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Flutter 1.20.0 release notes

Merged pull requests by label


Merged PRs by labels for flutter/flutter


tool - 435 pull request(s)


50581 Implements --machine flag for devices command (cla: yes, tool)

51126 [flutter_tools] fix build for projects with watchOS companion app (cla: yes, tool)

52507 enable avoid_equals_and_hash_code_on_mutable_classes (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, team: gallery, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

52791 Read custom app project name from (cla: yes, team, tool)

53374 [gen_l10n] Fallback feature for untranslated messages (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53381 Characters Package (a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53422 Rename GPU thread to raster thread in API docs (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53600 Restructure the Windows app template (cla: yes, team, tool)

53715 Support old and new git release tag formats (cla: yes, tool)

53765 [flutter_tools] re-enable debug extension (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53773 [flutter_tools] surgically remove outputs from shared directory (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53785 [flutter_tools] Don't generate native registrant classes if no pluginClass is defined (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53809 [flutter_tools] update to package vm_service: electric boogaloo (cla: yes, team, tool)

53824 [gen_l10n] Add option for deferred loading on the web (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53848 [flutter_tools] don't compute hashes of well known artifacts (cla: yes, tool)

53853 [flutter_tools] remove indirection around App.framework production (cla: yes, tool)

53859 [flutter_tools] write SkSL file to local file (cla: yes, tool)

53868 [gen_l10n] Add scriptCode handling (a: internationalization, cla: yes, severe: new feature, team, tool)

53876 Update Windows and Linux plugin templates (cla: yes, tool)

53882 Remove URL shortening from GitHub reporter similar issues URL (a: triage improvements, cla: yes, tool)

53902 [flutter_tools] Launch DevTools with 'v' (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53928 [macos] build: add build-number and buid-name arguments (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53936 Sanitize error message sent to GitHub crash reporter (a: triage improvements, cla: yes, tool)

53944 [flutter_tools] update asset manifest to use package_config instead of package_map (cla: yes, tool)

53949 [flutter_tools] also listen to web stderr stream (cla: yes, tool)

53951 Revert "[flutter_tools] update to package vm_service: electric boogaloo" (cla: yes, team, tool)

53954 [gen_l10n] Fix plural parsing for translated messages (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53956 Revert "[flutter_tools] surgically remove outputs from shared directory" (cla: yes, tool)

53957 [flutter_tools] Migrate to vm service 3 (reland): electric boogaloo (cla: yes, team, tool)

53960 [flutter_tools] Refresh VM state before executing hot reload (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53962 [flutter_tools] surgically remove outputs from shared directory (cla: yes, tool)

54083 Add a switch to use WebSockets for web debug proxy (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54114 Revert "[flutter_tools] Migrate to vm service 3 (reland): electric boogaloo" (cla: yes, team, tool)

54123 [flutter_tools] Use gzip level 1 for devfs transfer compression (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54131 flutter/flutter 1.17.0-dev.3.1 cherrypicks (CQ+1, cla: yes, framework, tool)

54132 [flutter_tools] Migrate to package:vm_service 4: trigonometric boogaloo (cla: yes, team, tool)

54133 [flutter_tools] ensure the tool can find SDK manager on windows (cla: yes, tool, waiting for customer response)

54152 [flutter_tools] Remove fromPlatform from tests (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54154 Convert iOS simulator log reader to simctl, use unified logging filters (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54176 Fix newly reported prefer_const_constructors lints. (a: internationalization, cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

54185 [gen_l10n] Handle single, double quotes, and dollar signs in strings (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54208 [flutter_tools] migrate engine location check (a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool)

54217 Fix frameworkVersionFor for flutter doctor and usage (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54228 [flutter_tools] allow passing non-config inputs (cla: yes, tool)

54233 [flutter_tools] ensure build fails if asset files are missing (cla: yes, tool)

54294 [flutter_tools] remove extra same repo check (cla: yes, tool)

54299 [flutter_tools] migrate devfs web to package_config (a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool)

54301 [flutter_tools] Remove packageMap usage and update package_config (a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool)

54313 [flutter_tools] fix routing test (cla: yes, tool)

54314 [gen_l10n] Expand integration tests (a: internationalization, cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54320 [flutter_tools] make verbose macOS builds actually verbose (cla: yes, tool)

54328 [flutter_tools] use new output location for the apk (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54337 [flutter_tools] Move service methods to VmService extension methods (cla: yes, tool)

54374 [flutter_tools] switch benchmark to isolate runnable (cla: yes, tool)

54389 [flutter_tools] disable cache in devices test (cla: yes, tool)

54407 Don't import plugins that don't support android in settings.gradle (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54414 [flutter_tools] attempt to fix benchmark mode test (cla: yes, tool)

54428 Add .last_build_id to gitignore (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54467 [flutter_tools] update compilation to use package config (a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool)

54478 Fix environment leakage in doctor_test (cla: yes, team, team: flakes, team: infra, tool)

54488 Remove Finder extended attributes from iOS project files (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

54555 [flutter_tools] refactor FlutterManifest to be context-free (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54613 [flutter_tools] support enable-experiment in flutter analyze (a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54617 [flutter_tools] initial support for enable experiment, run, apk, ios, macos (a: null-safety, cla: yes, team, tool)

54645 remove outdated build_runner instructions (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54679 [flutter_tools] Handle empty gzip file on Windows (cla: yes, tool)

54682 [flutter_tools] update coverage collector to use vmservice api (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54691 Migrate Runner project base configuration (cla: yes, d: examples, t: xcode, team, tool)

54692 [flutter_tools] support machine and coverage together but for real (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54700 [flutter_tools] remove runFromSource, move runInView to vm_service extension (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54715 [flutter_tools] support any as a special web-hostname (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54717 [flutter_tools] don't elapse real time during fallback test (cla: yes, tool)

54756 Fix/set mocks defaults (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54783 [flutter_tools] Fix roll dev script, add tests (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54786 [flutter_tools] fix response format of flutterVersion, flutterMemoryInfo (cla: yes, tool)

54805 [flutter_tools] dont suppress analytics from re-entrant macos build (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54881 Add COM initializition to Windows template (cla: yes, tool)

54884 [flutter_tools] Provide global options with subcommand help text (cla: yes, tool)

54909 [flutter_tools] fix multiple defines in flutter tooling, web (cla: yes, team, tool)

54912 Move doctor into globals (cla: yes, team, tool)

54916 Convert expression evaluation exceptions to errors (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54918 [flutter_tools] ensure EventPrinter handles a null parent (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54920 [flutter_tools] remove Isolate implementations of vm_service methods (cla: yes, tool)

54923 [flutter_tools] default tree-shake-icons to enabled and improve performance (cla: yes, tool)

54924 CrashReportSender dependency injection (cla: yes, team, tool)

54959 fixed flutter run for projects containing a watchOS companion (cla: yes, tool)

54967 Revert "[flutter_tools] fix multiple defines in flutter tooling, web" (cla: yes, team, tool)

54973 [flutter_tools] Reland: fix multiple dart defines (cla: yes, team, tool)

54987 git pull --ff-only (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54989 Support armv7s architecture (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

55002 Move GitHubTemplateCreator into reporting library (cla: yes, team, tool)

55003 Add flag to enable expression evaluation for web (cla: yes, tool)

55012 Even more vm service refactor (cla: yes, tool)

55085 [flutter_tools] check if requireloader is defined (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55125 prettify the flutter web bootstrap file (cla: yes, tool)

55141 Support tags in testWidgets (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55152 Support tags when running tests from command line (cla: yes, team, tool)

55160 [flutter_tools] refactor Chrome launch logic to remove globals/statics (cla: yes, tool)

55187 [flutter_tools] migrate windows to assemble (cla: yes, tool)

55212 [flutter_tools] fix type error in symbolize (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55244 [flutter_tools] remove PackageMap and finish PackageConfig migration (cla: yes, tool)

55250 flutter_tools: Prefer using .of() over .from() when possible (cla: yes, tool)

55253 Flutter cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

55315 Add error message about missing unzip utility (cla: yes, tool)

55341 [flutter_tools] migrate FlutterView to new vm_service (cla: yes, tool)

55342 [flutter_tools] check first for stable tag, then dev tag (cla: yes, tool)

55348 [flutter_tools] unpin package config and update (cla: yes, team, tool)

55353 remove intellij references to the v1 embedding jars now that the v2 embeddings are referenced via maven (cla: yes, tool)

55385 [flutter_tools] fix version tag v stripping (cla: yes, tool)

55412 [flutter_tools] remove globals from pub (cla: yes, tool)

55413 Revert "[flutter_tools] default tree-shake-icons to enabled and improve performance" (cla: yes, team, tool)

55417 [flutter_tools] fix performance of tree-shake-icons (cla: yes, severe: performance, tool)

55420 [flutter_tools] fix package config invalidation (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55436 [flutter_tools] quality pass on windows build (cla: yes, tool)

55499 fixed flutter pub get failure in tests (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55510 [flutter_tools] precache and unpack updates for desktop release artifacts (cla: yes, tool)

55513 [flutter_tools] Delete system temp entries on fatal signals (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55531 [flutter_tools] set test directory base as additional root, allow running without index.html (cla: yes, tool)

55556 [flutter_tools] quality pass on Linux build (cla: yes, tool)

55564 [flutter_tools] support --enable-experiment in flutter test (cla: yes, team, tool)

55577 Revert "[flutter_tools] fix version tag v stripping" (cla: yes, tool)

55594 [flutter_tools] enable flutter upgrade to support force pushed branches (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55602 [flutter_tools] fix version tag v stripping and support old "dev" and new "pre" tags (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55605 [flutter_tools] detect ipv6 in fuchsia server url (cla: yes, tool)

55614 [flutter tools] Move _informUserOfCrash into crash_reporting.dart (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55617 [flutter_tools] remove trailing eth info from fuchsia package server (cla: yes, tool)

55664 [flutter_tools] fix pm serve ipv6 linklocal addr issue (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55699 [flutter_tools] allow pulling performance data from assemble (cla: yes, tool)

55701 [flutter_tools] surface missing assets originating package (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55704 [flutter_tools] ensure etag headers are ascii (cla: yes, tool)

55715 [flutter_tools] add --dart-define option for fuchsia build (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55759 [flutter_tools] catch ProcessException and throw ToolExit during upgrade (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55762 Print stdout and stderr when the ssh command failed (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55772 Revert "[flutter_tools] migrate FlutterView to new vm_service" (cla: yes, tool)

55773 Remove v prefix in doctor version (cla: yes, tool)

55774 [flutter_tools] reland migrate FlutterView to new vmservice (cla: yes, tool)

55780 [flutter_tools] support multiple fuchsia devices (cla: yes, tool)

55788 Revert "[flutter_tools] reland migrate FlutterView to new vmservice" (cla: yes, tool)

55790 Remove dead variable from xcode_backend (cla: yes, t: xcode, tool)

55794 [flutter_tools] remove vm service (cla: yes, tool)

55797 [flutter_tools] reland migrate FlutterViews to package:vm_service (cla: yes, tool)

55799 Check Xcode build setting FULL_PRODUCT_NAME for bundle name (cla: yes, t: xcode, team, tool)

55808 Add iOS simulator log parse test (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool)

55812 restore quit timeout, adjust some integration test behaviors (cla: yes, team, tool)

55871 Flutter cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

55887 Fix/use contains ignoring whitespace (cla: yes, tool)

55909 [gen_l10n] Fix unintended breaking change introduced by output-dir option (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, tool)

55961 [flutter_tools] Lazily inject logger into web devices (cla: yes, tool)

56059 [flutter_tools] support bundling SkSL shaders in flutter build apk/appbundle (cla: yes, tool)

56103 [flutter_tools] reduce initial cache size on web (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56146 Fixed a typo, gen_l10n_types.dart comment (a: internationalization, cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56167 [flutter_tools] integrate l10n tool into build/run (cla: yes, tool)

56173 [flutter_tools] support flutter run -d edge (cla: yes, tool)

56240 fix the reload and restart service extension methods (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56330 Use androidSdk globals variable everywhere (cla: yes, team, tool)

56331 Inject logger and fs into printHowToConsumeAar, test without context (cla: yes, team, tool)

56335 Gradle artifacts and tasks tests without context (cla: yes, team, tool)

56342 Add split-debug and obfuscation to build aar (cla: yes, platform-android, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56373 [gen_l10n] Improve arb FormatException error message (a: internationalization, cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56385 Revert "[flutter_tools] remove flutter view cache" (cla: yes, tool)

56410 [flutter_tools] Restore base/platform.dart (cla: yes, tool)

56472 [flutter_tools] prevent wildcard assets from causing build invalidation issues (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56490 [gen_l10n] Optionally generate list of inputs/outputs (a: internationalization, cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56502 Swap xcode_tests from MockProcessManager to FakeProcessManager (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56505 Swap xcodeproj_tests from MockProcessManager to FakeProcessManager (cla: yes, team, tool)

56531 feature: add usermessage when miss platform project (cla: yes, tool)

56564 [flutter_tools] ensure track-widget-creation can be changed on devcompiler (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56605 Remove direct uses of LocalPlatform (cla: yes, team, tool)

56618 Update Linux template for headless mode (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56620 Remove Runner target check, prefer schemes (cla: yes, t: xcode, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56630 [flutter tools] Fix an assert in IOSSimulator.getLogReader (cla: yes, tool)

56633 [flutter_tools] enable tree-shake-icons by default for non-web targets (cla: yes, tool)

56634 [flutter_tools] rename getSkSL file output ext to .sksl.json (cla: yes, tool)

56685 typo fix on the FLUTTER_STORAGE_BASE_URL usage (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56694 [flutter_tools] fix aar defaults test (cla: yes, tool)

56703 Always remove the workspace settings when set to legacy build settings (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56706 [flutter_tools] Don't try to execute gradle wrapper out of /tmp (cla: yes, tool)

56720 [flutter_tools] fix documentation on default built ios (cla: yes, tool)

56786 [flutter_tools] cache-bust in service worker (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56800 Revert "[flutter_tools] integrate l10n tool into build/run" (cla: yes, tool)

56924 [flutter_tools] hide tree-shake-icons (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56928 Add mirror overrides to doctor output (a: triage improvements, cla: yes, t: flutter doctor, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56934 Revert "[flutter_tools] hide tree-shake-icons" (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56943 [flutter_tools] expand Regexp log match to include more AndroidRuntime failures (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56945 [flutter_tools] unblock fuchsia roll (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56946 [flutter_tools] introduce a BuildSystem interface (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56958 Updated dwds (and other packages) (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56959 Make initial daemon devices population fast (cla: yes, tool)

56961 Remove dead definesCustomBuildConfigurations (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57005 Fix minor typo in 'flutter create --list-samples' help text (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57027 Fix to strip bitcode for archive build, if the project has bitcode disabled entirely (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57052 Flutter 1.17.1 cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

57058 1.18.0-11.1.pre beta cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool, work in progress; do not review)

57075 [flutter_tools] re-enable non-nullable test (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57077 [flutter_tools] do not set timestamp of package_config file (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57117 [flutter_tools] expose track-widget-creation to build aar (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57135 [flutter_tools] Support profile and release builds on Linux (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57143 Disable DartDev when launching flutter_tools (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57145 [Add2App Android] Fix the issue of Hotreload broken on latest Dev release with Android device (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57161 Remove empty Supporting Files group from Swift app template (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57162 throw more specific toolexit when git fails during upgrade (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57173 [flutter_tools] allow adb to fail to un forward without crashing (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57182 [flutter_tools] fix period in URL for androidX incompat (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57184 [flutter_tools] ensure package_config is re-created if pub get is run (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57238 Switch to CMake for Linux desktop (cla: yes, tool)

57268 Remove license statements in template files. (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57274 Desktop default window size (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57321 Update packages (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57328 Update flutter_gallery_assets to ^0.2.0 (cla: yes, team, tool)

57345 Protect the deletion of the local engine temp dir in case it is alrea… (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57349 Device manager choose running device (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57355 [flutter tools] Improve messages when we fail to connect to the Observatory (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57392 [flutter_tools] check for Runner.sln when parsing for plugins (cla: yes, tool)

57400 [flutter_tools] handle missing null check in manifest parser (cla: yes, tool)

57415 Fix CMake invocation for 3.10 compat (cla: yes, tool)

57445 [flutter_tools] remove globals/context for android testing (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57446 [flutter_tools] minor cleanups to try catch (cla: yes, tool)

57447 [flutter_tools] put system clock on globals (cla: yes, tool)

57448 [flutter_tools] remove zone level overrides of verbose and daemon logging (cla: yes, tool)

57450 [flutter_tools] fix incorrect comment on web runner (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57452 Add Linux GTK artifacts to unpack list (cla: yes, tool)

57498 Temporarily allow pluginClass: none on desktop (cla: yes, tool)

57506 [flutter_tools] chunk the hashing of large files (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57510 [flutter_tools] reland: integrate l10n tool into hot reload/restart/build (cla: yes, tool)

57515 Remove TRANSFORM from Linux CMake files (cla: yes, tool)

57532 Always show device discovery diagnostics in "flutter devices" (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57538 Re-add line to Linux template CMakeLists.txt (cla: yes, tool)

57590 Update the flutter script's locking mechanism and follow_links (cla: yes, tool)

57601 Add Android private keystore to project gitignore (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57611 Revert "[flutter_tools] remove globals/context for android testing" (cla: yes, tool)

57614 [flutter_tools] reland: remove globals from android device/testing (cla: yes, tool)

57688 Change release archive check to warning (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57690 [flutter_tools] hide all development tools (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57701 Allow FLUTTER_APPLICATION_PATH to be null for misconfigured Xcode projects (cla: yes, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57703 [flutter_tools] ensure emulator command does not crash with missing avdmanager (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57749 Add release and profile support for Windows (cla: yes, tool)

57813 [flutter_tools] add vm service method to pull SkSL (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57829 [flutter_tools] forward flutter format to dart format and deprecate (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57830 [flutter_tools] validate android arch and build number (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57871 [flutter_tools] rename output LICENSE file to NOTICES and support loading either (cla: yes, framework, team, tool)

57873 [flutter_tools] URI encode dart-define values (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57874 [flutter_tools] throw if asked to build release for x86_64 (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57907 flutter.gradle: collect list of Android plugins from .flutter-plugins-dependencies (cla: yes, tool)

57963 [flutter_tools] Support latest IntelliJ via Jetbrain toolbox (cla: yes, t: flutter doctor, tool)

58011 write test to convince self of lack of timing issue (cla: yes, tool)

58018 Prevent building non-android plugins in build aar (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58030 Remove invalid local from (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58039 [flutter_tools] Put a heap size limit on the frontend_server (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58050 Flutter 1.17.2 cherrypicks (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, work in progress; do not review)

58064 print checksum differences when detected by --verify-only (cla: yes, tool)

58069 Fix Linux plugin template build visibility (cla: yes, tool)

58123 Revert "write test to convince self of lack of timing issue" (cla: yes, tool)

58137 Change iOS device discovery from polling to long-running observation (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58174 Start from a clean slate when bundling Linux build (cla: yes, tool)

58188 [flutter_tools] only copy cached dill after startup (cla: yes, tool)

58189 Update Windows template version (cla: yes, tool)

58193 Revert "[flutter_tools] always initialize the resident runner from di… (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58208 Revert "Revert "[flutter_tools] always initialize the resident runner from di…" (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58215 Fix extraneous spaces printed by flutter tool if the lock isn't waited on. (cla: yes, tool)

58257 Detect USB/network interface from iOS devices (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool)

58284 Send text error in JSON and print in tools (cla: yes, framework, tool)

58328 [flutter_tools] deprecate flutter generate and codegen (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58332 [flutter_tools] cleanup to devfs Operations (cla: yes, tool)

58335 [flutter_tools] do not include material icon incorrectly (cla: yes, tool)

58372 Fix non-local-engine Linux release builds (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58390 use Expand-Archive and Compress-Archive in windows os utils (cla: yes, tool)

58421 Fix typo in error message for flutter doctor (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58444 Remove outdated disable_input_output_paths from example project Podfiles (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58454 Revert "[flutter_tools] only copy cached dill after startup" (cla: yes, tool)

58455 [flutter_tools] reland: copy dill after startup (cla: yes, tool)

58474 [flutter tools] Don't return success if we trigger runZoned's error callback (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58522 Build iOS apps using Swift Packages (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58525 Revert "[flutter_tools] Put a heap size limit on the frontend_server" (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58533 [flutter_tools] add flag for sound-null-safety, unify with experiments (a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool)

58538 Don't elapse real time during IOSDevice.startApp tests (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58539 [flutter_tools] Allow the tool to suppress compilation errors. (cla: yes, tool)

58541 Fake out DeviceManager.getDevices in test (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58544 Use fake command in analytics test (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58549 Revert "Build iOS apps using Swift Packages" (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

58551 [flutter_tools] iOS VM Service logs should include stderr (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58557 [flutter_tools] remove handling of error that is fixed (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58607 Revert "[flutter_tools] always initialize the resident runner from dill (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

58618 Revert "Don't elapse real time during IOSDevice.startApp tests" (cla: yes, tool)

58622 Don't elapse real time during IOSDevice.startApp tests (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58644 Add FakeAsync to delay tests (cla: yes, team, tool)

58645 Move create project build tests to permeable command shard (cla: yes, team, tool)

58646 Flutter 1.17.3 cherrypicks (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

58649 Add per-test timeout to Cirrus tool general tests (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58653 [flutter_tools] avoid serving files outside of expected paths (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58656 Add the ability to ignore lines depending on comments (cla: yes, team, tool)

58670 LG debugging/logcat fixed (cla: yes, tool)

58688 [flutter_tools] unbreak g3 roll (tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58703 [flutter_tools] use -f when fetching tags (cla: yes, tool)

58711 [flutter_tools] unbreak g3 usage of installHook (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58713 Don't require a specific Windows 10 SDK (cla: yes, tool)

58719 Revert "use Expand-Archive and Compress-Archive in windows os utils" (cla: yes, tool)

58732 Revert "flutter.gradle: collect list of Android plugins from .flutter-plugins-dependencies" (cla: yes, tool)

58743 [flutter_tools] write sksl on exit (cla: yes, tool)

58798 [flutter_tools] don't use verbose when in doctor or help command (cla: yes, tool)

58804 [flutter_tools] minor cleanup to vm service connection (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58812 [flutter tools] Change the desktop device names and IDs (cla: yes, tool)

58815 Support work profiles and multiple Android users for run, install, attach, drive (cla: yes, platform-android, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58817 [flutter_tools] remove deprecation warning on flutter format (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58830 [flutter_tools] disable dartdev when calling snapshots directly (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58842 [flutter_tools] fix capitalization in build commands (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58871 [flutter_tools] use correct sdk path for analysis (cla: yes, tool)

58872 Revert "Send text error in JSON and print in tools" (cla: yes, framework, tool)

58875 [flutter_tools] inject output preferences at the top level (cla: yes, tool)

58879 [flutter_tools] support bundle-sksl-path on all desktop and mobile targets (cla: yes, tool)

58887 [flutter_tools] only restrict devices based on arch + buildMode, not emulator status (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58890 [flutter_tools] change service worker load to NOTICES (cla: yes, tool)

58891 [flutter_tools] rename library to be less absurd (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58994 Send text error in JSON and print in tools (cla: yes, framework, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59001 fix analysis on master (cla: yes, tool)

59002 Revert "Send text error in JSON and print in tools" (cla: yes, framework, tool)

59009 Build iOS apps using Swift Packages (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59012 Release cache lock for commands after required artifacts are downloaded (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59018 Send text error in JSON and print in tools (cla: yes, framework, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59023 add a help link to the default module template readme (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59025 Revert "Build iOS apps using Swift Packages" (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

59026 [flutter_tools] Fix slow ios_device_start_prebuilt_test (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59035 Revert "[flutter_tools] use correct sdk path for analysis" (cla: yes, tool)

59044 Move iOS Podfile logic into tool (cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59046 Cleanup devicelab framework duplicate (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

59080 Remove use of BundleUtilities in Linux build (cla: yes, tool)

59081 [flutter_tools] Reland: use correct sdk path for analysis (cla: yes, tool)

59083 [flutter_tools] include dart-defines in cached kernel name (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59087 [flutter_tools] create NotifyingLogger at the top level when running flutter run --machine or flutter attach --machine (cla: yes, tool)

59175 [flutter_tools] remove globals from proxy validator (cla: yes, tool)

59184 [flutter_tools] remove globals from compilers (cla: yes, team, tool)

59197 Revert "[flutter_tools] inject output preferences at the top level" (cla: yes, tool)

59201 Add iOS Podfile migration warning to support federated plugins (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59209 Support .flutter-plugins-dependencies (cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59210 Do not depend on embedded $dartUriBase (tool)

59215 [flutter_tools] Update roll_dev.dart (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59217 Deprecate make-host-app-editable (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59250 Don't crash on requests for invalid package URLs (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59283 [versions] Update all the versions (cla: yes, team, tool)

59285 Remove Fuchsia files (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59287 Switch Linux to the GTK embedding (cla: yes, tool)

59291 [flutter_tools] ensure generated entrypoint matches test and web entrypoint language version (cla: yes, team, tool)

59294 flutter.gradle: collect list of Android plugins from .flutter-plugins-dependencies (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59343 CMake fix for Linux projects without plugins (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59365 Remove flutter_goldens_client package dependency from tool (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59369 [flutter_tools] move mingit path addition back to flutter.bat (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59484 Word substitutions (cla: yes, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59487 [flutter_tools] deprecate build aot (cla: yes, tool)

59497 More word substitutions (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59507 Add --platforms to flutter create -t plugin command (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59508 Remove last references to ideviceinstaller (cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59512 [flutter_tools] update libimobiledevice (cla: yes, tool)

59539 [flutter_tools] For l10n with deferred loading, use loadLibrary for non-web too (cla: yes, team, tool)

59568 [flutter_tools] fix the post message event attribute used to skip waiting (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59571 [flutter_tools] add toggle b and service extension to change platform brightness (cla: yes, framework, tool)

59607 Specify encoding for vswhere output (cla: yes, tool)

59624 [flutter_tools] make expando on vm service null safe to handle web stuff (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59626 [flutter_tools] handle NPE in list views method (cla: yes, tool)

59630 Fix Linux shell window default size (cla: yes, tool)

59632 Don't crash when pubspec isn't a map (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59695 Change iOS device discovery from polling to long-running observation (cla: yes, tool)

59706 [flutter_tools] maintain file manifest for create (cla: yes, tool)

59709 Clean up PollingDeviceDiscovery dispose (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59714 Use a HeaderBar for Linux applications. (cla: yes, tool)

59717 Manual engine roll to update format of compileExpression RPC response (cla: yes, engine, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59773 [flutter_tools] add missing null-safety flags (cla: yes, tool)

59774 Revert "Manual engine roll to update format of compileExpression RP… (cla: yes, engine, tool)

59786 [flutter_tools] make parent logger optional (cla: yes, tool)

59789 Make flutter and dart scripts invoke their batch file equivalents on Windows (cla: yes, tool)

59802 Remove Linux shell (cla: yes, tool)

59804 Roll the engine from 965fbbe to b5f5e63 (cla: yes, engine, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59809 Add integration tests for structured error (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59810 Revert "flutter.gradle: collect list of Android plugins from .flutter-plugins-dependencies" (cla: yes, tool)

59813 Revert "Add the ability to ignore lines depending on comments" (cla: yes, tool)

59822 [flutter_tools] track null safety usage (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59826 Enabled expression evaluation in flutter for web by default (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59832 [versions] update all versions (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59867 Replace ANDROID_HOME user messages with ANDROID_SDK_ROOT (cla: yes, platform-android, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59874 Parse build ios framework build mode from params (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59896 gitignore .last_build_id file in the repo (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59907 port devicelab from idevice_id -> xcdevices (cla: yes, team, tool)

59996 [flutter_tools] android test cleanups (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59997 [flutter_tools] cleanup fuchsia tests (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59999 [flutter_tools] cleanup iOS test (tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60017 Fix typo in Linux CMake template (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60018 [flutter_tools] switch linux desktop feature on (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60041 Use assemble build system directly for build ios-framework (cla: yes, team, tool)

60060 [flutter_tools] fix root directory tests (cla: yes, tool)

60102 [flutter_tools] add null safety argument to unbreak frob (cla: yes, tool)

60111 Add null safety options to build ios-framework (a: existing-apps, a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool)

60116 [flutter_tools] Add support for web in plugin template. (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60119 [flutter_tools] separate target platform, host platform, and architecture (cla: yes, tool)

60127 [versions] update all versions and fix tool tests (cla: yes, team, tool)

60144 [flutter_tools] more test fixes (cla: yes, tool)

60147 Revert "[flutter_tools] separate target platform, host platform, and architecture" (cla: yes, tool)

60156 [flutter_tools] even more test fixes (cla: yes, tool)

60159 Make flutter create . on plugins also regenerates files for platforms already supported (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60163 Consider the Linux template stable (cla: yes, tool)

60172 [flutter_tools] start fixing command tests (cla: yes, tool)

60185 [gen_l10n] Update the arb filename parsing logic (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, tool)

60200 [flutter_tools] Clean code analyze command (cla: yes, engine, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60221 [flutter_tools] de-flake integration tests (cla: yes, tool)

60224 [flutter_tools] Update WebAssetServer to avoid context, fix tests (cla: yes, tool)

60228 Make module run script names unique (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool)

60231 [flutter_tools] remove most use of global packages path (cla: yes, tool)

60241 [flutter_tools] fix tests that depend on correct cache existance (cla: yes, tool)

60263 [flutter_tools] last pass on general.shard unit tests (cla: yes, tool)

60317 [flutter_tools] surface null safety/experiment flags in attach (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60381 Use ephemeral ports for iOS port forwarding (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

60395 [flutter tools] Revert desktop device name changes and print the category instead (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60480 [flutter_tools] remove globals from base/android (cla: yes, tool)

60546 Fix daemon device discovery crash when Xcode isn't installed (cla: yes, severe: crash, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60551 Revert "[flutter_tools] update libimobiledevice" (cla: yes, tool)

60569 Re-land "[flutter_tools] update libimobiledevice" (cla: yes, tool)

60570 [flutter_tools] support sound null-safety mode for the web (cla: yes, tool)

60611 1.17.5 CP: Fix daemon device discovery crash when Xcode isn't installed (#60546) (CQ+1, a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

60615 [flutter_tools] ensure flutter daemon can exit correctly (cla: yes, tool)

60617 [flutter_tool] fix ide-config crash because of no android key (cla: yes, tool)

60623 Take screenshots of wirelessly paired iOS devices (platform-ios, tool)

60629 Switch Windows to CMake (cla: yes, tool)

60633 [flutter_tools] add null-safety flags to dill cache location (cla: yes, tool)

60654 Only try the GDK X11 backend, as the FlView only currently supports X11 (cla: yes, tool)

60658 [flutter_tools] fix crash if grouped doctor validator crashes (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60693 Typo sweep (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60708 [flutter_tools] support starting in canvaskit with FLUTTER_WEB_USE_SKIA=true (tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60787 [flutter_tools] remove some globals from flutter_tester device (cla: yes, tool)

60927 [flutter_tools] fix crash if the platform section was a list (cla: yes, tool)

60932 [flutter_tools] add sdk constraint to plugin/package templates (cla: yes, tool)

60998 [flutter_tools] deprecate flutter version (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

61003 [flutter_tools] make precache force blow away stamp files (cla: yes, tool)

61034 Roll packages (cla: yes, team, tool)

61064 Handle git dependencies, roll packages to get transitive deps of flutter_gallery (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

61066 Issue with comparison operator in generated service worker (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

61103 [flutter_tools] ensure AppRunLogger is injected for run/attach machine (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

61127 Test update_packages for git packages (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

61129 [flutter_tools] fix recursive asset variant issue (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

framework - 413 pull request(s)


42940 Revise Action API (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

50232 Docs 'a a' fix #1 (cla: yes, framework)

50236 Docs 'that that' fix #2 (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

50237 Docs 'that that' fix #3 (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

50412 Make CircularProgressIndicator's animation match native (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

50673 Update AppBar MediaQuery documentation (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

50915 Implement barrierDismissible for showCupertinoDialog (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

51465 Support New and Custom FAB Locations (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

51581 Fix outline button solid path when BorderSize.width is used (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

51656 Set AA flag for painting images (a: images, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

52126 Autofill Part 1 (cla: yes, customer: peppermint, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

52507 enable avoid_equals_and_hash_code_on_mutable_classes (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, team: gallery, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

52990 Update Highlight mode initial value calculation. (cla: yes, f: focus, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

52995 Fix typo of showCupertinoModalPopup documentation comment (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

53381 Characters Package (a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53422 Rename GPU thread to raster thread in API docs (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53616 Improving A11y for Flutter Gallery Demos (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

53655 Pass showCheckboxColumn parameter to DataTable (a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

53837 Skip Audits (2) (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

53843 Fix FlutterError.onError in debug mode (cla: yes, framework)

53875 Remove network images from cache on any exception during loading (a: images, cla: yes, framework)

53878 Fix diagnostics crash in profile mode (cla: yes, framework)

53888 Add visualDensity and focus support to ListTile (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

53916 Slider rebase work (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

53945 [Material] Add focus, highlight, and keyboard shortcuts to Slider (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

53959 Clear ImageCache on MemoryPressure (a: images, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

53974 Remove strict repeat check from framework formatter (moved to engine) (cla: yes, framework)

54110 Added 'barrierColor' and 'useSafeArea' parameters to the showDialog function. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54119 Reland "iOS UITextInput autocorrection prompt (#45354)" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54125 remove flutter_test quiver dep, use fake_async and clock instead (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

54128 fixes isAlwaysShown material scrollbar.dart (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54131 flutter/flutter 1.17.0-dev.3.1 cherrypicks (CQ+1, cla: yes, framework, tool)

54140 iOS Text Selection Menu Overflow (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, platform-ios)

54144 drop image package dependency for goldens (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54171 System mouse cursors (a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

54206 Updating codeowners for goldens (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54212 Reverse dependency between services and scheduler (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54218 [flutter_driver] Add SceneDisplayLag stats to timeline summary (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54220 [benchmarks] Handle multiple begin/end trace events (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

54227 [windows] Adds support for keyboard mapping. (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54234 Fix right alignment TWB longestLine (a: typography, cla: yes, framework)

54243 Add API to services package that overrides HTTP ban (cla: yes, framework)

54258 [DecorationImage] adds scale property (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54286 Revert bindings dependency workaround (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54291 Minimal implementation of FlutterError.toString for release mode (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54305 Add missing properties to TextStyle.apply (a: typography, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54306 Fix initial value for highlight mode on desktop platforms. (cla: yes, framework)

54317 PageStorage sample (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54322 Skip Audit - Material Library (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54394 replace simple empty Container with w & h with SizedBox (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

54442 Add null check in TextStyle.apply for TextBaseline (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54479 Enable gesture recognizer in selectable rich text (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54480 Revert "[flutter_driver] Add SceneDisplayLag stats to timeline summar… (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

54481 Make TextFormFieldState.didChange change text fields value (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

54490 [flutter_driver] Reland add SceneDisplayLag stats to timeline summary (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54493 Use scheduleTask for adding licenses (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54519 Revert "Add API to services package that overrides HTTP ban" (cla: yes, framework)

54522 Reland "Add API to services package that overrides HTTP ban (#54243)" (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54640 Allow WIllPopCallback to return null or false to veto the pop. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54670 Updated Nested SingleChildScrollView test for clarity (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54674 Add searchFieldStyle (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54698 Allow headers to be passed to the WebSocket connection for VMServiceFlutterDriver (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54706 Wire in focusNode, focusColor, autofocus, and dropdownColor to DropdownButtonFormField (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54714 [Material] Added BottomNavigationBarTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54741 [flutter_driver] Fix browser check (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54779 Revert "Reland "Add API to services package that overrides HTTP ban (#54243)"" (cla: yes, framework)

54798 ToDo Audit - Cupertino+ Library (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54902 Paste shows only when content on clipboard (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54919 Add MediaQueryData.navigationMode and allow controls to be focused when disabled. (cla: yes, customer: fun (g3), f: material design, framework)

54978 Expose current day as a parameter to showDatePicker. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54981 disable hit testing if the CompositedTransformFollower is hidden when… (cla: yes, framework)

54985 Step 2: SnackBarBehavior.floating offset fix by default (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55001 FlutterErrorDetails.context docs fix (a: error message, a: tests, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55044 Created method to report ImageChunkEvents (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55064 Step 3: Removes temporary flag for SnackBarBehavior.floating offset fix (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

55069 Prioritize scrolling away nested overscroll (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, customer: crowd, f: scrolling, framework, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

55141 Support tags in testWidgets (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55221 [ExpansionTile] adds padding property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

55230 Make Action.enabled be isEnabled(Intent intent) instead. (cla: yes, framework, team)

55246 Handle surrogate pairs in RenderEditable (cla: yes, framework)

55253 Flutter cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

55257 Add DragTarget callback onAcceptDetails, plus helper class DragTarget… (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55260 Fine tune the Y offset of OutlineInputBorder's floating label (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55303 Fixed a typo in the docs. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55333 Use kIsWeb instead of private _kIsBrowser in text_input.dart (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55336 Adding tabSemanticsLabel to CupertinoLocalizations (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55408 Fix InputDecorator intrinsic height reporting (a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: regression, waiting for tree to go green)

55414 LayoutBuilder: skip calling builder when constraints are the same (cla: yes, framework, team)

55415 Customizable obscuringCharacter (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55416 Fix link to material spec (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55469 Fix compute intrinsic size for wrap (cla: yes, framework)

55482 Enable configuring minHeight for LinearProgressIndicator and update default to match spec (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55484 Revert "Fix FlutterError.onError in debug mode (#53843)" (a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

55494 Add onSecondaryTap to gesture recognizer and gesture detector. (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55500 Relands Fix FlutterError.onError in debug mode (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55527 Animation sheet recorder (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

55599 Default to use V2 Slider (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

55600 Fix focus traversal regions to account for transforms. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55636 Prevent use of TextInputType.text when also using TextInputAction.newLine via assert (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55651 Fix behavior change due to incorrect initial floating setting (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55761 Add a property to Material icon button to customize the splash radius (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55763 [timeline] Sort timeline events before summarizing (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

55769 Revert "[timeline] Sort timeline events before summarizing (#55763)" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

55771 [timeline] Sort timeline events before summarizing (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55775 TextField enabled fix (a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55789 ToDo Audit - Material Library+ (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55793 Skip Audit - Painting Library (a: images, a: tests, a: typography, cla: yes, framework, platform-web, team, will affect goldens)

55829 allow changing the paint offset of a GlowingOverscrollIndicator (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

55832 Prevent ModalBottomSheet from rebuilding its child (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55857 Removed useV2 Slider flag (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55871 Flutter cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

55902 Fix default opacity assignments for unselected and selected icons in NavigationRail (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55911 Text field height fix (a: text input, cla: yes, f: inspector, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55936 Fixed #55858 (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

55939 Implementation of the Material Date Range Picker. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55977 Add clipBehavior to widgets with clipRect (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, team, will affect goldens)

55998 Fixes the navigator pages update crashes when there is still route wa… (cla: yes, f: routes, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

56084 Step 1 of 3: Add opt-in fixing Dialog border radius to match Material Spec (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56090 Step 1 of 3: Add opt-in for debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations assertion on TextField (a: internationalization, a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56091 Ensure *_kn.arb files are properly escaped with gen_localizations (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

56190 [ExpansionTile] Wire through expandedCrossAxisAlignment, and expandedAlignment properties to the expanded tile (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56407 fixup! Update grammar in basic.dart #56251 (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56409 InteractiveViewer Widget (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

56428 Eagerly wait for the driver extension on FlutterDriver.connect() (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56430 Allow waitUntilFirstFrameRasterized without a root widget (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56494 Wire up autofocus for OutlineButton (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

56521 Have the physics enforce the scroll position. (cla: yes, framework)

56549 Expose includeSemantics option to RawKeyboardListener (cla: yes, framework)

56582 Update Tab semantics in Cupertino to be the same as Material (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

56611 Nested InkWells only show the innermost splash (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56614 Revert "Paste shows only when content on clipboard (#54902)" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

56641 Add 2 new keyboard types and infer keyboardType from autofill hints (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56645 Localized new strings added in the redesigned Material Date Picker (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56689 Bring back paste button hide behavior (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

56710 [web] Unskip TextStyle web tests (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56732 fix pushAndRemoveUntil incorrectly removes the routes below the first… (cla: yes, f: routes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56794 [web & desktop] Hide all characters in a TextField, when obscureText is true on web & desktop (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, platform-mac, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

56806 Revert "Bring back paste button hide behavior" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

56859 Fix wrong link in description on the platform system channel (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56895 [Material] Use titleTextStyle from dialog theme for SimpleDialog (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56906 more docs about diagnostics in release mode (cla: yes, framework)

56922 Bring back paste button hide behavior 2 (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

56951 Revert "Bring back paste button hide behavior 2" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

56952 Add more documentation to addTimingsCallback (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56956 ThemeData.brightness == ThemeData.colorScheme.brightness (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56968 setState() will call scheduleFrame() in post-frame callback now. (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57033 Allow updating textAlignVertical (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57036 fix push replacement reports wrong previous route to navigator observer (cla: yes, f: routes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57037 Making DropdownButtonFormField to re-render if parent widget changes (cla: yes, f: material design, found in release: 1.17, found in release: 1.18, framework, severe: regression, waiting for tree to go green)

57047 Added Dartpad and Image examples to Slider and RangeSlider docs (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57052 Flutter 1.17.1 cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

57053 Updated gen_missing_localizations to copy the english strings instead of using 'TBD'. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57058 1.18.0-11.1.pre beta cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool, work in progress; do not review)

57065 Remove deprecated child parameter for NestedScrollView's overlap managing slivers (cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

57085 Remove redundant transform from showInViewport (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57094 MouseCursor uses a special class instead of null to defer (cla: yes, framework)

57136 update initial route documentation (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57139 Bring back paste button hide behavior 3 (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57167 Remove obsolete UpdateCounted prefix (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57172 Add option for ExpansionTile to maintain the state of its children when collapsed (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57189 Honor the InputDecoratorTheme in the text input fields used by the Date Pickers (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57195 Fix NavigationRail class docs (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57201 correctly dispose listeners by image widget (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57240 [web] Update test skip description. (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, platform-web)

