

The ClipboardData constructor's text argument is no longer nullable. Code that provides null to the text argument must be migrated to provide an empty string ''.



In preparation for supporting multiple clipboard data variants, the ClipboardData constructor now requires that at least one data variant is provided.

Previously, platforms were inconsistent in how they handled null. The behavior is now consistent across platforms. If you are interested in the low-level details, see PR 122446.

Description of change


The ClipboardData constructor's text argument is no longer nullable.

Migration guide


To reset the text clipboard, use an empty string '' instead of null.

Code before migration:

void resetClipboard() {
  Clipboard.setData(ClipboardData(text: null));

Code after migration:

void resetClipboard() {
  Clipboard.setData(ClipboardData(text: ''));



Landed in version: 3.10.0-9.0.pre
In stable release: 3.10.0



API documentation:

Relevant PRs: