Flutter 2.5.0 release notes
- Merged PRs by labels for flutter/flutter
- framework - 530 pull request(s)
- team - 474 pull request(s)
- tool - 412 pull request(s)
- f: material design - 254 pull request(s)
- a: tests - 118 pull request(s)
- f: cupertino - 89 pull request(s)
- a: null-safety - 75 pull request(s)
- a: accessibility - 51 pull request(s)
- tech-debt - 48 pull request(s)
- d: examples - 44 pull request(s)
- a: quality - 28 pull request(s)
- engine - 28 pull request(s)
- platform-ios - 27 pull request(s)
- team: flakes - 24 pull request(s)
- a: text input - 23 pull request(s)
- will affect goldens - 22 pull request(s)
- f: scrolling - 22 pull request(s)
- documentation - 21 pull request(s)
- d: api docs - 18 pull request(s)
- a: internationalization - 15 pull request(s)
- severe: new feature - 14 pull request(s)
- t: xcode - 13 pull request(s)
- f: gestures - 8 pull request(s)
- skip-test - 8 pull request(s)
- a: desktop - 8 pull request(s)
- platform-host-arm - 8 pull request(s)
- team: infra - 7 pull request(s)
- integration_test - 7 pull request(s)
- a: animation - 6 pull request(s)
- a: fidelity - 6 pull request(s)
- platform-mac - 6 pull request(s)
- platform-web - 5 pull request(s)
- a: error message - 5 pull request(s)
- severe: API break - 4 pull request(s)
- platform-android - 4 pull request(s)
- t: flutter doctor - 4 pull request(s)
- a: typography - 3 pull request(s)
- a: platform-views - 3 pull request(s)
- severe: crash - 3 pull request(s)
- customer: crowd - 3 pull request(s)
- a: mouse - 3 pull request(s)
- platform-windows - 2 pull request(s)
- f: routes - 2 pull request(s)
- f: focus - 2 pull request(s)
- severe: regression - 2 pull request(s)
- e: device-specific - 2 pull request(s)
- a: existing-apps - 2 pull request(s)
- platform-target-arm - 2 pull request(s)
- platform-fuchsia - 1 pull request(s)
- e: uwp - 1 pull request(s)
- dependency: dart - 1 pull request(s)
- t: flutter driver - 1 pull request(s)
- t: hot reload - 1 pull request(s)
- cp: 2.2 - 1 pull request(s)
- cla: no - 1 pull request(s)
- team: gallery - 1 pull request(s)
- a: state restoration - 1 pull request(s)
- team: presubmit flakes - 1 pull request(s)
- a: layout - 1 pull request(s)
- waiting for customer response - 1 pull request(s)
- a: annoyance - 1 pull request(s)
- Merged PRs by labels for flutter/engine
- cla: yes - 1729 pull request(s)
- waiting for tree to go green - 1309 pull request(s)
- platform-web - 164 pull request(s)
- platform-fuchsia - 89 pull request(s)
- platform-android - 85 pull request(s)
- needs tests - 61 pull request(s)
- platform-ios - 45 pull request(s)
- platform-macos - 34 pull request(s)
- platform-windows - 34 pull request(s)
- embedder - 26 pull request(s)
- platform-linux - 11 pull request(s)
- affects: desktop - 9 pull request(s)
- tech-debt - 9 pull request(s)
- affects: text input - 7 pull request(s)
- affects: tests - 6 pull request(s)
- affects: engine - 3 pull request(s)
- cp: 2.2 - 2 pull request(s)
- Work in progress (WIP) - 1 pull request(s)
- affects: docs - 1 pull request(s)
- code health - 1 pull request(s)
- waiting for customer response - 1 pull request(s)
- Merged PRs by labels for flutter/plugins
- cla: yes - 333 pull request(s)
- waiting for tree to go green - 152 pull request(s)
- platform-android - 74 pull request(s)
- platform-ios - 67 pull request(s)
- p: in_app_purchase - 63 pull request(s)
- p: camera - 40 pull request(s)
- p: image_picker - 40 pull request(s)
- platform-web - 30 pull request(s)
- p: url_launcher - 30 pull request(s)
- p: video_player - 28 pull request(s)
- p: webview_flutter - 27 pull request(s)
- p: google_sign_in - 27 pull request(s)
- p: google_maps_flutter - 25 pull request(s)
- p: path_provider - 22 pull request(s)
- platform-macos - 19 pull request(s)
- p: shared_preferences - 19 pull request(s)
- p: connectivity - 18 pull request(s)
- platform-windows - 16 pull request(s)
- platform-linux - 15 pull request(s)
- p: quick_actions - 15 pull request(s)
- p: sensors - 14 pull request(s)
- p: local_auth - 14 pull request(s)
- p: package_info - 13 pull request(s)
- p: battery - 12 pull request(s)
- p: wifi_info_flutter - 11 pull request(s)
- p: device_info - 11 pull request(s)
- p: share - 11 pull request(s)
- last mile - 8 pull request(s)
- p: espresso - 8 pull request(s)
- p: android_alarm_manager - 8 pull request(s)
- p: android_intent - 8 pull request(s)
- p: flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle - 8 pull request(s)
- p: ios_platform_images - 6 pull request(s)
- p: file_selector - 6 pull request(s)
- p: integration_test - 5 pull request(s)
- p: plugin_platform_interface - 5 pull request(s)
- needs-publishing - 1 pull request(s)
- in review - 1 pull request(s)
This page has release notes for 2.5.0. For information about subsequent bug-fix releases, see our CHANGELOG
Merged PRs by labels for flutter/flutter
#framework - 530 pull request(s)
#69826 Added enableFeedback property to FloatingActionButton (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
69880 Added enableFeedback property to DropdownButton (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
71947 Improve the performances of ChangeNotifier (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
73440 Hardware keyboard: codegen (a: text input, team, framework, cla: yes)
75091 Calculate the system overlay style based on the AppBar background color (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
75460 Added TabBar padding property (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
75497 Added axisOrientation property to Scrollbar (framework, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
76145 Add support for pointer scrolling to trigger floats & snaps (framework, a: fidelity, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop, a: mouse)
76288 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
76742 Add a bitmap operation property to transform widgets to enable/control bitmap transforms (team, framework, cla: yes, will affect goldens)
76968 Add disable argument in DropdownMenuItem (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
77514 Changing SnackBar's dismiss direction (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
78032 Added null check before NavigationRail.onDestinationSelected is called (severe: crash, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
78133 Changing SnackBar's default vertical padding (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
78173 Improved AssetImage Docs (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
78202 Dedup CupertinoAlertDialog and CupertinoActionSheet source code (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
78284 Add CupertinoScrollbar api docs (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
78522 Shortcut activator (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, cla: yes)
78558 Expose padEnds on PageView widget (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
78649 Treat some exceptions as unhandled when a debugger is attached (tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, cp: 2.2)
78744 Fix painting material toggle (#78733) (framework, f: material design, a: fidelity, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
78835 [State Restoration] Restorable FormField and TextFormField (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: state restoration)
78879 ListTile.divideTiles only run Iterable once (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
78886 Improved handling of AppBar's action
Icon sizes (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
78927 Add TextOverflow into TextStyle (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: typography, waiting for tree to go green)
78948 fix paste crash when section is invalid (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79035 Fix a rotation gesture recognize bug (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79085 Redo fix for button.icon layout overflow (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
79287 Reland InteractiveViewer.builder (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79535 When updating TabController widget, if _controller.index >= widget.length, update _animationController's value (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79581 [flutter_driver] Add waitForTappable to flutter_driver (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79599 Adds text attributes support for semantics (a: tests, framework, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
79607 [RenderEditable] Dont paint caret when selection is invalid (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79608 Remove "unnecessary" imports in test/widgets (tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79610 Remove "unnecessary" imports in misc libraries (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79680 VisualDensity should not reduce ButtonStyleButton horizontal padding (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79721 Fix samples of ExactAssetImage (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79752 Add prototypeItem property to ListView (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79860 BorderRadiusTween.lerp supports null begin/end values (framework, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
79957 Reduce severity of memory leak when BuildContext/Element is retained (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79959 Unblock roll by reverting #79061 (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes)
79966 Add onTap and autocorrect into CupertinoSearchTextField (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
79973 Support block delete with word and line modifiers (framework, cla: yes)
79988 Add a potentially missing TextSelectionOverlay dispose (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79990 Fix doc for FlexColumnWidth.value (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79998 Clear listeners when AnimationController is disposed (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79999 Added MaterialState.scrolledUnder and support in AppBar.backgroundColor (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
80003 Refactor text editing test APIs (Mark III) (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80006 update SearchDelegate's leading and actions widgets can be null (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80028 fix typo (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80047 Adjust selection drag start position for viewport offset changes (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80049 Change test to not implement ByteData (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80059 Revert "improve the scrollbar behavior when viewport size changed" (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80070 Revert "Remove "unnecessary" imports in misc libraries" (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
80087 Added ButtonStyle.maximumSize (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
80110 Make SelectableText focus traversal behavior more standard (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80129 Add BackdropFilter blend mode (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
80134 Move ExpansionPanelList to Canvas.drawShadow (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80142 Revert "improve the scrollbar behavior when viewport size changed (#7… (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80157 Shake widget inspector from non-debug builds (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80166 Fix InteractiveViewer.builder for custom RenderBox parents (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80184 Modified DataRow to be disabled when onSelectChanged is not set (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
80186 Fix problem with right-clicking on a right-to-left selection (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80187 Fix autocomplete options height (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80237 Tweaked TabBar to provide uniform padding to all tabs in cases where only few tabs contain both icon and text (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
80251 Make the ReorderableListView padding scroll with the list. (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
80257 Autocomplete and RawAutocomplete initialValue parameter (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80294 Remove a dynamic that is no longer necessary (and the TODO for it) (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80302 Handle null primary focus when receiving key events (framework, cla: yes)
80305 Revert "Reland InteractiveViewer.builder" (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80316 Fixed typos in AppBar.title API doc sample (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
80326 Revert "Remove a dynamic that is no longer necessary (and the TODO for it)" (framework, cla: yes)
80336 Add showTimePicker
function link (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80355 fix a BackButtonListener bug (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80360 Add ExpansionTile.controlAffinity (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
80373 Reland "Remove a dynamic that is no longer necessary (and the TODO for it) (#80294)" (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80380 Revert "Added MaterialState.scrolledUnder and support in AppBar.backgroundColor" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
80395 Re-land "Added MaterialState.scrolledUnder and support in AppBar.backgroundColor" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80420 Update PopupMenuButton widget (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80453 Fix FlexibleSpaceBar Opacity when AppBar.toolbarHeight > ktoolbarHeight (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
80454 Updated the OutlinedButton class API doc (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
80459 [flutter_releases] Flutter Dev 2.2.0-10.1.pre Framework Cherrypicks (tool, framework, engine, cla: yes)
80467 Added support for AppBarTheme.toolbarHeight (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80476 Replace dynamic by Object/Object? in router.dart (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80527 Added the ability to constrain the size of bottom sheets. (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80545 Revert "Fix FlexibleSpaceBar Opacity when AppBar.toolbarHeight > ktoolbarHeight" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80554 Convert AnimatedSize to a StatefulWidget (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80566 [State Restoration] Restorable TimePickerDialog
widget, RestorableTimeOfDay
(framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80567 Change cursor when hovering on DropdownButton (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80573 fix a NestedScrollView's ScrollPosition access bug (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80587 Add dart fix for DragAnchor deprecation (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
80588 Speed up WriteBuffer by removing some runtime checks in release builds and removing a loop (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80589 Re-land Fix FlexibleSpaceBar Opacity when AppBar.toolbarHeight > ktoolbarHeight (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80639 navigator cleans up its pop transitions. (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80657 Correct typo in addWithPaintTransform docs (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80754 Added the ability to constrain the size of input decorators (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80756 Migrate LogicalKeySet to SingleActivator (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, severe: API break, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
80761 Enable previously skipped Editable test (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80772 Replace some dynamic
to Object?
type (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80792 Modified TabBar.preferredSize to remove hardcoded knowledge about child Tab. (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
80805 Update bottom_tab_bar_test.dart (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
80817 fix sort_directives violations (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
80831 Revert "Update PopupMenuButton widget" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80836 Add a ThreePointCubic spline that combines two cubic curves (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
80852 add trailing commas in flutter/test/animation (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80897 Reland double gzip wrapping NOTICES to reduce on-disk installed space (team, tool, framework, cla: yes)
80901 fix unsorted directives (a: tests, tool, framework, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
80926 add trailing commas in flutter/test/{foundation,gestures} (framework, cla: yes)
80930 add a test for popupMenuButton (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80965 Revert "Replace some dynamic
to Object?
type" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
80986 Revert "Replace some dynamic
to Object?
type (#80772)" (#80965) (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
80995 Add trailing commas in packages/flutter/test/{painting,physics,semantics,schedule}
(framework, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81000 Remove "unnecessary" imports in packages/flutter (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
81014 Fix error resolution when a completer is already set (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81022 fix resampling leads to Hard to tap (framework, cla: no)
81040 Fix Hit Tests in RenderEditable when Scrolled (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81042 Add trailing commas in packages/flutter/test/services (framework, cla: yes)
81043 Update text_form_field.dart (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81060 sort directives (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81065 Add trailing commas in packages/flutter/test/rendering (framework, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
81067 Deprecate AnimatedSize.vsync (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81075 Added a ProgressIndicatorTheme. (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81076 Revert "[RenderEditable] Dont paint caret when selection is invalid" (framework, cla: yes)
81080 Add trailing commas in packages/flutter/test/cupertino (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
81083 Make compareTo more robust in semantics.dart (framework, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81089 Dispose thumbPainter in Switch to avoid crash (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81100 Modify CupertinoSearchTextField's prefix icon. (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
81148 MouseRegion enter/exit event can be triggered with button pressed (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81150 [flutter_driver] support log communication for WebFlutterDriver (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81153 Enable avoid_escaping_inner_quotes lint (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
81155 Revert "[RenderEditable] Dont paint caret when selection is invalid" #81076 (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81221 Enable vm:notify-debugger-on-exception for more use cases enabled by upstream fix (tool, framework, cla: yes)
81226 Revert "Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
81228 Support notched BottomAppbar when Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar == null (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81235 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
81240 Add benchmark for number of GCs in animated GIF (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81241 Use ColorScheme.primary (not secondary), ExpansionTile expanded color (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81246 Short-circuit _debugCanPerformMutations if debugDoingLayout is false (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81247 Cheaper debug string for widget-provided tickers (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81250 Improve performance of debugCheckHasDirectionality (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81260 Add onLongPressDown, onLongPressCancel (framework, cla: yes)
81278 Assert for valid ScrollController in Scrollbar gestures (framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: error message)
81282 Expose the alignment property for DropdownButton and item (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81295 Override MediaQuery for WidgetsApp (severe: new feature, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
81303 [Framework] Support for Android Fullscreen Modes (severe: new feature, e: device-specific, platform-android, framework, engine, f: material design, a: fidelity, cla: yes, a: quality, customer: crowd, waiting for tree to go green, a: layout)
81316 Revert "Refactor text editing test APIs (Mark III)" (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81325 Fix typo to trigger build (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81329 Add trailing commas in packages/flutter/test/material (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81336 Deprecate ThemeData accentColor, accentColorBright, accentIconTheme, accentTextTheme (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81340 Fix bug in LongPressGestureRecognizer (framework, cla: yes)
81343 Correct documentation in GestureRecognizerState (framework, cla: yes)
81359 Fixed ProgressIndicatorTheme.wrap() (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81362 Add trailing commas in packages/flutter/test/widgets (framework, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81372 Adding itemExtent
to ReorderableList
and ReorderableListView
(framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81373 Remove an obsolete comment in RenderView.hitTestMouseTrackers (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81393 Added arrowHeadColor property to PaginatedDataTable (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81396 Add draggable parameter to ReorderableDragStartListener (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81406 Add trailing commas in examples and packages/flutter/ (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
81409 Revert "Improve performance of debugCheckHasDirectionality" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81427 Update the docs for ProgressIndicator to remove some unnecessary adaptive descriptions. (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81431 Improve performance of debugCheckHasDirectionality (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81497 Update documentation for scrollUntilVisible and friends. (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81505 Fix to the tab height (Issue #81500) (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81529 fix a MaterialApp NNBD issue (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81557 Revert "MouseRegion enter/exit event can be triggered with button pressed" (framework, cla: yes)
81565 Link to correct extended integration test driver file in integration_test README (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, t: flutter driver, waiting for tree to go green)
81569 [flutter] reject mouse drags by default in scrollables (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81578 Enable library_private_types_in_public_api lint (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
81588 Allow widget inspector's _Location.file to be null (framework, cla: yes)
81590 Fix assert in RenderObject.getTransformTo() (framework, cla: yes)
81601 Allow reuse of NavigatorObserver in Navigator.observers (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81604 prototypeItem added to ReorderableList and ReorderableListView (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81631 Clean up some old and obsolete TODOs of mine (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81632 Be more consistent about how we mark classes that can't be extended. (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81634 Change elevation to double of MergeableMaterial (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81647 Add slider adaptive cupertino thumb color (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
81686 Add "onTap" callback to PopupMenuItem (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81699 Fixed some trivial formatting issues in test/material/popup_menu_test.dart (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81706 Integrate MaterialBanner with the ScaffoldMessenger API (severe: new feature, framework, a: animation, f: material design, a: fidelity, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
81792 Reduce potential collisions from Gold RNG (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green, team: infra, team: presubmit flakes)
81794 Reland GC related bench update (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81796 Add doc links to RawGestureDetector (framework, cla: yes)
81807 Character activator (a: tests, a: text input, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81813 ExpansionPanelList elevation as double (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81829 Revert "Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
81850 Assert when duplicated keys are introduced in subsequent build (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81858 Deprecate GestureDetector.kind
in favor of new supportedDevices
(severe: new feature, framework, cla: yes, f: gestures, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop, a: mouse)
81859 remove unnecessary String.toString() (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81865 Add Enter and Tab back in to ios and macos key maps (team, framework, cla: yes)
81884 Gesture recognizer cleanup (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, a: quality, f: gestures, documentation)
81898 Expose basicLocaleListResolution in widget library (framework, a: internationalization, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81927 [flutter_releases] Flutter Beta 2.2.0-10.3.pre Framework Cherrypicks (team, tool, framework, engine, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes)
81928 Implement ==/hashCode for ViewConfiguration, avoid unnecessary layer creation/replacement (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81930 Refactor MethodChannel and remove redundant OptionalMethodChannel methods (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81932 Add some examples of widgets that support visual density (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, d: api docs, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
81961 Only skip license initialization on flutter test
binding (a: tests, team, tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81986 clean-up analysis_options.yaml's across the repository (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81987 Enable vm:notify-debugger-on-exception on handlePlatformMessage (tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82005 Revert "Reland GC related bench update" (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes)
82017 Small change to doc to trick firebase (framework, cla: yes)
82025 fix scrollable widget scrollDirection update bug (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82026 Extend Toggle Button's fill color with MaterialState (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82028 Fix dartdoc for SliverAppBar#shadowColor (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
82039 Revert "Assert when duplicated keys are introduced in subsequent build" (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82042 Reland GC benchmark changes again (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82057 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82059 Revert "Reland GC benchmark changes again" (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes)
82069 Reland GC tracking benchmarks (a: tests, team, tool, framework, cla: yes)
82084 Enable unnecessary_null_checks lint (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
82140 Prevent DiagnosticsStackTrace truncation (framework, cla: yes)
82152 Fix slider notifies start and end twice when participates in gesture arena (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82196 Deprecated ThemeData buttonColor (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
82201 Reland "Assert when duplicated keys are introduced in subsequent build (#81850)" (framework, cla: yes)
82215 Let RenderEditable.delete directly delete from the controller text. (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82223 📝 Added toString
tests for flutter/services/text_input.dart (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82234 Fixed a problem with the FAB position when constraints set on bottom sheet. (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82235 📝 Added tests for toString to increase coverage (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82238 use throwsA matcher instead of try-catch-fail (a: tests, team, tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82286 Fix RenderEditable.computeMaxIntrinsicWidth error return. (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82290 use throwsA matcher instead of try-catch-fail (a: tests, team, tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82293 Better hover handling for Scrollbar (framework, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop, a: annoyance, a: mouse)
82296 Fixed a problem with the first drag update on a reorderable list. (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82297 remove noop primitive operations (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82310 Roll Engine to 44ba0c7c4bfd (5 revisions) (framework, engine, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82319 Fix typos (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82327 update the DragStartBehavior documetations (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
82328 use throwsXxx instead of throwsA(isA
82337 Revert "Init licenses for test bindings (#81961)" (a: tests, team, tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82340 change the elevation of dropdown from int to double (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
82344 update the backwardsCompatibility to docs (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82348 Remove redundant MediaQueryDatas in tests (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
82380 Corrected OverflowBar layout when it is wider that its intrinsic width (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82387 first part of applying sort_child_properties_last (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
82426 Enable use_named_constants_lint (tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82441 Sets textInputAction property of CupertinoSearchTextField to TextInputAction.search by default (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
82446 Revert "change the elevation of dropdown from int to double" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
82457 end of sort_child_properties_last (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82503 More toStrings and tests for physics, better docs (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82508 Remove "unnecessary" imports. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82525 Revert "Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82533 Fix single frame image is decoded even cached (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82539 Added Alignment docs for FractionallySizedBox (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82564 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82570 Fix AppBar's title doc (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82575 [flutter] when primary mouse pointers don't contact a focused node, reset the focus (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82581 [flutter_releases] Flutter Framework Engine roll (team, tool, framework, engine, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes)
82589 Fix typos (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
82594 Migrate the navigator API to routeInformationUpdated. (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82596 Removed default page transitions for desktop and web platforms. (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82609 Fix wrap compute max intrinsic width/height with spacing (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82671 TextField terminal the enter and space raw key events by default (a: text input, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop)
82675 fix a ListWheelScrollView childDelegate update bug (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
82687 Update the scrollbar (severe: new feature, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop)
82712 [flutter_test/integration_test] added setSurfaceSize test coverage (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, will affect goldens, integration_test)
82727 State Restoration for Router (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82753 Revert "Added axisOrientation property to Scrollbar" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
82764 Fix scrollbar drag gestures for reversed scrollables (framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
82765 Do not crash if table children are replaced before they are layed out (severe: crash, framework, a: animation, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82786 Drag gesture recognizer accepts all pointers when any pointer is accepted (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82818 Fix "Added AxisOrientation property to Scrollbar (#75497)" analysis failures (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
82828 Remove "unnecessary" imports. (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82831 Revert "Gesture recognizer cleanup" (framework, cla: yes)
82834 Fix addAllowedPointer() overrides (framework, cla: yes)
82835 Enable vm:notify-debugger-on-exception for LayoutBuilder (tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82843 refactor: Add MaterialStateMixin (severe: new feature, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
82872 Revert "Fix wrap compute max intrinsic width/height with spacing (#82… (framework, cla: yes)
82883 Dispose render objects when owning element is unmounted. (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82885 Re-apply "Gesture recognizer cleanup" (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, a: quality, f: gestures, documentation)
82926 [web] Make web integration tests shadow DOM aware. (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82934 [flutter] use engine provided frame number (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82939 FlutterDriver: deprecate enableAccessibility; redirect it to setSemantics; add setSemantics tests (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, d: examples)
82963 Update rendering smoke tests to assert a frame has been scheduled (team, framework, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82986 Re-add the removed MediaQuery.removePadding of PopupMenuButton (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83014 fix a DropdownButtonFormField label display issue (severe: regression, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
83049 Fix RenderBox doc (framework, cla: yes)
83082 Add SerialTapGestureRecognizer (severe: new feature, framework, cla: yes, f: gestures)
83130 disable ideographic script test on web (framework, cla: yes)
83145 Always push layer for RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83146 Add iOS key map generation, make macOS var naming consistent with repo (team, framework, cla: yes)
83177 Elevation for Stepper(horizontally) (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83247 Fix typo in text_input.dart (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83253 Reland: MouseRegion enter/exit event can be triggered with button pressed (framework, cla: yes)
83301 Make RouteInformationProvider value non nullable (framework, cla: yes)
83318 Support Float32Lists in StandardMessageCodec (#72613) (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83337 Test WidgetTester handling test pointers (a: tests, framework, cla: yes)
83379 Add ability to specify Image widget opacity as an animation (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
83407 enable lint prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83428 add AnimatedScale and AnimatedRotation widgets (severe: new feature, framework, a: animation, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
83433 fix lint from an improved unnecessary_parenthesis (team, tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83434 Updates override of SemanticsUpdateBuilderSpy to enable soft transition (framework, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83509 Router replaces browser history entry if state changes (framework, cla: yes, f: routes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)
83512 Move cursor position to the end of search query in SearchDelegate after query is set (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83537 Support WidgetSpan in RenderEditable (a: text input, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: typography, waiting for tree to go green)
83626 Update Paragraph.getLineBoundary docs (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83627 Update TextStyle API Docs (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83639 [TextSelectionControls] move the tap gesture callback into _TextSelectionHandlePainter, remove _TransparentTapGestureRecognizer
. (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
83661 Remove unused SingleTickerProviderStateMixin
from AnimatedSize
example (framework, a: animation, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
83677 Clarify the IconTheme documentation (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83678 DefaultAssetBundle returns an AssetBundle so should export it (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83689 fix a Scaffold.bottomSheet update bug (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83696 Support for keyboard navigation of Autocomplete options. (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
83734 Fix typo in documentation (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83740 Fixed Typo in Editable Text API docs (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83744 Fixed large amount of spelling errors (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83752 Keyboard events (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
83790 Revert "Dispose render objects when owning element is unmounted." (team, framework, cla: yes, d: examples)
83826 l10n updates for June beta (framework, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