57244 Make Tooltip recover gracefully when context is destroyed. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

57247 Improve error message when using popuntil with bad predicate (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57261 Make _RenderButtonBarRow.constraints null aware (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57264 Prevent WhitelistingTextInputFormatter to return a empty string if the current value does not satisfy the formatter (a: text input, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57270 add missing deps to flutter_test (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

57286 Revert " Bring back paste button hide behavior 3" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57287 remove pending timers list code out of assert message (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

57291 [ExpansionTile] adds childrenPadding property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

57299 add @factory to create* methods (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57319 Fix Autofill example (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57324 Fix Web asking for clipboard permissions (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57327 Value Indicator uses Global position (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

57332 Add autofill support for TextFormField (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57339 fix route annoucement for first route and last route (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57412 Fixed a typo. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57461 Fix segment hit test behavior for segmented control (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57487 Fix typo in cupertino datepicker error (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57500 SnackBarAction.createState() should have return type State(cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57511 Step 2 of 3: Change opt-in default for debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations assertion on TextField (a: internationalization, a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57516 Update platform_view.dart (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57519 Report the accurate local position in (sliding)segmented control hit testing (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57521 Move paragraph on using Navigation Rail for wide viewports only closer to the top of the API docs. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57522 Add doc and test for Container's hitTest behavior (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57526 Update the requirements for applying the elevation overlay. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57534 Improve CupertinoDatePicker docs (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57535 Slider value indicator gets disposed if it is activated (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57574 Have _warpToCurrentIndex() shortcut logic behave properly (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57588 New license page. (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

57605 fix navigator observer announcement order (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57628 Add mouse cursor API to widgets (phase 1) (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

57644 Adds physics to the TabBar (#57416) (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57670 Add code example for CustomScrollView on how to make it grow in two directions along its scroll axis (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57696 Functionality to check handlers set on platform channels (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57733 #57730 - Support custom shapes for ListTiles (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57736 [AppBarTheme] adds centerTitle property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

57745 Chips text scaling (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57751 Step 2 of 3: Change opt-in default for useMaterialBorderRadius on Dialogs (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57809 Stopped all animation controllers after toggleable has been detached. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57821 fix a typo in trace events for the image cache (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57838 Add sample code of GestureDetector with no children (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: gestures, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57841 Deleted deprecated profile func and profile.dart (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57868 [CheckboxListTile] exposes contentPadding property of ListTile. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57871 [flutter_tools] rename output LICENSE file to NOTICES and support loading either (cla: yes, framework, team, tool)

58016 Consistent American spelling of 'behavior' (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58024 fix cupertino page route dismisses hero transition when swipe to the … (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58037 [SwitchListTile] adds controlAffinity property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58050 Flutter 1.17.2 cherrypicks (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, work in progress; do not review)

58094 Set upper limit on text scaling for AppBar.title (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58098 Added Documentation for AnimationController.repeat() (cla: yes, framework)

58117 Minor correction to documentation for buttonColor (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58118 Add function to set structured error early (cla: yes, framework)

58131 [flutter] allow loading either NOTICES or LICENSE (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58151 Error message when size has not been set in RenderBox's performLayout should be well versed (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58154 Allow null value for CheckboxListTile (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58202 Build routes even less (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58203 Various bits of trivial cleanup (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58204 Error message improvements (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58206 Dedupe (and update) the --track-widget-creation documentation (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58209 Pass MaterialButton.disabledElevation into RawMaterialButton (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

58210 [e2e] make test bindings friendlier to integration tests (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

58213 update build doc string to advocate avoiding doing tasks other than b… (cla: yes, d: api docs, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58258 Helpful assertion for isAlwaysShown error (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58259 enable Navigator.of to accept a navigator element and return its stat… (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58272 Remove callback asserts on FocusableActionDetector (a: desktop, cla: yes, framework)

58284 Send text error in JSON and print in tools (cla: yes, framework, tool)

58344 Revert "Add clipBehavior to widgets with clipRect" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

58346 EditableText.bringIntoView calls showOnScreen (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58350 More information about our error message APIs. (cla: yes, framework)

58392 iOS mid-drag activity indicator (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: scrolling, framework, platform-ios, severe: API break)

58430 [flutter_driver] make timeline request in chunks (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, perf: memory)

58448 InkWell uses MaterialStateMouseCursor and defaults to clickable (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

58456 Update StandardCodec documentation with double alignment (cla: yes, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58482 Expose ComputePlatformResolvedLocale (a: internationalization, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58503 Do not assume imageCache is created when handleMemoryPressure is called (a: images, cla: yes, framework)

58511 Add material page, cupertino page, and transition page classes (cla: yes, framework)

58514 add rasterizer start times to timeline summaries (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58530 [Line Heights] Add textHeightBehavior to SelectableText. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58535 Make _RenderSlider not be a semantics container (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: focus, f: material design, framework)

58593 Add collapsed height param to SliverAppBar (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58607 Revert "[flutter_tools] always initialize the resident runner from dill (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

58620 Make debugSemantics available to profile mode (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

58621 Make it possible to remove nodes from traversal sort. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58630 Updated Slider test (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58635 Remove DiagnosticableMixin in favor of Diagnosticable (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58646 Flutter 1.17.3 cherrypicks (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

58650 Added MaterialStateProperty overlayColor to InkWell (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

58655 debug mode warning text alignment (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58686 [PageTransitionsBuilder] Fix 'ZoomPageTransition' built more than once (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58708 Add shadowColor to AppBar and AppBarTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58715 Fix custom physics application in TabBarView (a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58723 Drop an unnecessary factory constructor (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58746 add missing arguments for all constructors of ListView and GridView (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58754 Update build doc (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58771 [Flutter Driver] Update the comments regarding the default timeout of WaitFor and WaitForAbsent commands (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58780 fix typo in bottom navigation bar docs (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58808 Introduce inherited navigator observer and refactor hero controller (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58820 Timeline summary contains CPU, GPU and Memory usage (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

58823 Add comments to flutter_driver for timeline class (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

58829 Step 3 of 3: Remove opt-in for useMaterialBorderRadius on Dialogs (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58831 Step 3 of 3: Remove opt-in for debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations assertion on TextField (a: internationalization, a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58843 Restore some typography tests (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

58872 Revert "Send text error in JSON and print in tools" (cla: yes, framework, tool)

58971 Update animation.dart - Staggered animations: TweenSequences example (cla: yes, framework)

58994 Send text error in JSON and print in tools (cla: yes, framework, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59002 Revert "Send text error in JSON and print in tools" (cla: yes, framework, tool)

59008 Update TextTheme.button.letterSpacing from 0.75 to 1.25 per spec (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59010 Scale input decorator label width (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59014 Handle selection ranges where getBoxesForSelection returns an empty list (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59015 fix overscroll position if there is sliver before center sliver in cu… (cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59018 Send text error in JSON and print in tools (cla: yes, framework, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59046 Cleanup devicelab framework duplicate (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

59096 Fix docs for Focus.onKey event propagation (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59108 fix paint order of ink feature (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59111 Remove shape code from Date Picker dialog (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59115 Modernize selection menu appearance (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

59117 Make the InkResponse's focus highlight honor the radius parameter (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59120 Deprecate WhitelistingTextInputFormatter and BlacklistingTextInputFormatter (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59128 Fix typo in scroll_aware_image_provider.dart (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59156 Add sample code to PositionedTransition (cla: yes, framework)

59162 Rebuild SliverAppBar when forceElevated changes (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59186 Opt out nnbd in packages/flutter (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

59187 Support floating the header slivers of a NestedScrollView (a: annoyance, a: quality, cla: yes, customer: crowd, customer: quill (g3), d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59191 [Material] Redesign Time Picker (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59196 [Widgets] Add DefaultTextHeightBehavior inherited widget. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59219 Typo fixing sweep through packages/flutter. (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59221 Revert "Prevent WhitelistingTextInputFormatter to return a empty string if the current value does not satisfy the formatter (#57264)" (a: text input, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59251 [DefaultTabController] adds interactive example (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59273 Add instructions for updating a localized string (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59279 First pass at keyboard navigation for the Material Date Picker (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59285 Remove Fuchsia files (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59290 Reverse the semantics order of modal barrier and modal scope (cla: yes, framework)

59310 Dismiss modal routes with a keyboard shortcut (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59317 Implement Comparable(cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59342 Add support for horizontal and vertical double-arrow system cursors (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59347 Revert "[Widgets] Add DefaultTextHeightBehavior inherited widget." (cla: yes, framework)

59350 Re-land "[Widgets] Add DefaultTextHeightBehavior inherited widget." (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59358 Implement delayed key event synthesis support for framework (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59360 More useful error messages when you use Stack without a textDirection. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59363 Add material state mouse cursor to TextField (a: text input, cla: yes, customer: octopod, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59364 Reland non-breaking "Add clipBehavior to widgets with clipRect #55977" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

59379 Handle backspace edgecase in trailing whitespace formatter. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59405 [AppBar] adds toolbarHeight property to customize AppBar height (cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

59436 Removed an unused static local key from ScrollAction. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59474 Add link to ListTile replacement guide in layout error message (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59478 InteractiveViewer mouse scale bug (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59481 [MergeableMaterial] adds dividerColor property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59484 Word substitutions (cla: yes, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59500 Update recipes location. (cla: yes, framework, team)

59503 Revert "Build routes even less" (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59514 Replace collection's SetEquality with flutter's own (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59521 Remove dependency on package:collection by moving mergeSort into foundation/collections.dart (cla: yes, framework)

59561 Revert "Modernize selection menu appearance" (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

59571 [flutter_tools] add toggle b and service extension to change platform brightness (cla: yes, framework, tool)

59586 Keyboard navigation for the Material Date Picker grid (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59617 Reland modernize selection menu appearance (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59620 Export characters (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59631 ReorderableListView should not reorder if there is only a single item present (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59641 [ExpansionPanelList] adds dividerColor property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59666 update _isolates_io.dart for better nnbd migration (cla: yes, framework)

59677 Revert "Characters Package" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

59711 fix the widget span layout when text scale factor != 1 (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59778 Reland Characters Usage (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

59791 Fix doc for DecoratedBox (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59803 Add benchmark for Mouse region (web) (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59807 Label unnecessarily ellided (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59856 Make upscaling images opt-in (a: images, cla: yes, framework)

59865 Fix the paste button label in the new version of the filtered text pasting test (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

59870 Revert "Deprecate WhitelistingTextInputFormatter and BlacklistingTextInputFormatter" (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

59876 Re-land "Deprecate WhitelistingTextInputFormatter and BlacklistingTextInputFormatter" (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

59877 Allow detection of images using more memory than necessary (a: debugging, a: error message, a: images, cla: yes, framework)

59883 Refactor mouse hit testing system: Direct mouse hit test (a: mouse, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

59888 Fix the layout calculation in sliver list where the scroll offset cor… (cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59900 Fix issue with stack traces getting mangled (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

59913 [EditableText] Inherit from DefaultTextHeightBehavior (cla: yes, framework)

59937 Update tooltip_theme_test to unblock Dart SDK roll (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59961 Support GTK keycodes (cla: yes, framework, team)

59966 Added a filterQuality parameter to texture (a: quality, a: video, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59981 Revert "Implement Comparable" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

59982 [flutter_driver] Fix tracing of startup events (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

59986 Revert "fix the widget span layout when text scale factor != 1" (cla: yes, framework)

59992 Revert "[PageTransitionsBuilder] Fix 'ZoomPageTransition' built more than once" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

60000 Revert "Fix outline button solid path when BorderSize.width is used" (f: material design, framework)

60009 RTL caret position (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60021 reland "fix the widget span layout when text scale factor != 1" and h… (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60042 Fix newly added test to opt out of NNBD (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

60059 Expose the ElevationOverlay functions so applications can use the directly. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60096 Localized new strings added in the redesigned Material Time Picker (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60129 fix ink feature tries to get parent transformations when it is in the… (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60136 Add more documentation on why tests might hang when using runAsync (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60139 Fix a couple of doc typos. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60141 Tweaking Material Chip a11y semantics to match buttons (a: accessibility, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), f: material design, framework)

60152 Remove unused physicalDepth code (a: tests, cla: yes, customer: fuchsia, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60219 Update inaccurate documentation for isUtf16Surrogate method (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60222 Doc Updates (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60245 [PageTransitionsBuilder] Reland Fix 'ZoomPageTransition' built more than once (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60248 Ensure FloatingActionButtonLocations are always within safe interactive areas (a: quality, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60316 Don't access clipboard passively on iOS (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60320 Have AndroidViewController extend PlatformViewController and add support for hybrid platform views (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

60329 [Semantics] Update bottom nav semantics tests to use matches semantics (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60367 Do not return partial semantics from tester.getSemantics (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60379 Do not call Picture.toImage on web during shader warm-up (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60383 [Material] Add property to theme dial label colors on Time Picker (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60394 Show hint when label is floating (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60396 Fixed a problem with date calculations that caused a test to fail in a non-US time zone. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60478 Fix remaining holes in stack trace demangling (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

60481 Adding ColorFiltered "Widget of the week" video to docs. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60482 Fix docs for TabBar indicator (cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60497 Keyboard navigation fo the Material Date Range Picker (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60523 InteractiveViewer scroll direction (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60530 Revert "fix paint order of ink feature (#59108)" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

60532 InteractiveViewer with a changing screen size (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60536 Issues/58665 reland and prevent the material widget from absorbing gesture (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60545 Annotate RawMaterialButton as a Material > Button category. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60549 RangeSlider overlap properly (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60552 New license page with fix for zero licenses. (a: internationalization, f: material design, framework)

60563 ListTile mouse pointer fix (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60586 Issues/58053 - Set default textBaseline to alphabetic in the Table widget (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60611 1.17.5 CP: Fix daemon device discovery crash when Xcode isn't installed (#60546) (CQ+1, a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

60621 Add a flag to toggle navigator route update reporting (cla: yes, f: routes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60645 Revert "Tweaking Material Chip a11y semantics to match buttons (#60141)" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60660 In layers_test create a canvas to start recording on the PictureRecorder (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60684 Enable shouldCapTextScaleForTitle by default in AppBarTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60693 Typo sweep (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60726 Doc and Error Message Improvements (a: animation, a: annoyance, a: error message, a: quality, a: text input, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60730 Remove superfluous GestureDetector. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60734 Add comment explain dispatchEvent override (a: tests, cla: yes, documentation, framework)

60764 Support customizing colors for rows in DataTable (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60832 Fix typo in popup_menu.dart (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

60836 Expose height and width factor in AnimatedAlign (a: animation, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60915 [AppBar] adds leadingWidth property to customize width of leading widget (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60916 Revert "Fix remaining holes in stack trace demangling" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

60925 fix semantics to only send relevant node update (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60929 Adding CupertinoApp Sample templates (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

60930 Add embedderId to PointerEvent (cla: yes, framework)

60934 Skip Audit - Scheduler and Services libraries (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

60936 Skip Audit - Widgets Library (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

60956 Assert valid composing TextRange (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60991 [Material] Misc fixes for time picker input mode (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60996 Reland "Fix remaining holes in stack trace demangling"" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

61000 Remove shouldCapTextScaleForTitle from AppBarTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

61010 Revert "Add embedderId to PointerEvent (#60930)" (cla: yes, engine, framework, team)

61012 prevents sliver app bar from changing semantics tree when it is not n… (a: accessibility, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

61013 Re-land gesture detection for hybrid platform views (engine, framework, team)

61019 InteractiveViewer pan axis locking (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

61033 Do not cache itemBuilder calls in a GridView (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

61035 Fix bug where dispose message requires a map (cla: yes, framework)

61102 Fix PointerAddedEvent handling in LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

61109 Revert "Expose height and width factor in AnimatedAlign " (cla: yes, framework)

61118 Fix #61102 line wrapping (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

team - 283 pull request(s)


42940 Revise Action API (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

52507 enable avoid_equals_and_hash_code_on_mutable_classes (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, team: gallery, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

52791 Read custom app project name from (cla: yes, team, tool)

53096 Devicelab tests (Chrome run, Web compile) for New Flutter Gallery (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

53358 Disable flutter_driver_screenshot_test_ios. (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

53374 [gen_l10n] Fallback feature for untranslated messages (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53381 Characters Package (a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53422 Rename GPU thread to raster thread in API docs (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53600 Restructure the Windows app template (cla: yes, team, tool)

53616 Improving A11y for Flutter Gallery Demos (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

53655 Pass showCheckboxColumn parameter to DataTable (a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

53809 [flutter_tools] update to package vm_service: electric boogaloo (cla: yes, team, tool)

53824 [gen_l10n] Add option for deferred loading on the web (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53837 Skip Audits (2) (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

53868 [gen_l10n] Add scriptCode handling (a: internationalization, cla: yes, severe: new feature, team, tool)

53879 Collect chrome://tracing data in Web benchmarks (cla: yes, team, work in progress; do not review)

53880 Use no locale as synonym for nb (a: internationalization, cla: yes, customer: dream (g3), f: cupertino, f: material design, team, waiting for tree to go green)

53888 Add visualDensity and focus support to ListTile (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

53916 Slider rebase work (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

53951 Revert "[flutter_tools] update to package vm_service: electric boogaloo" (cla: yes, team, tool)

53952 [web] Fix race condition in widget benchmarks (cla: yes, platform-web, team)

53954 [gen_l10n] Fix plural parsing for translated messages (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53957 [flutter_tools] Migrate to vm service 3 (reland): electric boogaloo (cla: yes, team, tool)

53963 revive the android_views test (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

53967 Temporarily mark web benchmarks as flaky (cla: yes, team)

53969 Use "measured_frame" instead of "CrRendererMain" to detect process ID (cla: yes, team)

53980 Test creation of Android AlertDialogs with a platform view context (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54015 Update roll_dev to work with new version numbers (cla: yes, team)

54023 disable MotionEvents test (cla: yes, team)

54114 Revert "[flutter_tools] Migrate to vm service 3 (reland): electric boogaloo" (cla: yes, team, tool)

54122 disable the "gpu" tracing category (cla: yes, team)

54125 remove flutter_test quiver dep, use fake_async and clock instead (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

54132 [flutter_tools] Migrate to package:vm_service 4: trigonometric boogaloo (cla: yes, team, tool)

54144 drop image package dependency for goldens (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54150 Don't checkout master in roll_dev (cla: yes, team)

54152 [flutter_tools] Remove fromPlatform from tests (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54155 [cleanup] Remove unused script (cla: yes, team)

54163 Enable the android_views AlertDialog test (cla: yes, team)

54176 Fix newly reported prefer_const_constructors lints. (a: internationalization, cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

54181 Roll pinned xml and petitparser versions (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54185 [gen_l10n] Handle single, double quotes, and dollar signs in strings (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54206 Updating codeowners for goldens (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54212 Reverse dependency between services and scheduler (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54214 re-enable android_view_test (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54219 Remove escape dollar parameter in localizations_utils (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54227 [windows] Adds support for keyboard mapping. (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54236 Disable tracing for non-frame based Web benchmarks (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54247 [versions] update versions (cla: yes, team)

54312 fix and re-land "re-enable android_view_test (#54214)" (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54317 PageStorage sample (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54322 Skip Audit - Material Library (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54334 [versions] update all flutter versions (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54387 Revert "fix and re-land "re-enable android_view_test (#54214)"" (cla: yes, team)

54396 [web] Don't collect trace info in the color grid benchmark (cla: yes, platform-web, team)

54401 Cleanup in gen_l10n files (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team)

54403 Reland re-enable android_view_test #54214 (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54407 Don't import plugins that don't support android in settings.gradle (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54471 fix visual density prefer_const_constructors lint (cla: yes, team)

54478 Fix environment leakage in doctor_test (cla: yes, team, team: flakes, team: infra, tool)

54480 Revert "[flutter_driver] Add SceneDisplayLag stats to timeline summar… (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

54490 [flutter_driver] Reland add SceneDisplayLag stats to timeline summary (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54494 Add A/B test mode to local devicelab runner (cla: yes, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54497 [devicelab] Do not wait for connections after process has exited (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54505 mark web benchmarks as not flaky (cla: yes, team)

54522 Reland "Add API to services package that overrides HTTP ban (#54243)" (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54617 [flutter_tools] initial support for enable experiment, run, apk, ios, macos (a: null-safety, cla: yes, team, tool)

54618 Revert "[devicelab] Do not wait for connections after process has exited" (cla: yes, team)

54676 print intermediate and raw A/B results when not silent (cla: yes, team)

54678 Make Web shard count configurable via WEB_SHARD_COUNT (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54691 Migrate Runner project base configuration (cla: yes, d: examples, t: xcode, team, tool)

54697 fix APK location for devicelab (cla: yes, team)

54703 fix run release test APK location (cla: yes, team)

54783 [flutter_tools] Fix roll dev script, add tests (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54787 force upgraded package dependencies (cla: yes, team)

54798 ToDo Audit - Cupertino+ Library (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54883 Remove outliers in Web benchmarks to reduce noise; add visualization (cla: yes, team)

54887 Specify the devicelab task simulator runtime to support <Xcode 11.4 (cla: yes, team)

54891 Mark ios_app_with_watch_companion as flaky (cla: yes, team, team: infra)

54893 Fix the stage of ios_app_with_watch_companion (cla: yes, team)

54894 Update dartdoc to 0.30.4. (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54899 Pass in runtime to ios_app_with_watch_companion simctl create (cla: yes, team, team: infra)

54903 benchmark animation performance of Opacity widget (cla: yes, team)

54908 add benchmark for picture recording (cla: yes, team)

54909 [flutter_tools] fix multiple defines in flutter tooling, web (cla: yes, team, tool)

54912 Move doctor into globals (cla: yes, team, tool)

54916 Convert expression evaluation exceptions to errors (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54924 CrashReportSender dependency injection (cla: yes, team, tool)

54952 Roll pinned package versions (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54967 Revert "[flutter_tools] fix multiple defines in flutter tooling, web" (cla: yes, team, tool)

54973 [flutter_tools] Reland: fix multiple dart defines (cla: yes, team, tool)

54991 Mark ios_app_with_watch_companion as not flaky (a: tests, cla: yes, team)

54994 flutter_gallery__memory_nav and flutter_gallery__back_button_memory are flaky (cla: yes, team)

55002 Move GitHubTemplateCreator into reporting library (cla: yes, team, tool)

55057 validate engine hash (cla: yes, team)

55068 Test touch for Android windows added by platform views (cla: yes, team)

55126 web benchmarks: handle no outliers case (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green, work in progress; do not review)

55130 Enable android_views window touch test (cla: yes, team)

55152 Support tags when running tests from command line (cla: yes, team, tool)

55181 Add performance tests for the new gallery (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55201 Migrating old Gallery to new Slider (cla: yes, f: material design, team)

55220 Revert "validate engine hash" (cla: yes, team)

55223 Test engine version hash, but skip for Dart HHH bot (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55225 Remove the unused getFlutter function (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55230 Make Action.enabled be isEnabled(Intent intent) instead. (cla: yes, framework, team)

55253 Flutter cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

55331 extract engine sub-metrics; change reported metrics (cla: yes, team)

55335 Update dartdoc version to 0.31.0 (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55336 Adding tabSemanticsLabel to CupertinoLocalizations (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55348 [flutter_tools] unpin package config and update (cla: yes, team, tool)

55401 Optimize fuchsia test script. (CQ+1, cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55413 Revert "[flutter_tools] default tree-shake-icons to enabled and improve performance" (cla: yes, team, tool)

55414 LayoutBuilder: skip calling builder when constraints are the same (cla: yes, framework, team)

55433 Roll packages, drop custom timeline parsing for tracing tests (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55485 Use correct path for flutter in flutter_gallery_v2_chrome_run_test.dart (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55486 Add DevTools memory test (cla: yes, perf: memory, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55564 [flutter_tools] support --enable-experiment in flutter test (cla: yes, team, tool)

55609 Add benchmark for hybrid composition on Android (a: platform-views, cla: yes, t: flutter driver, team)

55782 Removing Deprecated flag for Gallery (cla: yes, f: material design, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55789 ToDo Audit - Material Library+ (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55792 [gen_l10n] Output directory option (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team)

55793 Skip Audit - Painting Library (a: images, a: tests, a: typography, cla: yes, framework, platform-web, team, will affect goldens)

55799 Check Xcode build setting FULL_PRODUCT_NAME for bundle name (cla: yes, t: xcode, team, tool)

55812 restore quit timeout, adjust some integration test behaviors (cla: yes, team, tool)

55871 Flutter cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

55876 Mark android attach test flaky (cla: yes, team)

55877 Mark flutter_gallery_v2_chrome_run_test and flutter_gallery_v2_web_compile_test not flaky (cla: yes, team)

55881 Make flutter_attach_test_android test verbose (cla: yes, team)

55909 [gen_l10n] Fix unintended breaking change introduced by output-dir option (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, tool)

55935 Read correct file for android view benchmark (cla: yes, team)

55977 Add clipBehavior to widgets with clipRect (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, team, will affect goldens)

56329 BuildInfo tests without context (cla: yes, team)

56330 Use androidSdk globals variable everywhere (cla: yes, team, tool)

56331 Inject logger and fs into printHowToConsumeAar, test without context (cla: yes, team, tool)

56335 Gradle artifacts and tasks tests without context (cla: yes, team, tool)

56409 InteractiveViewer Widget (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

56445 Revert "Add DevTools memory test" (cla: yes, team)

56502 Swap xcode_tests from MockProcessManager to FakeProcessManager (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56505 Swap xcodeproj_tests from MockProcessManager to FakeProcessManager (cla: yes, team, tool)

56575 Roll new gallery version in the perf test (cla: yes, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

56594 Shard firebase_test_lab_tests (cla: yes, team)

56596 add web benchmark that measures efficiency of clipped out pictures (cla: yes, team)

56605 Remove direct uses of LocalPlatform (cla: yes, team, tool)

56620 Remove Runner target check, prefer schemes (cla: yes, t: xcode, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56623 [devicelab] fix web twc task missing display (cla: yes, team)

56689 Bring back paste button hide behavior (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

56695 [devicelab] mark web_enable_twc as non-flaky (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

56700 Mark new Gallery test as non-flaky (cla: yes, team)

56721 fix roll_dev.dart to query remote ref, rather than local (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

56727 Update (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

56735 Shard Cirrus build_tests (cla: yes, team)

56786 [flutter_tools] cache-bust in service worker (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56806 Revert "Bring back paste button hide behavior" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

56922 Bring back paste button hide behavior 2 (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

56951 Revert "Bring back paste button hide behavior 2" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

56958 Updated dwds (and other packages) (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56961 Remove dead definesCustomBuildConfigurations (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57016 [web] Add path construction benchmark (cla: yes, team)

57039 Allow Recorder override shouldContinue (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57052 Flutter 1.17.1 cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

57053 Updated gen_missing_localizations to copy the english strings instead of using 'TBD'. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57058 1.18.0-11.1.pre beta cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool, work in progress; do not review)

57075 [flutter_tools] re-enable non-nullable test (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57139 Bring back paste button hide behavior 3 (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57152 Update snippets to include more detail (cla: yes, team)

57231 Mark gallery tests as flaky (cla: yes, team)

57235 [null-safety] disable tests until framework has migrated (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57286 Revert " Bring back paste button hide behavior 3" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57321 Update packages (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57328 Update flutter_gallery_assets to ^0.2.0 (cla: yes, team, tool)

57340 Reland "Add DevTools memory test (#55486)" (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57511 Step 2 of 3: Change opt-in default for debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations assertion on TextField (a: internationalization, a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57576 Add Web Benchmarks for Flutter Gallery (Flutter Side) — 1/4 (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57621 Remove MaterialControls from examples/flutter_view (cla: yes, d: examples, team)

57624 Remove unused integration test iOS directory (cla: yes, team)

57704 Use pub inside the Flutter directory (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57821 fix a typo in trace events for the image cache (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57871 [flutter_tools] rename output LICENSE file to NOTICES and support loading either (cla: yes, framework, team, tool)

58018 Prevent building non-android plugins in build aar (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58027 Link to migration guide template from pull request template (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58050 Flutter 1.17.2 cherrypicks (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, work in progress; do not review)

58104 Run flutter update-packages --force-upgrade. (cla: yes, team)

58112 Mark non-flaky test as such (cla: yes, team)

58121 Update stocks example to use l10n.yaml workflow (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58135 [release] remove .dart_tool directory from uploaded zip (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58140 Add a backward variant of BenchCardInfiniteScroll (cla: yes, team)

58175 [devicelab] less sensitivity to whitespace in flutter_performance_test (cla: yes, team)

58277 Enabling the ImageFiltered(ImageFilter.matrix) page of macrobenchmark (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58328 [flutter_tools] deprecate flutter generate and codegen (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58344 Revert "Add clipBehavior to widgets with clipRect" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

58444 Remove outdated disable_input_output_paths from example project Podfiles (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58458 Rename integration test ios_app_with_watch_companion -> ios_app_with_extensions (cla: yes, team)

58499 [devicelab] mark ios transition_perf as non-flaky (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58504 Revert "Remove outdated disable_input_output_paths from example project Podfiles" (cla: yes, d: examples, team)

58513 benchmark updating many child layers (cla: yes, team)

58522 Build iOS apps using Swift Packages (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58524 Remove outdated disable_input_output_paths from example project Podfiles (cla: yes, d: examples, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58538 Don't elapse real time during IOSDevice.startApp tests (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58541 Fake out DeviceManager.getDevices in test (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58544 Use fake command in analytics test (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58549 Revert "Build iOS apps using Swift Packages" (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

58607 Revert "[flutter_tools] always initialize the resident runner from dill (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

58617 Remove already covered devicelab test: tiles_scroll_perf_iphonexs__timeline_summary (cla: yes, team)

58620 Make debugSemantics available to profile mode (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

58622 Don't elapse real time during IOSDevice.startApp tests (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58635 Remove DiagnosticableMixin in favor of Diagnosticable (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58644 Add FakeAsync to delay tests (cla: yes, team, tool)

58645 Move create project build tests to permeable command shard (cla: yes, team, tool)

58646 Flutter 1.17.3 cherrypicks (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

58648 Add iOS new gallery perf test (cla: yes, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58649 Add per-test timeout to Cirrus tool general tests (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58656 Add the ability to ignore lines depending on comments (cla: yes, team, tool)

58701 Increase delay to verify cause of flakiness (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58747 Add Android device build/OS/API Level information to logs. (cla: yes, team)

58783 fix typo in macrobenchmarks/lib/main (cla: yes, team)

58799 Revert "Increase delay to verify cause of flakiness" (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58838 Turn off flaky indicator for flutter_gallery__back_button_memory and flutter_gallery__memory_nav (cla: yes, team)

58986 Line break for devicelab/bin/run.dart help info (cla: yes, team)

59009 Build iOS apps using Swift Packages (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59013 Make non-flaky tests as such (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59025 Revert "Build iOS apps using Swift Packages" (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

59044 Move iOS Podfile logic into tool (cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59046 Cleanup devicelab framework duplicate (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

59120 Deprecate WhitelistingTextInputFormatter and BlacklistingTextInputFormatter (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59184 [flutter_tools] remove globals from compilers (cla: yes, team, tool)

59209 Support .flutter-plugins-dependencies (cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59215 [flutter_tools] Update roll_dev.dart (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59257 fix tree (cla: yes, team)

59267 Characters package (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59276 Add --device-id option for devicelab/bin/run.dart (cla: yes, team)

59280 test flutter framework with null-safety (cla: yes, d: examples, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59283 [versions] Update all the versions (cla: yes, team, tool)

59285 Remove Fuchsia files (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59291 [flutter_tools] ensure generated entrypoint matches test and web entrypoint language version (cla: yes, team, tool)

59364 Reland non-breaking "Add clipBehavior to widgets with clipRect #55977" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

59365 Remove flutter_goldens_client package dependency from tool (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59484 Word substitutions (cla: yes, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59500 Update recipes location. (cla: yes, framework, team)

59508 Remove last references to ideviceinstaller (cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59539 [flutter_tools] For l10n with deferred loading, use loadLibrary for non-web too (cla: yes, team, tool)

59617 Reland modernize selection menu appearance (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59784 [devicelab] fix concurrent hot reload test: stderr != failure (cla: yes, team)

59803 Add benchmark for Mouse region (web) (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59832 [versions] update all versions (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59867 Replace ANDROID_HOME user messages with ANDROID_SDK_ROOT (cla: yes, platform-android, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59870 Revert "Deprecate WhitelistingTextInputFormatter and BlacklistingTextInputFormatter" (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

59876 Re-land "Deprecate WhitelistingTextInputFormatter and BlacklistingTextInputFormatter" (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

59896 gitignore .last_build_id file in the repo (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59907 port devicelab from idevice_id -> xcdevices (cla: yes, team, tool)

59932 Add SkSL shader warm-up tests to Flutter gallery (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59961 Support GTK keycodes (cla: yes, framework, team)

60015 Fix the paths in keyboard map templates (cla: yes, team)

60041 Use assemble build system directly for build ios-framework (cla: yes, team, tool)

60045 Check for Xcode 11 and Xcode 12 directory names in build_ios_framework_module_test (a: tests, cla: yes, platform-ios, team)

60127 [versions] update all versions and fix tool tests (cla: yes, team, tool)

60185 [gen_l10n] Update the arb filename parsing logic (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, tool)

60228 Make module run script names unique (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool)

60320 Have AndroidViewController extend PlatformViewController and add support for hybrid platform views (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

60336 Heavy Widget construction and destruction performance test (a: tests, cla: yes, team)

60407 benchmarks/macrobenchmarks platforme file update (cla: yes, team)

60412 Simplify the animation control for macrobenchmarks test case (cla: yes, team)

60415 restore imagefiltered_transform_animation_perf__timeline_summary benchmark (cla: yes, team)

60490 Experiment with tester on the flutter_tools general shard (cla: yes, team)

60504 Update new gallery HEAD commit (cla: yes, team)

60507 Fix commit hash gallery (cla: yes, team)

60553 Mark non-flaky test as such (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

60554 Web macrobenchmark: bench_mouse_region_grid_hover now tests hitTestDuration (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

60611 1.17.5 CP: Fix daemon device discovery crash when Xcode isn't installed (#60546) (CQ+1, a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

60638 fix pubspec dependencies (cla: yes, team)

60652 Upgrade packages (team)

60668 Roll tester version (cla: yes, team)

60693 Typo sweep (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60723 add a timeout to dashing (cla: yes, team)

60774 await TimelineSummary.write***ToFile (a: tests, cla: yes, team)

60929 Adding CupertinoApp Sample templates (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

60934 Skip Audit - Scheduler and Services libraries (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

60936 Skip Audit - Widgets Library (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

61010 Revert "Add embedderId to PointerEvent (#60930)" (cla: yes, engine, framework, team)

61013 Re-land gesture detection for hybrid platform views (engine, framework, team)

61025 benchmark memory usage for grid view of memory intensive widgets (cla: yes, perf: memory, team, waiting for tree to go green)

61034 Roll packages (cla: yes, team, tool)

61062 Mark new test as not flaky (cla: yes, team)

61064 Handle git dependencies, roll packages to get transitive deps of flutter_gallery (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

61128 Update tester to latest version (team)

f: material design - 204 pull request(s)


42940 Revise Action API (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

50412 Make CircularProgressIndicator's animation match native (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

50673 Update AppBar MediaQuery documentation (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

50915 Implement barrierDismissible for showCupertinoDialog (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

51465 Support New and Custom FAB Locations (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

51581 Fix outline button solid path when BorderSize.width is used (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

52126 Autofill Part 1 (cla: yes, customer: peppermint, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

52507 enable avoid_equals_and_hash_code_on_mutable_classes (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, team: gallery, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53381 Characters Package (a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53616 Improving A11y for Flutter Gallery Demos (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

53655 Pass showCheckboxColumn parameter to DataTable (a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

53880 Use no locale as synonym for nb (a: internationalization, cla: yes, customer: dream (g3), f: cupertino, f: material design, team, waiting for tree to go green)

53888 Add visualDensity and focus support to ListTile (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

53916 Slider rebase work (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

53945 [Material] Add focus, highlight, and keyboard shortcuts to Slider (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54110 Added 'barrierColor' and 'useSafeArea' parameters to the showDialog function. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54119 Reland "iOS UITextInput autocorrection prompt (#45354)" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54128 fixes isAlwaysShown material scrollbar.dart (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54140 iOS Text Selection Menu Overflow (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, platform-ios)

54171 System mouse cursors (a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

54322 Skip Audit - Material Library (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54394 replace simple empty Container with w & h with SizedBox (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

54481 Make TextFormFieldState.didChange change text fields value (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

54640 Allow WIllPopCallback to return null or false to veto the pop. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54674 Add searchFieldStyle (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54706 Wire in focusNode, focusColor, autofocus, and dropdownColor to DropdownButtonFormField (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54714 [Material] Added BottomNavigationBarTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54902 Paste shows only when content on clipboard (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54919 Add MediaQueryData.navigationMode and allow controls to be focused when disabled. (cla: yes, customer: fun (g3), f: material design, framework)

54978 Expose current day as a parameter to showDatePicker. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54985 Step 2: SnackBarBehavior.floating offset fix by default (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55064 Step 3: Removes temporary flag for SnackBarBehavior.floating offset fix (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

55201 Migrating old Gallery to new Slider (cla: yes, f: material design, team)

55221 [ExpansionTile] adds padding property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

55260 Fine tune the Y offset of OutlineInputBorder's floating label (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55408 Fix InputDecorator intrinsic height reporting (a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: regression, waiting for tree to go green)

55415 Customizable obscuringCharacter (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55416 Fix link to material spec (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55482 Enable configuring minHeight for LinearProgressIndicator and update default to match spec (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55484 Revert "Fix FlutterError.onError in debug mode (#53843)" (a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

55599 Default to use V2 Slider (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

55636 Prevent use of TextInputType.text when also using TextInputAction.newLine via assert (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55651 Fix behavior change due to incorrect initial floating setting (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55761 Add a property to Material icon button to customize the splash radius (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55775 TextField enabled fix (a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55782 Removing Deprecated flag for Gallery (cla: yes, f: material design, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55789 ToDo Audit - Material Library+ (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55829 allow changing the paint offset of a GlowingOverscrollIndicator (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

55832 Prevent ModalBottomSheet from rebuilding its child (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55857 Removed useV2 Slider flag (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55902 Fix default opacity assignments for unselected and selected icons in NavigationRail (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55911 Text field height fix (a: text input, cla: yes, f: inspector, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55939 Implementation of the Material Date Range Picker. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55977 Add clipBehavior to widgets with clipRect (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, team, will affect goldens)

56084 Step 1 of 3: Add opt-in fixing Dialog border radius to match Material Spec (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56090 Step 1 of 3: Add opt-in for debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations assertion on TextField (a: internationalization, a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56091 Ensure *_kn.arb files are properly escaped with gen_localizations (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

56190 [ExpansionTile] Wire through expandedCrossAxisAlignment, and expandedAlignment properties to the expanded tile (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56409 InteractiveViewer Widget (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

56494 Wire up autofocus for OutlineButton (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

56611 Nested InkWells only show the innermost splash (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56614 Revert "Paste shows only when content on clipboard (#54902)" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

56641 Add 2 new keyboard types and infer keyboardType from autofill hints (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56645 Localized new strings added in the redesigned Material Date Picker (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56689 Bring back paste button hide behavior (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

56794 [web & desktop] Hide all characters in a TextField, when obscureText is true on web & desktop (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, platform-mac, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

56806 Revert "Bring back paste button hide behavior" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

56895 [Material] Use titleTextStyle from dialog theme for SimpleDialog (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56922 Bring back paste button hide behavior 2 (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

56951 Revert "Bring back paste button hide behavior 2" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

56956 ThemeData.brightness == ThemeData.colorScheme.brightness (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57033 Allow updating textAlignVertical (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57037 Making DropdownButtonFormField to re-render if parent widget changes (cla: yes, f: material design, found in release: 1.17, found in release: 1.18, framework, severe: regression, waiting for tree to go green)

57047 Added Dartpad and Image examples to Slider and RangeSlider docs (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57053 Updated gen_missing_localizations to copy the english strings instead of using 'TBD'. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57139 Bring back paste button hide behavior 3 (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57172 Add option for ExpansionTile to maintain the state of its children when collapsed (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57189 Honor the InputDecoratorTheme in the text input fields used by the Date Pickers (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57195 Fix NavigationRail class docs (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57244 Make Tooltip recover gracefully when context is destroyed. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

57261 Make _RenderButtonBarRow.constraints null aware (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57286 Revert " Bring back paste button hide behavior 3" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57291 [ExpansionTile] adds childrenPadding property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

57299 add @factory to create* methods (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57324 Fix Web asking for clipboard permissions (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57327 Value Indicator uses Global position (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

57332 Add autofill support for TextFormField (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57500 SnackBarAction.createState() should have return type State(cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57511 Step 2 of 3: Change opt-in default for debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations assertion on TextField (a: internationalization, a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57521 Move paragraph on using Navigation Rail for wide viewports only closer to the top of the API docs. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57526 Update the requirements for applying the elevation overlay. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57535 Slider value indicator gets disposed if it is activated (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57574 Have _warpToCurrentIndex() shortcut logic behave properly (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57576 Add Web Benchmarks for Flutter Gallery (Flutter Side) — 1/4 (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57588 New license page. (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

57628 Add mouse cursor API to widgets (phase 1) (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

57644 Adds physics to the TabBar (#57416) (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57733 #57730 - Support custom shapes for ListTiles (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57736 [AppBarTheme] adds centerTitle property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

57745 Chips text scaling (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57751 Step 2 of 3: Change opt-in default for useMaterialBorderRadius on Dialogs (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57809 Stopped all animation controllers after toggleable has been detached. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57868 [CheckboxListTile] exposes contentPadding property of ListTile. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58016 Consistent American spelling of 'behavior' (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58024 fix cupertino page route dismisses hero transition when swipe to the … (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58037 [SwitchListTile] adds controlAffinity property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58050 Flutter 1.17.2 cherrypicks (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, work in progress; do not review)

58094 Set upper limit on text scaling for AppBar.title (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58117 Minor correction to documentation for buttonColor (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58154 Allow null value for CheckboxListTile (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58209 Pass MaterialButton.disabledElevation into RawMaterialButton (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

58258 Helpful assertion for isAlwaysShown error (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58344 Revert "Add clipBehavior to widgets with clipRect" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

58448 InkWell uses MaterialStateMouseCursor and defaults to clickable (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

58530 [Line Heights] Add textHeightBehavior to SelectableText. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58535 Make _RenderSlider not be a semantics container (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: focus, f: material design, framework)

58593 Add collapsed height param to SliverAppBar (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58607 Revert "[flutter_tools] always initialize the resident runner from dill (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

58630 Updated Slider test (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58646 Flutter 1.17.3 cherrypicks (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

58650 Added MaterialStateProperty overlayColor to InkWell (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

58686 [PageTransitionsBuilder] Fix 'ZoomPageTransition' built more than once (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58708 Add shadowColor to AppBar and AppBarTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58715 Fix custom physics application in TabBarView (a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58780 fix typo in bottom navigation bar docs (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58808 Introduce inherited navigator observer and refactor hero controller (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58829 Step 3 of 3: Remove opt-in for useMaterialBorderRadius on Dialogs (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58831 Step 3 of 3: Remove opt-in for debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations assertion on TextField (a: internationalization, a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58843 Restore some typography tests (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

59008 Update TextTheme.button.letterSpacing from 0.75 to 1.25 per spec (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59010 Scale input decorator label width (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59108 fix paint order of ink feature (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59111 Remove shape code from Date Picker dialog (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59115 Modernize selection menu appearance (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

59117 Make the InkResponse's focus highlight honor the radius parameter (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59120 Deprecate WhitelistingTextInputFormatter and BlacklistingTextInputFormatter (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59160 Remove unused import which shares prefix name with a used import. (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design)

59162 Rebuild SliverAppBar when forceElevated changes (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59186 Opt out nnbd in packages/flutter (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

59187 Support floating the header slivers of a NestedScrollView (a: annoyance, a: quality, cla: yes, customer: crowd, customer: quill (g3), d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59191 [Material] Redesign Time Picker (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59219 Typo fixing sweep through packages/flutter. (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59251 [DefaultTabController] adds interactive example (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59273 Add instructions for updating a localized string (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59279 First pass at keyboard navigation for the Material Date Picker (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59310 Dismiss modal routes with a keyboard shortcut (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59317 Implement Comparable(cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59363 Add material state mouse cursor to TextField (a: text input, cla: yes, customer: octopod, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59364 Reland non-breaking "Add clipBehavior to widgets with clipRect #55977" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

59405 [AppBar] adds toolbarHeight property to customize AppBar height (cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

59474 Add link to ListTile replacement guide in layout error message (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59481 [MergeableMaterial] adds dividerColor property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59561 Revert "Modernize selection menu appearance" (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

59586 Keyboard navigation for the Material Date Picker grid (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59617 Reland modernize selection menu appearance (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59631 ReorderableListView should not reorder if there is only a single item present (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59641 [ExpansionPanelList] adds dividerColor property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59677 Revert "Characters Package" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

59778 Reland Characters Usage (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

59807 Label unnecessarily ellided (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59865 Fix the paste button label in the new version of the filtered text pasting test (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

59870 Revert "Deprecate WhitelistingTextInputFormatter and BlacklistingTextInputFormatter" (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

59876 Re-land "Deprecate WhitelistingTextInputFormatter and BlacklistingTextInputFormatter" (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

59883 Refactor mouse hit testing system: Direct mouse hit test (a: mouse, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

59937 Update tooltip_theme_test to unblock Dart SDK roll (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59981 Revert "Implement Comparable" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

59992 Revert "[PageTransitionsBuilder] Fix 'ZoomPageTransition' built more than once" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

60000 Revert "Fix outline button solid path when BorderSize.width is used" (f: material design, framework)

60009 RTL caret position (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60042 Fix newly added test to opt out of NNBD (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

60059 Expose the ElevationOverlay functions so applications can use the directly. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60096 Localized new strings added in the redesigned Material Time Picker (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60129 fix ink feature tries to get parent transformations when it is in the… (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60139 Fix a couple of doc typos. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60141 Tweaking Material Chip a11y semantics to match buttons (a: accessibility, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), f: material design, framework)

60245 [PageTransitionsBuilder] Reland Fix 'ZoomPageTransition' built more than once (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60248 Ensure FloatingActionButtonLocations are always within safe interactive areas (a: quality, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60316 Don't access clipboard passively on iOS (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60329 [Semantics] Update bottom nav semantics tests to use matches semantics (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60383 [Material] Add property to theme dial label colors on Time Picker (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60394 Show hint when label is floating (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60396 Fixed a problem with date calculations that caused a test to fail in a non-US time zone. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60405 Date picker string translations (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, waiting for tree to go green)

60482 Fix docs for TabBar indicator (cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60497 Keyboard navigation fo the Material Date Range Picker (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60530 Revert "fix paint order of ink feature (#59108)" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

60536 Issues/58665 reland and prevent the material widget from absorbing gesture (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60545 Annotate RawMaterialButton as a Material > Button category. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60549 RangeSlider overlap properly (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60552 New license page with fix for zero licenses. (a: internationalization, f: material design, framework)

60563 ListTile mouse pointer fix (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60600 Fix and address Inconsistencies with Pashto support (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design)

60611 1.17.5 CP: Fix daemon device discovery crash when Xcode isn't installed (#60546) (CQ+1, a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

60645 Revert "Tweaking Material Chip a11y semantics to match buttons (#60141)" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60684 Enable shouldCapTextScaleForTitle by default in AppBarTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60693 Typo sweep (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60726 Doc and Error Message Improvements (a: animation, a: annoyance, a: error message, a: quality, a: text input, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60730 Remove superfluous GestureDetector. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60764 Support customizing colors for rows in DataTable (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60832 Fix typo in popup_menu.dart (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

60915 [AppBar] adds leadingWidth property to customize width of leading widget (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60991 [Material] Misc fixes for time picker input mode (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

61000 Remove shouldCapTextScaleForTitle from AppBarTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

61012 prevents sliver app bar from changing semantics tree when it is not n… (a: accessibility, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

a: tests - 67 pull request(s)


52507 enable avoid_equals_and_hash_code_on_mutable_classes (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, team: gallery, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53422 Rename GPU thread to raster thread in API docs (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53616 Improving A11y for Flutter Gallery Demos (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

53837 Skip Audits (2) (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54125 remove flutter_test quiver dep, use fake_async and clock instead (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

54144 drop image package dependency for goldens (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54171 System mouse cursors (a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

54206 Updating codeowners for goldens (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54212 Reverse dependency between services and scheduler (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54218 [flutter_driver] Add SceneDisplayLag stats to timeline summary (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54220 [benchmarks] Handle multiple begin/end trace events (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

54227 [windows] Adds support for keyboard mapping. (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54322 Skip Audit - Material Library (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54480 Revert "[flutter_driver] Add SceneDisplayLag stats to timeline summar… (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

54490 [flutter_driver] Reland add SceneDisplayLag stats to timeline summary (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54698 Allow headers to be passed to the WebSocket connection for VMServiceFlutterDriver (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54741 [flutter_driver] Fix browser check (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54991 Mark ios_app_with_watch_companion as not flaky (a: tests, cla: yes, team)

55001 FlutterErrorDetails.context docs fix (a: error message, a: tests, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55141 Support tags in testWidgets (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55484 Revert "Fix FlutterError.onError in debug mode (#53843)" (a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

55494 Add onSecondaryTap to gesture recognizer and gesture detector. (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55527 Animation sheet recorder (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

55763 [timeline] Sort timeline events before summarizing (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

55769 Revert "[timeline] Sort timeline events before summarizing (#55763)" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

55771 [timeline] Sort timeline events before summarizing (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55793 Skip Audit - Painting Library (a: images, a: tests, a: typography, cla: yes, framework, platform-web, team, will affect goldens)

55936 Fixed #55858 (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

56428 Eagerly wait for the driver extension on FlutterDriver.connect() (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56430 Allow waitUntilFirstFrameRasterized without a root widget (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57240 [web] Update test skip description. (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, platform-web)

57270 add missing deps to flutter_test (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

57287 remove pending timers list code out of assert message (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

57696 Functionality to check handlers set on platform channels (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58210 [e2e] make test bindings friendlier to integration tests (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

58430 [flutter_driver] make timeline request in chunks (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, perf: memory)

58514 add rasterizer start times to timeline summaries (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58620 Make debugSemantics available to profile mode (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

58655 debug mode warning text alignment (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58723 Drop an unnecessary factory constructor (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58771 [Flutter Driver] Update the comments regarding the default timeout of WaitFor and WaitForAbsent commands (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58820 Timeline summary contains CPU, GPU and Memory usage (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

58823 Add comments to flutter_driver for timeline class (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

59046 Cleanup devicelab framework duplicate (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

59120 Deprecate WhitelistingTextInputFormatter and BlacklistingTextInputFormatter (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59285 Remove Fuchsia files (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59358 Implement delayed key event synthesis support for framework (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59803 Add benchmark for Mouse region (web) (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59870 Revert "Deprecate WhitelistingTextInputFormatter and BlacklistingTextInputFormatter" (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

59876 Re-land "Deprecate WhitelistingTextInputFormatter and BlacklistingTextInputFormatter" (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

59900 Fix issue with stack traces getting mangled (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

59982 [flutter_driver] Fix tracing of startup events (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

60045 Check for Xcode 11 and Xcode 12 directory names in build_ios_framework_module_test (a: tests, cla: yes, platform-ios, team)

60136 Add more documentation on why tests might hang when using runAsync (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60152 Remove unused physicalDepth code (a: tests, cla: yes, customer: fuchsia, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60336 Heavy Widget construction and destruction performance test (a: tests, cla: yes, team)

60367 Do not return partial semantics from tester.getSemantics (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60478 Fix remaining holes in stack trace demangling (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

60693 Typo sweep (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60734 Add comment explain dispatchEvent override (a: tests, cla: yes, documentation, framework)

60774 await TimelineSummary.write***ToFile (a: tests, cla: yes, team)

60916 Revert "Fix remaining holes in stack trace demangling" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

60934 Skip Audit - Scheduler and Services libraries (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

60936 Skip Audit - Widgets Library (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

60996 Reland "Fix remaining holes in stack trace demangling"" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

61102 Fix PointerAddedEvent handling in LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

61118 Fix #61102 line wrapping (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

f: cupertino - 53 pull request(s)


42940 Revise Action API (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

50915 Implement barrierDismissible for showCupertinoDialog (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

52126 Autofill Part 1 (cla: yes, customer: peppermint, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

52507 enable avoid_equals_and_hash_code_on_mutable_classes (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, team: gallery, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

52995 Fix typo of showCupertinoModalPopup documentation comment (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

53837 Skip Audits (2) (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

53880 Use no locale as synonym for nb (a: internationalization, cla: yes, customer: dream (g3), f: cupertino, f: material design, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54119 Reland "iOS UITextInput autocorrection prompt (#45354)" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54140 iOS Text Selection Menu Overflow (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, platform-ios)

54394 replace simple empty Container with w & h with SizedBox (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

54798 ToDo Audit - Cupertino+ Library (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54902 Paste shows only when content on clipboard (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55336 Adding tabSemanticsLabel to CupertinoLocalizations (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55415 Customizable obscuringCharacter (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55636 Prevent use of TextInputType.text when also using TextInputAction.newLine via assert (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56091 Ensure *_kn.arb files are properly escaped with gen_localizations (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

56582 Update Tab semantics in Cupertino to be the same as Material (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

56614 Revert "Paste shows only when content on clipboard (#54902)" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

56641 Add 2 new keyboard types and infer keyboardType from autofill hints (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56689 Bring back paste button hide behavior (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

56806 Revert "Bring back paste button hide behavior" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

56922 Bring back paste button hide behavior 2 (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

56951 Revert "Bring back paste button hide behavior 2" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

57139 Bring back paste button hide behavior 3 (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57286 Revert " Bring back paste button hide behavior 3" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57461 Fix segment hit test behavior for segmented control (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57487 Fix typo in cupertino datepicker error (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57519 Report the accurate local position in (sliding)segmented control hit testing (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57534 Improve CupertinoDatePicker docs (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57576 Add Web Benchmarks for Flutter Gallery (Flutter Side) — 1/4 (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58024 fix cupertino page route dismisses hero transition when swipe to the … (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58050 Flutter 1.17.2 cherrypicks (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, work in progress; do not review)

58258 Helpful assertion for isAlwaysShown error (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58392 iOS mid-drag activity indicator (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: scrolling, framework, platform-ios, severe: API break)

58607 Revert "[flutter_tools] always initialize the resident runner from dill (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

58646 Flutter 1.17.3 cherrypicks (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

58808 Introduce inherited navigator observer and refactor hero controller (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59115 Modernize selection menu appearance (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

59120 Deprecate WhitelistingTextInputFormatter and BlacklistingTextInputFormatter (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59160 Remove unused import which shares prefix name with a used import. (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design)

59186 Opt out nnbd in packages/flutter (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

59219 Typo fixing sweep through packages/flutter. (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59514 Replace collection's SetEquality with flutter's own (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59561 Revert "Modernize selection menu appearance" (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

59617 Reland modernize selection menu appearance (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59870 Revert "Deprecate WhitelistingTextInputFormatter and BlacklistingTextInputFormatter" (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

59876 Re-land "Deprecate WhitelistingTextInputFormatter and BlacklistingTextInputFormatter" (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

60316 Don't access clipboard passively on iOS (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60405 Date picker string translations (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, waiting for tree to go green)

60611 1.17.5 CP: Fix daemon device discovery crash when Xcode isn't installed (#60546) (CQ+1, a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

60693 Typo sweep (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60726 Doc and Error Message Improvements (a: animation, a: annoyance, a: error message, a: quality, a: text input, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60929 Adding CupertinoApp Sample templates (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

a: internationalization - 34 pull request(s)


50915 Implement barrierDismissible for showCupertinoDialog (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

53374 [gen_l10n] Fallback feature for untranslated messages (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53824 [gen_l10n] Add option for deferred loading on the web (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53868 [gen_l10n] Add scriptCode handling (a: internationalization, cla: yes, severe: new feature, team, tool)

53880 Use no locale as synonym for nb (a: internationalization, cla: yes, customer: dream (g3), f: cupertino, f: material design, team, waiting for tree to go green)

53954 [gen_l10n] Fix plural parsing for translated messages (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54176 Fix newly reported prefer_const_constructors lints. (a: internationalization, cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

54219 Remove escape dollar parameter in localizations_utils (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54314 [gen_l10n] Expand integration tests (a: internationalization, cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54401 Cleanup in gen_l10n files (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team)

55336 Adding tabSemanticsLabel to CupertinoLocalizations (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55792 [gen_l10n] Output directory option (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team)

55909 [gen_l10n] Fix unintended breaking change introduced by output-dir option (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, tool)

56090 Step 1 of 3: Add opt-in for debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations assertion on TextField (a: internationalization, a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56091 Ensure *_kn.arb files are properly escaped with gen_localizations (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

56146 Fixed a typo, gen_l10n_types.dart comment (a: internationalization, cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56373 [gen_l10n] Improve arb FormatException error message (a: internationalization, cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56490 [gen_l10n] Optionally generate list of inputs/outputs (a: internationalization, cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56582 Update Tab semantics in Cupertino to be the same as Material (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

56645 Localized new strings added in the redesigned Material Date Picker (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57511 Step 2 of 3: Change opt-in default for debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations assertion on TextField (a: internationalization, a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57588 New license page. (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

58482 Expose ComputePlatformResolvedLocale (a: internationalization, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58831 Step 3 of 3: Remove opt-in for debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations assertion on TextField (a: internationalization, a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59160 Remove unused import which shares prefix name with a used import. (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design)

59191 [Material] Redesign Time Picker (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59285 Remove Fuchsia files (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59561 Revert "Modernize selection menu appearance" (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

59617 Reland modernize selection menu appearance (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

60096 Localized new strings added in the redesigned Material Time Picker (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60185 [gen_l10n] Update the arb filename parsing logic (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, tool)

60405 Date picker string translations (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, waiting for tree to go green)

60552 New license page with fix for zero licenses. (a: internationalization, f: material design, framework)

60600 Fix and address Inconsistencies with Pashto support (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design)

engine - 33 pull request(s)


54111 Manual roll of engine 9b8dcc7ecffe..df257e59c241 (cla: no, engine)

54383 Revert "Roll engine 5b4b1f33c6d6..916f014d1cfb (24 commits)" (cla: yes, engine)

55253 Flutter cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

55521 Revert "Roll engine 8fff8da38da2..a544b45f26cc (3 commits)" (cla: yes, engine)

55560 Revert "Roll engine 8fff8da38da2..d2ec21221e29 (8 commits)" (cla: yes, engine)

55749 Roll engine 2b94311a7764..4f888d66250e (10 commits) (cla: yes, engine, work in progress; do not review)

55871 Flutter cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

55891 manual engine roll (4bcfae82c7c1 -> 0c35a3417) (cla: yes, engine)

56677 Manual roll of engine 7e205b37e5...3953c3ccd1 (cla: yes, engine)

56684 Manual roll of engine 9b905d3f03...7e205b37e5 (cla: yes, engine)

57052 Flutter 1.17.1 cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

57058 1.18.0-11.1.pre beta cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool, work in progress; do not review)

58050 Flutter 1.17.2 cherrypicks (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, work in progress; do not review)

58607 Revert "[flutter_tools] always initialize the resident runner from dill (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

58646 Flutter 1.17.3 cherrypicks (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

58692 Revert "Roll Engine from 859d892f1fca to 2608f2ee9f54 (9 revisions)" (cla: yes, engine)

58736 Update engine hash for 1.19.0-4.0.pre (cla: yes, engine)

59046 Cleanup devicelab framework duplicate (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

59102 Update engine hash for 1.19.0-4.1.pre (cla: yes, engine)

59334 Revert "Roll Engine from 965fbbed1776 to d417772d7acd (21 revisions)" (cla: yes, engine)

59490 Revert "Roll Engine from 965fbbed1776 to 801559ac4ed3 (50 revisions)" (cla: yes, engine)

59692 Revert "Roll Engine from 965fbbed1776 to 237b5f32eff8 (95 revisions) … (cla: yes, engine)

59717 Manual engine roll to update format of compileExpression RPC response (cla: yes, engine, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59758 Update engine hash for flutter-1.20-candidate.1 (cla: yes, engine)

59774 Revert "Manual engine roll to update format of compileExpression RP… (cla: yes, engine, tool)

59804 Roll the engine from 965fbbe to b5f5e63 (cla: yes, engine, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60002 1.19 CP: [flutter_tools] move mingit path addition back to flutter.bat (#59369) (cla: yes, engine)

60200 [flutter_tools] Clean code analyze command (cla: yes, engine, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60611 1.17.5 CP: Fix daemon device discovery crash when Xcode isn't installed (#60546) (CQ+1, a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

60824 Update engine hash to cherry-pick version a751393 (cla: yes, engine)

60955 Set engine version to head containing cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine)

61010 Revert "Add embedderId to PointerEvent (#60930)" (cla: yes, engine, framework, team)

61013 Re-land gesture detection for hybrid platform views (engine, framework, team)

d: examples - 28 pull request(s)


52507 enable avoid_equals_and_hash_code_on_mutable_classes (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, team: gallery, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54176 Fix newly reported prefer_const_constructors lints. (a: internationalization, cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

54317 PageStorage sample (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54407 Don't import plugins that don't support android in settings.gradle (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54691 Migrate Runner project base configuration (cla: yes, d: examples, t: xcode, team, tool)

54798 ToDo Audit - Cupertino+ Library (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55001 FlutterErrorDetails.context docs fix (a: error message, a: tests, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55829 allow changing the paint offset of a GlowingOverscrollIndicator (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

56958 Updated dwds (and other packages) (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57621 Remove MaterialControls from examples/flutter_view (cla: yes, d: examples, team)

57838 Add sample code of GestureDetector with no children (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: gestures, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58050 Flutter 1.17.2 cherrypicks (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, work in progress; do not review)

58444 Remove outdated disable_input_output_paths from example project Podfiles (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58504 Revert "Remove outdated disable_input_output_paths from example project Podfiles" (cla: yes, d: examples, team)

58522 Build iOS apps using Swift Packages (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58524 Remove outdated disable_input_output_paths from example project Podfiles (cla: yes, d: examples, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58549 Revert "Build iOS apps using Swift Packages" (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

58607 Revert "[flutter_tools] always initialize the resident runner from dill (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

58646 Flutter 1.17.3 cherrypicks (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

59009 Build iOS apps using Swift Packages (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59025 Revert "Build iOS apps using Swift Packages" (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

59187 Support floating the header slivers of a NestedScrollView (a: annoyance, a: quality, cla: yes, customer: crowd, customer: quill (g3), d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59280 test flutter framework with null-safety (cla: yes, d: examples, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59896 gitignore .last_build_id file in the repo (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60222 Doc Updates (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60611 1.17.5 CP: Fix daemon device discovery crash when Xcode isn't installed (#60546) (CQ+1, a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

60726 Doc and Error Message Improvements (a: animation, a: annoyance, a: error message, a: quality, a: text input, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60929 Adding CupertinoApp Sample templates (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

a: accessibility - 25 pull request(s)


53616 Improving A11y for Flutter Gallery Demos (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

54394 replace simple empty Container with w & h with SizedBox (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

54407 Don't import plugins that don't support android in settings.gradle (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54798 ToDo Audit - Cupertino+ Library (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55336 Adding tabSemanticsLabel to CupertinoLocalizations (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break, team, waiting for tree to go green)

56582 Update Tab semantics in Cupertino to be the same as Material (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

56689 Bring back paste button hide behavior (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

56806 Revert "Bring back paste button hide behavior" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

56922 Bring back paste button hide behavior 2 (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

56951 Revert "Bring back paste button hide behavior 2" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

56968 setState() will call scheduleFrame() in post-frame callback now. (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57139 Bring back paste button hide behavior 3 (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57286 Revert " Bring back paste button hide behavior 3" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58050 Flutter 1.17.2 cherrypicks (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, work in progress; do not review)

58535 Make _RenderSlider not be a semantics container (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: focus, f: material design, framework)

58607 Revert "[flutter_tools] always initialize the resident runner from dill (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

58620 Make debugSemantics available to profile mode (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

58646 Flutter 1.17.3 cherrypicks (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

59186 Opt out nnbd in packages/flutter (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

59219 Typo fixing sweep through packages/flutter. (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59617 Reland modernize selection menu appearance (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

60141 Tweaking Material Chip a11y semantics to match buttons (a: accessibility, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), f: material design, framework)

60611 1.17.5 CP: Fix daemon device discovery crash when Xcode isn't installed (#60546) (CQ+1, a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

60925 fix semantics to only send relevant node update (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

61012 prevents sliver app bar from changing semantics tree when it is not n… (a: accessibility, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

platform-ios - 19 pull request(s)


54140 iOS Text Selection Menu Overflow (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, platform-ios)

54154 Convert iOS simulator log reader to simctl, use unified logging filters (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54488 Remove Finder extended attributes from iOS project files (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

54989 Support armv7s architecture (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

55069 Prioritize scrolling away nested overscroll (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, customer: crowd, f: scrolling, framework, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

55808 Add iOS simulator log parse test (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool)

58137 Change iOS device discovery from polling to long-running observation (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58257 Detect USB/network interface from iOS devices (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool)

58392 iOS mid-drag activity indicator (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: scrolling, framework, platform-ios, severe: API break)

58444 Remove outdated disable_input_output_paths from example project Podfiles (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59009 Build iOS apps using Swift Packages (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59044 Move iOS Podfile logic into tool (cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59209 Support .flutter-plugins-dependencies (cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59508 Remove last references to ideviceinstaller (cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59874 Parse build ios framework build mode from params (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60045 Check for Xcode 11 and Xcode 12 directory names in build_ios_framework_module_test (a: tests, cla: yes, platform-ios, team)

60228 Make module run script names unique (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool)

60381 Use ephemeral ports for iOS port forwarding (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

60623 Take screenshots of wirelessly paired iOS devices (platform-ios, tool)

a: quality - 16 pull request(s)


50412 Make CircularProgressIndicator's animation match native (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

53655 Pass showCheckboxColumn parameter to DataTable (a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

54322 Skip Audit - Material Library (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55069 Prioritize scrolling away nested overscroll (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, customer: crowd, f: scrolling, framework, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

55829 allow changing the paint offset of a GlowingOverscrollIndicator (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

56084 Step 1 of 3: Add opt-in fixing Dialog border radius to match Material Spec (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57751 Step 2 of 3: Change opt-in default for useMaterialBorderRadius on Dialogs (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58392 iOS mid-drag activity indicator (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: scrolling, framework, platform-ios, severe: API break)

58715 Fix custom physics application in TabBarView (a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58829 Step 3 of 3: Remove opt-in for useMaterialBorderRadius on Dialogs (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59187 Support floating the header slivers of a NestedScrollView (a: annoyance, a: quality, cla: yes, customer: crowd, customer: quill (g3), d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59966 Added a filterQuality parameter to texture (a: quality, a: video, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60248 Ensure FloatingActionButtonLocations are always within safe interactive areas (a: quality, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60726 Doc and Error Message Improvements (a: animation, a: annoyance, a: error message, a: quality, a: text input, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60934 Skip Audit - Scheduler and Services libraries (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

60936 Skip Audit - Widgets Library (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

a: text input - 15 pull request(s)


53381 Characters Package (a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54140 iOS Text Selection Menu Overflow (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, platform-ios)

54902 Paste shows only when content on clipboard (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55408 Fix InputDecorator intrinsic height reporting (a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: regression, waiting for tree to go green)

55415 Customizable obscuringCharacter (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55636 Prevent use of TextInputType.text when also using TextInputAction.newLine via assert (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55775 TextField enabled fix (a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55911 Text field height fix (a: text input, cla: yes, f: inspector, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56090 Step 1 of 3: Add opt-in for debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations assertion on TextField (a: internationalization, a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57264 Prevent WhitelistingTextInputFormatter to return a empty string if the current value does not satisfy the formatter (a: text input, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57511 Step 2 of 3: Change opt-in default for debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations assertion on TextField (a: internationalization, a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58831 Step 3 of 3: Remove opt-in for debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations assertion on TextField (a: internationalization, a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59221 Revert "Prevent WhitelistingTextInputFormatter to return a empty string if the current value does not satisfy the formatter (#57264)" (a: text input, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59363 Add material state mouse cursor to TextField (a: text input, cla: yes, customer: octopod, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60726 Doc and Error Message Improvements (a: animation, a: annoyance, a: error message, a: quality, a: text input, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

d: api docs - 13 pull request(s)


50673 Update AppBar MediaQuery documentation (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54317 PageStorage sample (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55001 FlutterErrorDetails.context docs fix (a: error message, a: tests, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55829 allow changing the paint offset of a GlowingOverscrollIndicator (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

57195 Fix NavigationRail class docs (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57838 Add sample code of GestureDetector with no children (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: gestures, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58117 Minor correction to documentation for buttonColor (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58213 update build doc string to advocate avoiding doing tasks other than b… (cla: yes, d: api docs, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59187 Support floating the header slivers of a NestedScrollView (a: annoyance, a: quality, cla: yes, customer: crowd, customer: quill (g3), d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60222 Doc Updates (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60482 Fix docs for TabBar indicator (cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60726 Doc and Error Message Improvements (a: animation, a: annoyance, a: error message, a: quality, a: text input, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60929 Adding CupertinoApp Sample templates (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

documentation - 11 pull request(s)


54317 PageStorage sample (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55001 FlutterErrorDetails.context docs fix (a: error message, a: tests, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55829 allow changing the paint offset of a GlowingOverscrollIndicator (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

57838 Add sample code of GestureDetector with no children (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: gestures, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58456 Update StandardCodec documentation with double alignment (cla: yes, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59187 Support floating the header slivers of a NestedScrollView (a: annoyance, a: quality, cla: yes, customer: crowd, customer: quill (g3), d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60222 Doc Updates (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60482 Fix docs for TabBar indicator (cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60726 Doc and Error Message Improvements (a: animation, a: annoyance, a: error message, a: quality, a: text input, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60734 Add comment explain dispatchEvent override (a: tests, cla: yes, documentation, framework)

60929 Adding CupertinoApp Sample templates (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

severe: performance - 11 pull request(s)


54494 Add A/B test mode to local devicelab runner (cla: yes, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55181 Add performance tests for the new gallery (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55417 [flutter_tools] fix performance of tree-shake-icons (cla: yes, severe: performance, tool)

55486 Add DevTools memory test (cla: yes, perf: memory, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

56575 Roll new gallery version in the perf test (cla: yes, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

56638 Perf test with SkSL warm-up (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

58648 Add iOS new gallery perf test (cla: yes, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58820 Timeline summary contains CPU, GPU and Memory usage (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

59803 Add benchmark for Mouse region (web) (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59883 Refactor mouse hit testing system: Direct mouse hit test (a: mouse, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

59932 Add SkSL shader warm-up tests to Flutter gallery (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

severe: API break - 11 pull request(s)


54806 Roll engine deef2663aca4..e6a2534b63ac (20 commits) (cla: yes, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

54997 Roll engine e6a2534b63ac..f4d6ce13dcc4 (32 commits) (cla: yes, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

55336 Adding tabSemanticsLabel to CupertinoLocalizations (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55977 Add clipBehavior to widgets with clipRect (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, team, will affect goldens)

55998 Fixes the navigator pages update crashes when there is still route wa… (cla: yes, f: routes, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

56390 Roll engine 33d236795015..4b7380b55f6d (3 commits) (cla: yes, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

56582 Update Tab semantics in Cupertino to be the same as Material (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

56740 Roll engine 9b905d3f03f2..9d8daf2383ea (19 commits) (cla: yes, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

57065 Remove deprecated child parameter for NestedScrollView's overlap managing slivers (cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

57629 Roll Engine from 2d4e83921d31 to 9ce1e5c5c7e7 (27 revisions) (cla: yes, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

58392 iOS mid-drag activity indicator (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: scrolling, framework, platform-ios, severe: API break)

f: scrolling - 11 pull request(s)


55069 Prioritize scrolling away nested overscroll (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, customer: crowd, f: scrolling, framework, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

55408 Fix InputDecorator intrinsic height reporting (a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: regression, waiting for tree to go green)

55829 allow changing the paint offset of a GlowingOverscrollIndicator (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

57065 Remove deprecated child parameter for NestedScrollView's overlap managing slivers (cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

58392 iOS mid-drag activity indicator (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: scrolling, framework, platform-ios, severe: API break)

58715 Fix custom physics application in TabBarView (a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59015 fix overscroll position if there is sliver before center sliver in cu… (cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59187 Support floating the header slivers of a NestedScrollView (a: annoyance, a: quality, cla: yes, customer: crowd, customer: quill (g3), d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59405 [AppBar] adds toolbarHeight property to customize AppBar height (cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

59888 Fix the layout calculation in sliver list where the scroll offset cor… (cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60222 Doc Updates (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

t: xcode - 10 pull request(s)


54691 Migrate Runner project base configuration (cla: yes, d: examples, t: xcode, team, tool)

55790 Remove dead variable from xcode_backend (cla: yes, t: xcode, tool)

55799 Check Xcode build setting FULL_PRODUCT_NAME for bundle name (cla: yes, t: xcode, team, tool)

55808 Add iOS simulator log parse test (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool)

56620 Remove Runner target check, prefer schemes (cla: yes, t: xcode, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57701 Allow FLUTTER_APPLICATION_PATH to be null for misconfigured Xcode projects (cla: yes, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58137 Change iOS device discovery from polling to long-running observation (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58257 Detect USB/network interface from iOS devices (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool)

59009 Build iOS apps using Swift Packages (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60546 Fix daemon device discovery crash when Xcode isn't installed (cla: yes, severe: crash, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

will affect goldens - 9 pull request(s)


51656 Set AA flag for painting images (a: images, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

54806 Roll engine deef2663aca4..e6a2534b63ac (20 commits) (cla: yes, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

54997 Roll engine e6a2534b63ac..f4d6ce13dcc4 (32 commits) (cla: yes, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

55527 Animation sheet recorder (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

55793 Skip Audit - Painting Library (a: images, a: tests, a: typography, cla: yes, framework, platform-web, team, will affect goldens)

55977 Add clipBehavior to widgets with clipRect (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, team, will affect goldens)

56390 Roll engine 33d236795015..4b7380b55f6d (3 commits) (cla: yes, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

56740 Roll engine 9b905d3f03f2..9d8daf2383ea (19 commits) (cla: yes, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

57629 Roll Engine from 2d4e83921d31 to 9ce1e5c5c7e7 (27 revisions) (cla: yes, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

platform-web - 9 pull request(s)


51581 Fix outline button solid path when BorderSize.width is used (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

53837 Skip Audits (2) (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

53952 [web] Fix race condition in widget benchmarks (cla: yes, platform-web, team)

54322 Skip Audit - Material Library (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54396 [web] Don't collect trace info in the color grid benchmark (cla: yes, platform-web, team)

55793 Skip Audit - Painting Library (a: images, a: tests, a: typography, cla: yes, framework, platform-web, team, will affect goldens)

56794 [web & desktop] Hide all characters in a TextField, when obscureText is true on web & desktop (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, platform-mac, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

57240 [web] Update test skip description. (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, platform-web)

57286 Revert " Bring back paste button hide behavior 3" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

a: null-safety - 8 pull request(s)


54208 [flutter_tools] migrate engine location check (a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool)

54299 [flutter_tools] migrate devfs web to package_config (a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool)

54301 [flutter_tools] Remove packageMap usage and update package_config (a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool)

54467 [flutter_tools] update compilation to use package config (a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool)

54613 [flutter_tools] support enable-experiment in flutter analyze (a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54617 [flutter_tools] initial support for enable experiment, run, apk, ios, macos (a: null-safety, cla: yes, team, tool)

58533 [flutter_tools] add flag for sound-null-safety, unify with experiments (a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool)

60111 Add null safety options to build ios-framework (a: existing-apps, a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool)

a: fidelity - 7 pull request(s)


50412 Make CircularProgressIndicator's animation match native (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55069 Prioritize scrolling away nested overscroll (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, customer: crowd, f: scrolling, framework, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

55829 allow changing the paint offset of a GlowingOverscrollIndicator (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

56084 Step 1 of 3: Add opt-in fixing Dialog border radius to match Material Spec (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57751 Step 2 of 3: Change opt-in default for useMaterialBorderRadius on Dialogs (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58392 iOS mid-drag activity indicator (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: scrolling, framework, platform-ios, severe: API break)

58829 Step 3 of 3: Remove opt-in for useMaterialBorderRadius on Dialogs (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

a: images - 7 pull request(s)


51656 Set AA flag for painting images (a: images, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

53875 Remove network images from cache on any exception during loading (a: images, cla: yes, framework)

53959 Clear ImageCache on MemoryPressure (a: images, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55793 Skip Audit - Painting Library (a: images, a: tests, a: typography, cla: yes, framework, platform-web, team, will affect goldens)

58503 Do not assume imageCache is created when handleMemoryPressure is called (a: images, cla: yes, framework)

59856 Make upscaling images opt-in (a: images, cla: yes, framework)

59877 Allow detection of images using more memory than necessary (a: debugging, a: error message, a: images, cla: yes, framework)

work in progress; do not review - 5 pull request(s)


53879 Collect chrome://tracing data in Web benchmarks (cla: yes, team, work in progress; do not review)

55126 web benchmarks: handle no outliers case (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green, work in progress; do not review)

55749 Roll engine 2b94311a7764..4f888d66250e (10 commits) (cla: yes, engine, work in progress; do not review)

57058 1.18.0-11.1.pre beta cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool, work in progress; do not review)

58050 Flutter 1.17.2 cherrypicks (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, work in progress; do not review)

platform-android - 5 pull request(s)


50111 fix memory leak of android view (a: platform-views, cla: yes, p: framework, perf: memory, platform-android, plugin, waiting for tree to go green)

56342 Add split-debug and obfuscation to build aar (cla: yes, platform-android, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58815 Support work profiles and multiple Android users for run, install, attach, drive (cla: yes, platform-android, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59115 Modernize selection menu appearance (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

59867 Replace ANDROID_HOME user messages with ANDROID_SDK_ROOT (cla: yes, platform-android, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

CQ+1 - 4 pull request(s)


54131 flutter/flutter 1.17.0-dev.3.1 cherrypicks (CQ+1, cla: yes, framework, tool)

55401 Optimize fuchsia test script. (CQ+1, cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

60611 1.17.5 CP: Fix daemon device discovery crash when Xcode isn't installed (#60546) (CQ+1, a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

60717 1.19 CP: Fix daemon device discovery crash when Xcode isn't installed (#60546) (CQ+1, cla: yes)

a: existing-apps - 4 pull request(s)


59217 Deprecate make-host-app-editable (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59874 Parse build ios framework build mode from params (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60111 Add null safety options to build ios-framework (a: existing-apps, a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool)

60228 Make module run script names unique (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool)

severe: new feature - 4 pull request(s)


53868 [gen_l10n] Add scriptCode handling (a: internationalization, cla: yes, severe: new feature, team, tool)

55829 allow changing the paint offset of a GlowingOverscrollIndicator (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

57736 [AppBarTheme] adds centerTitle property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

59405 [AppBar] adds toolbarHeight property to customize AppBar height (cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

perf: memory - 4 pull request(s)


50111 fix memory leak of android view (a: platform-views, cla: yes, p: framework, perf: memory, platform-android, plugin, waiting for tree to go green)

55486 Add DevTools memory test (cla: yes, perf: memory, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58430 [flutter_driver] make timeline request in chunks (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, perf: memory)

61025 benchmark memory usage for grid view of memory intensive widgets (cla: yes, perf: memory, team, waiting for tree to go green)

f: routes - 4 pull request(s)


55998 Fixes the navigator pages update crashes when there is still route wa… (cla: yes, f: routes, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

56732 fix pushAndRemoveUntil incorrectly removes the routes below the first… (cla: yes, f: routes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57036 fix push replacement reports wrong previous route to navigator observer (cla: yes, f: routes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60621 Add a flag to toggle navigator route update reporting (cla: yes, f: routes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

a: desktop - 3 pull request(s)


53888 Add visualDensity and focus support to ListTile (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

56160 Focus the last node when asked to focus previous and nothing is selected. (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: focus, waiting for tree to go green)

58272 Remove callback asserts on FocusableActionDetector (a: desktop, cla: yes, framework)

perf: speed - 3 pull request(s)


55181 Add performance tests for the new gallery (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

56638 Perf test with SkSL warm-up (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

59932 Add SkSL shader warm-up tests to Flutter gallery (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

a: triage improvements - 3 pull request(s)


53882 Remove URL shortening from GitHub reporter similar issues URL (a: triage improvements, cla: yes, tool)

53936 Sanitize error message sent to GitHub crash reporter (a: triage improvements, cla: yes, tool)

56928 Add mirror overrides to doctor output (a: triage improvements, cla: yes, t: flutter doctor, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

a: typography - 3 pull request(s)


54234 Fix right alignment TWB longestLine (a: typography, cla: yes, framework)

54305 Add missing properties to TextStyle.apply (a: typography, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55793 Skip Audit - Painting Library (a: images, a: tests, a: typography, cla: yes, framework, platform-web, team, will affect goldens)

team: infra - 3 pull request(s)


54478 Fix environment leakage in doctor_test (cla: yes, team, team: flakes, team: infra, tool)

54891 Mark ios_app_with_watch_companion as flaky (cla: yes, team, team: infra)

54899 Pass in runtime to ios_app_with_watch_companion simctl create (cla: yes, team, team: infra)

a: error message - 3 pull request(s)


55001 FlutterErrorDetails.context docs fix (a: error message, a: tests, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59877 Allow detection of images using more memory than necessary (a: debugging, a: error message, a: images, cla: yes, framework)

60726 Doc and Error Message Improvements (a: animation, a: annoyance, a: error message, a: quality, a: text input, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

f: focus - 3 pull request(s)


52990 Update Highlight mode initial value calculation. (cla: yes, f: focus, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56160 Focus the last node when asked to focus previous and nothing is selected. (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: focus, waiting for tree to go green)

58535 Make _RenderSlider not be a semantics container (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: focus, f: material design, framework)

customer: money (g3) - 3 pull request(s)


58482 Expose ComputePlatformResolvedLocale (a: internationalization, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60141 Tweaking Material Chip a11y semantics to match buttons (a: accessibility, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), f: material design, framework)

60248 Ensure FloatingActionButtonLocations are always within safe interactive areas (a: quality, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

customer: crowd - 2 pull request(s)


55069 Prioritize scrolling away nested overscroll (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, customer: crowd, f: scrolling, framework, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

59187 Support floating the header slivers of a NestedScrollView (a: annoyance, a: quality, cla: yes, customer: crowd, customer: quill (g3), d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

severe: regression - 2 pull request(s)


55408 Fix InputDecorator intrinsic height reporting (a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: regression, waiting for tree to go green)

57037 Making DropdownButtonFormField to re-render if parent widget changes (cla: yes, f: material design, found in release: 1.17, found in release: 1.18, framework, severe: regression, waiting for tree to go green)

a: platform-views - 2 pull request(s)


50111 fix memory leak of android view (a: platform-views, cla: yes, p: framework, perf: memory, platform-android, plugin, waiting for tree to go green)

55609 Add benchmark for hybrid composition on Android (a: platform-views, cla: yes, t: flutter driver, team)

a: animation - 2 pull request(s)


60726 Doc and Error Message Improvements (a: animation, a: annoyance, a: error message, a: quality, a: text input, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60836 Expose height and width factor in AnimatedAlign (a: animation, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

a: annoyance - 2 pull request(s)


59187 Support floating the header slivers of a NestedScrollView (a: annoyance, a: quality, cla: yes, customer: crowd, customer: quill (g3), d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60726 Doc and Error Message Improvements (a: animation, a: annoyance, a: error message, a: quality, a: text input, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

t: flutter doctor - 2 pull request(s)


56928 Add mirror overrides to doctor output (a: triage improvements, cla: yes, t: flutter doctor, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57963 [flutter_tools] Support latest IntelliJ via Jetbrain toolbox (cla: yes, t: flutter doctor, tool)

found in release: 1.17 - 1 pull request(s)


57037 Making DropdownButtonFormField to re-render if parent widget changes (cla: yes, f: material design, found in release: 1.17, found in release: 1.18, framework, severe: regression, waiting for tree to go green)

f: inspector - 1 pull request(s)


55911 Text field height fix (a: text input, cla: yes, f: inspector, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

f: gestures - 1 pull request(s)


57838 Add sample code of GestureDetector with no children (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: gestures, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

platform-mac - 1 pull request(s)


56794 [web & desktop] Hide all characters in a TextField, when obscureText is true on web & desktop (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, platform-mac, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

customer: quill (g3) - 1 pull request(s)


59187 Support floating the header slivers of a NestedScrollView (a: annoyance, a: quality, cla: yes, customer: crowd, customer: quill (g3), d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

plugin - 1 pull request(s)


50111 fix memory leak of android view (a: platform-views, cla: yes, p: framework, perf: memory, platform-android, plugin, waiting for tree to go green)

customer: peppermint - 1 pull request(s)


52126 Autofill Part 1 (cla: yes, customer: peppermint, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

severe: crash - 1 pull request(s)


60546 Fix daemon device discovery crash when Xcode isn't installed (cla: yes, severe: crash, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

customer: octopod - 1 pull request(s)


59363 Add material state mouse cursor to TextField (a: text input, cla: yes, customer: octopod, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

customer: fun (g3) - 1 pull request(s)


54919 Add MediaQueryData.navigationMode and allow controls to be focused when disabled. (cla: yes, customer: fun (g3), f: material design, framework)

customer: fuchsia - 1 pull request(s)


60152 Remove unused physicalDepth code (a: tests, cla: yes, customer: fuchsia, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

p: framework - 1 pull request(s)


50111 fix memory leak of android view (a: platform-views, cla: yes, p: framework, perf: memory, platform-android, plugin, waiting for tree to go green)

t: flutter driver - 1 pull request(s)


55609 Add benchmark for hybrid composition on Android (a: platform-views, cla: yes, t: flutter driver, team)

customer: dream (g3) - 1 pull request(s)


53880 Use no locale as synonym for nb (a: internationalization, cla: yes, customer: dream (g3), f: cupertino, f: material design, team, waiting for tree to go green)

cla: no - 1 pull request(s)


54111 Manual roll of engine 9b8dcc7ecffe..df257e59c241 (cla: no, engine)

team: flakes - 1 pull request(s)


54478 Fix environment leakage in doctor_test (cla: yes, team, team: flakes, team: infra, tool)


52507 enable avoid_equals_and_hash_code_on_mutable_classes (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, team: gallery, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

a: video - 1 pull request(s)


59966 Added a filterQuality parameter to texture (a: quality, a: video, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

a: mouse - 1 pull request(s)


59883 Refactor mouse hit testing system: Direct mouse hit test (a: mouse, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

waiting for customer response - 1 pull request(s)


54133 [flutter_tools] ensure the tool can find SDK manager on windows (cla: yes, tool, waiting for customer response)

a: debugging - 1 pull request(s)


59877 Allow detection of images using more memory than necessary (a: debugging, a: error message, a: images, cla: yes, framework)

found in release: 1.18 - 1 pull request(s)


57037 Making DropdownButtonFormField to re-render if parent widget changes (cla: yes, f: material design, found in release: 1.17, found in release: 1.18, framework, severe: regression, waiting for tree to go green)

Merged PRs by labels for flutter/engine


platform-android - 62 pull request(s)


17509 Implement repeat filtering logic in Android Embedder (affects: text input, cla: yes, platform-android)

17588 set -e on (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

17948 Set SkSL asset manager in RunConfiguration ctor (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

18042 Wire up channel for restoration data (cla: yes, platform-android)

18193 Add fullscreen padding workarounds to v2 android embedding (bug (regression), cla: yes, platform-android)

18645 Platform resolved locale and Android localization refactor (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

18814 Allow texture sampling quality control (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

18826 Revert "onDisplayPlatformView JNI" (cla: yes, platform-android)

18828 onDisplayPlatformView JNI (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

18831 Reset AndroidExternalViewEmbedder state when starting a new frame (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

18841 Run the rasterizer on the platform thread (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

18849 Add RAII wrapper for EGLSurface (cla: yes, platform-android)

18859 add onDisplayOverlaySurface JNI (cla: yes, platform-android)

18865 Add a deprecation note to FlutterFragmentActivity (cla: yes, platform-android)

18866 onBeginFrame JNI (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

18867 onEndFrame JNI (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

18875 Fix intent builder visibility (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

18903 Put JNI functions under an interface (cla: yes, platform-android)

18916 Add support for horizontalDoubleArrow and verticalDoubleArrow cursors (cla: yes, platform-android)

18938 Move Surface and friends to flow/ (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

18971 Revert "Add RAII wrapper for EGLSurface" (cla: yes, platform-android)

18977 Reland: Add RAII wrapper for EGLSurface (cla: yes, platform-android)

18979 Call Shell::NotifyLowMemoryWarning on Android Trim and LowMemory events (cla: yes, platform-android)

18985 Call destructor and fix check (cla: yes, platform-android)

19023 Revert "Call Shell::NotifyLowMemoryWarning on Android Trim and LowMemory events" (cla: yes, platform-android)

19026 Call Shell::NotifyLowMemory when backgrounded/memory pressure occurs on Android (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19033 Implement external view embedder on Android (cla: yes, platform-android)

19040 add createOverlaySurface JNI (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19075 Revert add createOverlaySurface JNI #19040 (cla: yes, platform-android)

19076 createOverlaySurface JNI method (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19111 Word substitutions (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19136 Revert method channel platform resolved locale (cla: yes, platform-android)

19143 Creates a new RenderMode for FlutterView (cla: yes, platform-android)

19212 Reland "Add GetBoundingRectAfterMutations to EmbeddedViewParams to calculate the final bounding rect for platform view #19170" (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

19221 JNI glue for calling PlatformViewsController.createOverlaySurface (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19223 Fix the return type of CreateContext (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19226 Implement PlatformViewsController.createOverlaySurface (cla: yes, platform-android)

19228 Revert "Implement PlatformViewsController.createOverlaySurface" (cla: yes, platform-android)

19232 Use public accessor and move keep annotation (cla: yes, platform-android)

19242 Android platform view static thread merging (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

19245 Reland "Implement PlatformViewsController.createOverlaySurface" (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19257 EndFrame should be always called by rasterizer (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

19258 Move OnDisplayPlatformView JNI call (cla: yes, platform-android)

19261 Fix string format (cla: yes, platform-android)

19266 Android native locale resolution algorithm (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19279 Initial work toward converting the FlutterView to use a FlutterImageView on demand (cla: yes, platform-android)

19295 Position overlay layer views in PlatformViewsController.onDisplayOverlaySurface (cla: yes, platform-android)

19319 Fix ImageReader "unable to acquire a buffer item" warnings in FlutterImageView (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19325 Fix hybrid composition bugs (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19339 Fix broken mac/fuchsia compiles (affects: tests, cla: yes, platform-android, platform-fuchsia, platform-ios, platform-linux, platform-macos, platform-windows)

19344 Implement onDisplayPlatformView (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19402 Basic support for resizing overlay surfaces in hybrid composition (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19421 Update scenario UI screenshoots (cla: yes, platform-android)

19426 Implement mutator stack on Android hybrid composition platform view (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19427 Synthesize touch events for hybrid views (cla: yes, platform-android)

19435 Revert unintended change (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19482 FlutterView will handle dispatching all touch events to sub-views (cla: yes, platform-android)

19484 Track motion events for reuse post gesture disambiguation (cla: yes, platform-android)

19487 Switch to FlutterSurfaceView if no Android view is in the frame (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19555 Resubmit frame when the surface is switched (cla: yes, platform-android)

19560 Add @Keep annotation to FlutterMutatorsStack (cla: yes, platform-android)

19608 Propoagate Tap events on Android hybrid views (cla: yes, platform-android)

platform-ios - 21 pull request(s)


18379 Remove currentLocale prepend on iOS (cla: yes, platform-ios)

18645 Platform resolved locale and Android localization refactor (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

18752 started polling the gpu usage (cla: yes, platform-ios)

18814 Allow texture sampling quality control (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

18816 Fixes UI freezes when multiple Flutter VC shared one engine (cla: yes, platform-ios)

18841 Run the rasterizer on the platform thread (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

18938 Move Surface and friends to flow/ (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

18950 fix iOS builds (cla: yes, platform-ios)

18966 updated FlutterViewControllerTest tests names (cla: yes, platform-ios)

19062 Instantiate image codec doc fix (cla: yes, platform-ios)

19068 [iOS] handle text plugin negative range (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

19161 [iOS] text input methods to only call updateEditState once (cla: yes, platform-ios)

19204 Revert "Add GetBoundingRectAfterMutations to EmbeddedViewParams to calculate the final bounding rect for platform view" (cla: yes, platform-ios)

19212 Reland "Add GetBoundingRectAfterMutations to EmbeddedViewParams to calculate the final bounding rect for platform view #19170" (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

19242 Android platform view static thread merging (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

19249 Made [SemanticsObject setAccessibilityContainer] a noop. (cla: yes, platform-ios)

19257 EndFrame should be always called by rasterizer (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

19289 Call Dart_NotifyLowMemory more on iOS (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

19339 Fix broken mac/fuchsia compiles (affects: tests, cla: yes, platform-android, platform-fuchsia, platform-ios, platform-linux, platform-macos, platform-windows)

19556 Changed iOS channels to start cleaning up the accessibility handler when the bridge is deleted (cla: yes, platform-ios)

19592 Only attempt surface creation in viewDidLayoutSubviews if the application is active. (cla: yes, platform-ios)

severe: performance - 16 pull request(s)


17175 Enhance image_filter_layer caching to filter a cached child (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

17601 Read SkSLs from asset (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance)

17621 Optimize static content scrolling (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance)

17753 [fuchsia] Enable raster cache on Fuchsia (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance)

17914 Fix child caching in opacity_layer (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance)

18006 [fuchsia] set vsync_offset based on config file (cla: yes, severe: performance)

18087 [profiling] CPU Profiling support for iOS (cla: yes, severe: performance)

18132 Revert again "Remove layer integral offset snapping" (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

18164 Fix iOS platform view not deallocated (cla: yes, perf: memory, severe: performance)

18225 Setup default font manager after engine created, to improve startup performance (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

18255 Restore integer snapping on OpacityLayer (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance)

18439 Roll buildroot to flutter/buildroot@a4f3c4d5023e080ee50596e6623d179e9c5f839b (cla: yes, perf: app size, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

18516 [profiling] Memory Profiling support for iOS (cla: yes, perf: memory, severe: performance)

18829 Correct BM_ShellInitializationAndShutdown (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

18838 Avoid creating a vector when constructing Dart typed data objects for platform messages (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

18945 Add ui_benchmarks (affects: tests, cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

perf: speed - 13 pull request(s)


17175 Enhance image_filter_layer caching to filter a cached child (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

17601 Read SkSLs from asset (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance)

17621 Optimize static content scrolling (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance)

17753 [fuchsia] Enable raster cache on Fuchsia (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance)

17866 [web] Speedup color to css string 25% (cla: yes, perf: speed)

17914 Fix child caching in opacity_layer (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance)

18132 Revert again "Remove layer integral offset snapping" (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

18225 Setup default font manager after engine created, to improve startup performance (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

18255 Restore integer snapping on OpacityLayer (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance)

18439 Roll buildroot to flutter/buildroot@a4f3c4d5023e080ee50596e6623d179e9c5f839b (cla: yes, perf: app size, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

18829 Correct BM_ShellInitializationAndShutdown (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

18838 Avoid creating a vector when constructing Dart typed data objects for platform messages (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

18945 Add ui_benchmarks (affects: tests, cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

platform-web - 13 pull request(s)


17495 [web] Detect when the mouseup occurs outside of window (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

17580 [web] Fix window.defaultRouteName (cla: yes, platform-web)

17595 [web] Fix regression of pointer events on mobile browsers (cla: yes, platform-web)

17615 [web] Combine duplicate platform message spy implementations (affects: tests, cla: yes, platform-web)

17742 [web] Synthesize keyup event when the browser doesn't trigger a keyup (cla: yes, platform-web)

17933 [web] Fix exception when getting boxes for rich text range (platform-web)

17936 [web] Don't allow empty initial route (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

18032 [web] Use correct shell operator to compare file limits (cla: yes, platform-web)

18034 [web] First batch of unit tests for line breaker (cla: yes, platform-web)

18040 [web] Add support for syncing unicode line break properties (cla: yes, platform-web)

18795 [web] Line break algorithm using unicode properties (cla: yes, platform-web)

18969 [web] Provide a hook to disable location strategy (cla: yes, platform-web)

19586 [web][1/3] Start first batch of auto-generated (already passing) tests for line break (cla: yes, platform-web)

platform-fuchsia - 6 pull request(s)


18625 Add tests & --unopt to build_fuchsia_artifacts (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)

19003 Move fuchsia/scenic integration behind #define (affects: engine, cla: yes, code health, platform-fuchsia)

19132 Add PlatformView support for Fuchsia (affects: engine, cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)

19339 Fix broken mac/fuchsia compiles (affects: tests, cla: yes, platform-android, platform-fuchsia, platform-ios, platform-linux, platform-macos, platform-windows)

19399 fuchsia: Fix profile build (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)

19500 fuchsia: Remove dead flutter_frontend_server code (cla: yes, code health, platform-fuchsia)

perf: memory - 5 pull request(s)


18164 Fix iOS platform view not deallocated (cla: yes, perf: memory, severe: performance)

18516 [profiling] Memory Profiling support for iOS (cla: yes, perf: memory, severe: performance)

18827 Record path memory usage in SkPictures (cla: yes, perf: memory)

19067 Make upscaling opt in for image decoding (cla: yes, perf: memory)

19283 Make Shell::NotifyLowMemoryWarning trace (cla: yes, perf: memory, waiting for tree to go green)

affects: engine - 3 pull request(s)


18492 fuchsia: Fix runtime_tests and shell_tests (affects: engine, bug, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19003 Move fuchsia/scenic integration behind #define (affects: engine, cla: yes, code health, platform-fuchsia)

19132 Add PlatformView support for Fuchsia (affects: engine, cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)

affects: tests - 3 pull request(s)


17615 [web] Combine duplicate platform message spy implementations (affects: tests, cla: yes, platform-web)

18945 Add ui_benchmarks (affects: tests, cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

19339 Fix broken mac/fuchsia compiles (affects: tests, cla: yes, platform-android, platform-fuchsia, platform-ios, platform-linux, platform-macos, platform-windows)

code health - 3 pull request(s)


19003 Move fuchsia/scenic integration behind #define (affects: engine, cla: yes, code health, platform-fuchsia)

19219 Use FixtureTest to remove duplicate code (cla: yes, code health)

19500 fuchsia: Remove dead flutter_frontend_server code (cla: yes, code health, platform-fuchsia)

affects: text input - 2 pull request(s)


17420 Make DPAD movement consider grapheme clusters (affects: text input, cla: yes)

17509 Implement repeat filtering logic in Android Embedder (affects: text input, cla: yes, platform-android)

platform-windows - 2 pull request(s)


18878 Refactor Win32FlutterWindow in preparation for UWP windowing implementation (cla: yes, platform-windows)

19339 Fix broken mac/fuchsia compiles (affects: tests, cla: yes, platform-android, platform-fuchsia, platform-ios, platform-linux, platform-macos, platform-windows)

bug - 1 pull request(s)


18492 fuchsia: Fix runtime_tests and shell_tests (affects: engine, bug, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

bug (regression) - 1 pull request(s)


18193 Add fullscreen padding workarounds to v2 android embedding (bug (regression), cla: yes, platform-android)

crash - 1 pull request(s)


19280 skip ios safari tests on felt level (cla: yes, crash)

perf: app size - 1 pull request(s)


18439 Roll buildroot to flutter/buildroot@a4f3c4d5023e080ee50596e6623d179e9c5f839b (cla: yes, perf: app size, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

platform-linux - 1 pull request(s)


19339 Fix broken mac/fuchsia compiles (affects: tests, cla: yes, platform-android, platform-fuchsia, platform-ios, platform-linux, platform-macos, platform-windows)

platform-macos - 1 pull request(s)


19339 Fix broken mac/fuchsia compiles (affects: tests, cla: yes, platform-android, platform-fuchsia, platform-ios, platform-linux, platform-macos, platform-windows)

Merged PRs by labels for flutter/plugins


submit queue - 3 pull request(s)


831 [google_maps_flutter] add zoom controls property (cla: yes, feature, submit queue)

2634 [google_sign_in] Add serverAuthCode attribute to google_sign_in_platform_interface (cla: yes, submit queue, waiting for test harness)

2743 reference apple sign in plugin from google sign in plugin (cla: yes, submit queue)

waiting for test harness - 3 pull request(s)


2634 [google_sign_in] Add serverAuthCode attribute to google_sign_in_platform_interface (cla: yes, submit queue, waiting for test harness)

2649 [google_sign_in_web] Ensure not-signed-in users are returned as null. (cla: yes, waiting for test harness)

2817 [image_picker_for_web] Remove android directory. (cla: yes, waiting for test harness)

in review - 2 pull request(s)


2116 [google_sign_in] Add ability to return serverAuthCode (cla: yes, in review)

2755 [image_picker] fixes for iOS which doesn't present camera/albums with more complex navigation (cla: yes, in review)

bugfix - 1 pull request(s)


2757 [url_launcher] Initialize previousAutomaticSystemUiAdjustment in launch (bugfix, cla: yes)

documentation - 1 pull request(s)


2766 [url_launcher] update README with enableJavaScript info (cla: yes, documentation, webview)

feature - 1 pull request(s)


831 [google_maps_flutter] add zoom controls property (cla: yes, feature, submit queue)

webview - 1 pull request(s)


2766 [url_launcher] update README with enableJavaScript info (cla: yes, documentation, webview)

All merged pull requests


Merged PRs in flutter/flutter


There were 1243 pull requests.

42940 Revise Action API (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

50111 fix memory leak of android view (a: platform-views, cla: yes, p: framework, perf: memory, platform-android, plugin, waiting for tree to go green)

50232 Docs 'a a' fix #1 (cla: yes, framework)

50236 Docs 'that that' fix #2 (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

50237 Docs 'that that' fix #3 (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

50412 Make CircularProgressIndicator's animation match native (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

50581 Implements --machine flag for devices command (cla: yes, tool)

50673 Update AppBar MediaQuery documentation (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

50915 Implement barrierDismissible for showCupertinoDialog (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

51126 [flutter_tools] fix build for projects with watchOS companion app (cla: yes, tool)

51465 Support New and Custom FAB Locations (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

51581 Fix outline button solid path when BorderSize.width is used (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

51656 Set AA flag for painting images (a: images, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

52126 Autofill Part 1 (cla: yes, customer: peppermint, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

52507 enable avoid_equals_and_hash_code_on_mutable_classes (a: tests, cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, team: gallery, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

52791 Read custom app project name from (cla: yes, team, tool)

52990 Update Highlight mode initial value calculation. (cla: yes, f: focus, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

52995 Fix typo of showCupertinoModalPopup documentation comment (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

53096 Devicelab tests (Chrome run, Web compile) for New Flutter Gallery (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

53358 Disable flutter_driver_screenshot_test_ios. (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

53374 [gen_l10n] Fallback feature for untranslated messages (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53381 Characters Package (a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53422 Rename GPU thread to raster thread in API docs (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53600 Restructure the Windows app template (cla: yes, team, tool)

53616 Improving A11y for Flutter Gallery Demos (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

53655 Pass showCheckboxColumn parameter to DataTable (a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

53715 Support old and new git release tag formats (cla: yes, tool)

53765 [flutter_tools] re-enable debug extension (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53773 [flutter_tools] surgically remove outputs from shared directory (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53785 [flutter_tools] Don't generate native registrant classes if no pluginClass is defined (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53809 [flutter_tools] update to package vm_service: electric boogaloo (cla: yes, team, tool)

53824 [gen_l10n] Add option for deferred loading on the web (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53837 Skip Audits (2) (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

53843 Fix FlutterError.onError in debug mode (cla: yes, framework)

53848 [flutter_tools] don't compute hashes of well known artifacts (cla: yes, tool)

53853 [flutter_tools] remove indirection around App.framework production (cla: yes, tool)

53859 [flutter_tools] write SkSL file to local file (cla: yes, tool)

53868 [gen_l10n] Add scriptCode handling (a: internationalization, cla: yes, severe: new feature, team, tool)

53875 Remove network images from cache on any exception during loading (a: images, cla: yes, framework)

53876 Update Windows and Linux plugin templates (cla: yes, tool)

53878 Fix diagnostics crash in profile mode (cla: yes, framework)

53879 Collect chrome://tracing data in Web benchmarks (cla: yes, team, work in progress; do not review)

53880 Use no locale as synonym for nb (a: internationalization, cla: yes, customer: dream (g3), f: cupertino, f: material design, team, waiting for tree to go green)

53882 Remove URL shortening from GitHub reporter similar issues URL (a: triage improvements, cla: yes, tool)

53888 Add visualDensity and focus support to ListTile (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

53890 Roll engine f56e678e7fa9..abc72933e70c (5 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

53895 Roll engine abc72933e70c..f5127cc07a76 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

53902 [flutter_tools] Launch DevTools with 'v' (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53916 Slider rebase work (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

53928 [macos] build: add build-number and buid-name arguments (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53936 Sanitize error message sent to GitHub crash reporter (a: triage improvements, cla: yes, tool)

53940 Roll engine f5127cc07a76..83e493ae6262 (5 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

53944 [flutter_tools] update asset manifest to use package_config instead of package_map (cla: yes, tool)

53945 [Material] Add focus, highlight, and keyboard shortcuts to Slider (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

53949 [flutter_tools] also listen to web stderr stream (cla: yes, tool)

53951 Revert "[flutter_tools] update to package vm_service: electric boogaloo" (cla: yes, team, tool)

53952 [web] Fix race condition in widget benchmarks (cla: yes, platform-web, team)

53954 [gen_l10n] Fix plural parsing for translated messages (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53956 Revert "[flutter_tools] surgically remove outputs from shared directory" (cla: yes, tool)

53957 [flutter_tools] Migrate to vm service 3 (reland): electric boogaloo (cla: yes, team, tool)

53959 Clear ImageCache on MemoryPressure (a: images, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

53960 [flutter_tools] Refresh VM state before executing hot reload (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

53962 [flutter_tools] surgically remove outputs from shared directory (cla: yes, tool)

53963 revive the android_views test (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

53966 Roll engine 83e493ae6262..09bc1fc45e50 (6 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

53967 Temporarily mark web benchmarks as flaky (cla: yes, team)

53969 Use "measured_frame" instead of "CrRendererMain" to detect process ID (cla: yes, team)

53970 Roll engine 09bc1fc45e50..4cfbe45033ef (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

53974 Remove strict repeat check from framework formatter (moved to engine) (cla: yes, framework)

53980 Test creation of Android AlertDialogs with a platform view context (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54015 Update roll_dev to work with new version numbers (cla: yes, team)

54018 Disable deploy_gallery-macos shard while we investigate cert issues (cla: yes)

54019 Roll engine 4cfbe45033ef..cb6fc305346f (8 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54023 disable MotionEvents test (cla: yes, team)

54032 Roll engine cb6fc305346f..2cc6a6d66d50 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54045 Roll engine 2cc6a6d66d50..bd725935ecfa (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54056 Roll engine bd725935ecfa..f1f7d5db59f0 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54057 Roll engine f1f7d5db59f0..6e4817f09c47 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54064 Roll engine 6e4817f09c47..9b8dcc7ecffe (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54083 Add a switch to use WebSockets for web debug proxy (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54110 Added 'barrierColor' and 'useSafeArea' parameters to the showDialog function. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54111 Manual roll of engine 9b8dcc7ecffe..df257e59c241 (cla: no, engine)

54114 Revert "[flutter_tools] Migrate to vm service 3 (reland): electric boogaloo" (cla: yes, team, tool)

54119 Reland "iOS UITextInput autocorrection prompt (#45354)" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54122 disable the "gpu" tracing category (cla: yes, team)

54123 [flutter_tools] Use gzip level 1 for devfs transfer compression (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54125 remove flutter_test quiver dep, use fake_async and clock instead (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

54128 fixes isAlwaysShown material scrollbar.dart (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54131 flutter/flutter 1.17.0-dev.3.1 cherrypicks (CQ+1, cla: yes, framework, tool)

54132 [flutter_tools] Migrate to package:vm_service 4: trigonometric boogaloo (cla: yes, team, tool)

54133 [flutter_tools] ensure the tool can find SDK manager on windows (cla: yes, tool, waiting for customer response)

54140 iOS Text Selection Menu Overflow (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, platform-ios)

54144 drop image package dependency for goldens (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54148 Roll engine df257e59c241..ab434c5540f5 (5 commits) (cla: yes)

54150 Don't checkout master in roll_dev (cla: yes, team)

54152 [flutter_tools] Remove fromPlatform from tests (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54153 Roll engine ab434c5540f5..2fab00eb8352 (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54154 Convert iOS simulator log reader to simctl, use unified logging filters (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54155 [cleanup] Remove unused script (cla: yes, team)

54156 Roll engine 2fab00eb8352..49891e065313 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54159 Re-enable deploy_gallery after renewing the distribution certs (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54163 Enable the android_views AlertDialog test (cla: yes, team)

54171 System mouse cursors (a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

54176 Fix newly reported prefer_const_constructors lints. (a: internationalization, cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

54181 Roll pinned xml and petitparser versions (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54185 [gen_l10n] Handle single, double quotes, and dollar signs in strings (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54206 Updating codeowners for goldens (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54207 Roll engine 49891e065313..47f17a9ec33d (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54208 [flutter_tools] migrate engine location check (a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool)

54209 Revert "Re-enable deploy_gallery after renewing the distribution certs" (cla: yes)

54212 Reverse dependency between services and scheduler (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54214 re-enable android_view_test (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54215 Update .cirrus.yml (cla: yes)

54217 Fix frameworkVersionFor for flutter doctor and usage (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54218 [flutter_driver] Add SceneDisplayLag stats to timeline summary (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54219 Remove escape dollar parameter in localizations_utils (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54220 [benchmarks] Handle multiple begin/end trace events (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

54225 Roll engine 47f17a9ec33d..47c607a0f191 (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54227 [windows] Adds support for keyboard mapping. (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54228 [flutter_tools] allow passing non-config inputs (cla: yes, tool)

54229 Allow ListTiles to be autofocused (cla: yes)

54232 Roll engine 47c607a0f191..394ac6b4845d (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54233 [flutter_tools] ensure build fails if asset files are missing (cla: yes, tool)

54234 Fix right alignment TWB longestLine (a: typography, cla: yes, framework)

54236 Disable tracing for non-frame based Web benchmarks (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54239 Roll engine 394ac6b4845d..5b4b1f33c6d6 (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54243 Add API to services package that overrides HTTP ban (cla: yes, framework)

54247 [versions] update versions (cla: yes, team)

54248 Re-enable deploy_gallery (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54258 [DecorationImage] adds scale property (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54286 Revert bindings dependency workaround (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54291 Minimal implementation of FlutterError.toString for release mode (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54294 [flutter_tools] remove extra same repo check (cla: yes, tool)

54299 [flutter_tools] migrate devfs web to package_config (a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool)

54301 [flutter_tools] Remove packageMap usage and update package_config (a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool)

54305 Add missing properties to TextStyle.apply (a: typography, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54306 Fix initial value for highlight mode on desktop platforms. (cla: yes, framework)

54307 Revert "re-enable android_view_test" (cla: yes)

54312 fix and re-land "re-enable android_view_test (#54214)" (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54313 [flutter_tools] fix routing test (cla: yes, tool)

54314 [gen_l10n] Expand integration tests (a: internationalization, cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54317 PageStorage sample (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54320 [flutter_tools] make verbose macOS builds actually verbose (cla: yes, tool)

54322 Skip Audit - Material Library (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54328 [flutter_tools] use new output location for the apk (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54334 [versions] update all flutter versions (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54337 [flutter_tools] Move service methods to VmService extension methods (cla: yes, tool)

54373 Roll engine 5b4b1f33c6d6..916f014d1cfb (24 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54374 [flutter_tools] switch benchmark to isolate runnable (cla: yes, tool)

54383 Revert "Roll engine 5b4b1f33c6d6..916f014d1cfb (24 commits)" (cla: yes, engine)

54387 Revert "fix and re-land "re-enable android_view_test (#54214)"" (cla: yes, team)

54389 [flutter_tools] disable cache in devices test (cla: yes, tool)

54394 replace simple empty Container with w & h with SizedBox (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

54396 [web] Don't collect trace info in the color grid benchmark (cla: yes, platform-web, team)

54401 Cleanup in gen_l10n files (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team)

54403 Reland re-enable android_view_test #54214 (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54407 Don't import plugins that don't support android in settings.gradle (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54409 Roll engine 5b4b1f33c6d6..9101b63f9872 (30 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54414 [flutter_tools] attempt to fix benchmark mode test (cla: yes, tool)

54428 Add .last_build_id to gitignore (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54442 Add null check in TextStyle.apply for TextBaseline (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54467 [flutter_tools] update compilation to use package config (a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool)

54471 fix visual density prefer_const_constructors lint (cla: yes, team)

54474 Roll engine 9101b63f9872..49f7cd04ac57 (14 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54478 Fix environment leakage in doctor_test (cla: yes, team, team: flakes, team: infra, tool)

54479 Enable gesture recognizer in selectable rich text (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54480 Revert "[flutter_driver] Add SceneDisplayLag stats to timeline summar… (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

54481 Make TextFormFieldState.didChange change text fields value (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

54488 Remove Finder extended attributes from iOS project files (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

54490 [flutter_driver] Reland add SceneDisplayLag stats to timeline summary (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54492 Roll engine 49f7cd04ac57..adb4f9e9751b (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54493 Use scheduleTask for adding licenses (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54494 Add A/B test mode to local devicelab runner (cla: yes, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54496 Roll engine adb4f9e9751b..68fd83348896 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54497 [devicelab] Do not wait for connections after process has exited (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54505 mark web benchmarks as not flaky (cla: yes, team)

54508 Roll engine 68fd83348896..bed48056a651 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54513 Roll engine bed48056a651..d6c1398a3f06 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54519 Revert "Add API to services package that overrides HTTP ban" (cla: yes, framework)

54522 Reland "Add API to services package that overrides HTTP ban (#54243)" (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54555 [flutter_tools] refactor FlutterManifest to be context-free (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54562 Roll engine d6c1398a3f06..f0e489600aca (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54568 Roll engine f0e489600aca..e66389398e36 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54570 Roll engine e66389398e36..beb8a7ec48f6 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54603 Roll engine beb8a7ec48f6..aef9986cf14a (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54613 [flutter_tools] support enable-experiment in flutter analyze (a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54617 [flutter_tools] initial support for enable experiment, run, apk, ios, macos (a: null-safety, cla: yes, team, tool)

54618 Revert "[devicelab] Do not wait for connections after process has exited" (cla: yes, team)

54622 Roll engine aef9986cf14a..cc7d2857a94e (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54624 Roll engine cc7d2857a94e..926f6fcbbc10 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54638 Roll engine 926f6fcbbc10..521c1d443125 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54640 Allow WIllPopCallback to return null or false to veto the pop. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54645 remove outdated build_runner instructions (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54649 Roll engine 521c1d443125..405fe37dcd10 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54670 Updated Nested SingleChildScrollView test for clarity (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54674 Add searchFieldStyle (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54676 print intermediate and raw A/B results when not silent (cla: yes, team)

54678 Make Web shard count configurable via WEB_SHARD_COUNT (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54679 [flutter_tools] Handle empty gzip file on Windows (cla: yes, tool)

54682 [flutter_tools] update coverage collector to use vmservice api (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54685 Roll engine 405fe37dcd10..deef2663aca4 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

54691 Migrate Runner project base configuration (cla: yes, d: examples, t: xcode, team, tool)

54692 [flutter_tools] support machine and coverage together but for real (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54697 fix APK location for devicelab (cla: yes, team)

54698 Allow headers to be passed to the WebSocket connection for VMServiceFlutterDriver (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54700 [flutter_tools] remove runFromSource, move runInView to vm_service extension (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54703 fix run release test APK location (cla: yes, team)

54706 Wire in focusNode, focusColor, autofocus, and dropdownColor to DropdownButtonFormField (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54714 [Material] Added BottomNavigationBarTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54715 [flutter_tools] support any as a special web-hostname (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54717 [flutter_tools] don't elapse real time during fallback test (cla: yes, tool)

54741 [flutter_driver] Fix browser check (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54756 Fix/set mocks defaults (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54779 Revert "Reland "Add API to services package that overrides HTTP ban (#54243)"" (cla: yes, framework)

54783 [flutter_tools] Fix roll dev script, add tests (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54786 [flutter_tools] fix response format of flutterVersion, flutterMemoryInfo (cla: yes, tool)

54787 force upgraded package dependencies (cla: yes, team)

54798 ToDo Audit - Cupertino+ Library (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54805 [flutter_tools] dont suppress analytics from re-entrant macos build (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54806 Roll engine deef2663aca4..e6a2534b63ac (20 commits) (cla: yes, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

54881 Add COM initializition to Windows template (cla: yes, tool)

54883 Remove outliers in Web benchmarks to reduce noise; add visualization (cla: yes, team)

54884 [flutter_tools] Provide global options with subcommand help text (cla: yes, tool)

54887 Specify the devicelab task simulator runtime to support <Xcode 11.4 (cla: yes, team)

54891 Mark ios_app_with_watch_companion as flaky (cla: yes, team, team: infra)

54893 Fix the stage of ios_app_with_watch_companion (cla: yes, team)

54894 Update dartdoc to 0.30.4. (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54899 Pass in runtime to ios_app_with_watch_companion simctl create (cla: yes, team, team: infra)

54902 Paste shows only when content on clipboard (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54903 benchmark animation performance of Opacity widget (cla: yes, team)

54908 add benchmark for picture recording (cla: yes, team)

54909 [flutter_tools] fix multiple defines in flutter tooling, web (cla: yes, team, tool)

54912 Move doctor into globals (cla: yes, team, tool)

54916 Convert expression evaluation exceptions to errors (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54918 [flutter_tools] ensure EventPrinter handles a null parent (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54919 Add MediaQueryData.navigationMode and allow controls to be focused when disabled. (cla: yes, customer: fun (g3), f: material design, framework)

54920 [flutter_tools] remove Isolate implementations of vm_service methods (cla: yes, tool)

54923 [flutter_tools] default tree-shake-icons to enabled and improve performance (cla: yes, tool)

54924 CrashReportSender dependency injection (cla: yes, team, tool)

54952 Roll pinned package versions (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

54959 fixed flutter run for projects containing a watchOS companion (cla: yes, tool)

54967 Revert "[flutter_tools] fix multiple defines in flutter tooling, web" (cla: yes, team, tool)

54973 [flutter_tools] Reland: fix multiple dart defines (cla: yes, team, tool)

54978 Expose current day as a parameter to showDatePicker. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54981 disable hit testing if the CompositedTransformFollower is hidden when… (cla: yes, framework)

54985 Step 2: SnackBarBehavior.floating offset fix by default (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

54987 git pull --ff-only (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

54989 Support armv7s architecture (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

54991 Mark ios_app_with_watch_companion as not flaky (a: tests, cla: yes, team)

54994 flutter_gallery__memory_nav and flutter_gallery__back_button_memory are flaky (cla: yes, team)

54997 Roll engine e6a2534b63ac..f4d6ce13dcc4 (32 commits) (cla: yes, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

55001 FlutterErrorDetails.context docs fix (a: error message, a: tests, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55002 Move GitHubTemplateCreator into reporting library (cla: yes, team, tool)

55003 Add flag to enable expression evaluation for web (cla: yes, tool)

55012 Even more vm service refactor (cla: yes, tool)

55044 Created method to report ImageChunkEvents (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55047 Roll engine f4d6ce13dcc4..b5aedb30fa46 (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55054 Roll engine b5aedb30fa46..dbf16099f186 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55057 validate engine hash (cla: yes, team)

55062 Roll engine dbf16099f186..8abd9e2cac14 (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55064 Step 3: Removes temporary flag for SnackBarBehavior.floating offset fix (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

55068 Test touch for Android windows added by platform views (cla: yes, team)

55069 Prioritize scrolling away nested overscroll (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, customer: crowd, f: scrolling, framework, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

55073 Roll engine 8abd9e2cac14..f9e53c72c656 (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55075 Roll engine f9e53c72c656..bbe806b002f9 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55078 Roll engine bbe806b002f9..204adaf2686a (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55083 Roll engine 204adaf2686a..a5e0b2f2f237 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55085 [flutter_tools] check if requireloader is defined (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55122 Roll engine a5e0b2f2f237..2b75c6d111f7 (8 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55125 prettify the flutter web bootstrap file (cla: yes, tool)

55126 web benchmarks: handle no outliers case (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green, work in progress; do not review)

55130 Enable android_views window touch test (cla: yes, team)

55141 Support tags in testWidgets (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55152 Support tags when running tests from command line (cla: yes, team, tool)

55160 [flutter_tools] refactor Chrome launch logic to remove globals/statics (cla: yes, tool)

55167 Roll engine 2b75c6d111f7..7ae7ff441935 (8 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55181 Add performance tests for the new gallery (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55187 [flutter_tools] migrate windows to assemble (cla: yes, tool)

55201 Migrating old Gallery to new Slider (cla: yes, f: material design, team)

55207 Roll engine 7ae7ff441935..189ec1e7c430 (6 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55212 [flutter_tools] fix type error in symbolize (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55217 Roll engine 189ec1e7c430..a35f24e2d0e3 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55220 Revert "validate engine hash" (cla: yes, team)

55221 [ExpansionTile] adds padding property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

55223 Test engine version hash, but skip for Dart HHH bot (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55225 Remove the unused getFlutter function (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55228 Roll engine a35f24e2d0e3..ae311ca4da5a (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55230 Make Action.enabled be isEnabled(Intent intent) instead. (cla: yes, framework, team)

55243 Roll engine ae311ca4da5a..fa8b9a53807e (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55244 [flutter_tools] remove PackageMap and finish PackageConfig migration (cla: yes, tool)

55246 Handle surrogate pairs in RenderEditable (cla: yes, framework)

55248 Roll engine fa8b9a53807e..b6bb7e796afa (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55250 flutter_tools: Prefer using .of() over .from() when possible (cla: yes, tool)

55253 Flutter cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

55256 Roll engine b6bb7e796afa..2bde4f0ae430 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55257 Add DragTarget callback onAcceptDetails, plus helper class DragTarget… (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55260 Fine tune the Y offset of OutlineInputBorder's floating label (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55263 Roll engine 2bde4f0ae430..1dba1ef1f81b (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55303 Fixed a typo in the docs. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55310 Roll engine 1dba1ef1f81b..e5cd1630670e (11 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55314 Roll engine e5cd1630670e..cf78b89c3fbb (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55315 Add error message about missing unzip utility (cla: yes, tool)

55328 Roll engine cf78b89c3fbb..23897e064f9e (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55331 extract engine sub-metrics; change reported metrics (cla: yes, team)

55333 Use kIsWeb instead of private _kIsBrowser in text_input.dart (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55335 Update dartdoc version to 0.31.0 (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55336 Adding tabSemanticsLabel to CupertinoLocalizations (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55341 [flutter_tools] migrate FlutterView to new vm_service (cla: yes, tool)

55342 [flutter_tools] check first for stable tag, then dev tag (cla: yes, tool)

55346 Roll engine 23897e064f9e..202f2006df38 (5 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55348 [flutter_tools] unpin package config and update (cla: yes, team, tool)

55350 Roll engine 202f2006df38..b1c51cfe7870 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55351 Roll engine b1c51cfe7870..6bc619fd66c5 (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55353 remove intellij references to the v1 embedding jars now that the v2 embeddings are referenced via maven (cla: yes, tool)

55354 Roll engine 6bc619fd66c5..18df41928a77 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55356 Roll engine 18df41928a77..8d7071ea463a (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55363 Roll engine 8d7071ea463a..4616931ead74 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55368 Roll engine 4616931ead74..ef05a18c0b01 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55385 [flutter_tools] fix version tag v stripping (cla: yes, tool)

55390 Roll engine ef05a18c0b01..f13ec7431c3e (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55393 Roll engine f13ec7431c3e..cb549c41d314 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55401 Optimize fuchsia test script. (CQ+1, cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55405 Roll engine cb549c41d314..ace381d76c60 (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55408 Fix InputDecorator intrinsic height reporting (a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: regression, waiting for tree to go green)

55412 [flutter_tools] remove globals from pub (cla: yes, tool)

55413 Revert "[flutter_tools] default tree-shake-icons to enabled and improve performance" (cla: yes, team, tool)

55414 LayoutBuilder: skip calling builder when constraints are the same (cla: yes, framework, team)

55415 Customizable obscuringCharacter (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55416 Fix link to material spec (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55417 [flutter_tools] fix performance of tree-shake-icons (cla: yes, severe: performance, tool)

55418 Roll engine ace381d76c60..d3f1c08f52b8 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55420 [flutter_tools] fix package config invalidation (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55433 Roll packages, drop custom timeline parsing for tracing tests (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55436 [flutter_tools] quality pass on windows build (cla: yes, tool)

55461 Roll engine d3f1c08f52b8..feb94f6c9774 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55469 Fix compute intrinsic size for wrap (cla: yes, framework)

55470 Roll engine feb94f6c9774..fe14e03236ca (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55480 Roll engine fe14e03236ca..8fff8da38da2 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55482 Enable configuring minHeight for LinearProgressIndicator and update default to match spec (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55484 Revert "Fix FlutterError.onError in debug mode (#53843)" (a: tests, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

55485 Use correct path for flutter in flutter_gallery_v2_chrome_run_test.dart (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55486 Add DevTools memory test (cla: yes, perf: memory, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55492 Roll engine 8fff8da38da2..a544b45f26cc (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55494 Add onSecondaryTap to gesture recognizer and gesture detector. (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55499 fixed flutter pub get failure in tests (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55500 Relands Fix FlutterError.onError in debug mode (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55510 [flutter_tools] precache and unpack updates for desktop release artifacts (cla: yes, tool)

55513 [flutter_tools] Delete system temp entries on fatal signals (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55521 Revert "Roll engine 8fff8da38da2..a544b45f26cc (3 commits)" (cla: yes, engine)

55522 Roll engine 8fff8da38da2..d2ec21221e29 (8 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55527 Animation sheet recorder (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

55531 [flutter_tools] set test directory base as additional root, allow running without index.html (cla: yes, tool)

55556 [flutter_tools] quality pass on Linux build (cla: yes, tool)

55560 Revert "Roll engine 8fff8da38da2..d2ec21221e29 (8 commits)" (cla: yes, engine)

55562 Roll engine d2ec21221e29..2b94311a7764 (5 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55564 [flutter_tools] support --enable-experiment in flutter test (cla: yes, team, tool)

55577 Revert "[flutter_tools] fix version tag v stripping" (cla: yes, tool)

55594 [flutter_tools] enable flutter upgrade to support force pushed branches (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55599 Default to use V2 Slider (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

