

22458 Roll Skia from 70eba23828a3 to 59bafeeaa7de (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22459 make CkContourMeasureIter and CkContourMeasure resurrectable (cla: yes)

22460 Roll Dart SDK from 40a4d9b44d72 to 620cf701720d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22461 Revert "Make PlatformDispatcher.locale and locales return consistent values" (cla: yes)

22462 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from pWW5QaeNe... to fULjPqtx9... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22464 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 9t3yDRxI8... to 8ZF4hapvg... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22465 Roll ICU to c2a4cae149aae7fd30c4cbe3cf1b30df03b386f1 (cla: yes)

22466 Add an include in minikin (cla: yes)

22467 Roll Skia from 59bafeeaa7de to 43f0a7d724aa (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22468 Reverts 2 commits that remove surface dependance on external view embedder (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

22469 Default to 2.7 when generating the package config (cla: yes)

22470 Reland "remove surface dependance on external view embedder (#22468)" (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

22473 Reland: "Make PlatformDispatcher.locale and locales return consistent values (#22267)" (cla: yes)

22478 [flutter_release] Flutter 1.22.4 engine cherry-pick build error fix (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

22479 Roll Skia from 43f0a7d724aa to fc4fdc5b25f4 (27 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22480 Roll Dart SDK from 620cf701720d to 3e502e0c7e04 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22481 [web]Update @dart annotation. Change shaders to allocate smaller canvas (cla: yes)

22482 Roll Skia from fc4fdc5b25f4 to a06b63c56ecd (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22483 TBR: remove the extra values which was overshadowing the test result (cla: yes)

22485 Add and use --quiet flag on the license checker (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22486 Implement settings channel for the Linux shell (cla: yes)

22487 Roll Skia from a06b63c56ecd to 8ead30d51c86 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22490 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from fULjPqtx9... to B4PaMsNWM... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22491 Roll Dart SDK from 3e502e0c7e04 to 41893ff76b0f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22493 Roll Skia from 8ead30d51c86 to 011218edb590 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22497 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 8ZF4hapvg... to vjuGOKwGt... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22498 Roll Dart SDK from 41893ff76b0f to bf20abbb8e22 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22499 Roll Skia from 011218edb590 to efd628a1a965 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22501 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.24.0-10.1.pre engine cherrypicks (cla: yes)

22502 Opt in fixtures to nullsafety (cla: yes)

22503 Roll Skia from efd628a1a965 to cae335d5b18f (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22504 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from B4PaMsNWM... to S4lxhP7Qt... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22505 Remove the Window class now that it is no longer used. (cla: yes)

22506 Add xcframework to ios out (cla: yes, platform-ios)

22509 [flutter releases] more 1.24 engine CPs (cla: yes)

22511 Migrate to CanvasKit 0.19.0 (cla: yes)

22514 Roll Skia from cae335d5b18f to 031a76756e24 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22515 Roll Dart SDK from bf20abbb8e22 to 7bbace20d14f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22516 Manual roll of Dart from 7bbace20d1 to 5ea7e4d39f (cla: yes)

22518 Roll Dart SDK from 5ea7e4d39f43 to 6a805f4dbcf4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22519 Revert "Remove the Window class now that it is no longer used." (cla: yes)

22521 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from vjuGOKwGt... to 6gGbW-hRH... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22522 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from S4lxhP7Qt... to ywh3expSX... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22523 Roll Dart SDK from 6a805f4dbcf4 to 6135aed34f56 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22524 Roll Dart SDK from 6135aed34f56 to 12c5be745bb5 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22525 Remove the wasm library from the sky_engine package (cla: yes)

22526 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 6gGbW-hRH... to wSCtFA1Mj... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22527 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from ywh3expSX... to WVpXfkg-V... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22528 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from wSCtFA1Mj... to 6LXPsNi-P... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22529 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from WVpXfkg-V... to E3briMHHv... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22530 Replace dead links in docs (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22531 Roll Dart SDK from 12c5be745bb5 to 92e087bf82e2 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22533 Roll Skia from 031a76756e24 to cce84d1fd893 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22534 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 6LXPsNi-P... to LOnq8wpIx... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22536 Roll Dart SDK from 92e087bf82e2 to d67a5c245285 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22537 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from E3briMHHv... to 2R7OWHAQq... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22538 [Android] Add systemNavigationBarDividerColor (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

22539 Roll Skia from cce84d1fd893 to 5a89ed542f06 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22540 Fix and clean up scenario app for Android (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22541 Roll Skia from 5a89ed542f06 to ef8d52d8b2bb (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22544 Roll Dart SDK from d67a5c245285 to 4bf74ee7d04e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22545 Check valid view_holder ptr before updating view (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)

22546 Re-enable ShellTest.SkipAndSubmitFrame (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22548 Roll Skia from ef8d52d8b2bb to 396974683cbd (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22549 Refactor CanvasKit image ref counting; fix a minor memory leak (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22550 [goma] Use depot_tools vended goma when it is present (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22551 Add SDK licenses to DEPS (cla: yes)

22554 Roll Skia from 396974683cbd to ee33a3a07262 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22555 Make the AndroidContext superclass destructor virtual (cla: yes, platform-android)

22556 Roll Skia from ee33a3a07262 to 1ce8964db113 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22558 Roll Dart SDK from 4bf74ee7d04e to 061817652723 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22560 Use flutter public package for the time being (cla: yes)

22561 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 2R7OWHAQq... to NWl53Ll5C... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22562 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from LOnq8wpIx... to 7W0E0ZKtm... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22563 Roll Skia from 1ce8964db113 to c634fc4a664c (16 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22566 Reland: Remove the Window class now that it is no longer used. (cla: yes)

22567 Roll Skia from c634fc4a664c to 75c38f94efd6 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22568 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.24.0-10.2.pre engine cherrypicks (cla: yes)

22569 [macOS] Isolate openGL rendering to FlutterOpenGLRenderer (affects: desktop, cla: yes, needs tests, platform-macos, waiting for tree to go green)

22570 Roll Skia from 75c38f94efd6 to 8f46ecc84fab (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22572 [macOS] Move the glContext generation to FlutterOpenGLRenderer (affects: desktop, cla: yes, needs tests, platform-macos, waiting for tree to go green)

22574 PlatformViewsController: clear composition_order_ in the beginning of each frame. (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

22575 Implement image resurrection (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22576 Fix typos and fix some env var state leakage in tests (cla: yes)

22577 Add delayed event delivery for Linux. (cla: yes)

22578 Roll Skia from 8f46ecc84fab to 6aeb414df947 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22579 Roll Skia from 6aeb414df947 to a1112b326a79 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22581 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from NWl53Ll5C... to Oh__c-W9V... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22583 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from Oh__c-W9V... to cwFOtNvhn... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22584 Roll Skia from a1112b326a79 to 2efafe688dd1 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22587 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 7W0E0ZKtm... to aqxbkh0hC... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22591 Made tools/gn error out if it can't find goma (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22592 [macOS] Revert breaking change to FlutterEngine public API (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22593 fuchsia: Clamp compositor surface size (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)

22594 libtxt: Clone an ICU line break iterator for each Paragraph/WordBreaker (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22596 Roll Skia from 2efafe688dd1 to d1d872905b0f (28 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22597 [web] Implement tilemode for gradient shaders. (cla: yes, platform-web)

22598 Replace support libraries for AndroidX (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

22599 Rename padding->viewPadding to match framework naming conventions (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

22602 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from cwFOtNvhn... to aAb3NJv_h... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22603 Remove opt outs for dart:ui (cla: yes)

22604 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from aqxbkh0hC... to DQpWjEN59... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22607 [macos] Re-land FlutterOpenGLRenderer isolation (cla: yes)

22608 Fix PlatformDispatcher.locale to return something meaningful when there are no locales. (cla: yes)

22610 Update the log tag for FlutterEngineConnectionRegistry to be 23 characters (cla: yes, platform-android)

22611 Introduce a delegate class for gpu metal rendering (cla: yes, platform-ios)

22615 Roll Dart SDK from 061817652723 to 12fded61a2bc (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22616 Roll Skia from d1d872905b0f to 9496fe5bcec9 (25 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22618 [web] Fix test failure on high dpi device (cla: yes, platform-web)

22620 Set SkPath::setIsVolatile based on whether the path survives at least two frames (cla: yes, perf: memory, perf: speed, severe: performance)

22621 Roll Skia from 9496fe5bcec9 to ed289e777cfa (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22622 [web] Optimize Matrix4.identity (cla: yes, perf: speed, platform-web)

22623 Roll Dart SDK from 12fded61a2bc to a06d469024fd (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22624 Split AOT Engine Runtime (affects: engine, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22626 Fix double delete on backspace on Android (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

22628 Fix java warnings for unchecked conversions in PlayStoreDynamicFeatureManager (cla: yes, platform-android)

22630 Roll Dart SDK from a06d469024fd to b8fea79a2549 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22631 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from aAb3NJv_h... to X1ue-JZsc... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22632 Roll Skia from ed289e777cfa to 9dce4d081f8a (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22633 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from DQpWjEN59... to wGZWtwuY4... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22634 Roll Dart SDK from b8fea79a2549 to 861ebcb175b6 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22635 Roll Skia from 9dce4d081f8a to 8c5889937172 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22636 Roll Dart SDK from 861ebcb175b6 to 1adf3d5fa9d0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22637 Roll Skia from 8c5889937172 to 0006ad01ce55 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22641 Add more runtime intrinsic symbols to the export checker script (cla: yes)

22646 Roll buildroot (cla: yes)

22647 Roll Dart SDK from 1adf3d5fa9d0 to d189db64441c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22649 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from X1ue-JZsc... to mw1Z23AQ4... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22650 Add Instrumentation class to web engine (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22652 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from wGZWtwuY4... to OFI5mVERq... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22654 Fix the unchecked conversion warning for searchPaths in PlayStoreDynamicFeatureManager (cla: yes, platform-android)

22656 Create FlutterFrameBufferProvider class (affects: desktop, cla: yes, needs tests, platform-macos, waiting for tree to go green)

22657 [embedder][glfw] Add support for locales to glfw shell (cla: yes)

22658 Fix race condition in key event handling on Android (cla: yes, platform-android)

22659 Roll Skia from 0006ad01ce55 to 0dd83e165ae9 (21 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22660 Roll Dart SDK from d189db64441c to 2ff016f0416d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22662 Enabling semantics tests for safari, ios-safari and firefox (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22663 Create wrapper for IOSurface (affects: desktop, cla: yes, needs tests, platform-macos)

22664 Generate XCFramework in recipe package script (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22665 Make AndroidContext::IsValid virtual (cla: yes, platform-android)

22666 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from mw1Z23AQ4... to L78XAIrlz... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22667 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from OFI5mVERq... to jh5hQRJsk... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22668 Roll Skia from 0dd83e165ae9 to ee40ec6dd679 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22671 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from L78XAIrlz... to Nmo4pkY2s... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22673 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from jh5hQRJsk... to qC9Z6PMoY... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22674 Request quickReject results from correct drawing canvas (cla: yes)

22677 Roll Dart SDK from 2ff016f0416d to 962ef010aedd (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22678 cherrypick: Fix double delete on backspace on Android (#22626) (cla: yes, platform-android)

22680 Roll Skia from ee40ec6dd679 to b27f39c92410 (14 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22683 Fix shell_unittests flakes related to external_view_embedder (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22684 Roll Skia from b27f39c92410 to 95b5fb9213d7 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22685 Generate Maven metadata files for engine artifacts (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

22687 fuchsia: Ensure full-screen input interceptor (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)

22690 Roll Dart SDK from 962ef010aedd to cde050a4c0b4 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22692 Let FlutterFragment not pop the whole activity by default when more fragments are in the activity (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

22704 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from Nmo4pkY2s... to GlHwWVGTU... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22707 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from qC9Z6PMoY... to QKCl4nBGL... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22709 Roll Dart SDK from cde050a4c0b4 to ed9894865fa3 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22711 Roll Skia from 95b5fb9213d7 to 68ac3b9ec3ca (17 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22712 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from GlHwWVGTU... to eyiA9UhTG... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22713 Roll Skia from 95b5fb9213d7 to 68ac3b9ec3ca (17 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22714 Fix use of uninitialized memory in animator (cla: yes)

22715 Roll Skia from 68ac3b9ec3ca to 4dfa9774300c (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22719 Roll Skia from 4dfa9774300c to 6c5e78d09940 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22724 Roll Skia from 6c5e78d09940 to ee792d6c96d9 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22726 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from QKCl4nBGL... to aXfbrLuUK... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22727 Roll Dart SDK from ed9894865fa3 to cd7b857e70a7 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22732 Roll Skia from ee792d6c96d9 to 36d06a806f69 (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22733 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from eyiA9UhTG... to gkfmiRsIl... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22735 Roll Skia from 36d06a806f69 to 888c5d3e57eb (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22736 Add a golden scenario test for fallback font rendering on iOS take 3 (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22737 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from aXfbrLuUK... to 36uDTGJQp... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22738 Roll Dart SDK from cd7b857e70a7 to ce76503f5b46 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22744 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from gkfmiRsIl... to un3JixwuO... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22745 Don't register CanvasKit with define (cla: yes)

22746 Roll Skia from 888c5d3e57eb to 51b74afb84d4 (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22749 Roll Skia from 51b74afb84d4 to 452369182f6e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22750 Roll Skia from 452369182f6e to f2efb80bc316 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22752 Add FlutterPlayStoreSplitApplication for simpler opt in to Split AOT (affects: engine, cla: yes, platform-android)

22753 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 36uDTGJQp... to qpkZl0s5J... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22754 Roll Skia from f2efb80bc316 to 8d78da910e45 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22757 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from un3JixwuO... to Bnaeivv07... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22760 started providing the GPU sync switch to external view embedders (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

22762 PlatformViewsController: clear composition_order_ in the beginning of each frame. (cla: yes, platform-ios)

22766 Manual roll of Dart SDK from ce76503f5b46 to dcd5a8f005a (cla: yes)

22768 Roll Dart SDK from dcd5a8f005a2 to 960620d2e811 (794 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22769 Cleanup dart_runner examples & tests. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22770 add file package to deps in prep for glob update (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22771 [web] Add new line break type (prohibited) (cla: yes, platform-web)

22772 Roll Skia from 8d78da910e45 to fd41d878b13d (20 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22775 Revert "Introduce a delegate class for gpu metal rendering (#22611)" (cla: yes, platform-ios)

22776 Roll Skia from fd41d878b13d to 70fe17e12f38 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22777 Reland "Introduce a delegate class for gpu metal rendering (#22611)" (cla: yes, platform-ios)

22778 Roll Dart SDK from 960620d2e811 to 7a2a3968ef53 (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22779 [web] Initial rich measurement implementation (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

22780 [embedder] Compositor can specify that no backing stores be cached (cla: yes)

22781 Roll Skia from 70fe17e12f38 to 4c6f57a23e63 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22782 (MacOS) Add FlutterGLCompositor with support for rendering multiple layers (cla: yes)

22793 Stop using the List constructor. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22794 Add package:file to DEPS (cla: yes)

22801 Roll Dart SDK from 7a2a3968ef53 to e9a03fd98faa (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22802 Roll Skia from 4c6f57a23e63 to a927771c9cce (10 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22803 Roll Skia from a927771c9cce to 7b776b514933 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22804 Roll buildroot and benchmark (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22805 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from qpkZl0s5J... to 7O11wjLVX... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22807 Make CkPicture resurrectable (cla: yes)

22808 Roll Skia from 7b776b514933 to c504ecda03b8 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22809 Better handle image codec instantiation failure (cla: yes)

22810 Roll Dart SDK from e9a03fd98faa to 5acaa5f14b03 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22811 Add static text trait to plain semantics object with label in iOS (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

22812 Add trace kernel flag to allowlist (cla: yes)

22813 [web] Fix event transform between mousedown/up due to mouse move event (cla: yes)

22816 Revert "Roll buildroot and benchmark" (cla: yes)

22817 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from Bnaeivv07... to W14Qninrb... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22818 Generate gen_snapshot_armv7 and gen_snapshot_arm64 (cla: yes, platform-ios)

22819 More rename from GPU thread to raster thread (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

22820 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 7O11wjLVX... to Z_-ciOYM9... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22823 Revert "Fix race condition in key event handling on Android (#22658)" (cla: yes, platform-android)

22824 Temporarily reduce e2e test matrix to stop flaky web engine builds (cla: yes)

22827 Roll Dart SDK from 5acaa5f14b03 to cfaa7606cbf5 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22828 Roll Skia from c504ecda03b8 to 9443d58af292 (16 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22829 upgrade Firefox to 83 (cla: yes, platform-web)

22833 DynamicFeatureChannel MethodChannel and Install state tracking (cla: yes, platform-android)

22834 Reland: "Fix race condition in key event handling on Android (#22658)" (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

22838 Implement pushColorFilter in CanvasKit (cla: yes, platform-web)

22839 Roll Skia from 9443d58af292 to c7112edbe0f4 (10 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22840 Roll Dart SDK from cfaa7606cbf5 to 97cfd05b3cb3 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22841 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from Z_-ciOYM9... to DRN4P3zbe... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22842 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from W14Qninrb... to M_8svVndh... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22844 Roll Skia from c7112edbe0f4 to d39aec0e40ec (17 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22845 opt into new Skia APIs (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

22846 leaving only html tests (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22847 Roll Skia from d39aec0e40ec to 38921cafe1bb (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22848 memoize the fallback SkPaint in paragraph (cla: yes, platform-web)

22849 Roll Dart SDK from 97cfd05b3cb3 to a37a4d42e53d (4 revisions) (cla: yes)

22851 Roll Skia from 38921cafe1bb to abcc1ecdfd0c (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22852 Fix NPE when platform plugin delegate is null (cla: yes, platform-android)

22853 Handle null platform plugin delegate for v1 embedding (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

22854 [embedder] [metal] Add support for Metal Renderer Config in the embedder API (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22855 Roll Skia from abcc1ecdfd0c to c0c5106bd4d4 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22856 [web] Optimize BitmapCanvas. Fixes overallocation of canvas elements (cla: yes)

22857 Add split AOT loading unit failure/error code path (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

22858 Remove spammy ELF load log (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22859 Roll Dart SDK from a37a4d42e53d to 2c74e62a050c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22864 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from DRN4P3zbe... to 1EKjnjmeP... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22871 Update sites to use new SkMatrix factories (cla: yes, platform-ios)

22872 Roll Skia from c0c5106bd4d4 to fdb8dbe69cc2 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22873 [web] Handle overflow and maxLines in rich text (cla: yes, platform-web)

22874 re-enable pointer events inside platform views (cla: yes)

22877 Roll Skia from fdb8dbe69cc2 to bc3c41b8742a (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22878 copy the glibc fix to felt (cla: yes)

22879 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 1EKjnjmeP... to eEeK509UF... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22880 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from M_8svVndh... to IuiLYXJbt... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22881 Roll Dart SDK from 2c74e62a050c to f9760fc12871 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22882 Roll Skia from bc3c41b8742a to f2bd501ce3bf (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22883 Roll Dart SDK from 2c74e62a050c to f9760fc12871 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22884 [web] sharding change is merged. re-enable tests (cla: yes)

22885 Roll Skia from f2bd501ce3bf to 30217950419d (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22887 Allow the root layout to be overriden. (cla: yes, platform-android)

22888 Roll Dart SDK from f9760fc12871 to 2736bd161251 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22889 Roll Dart SDK from 2736bd161251 to 2ec3ea2df38e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22890 [canvaskit] fix TransformLayer.preroll (cla: yes)

22891 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from eEeK509UF... to dx6dSD8vc... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22892 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from IuiLYXJbt... to Ety7pAnEH... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22893 Roll Dart SDK from 2ec3ea2df38e to db7d75e2239c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22895 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from dx6dSD8vc... to bbMFXPW6S... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22896 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from Ety7pAnEH... to q0Z9X9luW... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22898 Roll Skia from 30217950419d to edb22ec49866 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22899 Roll Dart SDK from db7d75e2239c to baa92e08fee4 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22900 Add engine tests for Linux shell (cla: yes)

22902 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from q0Z9X9luW... to kZi1s5bIk... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22904 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from bbMFXPW6S... to y_h5kQEmN... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22906 Roll Skia from edb22ec49866 to 3c7298922f69 (14 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22907 [scenario app] Update golden images for android (cla: yes)

22908 Roll Skia from 3c7298922f69 to 011a77357ec4 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22910 [web] Fix edge cases when force-breaking lines (cla: yes, platform-web)

22911 Roll Skia from 011a77357ec4 to bf282c05e58c (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22913 Roll Skia from bf282c05e58c to 529b25929c85 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22915 Roll Skia from 529b25929c85 to f639a24c5041 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22916 Move the WindowInsetsAnimation.Callback implementation to an inner class to avoid Android class loader warnings (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

22917 Stop potential lockup due to GHashTable being modified when cleared. (cla: yes)

22918 Roll Skia from f639a24c5041 to 554e7574e960 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22919 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from y_h5kQEmN... to 8cOXjqyWN... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22920 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from kZi1s5bIk... to hIxVxIVhE... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22922 Roll Skia from 554e7574e960 to 03d69876ff0e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22923 Roll Skia from 03d69876ff0e to 60a2ec03b662 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22924 Roll Skia from 60a2ec03b662 to ff18ff6b295c (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22925 Use List.filled constructor instead of soon-to-be-deprecated List constructor. (cla: yes)

22927 Roll Skia from ff18ff6b295c to b87975c13381 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22928 Roll Dart SDK from baa92e08fee4 to d75741b19133 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22930 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.5 engine cherry-pick PlatformViewsController: clear composition_order_ in the beginning of each frame (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

22931 [flutter_release] Flutter 1.22.5 engine cherry-pick (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

22932 Roll Skia from b87975c13381 to cdd6cced4520 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22933 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 8cOXjqyWN... to 1LDC_Iu1_... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22934 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from hIxVxIVhE... to 3EfPHtl7G... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22935 Roll Skia from cdd6cced4520 to 99c944647fcc (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22936 Implement (cla: yes)

22937 CanvasKit fix embedded view clipping (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

22938 [flutter_releases] Flutter Stable Engine 1.22.5 Cherrypicks (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

22939 [web] Cache CSS font string instead of the style object (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

22940 Roll Skia from 99c944647fcc to 759ff5b38c23 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22941 [web] Default styles for rich text (cla: yes, platform-web)

22942 [web] Introduce flag to enable new rich text implementation (cla: yes, platform-web)

22944 Roll Dart SDK from d75741b19133 to a92baed5f8e2 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22945 Fix platform view transforms in CanvasKit (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22946 [web] Fix drag failure when RMB pointer up event is not received (cla: yes)

22947 Replace g_object_weak_ref with g_object_add_weak_pointer (cla: yes)

22948 [web] Add complex rich text test cases and fix them (cla: yes, platform-web)

22949 Roll Skia from 759ff5b38c23 to 51ab694cbb86 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22950 [flutter_releases] Fix build error (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

22951 [canvaskit] improve image error handling and messaging (cla: yes, platform-web)

22952 Roll Skia from 51ab694cbb86 to 9a6cece5a830 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22953 [web] For Firefox focusing on the DOM element after blur propagates (cla: yes)

22956 Roll Dart SDK from a92baed5f8e2 to 9fdb86dba562 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22957 Roll Skia from 9a6cece5a830 to 5e744acfad58 (5 revisions) (cla: yes)

22958 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 1LDC_Iu1_... to xL_mp7rvV... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22959 Roll Dart SDK from 9fdb86dba562 to b440879831a8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22960 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 3EfPHtl7G... to mz03TfHP9... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22961 Roll Dart SDK from b440879831a8 to f1e6a33d1db5 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22963 Roll Skia from 5e744acfad58 to 123501fd19a8 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22964 [web] Separate the height ruler from the other rulers (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

22965 Fix ios voiceover (for safari >13.4) (cla: yes)

22966 [canvaskit] reuse canvases when window resizes (cla: yes, platform-web)

22968 [web] update browser changing docs (cla: yes)

22972 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from xL_mp7rvV... to G_O-vV26O... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22973 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from mz03TfHP9... to 0kx01Ik6Y... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22974 [flutter_releases] Flutter Engine 1.22.5 Cherrypick revert (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

22975 Implemented FlutterEngineGroup and Spawn API. (cla: yes, platform-ios)

22977 [web] Do not reset 'cursor' in PersistedPlatformView. (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

22978 Roll Skia from 123501fd19a8 to ff7bfea4ab76 (23 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22979 Load macOS dart bundle by URL fallback (cla: yes, platform-macos)

22982 Allow Tile mode for blur filter and add new decal TileMode (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22983 Roll Dart SDK from f1e6a33d1db5 to 8c085176125f (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22984 Freiling warmup memory (cla: yes)

22985 Roll Skia from ff7bfea4ab76 to af11a00f7849 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22986 Roll Skia from af11a00f7849 to 22f80a60b17f (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22989 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from G_O-vV26O... to OUQEzH1oE... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22992 Roll Dart SDK from 8c085176125f to e4c9b06267d3 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22993 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 0kx01Ik6Y... to rnN_X2o75... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

22997 Load iOS dart bundle by URL fallback (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

22999 [web] Fix regression in paragraph foreground style (cla: yes, platform-web)

23000 add ffi_struct_patch.dart to libraries.yaml (cla: yes)

23005 Roll Skia from 22f80a60b17f to 6b07e0eb497c (26 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23006 Roll Dart SDK from e4c9b06267d3 to a4e6fe145bf7 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23007 Revert "Freiling warmup memory (#22984)" (cla: yes)

23009 warmup memory reland (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23010 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from rnN_X2o75... to ESzmO-yOF... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23012 Started shutting down the sampler when it gets deleted (cla: yes)

23013 Stopped mocking the a flutter engine to make sure we delete the FlutterViewController. (cla: yes, platform-ios)

23014 Turned on malloc scribble and randomized the tests. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23018 Roll Skia from 6b07e0eb497c to f7cce2b243b2 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23019 fix crash in FontCollection::init() when FontFamily is empty (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23020 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from ESzmO-yOF... to K4cPd0-Xd... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23021 Roll Skia from f7cce2b243b2 to b0cb8372c1ef (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23023 Roll Skia from b0cb8372c1ef to 5284e96599a8 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23024 Roll Dart SDK from a4e6fe145bf7 to c287db6bf232 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23025 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from OUQEzH1oE... to a9yuHfriB... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23026 Roll Dart SDK from c287db6bf232 to 2553a84fe438 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23027 Roll Skia from 5284e96599a8 to f7fdf1aa2911 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23029 Roll Dart SDK from 2553a84fe438 to 95e1709c9e54 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23033 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from K4cPd0-Xd... to BA2UmYXNr... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23035 Use include for C/C++ headers in darwin/macos (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23037 Started tearing down the mock engine in tearDown in FlutterViewControllerTest (cla: yes, platform-ios)

23039 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from a9yuHfriB... to QbeeeTiub... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23041 Roll buildroot to flutter/buildroot@64bf32094b19bfecc2515aedb7e130f7ba15d297 (cla: yes)

23042 Roll Skia from f7fdf1aa2911 to 346dd53ac087 (25 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23043 [web] Align offset for lines of rich text (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

23044 Revert "Set SkPath::setIsVolatile based on whether the path survives at least two frames" (cla: yes)

23045 Roll Dart SDK from 95e1709c9e54 to 68d1c7504f7d (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23046 Roll Skia from 346dd53ac087 to 1aa1f5fcbac6 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23047 fuchsia: Fix incorrect scale (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)

23048 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from BA2UmYXNr... to QniFAAjTT... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23049 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from QbeeeTiub... to L7-xj4Yqz... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23054 Revert "Load iOS dart bundle by URL fallback" (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

23055 Roll Dart SDK from 68d1c7504f7d to f166571c7bc4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23056 Roll Dart SDK from 68d1c7504f7d to f166571c7bc4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23058 Roll Skia from 1aa1f5fcbac6 to 1d2b075ce060 (28 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23061 [canvaskit] cache and reuse platform view overlays (cla: yes)

23062 Roll Skia from 1d2b075ce060 to 1c50643b3cef (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23063 Reland path volatility tracker (cla: yes)

23064 [web] Calculate height and baseline for rich text (cla: yes, platform-web)

23065 Roll Skia from 1c50643b3cef to f607dbbbe81f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23066 Added golden test to make sure that spawn engines work. (cla: yes, platform-ios)

23067 bump fuchsia toolchain to clang-12 (cla: yes)

23068 Roll Skia from f607dbbbe81f to f124108e2325 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23069 Roll Dart SDK from f166571c7bc4 to 8233c4763a9c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23070 Disable flaky/hanging split AOT test (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23071 Roll Skia from f124108e2325 to 4df3fea42692 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23073 Roll Skia from 4df3fea42692 to 0765022c1517 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23074 Roll Dart SDK from 8233c4763a9c to e01119c6fd09 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23075 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from L7-xj4Yqz... to n0XovQHCz... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23076 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from QniFAAjTT... to 5Rxyho8VL... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23078 Roll Dart SDK from e01119c6fd09 to 5cec31739703 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23079 Roll Skia from 0765022c1517 to 4bdc12142a0e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23081 Roll Skia from 4bdc12142a0e to 2bacaf973d79 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23082 [fuchsia] Remove fuchsia.netstack.Netstack (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23083 Roll Dart SDK from 5cec31739703 to d7266520ca18 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23084 Roll Skia from 2bacaf973d79 to adc688922877 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23085 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.25.0-8.1.pre engine cherrypicks (cla: yes)

23086 Roll Skia from adc688922877 to a298431a1370 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23087 Initial import of accessibility code from Chromium (cla: yes)

23089 Prevent recycling of canvas multiple times (cla: yes)

23090 [web] Switch web-render option default to auto (cla: yes)

