This cookbook contains recipes that demonstrate how to solve common problems while writing Flutter apps. Each recipe is self-contained and can be used as a reference to help you build up an application.
#- Animate a page route transition
- Animate a widget using a physics simulation
- Animate the properties of a container
- Fade a widget in and out
#- Add a drawer to a screen
- Display a snackbar
- Export fonts from a package
- Update the UI based on orientation
- Use a custom font
- Use themes to share colors and font styles
- Work with tabs
#- Create a download button
- Create a nested navigation flow
- Create a scrolling parallax effect
- Create a shimmer loading effect
- Create a staggered menu animation
- Create a typing indicator
- Create an expandable FAB
- Create gradient chat bubbles
- Drag a UI element
#- Build a form with validation
- Create and style a text field
- Focus and text fields
- Handle changes to a text field
- Retrieve the value of a text field
#- Add achievements and leaderboards to your mobile game
- Add multiplayer support via Firestore
- Add ads to your mobile Flutter app or game
#- Create a grid list
- Create a horizontal list
- Create lists with different types of items
- Place a floating app bar above a list
- Use lists
- Work with long lists
- Create a list with spaced items
#- Animate a widget across screens
- Navigate to a new screen and back
- Navigate with named routes
- Pass arguments to a named route
- Set up app links for Android
- Set up universal links for iOS
- Return data from a screen
- Send data to a new screen
#- Fetch data from the internet
- Make authenticated requests
- Send data to the internet
- Update data over the internet
- Delete data on the internet
- Communicate with WebSockets
- Parse JSON in the background
#- An introduction to widget testing
- Find widgets
- Handle scrolling
- Test the orientation of an app
- Tap, drag, and enter text
Unless stated otherwise, the documentation on this site reflects the latest stable version of Flutter. Page last updated on 2025-02-03. View source or report an issue.