55600 Fix focus traversal regions to account for transforms. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55602 [flutter_tools] fix version tag v stripping and support old "dev" and new "pre" tags (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55605 [flutter_tools] detect ipv6 in fuchsia server url (cla: yes, tool)

55609 Add benchmark for hybrid composition on Android (a: platform-views, cla: yes, t: flutter driver, team)

55614 [flutter tools] Move _informUserOfCrash into crash_reporting.dart (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55617 [flutter_tools] remove trailing eth info from fuchsia package server (cla: yes, tool)

55636 Prevent use of TextInputType.text when also using TextInputAction.newLine via assert (a: text input, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55651 Fix behavior change due to incorrect initial floating setting (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55664 [flutter_tools] fix pm serve ipv6 linklocal addr issue (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55699 [flutter_tools] allow pulling performance data from assemble (cla: yes, tool)

55701 [flutter_tools] surface missing assets originating package (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55704 [flutter_tools] ensure etag headers are ascii (cla: yes, tool)

55715 [flutter_tools] add --dart-define option for fuchsia build (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55748 [ci] pin macOS image (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55749 Roll engine 2b94311a7764..4f888d66250e (10 commits) (cla: yes, engine, work in progress; do not review)

55756 Add ExcludeFocus widget, and a way to prevent focusability for a subtree. (cla: yes)

55759 [flutter_tools] catch ProcessException and throw ToolExit during upgrade (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55761 Add a property to Material icon button to customize the splash radius (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55762 Print stdout and stderr when the ssh command failed (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

55763 [timeline] Sort timeline events before summarizing (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

55769 Revert "[timeline] Sort timeline events before summarizing (#55763)" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

55771 [timeline] Sort timeline events before summarizing (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55772 Revert "[flutter_tools] migrate FlutterView to new vm_service" (cla: yes, tool)

55773 Remove v prefix in doctor version (cla: yes, tool)

55774 [flutter_tools] reland migrate FlutterView to new vmservice (cla: yes, tool)

55775 TextField enabled fix (a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55780 [flutter_tools] support multiple fuchsia devices (cla: yes, tool)

55782 Removing Deprecated flag for Gallery (cla: yes, f: material design, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55788 Revert "[flutter_tools] reland migrate FlutterView to new vmservice" (cla: yes, tool)

55789 ToDo Audit - Material Library+ (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

55790 Remove dead variable from xcode_backend (cla: yes, t: xcode, tool)

55792 [gen_l10n] Output directory option (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team)

55793 Skip Audit - Painting Library (a: images, a: tests, a: typography, cla: yes, framework, platform-web, team, will affect goldens)

55794 [flutter_tools] remove vm service (cla: yes, tool)

55797 [flutter_tools] reland migrate FlutterViews to package:vm_service (cla: yes, tool)

55799 Check Xcode build setting FULL_PRODUCT_NAME for bundle name (cla: yes, t: xcode, team, tool)

55808 Add iOS simulator log parse test (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool)

55812 restore quit timeout, adjust some integration test behaviors (cla: yes, team, tool)

55829 allow changing the paint offset of a GlowingOverscrollIndicator (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

55832 Prevent ModalBottomSheet from rebuilding its child (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55857 Removed useV2 Slider flag (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55871 Flutter cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

55873 Temporarily disable nnbd flutter test test (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55876 Mark android attach test flaky (cla: yes, team)

55877 Mark flutter_gallery_v2_chrome_run_test and flutter_gallery_v2_web_compile_test not flaky (cla: yes, team)

55881 Make flutter_attach_test_android test verbose (cla: yes, team)

55882 [flutter_tools] Make packages not required for local engine (cla: yes)

55887 Fix/use contains ignoring whitespace (cla: yes, tool)

55891 manual engine roll (4bcfae82c7c1 -> 0c35a3417) (cla: yes, engine)

55902 Fix default opacity assignments for unselected and selected icons in NavigationRail (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55906 Roll engine 0c35a3417da7..01cf8c36ce34 (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55909 [gen_l10n] Fix unintended breaking change introduced by output-dir option (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, tool)

55911 Text field height fix (a: text input, cla: yes, f: inspector, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55914 Roll engine 01cf8c36ce34..fda26fc70f5b (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55919 Roll engine fda26fc70f5b..bd5234780ec2 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55920 Roll engine bd5234780ec2..2db327657369 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55935 Read correct file for android view benchmark (cla: yes, team)

55936 Fixed #55858 (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

55939 Implementation of the Material Date Range Picker. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

55961 [flutter_tools] Lazily inject logger into web devices (cla: yes, tool)

55977 Add clipBehavior to widgets with clipRect (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: API break, team, will affect goldens)

55981 [devicelab] Explicitly print stack trace from error in android attach test (cla: yes)

55984 [flutter_tools] increase stopApp timeout for FlutterDevice.exitApps (cla: yes)

55988 [devicelab] increase eventOrExit timeout to 1 minute (cla: yes)

55990 [flutter_tools] android device stopApp handles null apk (cla: yes)

55995 Make CustomClipper extend Listenable (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

55998 Fixes the navigator pages update crashes when there is still route wa… (cla: yes, f: routes, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

56022 Fix WidgetsBinding.firstFrameRasterized not completing (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56056 [web] Change display mode of PWA default to standalone (cla: yes)

56059 [flutter_tools] support bundling SkSL shaders in flutter build apk/appbundle (cla: yes, tool)

56067 [flutter_tools] add support for faster incremental build (cla: yes)

56077 Add package_root for fuchsia_tools (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56081 [web] Implement defaultTargetPlatform MacOS/iOS for web. (cla: yes)

56084 Step 1 of 3: Add opt-in fixing Dialog border radius to match Material Spec (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56089 Redirect stdout/stderr in Windows template (cla: yes)

56090 Step 1 of 3: Add opt-in for debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations assertion on TextField (a: internationalization, a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56091 Ensure *_kn.arb files are properly escaped with gen_localizations (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

56094 [flutter_tools] fix iOS build inconsistencies and pipe through performance file (cla: yes)

56103 [flutter_tools] reduce initial cache size on web (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56107 [flutter_tools] don't recreate license, manifest, asset if unchanged (cla: yes)

56136 Temporarily disable new Gallery perf test (cla: yes)

56139 [analyze] fix const lints (cla: yes)

56141 [version] update all versions (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56146 Fixed a typo, gen_l10n_types.dart comment (a: internationalization, cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56160 Focus the last node when asked to focus previous and nothing is selected. (a: desktop, cla: yes, f: focus, waiting for tree to go green)

56162 Roll engine 2db327657369..72fe227a50d9 (42 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56164 let the embedding maven engine dependency reference the storage proxy (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56167 [flutter_tools] integrate l10n tool into build/run (cla: yes, tool)

56173 [flutter_tools] support flutter run -d edge (cla: yes, tool)

56174 Roll engine 72fe227a50d9..ab277b3b6f3c (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56177 Roll engine ab277b3b6f3c..edf65e2861bf (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56178 Update 1.17 engine version. (cla: yes)

56182 Roll engine edf65e2861bf..d0bcc6980e4e (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56187 Roll engine d0bcc6980e4e..86c0c54bef50 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56190 [ExpansionTile] Wire through expandedCrossAxisAlignment, and expandedAlignment properties to the expanded tile (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56203 [flutter_tools] ensure track-widget-creation can be disabled on Android (cla: yes)

56205 Roll engine 86c0c54bef50..2307b615eb63 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56215 Roll engine 2307b615eb63..94e6baa7560e (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56219 Fix typo for TextStyle.fontFamilyFallback document (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56223 [flutter_tools] remove flutter view cache (cla: yes)

56224 [flutter_tools] make gallery hot reload 5x faster with one neat trick (cla: yes)

56225 Roll engine 94e6baa7560e..813fd04c7dfd (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56229 Roll engine 813fd04c7dfd..e3cb6812ed6d (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56233 Roll engine e3cb6812ed6d..7a492012a66a (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56240 fix the reload and restart service extension methods (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56255 Roll engine 7a492012a66a..906bf5968465 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56258 Roll engine 906bf5968465..2037e0f18d9b (1 commits) (waiting for tree to go green)

56274 Roll engine 2037e0f18d9b..180a497ee558 (5 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56290 Turn implicit casts in code generated by flutter_platform.dart into explicit casts. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56295 Fix overly specific detection of non-UTF8 files in analyzer bot. (cla: yes)

56309 Trial PR to use an engine that has the null safety unfork CL in it. (cla: yes)

56324 add macOS to ui integration test (cla: yes)

56328 DoubleTap recognizer support and improved error message (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56329 BuildInfo tests without context (cla: yes, team)

56330 Use androidSdk globals variable everywhere (cla: yes, team, tool)

56331 Inject logger and fs into printHowToConsumeAar, test without context (cla: yes, team, tool)

56333 Roll engine 180a497ee558..95ecd9a4050c (8 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56335 Gradle artifacts and tasks tests without context (cla: yes, team, tool)

56336 [devicelab] enable macOS, windows, linux, and web on devicelab bots (cla: yes)

56341 Add OutlinedBorder class (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56342 Add split-debug and obfuscation to build aar (cla: yes, platform-android, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56373 [gen_l10n] Improve arb FormatException error message (a: internationalization, cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56378 Roll engine 95ecd9a4050c..33d236795015 (11 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56379 Manual roll of engine to version 33d2367950154e7f8daf9ce9992a45001628… (cla: yes)

56385 Revert "[flutter_tools] remove flutter view cache" (cla: yes, tool)

56387 [flutter_tools] reland remove flutter view cache (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56390 Roll engine 33d236795015..4b7380b55f6d (3 commits) (cla: yes, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

56393 Pin engine.version to cherrypicked change (cla: yes)

56394 Added an empty list example to the ListView docs (cla: yes)

56397 [devicelab] allow the tool to use the word waiting more than once (cla: yes)

56398 [devicelab] add verification print and remove timeout test (cla: yes)

56401 [devicelab] unmark android_attach, twc tests, remove mac twc test (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56407 fixup! Update grammar in basic.dart #56251 (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56409 InteractiveViewer Widget (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

56410 [flutter_tools] Restore base/platform.dart (cla: yes, tool)

56416 Save results of A/B test runs in a JSON file for future processing (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56418 Handle uncaught error for warnIfSlow (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56428 Eagerly wait for the driver extension on FlutterDriver.connect() (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56430 Allow waitUntilFirstFrameRasterized without a root widget (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56445 Revert "Add DevTools memory test" (cla: yes, team)

56471 Roll engine 4b7380b55f6d..c3cd83baf8bc (18 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56472 [flutter_tools] prevent wildcard assets from causing build invalidation issues (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56481 [flutter_tools] throw StateError instead of null (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56485 Roll engine c3cd83baf8bc..d6aa099de7c7 (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56490 [gen_l10n] Optionally generate list of inputs/outputs (a: internationalization, cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56491 [flutter_tools] fix windows vs code lookup with missing platform environment variables (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56492 Fix silent test failure in image cache tests (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56494 Wire up autofocus for OutlineButton (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

56501 Add --force to roll_dev.dart (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56502 Swap xcode_tests from MockProcessManager to FakeProcessManager (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56505 Swap xcodeproj_tests from MockProcessManager to FakeProcessManager (cla: yes, team, tool)

56506 Roll engine d6aa099de7c7..3953c3ccd15a (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56521 Have the physics enforce the scroll position. (cla: yes, framework)

56531 feature: add usermessage when miss platform project (cla: yes, tool)

56549 Expose includeSemantics option to RawKeyboardListener (cla: yes, framework)

56564 [flutter_tools] ensure track-widget-creation can be changed on devcompiler (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56568 Remove semantics node generated by ExcludeFocus (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56575 Roll new gallery version in the perf test (cla: yes, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

56582 Update Tab semantics in Cupertino to be the same as Material (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

56589 Added MaterialStateProperty.all() convenience method (cla: yes)

56594 Shard firebase_test_lab_tests (cla: yes, team)

56596 add web benchmark that measures efficiency of clipped out pictures (cla: yes, team)

56605 Remove direct uses of LocalPlatform (cla: yes, team, tool)

56611 Nested InkWells only show the innermost splash (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56614 Revert "Paste shows only when content on clipboard (#54902)" (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

56618 Update Linux template for headless mode (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56620 Remove Runner target check, prefer schemes (cla: yes, t: xcode, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56623 [devicelab] fix web twc task missing display (cla: yes, team)

56630 [flutter tools] Fix an assert in IOSSimulator.getLogReader (cla: yes, tool)

56633 [flutter_tools] enable tree-shake-icons by default for non-web targets (cla: yes, tool)

56634 [flutter_tools] rename getSkSL file output ext to .sksl.json (cla: yes, tool)

56638 Perf test with SkSL warm-up (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

56641 Add 2 new keyboard types and infer keyboardType from autofill hints (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56645 Localized new strings added in the redesigned Material Date Picker (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56677 Manual roll of engine 7e205b37e5...3953c3ccd1 (cla: yes, engine)

56684 Manual roll of engine 9b905d3f03...7e205b37e5 (cla: yes, engine)

56685 typo fix on the FLUTTER_STORAGE_BASE_URL usage (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56689 Bring back paste button hide behavior (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

56694 [flutter_tools] fix aar defaults test (cla: yes, tool)

56695 [devicelab] mark web_enable_twc as non-flaky (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

56700 Mark new Gallery test as non-flaky (cla: yes, team)

56703 Always remove the workspace settings when set to legacy build settings (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56706 [flutter_tools] Don't try to execute gradle wrapper out of /tmp (cla: yes, tool)

56710 [web] Unskip TextStyle web tests (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56714 flutter tool: PowerShell executable detection added, fixing usage of PS version >=6 (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56720 [flutter_tools] fix documentation on default built ios (cla: yes, tool)

56721 fix roll_dev.dart to query remote ref, rather than local (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

56727 Update (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

56732 fix pushAndRemoveUntil incorrectly removes the routes below the first… (cla: yes, f: routes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56735 Shard Cirrus build_tests (cla: yes, team)

56740 Roll engine 9b905d3f03f2..9d8daf2383ea (19 commits) (cla: yes, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

56786 [flutter_tools] cache-bust in service worker (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56794 [web & desktop] Hide all characters in a TextField, when obscureText is true on web & desktop (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, platform-mac, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

56800 Revert "[flutter_tools] integrate l10n tool into build/run" (cla: yes, tool)

56806 Revert "Bring back paste button hide behavior" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

56859 Fix wrong link in description on the platform system channel (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56895 [Material] Use titleTextStyle from dialog theme for SimpleDialog (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56897 Roll engine 9d8daf2383ea..d96f962ca21a (13 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56906 more docs about diagnostics in release mode (cla: yes, framework)

56922 Bring back paste button hide behavior 2 (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

56924 [flutter_tools] hide tree-shake-icons (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56926 Roll engine d96f962ca21a..2c46e209a34a (6 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56928 Add mirror overrides to doctor output (a: triage improvements, cla: yes, t: flutter doctor, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56932 Roll engine 2c46e209a34a..ada8a0fd64a3 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56934 Revert "[flutter_tools] hide tree-shake-icons" (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56941 Roll engine ada8a0fd64a3..156970a2487c (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

56943 [flutter_tools] expand Regexp log match to include more AndroidRuntime failures (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56945 [flutter_tools] unblock fuchsia roll (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56946 [flutter_tools] introduce a BuildSystem interface (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56951 Revert "Bring back paste button hide behavior 2" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

56952 Add more documentation to addTimingsCallback (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56956 ThemeData.brightness == ThemeData.colorScheme.brightness (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

56958 Updated dwds (and other packages) (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56959 Make initial daemon devices population fast (cla: yes, tool)

56961 Remove dead definesCustomBuildConfigurations (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

56968 setState() will call scheduleFrame() in post-frame callback now. (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57005 Fix minor typo in 'flutter create --list-samples' help text (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57016 [web] Add path construction benchmark (cla: yes, team)

57027 Fix to strip bitcode for archive build, if the project has bitcode disabled entirely (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57033 Allow updating textAlignVertical (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57036 fix push replacement reports wrong previous route to navigator observer (cla: yes, f: routes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57037 Making DropdownButtonFormField to re-render if parent widget changes (cla: yes, f: material design, found in release: 1.17, found in release: 1.18, framework, severe: regression, waiting for tree to go green)

57039 Allow Recorder override shouldContinue (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57047 Added Dartpad and Image examples to Slider and RangeSlider docs (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57052 Flutter 1.17.1 cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

57053 Updated gen_missing_localizations to copy the english strings instead of using 'TBD'. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57058 1.18.0-11.1.pre beta cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool, work in progress; do not review)

57065 Remove deprecated child parameter for NestedScrollView's overlap managing slivers (cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green)

57075 [flutter_tools] re-enable non-nullable test (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57077 [flutter_tools] do not set timestamp of package_config file (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57085 Remove redundant transform from showInViewport (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57094 MouseCursor uses a special class instead of null to defer (cla: yes, framework)

57109 Roll engine 156970a2487c..b59e3e9c39a2 (23 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

57117 [flutter_tools] expose track-widget-creation to build aar (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57135 [flutter_tools] Support profile and release builds on Linux (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57136 update initial route documentation (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57139 Bring back paste button hide behavior 3 (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57143 Disable DartDev when launching flutter_tools (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57145 [Add2App Android] Fix the issue of Hotreload broken on latest Dev release with Android device (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57150 Roll engine b59e3e9c39a2..ae2222f47e78 (8 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

57152 Update snippets to include more detail (cla: yes, team)

57161 Remove empty Supporting Files group from Swift app template (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57162 throw more specific toolexit when git fails during upgrade (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57167 Remove obsolete UpdateCounted prefix (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57172 Add option for ExpansionTile to maintain the state of its children when collapsed (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57173 [flutter_tools] allow adb to fail to un forward without crashing (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57182 [flutter_tools] fix period in URL for androidX incompat (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57184 [flutter_tools] ensure package_config is re-created if pub get is run (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57189 Honor the InputDecoratorTheme in the text input fields used by the Date Pickers (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57195 Fix NavigationRail class docs (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57201 correctly dispose listeners by image widget (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57231 Mark gallery tests as flaky (cla: yes, team)

57235 [null-safety] disable tests until framework has migrated (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57238 Switch to CMake for Linux desktop (cla: yes, tool)

57240 [web] Update test skip description. (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, platform-web)

57244 Make Tooltip recover gracefully when context is destroyed. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

57247 Improve error message when using popuntil with bad predicate (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57252 Roll engine ae2222f47e78..47513a70eb6d (21 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

57257 [flutter_tools] Add additional bash entrypoint for running dart sdk directly (cla: yes)

57258 Roll engine 47513a70eb6d..50e55cf69e8a (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

57261 Make _RenderButtonBarRow.constraints null aware (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57264 Prevent WhitelistingTextInputFormatter to return a empty string if the current value does not satisfy the formatter (a: text input, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57268 Remove license statements in template files. (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57269 Roll engine 50e55cf69e8a..aaf9e79f1d29 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

57270 add missing deps to flutter_test (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

57274 Desktop default window size (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57286 Revert " Bring back paste button hide behavior 3" (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, platform-web, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57287 remove pending timers list code out of assert message (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

57291 [ExpansionTile] adds childrenPadding property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

57299 add @factory to create* methods (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57319 Fix Autofill example (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57321 Update packages (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57324 Fix Web asking for clipboard permissions (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57327 Value Indicator uses Global position (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

57328 Update flutter_gallery_assets to ^0.2.0 (cla: yes, team, tool)

57332 Add autofill support for TextFormField (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57339 fix route annoucement for first route and last route (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57340 Reland "Add DevTools memory test (#55486)" (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57345 Protect the deletion of the local engine temp dir in case it is alrea… (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57349 Device manager choose running device (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57355 [flutter tools] Improve messages when we fail to connect to the Observatory (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57392 [flutter_tools] check for Runner.sln when parsing for plugins (cla: yes, tool)

57400 [flutter_tools] handle missing null check in manifest parser (cla: yes, tool)

57402 Roll engine aaf9e79f1d29..2bd71fb60a43 (52 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

57412 Fixed a typo. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57415 Fix CMake invocation for 3.10 compat (cla: yes, tool)

57445 [flutter_tools] remove globals/context for android testing (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57446 [flutter_tools] minor cleanups to try catch (cla: yes, tool)

57447 [flutter_tools] put system clock on globals (cla: yes, tool)

57448 [flutter_tools] remove zone level overrides of verbose and daemon logging (cla: yes, tool)

57450 [flutter_tools] fix incorrect comment on web runner (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57452 Add Linux GTK artifacts to unpack list (cla: yes, tool)

57461 Fix segment hit test behavior for segmented control (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57473 Roll engine 2bd71fb60a43..aafd9f72283f (9 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

57487 Fix typo in cupertino datepicker error (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57498 Temporarily allow pluginClass: none on desktop (cla: yes, tool)

57499 Roll engine aafd9f72283f..90f45bd3efce (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

57500 SnackBarAction.createState() should have return type State(cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57506 [flutter_tools] chunk the hashing of large files (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57510 [flutter_tools] reland: integrate l10n tool into hot reload/restart/build (cla: yes, tool)

57511 Step 2 of 3: Change opt-in default for debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations assertion on TextField (a: internationalization, a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57515 Remove TRANSFORM from Linux CMake files (cla: yes, tool)

57516 Update platform_view.dart (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57517 Roll engine 90f45bd3efce..4b1a70e6a256 (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

57519 Report the accurate local position in (sliding)segmented control hit testing (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57521 Move paragraph on using Navigation Rail for wide viewports only closer to the top of the API docs. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57522 Add doc and test for Container's hitTest behavior (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57526 Update the requirements for applying the elevation overlay. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57529 Roll engine 4b1a70e6a256..2d4e83921d31 (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

57532 Always show device discovery diagnostics in "flutter devices" (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57534 Improve CupertinoDatePicker docs (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57535 Slider value indicator gets disposed if it is activated (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57538 Re-add line to Linux template CMakeLists.txt (cla: yes, tool)

57574 Have _warpToCurrentIndex() shortcut logic behave properly (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57576 Add Web Benchmarks for Flutter Gallery (Flutter Side) — 1/4 (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57588 New license page. (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

57590 Update the flutter script's locking mechanism and follow_links (cla: yes, tool)

57601 Add Android private keystore to project gitignore (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57605 fix navigator observer announcement order (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57611 Revert "[flutter_tools] remove globals/context for android testing" (cla: yes, tool)

57614 [flutter_tools] reland: remove globals from android device/testing (cla: yes, tool)

57621 Remove MaterialControls from examples/flutter_view (cla: yes, d: examples, team)

57624 Remove unused integration test iOS directory (cla: yes, team)

57628 Add mouse cursor API to widgets (phase 1) (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

57629 Roll Engine from 2d4e83921d31 to 9ce1e5c5c7e7 (27 revisions) (cla: yes, severe: API break, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)

57644 Adds physics to the TabBar (#57416) (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57670 Add code example for CustomScrollView on how to make it grow in two directions along its scroll axis (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57688 Change release archive check to warning (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57690 [flutter_tools] hide all development tools (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57696 Functionality to check handlers set on platform channels (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57701 Allow FLUTTER_APPLICATION_PATH to be null for misconfigured Xcode projects (cla: yes, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57703 [flutter_tools] ensure emulator command does not crash with missing avdmanager (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57704 Use pub inside the Flutter directory (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57733 #57730 - Support custom shapes for ListTiles (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57736 [AppBarTheme] adds centerTitle property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

57745 Chips text scaling (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57749 Add release and profile support for Windows (cla: yes, tool)

57751 Step 2 of 3: Change opt-in default for useMaterialBorderRadius on Dialogs (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57809 Stopped all animation controllers after toggleable has been detached. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57813 [flutter_tools] add vm service method to pull SkSL (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57821 fix a typo in trace events for the image cache (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

57829 [flutter_tools] forward flutter format to dart format and deprecate (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57830 [flutter_tools] validate android arch and build number (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57838 Add sample code of GestureDetector with no children (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: gestures, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57841 Deleted deprecated profile func and profile.dart (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57868 [CheckboxListTile] exposes contentPadding property of ListTile. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

57871 [flutter_tools] rename output LICENSE file to NOTICES and support loading either (cla: yes, framework, team, tool)

57873 [flutter_tools] URI encode dart-define values (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57874 [flutter_tools] throw if asked to build release for x86_64 (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

57907 flutter.gradle: collect list of Android plugins from .flutter-plugins-dependencies (cla: yes, tool)

57963 [flutter_tools] Support latest IntelliJ via Jetbrain toolbox (cla: yes, t: flutter doctor, tool)

58011 write test to convince self of lack of timing issue (cla: yes, tool)

58016 Consistent American spelling of 'behavior' (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58018 Prevent building non-android plugins in build aar (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58024 fix cupertino page route dismisses hero transition when swipe to the … (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58027 Link to migration guide template from pull request template (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58030 Remove invalid local from (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58031 Roll Engine from 9ce1e5c5c7e7 to 1a8349888e97 (69 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58037 [SwitchListTile] adds controlAffinity property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58039 [flutter_tools] Put a heap size limit on the frontend_server (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58050 Flutter 1.17.2 cherrypicks (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, work in progress; do not review)

58064 print checksum differences when detected by --verify-only (cla: yes, tool)

58069 Fix Linux plugin template build visibility (cla: yes, tool)

58094 Set upper limit on text scaling for AppBar.title (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58098 Added Documentation for AnimationController.repeat() (cla: yes, framework)

58104 Run flutter update-packages --force-upgrade. (cla: yes, team)

58111 Roll Engine from 1a8349888e97 to 2663be837081 (16 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58112 Mark non-flaky test as such (cla: yes, team)

58117 Minor correction to documentation for buttonColor (cla: yes, d: api docs, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58118 Add function to set structured error early (cla: yes, framework)

58121 Update stocks example to use l10n.yaml workflow (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58123 Revert "write test to convince self of lack of timing issue" (cla: yes, tool)

58131 [flutter] allow loading either NOTICES or LICENSE (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58135 [release] remove .dart_tool directory from uploaded zip (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58136 Roll Engine from 2663be837081 to 2b616caad05c (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58137 Change iOS device discovery from polling to long-running observation (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58140 Add a backward variant of BenchCardInfiniteScroll (cla: yes, team)

58151 Error message when size has not been set in RenderBox's performLayout should be well versed (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58154 Allow null value for CheckboxListTile (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58174 Start from a clean slate when bundling Linux build (cla: yes, tool)

58175 [devicelab] less sensitivity to whitespace in flutter_performance_test (cla: yes, team)

58180 Roll Engine from 2b616caad05c to c86dcac156cd (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58188 [flutter_tools] only copy cached dill after startup (cla: yes, tool)

58189 Update Windows template version (cla: yes, tool)

58193 Revert "[flutter_tools] always initialize the resident runner from di… (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58202 Build routes even less (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58203 Various bits of trivial cleanup (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58204 Error message improvements (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58206 Dedupe (and update) the --track-widget-creation documentation (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58208 Revert "Revert "[flutter_tools] always initialize the resident runner from di…" (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58209 Pass MaterialButton.disabledElevation into RawMaterialButton (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

58210 [e2e] make test bindings friendlier to integration tests (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

58213 update build doc string to advocate avoiding doing tasks other than b… (cla: yes, d: api docs, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58214 Roll Engine from c86dcac156cd to c5d012900f7d (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58215 Fix extraneous spaces printed by flutter tool if the lock isn't waited on. (cla: yes, tool)

58221 Roll Engine from c5d012900f7d to 17737e6fd4ec (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58230 Roll Engine from 17737e6fd4ec to c19459ab7d3f (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58255 Roll Engine from c19459ab7d3f to 6a470b8bccf0 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58257 Detect USB/network interface from iOS devices (cla: yes, platform-ios, t: xcode, tool)

58258 Helpful assertion for isAlwaysShown error (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58259 enable Navigator.of to accept a navigator element and return its stat… (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58267 [flutter_tools] remove execute permissions on, and move off path (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58272 Remove callback asserts on FocusableActionDetector (a: desktop, cla: yes, framework)

58276 Roll Engine from 6a470b8bccf0 to 4d78121a11db (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58277 Enabling the ImageFiltered(ImageFilter.matrix) page of macrobenchmark (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58281 Revert flutter command to shlock when flock isn't available (cla: yes)

58282 Roll Engine from 4d78121a11db to 685699b351a9 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58284 Send text error in JSON and print in tools (cla: yes, framework, tool)

58293 Roll Engine from 685699b351a9 to 3dfbe722b965 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58328 [flutter_tools] deprecate flutter generate and codegen (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58332 [flutter_tools] cleanup to devfs Operations (cla: yes, tool)

58335 [flutter_tools] do not include material icon incorrectly (cla: yes, tool)

58340 Roll Engine from 3dfbe722b965 to 923687f0e7ff (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58344 Revert "Add clipBehavior to widgets with clipRect" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

58346 EditableText.bringIntoView calls showOnScreen (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58350 More information about our error message APIs. (cla: yes, framework)

58372 Fix non-local-engine Linux release builds (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58390 use Expand-Archive and Compress-Archive in windows os utils (cla: yes, tool)

58392 iOS mid-drag activity indicator (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: scrolling, framework, platform-ios, severe: API break)

58421 Fix typo in error message for flutter doctor (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58430 [flutter_driver] make timeline request in chunks (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, perf: memory)

58436 Roll Engine from 923687f0e7ff to d501c49cce4c (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58443 Roll Engine from d501c49cce4c to c5234bce6e9f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58444 Remove outdated disable_input_output_paths from example project Podfiles (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58448 InkWell uses MaterialStateMouseCursor and defaults to clickable (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

58449 Roll Engine from c5234bce6e9f to e39301f23f32 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58454 Revert "[flutter_tools] only copy cached dill after startup" (cla: yes, tool)

58455 [flutter_tools] reland: copy dill after startup (cla: yes, tool)

58456 Update StandardCodec documentation with double alignment (cla: yes, documentation, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58458 Rename integration test ios_app_with_watch_companion -> ios_app_with_extensions (cla: yes, team)

58460 Roll Engine from e39301f23f32 to 5a085ac3c6a2 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58474 [flutter tools] Don't return success if we trigger runZoned's error callback (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58482 Expose ComputePlatformResolvedLocale (a: internationalization, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58499 [devicelab] mark ios transition_perf as non-flaky (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58503 Do not assume imageCache is created when handleMemoryPressure is called (a: images, cla: yes, framework)

58504 Revert "Remove outdated disable_input_output_paths from example project Podfiles" (cla: yes, d: examples, team)

58509 Roll Engine from 5a085ac3c6a2 to 2a024ead01e7 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58511 Add material page, cupertino page, and transition page classes (cla: yes, framework)

58513 benchmark updating many child layers (cla: yes, team)

58514 add rasterizer start times to timeline summaries (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58520 Roll Engine from 2a024ead01e7 to 6589dcb2d459 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58522 Build iOS apps using Swift Packages (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58524 Remove outdated disable_input_output_paths from example project Podfiles (cla: yes, d: examples, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58525 Revert "[flutter_tools] Put a heap size limit on the frontend_server" (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58530 [Line Heights] Add textHeightBehavior to SelectableText. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58533 [flutter_tools] add flag for sound-null-safety, unify with experiments (a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool)

58535 Make _RenderSlider not be a semantics container (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: focus, f: material design, framework)

58538 Don't elapse real time during IOSDevice.startApp tests (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58539 [flutter_tools] Allow the tool to suppress compilation errors. (cla: yes, tool)

58541 Fake out DeviceManager.getDevices in test (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58544 Use fake command in analytics test (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58545 Roll Engine from 6589dcb2d459 to 859d892f1fca (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58549 Revert "Build iOS apps using Swift Packages" (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

58551 [flutter_tools] iOS VM Service logs should include stderr (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58557 [flutter_tools] remove handling of error that is fixed (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58593 Add collapsed height param to SliverAppBar (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58607 Revert "[flutter_tools] always initialize the resident runner from dill (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

58617 Remove already covered devicelab test: tiles_scroll_perf_iphonexs__timeline_summary (cla: yes, team)

58618 Revert "Don't elapse real time during IOSDevice.startApp tests" (cla: yes, tool)

58620 Make debugSemantics available to profile mode (a: accessibility, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team)

58621 Make it possible to remove nodes from traversal sort. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58622 Don't elapse real time during IOSDevice.startApp tests (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58630 Updated Slider test (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58635 Remove DiagnosticableMixin in favor of Diagnosticable (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58644 Add FakeAsync to delay tests (cla: yes, team, tool)

58645 Move create project build tests to permeable command shard (cla: yes, team, tool)

58646 Flutter 1.17.3 cherrypicks (a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

58647 Roll Engine from 859d892f1fca to 2608f2ee9f54 (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58648 Add iOS new gallery perf test (cla: yes, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58649 Add per-test timeout to Cirrus tool general tests (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58650 Added MaterialStateProperty overlayColor to InkWell (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

58653 [flutter_tools] avoid serving files outside of expected paths (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58655 debug mode warning text alignment (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58656 Add the ability to ignore lines depending on comments (cla: yes, team, tool)

58670 LG debugging/logcat fixed (cla: yes, tool)

58686 [PageTransitionsBuilder] Fix 'ZoomPageTransition' built more than once (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58688 [flutter_tools] unbreak g3 roll (tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58692 Revert "Roll Engine from 859d892f1fca to 2608f2ee9f54 (9 revisions)" (cla: yes, engine)

58698 Roll Engine from 859d892f1fca to d3427ddb8546 (17 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58701 Increase delay to verify cause of flakiness (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58703 [flutter_tools] use -f when fetching tags (cla: yes, tool)

58708 Add shadowColor to AppBar and AppBarTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58709 Revert "Roll Engine from 859d892f1fca to d3427ddb8546 (17 revisions)" (cla: yes)

58710 Roll Engine from 859d892f1fca to d3427ddb8546 (17 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58711 [flutter_tools] unbreak g3 usage of installHook (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58713 Don't require a specific Windows 10 SDK (cla: yes, tool)

58715 Fix custom physics application in TabBarView (a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58719 Revert "use Expand-Archive and Compress-Archive in windows os utils" (cla: yes, tool)

58720 Revert "Roll Engine from 859d892f1fca to d3427ddb8546 (17 revisions)" (cla: yes)

58723 Drop an unnecessary factory constructor (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58732 Revert "flutter.gradle: collect list of Android plugins from .flutter-plugins-dependencies" (cla: yes, tool)

58736 Update engine hash for 1.19.0-4.0.pre (cla: yes, engine)

58743 [flutter_tools] write sksl on exit (cla: yes, tool)

58746 add missing arguments for all constructors of ListView and GridView (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58747 Add Android device build/OS/API Level information to logs. (cla: yes, team)

58751 Roll Engine from 859d892f1fca to 8cc760065b4d (29 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58754 Update build doc (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58771 [Flutter Driver] Update the comments regarding the default timeout of WaitFor and WaitForAbsent commands (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58780 fix typo in bottom navigation bar docs (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58783 fix typo in macrobenchmarks/lib/main (cla: yes, team)

58798 [flutter_tools] don't use verbose when in doctor or help command (cla: yes, tool)

58799 Revert "Increase delay to verify cause of flakiness" (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

58800 Roll Engine from 8cc760065b4d to e87a05fbba78 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58804 [flutter_tools] minor cleanup to vm service connection (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58808 Introduce inherited navigator observer and refactor hero controller (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58812 [flutter tools] Change the desktop device names and IDs (cla: yes, tool)

58815 Support work profiles and multiple Android users for run, install, attach, drive (cla: yes, platform-android, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58817 [flutter_tools] remove deprecation warning on flutter format (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58820 Timeline summary contains CPU, GPU and Memory usage (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

58823 Add comments to flutter_driver for timeline class (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

58826 Roll Engine from e87a05fbba78 to dbb57f1874fd (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58829 Step 3 of 3: Remove opt-in for useMaterialBorderRadius on Dialogs (a: fidelity, a: quality, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58830 [flutter_tools] disable dartdev when calling snapshots directly (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58831 Step 3 of 3: Remove opt-in for debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations assertion on TextField (a: internationalization, a: text input, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

58838 Turn off flaky indicator for flutter_gallery__back_button_memory and flutter_gallery__memory_nav (cla: yes, team)

58842 [flutter_tools] fix capitalization in build commands (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58843 Restore some typography tests (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

58847 Roll Engine from dbb57f1874fd to ff6462e45779 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58871 [flutter_tools] use correct sdk path for analysis (cla: yes, tool)

58872 Revert "Send text error in JSON and print in tools" (cla: yes, framework, tool)

58875 [flutter_tools] inject output preferences at the top level (cla: yes, tool)

58879 [flutter_tools] support bundle-sksl-path on all desktop and mobile targets (cla: yes, tool)

58885 Roll Engine from ff6462e45779 to c0365be2ab70 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58887 [flutter_tools] only restrict devices based on arch + buildMode, not emulator status (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58890 [flutter_tools] change service worker load to NOTICES (cla: yes, tool)

58891 [flutter_tools] rename library to be less absurd (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

58893 Roll Engine from c0365be2ab70 to bd7dd73b4744 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58899 Roll Engine from bd7dd73b4744 to 5709dc531814 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58903 Roll Engine from 5709dc531814 to 3f224d8e861f (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58929 Roll Engine from 3f224d8e861f to f38a197945e9 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58935 Roll Engine from f38a197945e9 to 8516b39dcdc8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58946 Roll Engine from 8516b39dcdc8 to dfdd88deb7e3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58952 Roll Engine from dfdd88deb7e3 to c7f9725521c0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

58971 Update animation.dart - Staggered animations: TweenSequences example (cla: yes, framework)

58986 Line break for devicelab/bin/run.dart help info (cla: yes, team)

58994 Send text error in JSON and print in tools (cla: yes, framework, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59001 fix analysis on master (cla: yes, tool)

59002 Revert "Send text error in JSON and print in tools" (cla: yes, framework, tool)

59007 Roll Engine from c7f9725521c0 to f581f428e981 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

59008 Update TextTheme.button.letterSpacing from 0.75 to 1.25 per spec (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59009 Build iOS apps using Swift Packages (cla: yes, d: examples, platform-ios, t: xcode, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59010 Scale input decorator label width (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59011 Roll Engine from f581f428e981 to 5edd7666287c (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

59012 Release cache lock for commands after required artifacts are downloaded (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59013 Make non-flaky tests as such (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59014 Handle selection ranges where getBoxesForSelection returns an empty list (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59015 fix overscroll position if there is sliver before center sliver in cu… (cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59018 Send text error in JSON and print in tools (cla: yes, framework, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59023 add a help link to the default module template readme (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59025 Revert "Build iOS apps using Swift Packages" (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool)

59026 [flutter_tools] Fix slow ios_device_start_prebuilt_test (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59028 Roll Engine from 5edd7666287c to 580ab9c3c592 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

59035 Revert "[flutter_tools] use correct sdk path for analysis" (cla: yes, tool)

59039 Roll Engine from 580ab9c3c592 to 6fd335671508 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

59044 Move iOS Podfile logic into tool (cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59046 Cleanup devicelab framework duplicate (a: tests, cla: yes, engine, framework, team, tool)

59069 nnbd annotations in flutter_goldens_client (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

59080 Remove use of BundleUtilities in Linux build (cla: yes, tool)

59081 [flutter_tools] Reland: use correct sdk path for analysis (cla: yes, tool)

59083 [flutter_tools] include dart-defines in cached kernel name (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59087 [flutter_tools] create NotifyingLogger at the top level when running flutter run --machine or flutter attach --machine (cla: yes, tool)

59095 Roll Engine from 6fd335671508 to e8c13aa012c9 (10 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

59096 Fix docs for Focus.onKey event propagation (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59102 Update engine hash for 1.19.0-4.1.pre (cla: yes, engine)

59108 fix paint order of ink feature (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59111 Remove shape code from Date Picker dialog (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59115 Modernize selection menu appearance (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

59117 Make the InkResponse's focus highlight honor the radius parameter (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59120 Deprecate WhitelistingTextInputFormatter and BlacklistingTextInputFormatter (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59128 Fix typo in scroll_aware_image_provider.dart (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59156 Add sample code to PositionedTransition (cla: yes, framework)

59160 Remove unused import which shares prefix name with a used import. (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design)

59162 Rebuild SliverAppBar when forceElevated changes (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59175 [flutter_tools] remove globals from proxy validator (cla: yes, tool)

59184 [flutter_tools] remove globals from compilers (cla: yes, team, tool)

59186 Opt out nnbd in packages/flutter (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

59187 Support floating the header slivers of a NestedScrollView (a: annoyance, a: quality, cla: yes, customer: crowd, customer: quill (g3), d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59191 [Material] Redesign Time Picker (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59196 [Widgets] Add DefaultTextHeightBehavior inherited widget. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59197 Revert "[flutter_tools] inject output preferences at the top level" (cla: yes, tool)

59201 Add iOS Podfile migration warning to support federated plugins (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59209 Support .flutter-plugins-dependencies (cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59210 Do not depend on embedded $dartUriBase (tool)

59215 [flutter_tools] Update roll_dev.dart (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59217 Deprecate make-host-app-editable (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59219 Typo fixing sweep through packages/flutter. (a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59221 Revert "Prevent WhitelistingTextInputFormatter to return a empty string if the current value does not satisfy the formatter (#57264)" (a: text input, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59222 Roll Engine from e8c13aa012c9 to 965fbbed1776 (42 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

59250 Don't crash on requests for invalid package URLs (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59251 [DefaultTabController] adds interactive example (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59257 fix tree (cla: yes, team)

59267 Characters package (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59273 Add instructions for updating a localized string (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59276 Add --device-id option for devicelab/bin/run.dart (cla: yes, team)

59279 First pass at keyboard navigation for the Material Date Picker (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59280 test flutter framework with null-safety (cla: yes, d: examples, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59282 Roll Engine from 965fbbed1776 to d417772d7acd (21 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

59283 [versions] Update all the versions (cla: yes, team, tool)

59285 Remove Fuchsia files (a: internationalization, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59287 Switch Linux to the GTK embedding (cla: yes, tool)

59290 Reverse the semantics order of modal barrier and modal scope (cla: yes, framework)

59291 [flutter_tools] ensure generated entrypoint matches test and web entrypoint language version (cla: yes, team, tool)

59294 flutter.gradle: collect list of Android plugins from .flutter-plugins-dependencies (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59310 Dismiss modal routes with a keyboard shortcut (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59317 Implement Comparable(cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59334 Revert "Roll Engine from 965fbbed1776 to d417772d7acd (21 revisions)" (cla: yes, engine)