23092 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from n0XovQHCz... to 716FtmoF4... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23093 Roll Dart SDK from d7266520ca18 to 1297e4ae2140 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23094 Roll Skia from a298431a1370 to f2876b0b9e4a (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23095 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 5Rxyho8VL... to Lj6L6i7vj... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23096 [CanvasKit] Automatically fall back to Noto fonts (cla: yes)

23097 [web] Tests for rich paragraph DOM (cla: yes, platform-web)

23098 [web] Rich paragraph getBoxesForRange (cla: yes, platform-web)

23099 Roll Skia from f2876b0b9e4a to 2078cbe3d4d9 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23101 Return null in Future.catchError handler (cla: yes, platform-web)

23102 removed variable-sized array (cla: yes)

23103 Roll Skia from 2078cbe3d4d9 to 15f51848df7f (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23104 Roll Dart SDK from 1297e4ae2140 to 5969f5653830 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23105 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 716FtmoF4... to acylwa3i4... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23106 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from Lj6L6i7vj... to TIKHoiQyP... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23108 Roll Skia from 15f51848df7f to 6e110c89ed50 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23109 Roll Skia from 6e110c89ed50 to f52a8112909c (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23110 Apply local patch to chromium accessibility code (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23111 Correct button state on synthetic pointer events (cla: yes)

23112 Roll Skia from f52a8112909c to 632a23afa487 (10 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23114 Roll Skia from 632a23afa487 to 6f31e27f1e29 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23115 Fix recursive access to SkImage in image resurrector (cla: yes)

23118 Roll Skia from 6f31e27f1e29 to 85fa75616dfe (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23119 Roll Skia from 85fa75616dfe to d6f2338ab194 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23120 Rename PointerState.isDown as per style guide (cla: yes)

23122 Roll Skia from d6f2338ab194 to 1d89532d5988 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23124 Add missing sdk constriant in pubspec.yaml files. (cla: yes)

23125 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from acylwa3i4... to chLTYsKMR... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23126 Roll Skia from 1d89532d5988 to 7839f66540b6 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23127 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from TIKHoiQyP... to wu6yV-_BL... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23128 [fuchsia] Add wrapper for zx_clock_get_monotonic. (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)

23129 Roll Skia from 7839f66540b6 to 20f1b3462878 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23130 AssetResolver updating in AssetManager for Dynamic features (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

23131 Fix engine in preparation for implementing (cla: yes)

23132 Roll Skia from 20f1b3462878 to 995f0366bd21 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23133 [web] Rich paragraph getPositionForOffset (cla: yes, platform-web)

23135 Roll Skia from 995f0366bd21 to b64da3907f76 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23136 [web] Rich text painting on bitmap canvas (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

23138 Fix argument specifier and type for g_warning() (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23142 Roll Skia from b64da3907f76 to 81da68af2ecf (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23143 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from chLTYsKMR... to RDUxjnng0... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23144 Add --strict_null_safety_checks to the Dart flag allowlist (cla: yes)

23145 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from wu6yV-_BL... to _l04etgVd... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23150 Make it easier to turn on Xcode symlinks (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23151 Force android_lint to run in unsound null safety mode (cla: yes)

23152 Roll Skia from 81da68af2ecf to 7b920446a8fc (14 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23153 Update ios to use new YUVA texture SkImage factory (cla: yes, platform-ios)

23154 Fix macOS crash when modifier keys pressed. (cla: yes)

23155 Roll fuchsia toolchain (cla: yes)

23158 Update FlutterPlatformViewsTests (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

23160 [web] Placeholders for rich paragraphs (cla: yes, platform-web)

23161 Revert "[web] Switch web-render option default to auto" (cla: yes)

23162 [web] Enable the new rich paragraph implementation (cla: yes, platform-web)

23164 Roll Skia from 7b920446a8fc to dfc880bd9ba0 (14 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23165 Manual Roll Dart SDK from 5969f5653830 to b59de86059f3 (9 revisions) (cla: yes)

23166 Disable FlutterPluginAppLifeCycleDelegateTest testWillResignActive (cla: yes, platform-ios)

23170 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from _l04etgVd... to nkgnDjAl3... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23175 Fix background crash when FlutterView going appear while app goes background (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

23177 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from RDUxjnng0... to QDs-PyheO... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23179 Roll Dart SDK from b59de86059f3 to 2a78a2978983 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23180 Roll Skia from dfc880bd9ba0 to 5d3227096daa (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23181 Roll Dart SDK from 2a78a2978983 to c91b639b4cb3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23182 Roll Skia from 5d3227096daa to 7bfdb1044916 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23187 Re-merge Switch web-render option default to auto. Add documentation (cla: yes)

23188 Call JavaVM::AttachCurrentThread only once per thread (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

23190 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from nkgnDjAl3... to EAlB-FVPL... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23192 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from QDs-PyheO... to zCiq3y-6p... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23195 Roll Skia from 7bfdb1044916 to 80dc74b30b5a (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23196 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from EAlB-FVPL... to Dc8mL2839... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23198 Roll Skia from 80dc74b30b5a to e78f8cebca01 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23199 Roll Skia from e78f8cebca01 to 2d44549a1f3a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23200 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from zCiq3y-6p... to h_iq6T_cf... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23201 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from Dc8mL2839... to byrJ9URZU... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23207 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from byrJ9URZU... to RpLap5pIv... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23208 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from h_iq6T_cf... to 5LKY3wsMO... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23209 Roll Skia from 2d44549a1f3a to f4ad8c537982 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23210 Roll Skia from f4ad8c537982 to 88883c4ca259 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23211 Roll Dart SDK from c91b639b4cb3 to 1f7dd915f40a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23212 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from RpLap5pIv... to zN1Y7c3i4... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23213 Roll Skia from 88883c4ca259 to 6aea07880248 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23216 Roll Skia from 6aea07880248 to e42716032b4b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23218 fork additional raw chromium a11y code (cla: yes)

23220 Revert "Reland path volatility tracker" (cla: yes)

23221 Load App.framework in macOS app (cla: yes)

23222 Roll Skia from e42716032b4b to c3622f43c189 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23223 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 5LKY3wsMO... to WQ0J2Yoll... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23224 Rename DynamicFeature->DeferredComponent and impl uninstall DeferredComponents (cla: yes, platform-android)

23226 Reland path volatility tracker, disabling it if deterministic rendering is requested (cla: yes)

23227 Roll Skia from c3622f43c189 to 960bd2dbaa6a (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23228 Roll Dart SDK from 1f7dd915f40a to 0e52b2abe517 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23230 cache closures from hooks.dart (cla: yes)

23231 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from zN1Y7c3i4... to C00LDxUk0... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23232 Roll Dart SDK from 0e52b2abe517 to 1604b1a3437f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23235 Roll Dart SDK from 1604b1a3437f to 62b0361d470f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23236 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from WQ0J2Yoll... to PzW6aMw3A... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23237 Roll Skia from 960bd2dbaa6a to f02df4db6118 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23239 Revert "Reland path volatility tracker (#23063)" (#23220) (cla: yes)

23240 Roll Skia from f02df4db6118 to 47726a1cff59 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23241 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from C00LDxUk0... to KR8LcMqAc... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23243 fuchsia: Shutdown Dart VM properly (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)

23245 Roll Skia from 47726a1cff59 to f2ce4e91a2a5 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23246 Revert "Re-merge Switch web-render option default to auto. Add documentation" (cla: yes)

23250 Roll Skia from f2ce4e91a2a5 to c5ff48648ada (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23251 Roll Dart SDK from 62b0361d470f to 7d35f9bc72fb (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23254 Roll Skia from c5ff48648ada to 3624aba91f44 (10 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23255 fixes android deeplink to push the path only (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

23256 fixes text area transitions both for mobile and desktop (cla: yes)

23257 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from PzW6aMw3A... to gVgXlVNti... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23258 Roll Dart SDK from 7d35f9bc72fb to f5b451f0dc86 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23259 Roll Skia from 3624aba91f44 to fa711c4c756a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23260 Roll Dart SDK from f5b451f0dc86 to 6e1161e70a00 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23261 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from KR8LcMqAc... to E4CJZ_QRf... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23262 [fuchsia][input] Migrate Flutter to "input3" (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia, waiting for tree to go green)

23263 Roll Skia from fa711c4c756a to 4e0e8d4124f5 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23264 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from gVgXlVNti... to IwRHzb2yJ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23265 Roll Skia from 4e0e8d4124f5 to 6bba3d8a5a23 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23268 Roll Skia from 6bba3d8a5a23 to 839eef3e9a99 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23269 Roll Skia from 839eef3e9a99 to 20fad3206488 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23270 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from E4CJZ_QRf... to 08xLMgNKn... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23271 Roll Skia from 20fad3206488 to 61f17c10d61d (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23272 Roll Dart SDK from 6e1161e70a00 to f79fb10acca8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23273 Roll Skia from 61f17c10d61d to 0247e9ea1c73 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23277 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from IwRHzb2yJ... to 3SiIWhiUi... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23278 Roll Skia from 0247e9ea1c73 to d12c91ba318b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23280 Roll Skia from d12c91ba318b to 33079a7c5a98 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23281 Roll Dart SDK from f79fb10acca8 to 1c14d9bb3528 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23282 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 08xLMgNKn... to 2Vw2BjQjZ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23285 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 3SiIWhiUi... to 1X7xvxZM_... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23289 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 2Vw2BjQjZ... to umbXBk__x... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23293 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 1X7xvxZM_... to fFxQZY6fB... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23297 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from fFxQZY6fB... to SFmThOFqb... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23301 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from umbXBk__x... to br-O-oiDW... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23304 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from SFmThOFqb... to 6vW4LheTp... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23305 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from br-O-oiDW... to XqTqmKfJI... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23310 Roll Skia from 33079a7c5a98 to 9a27566e0cbc (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23312 Roll Skia from 9a27566e0cbc to f94348fdd528 (11 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23313 [web] Reland - Switch web-render option default to auto (cla: yes)

23315 [web] Prevent recycling canvas twice due to paint queue (cla: yes)

23316 Roll Skia from f94348fdd528 to 16d86135b739 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23319 Roll Skia from 16d86135b739 to 52130b09093d (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23320 Roll Skia from 52130b09093d to d1b593f446d3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23321 Revert "[web] Reland - Switch web-render option default to auto" (cla: yes)

23324 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from XqTqmKfJI... to 0g8KXafVZ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23325 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 6vW4LheTp... to NO2OUA57b... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23326 Roll Skia from d1b593f446d3 to c85bce8ea6c8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23327 Roll Skia from c85bce8ea6c8 to 964f0a028e67 (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23328 Roll Skia from 964f0a028e67 to d9b9c83e8757 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23329 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 0g8KXafVZ... to gj7bWTfxu... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23330 Roll Skia from d9b9c83e8757 to fe4611c18e9d (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23332 Roll Skia from fe4611c18e9d to 36129133f106 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23333 Roll Skia from 36129133f106 to c56e2e5aa65d (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23334 Roll Skia from c56e2e5aa65d to 791f8d8c3bd5 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23335 Roll Skia from 791f8d8c3bd5 to f84dfd69861a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23336 Add support for different simulator architectures (cla: yes)

23337 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from NO2OUA57b... to hIpDO_txN... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23339 Roll Skia from f84dfd69861a to d150a58c04ed (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23340 Roll Skia from d150a58c04ed to d3a91db48d57 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23341 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from gj7bWTfxu... to GK7mTxGcs... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23344 Roll Skia from d3a91db48d57 to 8f924ac0ce63 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23347 Roll Skia from 8f924ac0ce63 to 4f23dec7427b (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23348 Roll CanvasKit to 0.22 (cla: yes, platform-web)

23350 Switch to new virtuals on SkCanvas (cla: yes)

23351 Roll Skia from 4f23dec7427b to 6d4577bc5208 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23353 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from hIpDO_txN... to Sjhog2e8Z... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23354 Roll Skia from 6d4577bc5208 to b39d076b6096 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23355 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from GK7mTxGcs... to Sa7TryuTn... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23356 Roll Skia from b39d076b6096 to 818fd6d35788 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23357 Revert "[CanvasKit] Automatically fall back to Noto fonts (#23096)" (cla: yes)

23359 Roll Skia from 818fd6d35788 to 0d07e14f1e28 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23361 [web] fixing text editing for autofill with semantics (cla: yes)

23362 Support Mice in iPadOS 13.4+ (cla: yes, platform-ios)

23363 Remove dead code for 3x3 matrices (cla: yes)

23365 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from Sjhog2e8Z... to w3l6o5YIn... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23367 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from Sa7TryuTn... to 9zYti9vPP... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23378 Roll Skia from 0d07e14f1e28 to af35386f2e28 (10 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23382 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from w3l6o5YIn... to xAJyFB5RF... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23390 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 9zYti9vPP... to -LcFx-dyk... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23391 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from xAJyFB5RF... to jVpF41b-V... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23398 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from -LcFx-dyk... to PJX9mmc_C... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23400 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from jVpF41b-V... to zKX_gO4KU... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23401 Roll Skia from af35386f2e28 to 8898c4d02bbd (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23402 Roll Skia from 8898c4d02bbd to fc914f43cdee (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23403 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from PJX9mmc_C... to lxKr8i_TC... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23404 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from zKX_gO4KU... to kPkJqgYZ-... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23405 Roll Skia from fc914f43cdee to 2a92f13579fb (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23406 Roll Skia from 2a92f13579fb to d8ff313e4485 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23407 Roll Skia from d8ff313e4485 to eae5c1619083 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23411 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from lxKr8i_TC... to nVvyfiqlp... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23413 Roll Skia from eae5c1619083 to 04ccda6c28c4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23415 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from kPkJqgYZ-... to AqAeIeknz... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23416 Roll Skia from 04ccda6c28c4 to 2207edd88cfe (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23417 Roll Skia from 2207edd88cfe to df49e6927b43 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23419 Roll Skia from df49e6927b43 to dc435fa60df6 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23421 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from nVvyfiqlp... to 597LHqqTy... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23422 Roll Skia from dc435fa60df6 to 1efa14d9f4f5 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23424 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from AqAeIeknz... to zMCnd-3cP... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23426 Roll Skia from 1efa14d9f4f5 to 0bfbfe5d30c0 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23427 Roll Skia from 0bfbfe5d30c0 to 6356cb1904b8 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23429 Use syslog for logging on Fuchsia (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)

23430 Add flt-renderer and flt-build-mode debug attributes to

(cla: yes, platform-web)

23431 Roll Skia from 6356cb1904b8 to 2833b08efbe6 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23432 [metal] [macos] Suffix for metal builds macos (cla: yes)

23433 [web] specify all defines used for html, ck, auto rendering modes (cla: yes)

23434 Roll Skia from 2833b08efbe6 to 736c992966b5 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23435 started sharing GPU contexts between spawned engines (cla: yes, platform-ios)

23439 Update the web profiler_test to wrap benchmark callbacks with allowInterop (cla: yes)

23440 add linux arm host builder (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23441 Roll Skia from 736c992966b5 to 854ee85736e3 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23442 Disable focused_text_field golden on Firefox (cla: yes)

23444 Roll Dart SDK from 1c14d9bb3528 to df54886d1295 (14 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23445 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 597LHqqTy... to 0R7_vIAML... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23446 Roll Skia from 854ee85736e3 to 2ca39919583f (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23449 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from zMCnd-3cP... to de_114mvQ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23450 Roll Dart SDK from df54886d1295 to 996a58122821 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23453 Roll Skia from 2ca39919583f to 32d68537a88c (11 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23454 [web] Reland - Switch web-render option default to auto (cla: yes)

23455 Roll Skia from 32d68537a88c to 417743f806d1 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23456 Revert "bump fuchsia toolchain to clang-12" (cla: yes)

23457 Fix SurfaceView usage when status bar is transparent (cla: yes, platform-android)

23459 Switch to directional shadows (cla: yes)

23461 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 0R7_vIAML... to 5jKxFxRiQ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23463 Roll Dart SDK from 996a58122821 to 9542c7bc569a (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23464 Roll Skia from 417743f806d1 to a7b7964a237a (19 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23470 [web] Draw shadows for text in rich paragraphs (cla: yes, platform-web)

23471 update browser history switching (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

23472 Revert Dart roll (#23444) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23474 Provide a runtime switch for selecting SkParagraph text layout (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

23476 Update virtual to take sampling (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23479 Roll Skia from a7b7964a237a to d64a3193cd49 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23482 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from de_114mvQ... to cLR0CUb-e... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23484 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 5jKxFxRiQ... to qedaMC5nT... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23486 Roll Dart SDK from 1c14d9bb3528 to 6a6a854523fd (21 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23487 Roll Skia from d64a3193cd49 to be0b3b7363a9 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23488 Switched engine to use buffer collection. (cla: yes)

23489 [tests] Normalize SkImage before comparison. (cla: yes)

23491 Implements accessibility bridge in common library (accessibility, affects: desktop, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23493 SDK constraints are now just generally required (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23494 Sync the pull request template with the flutter/flutter version (cla: yes)

23495 State Restoration for iOS (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

23499 Adds a mechanism for announce events to be forwarded to a11y. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23503 During image decoding, avoid using smart pointers for DartWrappables that cross thread-boundaries. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23504 Make pending event handling more lenient to allow out of order responses (cla: yes)

23506 Revert "bump fuchsia toolchain to clang-12" (#23456) (cla: yes)

23508 Started sharing skia contexts on the io thread (cla: yes)

23509 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from cLR0CUb-e... to IGtSAREVb... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23511 disable UnassignedIdsAreReused flaky test (cla: yes)

23512 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from qedaMC5nT... to R9qkTURF2... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23513 Update outdated links (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

23515 [web] Fix tests in preparation for enabling new rich paragraph implementation (cla: yes, platform-web)

23516 Skip the FlEngineTest.SettingsPlugin test (cla: yes)

23518 fix ax unique id flake (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23522 ci: Print output in case of compile error (cla: yes)

23523 Fix double free in settings plugin tests (cla: yes)

23524 Implement delayed key event synthesis for Windows (cla: yes)

23525 Roll Skia from be0b3b7363a9 to c6e25754c4ad (22 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23527 Manual roll of Dart 60175b98ac...6a6a854523 (cla: yes)

23528 Roll Skia from c6e25754c4ad to f4ea30580c91 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23529 Manual roll of Dart d7624b6ec7b...60175b98ac3 (cla: yes)

23531 Roll Skia from f4ea30580c91 to cb3bcf88e382 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23532 Roll Skia from cb3bcf88e382 to d2f51b18065a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23533 Roll Skia from d2f51b18065a to f5aed172c693 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23534 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from IGtSAREVb... to 80NV-ZWKC... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23536 Roll Skia from f5aed172c693 to 0355118f220e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23537 Use Fractal rather than Improved noise in shader mask flow unit test (cla: yes)

23539 Started asserting that metal gpu contexts are shared (cla: yes, platform-ios)

23540 [metal] Disable image comparison for gradient_metal test (cla: yes)

23541 Roll Skia from 0355118f220e to 2a735ba1cb32 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23542 [canvaskit] push methods return layers with correct class names (cla: yes, platform-web)

23543 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from R9qkTURF2... to kYdpRwQ7N... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23544 Roll Skia from 2a735ba1cb32 to 00e43df25bea (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23545 Add a keep annotation to the ImeSyncDeferringInsetsCallback.AnimationCallback inner class (cla: yes, platform-android)

23547 Fix leak when parsing base64. (cla: yes)

23548 Roll Skia from 00e43df25bea to 047d5bb8d39c (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23549 Plumbing refactor to allow the usage of Dart_CreateIsolateInGroup (cla: yes)

23550 [canvaskit] embedded views: apply inverse scale on the left (cla: yes)

23551 [web] Fix more tests that are specific to DomParagraph (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

23553 Roll Skia from 047d5bb8d39c to 6bf6963198aa (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23555 Roll Skia from 6bf6963198aa to 17ce8c5ec6f4 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23556 Roll Skia from 17ce8c5ec6f4 to ae562bd177d9 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23557 Roll Skia from ae562bd177d9 to 5045de33e754 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23558 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 80NV-ZWKC... to mDPWTwJns... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23560 Roll Skia from 5045de33e754 to 8f282f5d9f30 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23561 Android deeplink sends "path + query" instead of just path (cla: yes, platform-android)

23562 iOS deeplink sends "path + query" instead of just path (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

23564 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from kYdpRwQ7N... to KAsjGNhH6... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23565 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from mDPWTwJns... to dYtTUrjF2... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23570 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from dYtTUrjF2... to Zvqkcgk0A... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23575 Roll Skia from 8f282f5d9f30 to 2199cde1f52b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23578 Roll Dart SDK from d7624b6ec7bb to e7983fd4adb9 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23579 Roll Skia from 2199cde1f52b to a7548393d370 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23580 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from Zvqkcgk0A... to UxTIYduaG... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23582 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from KAsjGNhH6... to lbQ4FeXvV... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23583 Roll Skia from a7548393d370 to 97eede48be1e (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23586 Roll Dart SDK from e7983fd4adb9 to 0145b9604d3c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23587 Roll Skia from 97eede48be1e to 58a8ccc59190 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23589 Roll Skia from 58a8ccc59190 to eb54bb51b112 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23590 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from UxTIYduaG... to oll0Dgp9o... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23591 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from lbQ4FeXvV... to UB6RsTbdU... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23592 use the profile build of CanvasKit in --profile mode (cla: yes)

23593 Roll Skia from eb54bb51b112 to 0a145b77f708 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23594 Roll Dart SDK from 0145b9604d3c to 28ec4cc111cf (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23595 Roll Skia from 0a145b77f708 to 52a7eca13d45 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23596 [web] Apply font-family and other styles to the paragraph element (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

23597 [web] Convert Ctrl+mousewheel to pointerdata (cla: yes)

23598 Fix indexing error in Linux key event handling (cla: yes)

23599 Add support for rendering using Metal on macOS (cla: yes, platform-ios)

23601 [web] Fix semantic node order for webkit (cla: yes)

23602 Roll Skia from 52a7eca13d45 to 9a4904f4e0cf (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23603 share font collections between spawn engines (cla: yes)

23604 Make android more lenient when it comes to out-of-order key event responses (cla: yes, platform-android)

23605 Roll Skia from 9a4904f4e0cf to aed808c7567e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23606 Roll Dart SDK from 28ec4cc111cf to 7fcbd388b620 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23607 Roll wuffs to google/wuffs@c86add25f790360f0aca026c4f1c2c4e2d12408d (cla: yes)

23608 [dart-runner] Avoid calling Destroy on nullptr (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23609 Only remove weak pointers that are set. (cla: yes)

23610 Revert "Support Mice in iPadOS 13.4+" (cla: yes, platform-ios)

23612 Roll Skia from aed808c7567e to 7cf3addb1bd8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23614 Roll Skia from 7cf3addb1bd8 to 93c2d81f199a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23623 Windows textures: Add placeholder flutter_texture_registrar.h (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23626 Link SkShaper/SkParagraph into the engine by default (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23628 Roll Dart SDK from 7fcbd388b620 to ef8bf7f0a667 (5 revisions) (cla: yes)

23630 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.25.0-8.3.pre engine cherrypicks (cla: yes)

23633 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from UB6RsTbdU... to FfWbbB4r8... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23634 implemented GetMainContext() for opengl (cla: yes, platform-ios)

23635 Roll Skia from 93c2d81f199a to 9fd75e96d712 (29 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23636 Support Mice in iPadOS 13.4+ (cla: yes, platform-ios)

23638 [web] Fix text cutoff when rendering paragraphs on DomCanvas (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

23639 Roll Dart SDK from ef8bf7f0a667 to 636ff0ec97e0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23640 Fix slow scroll speed in Wayland. (cla: yes)

23641 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from oll0Dgp9o... to JSzm8D59u... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23642 Roll Dart SDK from 636ff0ec97e0 to d3d7b77e8165 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23643 Roll Skia from 9fd75e96d712 to 38ca513408d1 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23644 Roll Skia from 38ca513408d1 to be2a8614c5d6 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23645 Roll Dart SDK from d3d7b77e8165 to 010633edc631 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23646 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from FfWbbB4r8... to BUsKF6z4t... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23647 Roll Dart SDK from 010633edc631 to 724d9e5e7d71 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23648 Roll Skia from be2a8614c5d6 to 0d7de6bc9ac3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23649 Use non-deprecated SkImageFilter factory functions (cla: yes)

23650 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from JSzm8D59u... to BsUY1yjWh... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23651 Revert "[web] Enable the new rich paragraph implementation" (cla: yes)

23652 Roll Skia from 0d7de6bc9ac3 to 92969f265686 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23653 [web] Fix layout exception when text is null (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

23654 Roll Skia from 92969f265686 to d8e9436a78bf (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23655 Implement handling of framework-handled key events (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23656 Reland - bump fuchsia toolchain to clang 12 (cla: yes)

23657 Roll Skia from d8e9436a78bf to 0e4a29af9db2 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23659 [web] Reland: Enable the new rich paragraph implementation (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

23662 Add winuwp as one of the choices in --target-os. (cla: yes)

23666 Roll FreeType to 2.10.4 (cla: yes)

23667 SkParagraph: enable the ICU breaker cache (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23668 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from BUsKF6z4t... to a7ezEWPM5... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23669 Remove unused fml::Message serializer (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23670 Roll Skia from 0e4a29af9db2 to af9b58e287b5 (10 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23671 Roll Skia from af9b58e287b5 to f435ada424df (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23672 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from BsUY1yjWh... to BoBy7Eobf... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23675 FlutterEngineGroup for Android (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

23676 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from a7ezEWPM5... to erwxDS3kf... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23680 Roll Skia from f435ada424df to 8f78d5528438 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23681 Roll Dart SDK from 724d9e5e7d71 to 3629a798353d (1 revision) (cla: yes)

23683 [web] Fix letter spacing for rich paragraphs (cla: yes, platform-web)

23685 [canvaskit] fix addPlaceholder JS bindings; add paragraph test (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

23687 Revert "[web] Enable the new rich paragraph implementation" (cla: yes)

23689 Added missing export for the flutter engine group. (cla: yes, platform-ios)

23691 [web] Fix linear gradient tiling offset. (cla: yes, platform-web)

23692 Roll Skia from 8f78d5528438 to 890b2b406a60 (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23693 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from BoBy7Eobf... to DVYrV15dq... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23694 Ensure gen_snapshot for the target is built when needed (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23696 [web] Reland: Enable the new rich paragraph implementation (cla: yes, platform-web)

23698 Roll buildroot to 92a8d2eb7aad592068f808e39b8330fd2bce25e3, Clang to 12.0.0 (cla: yes)

23699 Roll Dart SDK from 3629a798353d to a461c2b3366d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23700 Roll Skia from 890b2b406a60 to 3df6c20a050a (11 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23701 [windows] Enable smooth resizing on windows (cla: yes)

23703 Roll Skia from 3df6c20a050a to 68b8bd5ba7f3 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23704 Populates fuchsia a11y toggled state. (cla: yes)

23706 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from erwxDS3kf... to y-4SPFGg7... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23707 Roll Dart SDK from a461c2b3366d to 82cec4d65743 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23708 Roll Skia from 68b8bd5ba7f3 to 1895425ffc90 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23709 Roll Skia from 1895425ffc90 to 7f81cb6901ae (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23710 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from DVYrV15dq... to 058reL2R_... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23711 Roll Dart SDK from 82cec4d65743 to c262c3e0d9d2 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23712 Roll Skia from 7f81cb6901ae to 70ea0d97c1c5 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23713 Roll Dart SDK from c262c3e0d9d2 to 0554c17398ef (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23714 Roll Skia from 70ea0d97c1c5 to 4f4c064d5b74 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23715 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from y-4SPFGg7... to f6HozEhK-... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23717 Skia can now build with 10.11 as the min deployment version (cla: yes)

23720 Roll Skia from 4f4c064d5b74 to 9f079f7c0d16 (11 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23721 Roll Skia from 9f079f7c0d16 to bfd330d08195 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23722 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 058reL2R_... to -f95YWvck... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23725 Roll Skia from bfd330d08195 to d414e600b24b (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23726 Removes deprecated WLAN API dependency. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23727 [web] Add --watch flag to 'felt test' (cla: yes, platform-web)

23728 Automatically download Noto fonts as backup fonts in CanvasKit mode (cla: yes)

23729 Unconditionally enable some tracing on startup (cla: yes)

23731 [fuchsia] Add missing static binding check. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23732 Roll Skia from d414e600b24b to 05e5446145a6 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23733 block thread merging with shared engines (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23734 Revert "Roll buildroot to 92a8d2eb7aad592068f808e39b8330fd2bce25e3, Clang to 12.0.0" (cla: yes)

23735 Roll Dart SDK from 0554c17398ef to 93a7e1189a8a (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23737 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from f6HozEhK-... to 9jHAc8Xal... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23738 Roll Dart SDK from 93a7e1189a8a to c962a50422d3 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23740 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from -f95YWvck... to WDEyMachh... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23742 Roll buildroot to 7832e9ed954bd5b22d043ab49a67e93babd291e6, clang to 12.0.0 mark 2 (cla: yes)

23744 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 9jHAc8Xal... to Slp6mtN7o... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23747 Roll Dart SDK from c962a50422d3 to 3a72a508f5a0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23748 Roll Dart SDK from 3a72a508f5a0 to f0c507184d5d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23751 Roll clang further, fix buggy test (cla: yes)

23752 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from WDEyMachh... to _UK6XxiMu... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23755 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from Slp6mtN7o... to -tixwZamE... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23756 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from _UK6XxiMu... to gifLPMkX1... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23758 Roll Dart SDK from f0c507184d5d to 091e9f17809e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23759 Roll Skia from 05e5446145a6 to 26a84431ff72 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23762 Roll Dart SDK from 091e9f17809e to c4214e6daaac (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23763 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from gifLPMkX1... to pc_veLlry... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23764 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from -tixwZamE... to fByXAJ76e... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23765 Allow creation of symlinks for Goma via an environment variable. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23766 Roll Skia from 26a84431ff72 to bde06cc511d2 (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23767 Migrate to use the published metrics_center (cla: yes)

