This guide shows you how to create Flutter flavors for an Android app.



A Flutter flavor when used with Android represents a unified term for various platform-specific features. For example, a flavor could determine which icon, app name, API key, feature flag, and logging level is associated with a specific version of your app.

If you want to create Flutter flavors for an Android app, you can do this in Flutter. In Android, a Flutter flavor is referred to as a product flavor.

The following illustrates an example of the Android build variants that are created when an Android app has two product flavors (staging, production) and two build types (debug, release):

Product flavorsBuild typesResulting build variants

Configure your product flavors


Complete the following steps to add two Android product flavors called staging and production to a new Flutter project called flavors_example, and then test your project to make sure that the flavors work as expected.

  1. Create a new Flutter project called flavors_example with Kotlin as the preferred Android language. By default, the project includes the debug and release Android build types.

    flutter create --android-language kotlin flavors_example
  2. Add the product flavors called staging and production to the flavors_example project.

    • In the flavors_example project, navigate to the android/app/ directory and open build.gradle.kts.

    • Add the flavorsDimension property and the productFlavors properties inside of the android {} block. Make sure that the android {} block also contains the default debug and release build types:

      android {
          buildTypes {
            getByName("debug") {...}
            getByName("release") {...}
          flavorDimensions += "default"
          productFlavors {
              create("staging") {
                  dimension = "default"
                  applicationIdSuffix = ".staging"
              create("production") {
                  dimension = "default"
                  applicationIdSuffix = ".production"
  3. To make sure that you've set up everything correctly, run your app on the Android product flavors. You won't see any differences because the configuration settings haven't changed, but you do want to make sure that the app can run.

    • Start an Android emulator or connect a physical device with developer options enabled.

    • In the console, navigate to the flavors_example directory and enter the following command to test the staging flavor:

      flutter run --flavor staging
    • Repeat the previous step for the production flavor.

  4. If everything runs, you're ready to customize your configurations. For more information, see Customize configurations.

Launch a flavor


After you've created the product flavors for an Android app, you can launch a specific product flavor through Flutter.

You can launch a product flavor with the Flutter CLI using the following steps:

  1. Start an Android emulator or connect a physical device with developer options enabled.

  2. In the console, navigate to the flavors_example directory and enter the following command:

    flutter (run | build) --flavor <flavor_name>
    • (run | build): Replace this with one of the following:

      • run: Run the app in debug mode.
      • build: Run the app in production mode.
    • <flavor_name>: Replace this with the name of your Android product flavor (for example, staging or production).


    flutter run --flavor staging

Customize configurations


After you've added product flavors, you can customize them for your Android app.

Create a distinct app display name


If you have multiple product flavors, a distinct app name can quickly identify which flavor your deployed app is using.

Distinct app names in menu

The following steps show how to add distinct app display names for two product flavors called staging and production in a project called flavors_example.

  1. Update build.gradle.kts in your IDE:

    • In the flavors_example project, navigate to the android/app/ directory and open build.gradle.kts.

    • In the flavorsDimension block, add a resValue() property called app_name to the staging and production flavors:

      android {
          flavorDimensions += "default"
          productFlavors {
              create("staging") {
                  dimension = "default"
                      type = "string",
                      name = "app_name",
                      value = "Flavors staging")
                  applicationIdSuffix = ".staging"
              create("production") {
                  dimension = "default"
                      type = "string",
                      name = "app_name",
                      value = "Flavors production")
                  applicationIdSuffix = ".production"
  2. Update AndroidManifest.xml in your IDE:

    • In the flavors_example project, navigate to android/app/src/main and open AndroidManifest.xml.

    • Replace the value for android:label with @string/app_name.

      <manifest xmlns:android="">
  3. Launch the app for each product flavor (staging, production) and check to make sure that the app display name has changed for each.

    • To launch a product flavor, see the steps in Launch a flavor.

    • In the Android App Emulator, go to the list of apps. You should see one for Flavors p... and Flavors s....

    • To see more information for Flavors p... or Flavors s..., long-press the icon for one of them and and select App info.

Create distinct icons


If you have multiple product flavors, a distinct icon for each configuration can help you quickly identify which flavor your deployed app is using.

Distinct icons

The following steps show how to add a distinct icon for two product flavors called staging and production in a project called flavors_example.

  1. Prepare your icons:

    • Design your staging icon and production icon in the design tool of your choice.

    • Generate versions of the staging icon and production icon in the following sizes and them in PNG format:

      • mipmap-mdpi (48x48 pixels)
      • mipmap-hdpi (72x72 pixels)
      • mipmap-xhdpi (96x96 pixels)
      • mipmap-xxhdpi (144x144 pixels)
      • mipmap-xxxhdpi (192x192 pixels)
  2. Create flavor-specific resource directories:

    • Navigate to the android/app/src directory.

    • Create a directory called staging/res.

    • Navigate to the staging/res directory.

    • Create the following mipmap directories and move the versions of the staging icon into them:

      • mipmap-mdpi/48x48_staging.png
      • mipmap-hdpi/72x72_staging.png
      • mipmap-xhdpi/96x96_staging.png
      • mipmap-xxhdpi/144x144_staging.png
      • mipmap-xxxhdpi/192x192_staging.png
    • Repeat the previous steps for the production flavor directories and icons.

    • Rename all of the icons to ic_launcher.png.

  3. Double-check the configurations in AndroidManifest.xml in your IDE:

    • In the flavors_example project, navigate to android/app/src/main and open AndroidManifest.xml.

    • Make sure that the value for android:icon is @mipmap/ic_launcher.

  4. Launch the app for each product flavor (staging, production) and check to make sure that the app icon has changed for each. To launch a product flavor, see the steps in Launch a flavor.

Add unique build settings


If you have additional build settings that you would like to configure for a specific Android product flavor, see Android's Configure build variants.

More information


For more information on creating and using flavors, check out the following resources: