Flutter web app initialization
This page details the initialization process for Flutter web apps and how it can be customized.
#The flutter build web
command produces a script called flutter_bootstrap.js
in the build output directory (build/web
). This file contains the JavaScript code needed to initialize and run your Flutter app. You can use this script by placing an async-script tag for it in your index.html
file in the web
subdirectory of your Flutter app:
<script src="flutter_bootstrap.js" async></script>
Alternatively, you can inline the entire contents of the flutter_bootstrap.js
file by inserting the template token {{flutter_bootstrap_js}}
in your index.html
The {{flutter_bootstrap_js}}
token is replaced with the contents of the flutter_bootstrap.js
file when the index.html
file is copied to the output directory (build/web
) during the build step.
Customize initialization
#By default, flutter build web
generates a flutter_bootstrap.js
file that does a simple initialization of your Flutter app. However, in some scenarios, you might have a reason to customize this initialization process, such as:
- Setting a custom Flutter configuration for your app.
- Changing the settings for the Flutter service worker.
- Writing custom JavaScript code to run at different stages of the startup process.
To write your own custom bootstrapping logic instead of using the default script produced by the build step, you can place a flutter_bootstrap.js
file in the web
subdirectory of your project, which is copied over and used instead of the default script produced by the build. This file is also templated, and you can insert several special tokens that the build step substitutes at build time when copying the flutter_bootstrap.js
file to the output directory. The following table lists the tokens that the build step will substitute in either the flutter_bootstrap.js
or index.html
Token | Replaced with |
{{flutter_js}} | The JavaScript code that makes the FlutterLoader object available in the _flutter.loader global variable. (See the _flutter.loader.load() API section below for more details.) |
{{flutter_build_config}} | A JavaScript statement that sets metadata produced by the build process which gives the FlutterLoader information needed to properly bootstrap your application. |
{{flutter_service_worker_version}} | A unique number representing the build version of the service worker, which can be passed as part of the service worker configuration (see the "Common warning" info below). |
{{flutter_bootstrap_js}} | As mentioned above, this inlines the contents of the flutter_bootstrap.js file directly into the index.html file. Note that this token can only be used in the index.html and not the flutter_bootstrap.js file itself. |
Write a custom bootstrap script
#Any custom flutter_bootstrap.js
script needs to have three components in order to successfully start your Flutter app:
- A
token, to make_flutter.loader
available. - A
token, which provides information about the build to theFlutterLoader
needed to start your app. - A call to
, which actually starts the app.
The most basic flutter_bootstrap.js
file would look something like this:
Customize the Flutter loader
#The _flutter.loader.load()
JavaScript API can be invoked with optional arguments to customize initialization behavior:
Name | Description | JS type |
config | The Flutter configuration of your app. | Object |
onEntrypointLoaded | The function called when the engine is ready to be initialized. Receives an engineInitializer object as its only parameter. | Function |
The config
argument is an object that can have the following optional fields:
Name | Description | Dart type |
assetBase | The base URL of the assets directory of the app. Add this when Flutter loads from a different domain or subdirectory than the actual web app. You might need this when you embed Flutter web into another app, or when you deploy its assets to a CDN. | String |
canvasKitBaseUrl | The base URL from where canvaskit.wasm is downloaded. | String |
canvasKitVariant | The CanvasKit variant to download. Your options cover: 1. auto : Downloads the optimal variant for the browser. The option defaults to this value.2. full : Downloads the full variant of CanvasKit that works in all browsers.3. chromium : Downloads a smaller variant of CanvasKit that uses Chromium compatible APIs. Warning: Don't use the chromium option unless you plan on only using Chromium-based browsers. | String |
canvasKitForceCpuOnly | When true , forces CPU-only rendering in CanvasKit (the engine won't use WebGL). | bool |
canvasKitMaximumSurfaces | The maximum number of overlay surfaces that the CanvasKit renderer can use. | double |
debugShowSemanticNodes | If true , Flutter visibly renders the semantics tree onscreen (for debugging). | bool |
entryPointBaseUrl | The base URL of your Flutter app's entrypoint. Defaults to "/". | String |
hostElement | HTML Element into which Flutter renders the app. When not set, Flutter web takes over the whole page. | HtmlElement |
renderer | Specifies the web renderer for the current Flutter application, either "canvaskit" or "skwasm" . | String |
Example: Customizing Flutter configuration based on URL query parameters
#The following example shows a custom flutter_bootstrap.js
that allows the user to select a renderer by providing a renderer
query parameter, e.g. ?renderer=skwasm
, in the URL of their website:
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
const renderer = searchParams.get('renderer');
const userConfig = renderer ? {'renderer': renderer} : {};
config: userConfig,
This script evaluates the URLSearchParams
of the page to determine whether the user passed a renderer
query parameter and then changes the user configuration of the Flutter app.
The onEntrypointLoaded callback
#You can also pass an onEntrypointLoaded
callback into the load
API in order to perform custom logic at different parts of the initialization process. The initialization process is split into the following stages:
- Loading the entrypoint script
- The
function calls theonEntrypointLoaded
callback once the Service Worker is initialized, and themain.dart.js
entrypoint has been downloaded and run by the browser. Flutter also callsonEntrypointLoaded
on every hot restart during development. - Initializing the Flutter engine
- The
callback receives an engine initializer object as its only parameter. Use the engine initializerinitializeEngine()
function to set the run-time configuration, likemultiViewEnabled: true
, and start the Flutter web engine. - Running the app
- The
function returns aPromise
that resolves with an app runner object. The app runner has a single method,runApp()
, that runs the Flutter app. - Adding views to (or removing views from) an app
- The
method returns a flutter app object. In multi-view mode, theaddView
methods can be used to manage app views from the host app. To learn more, check out Embedded mode.
Example: Display a progress indicator
#To give the user of your application feedback during the initialization process, use the hooks provided for each stage to update the DOM:
const loading = document.createElement('div');
loading.textContent = "Loading Entrypoint...";
onEntrypointLoaded: async function(engineInitializer) {
loading.textContent = "Initializing engine...";
const appRunner = await engineInitializer.initializeEngine();
loading.textContent = "Running app...";
await appRunner.runApp();
Common warning
#If you experience a warning similar to the following:
Warning: In index.html:37: Local variable for "serviceWorkerVersion" is deprecated.
Use "" template token instead.
You can fix this by deleting the following line in the web/index.html
var serviceWorkerVersion = null;
Unless stated otherwise, the documentation on this site reflects the latest stable version of Flutter. Page last updated on 2025-03-12. View source or report an issue.