Online courses
Learn how to build Flutter apps with these video courses. Before signing up for a course, verify that it includes up-to-date information, such as null-safe Dart code. These courses are listed alphabetically. To include your course, submit a PR:
- 20 Hour Dart & Flutter YT Course For Beginners by Rivaan Ranawat
- The Best Flutter Course on the Internet by Tadas Petra & Robert Brunhage
- Flutter in Production by Andrea Bizzotto
- Flutter Foundations by Andrea Bizzotto
- Flutter & Firebase Masterclass by Andrea Bizzotto
- Flutter Animations Masterclass by Andrea Bizzotto
- The Complete Dart Developer Guide by Andrea Bizzotto
- Flutter & Dart - The Complete Guide, 2023 Edition
- The Complete 2021 Flutter Development Bootcamp Using Dart by App Brewery
- Flutter Crash Course by Nick Manning
- Flutter leicht gemacht 2022 - Zero to Mastery! by Max Berktold (German)
- Flutter Zero to Hero by Veli Bacik (Turkish)
- Flutter Bootcamp by Rubens de Melo (Portuguese)
- Flutter para iniciantes by Rubens de Melo (Portuguese)
- Dart & Flutter - Zero to Mastery 2023 + Clean Architecture by Max Berktold & Max Steffen
- Dart & Flutter - Zero to Mastery 2023 - Keiko Corp. Food Reviews App by Marco Napoli
- Sticky Grouped Headers in Flutter by Marco Napoli
- Flutter University - From Zero to Mastery by Fudeo (Italian)
- Tech Idara - Flutter from Basic to Advanced by Ishaq Hassan (Urdu)
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