83828 Fix widgets with built-in scrollbars (framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83830 Make tooltip hoverable and dismissible (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83843 Clean up the bindings APIs (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83863 Ensure the Autocomplete options scroll as needed. (framework, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop)
83904 Revert "fix a Scaffold.bottomSheet update bug" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83913 [flutter] ensure vmservice binding is registered in profile mode (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83920 Reland "Dispose render objects when owning element is unmounted. (#82883)" (#83790) (team, framework, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83923 Remove deprecated hasFloatingPlaceholder (team, framework, f: material design, severe: API break, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
83924 Remove TextTheme deprecations (team, framework, f: material design, severe: API break, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
83926 Remove deprecated typography constructor (team, framework, f: material design, severe: API break, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
83943 enable lint use_test_throws_matchers (tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83947 Fixed TimeOfDay.hourOfPeriod for the noon and midnight cases. (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83959 Remove "unnecessary" imports. (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
83962 Forbid calling findRenderObject on an unmounted element (framework, cla: yes)
83968 Delete obsolete TODO and skip (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83974 Add TextInputType.none (a: text input, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84041 Add SizedBox.square() constructor (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84055 Allow Flutter focus to interop with Android view hierarchies (a: text input, framework, cla: yes, a: platform-views, f: focus)
84095 Add onPlatformViewCreated to HtmlElementView (framework, cla: yes, a: platform-views)
84138 Avoid non-nullable Future.value()
(framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84145 Migrate integration_tests/channels to null safety (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84171 Remove duplicate code in conditional expressions (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84182 Add RotatedBox Widget of the Week video to documentation (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
84187 Revert "Always push layer for RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin" (framework, cla: yes)
84256 alignment of doc comments and annotations (a: tests, team, tool, framework, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
84257 fix a PlatformView gesture bug (e: device-specific, framework, cla: yes, f: gestures, waiting for tree to go green)
84268 Only trigger AppBar scrolledUnder state for vertical scrolling and not horizontal (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84285 Fix the effective constraints so that they don't exceed max values (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
84293 fix indentation of class members (team, tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84298 Adds borderRadius property to DropdownButton (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
84303 Switch sample analysis over to use package:flutter_lints (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
84308 Added rethrowError to FutureBuilder (severe: new feature, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: error message)
84363 [flutter] unify reassemble and fast reassemble (framework, t: hot reload, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84364 [flutter_releases] Flutter Stable 2.2.2 Framework Cherrypicks (tool, framework, engine, f: material design, cla: yes)
84365 Fix wrong reference in deprecated (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
84374 fix indentation issues (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
84393 ReorderableListView should treat fuchsia as a mobile platform. (framework, f: material design, a: fidelity, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality)
84434 Add TooltipTriggerMode and provideTriggerFeedback to allow users to c… (severe: new feature, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: gestures, waiting for tree to go green)
84472 Android e2e screenshot (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84476 Turn on avoid_dynamic_calls lint, except packages/flutter tests, make appropriate changes. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
84478 Turn on avoid_dynamic_calls lint in packages/flutter tests, make appropriate changes. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
84494 Fix grammatical error in services.dart (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
84566 Add optional label customization to TimePicker (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84570 Fix scrollbar error message and test (framework, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: error message)
84578 update the test expectations for the flutter widget transformer (framework, cla: yes)
84581 Add optional param to useRootNavigator when showSearch (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
84594 Clean up NestedScrollView TODOs (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
84599 Feat(cupertino): [date_picker] Date order parameter (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
84678 Fix AnimatedList code sample (framework, cla: yes)
84739 Revert "TextField terminal the enter and space raw key events by default" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
84740 Release retained resources from layers/dispose pictures (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
84746 Revert "TextField terminal the enter and space raw key events by defa… (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
84785 Fix leak of CurvedAnimations in long-lived ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgets. (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84804 send back Widget class name information in the widget rebuild/repaint count events (framework, cla: yes)
84806 Make buildHandle onTap optional (a: text input, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
84807 Fix an animation issue when dragging the first item of a reversed list onto the starting position. (framework, a: animation, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality)
84809 Make scrollbar assertions less aggressive (a: tests, team, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation, a: error message, tech-debt)
84812 Disable auto scrollbars on desktop for legacy flutter gallery (a: tests, team, framework, team: gallery, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, integration_test, tech-debt)
84827 Revert "Add optional param to useRootNavigator when showSearch" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
84828 Fixed an issue with overflow exceptions with nested lists inside a reorderable list item. (severe: regression, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84840 fix _owner
nullability in routers.dart
(framework, cla: yes, f: routes, will affect goldens, a: null-safety)
84847 Fix documentation of equality functions. (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation)
84872 Reland: Add optional param to useRootNavigator when showSearch (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84887 Substitute a replacement character for invalid UTF-16 text in a TextSpan (framework, cla: yes, a: typography, waiting for tree to go green)
84988 Adds mainAxisMargin property to RawScrollbar (severe: new feature, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85008 [RenderEditable] fix crash & remove TextPainter.layout
short-circuiting (a: text input, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85009 Add delta param to scaleupdate so it matches dragupdate (framework, cla: yes, a: quality, f: gestures, waiting for tree to go green)
85024 [docs] Add TileMode.decal images (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
85050 Add OverflowBar.alignment property (framework, cla: yes)
85081 Select All via Shortcuts (a: text input, framework, cla: yes, a: desktop)
85121 New scheme for keyboard logical key ID (a: text input, team, framework, cla: yes)
85138 Docs improvements for minLines/maxLines (a: text input, framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation)
85144 Deprecate the accentIconTheme ThemeData constructor parameter (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85148 Update GestureDetector docs to use DartPad sample (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, f: gestures, documentation)
85150 Fix SnackBar assertions when configured with theme (severe: crash, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: error message)
85151 Remove nameless todo (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
85152 DismissDirection.none will not prevent scrolling (framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
85159 Randomize Framework tests, opt out some tests that currently fail. (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
85221 [new feature]introduce ScrollMetricsNotification
(severe: new feature, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85223 Revert "Override MediaQuery for WidgetsApp" (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85246 Add dart fix for AndroidViewController.id (team, framework, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
85254 Add dart fix for RenderObjectElement deprecations (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
85260 Added AlertDialog.actionsAlignment OverflowBar configuration (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
85264 Shift + home/end on Mac (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85298 WIP - Reland "Override MediaQuery for WidgetsApp (#81295)" (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85306 Add space before curly parentheses. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
85338 Expose minThumbLength, crossAxisMargin, and minOverscrollLength on RawScrollbar (severe: new feature, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85358 Replace uses of ButtonBar in doc/samples with Overflowbar (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85370 Audit hashCode overrides outside of packages/flutter (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85381 Migrate RenderEditable shortcuts from RawKeyboard listeners (a: text input, framework, cla: yes)
85412 Update flutter doc references to conform to new lookup code restrictions (a: tests, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
85414 pass style
argument to super of IntProperty
(framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85451 Revert "Audit hashCode overrides outside of packages/flutter" (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
85465 dispose the ShaderWarmUp picture/image (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85466 Revert "[new feature]introduce ScrollMetricsNotification
" (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85472 Remved ButtonBar references from material tests (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85484 Eliminate some regressions introduced by the new lookup code (a: tests, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: api docs, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
85497 Fix three additional cases where doc references are not conforming to new lookup code restrictions (a: tests, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85499 Re-land"[new feature]introduce ScrollMetricsNotification
" (severe: new feature, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, customer: crowd, waiting for tree to go green)
85547 Removed PaginatedDataTable ButtonBar special case (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85562 [Focus] defer autofocus resolution to _applyFocusChange
(framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, f: focus)
85567 Reland "Audit hashCode overrides outside of packages/flutter"" (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
85585 Added AppBar.textButtonTheme (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
85640 Expose selectionHeightStyle and SelectionWidthStyle on SelectableText (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85648 Create flag to enable/disable FlutterView render surface conversion (framework, cla: yes, a: platform-views, waiting for tree to go green)
85673 Revert "Randomize Framework tests, opt out some tests that currently fail. (#85159)" (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
85697 Use additionalActiveTrackHeight when painting the radius of RoundedRectSliderTrackShape's active track (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85714 Revert "Added AppBar.textButtonTheme" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85731 Specify rasterFinishWallTime (a: tests, framework, cla: yes)
85736 Remove "unnecessary" imports. (waiting for customer response, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
85783 code formatting (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
85789 Scale selection handles for rich text on iOS (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
85798 Assert disposed layers are not reused (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85799 Don't lose composing region when dragging handle in a word (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
85808 Don't synthesize primary pointer button unless buttons = 0 (framework, cla: yes)
85822 borderRadius param updated in copyWith functions (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85825 Fix the Interactive App for the MaterialStateOutlinedBorder class (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85938 Fix typo in comment (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85946 [new feature] Add a borderRadius property to TableBorder (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85956 Fix EditableText when a controller listener changes values (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86008 Add newline at end of file (team, tool, framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
86033 Doc typo in layer.dart (framework, cla: yes)
86041 [flutter] prevent errant text field clicks from losing focus (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86045 Add CallbackShortcuts widget (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86117 [flutter_conductor] migrate conductor to null-safety (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86141 [flutter] tab navigation does not notify the focus scope node (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86171 Revert "Remove TextTheme deprecations" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
86188 Add a "troubleshooting" section to the AppBar API doc (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
86198 AppBar.backwardsCompatibility now default false, deprecated (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
86223 Null aware operator consistency (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86318 Reland Remove TextTheme deprecations (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86323 Dart Fixes for clipBehavior breaks (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86355 Additional ListTile API doc - Material widget dependency (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
86369 Add fixes for ThemeData (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86372 Added AppBarTheme shape property (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86379 Link to FadeTransition from performance tip (framework, cla: yes)
86386 Revert "Clean up the bindings APIs" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
86388 Clean up the bindings APIs (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
86395 add AnimatedSlide widget (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86397 Added 'exclude' parameter to 'testWidgets()'. (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes)
86404 Revert "Clean up the bindings APIs" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
86415 Remove obsolete doc for removed param (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86423 Add an Interactive Example for PhysicalShape (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86434 [Fonts] Fix icons sorting (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
86438 Clean up the bindings APIs (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
86439 Text selection toolbar position after keyboard opens (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86441 [Material You] Introduce large FAB size and allow for FAB size theming (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
86449 Make LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding work with setSurfaceSize and live tests (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, will affect goldens)
86453 Fix doc samples in ridgets/routes.dart (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86464 [Fonts] Use exact matching for icon identifier rewrites (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
86482 Add textDirection property to CupertinoTextField and CupertinoTextFormFieldRow (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
86484 Revert "Clean up the bindings APIs" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
86516 Reset default UserTag at the time of the first flutter frame (framework, cla: yes)
86576 Add floatingLabelStyle parameter to InputDecoration (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86591 Close the exit port used by the compute isolate utility function (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
86614 Cancel DraggableScrollableSheet ballistic animation if a new activity begins (framework, cla: yes)
86657 [Fonts] Fix identifier rewrite regression (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
86662 Fix null child for FittedBox (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86667 Add string attribute api to text span (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86679 RawKeyEventData classes support diagnostic and equality (a: text input, framework, cla: yes)
86701 Add a "variant: " prefix to variant descriptions in test names (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86730 Revert "Make LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding work with setSurfaceSize and live tests" (a: tests, framework, cla: yes)
86734 Fix an exception being thrown when focus groups are empty. (framework, cla: yes, will affect goldens)
86739 Reland: Make LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding work with setSurfaceSize and live tests (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, will affect goldens)
86744 Fixes for upcoming changes to avoid_classes_with_only_static_members (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86775 Add thumb color customization to CupertinoSwitch (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
86791 Avoid passive clipboard read on Android (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
86793 Randomize tests, exclude tests that fail with randomization. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
86810 Add label widget parameter to InputDecoration (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86816 Fix driver test to run locally. (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86823 Revert "Reland: Make LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding work with setSurfaceSize and live tests" (a: tests, framework, cla: yes)
86837 [flutter] remove elevation checker (tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86877 Remove default expectation for UserTag (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
86896 refactor the widget rebuild service protocol event format (framework, cla: yes)
86910 Added Checkbox support for MaterialStateBorderSide (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
86912 Reland 2: Make LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding work with setSurfaceSize and live tests (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
86960 Only stop search for upstream character if we hit a newline (framework, cla: yes)
87002 Add enableIMEPersonalizedLearning flag to TextField and TextFormField (platform-android, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
87019 Fix numpadEnter default shortcut (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87021 [Documentation] Add AlignTransition
interactive example (framework, cla: yes, d: examples)
87062 Allow for customizing and theming of extended FAB content padding (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
87063 Updated the skipped tests for animation (framework, cla: yes, tech-debt, skip-test)
87086 [gen_keycodes] Move GLFW keys to logical_key_data (a: text input, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87098 [gen_keycodes] Remove nonexistent Web keys and improve their emulation (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87104 fix the DropdownButtonFormField's label display bug when the hint
is non-null (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87126 Perform no shader warm-up by default (team, framework, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
87130 Update the skipped test for gestures. (framework, cla: yes)
87133 Fix cursor moving to next line instead of end of line (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87139 🔋 Enhance cupertino button fade in and fade out (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
87143 Fix leading overscroll for RenderShrinkWrappingViewport (framework, a: fidelity, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, customer: crowd, waiting for tree to go green)
87152 [Keyboard] Accept empty events (a: text input, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87171 Revert "Keyboard events (#83752)" (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
87174 Reland: Keyboard events (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
87183 Added parameters boxHeightStyle, boxWidthStyle to RenderParagraph.getBoxesForSelection (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87202 Restore the WidgetTester's original surface size after testing setSurfaceSize (a: tests, framework, cla: yes)
87211 Added BottomNavigationBar landscapeLayout parameter (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87233 Revert "Reland 2: Make LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding work with setSur… (a: tests, framework, cla: yes)
87236 Fix inconsistencies when calculating start/end handle rects for selection handles (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
87238 Revert "Perform no shader warm-up by default" (team, framework, cla: yes, d: examples)
87239 Reland 3: Make LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding work with setSurfaceSize and live tests (a: tests, framework, cla: yes)
87240 Restores surface size in the postTest of test binding (a: tests, framework, cla: yes)
87258 Revert "Restores surface size in the postTest of test binding" (a: tests, framework, cla: yes)
87281 Deprecate ThemeData.fixTextFieldOutlineLabel (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, will affect goldens)
87289 Updated the skipped tests for cupertino package. (team, framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, tech-debt, skip-test)
87293 Updated skipped tests for foundation directory. (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt, skip-test)
87319 Enable viewport_test.dart's shuffling (framework, cla: yes)
87328 Updated skipped tests for material directory. (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, tech-debt, skip-test)
87375 Revert "Avoid passive clipboard read on Android" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87408 [flutter] replace 'checked mode' with 'debug mode' (a: tests, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87421 update ScrollMetricsNotification (framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
87467 [flutter_driver] Remove runUnsynchronized
in VMServiceFlutterDriver
(a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87498 Allow for customizing and theming extended FAB's TextStyle (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87515 Revert "Added 'exclude' parameter to 'testWidgets()'." (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt, skip-test)
87528 Fix some errors in snippets (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
87533 Fix Cuptertino dialog test to check correct fade transition (a: tests, team, framework, a: animation, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
87535 Add Cupterino button animation test (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
87537 Revert "Updated the skipped tests for cupertino package." (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
87538 Updated the skipped tests for cupertino package. (reland) (team, framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt, skip-test)
87546 Updated skipped tests for painting directory. (team, framework, cla: yes, will affect goldens, tech-debt, skip-test)
87561 [DOCS]Update some Focus docs (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
87589 Skip flaky golden file test (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
87591 Added autofocus property to CupertinoSearchTextField (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
87647 Changed Scrollbar to StatelessWidget (framework, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
team - 474 pull request(s)
#73440 Hardware keyboard: codegen (a: text input, team, framework, cla: yes)
76288 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
76742 Add a bitmap operation property to transform widgets to enable/control bitmap transforms (team, framework, cla: yes, will affect goldens)
78276 Remove MockStdIn and MockStream (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
78522 Shortcut activator (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, cla: yes)
78646 Convert snippets tool to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
78761 removed CIRRUS_CHANGE_MESSAGE and CIRRUS_COMMIT_MESSAGE (team, cla: yes, team: infra)
79517 [gen-l10n] Cleans up formatting of the generated file (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79610 Remove "unnecessary" imports in misc libraries (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79669 Reland the Dart plugin registry (team, tool, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
79816 Fix an NNBD error in the Gallery text form field demo (team, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79908 Start migrating flutter_tools test src to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
79911 Migrate tool version to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, a: null-safety)
79913 add new try/prod builders for validate_ci_config (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79925 Update the no-response template. (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79959 Unblock roll by reverting #79061 (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes)
79961 Mark integration_test_test as unflaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
79975 Use testUsingContext in downgrade_upgrade_integration_test (a: tests, team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79985 Convert some general.shard base tests to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80002 Migrate more tool unit tests to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80003 Refactor text editing test APIs (Mark III) (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80008 Migrate intellij tests and context_test to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80011 Cast Config values map values to dynamic instead of Object (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80016 Migrate template to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80018 Migrate fake_process_manager to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80064 [devicelab] Refresh documentation (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, team: infra)
80065 Include debug symbol in xcframework when building iOS-framework (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80070 Revert "Remove "unnecessary" imports in misc libraries" (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
80072 Disable gradle_plugin_light_apk_test. (team, cla: yes)
80083 Disable win_gradle_plugin_light_apk_test. (team, cla: yes)
80085 Migrate persistent_tool_state to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80088 Migrate visual_studio_test to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80095 Migrate web_validator to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80096 Migrate first_run and bot_detector to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, a: null-safety)
80139 Remove crash_reporting and github_template from reporting library (team, tool, cla: yes, a: null-safety)
80154 Migrate tools test fakes to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, a: null-safety)
80157 Shake widget inspector from non-debug builds (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80159 Remove flutter_command dependency from reporting library (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80161 Move gradle_non_android_plugin_test from its own test builders into tools integration.shard (a: tests, team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80163 Mark mac_gradle_plugin_light_apk_test flaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes)
80168 Migrate features_tests and other tool tests to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80171 Reduce number of project creates in gradle_plugin_*_apk_tests (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80172 Cache location of Java binary in devicelab tests (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, team: infra)
80304 Migrate flutter_tool plugins.dart to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80307 roll packages (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80315 Mark linux_validate_ci_config not flaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
80318 create SDK package allowlist for core packages (team, cla: yes)
80320 Migrate reporting library to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80321 Remove mocks from fucshia_pm_test, reduce createMockProcess usage (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
80324 Pull XCDevice out of xcode.dart (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80325 Mark Mac gradle_plugin_light_apk_test not flaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
80373 Reland "Remove a dynamic that is no longer necessary (and the TODO for it) (#80294)" (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80392 Migrate flutter_manifest to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80399 Split out XcodeProjectInterpreter from xcode_build_settings (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80460 Add fourth tool integration subshard (team, cla: yes)
80464 [flutter_conductor] skip roll_dev_integration_test (team, cla: yes)
80484 Remove analyze --dartdocs flag (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80485 Migrate the ios_app_with_extensions to null safety (team, cla: yes)
80528 [flutter_conductor] Add "start", "status", "clean" commands to conductor release tool (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80548 Migrate pub in flutter_tools to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80549 Migrate xcodeproj to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80554 Convert AnimatedSize to a StatefulWidget (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80555 Migrate abstract_method_smoke_test to null safety (team, cla: yes)
80556 Migrate android_embedding_v2_smoke_test to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80557 Migrate android_views to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80558 Migrate flavors to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80559 Migrate gradle_deprecated_settings to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80587 Add dart fix for DragAnchor deprecation (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
80600 Standardize how Java8 is set in gradle files (team, tool, a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
80605 Refactor LocalizationsGenerator initialize instance method into factory (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80614 Migrate xcode.dart and xcode_validator.dart to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80617 Migrate ios_add2app_life_cycle to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80619 Migrate ios_platform_view_tests to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80621 Migrate platform_interaction to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80622 Migrate release_smoke_test to null safety (team, cla: yes)
80624 Migrate dev/integration_tests/ui to null safety (team, cla: yes)
80625 Migrate dev/integration_tests/web to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80628 Migrate web_e2e_tests to null safety (team, cla: yes)
80630 Migrate multiple_flutters to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80640 Migrate external_ui to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80641 Migrate channels to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80742 Fix the sample analyzer to analyze dart:ui and make the analyzer null safe (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80756 Migrate LogicalKeySet to SingleActivator (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, severe: API break, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
80763 Migrate gen_l10n to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80792 Modified TabBar.preferredSize to remove hardcoded knowledge about child Tab. (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
80817 fix sort_directives violations (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
80822 Migrate ios_add2app_life_cycle to earlgrey 2 and latest iOS SDK (a: tests, team, cla: yes)
80834 [flutter_conductor] begin migrating //flutter/dev/tools to null-safety (team, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
80841 Migrate customer_testing to null safety (team, cla: yes)
80871 deflake image_painting_event_test (team, cla: yes)
80885 [flutter_tools] add support for --bundle-sksl-path to flutter run
/ flutter drive
(team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80897 Reland double gzip wrapping NOTICES to reduce on-disk installed space (team, tool, framework, cla: yes)
80908 migrate from jcenter to mavencentral (team, tool, cla: yes, d: examples)
80912 Add frontend_server_client to dependency allowlist (team, cla: yes)
80916 Move FakeOperatingSystemUtils from context.dart to fakes.dart (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80946 [devicelab] remove globals and dependency tracking from technical debt (team, cla: yes)
80958 Revert "[devicelab] remove globals and dependency tracking from technical debt" (team, cla: yes)
80959 Revert "[flutter_tools] pin transitive deps during --transitive-closure" (team, tool, cla: yes)
80974 Adding win devicelab bot results to dashboard. (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80989 Roll packages (team, tool, cla: yes)
81002 Migrate analyze_size to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, a: null-safety)
81004 Remove "unnecessary" imports in dev/ (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81006 Migrate forbidden_from_release_tests to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
81009 Allow ios_add2app to be launched without tests (a: tests, team, cla: yes, a: existing-apps)
81012 Fix "LUCI console" link (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
81017 Ignore directives ordering in generated sample code (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81049 Marking win bot tests and not flakey. (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81050 Revert "Migrate channels to null safety" (team, cla: yes)
81058 Renaming win bot tasks to keep with existing conventions. (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81064 Removing the agents task manifest.yaml file. (team, cla: yes)
81066 Revert "Renaming win bot tasks to keep with existing conventions." (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81077 Adding win devicelab bot results to dashboard. (#80974) (team, cla: yes)
81085 Marking win bot tests and not flakey. (#81049) (team, cla: yes)
81086 Wait for frame rendering to stabilize before running the all_elements_bench benchmark (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81087 Test the skp_generator. (team, cla: yes)
81088 Update README.md (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81090 Apply style guide regarding createTempSync pattern (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81096 Add skp_generator shard to LUCI config (team, cla: yes)
81099 [versions] roll in latest shelf (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81109 Migrate non_nullable to null safety (team, cla: yes)
81153 Enable avoid_escaping_inner_quotes lint (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
81155 Revert "[RenderEditable] Dont paint caret when selection is invalid" #81076 (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81210 fix unsorted directives (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81226 Revert "Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
81234 [flutter_conductor] Add candidates sub command (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81235 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
81240 Add benchmark for number of GCs in animated GIF (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81253 [flutter_conductor] Skip roll-dev integration test until dev release is published (team, cla: yes)
81316 Revert "Refactor text editing test APIs (Mark III)" (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81346 Mark dart_plugin_registry_test not flaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
81347 Mark linux_skp_generator not flaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
81352 Replace MockAndroidDevice and MockIOSDevice with fakes (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
81400 Add a fifth tool_integration_tests shard on Windows (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81403 [versions] roll versions and add ffi dep (team, tool, cla: yes)
81406 Add trailing commas in examples and packages/flutter/ (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
81414 Added performance benchmarks for platform channels (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81449 Fix benchmark (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81515 Rev DevTools to 2.1.1 for tests (team, cla: yes)
81518 [flutter_releases] Flutter Stable 2.0.6 Framework Cherrypicks (team, cla: yes)
81528 Enable lock-thread based on github actions. (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81578 Enable library_private_types_in_public_api lint (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
81585 test macos binaries are codesigned before publishing (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81624 sort directives (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81630 migrate web_complie_tests to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81633 Remove jcenter from build.gradle (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81678 [key_codegen] Remove webValues (a: text input, team, cla: yes)
81696 Revert "Fix benchmark" (team, cla: yes)
81698 Turn off directives_ordering lint when analyzing samples (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81792 Reduce potential collisions from Gold RNG (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green, team: infra, team: presubmit flakes)
81794 Reland GC related bench update (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81812 [integration_test] Don't log exceptions twice (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81829 Revert "Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
81843 delete skipped roll_dev_integration_test (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81859 remove unnecessary String.toString() (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81865 Add Enter and Tab back in to ios and macos key maps (team, framework, cla: yes)
81869 Update perf_tests.dart (team, cla: yes)
81873 Sort imports when interpolating sample templates (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81874 Added binary platform channels test (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81927 [flutter_releases] Flutter Beta 2.2.0-10.3.pre Framework Cherrypicks (team, tool, framework, engine, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes)
81936 [flutter_conductor] Apply cherrypicks to local checkouts if they merge cleanly (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81941 Fix prepare_package.dart not updating base_url (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81955 Temporarily disable win_build_tests_2_3 (team, cla: yes)
81961 Only skip license initialization on flutter test
binding (a: tests, team, tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81986 clean-up analysis_options.yaml's across the repository (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82005 Revert "Reland GC related bench update" (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes)
82042 Reland GC benchmark changes again (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82057 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82059 Revert "Reland GC benchmark changes again" (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes)
82069 Reland GC tracking benchmarks (a: tests, team, tool, framework, cla: yes)
82073 Disable temporarily validate_scheduler config. (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82084 Enable unnecessary_null_checks lint (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
82143 Mark Linux complex_layout_scroll_perf__devtools_memory flaky (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82156 Revert "Disable temporarily validate_scheduler config." (team, cla: yes)
82160 Fix mac_plugin_test task name in try_builders (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82218 Revert "Mark Linux complex_layout_scroll_perf__devtools_memory flaky" (team, cla: yes)
82227 Add 'v' hotkey to open DevTools in the browser (team, tool, cla: yes)
82238 use throwsA matcher instead of try-catch-fail (a: tests, team, tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82239 Add flutter_tools to trigger list for skp_generator (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82246 fix lints (team, cla: yes)
82281 add web e2e and smoke tests to the long running test shard (team, cla: yes)
82290 use throwsA matcher instead of try-catch-fail (a: tests, team, tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82292 remove web e2e and smoke test builders (team, cla: yes)
82297 remove noop primitive operations (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82307 consolidate all web integration tests under the same shard (team, cla: yes)
82308 Force LANG=en_US.UTF-8 in test runner (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82319 Fix typos (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82337 Revert "Init licenses for test bindings (#81961)" (a: tests, team, tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82348 Remove redundant MediaQueryDatas in tests (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
82356 Roll plugins to 0c99a3ba749bbdc57b0d8895cdfaeef835119613 (team, cla: yes)
82359 fixed typo in prod_builders for ios platform channels benchmark (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82362 Update dartdoc to 0.43.0. (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82384 Mark linux_platform_channels_benchmarks not flaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes)
82385 Mark animated_image_gc_perf not flaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
82386 Turn on win_build_tests_2_3 shard, skip 'build windows' tests (a: tests, team, cla: yes)
82394 shuffle tests in web_long_running_tests shard (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82396 Revert "Turn on win_build_tests_2_3 shard, skip 'build windows' tests" (team, cla: yes)
82457 end of sort_child_properties_last (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82462 Add a script that will find the appropriate commit in another repository (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82466 Re-enable win_build_tests_2_3. (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82491 pub global deactivate devtools before installing (team, cla: yes)
82498 Replace testUsingContext with testWithoutContext in a few places (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
82499 Replace testUsingContext with testWithoutContext in protocol_discovery_test (a: tests, team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82508 Remove "unnecessary" imports. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82525 Revert "Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82564 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82569 Fix analysis errors (team, cla: yes)
82577 Update dependency versions (team, cla: yes)
82581 [flutter_releases] Flutter Framework Engine roll (team, tool, framework, engine, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes)
82582 disable semantics in text_editing_integration.dart (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82584 Add cmdline tools to docker image. (team, cla: yes)
82589 Fix typos (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
82601 [flutter_conductor] Auto apply dart revision (team, cla: yes)
82611 Migrate manual_tests to null safety (team, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82719 add --verbose flag to pub global activate (team, cla: yes)
82739 [flutter_tools] support memory profiles from flutter drive (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82754 Gardening: mark flaky tests flaky. (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82756 added gaaclarke as testowner for platform channels benchmarks (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82759 Mark mac_ios_platform_channels_benchmarks_ios not flaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
82760 Mark win_build_tests_2_3 not flaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
82761 Enable win_gradle_plugin_light_apk_test and mark unflaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
82762 [devicelab] await flutter create call in platform channels benchmark (team, cla: yes)
82770 Run update packages, pick up "file" version 6.1.1 (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82833 added unawaited function for devicelab and turned on unawaited_futures linter (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82839 Devicelab: removed unawaited where deemed necessary (team, cla: yes)
82870 Migrate linux analyze to ci.yaml (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82882 Remove more mocks from error_handling_io_test (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
82926 [web] Make web integration tests shadow DOM aware. (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82939 FlutterDriver: deprecate enableAccessibility; redirect it to setSemantics; add setSemantics tests (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, d: examples)
82942 Mark Mac_ios flutter_gallery__transition_perf_e2e_ios32 as flaky (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82957 [flutter_conductor] fix candidates sub-command (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82960 Migrate to .ci.yaml (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82962 Key codegen for Hardware Keyboard: Linux (GTK) (a: text input, team, cla: yes)
82963 Update rendering smoke tests to assert a frame has been scheduled (team, framework, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82983 Revert "[flutter_conductor] Auto apply dart revision" (team, cla: yes)
82985 [flutter_conductor] Re-land auto-apply dart revision (team, cla: yes)
83020 Assign late variable without initstate in flutter_gallery (team, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
83067 Add Gradle lockfiles and tool to generate them (team, tool, a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83070 Assign late variable without initstate in layers (team, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83110 Made the android platform channel benchmarks comparable to iOS (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83136 Roll Flutter Gallery with Gradle pinned dependencies (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83137 Move globals.artifacts to globals_null_migrated, update imports (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83146 Add iOS key map generation, make macOS var naming consistent with repo (team, framework, cla: yes)
83147 Migrate build_system, exceptions, and source to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83153 Migrate compile to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83160 Refactor android_view example (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83182 Add maskable icons to improve lighthouse score (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83308 Pass --local-engine* from dev/bots/test.dart to pub test
(only web) (team, cla: yes)
83310 Migrate localizations and generate_synthetic_packages to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83311 Migrate deferred_components_gen_snapshot_validator to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83313 [flutter_conductor] Migrate flutter conductor out of dev/tools and into its own directory (team, cla: yes)
83315 rsync instead of delete and copy Flutter.xcframework for add to app (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, a: existing-apps, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode)
83318 Support Float32Lists in StandardMessageCodec (#72613) (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83352 Update dartdoc to 0.44.0. (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83361 Remove iOS version override in ios_add2appTests unit tests (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83367 [versions] roll package test redux (team, tool, cla: yes)
83371 Started using direct ByteBuffers for our performance tests (team, cla: yes)
83381 Migrate build system build.dart to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83384 Mark flutter_gallery__transition_perf_e2e flaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes)
83407 enable lint prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83433 fix lint from an improved unnecessary_parenthesis (team, tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83439 Modify key info generation for new iOS key code. (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83504 Remove more mocks from error_handling_io and attach_test (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83526 Remove logic to save artifacts to old gcs location. (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83530 Add a more complete app template for Flutter (skeleton) (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83619 Migrate microbrenchmarks to null safety (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83635 [gradle] Unlock all configurations if a local engine is used (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83718 [web] run all text layout benchmarks in CanvasKit mode (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83744 Fixed large amount of spelling errors (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83752 Keyboard events (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
83790 Revert "Dispose render objects when owning element is unmounted." (team, framework, cla: yes, d: examples)
83806 Add more debug output to snippet git failures (team, cla: yes)
83817 Migrate project.dart and all dependencies to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, a: null-safety)
83843 Clean up the bindings APIs (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83846 Count non-null-safe code in our tech debt benchmark (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83852 Remove globals from android application_package (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
83855 Migrate iOS project migrations to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83862 Migrate a few tool libraries to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83894 migrate complex layout to null safety (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
83911 flutter update-packages --force-upgrade (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83913 [flutter] ensure vmservice binding is registered in profile mode (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83920 Reland "Dispose render objects when owning element is unmounted. (#82883)" (#83790) (team, framework, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83923 Remove deprecated hasFloatingPlaceholder (team, framework, f: material design, severe: API break, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
83924 Remove TextTheme deprecations (team, framework, f: material design, severe: API break, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
83926 Remove deprecated typography constructor (team, framework, f: material design, severe: API break, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
83944 Run dart fix
on customer tests as promised (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83956 Migrate application_package to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83959 Remove "unnecessary" imports. (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
83964 Pin the customer_tests (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83966 Delete obsolete TODO (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83967 Delete obsolete TODO (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83968 Delete obsolete TODO and skip (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84008 Add option to stream logs to file for flutter logs and way to use it in devicelab runs (team, tool, cla: yes)
84011 Migrate vitool to null safety (team, cla: yes, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84013 "Migrate" dummy packages to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84017 Mixed null safety in dev/devicelab (team, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
84020 Update the Windows runner for Gallery (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84061 migrate mega_gallery to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84063 migrate update_icons to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84064 migrate localization to null safety (team, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84065 Migrate gallery test to null safety (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84066 migrate platform channels benchmarks (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84125 Ignore unnecessary_import reports in sample code (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84130 Update dartdoc to 0.45.0 (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84136 Migrate android_semantics_testing to null safety (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84140 Migrate hybrid_android_views to null safety (team, cla: yes, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84145 Migrate integration_tests/channels to null safety (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84148 Remove unused protobuf dependency (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84153 Migrate dartdoc to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84154 Revert "Migrate android_semantics_testing to null safety (#84136)" (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
84156 Re-land "Migrate android_semantics_testing to null safety (#84136)" (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84166 Revert "Re-land "Migrate android_semantics_testing to null safety (#84136)"" (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
84227 Migrate android application_package to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
84256 alignment of doc comments and annotations (a: tests, team, tool, framework, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
84293 fix indentation of class members (team, tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84303 Switch sample analysis over to use package:flutter_lints (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
84354 [flutter_conductor] Add next
sub-command (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84374 fix indentation issues (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
84469 Migrate build_macos and web_test_compiler to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
84476 Turn on avoid_dynamic_calls lint, except packages/flutter tests, make appropriate changes. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
84478 Turn on avoid_dynamic_calls lint in packages/flutter tests, make appropriate changes. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
84519 Fix watchOS build when companion app is configured with xcode variable (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84579 Prep for new directives_ordering
(team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84593 Deflake demo (team, cla: yes)
84594 Clean up NestedScrollView TODOs (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
84596 Set up iOS native integration_tests in ui example project (team, platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, integration_test)
84597 Fix build failure (team, cla: yes)
84602 Fix integration_test podspecs warnings (team, platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, integration_test)
84639 [versions] update dependencies (team, cla: yes, d: examples)
84641 Revert "Set up iOS native integration_tests in ui example project" (team, cla: yes)
84666 Manual roll of engine from e0011fa561d6 to 2118a1bb4bf0 (7 revisions) (team, engine, cla: yes)
84728 Retry dev/snippets git status, deflake snippets generator (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84755 migrate host_agent to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84809 Make scrollbar assertions less aggressive (a: tests, team, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation, a: error message, tech-debt)
84812 Disable auto scrollbars on desktop for legacy flutter gallery (a: tests, team, framework, team: gallery, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, integration_test, tech-debt)
84820 Audit devicelab log streaming for nullability (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
84864 re-enable directives ordering (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84890 Set up iOS native integration_tests in ui example project (team, platform-ios, cla: yes, integration_test)
84892 Revert "Set up iOS native integration_tests in ui example project" (team, cla: yes)
84939 Migrate task_result to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84956 Add GC events to transitions perf test for gallery (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84996 Dump the app if we cannot tap the demo (team, cla: yes)
84997 remove deprecated author
fields (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85048 Try to dump app again for run_demos.dart (team, cla: yes)
85051 Check for either ios-x86_64-simulator or ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator in module test (team, platform-ios, cla: yes, platform-host-arm)
85053 Check ios-arm64_armv7 directory when validating codesigning entitlements (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85059 Support iOS arm64 simulator (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, platform-host-arm)
85076 [versions] remove mockito (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85087 Avoid iOS app with extension checks that fail on M1 ARM Macs (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-host-arm)
85094 Remove tests checking Xcode 11 naming conventions (a: tests, team, platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85098 Remove per-test timeouts from integration tests (team, cla: yes)
85121 New scheme for keyboard logical key ID (a: text input, team, framework, cla: yes)
85133 Revert "Remove per-test timeouts from integration tests" (team, cla: yes)
85141 Reland eliminate timeouts from integration tests (team, tool, cla: yes)
85151 Remove nameless todo (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
85159 Randomize Framework tests, opt out some tests that currently fail. (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
85174 Migrate iOS app deployment target from 8.0 to 9.0 (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode)
85242 Migrate flutter_cache to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
85246 Add dart fix for AndroidViewController.id (team, framework, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
85254 Add dart fix for RenderObjectElement deprecations (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
85265 Check ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator directory when validating codesigning entitlement (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-host-arm)
85270 Run build_tests shard and check in project migrations (team, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
85306 Add space before curly parentheses. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
85348 Address dev/devicelab todos (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85351 Removed ButtonBar from flutter_gallery (team, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85364 Update stack_trace.dart (team, dependency: dart, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85370 Audit hashCode overrides outside of packages/flutter (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85384 [flutter_tools] re-enable all tests on windows (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85451 Revert "Audit hashCode overrides outside of packages/flutter" (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
85461 Clean up old integration test TODOs (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85501 Migrate dev/benchmarks/macrobenchmarks to null safety. (team, f: material design, cla: yes, a: null-safety)
85507 [flutter_conductor] Re-enable codesign integration test (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85549 Update dartdoc to 1.0.0 (team, cla: yes)
85567 Reland "Audit hashCode overrides outside of packages/flutter"" (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
85637 [web] Remove the part directive from the web key map template (team, cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)
85641 Revert "Support iOS arm64 simulator" (team, tool, cla: yes)
85642 Support iOS arm64 simulator (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-host-arm)
85650 Wait for iOS UI buttons to exist before tapping (team, platform-ios, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
85661 Update README.md (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85672 Change devicelab test ownership (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85673 Revert "Randomize Framework tests, opt out some tests that currently fail. (#85159)" (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
85783 code formatting (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
85797 [flutter_conductor] support pushing local changes to remote (team, cla: yes)
85812 Run "pub global activate devtools" before overall_experience_test (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85993 Migrate core devicelab framework to null safety. (team, cla: yes)
85996 Migrate devicelab tasks a-f to null safety. (team, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
85997 Migrate devicelab tasks f-i to null safety. (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
85998 Migrate devicelab tasks i-z to null safety. (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
85999 Migrate devicelab tests and test runners to null safety. (team, cla: yes)
86008 Add newline at end of file (team, tool, framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
86051 Migrate gen_localizations to null-safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86117 [flutter_conductor] migrate conductor to null-safety (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86119 [web] move e2e tests from flutter/engine to flutter/flutter (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86143 Make the customer testing shard more verbose (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86198 AppBar.backwardsCompatibility now default false, deprecated (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
86267 Revert "Migrate devicelab tasks f-i to null safety." (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
86268 Revert "Migrate devicelab tasks a-f to null safety." (team, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
86269 Revert "Migrate core devicelab framework to null safety." (team, cla: yes)
86323 Dart Fixes for clipBehavior breaks (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86325 Migrate devicelab framework code to null safety. (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
86329 Bump addressable from 2.7.0 to 2.8.0 in /dev/ci/mac (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, team: infra)
86368 Add more debugging logs to overall_experience_test (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86369 Add fixes for ThemeData (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86374 Migrate devicelab tasks a-f to null safety. (team, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
86378 Migrate devicelab tasks f-i to null safety. (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, a: null-safety)
86386 Revert "Clean up the bindings APIs" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
86388 Clean up the bindings APIs (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
86392 Fixed a cast issue with host_mode_tests.dart. (team, cla: yes)
86393 Always write devicelab test results to a file if the resultsPath option is present (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, team: infra)
86394 Rerun devicelab task from test runner (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86397 Added 'exclude' parameter to 'testWidgets()'. (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes)
86404 Revert "Clean up the bindings APIs" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
86433 build: update dependencies (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86434 [Fonts] Fix icons sorting (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
86438 Clean up the bindings APIs (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
86452 [flutter_conductor] updates (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86460 Add iOS benchmarks for sksl warmup (team, cla: yes)
86464 [Fonts] Use exact matching for icon identifier rewrites (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
86484 Revert "Clean up the bindings APIs" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
86496 [flutter_tools] flutter update-packages --force upgrade (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86498 Validate that min frame number is numeric (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86501 add a check for env variable RELEASE_CHANNEL while generating docs (team, cla: yes)
86513 Extend test runner command to update test flaky status (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86522 Migrate dev/bots to null safety (team, cla: yes)
86592 teach dartdoc.dart about LUCI_BRANCH env var (team, cla: yes)
86657 [Fonts] Fix identifier rewrite regression (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
86683 Fix analysis script to run from anywhere (team, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
86691 Fix the tree (team, cla: yes)
86723 [flutter_releases] Fix dartdocs branch name on 2.2.x (team, cla: yes)
86744 Fixes for upcoming changes to avoid_classes_with_only_static_members (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86755 Manually close the tree for issue #86754 (team, cla: yes)
86793 Randomize tests, exclude tests that fail with randomization. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
86803 Revert "Manually close the tree for issue #86754" (team, cla: yes)
86808 Remove unused build_mode_test (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86812 Remove unused flutter_gallery_instrumentation_test (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86819 [flutter_release] Cherrypicks flutter 2.4 candidate.4 (team, cla: yes)
86822 Remove unused tiles_scroll_perf_iphonexs__timeline_summary (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86826 Remove obsolete plugin_test_win (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86827 Remove obsolete textfield_perf test (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86828 Remove unused flutter_run_test (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86829 Remove unused web_incremental_test (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86832 Update dwds (and other packages) (team, tool, cla: yes)
86840 Increase Flutter framework minimum iOS version to 9.0 (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode)
86880 Update args package (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86889 Update codegen_integration_test name & ownership (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86890 [flutter_conductor] fix cast error in codesign sub-command (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86905 Respect plugin excluded iOS architectures (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode, platform-target-arm)
86911 Remove AndroidX compatibility workarounds (team, platform-android, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86962 Remove obsolete codegen_integration tests (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
87086 [gen_keycodes] Move GLFW keys to logical_key_data (a: text input, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87098 [gen_keycodes] Remove nonexistent Web keys and improve their emulation (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87121 Update the call to analyze the plugins repo (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87125 [devicelab] Only upload results on master (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87126 Perform no shader warm-up by default (team, framework, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
87147 Update the skipped test for dev. (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, tech-debt, skip-test)
87171 Revert "Keyboard events (#83752)" (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
87174 Reland: Keyboard events (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
87238 Revert "Perform no shader warm-up by default" (team, framework, cla: yes, d: examples)
87289 Updated the skipped tests for cupertino package. (team, framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, tech-debt, skip-test)
87293 Updated skipped tests for foundation directory. (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt, skip-test)
87306 Adding a timeout and retry to upload results step. (team, cla: yes)
87313 [flutter_conductor] auto-generate PR title and description via query params (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87324 Use FLUTTER_VIEW_ID to find the Flutter view (team, cla: yes)
87328 Updated skipped tests for material directory. (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, tech-debt, skip-test)
87355 Mark devtools_profile_start_test not flaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
87385 Do not run general and command subshard during web_tool_tests when subshard env is missing (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87515 Revert "Added 'exclude' parameter to 'testWidgets()'." (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt, skip-test)
87525 Bump cocoapods from 1.10.1 to 1.10.2 in /dev/ci/mac (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, team: infra)
87528 Fix some errors in snippets (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
87533 Fix Cuptertino dialog test to check correct fade transition (a: tests, team, framework, a: animation, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
87538 Updated the skipped tests for cupertino package. (reland) (team, framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt, skip-test)
87546 Updated skipped tests for painting directory. (team, framework, cla: yes, will affect goldens, tech-debt, skip-test)
87579 Update all packages (team, cla: yes)
87589 Skip flaky golden file test (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
87593 Fix the sample code analyzer to properly handle missing_identifier
errors (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
tool - 412 pull request(s)
#78276 Remove MockStdIn and MockStream (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
78649 Treat some exceptions as unhandled when a debugger is attached (tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, cp: 2.2)
78964 Catch errors during android plugin registration (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79372 [flutter_tools] Make flutter upgrade
only work with standard remotes (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79517 [gen-l10n] Cleans up formatting of the generated file (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79568 [flutter_tools] Move _flutterGit
to globals (tool, cla: yes)
79608 Remove "unnecessary" imports in test/widgets (tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79669 Reland the Dart plugin registry (team, tool, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
79898 migrate empty exceptions to tool exit with error message (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79905 Check if reg can run before calling it on Windows (tool, cla: yes)
79908 Start migrating flutter_tools test src to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
79911 Migrate tool version to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, a: null-safety)
79969 Remove RunLoop from Windows template (tool, cla: yes)
79975 Use testUsingContext in downgrade_upgrade_integration_test (a: tests, team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79977 Tell user how to enable available but disabled features (tool, cla: yes)
79983 [flutter_tools] handle out of date xcode config in assemble (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79985 Convert some general.shard base tests to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
79989 Remove flutterNext (tool, cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop)
79991 [flutter_tools] add timeline ANR integration test (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80000 [flutter_tools] Allow flutter build aar to know the null safety mode ahead of time (tool, cla: yes)
80002 Migrate more tool unit tests to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80008 Migrate intellij tests and context_test to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80011 Cast Config values map values to dynamic instead of Object (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80016 Migrate template to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80018 Migrate fake_process_manager to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80026 Expose packagePath
as a getter in FlutterCommand. (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80065 Include debug symbol in xcframework when building iOS-framework (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80069 [flutter_tools] cache for UWP artifacts (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80085 Migrate persistent_tool_state to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80088 Migrate visual_studio_test to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80095 Migrate web_validator to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80096 Migrate first_run and bot_detector to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, a: null-safety)
80101 [flutter_tools] Show upstream remote in flutter doctor -v
(tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80131 [flutter_tools] treat win32 plugins as uwp plugins (tool, cla: yes)
80137 [flutter_tools] output release artifacts to build/winuwp (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80139 Remove crash_reporting and github_template from reporting library (team, tool, cla: yes, a: null-safety)
80153 [flutter_tools] dont require a device for screenshot type skia/rasterizer (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80154 Migrate tools test fakes to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, a: null-safety)
80159 Remove flutter_command dependency from reporting library (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80161 Move gradle_non_android_plugin_test from its own test builders into tools integration.shard (a: tests, team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80168 Migrate features_tests and other tool tests to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80242 [flutter_tools] symlink win32 plugins as UWP plugins (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80304 Migrate flutter_tool plugins.dart to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80310 Add an option to specify the output for code size intermediate files (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80320 Migrate reporting library to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80321 Remove mocks from fucshia_pm_test, reduce createMockProcess usage (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
80324 Pull XCDevice out of xcode.dart (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80333 Add --dart-define to build bundle (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80382 [flutter_tools] fix null check in crash reporter (tool, cla: yes)
80389 [flutter_tools] connect devtools deeplink URLs for web target platform / debug mode (tool, cla: yes)
80392 Migrate flutter_manifest to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80399 Split out XcodeProjectInterpreter from xcode_build_settings (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80440 [flutter_tools] Remove web specific vm_service handlers, move handler tests to single location (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80459 [flutter_releases] Flutter Dev 2.2.0-10.1.pre Framework Cherrypicks (tool, framework, engine, cla: yes)
80462 Refactor core resident runner logic (tool, cla: yes)
80475 Find Android Studio installations with Spotlight query on macOS (tool, platform-mac, cla: yes, t: flutter doctor, waiting for tree to go green)
80477 Find VS Code installations with Spotlight query on macOS (tool, platform-mac, cla: yes, t: flutter doctor, waiting for tree to go green)
80479 Find Intellij installations with Spotlight query on macOS (tool, platform-mac, cla: yes, t: flutter doctor, waiting for tree to go green)
80480 Adopt FakeProcessManager.empty (a: tests, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80484 Remove analyze --dartdocs flag (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80519 [flutter_tools] added base-href command in web (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80526 [flutter_tools] use package:vm_service types for coverage collection requests (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80548 Migrate pub in flutter_tools to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80549 Migrate xcodeproj to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80600 Standardize how Java8 is set in gradle files (team, tool, a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
80602 Stop the DevTools child process if the runner terminates unexpectedly (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80605 Refactor LocalizationsGenerator initialize instance method into factory (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80614 Migrate xcode.dart and xcode_validator.dart to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80616 [flutter_tools] support screenshot on all device types (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80620 Show Visual Studio Code Insiders in doctor (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80663 Add Android keystore files to project gitignore (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80675 [custom-devices] add screenshotting support (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80740 [tool] cleanup bundle builder a bit (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80758 Launch Chrome natively on ARM macOS (tool, platform-mac, cla: yes, platform-host-arm)
80763 Migrate gen_l10n to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80803 [flutter_tools] generate install manifest for UWP builds (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80817 fix sort_directives violations (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
80838 Log full app bundle location after "flutter build ios" (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80876 [flutter_tools] split host artifacts out of Artifacts (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80879 [flutter_tools] run UWP builds ahead of cmake (tool, cla: yes)
80885 [flutter_tools] add support for --bundle-sksl-path to flutter run
/ flutter drive
(team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80890 [flutter_tools] handle missing method on exit, debugDumpX (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80897 Reland double gzip wrapping NOTICES to reduce on-disk installed space (team, tool, framework, cla: yes)
80900 Change --disable-dds to --no-dds to avoid double negatives (tool, cla: yes)
80901 fix unsorted directives (a: tests, tool, framework, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
80903 Clean up the command line tool interactive help output. (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80904 Only run xcodebuild -showBuildSettings once (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, t: xcode)
80908 migrate from jcenter to mavencentral (team, tool, cla: yes, d: examples)
80911 [flutter_tools] pin transitive deps during --transitive-closure (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80916 Move FakeOperatingSystemUtils from context.dart to fakes.dart (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80959 Revert "[flutter_tools] pin transitive deps during --transitive-closure" (team, tool, cla: yes)
80960 [flutter_tools] remove usage of getIsolate in extension waiter (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80984 [flutter_tools] fix asset directory paths for UWP (tool, cla: yes)
80989 Roll packages (team, tool, cla: yes)
80999 Remove "unnecessary" imports in flutter_tools/test/general.shard (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81002 Migrate analyze_size to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, a: null-safety)
81003 Remove "unnecessary" imports in flutter_tools/test/commands.shard/hermetic (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81008 Remove "unnecessary" imports in flutter_tools (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81059 [flutter_tools] do not check for pubspec.yaml in packages forward command (tool, cla: yes)
81073 Use "aliases" in args to fix some technical debt (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81090 Apply style guide regarding createTempSync pattern (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81091 Fix race condition in overall_experience_test (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81107 Improve WebDriver error message (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81153 Enable avoid_escaping_inner_quotes lint (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
81170 [flutter_tools] skip copying 1GB of data from chrome cache dirs (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81221 Enable vm:notify-debugger-on-exception for more use cases enabled by upstream fix (tool, framework, cla: yes)
81229 [flutter_tools] remove timeout from iOS device startup (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81242 Always activate DevTools if it's not installed (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81243 Add support for DarwinArchs when assembling macOS App.framework (tool, cla: yes)
81248 Fix bug when resolving entrypoint against package config (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81309 [flutter_tools] remove mocks and fix fake imports (tool, cla: yes)
81311 [flutter_tools] remove mocks from clean test (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81312 [flutter_tools] remove mocks from test_compiler test (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81324 allow flutterManifest to handle empty lists, add unit tests (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81341 [flutter_tools] Always build test assets when running tests (tool, cla: yes)
81342 Remove Finder extended attributes before code signing iOS frameworks (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, t: xcode)
81352 Replace MockAndroidDevice and MockIOSDevice with fakes (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
81368 [flutter_tools] Show linux distribution and kernel release in flutter doctor
(tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81384 Allow users to pass in Xcode build settings as env variables to flutter build macos FLUTTER_XCODE_ (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81401 [flutter_tools] remove mocks and globals from macOS tests (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81403 [versions] roll versions and add ffi dep (team, tool, cla: yes)
81417 Integrate package:flutter_lints into templates (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81423 [flutter_tools] remove mocks, globals from golden comparator and test runner tests (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81433 [flutter_tools] remove mocks from simcontrol and context (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81435 Remove extended attributes from entire Flutter project (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode)
81437 Ignore the sort order of imports in generated_plugin_registrant.dart (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81451 [flutter_tools] remove mocks from xcode test (tool, cla: yes)
81475 [flutter_tools] remove mocks from devfs web, cache, and xcode migrator test (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81485 [flutter_tools] remove all mocks from plugins_test (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81487 Revert "[flutter_tools] remove mocks, globals from golden comparator and test runner tests" (tool, cla: yes)
81509 Skip test that is not reliable on device lab (tool, cla: yes)
81512 [flutter_tools] remove mocks, globals from golden comparator and test runner tests | Reland (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81545 [flutter_tools] android workflow tests migrate from mockito (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81548 [flutter_tools] remove mocks from android emulator tests (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81550 [flutter_tools] remove mocks from cold test (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81554 Add additional logging when devtools cannot launch (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81555 [flutter_tools] skip additional flaky test (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81561 Minor cleanup to Linux application template format (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81576 [flutter_tools] Make bundle sksl a define (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81578 Enable library_private_types_in_public_api lint (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
81581 Flutter Web Loading Indicator (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81586 Enable Dart plugin registrant on Desktop only (tool, cla: yes)
81607 Fix extra blank lines in logger output (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81618 [flutter_tools] remove even more mocks (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81620 [flutter_tools] remove last android sdk mock (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81624 sort directives (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81784 [flutter drive] Do not start dds if --no-dds (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81789 [flutter_tools] remove most mocks from Fuchsia device tests (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81859 remove unnecessary String.toString() (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81879 Standardize build system environment defines derived from build info (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81927 [flutter_releases] Flutter Beta 2.2.0-10.3.pre Framework Cherrypicks (team, tool, framework, engine, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes)
81942 Add posix permission chown suggestion to io error handling (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81951 Disable flutter_build_with_compilation_error_test on Windows (tool, cla: yes)
81961 Only skip license initialization on flutter test
binding (a: tests, team, tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81987 Enable vm:notify-debugger-on-exception on handlePlatformMessage (tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81989 [reland] Adding vscode path installed via snap (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82004 Revert "Allow users to pass in Xcode build settings as env variables to flutter build macos FLUTTER_XCODE_" (tool, cla: yes)
82043 [custom-devices] general improvements, add custom-devices subcommand, better error handling (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82048 Prevent macOS individual pod framework signing (tool, platform-mac, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82064 Fix missing logger for Driver.reuseApplication (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82066 Fix reuseApplication when ws URI does not end with /
(tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82069 Reland GC tracking benchmarks (a: tests, team, tool, framework, cla: yes)
82084 Enable unnecessary_null_checks lint (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
82195 [flutter_tools] remove mocks from ios_device, project, flutter_command test (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82227 Add 'v' hotkey to open DevTools in the browser (team, tool, cla: yes)
82238 use throwsA matcher instead of try-catch-fail (a: tests, team, tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82290 use throwsA matcher instead of try-catch-fail (a: tests, team, tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82297 remove noop primitive operations (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82298 Re-land: Allow users to pass in Xcode build settings as env variables to flutter build macos FLUTTER_XCODE_ (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82301 [flutter_tools] remove mocks from hot test (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82309 [flutter_tool] Suggest fix for transform input (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82328 use throwsXxx instead of throwsA(isA
82337 Revert "Init licenses for test bindings (#81961)" (a: tests, team, tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82365 Upgrade to stable flutter_lints 1.0.0 (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82369 [flutter_tools] remove mocks from devices test (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82372 [flutter_tool] Suggest how to increase the Android minSdkVersion (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82373 [flutter_tools] support flutter run -d winuwp (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82393 Activate DevTools before running an integration test that uses DevTools (tool, cla: yes)
82401 Revert "Disable flutter_build_with_compilation_error_test on Windows" (tool, cla: yes)
82412 [flutter_tools] remove mocks from build_apk_test (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82413 [flutter_tools] remove mocks from dart plugins test (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82426 Enable use_named_constants_lint (tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82454 Update create.dart (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82456 [flutter_tools] swap web debugging protocol to ws (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82469 [fuchsia_asset_builder] Write depfile (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82471 [flutter_tools] remove mocks from devFS test (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82472 [flutter_tools] remove mocks from device test (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82476 Tool exit on xcodebuild -list when Xcode project is corrupted (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode)
82477 [flutter_tools] make failures to unforward android port non-fatal (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82478 [flutter_tools] use try to delete in web cache (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82481 Support uninstall, install status query for UWP (tool, cla: yes)
82484 Fix Android Studio 4.2 detection on Windows (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82485 Update loader style (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82494 [flutter_tools] remove mocks from doctor test (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82498 Replace testUsingContext with testWithoutContext in a few places (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
82499 Replace testUsingContext with testWithoutContext in protocol_discovery_test (a: tests, team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82508 Remove "unnecessary" imports. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82522 [flutter_tools] remove some mocks from web resident runner tests (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82531 Refactor CustomDimensions in analytics to be type safe (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82544 Fix pkg-config
typos (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82560 [flutter_tools] require cmdline-tools for android licenses (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82568 [flutter_tools] remove mocks from application_package_test (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82576 Remove symroot from generated iOS Xcode build settings (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode)
82579 [flutter_tools] remove mocks from downgrade and devices test (tool, cla: yes)
82581 [flutter_releases] Flutter Framework Engine roll (team, tool, framework, engine, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes)
82588 Add windowsIdentifier template parameter (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82589 Fix typos (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
82592 [flutter_tools] replace most of the mocks in cache_test.dart (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82593 Add missed package version bump override (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82598 Update Windows flutter create GUID generation (tool, cla: yes)
82647 Add cold boot option to emulator launch command (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82650 [flutter_tools] Remove outdated columnWidth
comment from wrapText
function (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82659 [tool] Improve Windows install process (tool, cla: yes, platform-windows, e: uwp)
82662 Remove "unnecessary" imports. (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82668 [tool] Prefer installing multi-arch Win32 binaries (tool, cla: yes, platform-windows)
82739 [flutter_tools] support memory profiles from flutter drive (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82773 Default --no-tree-shake-icons to false for 'flutter build bundle' (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82816 Allow platform variants for Windows plugins (tool, cla: yes)
82826 [flutter_tools] remove special casing of web listview requests (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82835 Enable vm:notify-debugger-on-exception for LayoutBuilder (tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82851 [flutter_tools] adjust some feature settings (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82852 [flutter_releases] Flutter Dev 2.3.0-12.1.pre Framework Cherrypicks (tool, cla: yes)
82869 [flutter_tools] pin shelf version at 1.1.4 (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82875 [flutter_tools] remove mocks from compile expression unit test (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82882 Remove more mocks from error_handling_io_test (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
82933 Double we typo fixed (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82941 [flutter_tools] allow passing properties directly to Gradle (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82970 [flutter_tools] fix integration test flake (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82991 Add MultiRootFileSystem to better support using --filesystem-root. (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83067 Add Gradle lockfiles and tool to generate them (team, tool, a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83073 [flutter_tools] migrate artifacts to null safety (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83122 import pkg:intl when DateFormat or NumberFormat is used (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83128 Additional flags for xcodebuild (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83132 Use type:int without format in gen_l10n (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83134 Be more helpful when l10n generation fails (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83135 Move AndroidX error handler to the end (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83137 Move globals.artifacts to globals_null_migrated, update imports (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83147 Migrate build_system, exceptions, and source to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83153 Migrate compile to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83155 [flutter_tools] remove more mocks from resident_runner tests (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83182 Add maskable icons to improve lighthouse score (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83184 [flutter_tools] remove mocks from run.dart (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83187 Remove dead code from attach.dart (tool, cla: yes)
83188 [flutter_tools] remove mocks from code signing test (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83272 [flutter_tools] fix top web crasher (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83282 [flutter_tools] remove getLocalEngineArtifacts from integration tests that cant use it (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83285 Disable clang format in the plugin registrants (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83293 [flutter_tools] throw a tool exit if pub cannot be run (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83297 Skip flaky debugger_stepping_web_test (tool, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
83310 Migrate localizations and generate_synthetic_packages to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83311 Migrate deferred_components_gen_snapshot_validator to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83315 rsync instead of delete and copy Flutter.xcframework for add to app (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, a: existing-apps, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode)
83356 [flutter_tools] Add documentation to "cmdline-tools component is missing" doctor validation error (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83367 [versions] roll package test redux (team, tool, cla: yes)
83369 Update flutter_tools README with tips (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83372 [flutter_releases] Flutter Stable 2.2.1 Framework Cherrypicks (tool, engine, cla: yes)
83376 Revert "[flutter_tools] fix top web crasher" (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83381 Migrate build system build.dart to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83407 enable lint prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83416 [asset] Include assets in input files (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83423 Revert "[flutter_tools] Make flutter upgrade
only work with standard remotes" (tool, cla: yes)
83433 fix lint from an improved unnecessary_parenthesis (team, tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83437 Fix benchmark regression from #83427 (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83441 Migrate pubspec_schema to null safety (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83442 Clean up null assumptions for Xcode and CocoaPods classes (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83443 Clean up null assumptions for Gradle classes (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83445 Clean up null assumptions for project.dart dependencies (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83454 Allow passing --initialize-from-dill
to flutter run and flutter attach (tool, cla: yes)
83488 Add coldboot
parameter to JSON-RPC interface of daemon (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83504 Remove more mocks from error_handling_io and attach_test (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83506 [flutter_tools] remove mocks from fuchsia device start test (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83507 Add a trace-skia-allowlist flag for filtering Skia trace events (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83522 [flutter_tools] remove more mocks from cache_test (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83530 Add a more complete app template for Flutter (skeleton) (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83732 use old Edge-compatible JavaScript in index.html (tool, cla: yes)
83744 Fixed large amount of spelling errors (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83803 [flutter_tools] always use device.stopApp (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83817 Migrate project.dart and all dependencies to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, a: null-safety)
83845 [flutter_tools] use ProcessManager.canRun instead of checking for ArgumentErrors (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83847 [flutter_tools] check for empty host in protocol_discovery (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83852 Remove globals from android application_package (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
83854 Migrate deferred_components_prebuild_validator to null safety (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83855 Migrate iOS project migrations to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83862 Migrate a few tool libraries to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83930 enable lint noop_primitive_operations (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83934 [flutter_tools] bail from printing if devtools launch fails (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83943 enable lint use_test_throws_matchers (tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83956 Migrate application_package to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83965 Make retry logic more permissive for network errors (tool, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
83972 Add more analytics for hot reload in flutter_tools. (tool, cla: yes)
84007 [flutter_tools] remove substantial mocking from version test (tool, cla: yes)
84008 Add option to stream logs to file for flutter logs and way to use it in devicelab runs (team, tool, cla: yes)
84118 [flutter_tools] remove all mocks from attach.dart (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84160 Update the package README template (tool, cla: yes)
84163 Mark flaky tests in 'expression_evaluation_web_test' as skipped. (tool, cla: yes)
84189 Fix typo in test description (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84218 [flutter_tools] remove remaining mocks from cache_test.dart (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84227 Migrate android application_package to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
84246 Update outdated ios setup link in error message (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84256 alignment of doc comments and annotations (a: tests, team, tool, framework, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
84273 [flutter_tools] switch flutter sdk to dart format (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84293 fix indentation of class members (team, tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84311 [flutter_tools] fully remove mocks from version_test.dart (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84312 [flutter_tools] remove more mocks from runner tests (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84364 [flutter_releases] Flutter Stable 2.2.2 Framework Cherrypicks (tool, framework, engine, f: material design, cla: yes)
84366 [flutter_tools] remove feature for alternative invalidation strategy (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84372 Fix assemble iOS codesign flag to support --no-sound-null-safety (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode, a: null-safety)
84411 Add Designed for iPad attach destination for ARM macOS (platform-ios, tool, platform-mac, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-target-arm)
84443 [flutter_tools] reduce mocking in error handling io (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84469 Migrate build_macos and web_test_compiler to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
84470 Fix compile expression in tests when precompiled dill files are used. (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84476 Turn on avoid_dynamic_calls lint, except packages/flutter tests, make appropriate changes. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
84478 Turn on avoid_dynamic_calls lint in packages/flutter tests, make appropriate changes. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
84512 adds build number of ios device in flutter devices command (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84519 Fix watchOS build when companion app is configured with xcode variable (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84591 [flutter_tools] fully remove mocks from resident_runner_test.dart (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84646 [flutter_tools] remove all mocks from error handling io test (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84648 [flutter_tools] tweak README (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84659 [flutter_tools] remove mockito from resident web runner tests (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84662 Clean up podspec template (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84729 Use -miphonesimulator-version-min when building App.framework for simulator (tool, cla: yes, t: xcode)
84732 [gen_l10n] Make app localizations lookup a public method (tool, a: internationalization, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84961 Fix typo in test class (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84967 Fix some indentation (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84973 Handle reserved Kotlin keywords (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84992 Explicitly show "Currently not on an official channel." if applicable (tool, cla: yes)
85016 Fix checking of index.html (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85017 Add .gitignore (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85036 remove deprecated author
pubspec section (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85044 Skip a flaky Windows/canvaskit test in hot_reload_web_test.dart (tool, cla: yes)
85053 Check ios-arm64_armv7 directory when validating codesigning entitlements (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85059 Support iOS arm64 simulator (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, platform-host-arm)
85075 macOS unzip then rsync to delete stale artifacts (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85087 Avoid iOS app with extension checks that fail on M1 ARM Macs (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-host-arm)
85125 [flutter_tools] show only supported sub commands (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85126 Fix typos in test names (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85141 Reland eliminate timeouts from integration tests (team, tool, cla: yes)
85145 Do not list Android or iOS devices when feature disabled (platform-android, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85151 Remove nameless todo (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