23769 [web] Fix shadow rendering using boxshadow due to webkit repaint area bug (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23770 Roll Dart SDK from c4214e6daaac to 4a6764bf28c2 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23772 Roll Skia from bde06cc511d2 to f3087d8297fe (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23773 [web] Fix drawPoints api crash when strokeWidth is not specified. (cla: yes)

23775 skip flaky test (cla: yes, platform-ios)

23778 [web] Make null paint color consistent with mobile&desktop (cla: yes)

23781 Roll Skia from f3087d8297fe to e0fe62adaa3e (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23782 Started using Dart_CreateInGroup when using spawn on a release build (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23783 Fix typo in embedder unit tests (cla: yes)

23784 Roll Skia from e0fe62adaa3e to 18aeb5731b51 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23785 Fix JNI void vs object method call - Deferred Components (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

23786 Roll Skia from 18aeb5731b51 to 7aa7f039b9ee (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23787 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from pc_veLlry... to xYraItnQp... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23788 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from fByXAJ76e... to vs54lOVoj... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23790 Roll Skia from 7aa7f039b9ee to 6eb610f75cad (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23791 Revert "Roll Dart SDK from c4214e6daaac to 4a6764bf28c2 (4 revisions)" (cla: yes)

23795 Notify Win32FlutterWindow of cursor updates (affects: desktop, affects: text input, cla: yes, platform-windows)

23796 Roll Dart SDK from c4214e6daaac to 0265477b0534 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23798 Share Android surface GrDirectContext (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

23799 Roll Skia from 6eb610f75cad to 489e55252ee3 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23802 Roll Skia from 489e55252ee3 to 81bfabeb18e6 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23803 [flutter_releases] Flutter Stable 1.22.6 Engine Cherrypicks (cla: yes)

23804 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from vs54lOVoj... to E4eFE0Bz6... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23805 Roll Skia from 81bfabeb18e6 to cdeabcaf5705 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23806 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from xYraItnQp... to MrtHftV0U... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23808 add ffi_allocation_patch.dart to libraries.yaml (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23810 Split platforms for clang in DEPS to prepare for autoroller (cla: yes)

23811 Roll Dart SDK from 0265477b0534 to 970d74c42472 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23812 Roll Skia from cdeabcaf5705 to dd069a9188cc (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23813 Call Dart plugin registrant if available (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23815 [flutter_releases] Flutter Stable 1.22.6 Engine additional cherrypick (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

23816 Roll Skia from dd069a9188cc to 08f5311ae142 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23818 Roll Skia from 08f5311ae142 to 821a84558bd4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23819 Roll Dart SDK from 970d74c42472 to fd72dbb5b82b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23820 Roll Dart SDK from 970d74c42472 to fd72dbb5b82b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23821 Cherry pick 920a33a0fc3a1d9913d889a77593161e175f1863 (cla: yes)

23822 revert path volatility tracker (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23823 Fix typo in textureFrameAvailable on macOS (cla: yes)

23824 Pass the filename directly to JNI for loading deferred component. (cla: yes, platform-android)

23825 Roll Skia from 821a84558bd4 to 87a055b02027 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23826 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from E4eFE0Bz6... to UGavhI1zv... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23827 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from MrtHftV0U... to 7nZajqutF... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23828 Roll Dart SDK from fd72dbb5b82b to 5e24a66b1bb8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23829 Roll Skia from 87a055b02027 to e0d023562bd9 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23830 [web] Fix shadows for arbitrary paths on PhysicalShape (cla: yes, platform-web)

23831 Roll Skia from e0d023562bd9 to 982127b7d57d (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23832 Roll Fuchsia Linux Toolchain from git_revision:2c0536b76b35fa592ac7b4a0e4bb176eaf55af75 to IJxh_9dNS... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23834 Roll Skia from 982127b7d57d to 6de1e52d0b12 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23836 Roll Skia from 6de1e52d0b12 to 8a37fb2c605b (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23837 Use references when iterating over SkParagraph text boxes (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23838 Roll Dart SDK from 5e24a66b1bb8 to 704928da5702 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23839 Roll Skia from 8a37fb2c605b to 37d16f135265 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23840 Reland vol tracker (cla: yes)

23841 Roll Skia from 37d16f135265 to e89d8ea20b62 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23842 use the toolchain in //build for fuchsia (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23843 Roll Skia from e89d8ea20b62 to c09761f57605 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23846 Roll Dart SDK from 704928da5702 to 1db2d4d95562 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23848 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from UGavhI1zv... to mODEe2CNk... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23849 Search multiple paths when loading deferred component .so files. (cla: yes, platform-android)

23850 fix concurrent threads cannot set thread name on Android issue (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23851 Roll Skia from c09761f57605 to 450f8565c7f3 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23853 Add support for IME-based text input on Windows (affects: desktop, affects: text input, cla: yes, platform-windows)

23855 Roll Skia from 450f8565c7f3 to 372791761157 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23857 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 7nZajqutF... to tuJCioUf3... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23858 Roll Skia from 372791761157 to ce75036b3eaf (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23859 Revert "implemented GetMainContext() for opengl" (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

23860 Roll Skia from ce75036b3eaf to cc6961b9ac5e (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23861 Roll Dart SDK from 1db2d4d95562 to 82b4c77fb17f (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23862 Remove workarounds now that type promotion accounts for local boolean variables. (cla: yes)

23863 [flutter_releases] Flutter 1.22.6 Engine Infra Cherrypick (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

23864 Roll Skia from cc6961b9ac5e to 6a272434c2b2 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23865 implemented GetMainContext() for opengl - reland (cla: yes, platform-ios)

23867 Roll Skia from 6a272434c2b2 to bfc9be0f773f (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23868 Read loading unit mapping from AndroidManifest instead of strings (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

23872 Roll Skia from bfc9be0f773f to 3193ff271628 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23873 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from mODEe2CNk... to edqShE0QE... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23874 Roll Dart SDK from 82b4c77fb17f to 748993c3997a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23875 Roll Skia from 3193ff271628 to 2a4c0fbdca1a (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23876 Roll Fuchsia Linux Toolchain from IJxh_9dNS... to 8LaTdqf7w... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23878 Roll Skia from 2a4c0fbdca1a to 8a42b09c162e (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23881 Roll Dart SDK from 748993c3997a to 2ddf810f71f6 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23882 Roll Skia from 8a42b09c162e to 9702fc6f3852 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23883 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from tuJCioUf3... to 9Lh_vPIXU... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23886 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from edqShE0QE... to uMOnDLfvl... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23887 Roll FreeType to 2.10.4 (#23666) (cla: yes)

23888 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 9Lh_vPIXU... to PsYsfVNbW... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23890 Roll Skia from 9702fc6f3852 to 07c5f52c947d (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23892 Roll Skia from 07c5f52c947d to 8d29ab630996 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23893 Roll Skia from 8d29ab630996 to d396cd50ff15 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23894 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from uMOnDLfvl... to VYUnZ3Tbh... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23897 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from PsYsfVNbW... to 6swTf93jz... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23898 Roll Skia from d396cd50ff15 to 5bbf72757349 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23900 Roll Skia from 5bbf72757349 to 069e484cc3b9 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23903 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from VYUnZ3Tbh... to mrFdelzNr... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23904 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 6swTf93jz... to 7LGbVIHUD... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23905 Rename TextInputManager to TextInputManagerWin32 (cla: yes)

23907 Roll Skia from 069e484cc3b9 to 607a382298b2 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23910 Roll Skia from 607a382298b2 to fe8a4faa4bb2 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23913 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from mrFdelzNr... to GLRm7LJRm... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23915 Use ToStringTransformer from dart frontend_server (cla: yes)

23920 Roll Skia from fe8a4faa4bb2 to bd91660b6e12 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23922 Roll Dart SDK from 2ddf810f71f6 to 70c7daa78288 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23924 [macos] Support smooth resizing for Metal (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23925 Allow naming shared libraries in deferred component via AndroidManifest (cla: yes, platform-android)

23928 Adds Roboto as a global font fallback in CanvasKit (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23929 Roll Skia from bd91660b6e12 to fff4099358bd (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23930 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 7LGbVIHUD... to PGWwkVe7c... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23933 rename flutter_export to flutter_darwin_export to prevent naming conf… (cla: yes, platform-ios)

23935 Roll Fuchsia Linux Toolchain from git_revision:7d48eff8ba172216fca3649a3c452de4c7c16c00 to 8LaTdqf7w... (cla: yes)

23936 Roll Fuchsia Mac Toolchain from git_revision:7d48eff8ba172216fca3649a3c452de4c7c16c00 to 139p8dSfW... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23937 Roll Skia from fff4099358bd to 3f31f3027f69 (10 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23938 Roll Dart SDK from 70c7daa78288 to f9e1d1ab4001 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23939 Roll Skia from 3f31f3027f69 to 3419dda0588d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23940 Roll Skia from 3419dda0588d to 76389b7d2444 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23943 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from GLRm7LJRm... to DLfskqEUx... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23945 Roll Skia from 76389b7d2444 to 02621c33b426 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23946 Roll Dart SDK from f9e1d1ab4001 to 2607b01bec99 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23949 Roll Skia from 02621c33b426 to bbc5288f2bb1 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23953 Roll Dart SDK from 2607b01bec99 to 38c2cddbe277 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23954 add ffi_allocation_patch.dart to libraries.yaml 2 (cla: yes)

23956 Roll Skia from bbc5288f2bb1 to 98c990eba005 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23957 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from PGWwkVe7c... to FtwF654ce... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23958 Roll Skia from 98c990eba005 to f661ec788b14 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

23959 Roll Dart SDK from 38c2cddbe277 to 15dfe858c4a6 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

waiting for tree to go green - 1287 pull request(s)


17881 Enabled metal on ios simulator (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18733 delete opengl texture when it detatch from surfacetexture. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19292 [iOS] Fix platfotm view called multiple times (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

19405 Add windows plugin texture support (Work in progress (WIP), cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

20309 Exposing ColorFilter to ImageFilter conversion and Compose() (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