59342 Add support for horizontal and vertical double-arrow system cursors (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59343 CMake fix for Linux projects without plugins (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59347 Revert "[Widgets] Add DefaultTextHeightBehavior inherited widget." (cla: yes, framework)

59350 Re-land "[Widgets] Add DefaultTextHeightBehavior inherited widget." (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59358 Implement delayed key event synthesis support for framework (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59360 More useful error messages when you use Stack without a textDirection. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59363 Add material state mouse cursor to TextField (a: text input, cla: yes, customer: octopod, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59364 Reland non-breaking "Add clipBehavior to widgets with clipRect #55977" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, team)

59365 Remove flutter_goldens_client package dependency from tool (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59369 [flutter_tools] move mingit path addition back to flutter.bat (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59379 Handle backspace edgecase in trailing whitespace formatter. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59384 Roll Engine from 965fbbed1776 to 801559ac4ed3 (50 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

59405 [AppBar] adds toolbarHeight property to customize AppBar height (cla: yes, f: material design, f: scrolling, framework, severe: new feature, waiting for tree to go green)

59436 Removed an unused static local key from ScrollAction. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59474 Add link to ListTile replacement guide in layout error message (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59478 InteractiveViewer mouse scale bug (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59481 [MergeableMaterial] adds dividerColor property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59484 Word substitutions (cla: yes, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59487 [flutter_tools] deprecate build aot (cla: yes, tool)

59490 Revert "Roll Engine from 965fbbed1776 to 801559ac4ed3 (50 revisions)" (cla: yes, engine)

59497 More word substitutions (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59500 Update recipes location. (cla: yes, framework, team)

59503 Revert "Build routes even less" (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59507 Add --platforms to flutter create -t plugin command (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59508 Remove last references to ideviceinstaller (cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59512 [flutter_tools] update libimobiledevice (cla: yes, tool)

59514 Replace collection's SetEquality with flutter's own (cla: yes, f: cupertino, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59521 Remove dependency on package:collection by moving mergeSort into foundation/collections.dart (cla: yes, framework)

59539 [flutter_tools] For l10n with deferred loading, use loadLibrary for non-web too (cla: yes, team, tool)

59561 Revert "Modernize selection menu appearance" (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework)

59568 [flutter_tools] fix the post message event attribute used to skip waiting (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59571 [flutter_tools] add toggle b and service extension to change platform brightness (cla: yes, framework, tool)

59586 Keyboard navigation for the Material Date Picker grid (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59588 Skip codecov upload (cla: yes)

59607 Specify encoding for vswhere output (cla: yes, tool)

59617 Reland modernize selection menu appearance (a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59620 Export characters (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59624 [flutter_tools] make expando on vm service null safe to handle web stuff (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59626 [flutter_tools] handle NPE in list views method (cla: yes, tool)

59630 Fix Linux shell window default size (cla: yes, tool)

59631 ReorderableListView should not reorder if there is only a single item present (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59632 Don't crash when pubspec isn't a map (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59641 [ExpansionPanelList] adds dividerColor property (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59666 update _isolates_io.dart for better nnbd migration (cla: yes, framework)

59677 Revert "Characters Package" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

59681 Roll Engine from 965fbbed1776 to 237b5f32eff8 (95 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

59692 Revert "Roll Engine from 965fbbed1776 to 237b5f32eff8 (95 revisions) … (cla: yes, engine)

59695 Change iOS device discovery from polling to long-running observation (cla: yes, tool)

59705 skip fuchsia_precache-linux on release branches (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

59706 [flutter_tools] maintain file manifest for create (cla: yes, tool)

59709 Clean up PollingDeviceDiscovery dispose (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59711 fix the widget span layout when text scale factor != 1 (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59714 Use a HeaderBar for Linux applications. (cla: yes, tool)

59717 Manual engine roll to update format of compileExpression RPC response (cla: yes, engine, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59758 Update engine hash for flutter-1.20-candidate.1 (cla: yes, engine)

59773 [flutter_tools] add missing null-safety flags (cla: yes, tool)

59774 Revert "Manual engine roll to update format of compileExpression RP… (cla: yes, engine, tool)

59778 Reland Characters Usage (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

59784 [devicelab] fix concurrent hot reload test: stderr != failure (cla: yes, team)

59786 [flutter_tools] make parent logger optional (cla: yes, tool)

59789 Make flutter and dart scripts invoke their batch file equivalents on Windows (cla: yes, tool)

59791 Fix doc for DecoratedBox (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59802 Remove Linux shell (cla: yes, tool)

59803 Add benchmark for Mouse region (web) (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59804 Roll the engine from 965fbbe to b5f5e63 (cla: yes, engine, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59807 Label unnecessarily ellided (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59809 Add integration tests for structured error (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59810 Revert "flutter.gradle: collect list of Android plugins from .flutter-plugins-dependencies" (cla: yes, tool)

59813 Revert "Add the ability to ignore lines depending on comments" (cla: yes, tool)

59818 Roll Engine from b5f5e6332cb4 to f1355815488f (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

59822 [flutter_tools] track null safety usage (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59826 Enabled expression evaluation in flutter for web by default (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59832 [versions] update all versions (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59856 Make upscaling images opt-in (a: images, cla: yes, framework)

59865 Fix the paste button label in the new version of the filtered text pasting test (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

59867 Replace ANDROID_HOME user messages with ANDROID_SDK_ROOT (cla: yes, platform-android, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59870 Revert "Deprecate WhitelistingTextInputFormatter and BlacklistingTextInputFormatter" (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

59874 Parse build ios framework build mode from params (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59876 Re-land "Deprecate WhitelistingTextInputFormatter and BlacklistingTextInputFormatter" (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team)

59877 Allow detection of images using more memory than necessary (a: debugging, a: error message, a: images, cla: yes, framework)

59883 Refactor mouse hit testing system: Direct mouse hit test (a: mouse, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

59888 Fix the layout calculation in sliver list where the scroll offset cor… (cla: yes, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59892 Roll Engine from f1355815488f to 676cd566f731 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

59896 gitignore .last_build_id file in the repo (cla: yes, d: examples, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59900 Fix issue with stack traces getting mangled (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

59906 Roll Engine from 676cd566f731 to 91a63d6a44c5 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

59907 port devicelab from idevice_id -> xcdevices (cla: yes, team, tool)

59913 [EditableText] Inherit from DefaultTextHeightBehavior (cla: yes, framework)

59932 Add SkSL shader warm-up tests to Flutter gallery (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, team, waiting for tree to go green)

59937 Update tooltip_theme_test to unblock Dart SDK roll (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59961 Support GTK keycodes (cla: yes, framework, team)

59966 Added a filterQuality parameter to texture (a: quality, a: video, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

59981 Revert "Implement Comparable" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

59982 [flutter_driver] Fix tracing of startup events (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

59986 Revert "fix the widget span layout when text scale factor != 1" (cla: yes, framework)

59992 Revert "[PageTransitionsBuilder] Fix 'ZoomPageTransition' built more than once" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

59996 [flutter_tools] android test cleanups (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59997 [flutter_tools] cleanup fuchsia tests (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

59999 [flutter_tools] cleanup iOS test (tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60000 Revert "Fix outline button solid path when BorderSize.width is used" (f: material design, framework)

60002 1.19 CP: [flutter_tools] move mingit path addition back to flutter.bat (#59369) (cla: yes, engine)

60009 RTL caret position (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60015 Fix the paths in keyboard map templates (cla: yes, team)

60017 Fix typo in Linux CMake template (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60018 [flutter_tools] switch linux desktop feature on (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60021 reland "fix the widget span layout when text scale factor != 1" and h… (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60041 Use assemble build system directly for build ios-framework (cla: yes, team, tool)

60042 Fix newly added test to opt out of NNBD (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

60045 Check for Xcode 11 and Xcode 12 directory names in build_ios_framework_module_test (a: tests, cla: yes, platform-ios, team)

60059 Expose the ElevationOverlay functions so applications can use the directly. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60060 [flutter_tools] fix root directory tests (cla: yes, tool)

60096 Localized new strings added in the redesigned Material Time Picker (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60102 [flutter_tools] add null safety argument to unbreak frob (cla: yes, tool)

60111 Add null safety options to build ios-framework (a: existing-apps, a: null-safety, cla: yes, tool)

60114 Roll Engine from 91a63d6a44c5 to 57d13339997f (49 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60116 [flutter_tools] Add support for web in plugin template. (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60119 [flutter_tools] separate target platform, host platform, and architecture (cla: yes, tool)

60127 [versions] update all versions and fix tool tests (cla: yes, team, tool)

60128 Roll Engine from 57d13339997f to 2b6c71c4d3ab (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60129 fix ink feature tries to get parent transformations when it is in the… (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60136 Add more documentation on why tests might hang when using runAsync (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60139 Fix a couple of doc typos. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60141 Tweaking Material Chip a11y semantics to match buttons (a: accessibility, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), f: material design, framework)

60144 [flutter_tools] more test fixes (cla: yes, tool)

60147 Revert "[flutter_tools] separate target platform, host platform, and architecture" (cla: yes, tool)

60152 Remove unused physicalDepth code (a: tests, cla: yes, customer: fuchsia, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60156 [flutter_tools] even more test fixes (cla: yes, tool)

60158 Roll Engine from 2b6c71c4d3ab to 50da4ae2ca20 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60159 Make flutter create . on plugins also regenerates files for platforms already supported (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60163 Consider the Linux template stable (cla: yes, tool)

60168 Roll Engine from 50da4ae2ca20 to 2a9fed87a7c2 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60172 [flutter_tools] start fixing command tests (cla: yes, tool)

60185 [gen_l10n] Update the arb filename parsing logic (a: internationalization, cla: yes, team, tool)

60187 Roll Engine from 2a9fed87a7c2 to a0deaf9b04dc (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60200 [flutter_tools] Clean code analyze command (cla: yes, engine, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60218 Roll Engine from a0deaf9b04dc to 733b1aa7b90d (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60219 Update inaccurate documentation for isUtf16Surrogate method (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60221 [flutter_tools] de-flake integration tests (cla: yes, tool)

60222 Doc Updates (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: scrolling, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60224 [flutter_tools] Update WebAssetServer to avoid context, fix tests (cla: yes, tool)

60228 Make module run script names unique (a: existing-apps, cla: yes, platform-ios, team, tool)

60231 [flutter_tools] remove most use of global packages path (cla: yes, tool)

60234 Roll Engine from 733b1aa7b90d to 291dab6f1723 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60241 [flutter_tools] fix tests that depend on correct cache existance (cla: yes, tool)

60242 Roll Engine from 291dab6f1723 to 24d2143b98d6 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60245 [PageTransitionsBuilder] Reland Fix 'ZoomPageTransition' built more than once (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60248 Ensure FloatingActionButtonLocations are always within safe interactive areas (a: quality, cla: yes, customer: money (g3), f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60252 Roll Engine from 24d2143b98d6 to 0c141262115f (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60254 Roll Engine from 0c141262115f to 73ff2bdd36ab (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60263 [flutter_tools] last pass on general.shard unit tests (cla: yes, tool)

60291 Roll Engine from 73ff2bdd36ab to 781885120002 (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60302 skip verify-codesigned-binaries test until cirrus logic is fixed (cla: yes)

60314 Roll Engine from 781885120002 to 9ad489e7d7ba (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60316 Don't access clipboard passively on iOS (cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60317 [flutter_tools] surface null safety/experiment flags in attach (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60318 Roll Engine from 9ad489e7d7ba to b5691124a3bf (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60320 Have AndroidViewController extend PlatformViewController and add support for hybrid platform views (cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

60329 [Semantics] Update bottom nav semantics tests to use matches semantics (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60330 Roll Engine from b5691124a3bf to e9edf32d40f7 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60332 Roll Engine from e9edf32d40f7 to 22b099bc6366 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60336 Heavy Widget construction and destruction performance test (a: tests, cla: yes, team)

60345 Update AUTHORS with couple contributors. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60350 Roll Engine from 22b099bc6366 to 559d93d97886 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60367 Do not return partial semantics from tester.getSemantics (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60379 Do not call Picture.toImage on web during shader warm-up (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60381 Use ephemeral ports for iOS port forwarding (cla: yes, platform-ios, tool)

60383 [Material] Add property to theme dial label colors on Time Picker (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60384 Roll Engine from 559d93d97886 to fc0e27210c46 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60388 Roll Engine from fc0e27210c46 to c332675a8c2f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60391 re-enable codesign test (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60394 Show hint when label is floating (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60395 [flutter tools] Revert desktop device name changes and print the category instead (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60396 Fixed a problem with date calculations that caused a test to fail in a non-US time zone. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60405 Date picker string translations (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, waiting for tree to go green)

60407 benchmarks/macrobenchmarks platforme file update (cla: yes, team)

60412 Simplify the animation control for macrobenchmarks test case (cla: yes, team)

60415 restore imagefiltered_transform_animation_perf__timeline_summary benchmark (cla: yes, team)

60478 Fix remaining holes in stack trace demangling (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

60480 [flutter_tools] remove globals from base/android (cla: yes, tool)

60481 Adding ColorFiltered "Widget of the week" video to docs. (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60482 Fix docs for TabBar indicator (cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60490 Experiment with tester on the flutter_tools general shard (cla: yes, team)

60497 Keyboard navigation fo the Material Date Range Picker (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60504 Update new gallery HEAD commit (cla: yes, team)

60507 Fix commit hash gallery (cla: yes, team)

60523 InteractiveViewer scroll direction (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60530 Revert "fix paint order of ink feature (#59108)" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

60532 InteractiveViewer with a changing screen size (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60535 gitignore generated_plugin_registrant.dart (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60536 Issues/58665 reland and prevent the material widget from absorbing gesture (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60545 Annotate RawMaterialButton as a Material > Button category. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60546 Fix daemon device discovery crash when Xcode isn't installed (cla: yes, severe: crash, t: xcode, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60549 RangeSlider overlap properly (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60551 Revert "[flutter_tools] update libimobiledevice" (cla: yes, tool)

60552 New license page with fix for zero licenses. (a: internationalization, f: material design, framework)

60553 Mark non-flaky test as such (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

60554 Web macrobenchmark: bench_mouse_region_grid_hover now tests hitTestDuration (cla: yes, team, waiting for tree to go green)

60563 ListTile mouse pointer fix (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60564 Roll Engine from c332675a8c2f to 729ca5ee63e3 (17 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60567 Roll Engine from 729ca5ee63e3 to fc725775253e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60569 Re-land "[flutter_tools] update libimobiledevice" (cla: yes, tool)

60570 [flutter_tools] support sound null-safety mode for the web (cla: yes, tool)

60574 Roll Engine from fc725775253e to a974b78117dc (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60586 Issues/58053 - Set default textBaseline to alphabetic in the Table widget (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60596 Roll Engine from a974b78117dc to 6354156e51f1 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60600 Fix and address Inconsistencies with Pashto support (a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: material design)

60611 1.17.5 CP: Fix daemon device discovery crash when Xcode isn't installed (#60546) (CQ+1, a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, engine, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool)

60615 [flutter_tools] ensure flutter daemon can exit correctly (cla: yes, tool)

60617 [flutter_tool] fix ide-config crash because of no android key (cla: yes, tool)

60621 Add a flag to toggle navigator route update reporting (cla: yes, f: routes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60623 Take screenshots of wirelessly paired iOS devices (platform-ios, tool)

60629 Switch Windows to CMake (cla: yes, tool)

60633 [flutter_tools] add null-safety flags to dill cache location (cla: yes, tool)

60638 fix pubspec dependencies (cla: yes, team)

60645 Revert "Tweaking Material Chip a11y semantics to match buttons (#60141)" (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60648 Roll Engine from 6354156e51f1 to 2dc202d82388 (10 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60652 Upgrade packages (team)

60654 Only try the GDK X11 backend, as the FlView only currently supports X11 (cla: yes, tool)

60658 [flutter_tools] fix crash if grouped doctor validator crashes (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60659 Roll Engine from 2dc202d82388 to 712f619737f1 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60660 In layers_test create a canvas to start recording on the PictureRecorder (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60668 Roll tester version (cla: yes, team)

60684 Enable shouldCapTextScaleForTitle by default in AppBarTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60685 Roll Engine from 712f619737f1 to 88a8e9db1806 (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60693 Typo sweep (a: tests, cla: yes, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60708 [flutter_tools] support starting in canvaskit with FLUTTER_WEB_USE_SKIA=true (tool, waiting for tree to go green)

60717 1.19 CP: Fix daemon device discovery crash when Xcode isn't installed (#60546) (CQ+1, cla: yes)

60723 add a timeout to dashing (cla: yes, team)

60726 Doc and Error Message Improvements (a: animation, a: annoyance, a: error message, a: quality, a: text input, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60730 Remove superfluous GestureDetector. (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60734 Add comment explain dispatchEvent override (a: tests, cla: yes, documentation, framework)

60742 Roll Engine from 88a8e9db1806 to 65ac8be350ad (15 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60760 Roll Engine from 65ac8be350ad to 51ca1432b3be (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60764 Support customizing colors for rows in DataTable (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60774 await TimelineSummary.write***ToFile (a: tests, cla: yes, team)

60787 [flutter_tools] remove some globals from flutter_tester device (cla: yes, tool)

60790 Roll Engine from 51ca1432b3be to f8bbcc396ba9 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60824 Update engine hash to cherry-pick version a751393 (cla: yes, engine)

60832 Fix typo in popup_menu.dart (cla: yes, f: material design, framework)

60836 Expose height and width factor in AnimatedAlign (a: animation, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60915 [AppBar] adds leadingWidth property to customize width of leading widget (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60916 Revert "Fix remaining holes in stack trace demangling" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

60925 fix semantics to only send relevant node update (a: accessibility, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60927 [flutter_tools] fix crash if the platform section was a list (cla: yes, tool)

60929 Adding CupertinoApp Sample templates (cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, documentation, f: cupertino, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

60930 Add embedderId to PointerEvent (cla: yes, framework)

60932 [flutter_tools] add sdk constraint to plugin/package templates (cla: yes, tool)

60934 Skip Audit - Scheduler and Services libraries (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

60936 Skip Audit - Widgets Library (a: quality, a: tests, cla: yes, framework, team, waiting for tree to go green)

60951 Roll Engine from f8bbcc396ba9 to 0e9b2508439a (24 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60955 Set engine version to head containing cherrypicks (cla: yes, engine)

60956 Assert valid composing TextRange (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60957 Roll Engine from 0e9b2508439a to f22ac9da9c78 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

60991 [Material] Misc fixes for time picker input mode (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

60996 Reland "Fix remaining holes in stack trace demangling"" (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

60998 [flutter_tools] deprecate flutter version (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

61000 Remove shouldCapTextScaleForTitle from AppBarTheme (cla: yes, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

61003 [flutter_tools] make precache force blow away stamp files (cla: yes, tool)

61010 Revert "Add embedderId to PointerEvent (#60930)" (cla: yes, engine, framework, team)

61012 prevents sliver app bar from changing semantics tree when it is not n… (a: accessibility, f: material design, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

61013 Re-land gesture detection for hybrid platform views (engine, framework, team)

61019 InteractiveViewer pan axis locking (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

61025 benchmark memory usage for grid view of memory intensive widgets (cla: yes, perf: memory, team, waiting for tree to go green)

61033 Do not cache itemBuilder calls in a GridView (cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

61034 Roll packages (cla: yes, team, tool)

61035 Fix bug where dispose message requires a map (cla: yes, framework)

61062 Mark new test as not flaky (cla: yes, team)

61064 Handle git dependencies, roll packages to get transitive deps of flutter_gallery (cla: yes, team, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

61066 Issue with comparison operator in generated service worker (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

61090 Roll Engine from d0d6a4c2362d to 0dc86cda19d5 (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

61102 Fix PointerAddedEvent handling in LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding (a: tests, cla: yes, framework)

61103 [flutter_tools] ensure AppRunLogger is injected for run/attach machine (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

61109 Revert "Expose height and width factor in AnimatedAlign " (cla: yes, framework)

61118 Fix #61102 line wrapping (a: tests, cla: yes, framework, waiting for tree to go green)

61126 Roll Engine from 0dc86cda19d5 to 0ec6f6c3f255 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

61127 Test update_packages for git packages (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

61128 Update tester to latest version (team)

61129 [flutter_tools] fix recursive asset variant issue (cla: yes, tool, waiting for tree to go green)

Merged PRs in flutter/engine


There were 1316 pull requests.

13959 iOS UITextInput autocorrection prompt (cla: yes)

15868 Roll ANGLE to ToT (cla: yes)

16826 [fuchsia] Remove redundant libs (cla: yes)

16935 Improve iOS PlatformViews to better handle thread merging. (cla: yes)

17015 Support EventChannel C++ plugin API for Linux/Windows (cla: yes)

17151 Small updates to objcdocs (cla: yes)

17175 Enhance image_filter_layer caching to filter a cached child (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

17275 [tools][fuchsia] Do not tar debug symbol CIPD uploads (cla: yes)

17304 Add pointer events to the Linux shell (cla: yes)

17305 onRequestPermissionsResult now require calling super on AndroidX master (cla: yes)

17363 Refactor FlutterEngine usage in Linux shell (cla: yes)

17381 Clear focus if a platform view goes away (cla: yes)

17393 Fix bug in handling delete key event for android (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17407 use clang on Windows (cla: yes)

17410 Move Linux shell docstrings to headers (cla: yes)

17420 Make DPAD movement consider grapheme clusters (affects: text input, cla: yes)

17465 Android Autofill (cla: yes)

17474 Fixed a bug that left a blank at the bottom of the screen (cla: yes)

17484 Use const refs in for loops where reasonable (cla: yes)

17489 Improve C++ plugin lifetime handling (cla: yes)

17491 Roll src/third_party/skia 8afde5f39508..8efbbbc0d1d4 (14 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17492 Add test for profile mode diagnostics (cla: yes)

17493 Add autofill support to ios text input plugin (cla: yes)

17494 Roll src/third_party/dart fae35fca47c9..e736495eb7f0 (26 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17495 [web] Detect when the mouseup occurs outside of window (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

17496 Roll src/third_party/skia 8efbbbc0d1d4..e70e0c055f56 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17497 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from 6V5BR... to tKvUB... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17498 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from -jFTb... to TWx2R... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17499 Started clearing out the parent of orphaned semantic objects. (cla: yes)

17500 Revert "[tools][fuchsia] Do not tar debug symbol CIPD uploads (#17275)" (cla: yes)

17501 Revert "[tools][fuchsia] Do not tar debug symbol CIPD uploads (#17275)" (cla: yes)

17502 Fix include paths of fml/time headers in the shell and rasterizer (cla: yes)

17503 Roll src/third_party/dart e736495eb7f0..f144d5fdca56 (31 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17504 Roll src/third_party/skia e70e0c055f56..cc8a76f3c763 (23 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17506 [tools][fuchsia] Reland "Do not tar debug symbol CIPD uploads" (cla: yes)

17507 REFACTOR: split up accessibility bridge and semantics object (cla: yes)

17508 Add the Android SDK lambda stub library to the classpath (cla: yes)

17509 Implement repeat filtering logic in Android Embedder (affects: text input, cla: yes, platform-android)

17510 Roll src/third_party/dart f144d5fdca56..1e4a56ee7202 (20 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17511 Fix AlertDialogs built by platform views (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17512 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from tKvUB... to BHVYY... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17513 Roll src/third_party/dart 1e4a56ee7202..28eb884d4709 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17514 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from TWx2R... to hUO_b... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17515 Roll src/third_party/dart 28eb884d4709..80ae6ed91d6d (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17516 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from BHVYY... to 6CeXq... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17518 Roll src/third_party/dart 80ae6ed91d6d..a7f1a5e677e5 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17519 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from hUO_b... to Ezm2f... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17520 Roll src/third_party/dart a7f1a5e677e5..987ad1d96748 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17521 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from 6CeXq... to LDdBU... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17522 Roll src/third_party/dart 987ad1d96748..05103dfe5a0e (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17524 Fix flutter_windows_unittests runtime dependency (cla: yes)

17525 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from Ezm2f... to 3yOjK... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17526 Roll src/third_party/dart 05103dfe5a0e..a8251f820b09 (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17527 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from LDdBU... to wZ5qZ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17528 Roll src/third_party/dart a8251f820b09..1210d27678a0 (5 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17529 Roll src/third_party/skia cc8a76f3c763..04513752fd6e (22 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17530 Roll src/third_party/skia 04513752fd6e..3ef77ddf9ec4 (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17531 Roll src/third_party/dart 1210d27678a0..275a76f2fcd8 (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17532 Fixed nullability in plugin header and overridden type mismatch error. (cla: yes)

17533 [web] using pkill to quit safari (cla: yes)

17534 Do not enable antialiasing by default in CanvasKit mode (cla: yes)

17535 Added missing declaration (only showed up in g3 builds). (cla: yes)

17536 Added errors to match g3 builds and simple errors (cla: yes)

17537 Revert "[tools][fuchsia] Do not tar debug symbol CIPD uploads (#17506)" (cla: yes)

17541 always forward move event (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17544 [web] fix clipboard.getData (cla: yes)

17562 Roll src/third_party/dart 275a76f2fcd8..dcdc71d7639a (31 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17563 Revert "Improve C++ plugin lifetime handling (#17489)" (cla: yes)

17564 Revert "Added errors to match g3 builds and simple errors (#17536)" (cla: yes)

17566 Added "unrecognized-selector" errors to match g3 builds (cla: yes)

17567 Add comments to build_and_test_linux_unopt_debug (cla: yes)

17568 Roll src/third_party/skia 3ef77ddf9ec4..b41a420ed8db (35 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17569 [manual roll] Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from 3yOjK... to VzWN4... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17570 Reland "Improve C++ plugin lifetime handling" (cla: yes)

17571 Remove SceneDisplayLag trace event temporarily (cla: yes)

17572 Pull a sysroot on Linux (cla: yes)

17573 Use a sysroot when building Linux host (cla: yes)

17574 Enabled hiding the home indicator with SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIOverlays (cla: yes)

17575 [perf] Add a SceneDisplayLag event when we miss vsyncs (cla: yes)

17576 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from wZ5qZ... to dCOo1... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17577 [windows] Sends complete key data to framework (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17578 Fix typo in shell_benchmarks (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17579 Roll src/third_party/skia b41a420ed8db..07b2bafbbc3c (13 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17580 [web] Fix window.defaultRouteName (cla: yes, platform-web)

17583 Change the directory to the scenario app (cla: yes)

17584 Add logs between fuchsia test steps. (cla: yes)

17585 Roll src/third_party/dart dcdc71d7639a..a90b84544426 (32 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17586 Roll src/third_party/dart a90b84544426..28c4c6c156e5 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17587 Roll src/third_party/skia 07b2bafbbc3c..f6860405e1bf (9 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17588 set -e on (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

17591 [web] Fix multi-reply on message channel. Add test (cla: yes)

17592 Roll src/third_party/skia f6860405e1bf..8561fc23c927 (7 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17593 add docs to platformviewios (and some drive-by changes) (cla: yes)

17595 [web] Fix regression of pointer events on mobile browsers (cla: yes, platform-web)

17596 Roll src/third_party/dart 28c4c6c156e5..114752421dca (17 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17597 [tools][fuchsia] Reland 'Do not tar debug symbol CIPD uploads' (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17598 Run integration tests on ci (cla: yes)

17600 Revert "Improve iOS PlatformViews to better handle thread merging." (cla: yes)

17601 Read SkSLs from asset (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance)

17604 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from dCOo1... to REQ-c... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17607 Fix C++ MethodChannel reply type (cla: yes)

17608 [web] Fix Path hit test code for high dpi devices (cla: yes)

17609 Reland "Improve iOS PlatformViews to better handle thread merging. #16935" (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17612 Remove Samsung workaround (cla: yes)

17613 Revert getSystemGestureExclusionRects and setSystemGestureExclusionRects (cla: yes)

17615 [web] Combine duplicate platform message spy implementations (affects: tests, cla: yes, platform-web)

17616 make compiler worker count configurable; increase default (cla: yes)

17617 Eliminate verify_framework presubmit step (cla: yes)

17620 Roll src/third_party/skia 8561fc23c927..854ac61e90a4 (36 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17621 Optimize static content scrolling (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance)

17622 Eliminate fx_log_init call (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17623 Roll src/third_party/dart 114752421dca..9f65693f5772 (30 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17624 Made it so unit tests can be written against all ios engine code. (cla: yes)

17625 Remove duplicated cirrus tasks. (cla: yes)

17626 [a11y] Support TalkBack reading by word, character, and paragraph (cla: yes)

17627 Roll src/third_party/skia 854ac61e90a4..48d345fd83fd (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17629 Roll src/third_party/skia 48d345fd83fd..05e2350de5a9 (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17630 Roll src/third_party/dart 9f65693f5772..9a51d7003dd5 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17631 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from REQ-c... to teyLc... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17633 Roll src/third_party/skia 05e2350de5a9..f7255d72f8da (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17634 Always build GTK shell (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17635 reduce web shard count from 8 to 4 (cla: yes)

17638 Roll src/third_party/skia f7255d72f8da..96bfeff55c58 (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17639 Roll src/third_party/skia 96bfeff55c58..801ba0d6064f (8 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17640 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from VzWN4... to LnaL2... (cla: yes)

17643 Implement Hashcode for TextEditingValue in InputConnectionAdaptor (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17644 Roll src/third_party/skia 801ba0d6064f..daf94c56bcb3 (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17645 [web] Fix compositing order when adding paragraph tags (cla: yes)

17646 Unregister the TextInputChannel method handler when the TextInputPlugin is destroyed (cla: yes)

17648 Roll src/third_party/dart 9a51d7003dd5..9e2c8ef0009b (20 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17649 Introduce task_runner_checker, task_runner_weak_ptr (cla: yes)

17651 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from teyLc... to zCKPv... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17652 Update editing state in InputConnectionAdaptor.setSelection (cla: yes)

17653 Add support for setting allow http flag in Dart VM (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17655 Roll src/third_party/skia daf94c56bcb3..459ecee2cbdc (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17658 Roll src/third_party/dart 9e2c8ef0009b..89b0f6726123 (8 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17659 Roll src/third_party/dart 89b0f6726123..23a8788f6a9c (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17661 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from zCKPv... to yCVt4... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17663 Roll src/third_party/skia 459ecee2cbdc..6dfc55454671 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17668 Roll src/third_party/dart 23a8788f6a9c..8ef508ba3667 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17671 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from yCVt4... to G7eYf... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17672 Roll src/third_party/skia 6dfc55454671..32c61af49cdb (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17673 Roll src/third_party/dart 8ef508ba3667..c9710e5059ad (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17675 Roll src/third_party/skia 32c61af49cdb..4b4efe4d6f1f (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17677 Roll src/third_party/skia 4b4efe4d6f1f..d468a1619a2f (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17680 Roll src/third_party/dart c9710e5059ad..2aecf30d2b2e (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17682 Enable required extension VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities in shell_test (cla: yes)

17683 Use VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation only on Fuchsia (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17684 Enable Vulkan validation layers for shell_test (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17685 Roll src/third_party/skia d468a1619a2f..f3953d04a0b8 (11 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17686 In tests run dart code on ui(rather than on platform) thread. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17687 Pipeline: complete method returns a bool to indicate if complete is successful (cla: yes)

17688 Remove pipeline in favor of layer tree holder (cla: yes)

17689 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from G7eYf... to 8JtFK... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17693 Roll src/third_party/skia f3953d04a0b8..4f17b60208fa (9 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17694 Roll src/third_party/dart 2aecf30d2b2e..4aa896464a48 (26 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17696 Roll src/third_party/skia 4f17b60208fa..f50063625a0c (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17697 Roll src/third_party/skia f50063625a0c..ad653d8378d7 (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17698 Roll src/third_party/dart 4aa896464a48..3e43a3dcadf9 (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17701 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from 8JtFK... to X4B0z... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17704 Adjust the GLFW build options (cla: yes)

17706 Fix Windows clipboard handling (cla: yes)

17707 switched to using the ocmock build file in //build (cla: yes)

17708 Add a gn flag to disable desktop embeddings (cla: yes)

17709 Roll src/third_party/skia ad653d8378d7..44e2c5f0babc (9 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17710 [web] Fix extra canvas generation due to context access (cla: yes)

17712 Remove layer integral offset snapping (cla: yes)

17713 Use the right constant for macOS event timestamps (cla: yes)

17714 Added some tests after the fact for #17499 (cla: yes)

17715 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from LnaL2... to M1a9q... (cla: yes)

17716 Updates to use predefined keys. (cla: yes)

17717 Remove franciscojma86 from autoassign (cla: yes)

17718 System mouse cursor: Web (cla: yes)

17726 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from X4B0z... to dqerH... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17727 Roll src/third_party/skia 44e2c5f0babc..e6995c74cdfa (12 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17729 Release acquired typed data before calling Dart_SetReturnValue. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17730 Roll src/third_party/skia e6995c74cdfa..d276e3f0099a (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17731 Roll src/third_party/dart 3e43a3dcadf9..eb18db2116dc (37 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17732 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from M1a9q... to Udupa... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17733 Roll src/third_party/skia d276e3f0099a..9ff1d841f6cc (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17735 remove allocation from growLTRB; remove dynamism in vector_math (cla: yes)

17736 Remove fuchsia build from cirrus. (cla: yes)

17738 Canvas regression (cla: yes)

17739 Roll src/third_party/dart eb18db2116dc..d5c38cd35486 (18 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17740 Update 1.17 engine hash to Dart 2.8.0-20.11.beta (cla: yes)

17741 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from dqerH... to urCsS... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17742 [web] Synthesize keyup event when the browser doesn't trigger a keyup (cla: yes, platform-web)

17745 Remove unused parameter from GetLineXOffset (cla: yes)

17747 Roll src/third_party/dart d5c38cd35486..983f882180cd (8 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17750 Handle paragraph alignment and direction in newline rectangles (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17752 Roll src/third_party/skia 9ff1d841f6cc..938b4532b48f (20 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17753 [fuchsia] Enable raster cache on Fuchsia (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance)

17754 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from Udupa... to Pgthi... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17755 PlatformResolvedLocale localization message channel (cla: yes)

17756 Guard canvas virtuals so we can remove legacy didConcat44 (cla: yes)

17757 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from urCsS... to W1XGO... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17758 Roll src/third_party/skia 938b4532b48f..7a9c9d66f12c (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17759 Roll src/third_party/dart 983f882180cd..5900a0ac492b (10 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17760 Convert MatrixDecomposition from SkMatrix44 to SkM44 (cla: yes)

17761 Roll src/third_party/skia 7a9c9d66f12c..efebaa2a1152 (7 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17762 Remove android unopt build and test from cirrus. (cla: yes)

17763 Convert semantics_node from SkMatrix44 to SkM44 (cla: yes)

17765 [web] remove the web_engine_integration tests from cirrus ci (cla: yes)

17767 [web] fix ulimit issues on Mac (cla: yes)

17768 Windows text input fixes (cla: yes)

17771 [web] new text editing method. (cla: yes)

17785 Revert "Remove layer integral offset snapping" (cla: yes)

17786 Roll src/third_party/skia efebaa2a1152..f49debf07dc6 (24 commits) (cla: yes)

17791 Replace RasterCache::Get with RasterCache:Draw (cla: yes)

17792 Dispatch platform view touch events to the presentation (cla: yes)

17793 Roll src/third_party/dart 5900a0ac492b..5b19445d9cb2 (51 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17794 Roll src/third_party/skia f49debf07dc6..2686d69bf05b (15 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17795 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from Pgthi... to XpyTd... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17796 [web] Cleanup. Split path and surface stats code into separate files (cla: yes)

17797 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from W1XGO... to Pk4Fj... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17798 [fuchsia] Adjust Skia GPU resource cache size (cla: yes)

17799 Add a gn.bat script that runs ./flutter/tools/gn. (cla: yes)

17800 Roll src/third_party/skia 2686d69bf05b..c632aa633792 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17801 Roll src/third_party/dart 5b19445d9cb2..4814f000de2b (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17802 Roll src/third_party/skia c632aa633792..fb490911a952 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17803 Fix accessibility focus loss when first focusing on text field (cla: yes)

17804 Roll src/third_party/skia fb490911a952..0ebc69c9ef34 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17805 Roll src/third_party/dart 4814f000de2b..d9b4c87ab4c7 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17806 Roll src/third_party/skia 0ebc69c9ef34..ae28b321d07d (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17807 Roll src/third_party/dart d9b4c87ab4c7..bc59a4091857 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17808 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from Pk4Fj... to cXXSn... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17810 Roll src/third_party/skia ae28b321d07d..62687b1ec3c8 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17811 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from XpyTd... to pbcf1... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17812 Roll src/third_party/dart bc59a4091857..88876d564247 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17813 Roll src/third_party/skia 62687b1ec3c8..0c9327e48e9c (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17815 Pass amber-files directory to tests. (cla: yes)

17816 Fix a typo so that the secure input view is properly initialized (cla: yes)

17818 Trial PR to enable null safety unfork in the Dart SDK. (cla: yes)

17819 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from pbcf1... to 1Utoy... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17820 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from cXXSn... to akM_d... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17822 Roll src/third_party/dart 88876d564247..63a92a3b0027 (5 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17823 Roll src/third_party/skia 0c9327e48e9c..5d440647d3a2 (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17824 Roll src/third_party/dart 63a92a3b0027..4859de9f090f (6 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17825 Roll src/third_party/skia 5d440647d3a2..eaeb99625312 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17826 Roll src/third_party/dart 4859de9f090f..a12c36dd97de (7 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17828 Remove legacy version of SkCanvas::didConcat44 (cla: yes)

17831 Use UTF-16 for C++ text input model (cla: yes)

17833 Accessibility null check to catch out of bounds hitTest (cla: yes)

17834 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from akM_d... to mnlkL... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17836 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from 1Utoy... to RPQuv... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17837 Roll src/third_party/skia eaeb99625312..76312fbf9778 (13 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17839 Extend external view embedder on Android (cla: yes)

17840 Roll src/third_party/dart a12c36dd97de..61c8ac8b4661 (21 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17841 Roll src/third_party/skia 76312fbf9778..9d4b3185a28c (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17842 Roll src/third_party/skia 9d4b3185a28c..607a489345ad (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17843 Roll src/third_party/dart 61c8ac8b4661..704642a9b00e (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17844 Roll src/third_party/skia 607a489345ad..24ea293cd25b (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17845 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from mnlkL... to vcYwc... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17847 Roll src/third_party/skia 24ea293cd25b..efb2133b0dd3 (7 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17848 Update 1.17 engine hash to Dart 2.8.0-20.10.beta (cla: yes)

17849 Roll CanvasKit to 0.14.0, fix Canvas.saveLayer(null, paint) (cla: yes)

17850 Roll src/third_party/dart 704642a9b00e..ad8ed8bd468c (8 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17852 Report SceneBuilder submetrics through profiling API (cla: yes)

17853 Roll src/third_party/skia efb2133b0dd3..5a9e7fba1e3a (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17854 Bundle the validation layers and enable them if --enable-vulkan-validation-layers is specified to gn (cla: yes)

17855 Roll src/third_party/skia 5a9e7fba1e3a..4f8297db64df (5 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17856 Use Float32List as Matrix storage inside the Web engine (cla: yes)

17857 Add missing case for TextInput.requestAutofill (cla: yes)

17858 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from RPQuv... to 7Q4KR... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17859 Roll src/third_party/skia 4f8297db64df..2432d061ed35 (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17861 Read SkSL from json asset (cla: yes)

17862 Roll src/third_party/dart ad8ed8bd468c..87b829bacd36 (13 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17863 Roll src/third_party/skia 2432d061ed35..e9663db508df (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17864 [web] Prevent unnecessary DOM append call when canvas is reused (cla: yes)

17865 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from vcYwc... to ItiAX... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17866 [web] Speedup color to css string 25% (cla: yes, perf: speed)

17867 [web] Remove left/top/transform reset since all code paths now set ltwh (cla: yes)

17868 Roll src/third_party/skia e9663db508df..a6cd5588d231 (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17870 Roll src/third_party/dart 87b829bacd36..e6baa97e9adc (5 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17871 Roll src/third_party/skia a6cd5588d231..68a22428270c (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17873 Roll src/third_party/dart e6baa97e9adc..64b8ded48b0d (5 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17874 Roll src/third_party/skia 68a22428270c..b920a0b91b1c (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17875 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from 7Q4KR... to kEtiu... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17876 [fuchsia] Use dart::ComponentContext() (cla: yes)

17878 [tracing] SceneDisplayLag is a synchronous event (cla: yes)

17880 Roll src/third_party/skia b920a0b91b1c..5e1a57f42120 (5 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17882 Protect LanguageRange behind Android O. That's when it was added. (cla: yes)

17885 [web] Batch systemFontChange messages (cla: yes)

17887 [web] autofill hints (cla: yes)

17890 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from ItiAX... to ornVJ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17891 Stop clang code formatter checker breaking if local files match glob (cla: yes)

17895 Roll src/third_party/dart 64b8ded48b0d..b0d35855d88c (24 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17897 Hand off presentation properly in VirtualDisplayController.resize() (cla: yes)

17901 Roll src/third_party/skia 5e1a57f42120..b965ff597315 (15 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17906 [web] When a canvas element is reused and is first element in child list, preserve zIndex. (cla: yes)

17910 Run Flutter platform tasks in GLib main loop (cla: yes)

17912 Fix units used in Linux shell timestamps. (cla: yes)

17913 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from kEtiu... to kpECk... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17914 Fix child caching in opacity_layer (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance)

17915 Reland "Remove layer integral offset snapping" (cla: yes)

17916 Revert "[tracing] SceneDisplayLag is a synchronous event" (cla: yes)

17917 Roll src/third_party/dart b0d35855d88c..94178e920ee8 (37 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17919 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from ornVJ... to 9-v-E... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17921 Add initial unit tests for the android embedding (cla: yes)

17926 Roll src/third_party/dart 94178e920ee8..a69cb6d700f5 (22 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17928 Roll src/third_party/skia b965ff597315..1e21d14f2b8b (25 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17929 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from kpECk... to _dAFU... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17931 Update 1.17 engine hash to Dart 2.8.0 stable ()

17933 [web] Fix exception when getting boxes for rich text range (platform-web)

17936 [web] Don't allow empty initial route (cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)

17938 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from _dAFU... to G4HpJ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17941 RendererContextManager (cla: yes)

17942 Roll src/third_party/skia 1e21d14f2b8b..c12aad9485a9 (20 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17943 Change the repo fetch script used in integration tests (cla: yes)

17945 Roll src/third_party/dart a69cb6d700f5..216e3df4526c (16 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17948 Set SkSL asset manager in RunConfiguration ctor (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

17950 Roll src/third_party/dart 216e3df4526c..2e438d1baffc (7 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17954 Fix memory leak of FlutterCustomAccessibilityAction (cla: yes)

17955 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from 9-v-E... to 2CE6x... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17957 Roll src/third_party/skia c12aad9485a9..97cfb05aabe4 (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17960 Custom unicode handling for Android backspace via JNI to ICU (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17963 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from 2CE6x... to 9O3Ef... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17964 Fix method handler control flow in Windows and Linux text input plugins (cla: yes)

17966 Roll src/third_party/skia 97cfb05aabe4..1ae3e75a0b4c (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17967 Roll src/third_party/dart 2e438d1baffc..a53d336b9fd4 (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17968 Roll src/third_party/skia 1ae3e75a0b4c..981d590e8eba (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17971 Manual roll of Dart 03429b20cd67f85d65cc589b529ab8c1a4780912...a53d336b9fd4bbb415d2f1e3f4c653aa107f31c7 (cla: yes)

17972 Roll src/third_party/skia 981d590e8eba..78debd6f6d83 (5 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17975 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from 9O3Ef... to arZdZ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17976 Roll src/third_party/skia 78debd6f6d83..81ef385c1fcd (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17978 Update buildroot (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17979 Reenable flutter scenic test to identify crashes and follow up on fixes. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17980 [web] Fix cachedLastStyle state leak across canvases. Reduce ctx.font reset calls. (cla: yes)

17981 Started ignoring remote keyboard notifications. (cla: yes)

17985 remove top padding when system UI in fullscreen mode (cla: yes)

17986 Autofill main part (cla: yes)

17987 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from eapIV... to 3h-X9... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17988 Bumped up the timeout for testAccessibilityFocusOnTextSemanticsProducesCorrectIosViews (cla: yes)

17991 Roll src/third_party/skia 81ef385c1fcd..5f56cb1d3b4f (14 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17993 Manual Roll of Dart to 726d3c772554924f62db0b9e0d4c280dbbddc824 (cla: yes)

17994 Use g_warning instead of stderr (cla: yes)

17995 Support platform messages in Linux shell (cla: yes)

17996 Make robolectric tests run against SDK 29 by default (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

17999 Roll src/third_party/skia 5f56cb1d3b4f..f5132a05c893 (6 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18003 Roll src/third_party/skia f5132a05c893..4baa7326ccfb (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18005 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from 3h-X9... to NeQ_8... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18006 [fuchsia] set vsync_offset based on config file (cla: yes, severe: performance)

18007 Set the max vulkan API version (cla: yes)

18009 Disable the import_internal_library analyzer check for dart:ui (cla: yes)

18014 use $CIRRUS_BASE_BRANCH for the branch name (cla: yes)

18015 skip TextSemanticsFocusTest for flake (cla: yes)

18017 Roll src/third_party/skia 4baa7326ccfb..a50ce3c98357 (18 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18018 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from arZdZ... to 6VJ1C... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18019 [web] also hide scrollbars in text_editing (cla: yes)

18021 Roll src/third_party/dart 726d3c772554..207953f367e6 (79 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18022 [Metal] On context loss with a paused texture source, preserve external pixel buffer. (cla: yes)

18023 Replace usage of NULL with nullptr to match coding style (cla: yes)

18024 Roll src/third_party/skia a50ce3c98357..8a6f2ed4ffd4 (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18025 Roll src/third_party/dart 207953f367e6..05b7f49c7267 (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18026 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from NeQ_8... to sKCYL... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18029 soften shadows even more; fix shadow alpha (cla: yes)

18032 [web] Use correct shell operator to compare file limits (cla: yes, platform-web)

18033 Revert all build changes made to test the Dart NNBD unfork CL. (cla: yes)

18034 [web] First batch of unit tests for line breaker (cla: yes, platform-web)

18035 [web] remove linux-chrome unit tests from cirrus CI (cla: yes)

18036 Roll src/third_party/dart 05b7f49c7267..53601ecc18e5 (15 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18038 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from 6VJ1C... to WqvOR... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18040 [web] Add support for syncing unicode line break properties (cla: yes, platform-web)

18042 Wire up channel for restoration data (cla: yes, platform-android)

18043 Populate window.locale in Dart (cla: yes)

18050 Introduce runtime check that it is root isolate that makes UI native calls. (cla: yes)

18051 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from sKCYL... to KcV-O... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18052 make "flutter run --trace-systrace" work. (cla: yes)

18053 Roll src/third_party/skia 8a6f2ed4ffd4..21d1720203f4 (24 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18055 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from WqvOR... to rxvhs... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18056 Roll src/third_party/skia 21d1720203f4..5ba50afeed4c (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18064 [fuchsia] Log unregistered platform channels only once (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18065 [web] Add TargetPlatform tests (cla: yes)

18066 1.17.0-3.4.pre Engine Cherrypicks (cla: yes)

18067 Update Fuchsia ComponentContext constructor call to renamed, but equvalent, method (cla: yes)

18070 Add an API for resyncing output streams (cla: yes)

18072 Remove the ResourceCleaner from the Android embedding (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18076 Don't depend on an implicit transaction when presenting drawables on the raster thread. (cla: yes)

18079 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from rxvhs... to 2VquQ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18081 Revert "Remove Samsung workaround" (cla: yes)

18083 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from KcV-O... to cIjMH... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18087 [profiling] CPU Profiling support for iOS (cla: yes, severe: performance)

18088 Roll src/third_party/skia 5ba50afeed4c..e55e56038cf4 (26 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18089 CP fix for web_engine_integration_test_linux to 1.17 engine (cla: yes)

18090 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from 2VquQ... to ByAMa... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18091 Roll src/third_party/skia e55e56038cf4..5443bb32a2ad (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18095 Roll src/third_party/skia 5443bb32a2ad..64964bb1150e (23 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18096 Roll src/third_party/dart 53601ecc18e5..eca696c0268f (81 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18097 Present Metal drawable with a transaction only when on the Main thread. (cla: yes)

18098 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from cIjMH... to Rp56G... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18099 Roll src/third_party/skia 64964bb1150e..80cab814091d (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18100 Roll src/third_party/dart eca696c0268f..be1f85847fd5 (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18101 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from ByAMa... to -_piy... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18102 Roll src/third_party/dart be1f85847fd5..a42e6ac0356d (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18103 Roll src/third_party/dart a42e6ac0356d..c3ce87355614 (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18104 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from Rp56G... to KmYk_... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18105 Roll src/third_party/skia 80cab814091d..57f289d7423c (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18107 Fixes Semantic Object memory leak cause of wrong release call (cla: yes)

18109 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from -_piy... to 86k0P... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18110 Roll src/third_party/dart c3ce87355614..d5af40b640f7 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18111 [web] Add support for ColorFilter on images (cla: yes)

18113 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from KmYk_... to ylgTh... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18114 Roll src/third_party/dart d5af40b640f7..3a7633a191ca (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18115 Add support for screenshot testing in the scenario app on Android (cla: yes)

18116 Move G_END_DECLS that was in the wrong place (cla: yes)

18117 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from 86k0P... to sYtg-... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18120 Roll src/third_party/skia 57f289d7423c..cdf23dd9f1b5 (6 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18121 Roll src/third_party/dart 3a7633a191ca..e2c223de2e2a (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18122 Roll src/third_party/dart e2c223de2e2a..e7bebea059ff (11 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18123 Roll src/third_party/skia cdf23dd9f1b5..4dab280c2835 (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18127 Roll src/third_party/skia 4dab280c2835..8a2f29eae7a5 (10 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18128 [web] Workaround for compositing bug in chrome/webkit (cla: yes)

18129 Roll src/third_party/skia 8a2f29eae7a5..9588a643d96f (9 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18130 Roll src/third_party/dart e7bebea059ff..01820c20a540 (15 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18131 System mouse cursor: macOS (cla: yes)

18132 Revert again "Remove layer integral offset snapping" (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

18133 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from ylgTh... to xJlpY... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18134 Roll src/third_party/skia 9588a643d96f..d5f937bfca36 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18135 [web] Upgrade the test package to remove the dependency on package_resolver (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18136 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from sYtg-... to ERGnT... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18137 Implement local, locales, and onLocaleChanged for the web (cla: yes)

18138 Revert again "Remove layer integral offset snapping" (#18132) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18139 Roll src/third_party/skia d5f937bfca36..6d2febd632a2 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18141 Roll src/third_party/skia 6d2febd632a2..41e377d1baf0 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18143 Roll src/third_party/dart 01820c20a540..9c94f0841078 (17 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18144 Fixed ChildSceneLayer elevation issue on Fuchsia. (cla: yes)

18146 Add new FlutterEngineAOTData argument to FlutterProjectArgs (cla: yes)

18147 Roll src/third_party/dart 9c94f0841078..7bb38670d279 (12 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18148 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from xJlpY... to gnNdl... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18150 Roll src/third_party/skia 41e377d1baf0..3d311a983bf0 (9 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18151 Manually add dependency for shelf_proxy (cla: yes)

18152 Roll src/third_party/skia 3d311a983bf0..0cbd58766ace (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18153 [iOS platform view] fix active_composition_order_ never cleared (cla: yes)

18154 gpu_metal_surface submitframe return false when canvas is null (cla: yes)

18155 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from ERGnT... to c5NQZ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18157 Handle leak of message handle when no engine present (cla: yes)

18159 Add first Linux shell tests (cla: yes)

18160 Reland again "Remove layer integral offset snapping #17112" (cla: yes)

18161 Roll src/third_party/dart 7bb38670d279..1ef444139c4c (22 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18164 Fix iOS platform view not deallocated (cla: yes, perf: memory, severe: performance)

18165 [web] Implement path winding. Fix path bounds for multirect. (cla: yes)

18167 Roll src/third_party/skia 0cbd58766ace..e1c0cb3de8ab (8 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18168 Roll src/third_party/skia e1c0cb3de8ab..1e8fb04b29b9 (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18171 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from gnNdl... to RpHTv... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18172 Roll src/third_party/dart 1ef444139c4c..8c8249fa0123 (11 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18173 Roll src/third_party/skia 1e8fb04b29b9..c5727d8e34d2 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18174 Roll src/third_party/skia c5727d8e34d2..999257d870d7 (5 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18175 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from c5NQZ... to jMJqf... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18176 Roll src/third_party/skia 999257d870d7..c1ad77cf482a (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18177 Roll src/third_party/dart 8c8249fa0123..4da5b40fb6dc (14 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18178 [SkParagraph] Copy text height behavior to the Skia paragraph style (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18179 Roll src/third_party/skia c1ad77cf482a..18db52f2ee56 (5 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18180 Run integration tests on luci, use cipd package for Chrome (cla: yes)

18182 Remove the global engine entry timestamp (cla: yes)

18183 Roll src/third_party/skia 18db52f2ee56..88d04cb51acf (13 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18185 Add FlValue (cla: yes)

18186 Add FlMessageCodec (cla: yes)

18188 Roll src/third_party/dart 4da5b40fb6dc..733153eb517c (23 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18189 Add FlBasicMessageChannel (cla: yes)

18190 Roll src/third_party/skia 88d04cb51acf..3b2db26c59d6 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18191 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from RpHTv... to MhpFP... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18192 Roll src/third_party/skia 3b2db26c59d6..e3d1de7c5281 (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18193 Add fullscreen padding workarounds to v2 android embedding (bug (regression), cla: yes, platform-android)

18194 Roll fuchsia/sdk/core/mac-amd64 from jMJqf... to 1MVsE... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18195 Roll src/third_party/dart 733153eb517c..e86e4d61834a (6 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18197 Roll src/third_party/skia e3d1de7c5281..2871ab0727bf (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18198 Roll src/third_party/skia 2871ab0727bf..edea19858ccc (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18199 Update the observatory thread name for profiling thread (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18201 Roll src/third_party/dart e86e4d61834a..ce62ad2e8b40 (13 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18202 Add new keyboard types and missing ios UITextContentType.newPassword (cla: yes)

18203 Roll src/third_party/skia edea19858ccc..0066adefa97d (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18204 skip painting clipped out pictures (cla: yes)

18205 Refactor GLFW embedding to support headless mode (cla: yes)

18206 Roll src/third_party/skia 0066adefa97d..c66cd987f7c0 (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18208 [web] Implement matrix parameter for linear gradient (cla: yes)

18211 Manual Roll of Dart 39e0e75fcf...ce62ad2e8b (cla: yes)

18212 Roll src/third_party/skia c66cd987f7c0..0dc207f836da (5 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18213 Add FlStandardCodec (cla: yes)

18214 Publish validation layer deps as part of the fuchsia artifacts (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18215 Manual roll of Dart 617bc54b71...39e0e75fcf (cla: yes)

18216 implement MaskFilter.blur as shadow on Safari (cla: yes)

18217 Roll src/fuchsia/sdk/mac from 1MVsE... to 4MCVP... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18219 Roll src/third_party/skia 0dc207f836da..a14084ba1b41 (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18220 Add FlMethodChannel, FlMethodCodec, FlStandardMethodCodec and FlJsonMethodCodec (cla: yes)

18221 Add FlJsonMessageCodec (cla: yes)

18222 Roll src/fuchsia/sdk/linux from MhpFP... to c1q_S... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18223 Roll src/third_party/skia a14084ba1b41..8f6c3ed7c7be (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18224 Roll src/third_party/skia 8f6c3ed7c7be..b55372444d1b (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18225 Setup default font manager after engine created, to improve startup performance (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

18226 Add guards on FlValue methods to check for NULL values (cla: yes)

18228 Roll src/fuchsia/sdk/mac from 4MCVP... to T5tT0... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18229 Roll src/third_party/skia b55372444d1b..ac09f7cd7a28 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18230 Roll src/third_party/skia ac09f7cd7a28..c683912173bb (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18232 disable safari font loading unit test (cla: yes)

18233 [fuchsia] add robust scheduling for flutter_runner (cla: yes)

18234 Roll src/third_party/skia c683912173bb..7359165e660c (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18235 Add fontFeatures and decorationThickness to TextStyle (cla: yes)

18237 Roll src/third_party/skia 7359165e660c..6913d1bb1d7a (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18238 refactor the task_runner and task_runner_checker (cla: yes)

18239 Roll src/third_party/dart 617bc54b715d..2a14a62112e6 (30 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18241 Move FlutterLoader disk I/O to a background thread to comply with Android strict mode (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18242 Revert "Remove pipeline in favor of layer tree holder (#17688)" (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18243 Roll src/third_party/skia 6913d1bb1d7a..bf1904fd4898 (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18244 Automatically remove old persistent cache dir (cla: yes)

18245 Always keep thread merged when there are platform views. (cla: yes)

18247 Roll src/third_party/dart 2a14a62112e6..017b1c46f6d5 (7 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18248 Roll src/fuchsia/sdk/mac from T5tT0... to e718l... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18252 Roll src/third_party/dart 017b1c46f6d5..518f09726660 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18253 Use 'message' as the parameter name in FlMessageCodec::encode_message (cla: yes)

18255 Restore integer snapping on OpacityLayer (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance)

18257 Restore the call to initConfig in FlutterLoader (cla: yes)

18259 Roll src/third_party/dart 518f09726660..092ed38a87e9 (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18261 Roll src/fuchsia/sdk/linux from c1q_S... to iJ5zT... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18262 Roll src/fuchsia/sdk/mac from e718l... to FnmfP... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18263 Roll src/third_party/skia bf1904fd4898..2b688a65c1df (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18264 Roll src/third_party/skia 2b688a65c1df..0b535555ed5d (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18265 Roll src/fuchsia/sdk/linux from iJ5zT... to oDp5y... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18268 Fix grammar in FlBinaryCodec/FlStringCodec descriptions (cla: yes)

18269 Use the term 'handler' for registering callbacks. (cla: yes)

18270 Roll src/fuchsia/sdk/mac from FnmfP... to Hss3M... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18271 Roll src/third_party/skia 0b535555ed5d..ceb39212fece (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18272 Roll src/third_party/dart 092ed38a87e9..a6d06b59ec4b (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18273 Roll src/third_party/skia ceb39212fece..d7a5b59b1ef0 (5 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18274 Roll src/third_party/skia d7a5b59b1ef0..83c6626946d0 (5 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18275 Roll src/third_party/skia 83c6626946d0..21be4f215d0b (5 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18276 Roll src/third_party/dart a6d06b59ec4b..4e520824f502 (7 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18277 Roll src/third_party/skia 21be4f215d0b..c74db7998b4e (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18278 Roll src/third_party/skia c74db7998b4e..518fd4d9d09d (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18279 Fix latest_frame_target_time race (cla: yes)

18280 fuchsia: Implement CreateViewWithViewProvider (cla: yes)

18281 Added a unit test for the iOS AccessibilityBridge. (cla: yes)

18282 Roll src/third_party/skia 518fd4d9d09d..dd1de25896e9 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18283 Fix incorrect declaration of FlBinaryCodec (cla: yes)

18284 Roll src/third_party/dart 4e520824f502..2497606fed87 (11 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18285 Remove pipeline in favor of layer tree holder (#17688) (cla: yes)

18286 Roll src/fuchsia/sdk/mac from Hss3M... to gOhJW... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18287 Roll src/fuchsia/sdk/linux from oDp5y... to TZN85... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18288 [web] Represent CSS identity transforms as 'none' instead of null (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18289 Roll src/third_party/dart 2497606fed87..c6db98667aa6 (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18290 engine cherrypicks for 1.17.1 (cla: yes)

18291 Roll src/third_party/skia dd1de25896e9..36bda05b2199 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18292 Roll src/third_party/skia 36bda05b2199..4e9cfe7691dd (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18294 Roll src/third_party/dart c6db98667aa6..245a574301b1 (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18296 Roll src/third_party/skia 4e9cfe7691dd..3d2c41b773f6 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18297 Roll src/third_party/dart 245a574301b1..d5650235a249 (7 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18308 [fuchsia] Disable failing physical shape layer tests ()

18313 Add FlKeyEventPlugin (cla: yes)

18314 Add FlTextInputPlugin (cla: yes)

18316 Add FlPlatformPlugin (cla: yes)

18317 1.18.0-11.1.pre: Update 1.18 engine hash to Dart 2.9.0-8.2.beta (cla: yes)

18319 Temporarily disabling the fuchsia runtime tests (cla: yes)

18320 Implement WriteAtomically using write/fsync on all platforms, and enable file unittests on Fuchsia (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18321 Set caches directory on Fuchsia (cla: yes)

18323 Disable flow tests on Fuchsia (cla: yes)

18326 Disable all fuchsia tests temporarily (cla: yes)

18327 Roll src/third_party/dart d5650235a249..2bf325900586 (35 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18328 [web] change viewinsets instead of physical size for keyboard (cla: yes)

18329 [web] Fix paragraph positioning (cla: yes)

18332 Fix scenario platform view tests on Android (cla: yes)

18333 Roll src/third_party/skia 3d2c41b773f6..3ebadcc98eab (14 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18334 Roll src/third_party/dart 2bf325900586..d6fed1f62444 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18340 Completely disable paving the device on Fuchsia (cla: yes)

18342 Re-enable Fuchsia tests (cla: yes)

18344 Roll src/third_party/skia 3ebadcc98eab..056d543c91e0 (8 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18345 Revert "Re-enable Fuchsia tests (#18342)" (cla: yes)

18346 Introduce TaskRunnerAffineWeakPtrFactory to generate TaskRunnerAffineWeakPtrs (cla: yes)

18347 Roll src/third_party/dart d6fed1f62444..29c00e28f350 (16 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18348 null-annotate lerp.dart, annotations.dart, channel_buffers.dart, hash_codes.dart (cla: yes)

18349 null-annotate lib/ui/natives.dart (cla: yes)

18350 Roll src/third_party/skia 056d543c91e0..71903997254f (7 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18351 null-annotate compositing.dart (cla: yes)

18352 null-annotate lib/ui/isolate_name_server.dart (cla: yes)

18353 null-annotate lib/ui/plugins.dart (cla: yes)

18354 null-annotate lib/ui/pointer.dart (cla: yes)

18356 sync ui geometry.dart into web_ui geometry.dart; add null safety annotations (cla: yes)

18359 Rename NULL tests to Nullptr for consistency (cla: yes)

18360 Delete unused decode UTF-8, JSON functions (cla: yes)

18361 Roll src/third_party/skia 71903997254f..6c3db04c8b03 (9 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18365 Fix incorrect header for FlBasicMessageChannel::respond (cla: yes)

18367 Add screenshots for Android view (cla: yes)

18369 Adding ImageShader support for CanvasKit (cla: yes)

18370 Roll src/third_party/skia 6c3db04c8b03..7156db260239 (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18373 Roll src/third_party/dart 29c00e28f350..f99631b12c4a (29 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18374 add nullability annotations to lib/ui/painting.dart (cla: yes)

18377 Roll src/fuchsia/sdk/mac from gOhJW... to Vepm4... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18378 Roll src/third_party/dart f99631b12c4a..e0257265d34e (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18379 Remove currentLocale prepend on iOS (cla: yes, platform-ios)

18380 Roll src/third_party/skia 7156db260239..5b2ede3d0d44 (8 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18383 Roll src/third_party/dart e0257265d34e..2676764792b2 (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18384 Roll src/third_party/skia 5b2ede3d0d44..39ec60aa8348 (5 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18388 [web] Remap cupertino fonts to -apple-system (cla: yes)

18389 Roll src/third_party/skia 39ec60aa8348..79c5674a4ca1 (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18391 Roll src/fuchsia/sdk/mac from Vepm4... to 61d8Z... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18392 Revert "Revert "Re-enable Fuchsia tests (#18342)"" (cla: yes)

18393 Roll src/third_party/skia 79c5674a4ca1..5592f2485aaa (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18395 add nullability annotations to lib/web_ui painting.dart (cla: yes)

18396 Add ocmock to iOS unit tests xcode project (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18397 Remove rapidjson from TextInputModel (cla: yes)

18398 Manual Dart roll to 95e11bc2d30f7c1b9c49a4fc97a44c4b32fe66d8 (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18400 add nullability annotations to ui/text.dart (cla: yes)

18404 release previous canvas when picture is not painted (cla: yes)

18405 Disable flow tests. (cla: yes)

18407 Roll src/third_party/skia 5592f2485aaa..b88fe292b55b (12 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18408 Echo text selection changes and marked text selection changes back to framework (cla: yes)

18409 [fuchsia] Remove log dumping to prevent timeouts (cla: yes)

18411 Add TextInputModel unittests (cla: yes)

18412 Roll src/third_party/skia b88fe292b55b..364ed37bf134 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18415 Roll src/third_party/skia 364ed37bf134..f3fe5a5353c6 (5 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18416 Roll src/third_party/dart 95e11bc2d30f..2fd798ed5c79 (28 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18417 Roll src/fuchsia/sdk/mac from 61d8Z... to ibuhU... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18418 Roll src/third_party/dart 2fd798ed5c79..7aae1f603251 (5 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18421 Update flutter skia flush calls to new flush and submit api (cla: yes)

18422 Roll src/third_party/skia f3fe5a5353c6..28590d54f5d5 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18423 Update GLFW embedding to support AOT mode (cla: yes)

18425 Roll src/third_party/skia 28590d54f5d5..71f06f60ac61 (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18426 Roll src/third_party/dart 7aae1f603251..2d57c1f86e22 (7 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18427 Revert "Remove pipeline in favor of layer tree holder (#18285)" (cla: yes)

18428 Started allowing setting message handlers to nil for dead engines (cla: yes)

18429 Delete unused web_ui RuntimeDelegate, Engine (cla: yes)

18430 null-annotate native calls in lib/ui/window.dart (cla: yes)

18431 Roll src/third_party/skia 71f06f60ac61..67c921abaac3 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18432 [web] Implement setPreferredOrientation (cla: yes)

18433 [fuchsia] Debug symbols cipd package doesn't contain tmp dir (cla: yes)

18434 Roll src/fuchsia/sdk/linux from TZN85... to Pi3tN... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18435 Roll src/third_party/skia 67c921abaac3..56cde4923f9f (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18436 null-annotate native calls in lib/ui/semantics.dart (cla: yes)

18437 [web] Reuse ImageElement(s) across frames (cla: yes)

18438 Roll src/third_party/dart 2d57c1f86e22..529f614eb381 (13 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18439 Roll buildroot to flutter/buildroot@a4f3c4d5023e080ee50596e6623d179e9c5f839b (cla: yes, perf: app size, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

18441 [web] remove target tests from the blacklist (cla: yes)

18442 Roll src/third_party/skia 56cde4923f9f..75b6c009170d (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18443 remove unused IOSContext::ResourceMakeCurrent and IOS:Context::ClearCurrent (cla: yes)

18444 [Android] setDimens on ViewNodes for autofill (cla: yes)

18446 Roll src/third_party/dart 529f614eb381..34bf6742d4e9 (10 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18447 Roll src/third_party/skia 75b6c009170d..fe4b0b3ab3b9 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18448 Roll src/third_party/dart 34bf6742d4e9..ecd82166c312 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18449 Roll src/fuchsia/sdk/linux from Pi3tN... to WGSLs... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18450 Roll src/third_party/dart ecd82166c312..b560016446e7 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18451 auto-pop pushed layers (cla: yes)

18453 Add FlPluginRegistry and FlPluginRegistrar (cla: yes)

18454 Roll src/fuchsia/sdk/mac from ibuhU... to av9O5... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18455 Roll src/third_party/skia fe4b0b3ab3b9..92130329ce2f (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18457 Roll src/third_party/skia 92130329ce2f..fb0b35fed558 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18458 Roll src/third_party/dart b560016446e7..313bf285dfe6 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18460 Roll src/fuchsia/sdk/mac from av9O5... to 6F-Xq... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18461 Roll src/third_party/dart 313bf285dfe6..7a94d1d7f1f2 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18463 Roll src/third_party/dart 7a94d1d7f1f2..86edfbef87b5 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18464 Roll src/third_party/skia fb0b35fed558..4a9a2d1c2865 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18466 Roll src/third_party/dart 86edfbef87b5..08bad91aa3a5 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18467 Roll src/third_party/skia 4a9a2d1c2865..263b89711802 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18468 Roll src/third_party/skia 263b89711802..ef3556df44b2 (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18469 Roll src/fuchsia/sdk/mac from 6F-Xq... to rspyW... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18471 Roll src/third_party/dart 08bad91aa3a5..674af7e93f56 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18474 Roll src/third_party/dart 674af7e93f56..40f7a11d8924 (7 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18475 [fuchsia] Use R8G8B8A8 format instead of B8G8R8A8. (cla: yes)

18476 Roll src/third_party/skia ef3556df44b2..8219e91468d3 (2 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18478 Roll src/third_party/skia 8219e91468d3..e7825ff7e34f (3 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18479 adding more tests for text form fields (cla: yes)

18480 Fix missing backtick in FlutterViewController docs (cla: yes)

18481 Enable LTO for Fuchsia artifact builds (cla: yes)

18483 Roll src/third_party/dart 40f7a11d8924..4cdb0d1b453b (5 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18484 compensate for DPR in canvas blur (cla: yes)

18485 [fuchsia] Update the error message to reference the right asset (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18486 Roll src/fuchsia/sdk/mac from rspyW... to -VXmm... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18488 [web] Running integration tests on Safari on Local (cla: yes)

18490 Handle Throwable in StandardMethodCodec (cla: yes)

18491 Update comments for grammar and content to required style (cla: yes)

18492 fuchsia: Fix runtime_tests and shell_tests (affects: engine, bug, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18493 Roll src/third_party/skia e7825ff7e34f..98bc22c68981 (9 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18494 Roll the Fuchsia SDK and update the path to the async API header (cla: yes)

18495 Roll src/third_party/dart 4cdb0d1b453b..5f9e3e07915b (14 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18496 Roll src/third_party/skia 98bc22c68981..7a4ea2baf5df (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18498 Roll src/third_party/dart 5f9e3e07915b..15ee305516d7 (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18499 Roll src/third_party/skia 7a4ea2baf5df..d077e6a3d013 (4 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18501 Roll src/third_party/dart 15ee305516d7..6708394f03a0 (5 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18503 Roll src/third_party/skia d077e6a3d013..ca76920e7875 (1 commits) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18504 Roll Skia from ca76920e7875 to 86fedbb9dd05 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18505 Roll Dart SDK from 6708394f03a0 to 7706afbcf5c6 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18509 [fuchsia] Fix Mac SDK roll failure (cla: yes)

18510 Roll Skia from 86fedbb9dd05 to ac007669ee71 (19 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18511 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from o6YQ_... to 73IKT... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18512 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from Bdllv... to fCHnB... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18513 Roll Skia from ac007669ee71 to 5e6d789ce47c (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18514 Make FlBasicMessageChannelResponseHandle a GObject to detect unresponded and double responded messages. (cla: yes)

18515 [fuchsia] Remove SceneDisplayLag event on Fuchsia (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18516 [profiling] Memory Profiling support for iOS (cla: yes, perf: memory, severe: performance)

18517 Roll Dart SDK from 7706afbcf5c6 to 3a764b7ae4d9 (33 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18518 Roll Skia from 5e6d789ce47c to 3bcb7bb01b82 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18519 Send platformResolvedLocale from iOS embedder (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18521 Add tests for StandardMethodCodec (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18522 Roll Skia from 3bcb7bb01b82 to 34eee0d9fc85 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18523 Roll Dart SDK from 3a764b7ae4d9 to 9807b83d5945 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18524 Roll Skia from 34eee0d9fc85 to 9d52ac1573f1 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18525 Move robolectric tests to sdk 28 (cla: yes)

18526 Roll Dart SDK from 9807b83d5945 to d2ee73b2513c (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18527 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 73IKT... to ThMeW... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18528 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from fCHnB... to 3o9aQ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18529 Roll Skia from 9d52ac1573f1 to 682fca92996b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18530 Roll Skia from 682fca92996b to 3e84312c0f4d (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18533 Roll Dart SDK from d2ee73b2513c to 7aa8656d1dd8 (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18534 Let just stream output (cla: yes)

18535 [web] Fix arc rendering when it starts a new sub path. (cla: yes)

18536 Roll Skia from 3e84312c0f4d to 656ee7bc0fd2 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18537 Roll Skia from 656ee7bc0fd2 to d2dc8ddcdf5e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18538 Roll Dart SDK from 7aa8656d1dd8 to bf7e9d13d730 (21 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18539 Roll Skia from d2dc8ddcdf5e to f83baf230c69 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18540 Add fl_value_to_string (cla: yes)

18542 [web] Fix nineslice assertion (cla: yes)

18543 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 3o9aQ... to RNByJ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18544 ios accessibility: started ignoring route changes when presenting modal view controllers (cla: yes)

18545 Roll Skia from f83baf230c69 to 67ff541ac116 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18546 Add GDestroyNotify callbacks on handlers (cla: yes)

18547 Roll Skia from 67ff541ac116 to 4c0578632217 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18549 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from ThMeW... to ciqRH... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18550 Roll Skia from 4c0578632217 to 22636205ce92 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18551 Roll Dart SDK from bf7e9d13d730 to d551980ac9fc (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18552 null-annotate SemanticsUpdateBuilder.updateNode (cla: yes)

18553 null-annotate semantics.dart (cla: yes)

18555 null-annotate lib/ui/hooks.dart (cla: yes)

18556 Roll Dart SDK from d551980ac9fc to ecce58c1e354 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18557 Roll Skia from 22636205ce92 to b37105ea6cca (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18558 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from RNByJ... to _zNmv... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18560 Roll Dart SDK from ecce58c1e354 to 396b5fb7a97d (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18563 Made the Rasterizer avoid GPU calls when backgrounded (cla: yes)

18564 Roll Skia from b37105ea6cca to 1e63279156d6 (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18565 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from ciqRH... to Kvwlr... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18566 Roll Skia from 1e63279156d6 to 3d52abc84667 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18567 Roll Dart SDK from 396b5fb7a97d to 4ee57c08e0a6 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18568 Roll Skia from 3d52abc84667 to 67e21a19259b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18569 System mouse cursor: Android (cla: yes)

18570 Update CanvasKit to 0.15.0 (cla: yes)

18571 Show error details in method channel response error messages (cla: yes)

18572 Make SKSL caching test work on Fuchsia on arm64 (cla: yes)

18573 Roll Skia from 67e21a19259b to 317dce5c81c0 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18574 Roll Dart SDK from 4ee57c08e0a6 to 65113fd73dec (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18575 Roll Skia from 317dce5c81c0 to da90c3765908 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18576 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from zNmv... to 99Z4... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18577 Roll Skia from da90c3765908 to 80abb89c3632 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18579 Roll Skia from 80abb89c3632 to ec31488ace66 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18580 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from Kvwlr... to DzG49... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18581 Roll Skia from ec31488ace66 to afd8a6c6ae87 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18582 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 99Z4_... to Oz016... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18588 Roll Skia from afd8a6c6ae87 to b6d158aaf3dd (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18589 Support AOT mode for Windows (cla: yes)

18590 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from Oz016... to TSEOq... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18591 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from DzG49... to pLp67... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18592 Roll Skia from b6d158aaf3dd to e4b4ca1050b9 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18593 Roll Dart SDK from 65113fd73dec to 9e3b0289197d (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18594 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from TSEOq... to hr-HZ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18595 Fixes FlutterEngine internal retain cycle (cla: yes)

18596 Fix wrong method name - copy/paste error from FlBinaryMessenger (cla: yes)

18597 Add tests for FlBinaryMessenger, FlBasicMessageChannel, FlMethodChannel (cla: yes)

18600 Revert "Update CanvasKit to 0.15.0 (#18570)" (cla: yes)

18601 Rework GLContextSwitch, get rid of RendererContextManager (cla: yes)

18602 Roll Skia from e4b4ca1050b9 to e90473dc7da6 (27 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18604 [web] Fix child removal after reuse by other BitmapCanvas (cla: yes)

18607 created a linter that runs clang-tidy (cla: yes)

18610 Update 1.17 engine hash to Dart 2.8.3 (cla: yes)

18612 Roll Dart SDK from 9e3b0289197d to e007545c42fd (43 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18614 Revert "fuchsia: Implement CreateViewWithViewProvider" (cla: yes)

18615 Reland "fuchsia: Implement CreateViewWithViewProvider (#18280)" (cla: yes)

18616 Roll Skia from e90473dc7da6 to fd9745eee98f (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18617 Abbreviate names of intermediate generated targets in testing.gni. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18618 Roll CanvasKit to 0.16.1 (cla: yes)

18619 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from pLp67... to V1XR3... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18620 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from hr-HZ... to 5yPfm... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18622 Roll Dart SDK from e007545c42fd to 253022eb1b27 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18623 Roll Skia from fd9745eee98f to 3f479f3da7f8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18624 Fix copy/paste in the Linux embedding (cla: yes)

18625 Add tests & --unopt to build_fuchsia_artifacts (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)

18626 Roll Dart SDK from 253022eb1b27 to 6489a0c68df8 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18630 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 5yPfm... to Id94G... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18631 Revert "Minimal test harness for iOS (#13029)" (cla: yes)

18633 Don't show warnings when removing handlers. (cla: yes)

18634 Add missing full stops on the end of comments. (cla: yes)

18635 Roll Skia from 3f479f3da7f8 to 22534f2098e7 (24 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18638 Add tests for FlBinaryMessenger, FlBasicMessageChannel, FlMethodChannel (cla: yes)

18641 Fix FlValue functions not marked for export (cla: yes)

18645 Platform resolved locale and Android localization refactor (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

18646 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from Id94G... to xRJHj... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18647 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from V1XR3... to 8sYPn... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18648 Minimize child DOM node moves in many-to-many update (cla: yes)

18649 check the branch flags (cla: yes)

18650 [web] runs ios unit tests (cla: yes)

18652 Roll buildroot to 6669621484b649b9355fb2dd37950daf3d2ac65b (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18653 [fuchsia] Avoid unnecessary layout transition. (cla: yes)

18654 Revert "check the branch flags" (cla: yes)

18656 fuchsia: Disable flaky TimeSensistiveTests (cla: yes)

18657 Disconnect the channel message handler when releasing the AccessibilityBridge (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18658 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 8sYPn... to wmNGH... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18660 Make the testing process on different platforms more consistent (cla: yes)

18663 Roll Skia from 22534f2098e7 to 074414fed53e (37 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18664 Roll Skia from 074414fed53e to 921cdbb387d2 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18665 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from xRJHj... to WuG3u... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18667 implement SkPath.computeMetrics (cla: yes)

18668 Roll Skia from 921cdbb387d2 to 0d0758e42a7d (15 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18670 Refactor AndroidContextGL, AndroidSurface and AndroidSurfaceGL (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18671 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from wmNGH... to in0Aq... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18675 Roll Skia from 0d0758e42a7d to 7a34aff3e6a2 (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18676 Fix BM_ShellShutdown regression (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18677 Roll Skia from 7a34aff3e6a2 to 25a8404bd150 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18700 Upgrade the meta package version for compatibility with petitparser-3.0.4 (cla: yes)

18703 do not lock petitparser (cla: yes)

18704 Roll Skia from 25a8404bd150 to 8c5786622b4e (17 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18706 Make images contribute to Picture allocation size, more aggressively release references when dispose is called (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18707 Roll Skia from 8c5786622b4e to 502eab4fc913 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18709 Pass SurfaceFrame to SubmitFrame (cla: yes)

18713 Make GetAllocationSize const (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18714 [fuchsia] NNBD: Kernel libraries for Flutter, Dart runners (cla: yes)

18717 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from WuG3u... to YmMjL... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18719 Add braces around multi-line branches to match code style (cla: yes)

18721 Add an engine PR template (cla: yes)

18722 add driver for chrome 83 (cla: yes)

18724 Add missing standard codec alignment bytes (cla: yes)

18728 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from in0Aq... to VXyRo... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18735 Don't export embedder API in desktop embeddings (cla: yes)

18737 Roll Skia from 502eab4fc913 to a5ced794731b (22 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18738 Roll Dart SDK from 6489a0c68df8 to 3d53df52afb5 (141 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18740 Roll Skia from a5ced794731b to 1adcac52d64b (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18741 Mark conditional SkParagraph include nogncheck. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18743 [web] Remove connection close on blur for desktop browsers (cla: yes)

18746 sadly missed an asterisk (cla: yes)

18747 Roll Dart SDK from 3d53df52afb5 to 54adfeb93f0b (14 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18752 started polling the gpu usage (cla: yes, platform-ios)

18755 Pin the analyzer version as a temporary workaround for (cla: yes)

18756 Implement GetAllocationSize for Vertices (cla: yes)

18783 Update 1.17 engine hash to Dart 2.8.4 (cla: yes)

18785 Revert "null-annotate SemanticsUpdateBuilder.updateNode" (cla: yes)

18786 onDisplayPlatformView JNI (cla: yes)

18789 null annotate window.dart (cla: yes)

18790 Removing Flutter for Web firefox tests from cirrus. (cla: yes)

18791 null-annotate semantics.dart (cla: yes)

18792 [web] Adding profile parameter to firefox (cla: yes)

18795 [web] Line break algorithm using unicode properties (cla: yes, platform-web)

18796 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from VXyRo... to 9-PNW... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18798 Live region announcements for iOS (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18801 Update 1.19 engine hash to Dart 02915ec5ce8a1cb71dac244a73efcd9a5e75416a (cla: yes)

18802 Mark symbols that should be public (cla: yes)

18806 Roll Dart SDK from 54adfeb93f0b to e5b2cb0b02ae (53 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18809 Support AOT mode in GTK shell (cla: yes)

18810 Don't call engine when not initialized. (cla: yes)

18811 [web] Fix conic to quad conversion assertion. (cla: yes)

18814 Allow texture sampling quality control (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

18815 fix AttachCurrentThread override thread name issue (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18816 Fixes UI freezes when multiple Flutter VC shared one engine (cla: yes, platform-ios)

18817 Roll Dart SDK from e5b2cb0b02ae to acb552d056be (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18818 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from YmMjL... to aEbAT... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18821 Roll Dart SDK from acb552d056be to ac45f23134f2 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18823 Roll Skia from 1adcac52d64b to 024d42fdd6bb (66 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18824 Roll Dart SDK from ac45f23134f2 to f92a7d2669b1 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18826 Revert "onDisplayPlatformView JNI" (cla: yes, platform-android)

18827 Record path memory usage in SkPictures (cla: yes, perf: memory)

18828 onDisplayPlatformView JNI (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

18829 Correct BM_ShellInitializationAndShutdown (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

18830 [nnbd] un-fork sky engine (cla: yes)

18831 Reset AndroidExternalViewEmbedder state when starting a new frame (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

18833 [fuchsia] Limit unnecessary layout transition to aarch64. (cla: yes)

18835 Roll Skia from 024d42fdd6bb to cdc39bda9237 (19 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18836 Roll Dart SDK from f92a7d2669b1 to 62903873df30 (10 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18837 Fix braces style (cla: yes)

18838 Avoid creating a vector when constructing Dart typed data objects for platform messages (cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

18839 Roll Skia from cdc39bda9237 to 59f31b143ccd (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18840 Fix include paths to help building flutter runner for Fuchsia (cla: yes)

18841 Run the rasterizer on the platform thread (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

18843 Roll Dart SDK from 62903873df30 to 249cb9c974e1 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18844 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from aEbAT... to ASjDr... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18845 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 9-PNW... to hIXuO... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18847 Roll Skia from 59f31b143ccd to 288ecf60bde8 (14 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18849 Add RAII wrapper for EGLSurface (cla: yes, platform-android)

18850 Make rasterizer screenshot work with gl_context_switch (cla: yes)

18851 Roll Skia from 288ecf60bde8 to 9f7485b4bbeb (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18852 null-annotate remaining engine code (cla: yes)

18853 Roll Skia from 9f7485b4bbeb to aa10dfeec96a (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18854 Roll Dart SDK from 249cb9c974e1 to 403955cf347f (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18855 Disable event tracing templates in release mode (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18856 [web] running ios unit tests from felt … (cla: yes)

18858 [fuchsia] Add ability to configure separate data and asset dirs (cla: yes)

18859 add onDisplayOverlaySurface JNI (cla: yes, platform-android)

18860 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from ASjDr... to b4Gyr... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18861 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from hIXuO... to DELkx... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18862 Roll Skia from aa10dfeec96a to 0ef90dd5e9c6 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18863 Roll Skia from 0ef90dd5e9c6 to 47b06754624e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18864 Roll Dart SDK from 403955cf347f to 578fa6bee9eb (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18865 Add a deprecation note to FlutterFragmentActivity (cla: yes, platform-android)

