DevTools 2.31.0 release notes

The 2.31.0 release of the Dart and Flutter DevTools includes the following changes among other general improvements. To learn more about DevTools, check out the DevTools overview.

General updates

  • Added a new feature for deep link validation, supporting deep link web checks on Android. - #6935
  • Added the basic plumbing to allow connections to a Dart Tooling Daemon. - #7009
  • Made table text selectable #6919

Inspector updates

  • When done typing in the search field, the next selection is now automatically selected - #6677

  • Added link to package directory documentation, from the inspect settings dialog - #6825

    Link to documentation

  • Fix bug where widgets owned by the Flutter framework were showing up in the widget tree view - #6857

  • Only cache pub root directories added by the user - #6897

  • Remove Flutter pub root if it was accidentally cached - #6911

Performance updates

  • Changed raster layer preview background to a checkerboard. - #6827

CPU profiler updates

  • Added hover cards to show sampling rate for the item in drop down. - #7010

    Sampling rate for dropdown

Debugger updates

  • Highlight extension type as a declaration keyword, highlight the $ in identifier interpolation as part of the interpolation, and properly highlight comments within type arguments. - 6837

Logging updates

  • Added scrollbar to details pane. - #6917

VS Code Sidebar updates

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the VS code sidebar from loading in recent beta/master builds. - #6984

DevTools Extension updates

  • Fixed a couple bugs preventing Dart server apps from connecting to DevTools extensions. - #6982, #6993

Full commit history


To find a complete list of changes in this release, check out the DevTools git log.