20472 set old_gen_heap_size to half of available memory on iOS (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

20643 SKP based shader warmup (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

20794 Implement browser history class for router widget (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

20868 Deprecate Android v1 embedding classes (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

20962 Split out EmbedderTest{Context,Compositor} to handle software and GL separately (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

20972 Added keyEvent support for iOS 13.4+ (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

21059 Add a new raster status kSkipAndRetry frame (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

21062 Make drain() consistently asynchronous. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21074 Roll Skia from fb5e0ebef07c to 0b6bf1c9668e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21076 add a line to build host for scenario tests (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21079 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 5o9onBKYd... to b9rM1nBK1... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21085 Roll Skia from 0b6bf1c9668e to 9d6f955f52e9 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21086 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from l8baHga4c... to XIejclW2X... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21090 Roll Skia from 9d6f955f52e9 to bbe69951b416 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21092 Roll Dart SDK from 1abce6d054ad to 14f1940f537e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21093 Roll Dart SDK from 14f1940f537e to 1c887123b92c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21096 Roll Skia from bbe69951b416 to 6518d77a2200 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21101 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from b9rM1nBK1... to ggoll70iR... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21107 Fix a AppLifecycleTest present time race between the animation and the rest of the test (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

21109 Fix erroneous dartdoc @tool directive. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21121 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from XIejclW2X... to f3YqG3OdI... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21122 Roll Skia from 6518d77a2200 to 9eb848ae8218 (20 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21124 Roll Skia from 9eb848ae8218 to 582c5a9a84ac (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21128 Roll Dart SDK from 1c887123b92c to d2ba4fd3275e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21131 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from ggoll70iR... to oINI9fspF... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21132 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from f3YqG3OdI... to hO-ki0WJb... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21133 Roll Skia from 582c5a9a84ac to 186866c46179 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21134 Roll Dart SDK from d2ba4fd3275e to 3533cfda999e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21136 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from oINI9fspF... to C73kzh_IF... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21137 Roll Dart SDK from 3533cfda999e to 4bf1f624d06e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21138 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from hO-ki0WJb... to 0XXjmMun1... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21139 Roll Dart SDK from 4bf1f624d06e to b6f67aa2cc72 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21140 Roll Skia from 186866c46179 to b711737c1384 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21141 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from C73kzh_IF... to 78RTO77Tu... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21142 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 0XXjmMun1... to KA_kDgY7C... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21143 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 78RTO77Tu... to m7z9dEdGg... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21144 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from KA_kDgY7C... to zKQw_oHsx... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21146 Roll Skia from b711737c1384 to 081bc32703b7 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21147 Roll Dart SDK from b6f67aa2cc72 to 27d9970dfeb1 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21151 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from m7z9dEdGg... to arL8NjPHW... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21156 Roll Skia from 081bc32703b7 to 34b19c575066 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21157 Remove suppression of null-related warnings (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21159 Roll Skia from 34b19c575066 to 6253b5787df8 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21160 Roll Dart SDK from 27d9970dfeb1 to c835079edda4 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21162 Roll Skia from 6253b5787df8 to 37fd658981dd (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21166 Define _USE_MATH_DEFINES on Windows where needed (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21169 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from arL8NjPHW... to 8q8xxvY60... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21170 Roll Skia from 37fd658981dd to 2bc4077c9e42 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21171 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from zKQw_oHsx... to -iBBiPj1C... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21172 Roll Skia from 2bc4077c9e42 to aecd484d03d7 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21178 Roll Skia from aecd484d03d7 to 22aa7d791515 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21179 Discard wrong size layer tree instead of rendering it (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

21181 Roll Skia from 22aa7d791515 to d911c91d8895 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21183 Roll Skia from d911c91d8895 to 6f3ed7f72cd6 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21186 Roll Skia from 6f3ed7f72cd6 to 50dd7e15af47 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21190 Roll Skia from 50dd7e15af47 to a195d101f96c (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21191 Account for current open image in FlutterImageView (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

21197 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from -iBBiPj1C... to sXR21ye3r... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21205 Roll Skia from a195d101f96c to 3e72b3ff8ca7 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21206 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 8q8xxvY60... to VpUd_W9Oi... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21209 Roll Dart SDK from c835079edda4 to 7476b58cc9d0 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21210 Roll Skia from 3e72b3ff8ca7 to 2610e8261e9e (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21212 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from sXR21ye3r... to G5UItrFeP... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21216 Roll Dart SDK from 7476b58cc9d0 to 9b3b9c26a343 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21217 Add missing cstring header (fixes (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21220 Roll Skia from 2610e8261e9e to 2564767d24e5 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21221 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from VpUd_W9Oi... to 13BzEPO47... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21222 Roll Dart SDK from 9b3b9c26a343 to 83365979ea85 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21224 Roll Dart SDK from 83365979ea85 to e41a6008746d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21230 Roll Skia from 2564767d24e5 to bf66ffbbd4ce (27 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21232 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from G5UItrFeP... to 91U3isvKn... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21233 Roll Dart SDK from e41a6008746d to eb24e3324908 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21235 Roll Skia from bf66ffbbd4ce to f9fdf291c567 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21238 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 13BzEPO47... to 2nHpC_AEO... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21239 Roll Dart SDK from eb24e3324908 to 99970d646dc9 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21242 Roll Skia from f9fdf291c567 to 51a7f9559ad4 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21244 Roll Skia from 51a7f9559ad4 to 12d06a38427d (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21245 Roll Dart SDK from 99970d646dc9 to fcaedc6d9587 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21246 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 91U3isvKn... to Qi0ptKLxN... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21248 avoid hard coding OS (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21249 Roll Skia from 12d06a38427d to 45f41b376260 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21250 Roll Skia from 45f41b376260 to c21dc07a78b9 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21257 Roll Dart SDK from fcaedc6d9587 to 2cec6af2652f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21258 Workaround for an Android emulator EGL bug that can cause inaccurate GL version strings (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

21259 Do not pass invalid platform view rendering surfaces to the rasterizer (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21260 Roll Skia from c21dc07a78b9 to 31634288fdf3 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21261 Roll Dart SDK from 2cec6af2652f to 6f333dbd6a2b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21262 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 2nHpC_AEO... to i2PBGu2n-... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21265 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from Qi0ptKLxN... to K2Oiy-AYh... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21266 Roll Skia from 31634288fdf3 to feb4d10f7b2d (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21270 Fix boolean value checks in StandardMessageCodec (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

21276 Roll Dart SDK from 6f333dbd6a2b to 8c45e2e29cb4 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21277 Dark mode friendly iOS debugging message (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

21278 Roll Dart SDK from 8c45e2e29cb4 to 8bd3017291e5 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21279 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from i2PBGu2n-... to WsUbW2ZnA... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21298 implement decodeFromPixels (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21301 Do not create a TestGLSurface for software-only rendering in EmbedderTest (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21303 [iOS TextInput] Avoid Unnecessary UndateEditingClient Calls (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

21304 Implement toString for Images on web (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21307 Disconnect the view's AndroidKeyProcessor when detaching from the engine (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

21308 [manual roll] Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from K2Oiy-AYh... to 2rXyLF0YK (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21309 Roll Skia from feb4d10f7b2d to 371fde549e35 (46 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21310 Roll Dart SDK from 8bd3017291e5 to c660a695266a (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21311 Relax test around a11y updates (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21312 Roll Skia from 371fde549e35 to 1a49a5334c36 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21313 [web] Add canUpdateAsMatch to PersistedPlatformView. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21315 Roll Dart SDK from c660a695266a to c61a0818e4bd (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21317 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 2rXyLF0YK... to VgNGzw-DQ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21318 Roll Skia from 1a49a5334c36 to 7a1f241c0134 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21319 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from WsUbW2ZnA... to WcbX470pS... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21320 Roll Dart SDK from c61a0818e4bd to 2b8d00ac48e7 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21321 Roll Skia from 7a1f241c0134 to 77960d9addc8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21322 Roll Skia from 77960d9addc8 to a38945abe337 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21323 Roll Skia from a38945abe337 to 84a008fa55b0 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21326 Roll Skia from 84a008fa55b0 to 187b04b35777 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21328 Roll Skia from 187b04b35777 to c61c895393ea (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21329 [a11y] Flutter sends node roles as part of Fuchsia semantics updates. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21330 Retain the WindowInsetsAnimation callback if code shrinking is enabled (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

21332 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from VgNGzw-DQ... to VGnJQMPQM... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21340 Roll Skia from c61c895393ea to 2b469ebd0627 (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21343 Roll Skia from 2b469ebd0627 to 3eb813e0cc13 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21349 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from VGnJQMPQM... to IWfLWIJ93... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21350 Locale -> LanguageRange conversion to be more general in Android platformResolvedLocale (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

21351 Roll Skia from 3eb813e0cc13 to 18f4b1c7e31a (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21352 Roll Skia from 18f4b1c7e31a to 443d2c17b79b (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21354 Roll Skia from 443d2c17b79b to ba615e892fcb (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21355 Embedder API Support for display settings (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

21357 Roll Skia from ba615e892fcb to 81fc1fc3bfe6 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21358 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from WcbX470pS... to z7zaxhmps... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21363 Roll Skia from 81fc1fc3bfe6 to 7b97b3cb2bd0 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21364 Apply dpr transform to fuchsia accessibility bridge (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21365 Roll Skia from 7b97b3cb2bd0 to 59b2a92c96ba (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21368 Roll Skia from 59b2a92c96ba to 1b89eb742a66 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21369 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from IWfLWIJ93... to -grWUcdOo... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21370 fix EnginePicture.toImage; implement rawRgba toByteData; add test (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

21371 isCloneOf for Image (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21373 Roll Skia from 1b89eb742a66 to fc396a85e4c8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21374 Roll Skia from fc396a85e4c8 to 96d9b52bb948 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21376 Roll Dart SDK from 2b8d00ac48e7 to 616bc676e75b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21377 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from z7zaxhmps... to v7dguVBSA... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

21378 Roll Skia from 96d9b52bb948 to cf43fc676856 (1 revision) (cl