18866 onBeginFrame JNI (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

18867 onEndFrame JNI (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

18868 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from DELkx... to j9T0m... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18869 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from b4Gyr... to JVQxV... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18871 Roll Dart SDK from 578fa6bee9eb to 4b9c2356e962 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18872 Roll Dart SDK from 4b9c2356e962 to 48b4528a44ac (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18873 Roll Skia from 47b06754624e to aed47a38a08a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18874 Roll Skia from aed47a38a08a to 81aa5ddb9404 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18875 Fix intent builder visibility (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

18876 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from JVQxV... to Xqev9... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18877 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from j9T0m... to U7i_W... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18878 Refactor Win32FlutterWindow in preparation for UWP windowing implementation (cla: yes, platform-windows)

18879 Roll Dart SDK from 48b4528a44ac to 87c5e3612b70 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18880 nullability clean-ups (cla: yes)

18881 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from Xqev9... to uCq3V... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18885 Add scroll event support (cla: yes)

18886 Update FlTextInputPlugin method handler style. (cla: yes)

18888 Add FlMouseCursorPlugin (cla: yes)

18889 Fix name of Flutter class in plugin docstrings (cla: yes)

18891 Support window scaling (cla: yes)

18892 Roll Dart SDK from 87c5e3612b70 to 66e2b22d14af (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18893 Roll Skia from 81aa5ddb9404 to f9ffdd6942f9 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18894 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from U7i_W... to NbGZv... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18895 Roll Dart SDK from 66e2b22d14af to df435c923544 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18896 Roll Skia from f9ffdd6942f9 to 6e659e960945 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18897 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from uCq3V... to f9ILa... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18898 Remove simulator build mode restrictions (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18901 Remove pipeline in favor of layer tree holder (cla: yes)

18903 Put JNI functions under an interface (cla: yes, platform-android)

18910 Add user agent for Chromium based Edge Browser to browser detection (cla: yes)

18913 Use constant for error code (cla: yes)

18916 Add support for horizontalDoubleArrow and verticalDoubleArrow cursors (cla: yes, platform-android)

18917 Log EGL errors (cla: yes)

18918 Implement an EGL resource context for the Linux shell. (cla: yes)

18919 Remove the input type and action from TextInputModel. (cla: yes)

18924 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from f9ILa... to FYAm7... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18925 Roll Dart SDK from df435c923544 to 020359dcc8a8 (36 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18926 Roll Dart SDK from 020359dcc8a8 to 5c1376615ec6 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18927 Roll Skia from 6e659e960945 to 7910a8f76121 (32 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18928 Roll Skia from 7910a8f76121 to 9d79ac6b81ba (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18929 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from NbGZv... to Lwsff... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18930 Update 1.19.0-4.1.pre engine hash to Dart 2.9.0-14.1.beta (cla: yes)

18931 Roll Skia from 9d79ac6b81ba to 45f36b5b5547 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18932 Roll Dart SDK from 5c1376615ec6 to 0f15f8722e29 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18933 apply null safety syntax to mobile dart:ui (cla: yes)

18934 SkMatrix::MakeFoo is deprecated, use SkMatrix::Foo instead (cla: yes)

18935 Roll Skia from 45f36b5b5547 to 64688229fd4b (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18936 Fix CanvasKit text colors by not passing a Malloc'ed array. (cla: yes)

18937 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from FYAm7... to P46X2... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18938 Move Surface and friends to flow/ (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

18939 Firefox gives an error if the directory is not empty (cla: yes)

18940 Make Linux shell plugin constructor descriptions consistent (cla: yes)

18942 Roll Skia from 64688229fd4b to 1ce11e676e6d (10 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18943 Roll Dart SDK from 0f15f8722e29 to dd47387430a0 (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18944 [web] don't run some tests on safari (cla: yes)

18945 Add ui_benchmarks (affects: tests, cla: yes, perf: speed, severe: performance, waiting for tree to go green)

18946 Show warning if method response errors occur and error not handled. (cla: yes)

18947 Roll Skia from 1ce11e676e6d to 437c78593cb5 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18950 fix iOS builds (cla: yes, platform-ios)

18951 Fix right-to-left selection not working. (cla: yes)

18954 Roll Skia from 437c78593cb5 to 5d18c24f7f3a (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18956 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from Lwsff... to 8AiUM... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18957 Roll Dart SDK from dd47387430a0 to f40875bf1b68 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18958 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from P46X2... to oWhyp... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18959 Roll Skia from 5d18c24f7f3a to 4442bfa50b21 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18961 Roll Skia from 4442bfa50b21 to f7005498d416 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18964 Roll Dart SDK from f40875bf1b68 to 2b917f5b6a0e (10 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18965 Roll Skia from f7005498d416 to 9c401e7e1ace (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18966 updated FlutterViewControllerTest tests names (cla: yes, platform-ios)

18969 [web] Provide a hook to disable location strategy (cla: yes, platform-web)

18971 Revert "Add RAII wrapper for EGLSurface" (cla: yes, platform-android)

18974 Roll Dart SDK from 2b917f5b6a0e to 0fab083e1c2b (15 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18975 renaming variables on integration tests manager (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18976 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 8AiUM... to ThzHh... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18977 Reland: Add RAII wrapper for EGLSurface (cla: yes, platform-android)

18978 Include the memory header as unique_ptr is used in ASCII Trie. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18979 Call Shell::NotifyLowMemoryWarning on Android Trim and LowMemory events (cla: yes, platform-android)

18981 Make sure the native callback is registered before running the test. (cla: yes)

18982 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from oWhyp... to gAD3P... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18983 Roll Skia from 9c401e7e1ace to f69e40841eb9 (11 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18985 Call destructor and fix check (cla: yes, platform-android)

18987 Roll Dart SDK from 0fab083e1c2b to e62b89c56d01 (10 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18988 Fix shift-tab not working by adding more GTK->GLFW key mappings. (cla: yes)

18989 Fix inverted check in creating resource surface (cla: yes)

18990 Don't process key events when the text input is not requested (cla: yes)

18991 Always send key events, even if they're used for text input. (cla: yes)

18992 Roll Skia from f69e40841eb9 to 553496b66f12 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18993 Roll Skia from 553496b66f12 to 0ad37b87549b (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18994 Roll Dart SDK from e62b89c56d01 to b0d2b97d2cd7 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18995 Roll Skia from 0ad37b87549b to de175abede4d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18997 Roll Dart SDK from b0d2b97d2cd7 to f043f9e5f6ea (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

18998 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from ThzHh... to Gm8Wf... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19000 Roll buildroot for Windows warning update (cla: yes)

19001 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from gAD3P... to Wj0yo... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19002 [dart] Account for kernel compiler api change (cla: yes)

19003 Move fuchsia/scenic integration behind #define (affects: engine, cla: yes, code health, platform-fuchsia)

19005 Roll Skia from de175abede4d to 32d5cfa1f35e (15 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19006 Roll Skia from 32d5cfa1f35e to 21bbfc6c2dfe (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19008 No GPURasterizer::Draw trace event when layer tree holder is empty (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19009 Roll Skia from 21bbfc6c2dfe to 30212b7941d6 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19010 Roll Dart SDK from f043f9e5f6ea to f0ea02bc51f8 (22 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19011 Roll CanvasKit to 0.16.2. (cla: yes)

19012 Remove print added for local testing (cla: yes)

19013 Roll Dart SDK from f0ea02bc51f8 to 0b64f5488965 (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19015 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from Wj0yo... to gR0Zc... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19017 Roll Dart SDK from 0b64f5488965 to 50836c171e91 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19020 Roll Skia from 30212b7941d6 to 3d6bf04366f6 (17 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19021 Roll Skia from 3d6bf04366f6 to 637838d20abd (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19022 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from gR0Zc... to H-uAk... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19023 Revert "Call Shell::NotifyLowMemoryWarning on Android Trim and LowMemory events" (cla: yes, platform-android)

19025 Roll Skia from 637838d20abd to ac16760df463 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19026 Call Shell::NotifyLowMemory when backgrounded/memory pressure occurs on Android (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19027 take web_ui to null safety (cla: yes)

19028 Roll Skia from ac16760df463 to 45fe2e8a9914 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19029 Fix hit testing logic in fuchsia a11y (cla: yes)

19030 Autofill Menu appears on top left of the page (cla: yes)

19031 Revert to last-known-good-rev of Dart SDK (cla: yes)

19032 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from H-uAk... to Q196k... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19033 Implement external view embedder on Android (cla: yes, platform-android)

19034 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from Q196k... to 9XDKA... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19035 Adding ImageFilter support for CanvasKit (cla: yes)

19037 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 9XDKA... to pVORF... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19038 Add support for headless mode (cla: yes)

19039 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from pVORF... to XHlPK... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19040 add createOverlaySurface JNI (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19041 Roll Skia from 45fe2e8a9914 to 08ac84a66a5e (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19042 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from XHlPK... to crMVM... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19045 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from Gm8Wf... to evdT_... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19046 Roll Skia from 08ac84a66a5e to 602b4024858c (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19047 Rename trace-whitelist to trace-allowlist (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19048 Roll Skia from 602b4024858c to e3a39f7053bd (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19052 Allow access to raw zircon handle (cla: yes)

19053 Roll Skia from e3a39f7053bd to 47111d18f48d (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19054 Fix issue Flutter Web cubic bounds misaligning. (cla: yes)

19055 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from crMVM... to OiCnN... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19057 Roll Skia from 47111d18f48d to f4ec452b7ab3 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19058 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from evdT_... to YEXby... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19060 Roll Skia from f4ec452b7ab3 to 762cb4ea46dd (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19061 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from OiCnN... to 6I5dv... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19062 Instantiate image codec doc fix (cla: yes, platform-ios)

19063 Roll Skia from 762cb4ea46dd to f1eb43e8800b (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19065 Manual roll of Dart f043f9e5f6...6d4e7d6830 (cla: yes)

19066 Revert "Remove pipeline in favor of layer tree holder (#18901)" (cla: yes)

19067 Make upscaling opt in for image decoding (cla: yes, perf: memory)

19068 [iOS] handle text plugin negative range (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

19071 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from YEXby... to aVCEp... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19072 Roll Skia from f1eb43e8800b to 5ca9d1a3414a (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19073 Fix windows SkParagraph compilation (cla: yes)

19074 Manual roll of Dart 6d4e7d6830...021a49e88c (cla: yes)

19075 Revert add createOverlaySurface JNI #19040 (cla: yes, platform-android)

19076 createOverlaySurface JNI method (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19077 Roll Skia from 5ca9d1a3414a to f08a82b52dbf (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19078 Roll Skia from f08a82b52dbf to de980231f62c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19079 Manual roll of Dart 021a49e88c...4b9aa2bd7e (cla: yes)

19080 Roll Dart SDK from 4b9aa2bd7ecb to 7e5fe50b244c (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19081 Roll Skia from de980231f62c to 3244745c3d4b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19082 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 6I5dv... to Gpg6y... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19083 Roll Skia from 3244745c3d4b to 4c47d0ddea16 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19084 Roll Dart SDK from 7e5fe50b244c to 1046888b1bf9 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19086 Roll Dart SDK from 1046888b1bf9 to c45c07592a95 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19088 Roll Skia from 4c47d0ddea16 to 2518f546e3f2 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19090 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from aVCEp... to eyQ-Z... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19092 Roll Skia from 2518f546e3f2 to 1f14ca04b9b8 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19093 Roll Dart SDK from c45c07592a95 to f36151e2d2a2 (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19095 Log Windows errors to stderr (cla: yes)

19096 Revert "Remove pipeline in favor of layer tree holder (#18901)" (#19066) (cla: yes)

19097 Roll Skia from 1f14ca04b9b8 to 8346834d7cfc (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19098 Update buildroot (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19100 Remove obsolete comment from web_ui pubspec (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19101 Revert "Roll Skia from de175abede4d to 32d5cfa1f35e (15 revisions) (#… (cla: yes)

19103 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from Gpg6y... to s-b1H... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19104 Roll Dart SDK from f36151e2d2a2 to 0c2c331d64f3 (13 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19106 Roll buildroot to 2415cd5095c186fe5054552bbb26aaa2b8877ac8 (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19107 Roll Skia from de175abede4d to 72f403c343dc (127 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19108 [shell] Adds a shell test for timezone fetches (cla: yes)

19109 [fuchsia] Adds --targets arg for (cla: yes)

19110 Roll Skia from 72f403c343dc to a3a9da74308f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19111 Word substitutions (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19112 Add a flag to enable dart:mirrors (cla: yes)

19113 Roll Dart SDK from 0c2c331d64f3 to 764e72800f40 (15 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19114 Teach web_sdk/sdk_rewritter.dart how to write a stamp file. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19116 Roll Skia from a3a9da74308f to 67237c14a6db (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19117 Roll Dart SDK from 764e72800f40 to 7d7c1298e2ca (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19120 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from s-b1H... to eqQfp... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19122 Roll Dart SDK from 7d7c1298e2ca to 54481776c96d (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19123 Roll Skia from 67237c14a6db to 81454dfaa92a (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19124 Roll Skia from 81454dfaa92a to a85e4bf00907 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19125 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from eyQ-Z... to 4Tot8... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19126 Roll Skia from a85e4bf00907 to 99b047087d51 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19128 Roll Skia from 99b047087d51 to b54946b86d33 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19129 [buildroot] Roll to pick up fix for misleading .lib output for Windows (cla: yes)

19130 Roll Dart SDK from 54481776c96d to a26ad7fb7c9f (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19131 Roll Skia from b54946b86d33 to c950e05bafcd (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19132 Add PlatformView support for Fuchsia (affects: engine, cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)

19133 Roll Skia from c950e05bafcd to 92887b547497 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19136 Revert method channel platform resolved locale (cla: yes, platform-android)

19137 Roll Dart SDK from a26ad7fb7c9f to 62cc07dbca3b (14 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19139 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from eqQfp... to ZyhoC... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19140 Roll Skia from 92887b547497 to d610c751569a (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19141 Run IOS unit tests on LUCI (cla: yes)

19143 Creates a new RenderMode for FlutterView (cla: yes, platform-android)

19156 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 4Tot8... to 7tx5F... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19157 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from ZyhoC... to 68PYO... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19161 [iOS] text input methods to only call updateEditState once (cla: yes, platform-ios)

19164 Enable firefox integration tests (cla: yes)

19165 Roll Dart SDK from 62cc07dbca3b to 7e72c9ae7ef1 (20 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19167 [nnbd] build mobile/desktop platform dill in agnostic mode (cla: yes)

19168 Added experimental-emit-debug-metadata flag to flutter frontend server (cla: yes)

19169 Roll Skia from d610c751569a to 579e63af0048 (28 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19170 Add GetBoundingRectAfterMutations to EmbeddedViewParams to calculate the final bounding rect for platform view (cla: yes)

19171 Roll Wuffs to 0.3.0-alpha.4 (cla: yes)

19172 migrate web engine implementation to null-safe Dart (cla: yes)

19173 Roll Skia from 579e63af0048 to 5a967f593cd7 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19174 Roll Skia from 5a967f593cd7 to 29cb9f9478d4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19175 Roll Dart SDK from 7e72c9ae7ef1 to 9fcac032b669 (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19176 Roll Skia from 29cb9f9478d4 to 33e044fb16f6 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19177 Roll Skia from 33e044fb16f6 to 9eb89bac85e1 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19180 [web] Fix fonts.clear exception in IE11 (cla: yes)

19182 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 7tx5F... to g6RIO... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19184 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 68PYO... to hlLdJ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19187 Roll Skia from 9eb89bac85e1 to dc3b8f94f587 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19189 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from hlLdJ... to hY212... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19190 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from g6RIO... to subm1... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19193 Roll Skia from dc3b8f94f587 to 50daeddf396f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19194 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from hY212... to thz2_... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19195 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from subm1... to gaCdq... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19196 Replace GLFW key codes with native Flutter GTK support (cla: yes)

19204 Revert "Add GetBoundingRectAfterMutations to EmbeddedViewParams to calculate the final bounding rect for platform view" (cla: yes, platform-ios)

19207 Roll Dart SDK from 9fcac032b669 to cc5df58bd229 (22 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19208 Roll Skia from 50daeddf396f to 956ec8a8bcdd (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19209 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from gaCdq... to oldar... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19212 Reland "Add GetBoundingRectAfterMutations to EmbeddedViewParams to calculate the final bounding rect for platform view #19170" (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

19215 Roll Skia from 956ec8a8bcdd to abe2375dfb06 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19216 Roll Dart SDK from cc5df58bd229 to d872aea6a645 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19217 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from thz2_... to LRcV-... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19218 Roll Skia from abe2375dfb06 to 3cf3d92b56fd (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19219 Use FixtureTest to remove duplicate code (cla: yes, code health)

19221 JNI glue for calling PlatformViewsController.createOverlaySurface (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19222 Roll Skia from 3cf3d92b56fd to 6dd62cbdfa1c (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19223 Fix the return type of CreateContext (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19225 Roll Skia from 6dd62cbdfa1c to b444943db27d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19226 Implement PlatformViewsController.createOverlaySurface (cla: yes, platform-android)

19227 Roll Dart SDK from d872aea6a645 to 2d22e4ca26ef (14 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19228 Revert "Implement PlatformViewsController.createOverlaySurface" (cla: yes, platform-android)

19229 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from oldar... to RGOLO... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19230 Roll Skia from b444943db27d to fc2534692b97 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19231 Roll Dart SDK from 2d22e4ca26ef to d2628a71067d (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19232 Use public accessor and move keep annotation (cla: yes, platform-android)

19233 Roll Skia from fc2534692b97 to c2f46c16ab67 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19234 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from LRcV-... to MvXLH... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19235 Roll Dart SDK from d2628a71067d to 912ae8230fb7 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19236 Roll Skia from c2f46c16ab67 to 2bf27f21f8d1 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19237 Roll Skia from 2bf27f21f8d1 to e7ad8c0d3be3 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19238 Roll Dart SDK from 912ae8230fb7 to 5a6c1e515849 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19239 Roll Skia from e7ad8c0d3be3 to 044e8bc8c2da (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19240 Roll Skia from 044e8bc8c2da to 7f9aa5a2c609 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19241 Add more logging for when assets fail to load (cla: yes)

19242 Android platform view static thread merging (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

19243 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from RGOLO... to 3lfit... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19244 Remove cbracken from reviewer auto-assign (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19245 Reland "Implement PlatformViewsController.createOverlaySurface" (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19246 Roll Skia from 7f9aa5a2c609 to 3b6b7478421b (7 revisions) (waiting for tree to go green)

19247 Roll Dart SDK from 5a6c1e515849 to 6b630c3719bd (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19248 Roll Skia from 3b6b7478421b to fe02dd1ee6cb (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19249 Made [SemanticsObject setAccessibilityContainer] a noop. (cla: yes, platform-ios)

19250 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from MvXLH... to -UZgg... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19251 Roll Skia from fe02dd1ee6cb to 5aaaeea4dad9 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19256 Roll Skia from 5aaaeea4dad9 to 22f246f5ad1d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19257 EndFrame should be always called by rasterizer (cla: yes, platform-android, platform-ios)

19258 Move OnDisplayPlatformView JNI call (cla: yes, platform-android)

19259 Roll Skia from 22f246f5ad1d to a3b0b30a78b6 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19261 Fix string format (cla: yes, platform-android)

19262 Roll Skia from a3b0b30a78b6 to 92c3b89d2396 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19263 Roll Dart SDK from 6b630c3719bd to 05167f3b6328 (16 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19264 Roll Skia from 92c3b89d2396 to 322e4be6a1b1 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19265 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 3lfit... to 6Dz_3... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19266 Android native locale resolution algorithm (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19268 Roll Dart SDK from 05167f3b6328 to b41471670edc (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19269 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from -UZgg... to l2ubU... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19272 Roll Dart SDK from b41471670edc to d8eb844e5d8f (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19274 Roll Skia from 322e4be6a1b1 to 8ee607cbc14d (17 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19275 Adding felt to engine (cla: yes)

19279 Initial work toward converting the FlutterView to use a FlutterImageView on demand (cla: yes, platform-android)

19280 skip ios safari tests on felt level (cla: yes, crash)

19283 Make Shell::NotifyLowMemoryWarning trace (cla: yes, perf: memory, waiting for tree to go green)

19284 Roll Skia from 8ee607cbc14d to 632db1c74212 (8 revisions) (waiting for tree to go green)

19285 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 6Dz_3... to GqEvV... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19288 Roll Skia from 632db1c74212 to 9a5acc5a2dec (1 revision) (waiting for tree to go green)

19289 Call Dart_NotifyLowMemory more on iOS (cla: yes, platform-ios, waiting for tree to go green)

19291 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from l2ubU... to GUK7S... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19293 Roll Dart SDK from d8eb844e5d8f to 2ec47ad27394 (15 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19294 Roll Skia from 9a5acc5a2dec to 9861b7ca2241 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19295 Position overlay layer views in PlatformViewsController.onDisplayOverlaySurface (cla: yes, platform-android)

19296 [fuchsia] include icudtl.dat in cipd bucket (cla: yes)

19297 Roll Skia from 9861b7ca2241 to 49f9437cc85f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19298 Run ios-safari tests on try bots (cla: yes)

19299 Roll Dart SDK from 2ec47ad27394 to d33e51df3cda (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19300 Roll Skia from 49f9437cc85f to ec60ef9ab4ab (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19301 Roll Skia from ec60ef9ab4ab to e684c6daef6b (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19303 Operator equals (cla: yes)

19304 Roll Dart SDK from d33e51df3cda to 1c512ef1203b (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19305 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from GqEvV... to cK_s5... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19306 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from GUK7S... to eiQN4... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19307 Roll Dart SDK from 1c512ef1203b to 4079c373c08a (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19308 Roll Skia from e684c6daef6b to 7580ad47b70c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19309 Roll Skia from 7580ad47b70c to 9689e39a6902 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19310 Roll Skia from 9689e39a6902 to 061a5cf82abb (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19311 Roll Skia from 061a5cf82abb to b795bea220ae (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19313 Roll Dart SDK from 4079c373c08a to a9bef090e8cb (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19315 Roll Skia from b795bea220ae to ac9d3f6f07a6 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19316 Roll Skia from ac9d3f6f07a6 to 29c70f2bb656 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19318 Roll Dart SDK from a9bef090e8cb to ea87c9b01a6a (15 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19319 Fix ImageReader "unable to acquire a buffer item" warnings in FlutterImageView (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19321 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from cK_s5... to mJzHi... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19323 Roll Dart SDK from ea87c9b01a6a to 63cf56d92510 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19324 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from eiQN4... to YGK_M... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19325 Fix hybrid composition bugs (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19328 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from mJzHi... to _d0dW... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19331 Roll Skia from 29c70f2bb656 to 7ac9b5fdb6ee (14 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19333 Roll Skia from 7ac9b5fdb6ee to 318afe66e699 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19335 Roll Skia from 318afe66e699 to 63a0a758ce14 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19336 Roll Skia from 63a0a758ce14 to f123f06aabd6 (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19337 Manual roll of Dart e24733ebd1...63cf56d925 (cla: yes)

19338 Roll Dart SDK from e24733ebd16c to 243ad5427564 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19339 Fix broken mac/fuchsia compiles (affects: tests, cla: yes, platform-android, platform-fuchsia, platform-ios, platform-linux, platform-macos, platform-windows)

19341 Cache CanvasKit objects and delete if not used. (cla: yes)

19342 Roll Dart SDK from 243ad5427564 to 7fc61e77e225 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19343 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from YGK_M... to l3tHO... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19344 Implement onDisplayPlatformView (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19346 Roll Dart SDK from 7fc61e77e225 to 871f0ee31eb0 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19347 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from _d0dW... to Y_dK2... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19348 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from l3tHO... to SuveI... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19349 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from Y_dK2... to lgSTC... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19350 Roll Dart SDK from 871f0ee31eb0 to f91547d6dd45 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19386 update web compilation rules for null-safety (cla: yes)

19389 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from lgSTC... to ScRia... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19391 Roll Skia from f123f06aabd6 to 49b30f451e68 (31 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19394 Roll Skia from 49b30f451e68 to 3a54b68cb436 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19397 Show EGL configuration debugging when fail to create surface/context (cla: yes)

19399 fuchsia: Fix profile build (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)

19401 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from SuveI... to zbrla... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19402 Basic support for resizing overlay surfaces in hybrid composition (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19403 Roll Dart SDK from f91547d6dd45 to 019755f77bdc (20 revisions) (cla: yes)

19404 Roll Skia from 3a54b68cb436 to eb1a9106b40b (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19406 Roll Skia from eb1a9106b40b to 359d16da1108 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19407 Roll Dart SDK from 019755f77bdc to 96e8fa9cb565 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19408 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from ScRia... to TbmMK... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19410 Roll Skia from 359d16da1108 to 95c250c24769 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19412 Roll Skia from 95c250c24769 to 8f3a83671a13 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19414 Fix paths in source and yaml files (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19415 Roll Skia from 8f3a83671a13 to 1c62a7b034c0 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19416 Roll Dart SDK from 96e8fa9cb565 to 22da8934ac8b (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19417 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from zbrla... to 1cpN9... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19418 Roll Skia from 1c62a7b034c0 to 2d7cf46c815b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19419 Remove linux_host_release_tests. (cla: yes)

19420 Roll Skia from 2d7cf46c815b to 746460e25a1e (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19421 Update scenario UI screenshoots (cla: yes, platform-android)

19423 Rename Sk* classes to Ck* in preparation for @JS migration (cla: yes)

19426 Implement mutator stack on Android hybrid composition platform view (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19427 Synthesize touch events for hybrid views (cla: yes, platform-android)

19428 generate package config during runhooks (cla: yes)

19429 Roll Skia from 746460e25a1e to 1e6460d552f7 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19434 Roll Skia from 1e6460d552f7 to 492558a10db6 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19435 Revert unintended change (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19436 Roll Dart SDK from 22da8934ac8b to bec128612c03 (16 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19437 Roll Skia from 492558a10db6 to 400ba22f4564 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19438 Use the X visual from the EGL configuration when making an FlView. (cla: yes)

19439 Fix wrong licensing in engine (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19440 Roll Skia from 400ba22f4564 to 16ee98ddeda3 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19441 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 1cpN9... to avEUl... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19443 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from TbmMK... to Pcug7... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19447 Roll Dart SDK from bec128612c03 to 63feed82e1b1 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19448 Roll Skia from 16ee98ddeda3 to e381036051eb (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19449 Roll Skia from e381036051eb to d2f870c91102 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19450 First batch of CanvasKit bindings using @JS (cla: yes)

19451 Roll Skia from d2f870c91102 to b7bfbc299aae (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19452 add collection rev variable to DEPS so it gets rolled by the auto roller (cla: yes)

19453 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from avEUl... to 4MMwM... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19457 Roll Dart SDK from 63feed82e1b1 to 6b4fe2fb78f6 (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19460 Roll Skia from b7bfbc299aae to b5f7a07b77b4 (11 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19461 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from Pcug7... to 34sZm... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19462 Set child_layer_exists_below flag for Fuchsia PlatformViewLayer (cla: yes)

19463 Roll Skia from b5f7a07b77b4 to 0106fcc8a733 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19469 Roll Dart SDK from 6b4fe2fb78f6 to f8ff12008e84 (17 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19472 Roll Dart SDK from f8ff12008e84 to 8afe9875a6d7 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19475 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 4MMwM... to bigQ3... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19476 Roll Dart SDK from 8afe9875a6d7 to 28a3cd203923 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19479 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 34sZm... to kibil... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19481 Roll Dart SDK from 28a3cd203923 to c190fc3a31e7 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19482 FlutterView will handle dispatching all touch events to sub-views (cla: yes, platform-android)

19483 Roll Dart SDK from c190fc3a31e7 to cffeac78f98c (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19484 Track motion events for reuse post gesture disambiguation (cla: yes, platform-android)

19485 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from bigQ3... to 9Xk9p... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19486 Roll Dart SDK from cffeac78f98c to 4301899ed5b3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19487 Switch to FlutterSurfaceView if no Android view is in the frame (cla: yes, platform-android, waiting for tree to go green)

19488 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from kibil... to tu9Py... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19492 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 9Xk9p... to s4lA_... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19493 Revert "fuchsia: Fix profile build" (cla: yes)

19494 Revert "Add tests & --unopt to build_fuchsia_artifacts" (cla: yes)

19498 Roll Skia from 0106fcc8a733 to 733666b3be3b (11 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19499 Flutter 1.20 candidate.3 (cla: yes)

19500 fuchsia: Remove dead flutter_frontend_server code (cla: yes, code health, platform-fuchsia)

19502 Roll Skia from 733666b3be3b to 52a4379f03f7 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19505 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from s4lA_... to _Na1L... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19506 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from tu9Py... to TizBd... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19507 Roll Dart SDK from 4301899ed5b3 to 69aba23371ff (14 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19509 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from TizBd... to TvWbh... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19524 Roll Skia from 52a4379f03f7 to b827e97d2bab (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19528 Add missing GrContext.h include (cla: yes)

19533 [web] Move surface path code (cla: yes)

19538 Switch view_holder flags (cla: yes)

19544 Pin the version of meta used by web_ui ()

19546 [CanvasKit] Dispose the overlay surface when a platform view is disposed (cla: yes)

19552 Roll Skia from b827e97d2bab to ac45f499af46 (26 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19555 Resubmit frame when the surface is switched (cla: yes, platform-android)

19556 Changed iOS channels to start cleaning up the accessibility handler when the bridge is deleted (cla: yes, platform-ios)

19559 Roll Skia from ac45f499af46 to 6130d5079d55 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19560 Add @Keep annotation to FlutterMutatorsStack (cla: yes, platform-android)

19563 Push fuchsia reverts to 1.20-candidate.4 (cla: yes)

19566 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from TvWbh... to 1oAHN... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19567 include list_libraries.dart as a snapshot for fuchsia (cla: yes)

19570 Roll Skia from 6130d5079d55 to 0c0d8dd6d637 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19571 Cherrypick "Pin the version of meta used by web_ui (#19544)" (cla: yes)

19573 Roll Skia from 0c0d8dd6d637 to cf5e35f72130 (13 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19575 kick flaky fuchsia build (cla: yes)

19576 switch const finder to package_config (cla: yes)

19577 Manual roll of Dart 06cb010247...69aba23371 (cla: yes)

19586 [web][1/3] Start first batch of auto-generated (already passing) tests for line break (cla: yes, platform-web)

19587 Roll Skia from cf5e35f72130 to b4d60f807dbd (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19592 Only attempt surface creation in viewDidLayoutSubviews if the application is active. (cla: yes, platform-ios)

19594 Roll Skia from b4d60f807dbd to 473c9f4cd9b2 (11 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)

19608 Propoagate Tap events on Android hybrid views (cla: yes, platform-android)

Merged PRs in flutter/plugins


There were 153 pull requests.

831 [google_maps_flutter] add zoom controls property (cla: yes, feature, submit queue)

2116 [google_sign_in] Add ability to return serverAuthCode (cla: yes, in review)

2172 [url_launcher] docs: note about encoding URIs (cla: yes)

2346 Remove podspec lint bash script, use flutter_plugin_tools (cla: yes)

2449 [google_maps_flutter] Add liteModeEnabled option (cla: yes)

2510 [in_app_purchase] Expose SKPaymentQueue.transactions to dart (cla: yes)

2533 [webview_flutter] Enable WebView programmatic scrolling. (cla: yes)

2544 [video_player] upgraded video_player to use pigeon (cla: yes)

2589 [path_provider] path provider linux implementation in dart (cla: yes)

2598 [android_intent] Adds canResolveActivity method (cla: yes)

2617 [video-player] upgraded video_player_interface to use pigeon (cla: yes)

2618 [package_info] add support for macos to package_info plugin (cla: yes)

2625 [image_picker] fix bug, sometimes double click cancel button will crash (cla: yes)

2629 [google_maps_flutter] Fix the visual jarring during the first gesture on the map (cla: yes)

2630 [scripts] Exclude shared_preferences_windows package (cla: yes)

2633 [e2e] Replaces the check for ActivityTestRule (cla: yes)

2634 [google_sign_in] Add serverAuthCode attribute to google_sign_in_platform_interface (cla: yes, submit queue, waiting for test harness)

2636 [google_sign_in] Move GoogleSignInWrapper to a separate file. (cla: yes)

2637 [google_maps_flutter] Introduce Platform Interface package. (cla: yes)

2639 [webview_flutter] Add onReceivedError callback (cla: yes)

2641 Add LHLL to co-owner (cla: yes)

2643 [image_picker] Added maxDuration property to pickVideo method (cla: yes)

2646 [in_app_purchase] Fix cannot fix transaction issue (cla: yes)

2647 Upgrade dependency google_sign_in_web: ^0.9.1 (cla: yes)

2649 [google_sign_in_web] Ensure not-signed-in users are returned as null. (cla: yes, waiting for test harness)

2651 Remove Gradle hacks and upgrade SDK (cla: yes)

2654 [ios_platform_images] Fix crash when parameter extension is null (cla: yes)

2656 [url_launcher] Open url in same window when browser is in standalone mode. (cla: yes)

2657 Revert "[e2e] Replaces the check for ActivityTestRule" (cla: yes)

2658 [video_player_web] Add a custom analysis_options file to video_player_web. (cla: yes)

2660 [google_sign_in] Make the Delegate non-final to allow overriding (cla: yes)

2661 Reland: [e2e] Replaces the check for ActivityTestRule (#2633) (cla: yes)

2663 [webview_flutter] Workaround old Android tablets select drop down crash (cla: yes)

2664 Remove out of date pod repo update from Cirrus (cla: yes)

2665 [webview_flutter] OCMock module import -> #import (cla: yes)

2668 [image_picker] Fixes crash when an image in the gallery is tapped mor… (cla: yes)

2669 [webview_flutter] Bump the Dart SDK requirement to 2.7.0 (cla: yes)

2670 [google_maps_flutter] Removes setZoomControlsEnabled from GoogleMapController.h (cla: yes)

2671 [android_alarm_manager] Fix pod lint warnings (cla: yes)

2672 [android_intent] Fix pod lint warnings (cla: yes)

2673 [battery] Fix pod lint warnings (cla: yes)

2674 [google_maps_flutter] Migrate plugin to platform_interface API. (cla: yes)

2675 [connectivity] Fix pod lint warnings (cla: yes)

2676 [device_info] Fix pod lint warnings (cla: yes)

2677 [google_maps_flutter_platform_interface] Bump to 1.0.1 version. (cla: yes)

2678 [e2e] Fix pod lint warnings (cla: yes)

2679 [espresso] Fix pod lint warnings (cla: yes)

2680 [flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle] Fix pod lint warnings (cla: yes)

2681 [google_maps_flutter] Fix UIKit availability and pod lint warnings (cla: yes)

2682 [image_picker] Fix pod lint warnings (cla: yes)

2683 [in_app_purchase] Fix pod lint warnings (cla: yes)

2684 [ios_platform_images] Fix pod lint warnings (cla: yes)

2685 [local_auth] Fix retain self warning and pod lint warnings (cla: yes)

2686 [package_info] Fix pod lint warnings (cla: yes)

2687 [quick_actions] Fix UIApplicationShortcutItem availability and pod lint warnings (cla: yes)

2688 [sensors] Fix pod lint warnings (cla: yes)

2689 [share] Fix pod lint warnings (cla: yes)

2690 [shared_preferences] Fix pod lint warnings (cla: yes)

2691 [url_launcher] Fix pod lint warnings (cla: yes)

2692 [video_player] Fix pod lint warnings (cla: yes)

2693 [webview_flutter] Fix pod lint warnings (cla: yes)

2694 [path_provider] Fix pod lint warnings (cla: yes)

2695 [local_auth] Bump version (cla: yes)

2696 [image_picker] fix version. (cla: yes)

2697 Skip linting camera (cla: yes)

2699 Run camera linter, skip warnings (cla: yes)

2700 [google_sign_in] OCMock module import -> #import, pod lint warnings (cla: yes)

2702 [google_sign_in] Fix issue with repeated calls to requestScopes. (cla: yes)

2703 [video_player] Update README to mention web support. (cla: yes)

2704 [google_maps_flutter] fix crash and remove listeners (cla: yes)

2706 [video_player] Update version and changelog (cla: yes)

2710 [ci] Use Xcode 11.3.1 (cla: yes)

2711 [webview_flutter] Fix the version update for #2533 ()

2712 [image_picker] Move core plugin to its own subdir. (cla: yes)

2713 [image_picker_platform_interface] Create image_picker_platform_interface package. (cla: yes)

2715 [connectivity_platform_interface] Remove Platform asserts. (cla: yes)

2716 [url_launcher] Remove an ephemeral file from macOS example (cla: yes)

2717 Add support for running Linux desktop tests on CI (cla: yes)

2718 [image_picker] Port core plugin to platform_interface APIs. (cla: yes)

2723 [battery] Bump to 1.0.0 (cla: yes)

2727 [url_launcher_web] Refactor unit tests to reduce flakiness. (cla: yes)

2728 [image_picker] Handle all images through URI (cla: yes)

2734 Announce 1.0.0 compatibility for multiple plugins (cla: yes)

2735 [google_maps_flutter] Remove endorsement of web platform. (cla: yes)

2736 [url_launcher] Add web to example app. (cla: yes)

2739 [in_app_purchase] update docs to warn about completePurchase (cla: yes)

2740 [url_launcher] Launches only mailto urls in same window on iOS devices (cla: yes)

2741 [video_player]: updated video_player_web to use the new video_player_platform_interface (cla: yes)

2743 reference apple sign in plugin from google sign in plugin (cla: yes, submit queue)

2744 [video_player]: added test class to fix video_player unit tests (cla: yes)

2745 [video_player]: fixed platform_interface unit tests (cla: yes)

2746 [google_maps_flutter] use WaitUntilTouchesEndedPolicy to fix the cameraIdle not called issue on iOS (cla: yes)

2747 [android_alarm_manager] update dart deps lower bound to 2.1.0 (cla: yes)

2748 [battery] update dart deps lower bound to 2.1.0 (cla: yes)

2749 [camera] Update lower bound of dart dependency to 2.1.0. (cla: yes)

2750 Use Xvfb for Linux desktop tests (cla: yes)

2751 [Many]Update lower dart bound to 2.1.0 (cla: yes)

2752 [google_maps_flutter] add todo on skipped test. (cla: yes)

2755 [image_picker] fixes for iOS which doesn't present camera/albums with more complex navigation (cla: yes, in review)

2757 [url_launcher] Initialize previousAutomaticSystemUiAdjustment in launch (bugfix, cla: yes)

2759 [video_player] fixed detach from engine logic (cla: yes)

2761 [image_picker] updated VALID_ARCHS to support iPhone simulator (cla: yes)

2763 [webview_flutter] Add support for passing a failing url (cla: yes)

2764 Run the publish with the pub version from flutter master (cla: yes)

2765 [image_picker] Add documentation for Android external storage permissions (cla: yes)

2766 [url_launcher] update README with enableJavaScript info (cla: yes, documentation, webview)

2768 Typo in e2e (cla: yes)

2770 [e2e] Use CompletableFuture from package for lower API level support (cla: yes)

2772 [google_maps_flutter] Android: only destroy mapView once (cla: yes)

2774 Update Linux desktop Dockerfile for CMake switch (cla: yes)

2776 [url_launcher] remove android no-op implementation (cla: yes)

2777 [video_player] remove android no-op implementation (cla: yes)

2778 Clean up plugins post v2 Android embedding (cla: yes)

2779 [shared_preferences] remove android no-op implementation (cla: yes)

2780 [path_provider] remove android no-op implementation (cla: yes)

2781 [ios_platform_images] remove android no-op implementation (cla: yes)

2782 [google_sign_in] remove android no-op implementation (cla: yes)

2783 [e2e] remove android no-op implementation (cla: yes)

2784 [connectivity] remove android no-op implementation (cla: yes)

2785 [webview_flutter] use hard coded values in setAndGetScrollPosition test (cla: yes)

2789 [path_provider] linux endorsement (cla: yes)

2790 v2 embedding cleanup version bump (cla: yes)

2791 [image_picker_platform_interface] Introduce new PickedFile APIs. (cla: yes)

2794 [e2e] fixed code snippet in readme that referenced a non-existent variable (cla: yes)

2796 [in_app_purchase] PurchaseDetails.error should contain platform independent error (cla: yes)

2797 [image_picker] Port plugin to use the new Platform Interface. (cla: yes)

2798 [google_maps_flutter] Move test to its correct location. (cla: yes)

2799 [image_picker] Pin version of platform_interface. (cla: yes)

2800 [e2e] Android: Remove warning, bump AGP (cla: yes)

2801 [camera] Fix bug in example (cla: yes)

2802 [image_picker_for_web] Introduce image_picker_for_web package (cla: yes)

2804 [shared_preference_macos] Remove iOS and Android folder in example app (cla: yes)

2805 [e2e] Avoid overriding http, textinput, window size (cla: yes)

2807 Version bump for v0.5.0 (cla: yes)

2809 [path_provider] Change Linux example to depend on endorsed plugin from (cla: yes)

2815 [path_provider] Updated documentation reflecting changes needed for testing (cla: yes)

2816 [image_picker] Add web support to the example app. (cla: yes)

2817 [image_picker_for_web] Remove android directory. (cla: yes, waiting for test harness)

2819 [video_player] Miscellaneous fixes to improve video player in web. (cla: yes)

2820 [connectivity] Bring "experimental" connectivity web to main repo. (cla: yes)

2826 Update Linux desktop Dockerfile for GTK switch (cla: yes)

2834 [In_App_Purchase]queryPastPurchases() shouldn't block transaction updates. (cla: yes)

2836 [shared_preferences_linux] Add support for Linux (cla: yes)

2842 [e2e] Fix e2e pixel ratio (cla: yes)

2843 Update README for plugin list (cla: yes)

2847 [url_launcher_web] Add tel URL support (cla: yes)

2853 [connectivity] Endorse connectivity_for_web. (cla: yes)

2854 [e2e] Use SettableFutures instead of CompletableFuture (cla: yes)

2855 [e2e] Bump version to 0.6.0 (cla: yes)

2857 [url_launcher_linux] Add Linux url_launcher plugin (cla: yes)

2863 [url_launcher] Endorse url_launcher_linux (cla: yes)

2864 [shared_preferences] Shared preferences linux endorsement (cla: yes)

2865 [shared_preferences_linux] Add iOS stub (cla: yes)