What's new

This page contains current and recent announcements of what's new on the Flutter website and blog. Find past what's new information on the what's new archive page. You might also check out the Flutter SDK release notes.

To stay on top of Flutter announcements including breaking changes, join the flutter-announce Google group.

For Dart, you can join the Dart Announce Google group, and review the Dart changelog.

15 February 2024: Valentine's-Day-adjacent 3.19 release


Flutter 3.19 is live! For more information, check out the Flutter 3.19 umbrella blog post and the Flutter 3.19 technical blog post.

You might also check out the Dart 3.3 release blog post.

Docs updated or added since the 3.16 release

Other updates

For past releases, check out the What's new archive page.