85162 [flutter_tools] retry chrome launch up to 3 times (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85167 [flutter_tools] use UWP cpp wrapper for UWP build (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85170 [flutter_tools] convert devtools URL to a better format (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85174 Migrate iOS app deployment target from 8.0 to 9.0 (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode)
85176 [flutter_tools] remove online requirement for devtools (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85184 [flutter_tools] well known device ids (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85214 Remove incorrect text about web renderer default (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85242 Migrate flutter_cache to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
85252 [flutter_tools] ensure kernel paths match between init from dill and persist (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85253 [flutter_tools] add un-discoverable preview device (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85265 Check ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator directory when validating codesigning entitlement (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-host-arm)
85267 Make sure that the asset directory on devfs always exist. (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85288 [flutter_tools] dont use SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION unnecessarily (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85306 Add space before curly parentheses. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
85325 [flutter_tools] switch web integration tests to use html (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85336 [flutter_tools] make analyze once an integration test (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85341 [fuchsia] pm serve should not use the device address (tool, cla: yes)
85353 Revert "Make sure that the asset directory on devfs always exist." (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85359 Split project.dart into CMake and Xcode projects (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
85370 Audit hashCode overrides outside of packages/flutter (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85384 [flutter_tools] re-enable all tests on windows (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85418 Only set assets directory after assets are uploaded onto devfs. (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85451 Revert "Audit hashCode overrides outside of packages/flutter" (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
85567 Reland "Audit hashCode overrides outside of packages/flutter"" (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
85577 Skip flaky tests in web.shared (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85641 Revert "Support iOS arm64 simulator" (team, tool, cla: yes)
85642 Support iOS arm64 simulator (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-host-arm)
85736 Remove "unnecessary" imports. (waiting for customer response, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
85752 [flutter_tools] Add support for launching fuchsia app using session_control (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85783 code formatting (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
85812 Run "pub global activate devtools" before overall_experience_test (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85995 Update devtools_launcher.dart comment (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86000 [flutter_tools] revert change to SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION (tool, cla: yes, will affect goldens)
86008 Add newline at end of file (team, tool, framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
86083 Fix typo in test name (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86116 [flutter_tools] let the logger know about machine mode (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86122 Switch drive_service from using deprecated version of --record-memory-profile flag (tool, cla: yes)
86124 [flutter_tool] Pin DevTools to 2.4.0 (tool, cla: yes)
86131 Revert "[flutter_tools] show only supported sub commands" (tool, cla: yes)
86142 [flutter_tools] fix -n workaround (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86153 Reland [flutter_tools] show only supported sub commands (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86167 [gen_l10n] Support plurals and selects inside string (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86177 Disable the automatic "pub get" if the project is using a third-party tool for linking dependencies. (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86351 [flutter_tools] Improve toolexit error messages for flutter upgrade
(tool, cla: yes)
86363 Revert "[flutter_tools] let the logger know about machine mode" (tool, cla: yes)
86368 Add more debugging logs to overall_experience_test (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86381 [web] use resident resident runner in flutter drive (tool, cla: yes)
86431 [flutter_tools] support trailing args (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86444 Remove unnecessary variables. (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86512 Revert "Handle reserved Kotlin keywords" (tool, cla: yes)
86518 Handle reserved Kotlin keywords (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86520 Make the startup lock message print to stderr. (tool, cla: yes)
86534 In xcode_backend.sh, build flutter assemble arguments as an array of quoted strings (tool, cla: yes)
86624 [flutter_tools] Refactor Android Studio Detection on Windows (support 4.x and 202x releases detection) (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86750 Show warning when app or plugin uses the V1 Android embedding (tool, cla: yes)
86753 [flutter_tools] Port xcode backend to dart (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86793 Randomize tests, exclude tests that fail with randomization. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
86832 Update dwds (and other packages) (team, tool, cla: yes)
86837 [flutter] remove elevation checker (tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86840 Increase Flutter framework minimum iOS version to 9.0 (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode)
86842 [gen_l10n] correct variable name when the placeholder requiresFormatting (tool, cla: yes)
86885 Skip "newly added code executes during hot restart - canvaskit" (tool, cla: yes)
86905 Respect plugin excluded iOS architectures (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode, platform-target-arm)
86911 Remove AndroidX compatibility workarounds (team, platform-android, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87138 Replace iOS physical/simulator bools with enum (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
87232 Show Android SDK path in doctor on partial installation (tool, cla: yes, t: flutter doctor, waiting for tree to go green)
87244 Exclude arm64 from iOS app archs if unsupported by plugins (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode, platform-host-arm)
87267 [tools] Fix Android Studio Arctic Fox Java path on macOS (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87278 Fix race causing null dereference on getStack in web_tool_tests and CI flakes (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87362 Exclude arm64 from iOS app archs if unsupported by plugins on x64 Macs (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode, platform-host-arm)
87386 Flutter_tools for web: report error messages with stacks on exit (tool, cla: yes)
87532 Add new hook for setupHotReload and after updating devFS is complete (tool, cla: yes)
87670 Skip flaky test debugger_stepping_test (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
f: material design - 254 pull request(s)
#69826 Added enableFeedback property to FloatingActionButton (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
69880 Added enableFeedback property to DropdownButton (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
75091 Calculate the system overlay style based on the AppBar background color (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
75460 Added TabBar padding property (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
75497 Added axisOrientation property to Scrollbar (framework, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
76288 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
76968 Add disable argument in DropdownMenuItem (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
77514 Changing SnackBar's dismiss direction (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
78032 Added null check before NavigationRail.onDestinationSelected is called (severe: crash, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
78133 Changing SnackBar's default vertical padding (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
78744 Fix painting material toggle (#78733) (framework, f: material design, a: fidelity, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
78835 [State Restoration] Restorable FormField and TextFormField (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: state restoration)
78879 ListTile.divideTiles only run Iterable once (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
78886 Improved handling of AppBar's action
Icon sizes (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
78927 Add TextOverflow into TextStyle (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: typography, waiting for tree to go green)
78948 fix paste crash when section is invalid (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79085 Redo fix for button.icon layout overflow (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
79535 When updating TabController widget, if _controller.index >= widget.length, update _animationController's value (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79610 Remove "unnecessary" imports in misc libraries (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79680 VisualDensity should not reduce ButtonStyleButton horizontal padding (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79816 Fix an NNBD error in the Gallery text form field demo (team, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79999 Added MaterialState.scrolledUnder and support in AppBar.backgroundColor (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
80006 update SearchDelegate's leading and actions widgets can be null (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80070 Revert "Remove "unnecessary" imports in misc libraries" (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
80087 Added ButtonStyle.maximumSize (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
80110 Make SelectableText focus traversal behavior more standard (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80134 Move ExpansionPanelList to Canvas.drawShadow (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80184 Modified DataRow to be disabled when onSelectChanged is not set (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
80187 Fix autocomplete options height (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80237 Tweaked TabBar to provide uniform padding to all tabs in cases where only few tabs contain both icon and text (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
80251 Make the ReorderableListView padding scroll with the list. (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
80257 Autocomplete and RawAutocomplete initialValue parameter (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80316 Fixed typos in AppBar.title API doc sample (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
80336 Add showTimePicker
function link (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80360 Add ExpansionTile.controlAffinity (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
80380 Revert "Added MaterialState.scrolledUnder and support in AppBar.backgroundColor" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
80395 Re-land "Added MaterialState.scrolledUnder and support in AppBar.backgroundColor" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80420 Update PopupMenuButton widget (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80453 Fix FlexibleSpaceBar Opacity when AppBar.toolbarHeight > ktoolbarHeight (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
80454 Updated the OutlinedButton class API doc (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
80467 Added support for AppBarTheme.toolbarHeight (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80527 Added the ability to constrain the size of bottom sheets. (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80541 l10n updates (f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
80545 Revert "Fix FlexibleSpaceBar Opacity when AppBar.toolbarHeight > ktoolbarHeight" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80566 [State Restoration] Restorable TimePickerDialog
widget, RestorableTimeOfDay
(framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80567 Change cursor when hovering on DropdownButton (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80587 Add dart fix for DragAnchor deprecation (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
80589 Re-land Fix FlexibleSpaceBar Opacity when AppBar.toolbarHeight > ktoolbarHeight (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80639 navigator cleans up its pop transitions. (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80754 Added the ability to constrain the size of input decorators (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80756 Migrate LogicalKeySet to SingleActivator (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, severe: API break, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
80772 Replace some dynamic
to Object?
type (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80792 Modified TabBar.preferredSize to remove hardcoded knowledge about child Tab. (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
80817 fix sort_directives violations (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
80831 Revert "Update PopupMenuButton widget" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80834 [flutter_conductor] begin migrating //flutter/dev/tools to null-safety (team, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
80836 Add a ThreePointCubic spline that combines two cubic curves (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
80901 fix unsorted directives (a: tests, tool, framework, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
80930 add a test for popupMenuButton (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80965 Revert "Replace some dynamic
to Object?
type" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
80986 Revert "Replace some dynamic
to Object?
type (#80772)" (#80965) (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81000 Remove "unnecessary" imports in packages/flutter (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
81043 Update text_form_field.dart (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81060 sort directives (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81067 Deprecate AnimatedSize.vsync (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81075 Added a ProgressIndicatorTheme. (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81080 Add trailing commas in packages/flutter/test/cupertino (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
81089 Dispose thumbPainter in Switch to avoid crash (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81153 Enable avoid_escaping_inner_quotes lint (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
81155 Revert "[RenderEditable] Dont paint caret when selection is invalid" #81076 (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81226 Revert "Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
81228 Support notched BottomAppbar when Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar == null (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81235 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
81241 Use ColorScheme.primary (not secondary), ExpansionTile expanded color (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81250 Improve performance of debugCheckHasDirectionality (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81282 Expose the alignment property for DropdownButton and item (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81295 Override MediaQuery for WidgetsApp (severe: new feature, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
81303 [Framework] Support for Android Fullscreen Modes (severe: new feature, e: device-specific, platform-android, framework, engine, f: material design, a: fidelity, cla: yes, a: quality, customer: crowd, waiting for tree to go green, a: layout)
81325 Fix typo to trigger build (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81329 Add trailing commas in packages/flutter/test/material (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81336 Deprecate ThemeData accentColor, accentColorBright, accentIconTheme, accentTextTheme (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81359 Fixed ProgressIndicatorTheme.wrap() (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81372 Adding itemExtent
to ReorderableList
and ReorderableListView
(framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81393 Added arrowHeadColor property to PaginatedDataTable (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81406 Add trailing commas in examples and packages/flutter/ (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
81409 Revert "Improve performance of debugCheckHasDirectionality" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81425 [flutter_releases] Flutter Beta 2.2.0-10.2.pre Framework Cherrypicks (engine, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes)
81427 Update the docs for ProgressIndicator to remove some unnecessary adaptive descriptions. (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81431 Improve performance of debugCheckHasDirectionality (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81505 Fix to the tab height (Issue #81500) (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81529 fix a MaterialApp NNBD issue (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81578 Enable library_private_types_in_public_api lint (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
81604 prototypeItem added to ReorderableList and ReorderableListView (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81631 Clean up some old and obsolete TODOs of mine (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81634 Change elevation to double of MergeableMaterial (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81647 Add slider adaptive cupertino thumb color (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
81686 Add "onTap" callback to PopupMenuItem (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81699 Fixed some trivial formatting issues in test/material/popup_menu_test.dart (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
81706 Integrate MaterialBanner with the ScaffoldMessenger API (severe: new feature, framework, a: animation, f: material design, a: fidelity, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
81813 ExpansionPanelList elevation as double (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81829 Revert "Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
81859 remove unnecessary String.toString() (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81927 [flutter_releases] Flutter Beta 2.2.0-10.3.pre Framework Cherrypicks (team, tool, framework, engine, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes)
81932 Add some examples of widgets that support visual density (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, d: api docs, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
82026 Extend Toggle Button's fill color with MaterialState (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82028 Fix dartdoc for SliverAppBar#shadowColor (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
82057 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82084 Enable unnecessary_null_checks lint (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
82152 Fix slider notifies start and end twice when participates in gesture arena (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82196 Deprecated ThemeData buttonColor (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
82234 Fixed a problem with the FAB position when constraints set on bottom sheet. (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82286 Fix RenderEditable.computeMaxIntrinsicWidth error return. (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82293 Better hover handling for Scrollbar (framework, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop, a: annoyance, a: mouse)
82297 remove noop primitive operations (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82319 Fix typos (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82327 update the DragStartBehavior documetations (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
82328 use throwsXxx instead of throwsA(isA
82340 change the elevation of dropdown from int to double (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
82344 update the backwardsCompatibility to docs (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82348 Remove redundant MediaQueryDatas in tests (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
82387 first part of applying sort_child_properties_last (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
82426 Enable use_named_constants_lint (tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82446 Revert "change the elevation of dropdown from int to double" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
82457 end of sort_child_properties_last (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82508 Remove "unnecessary" imports. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82525 Revert "Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82564 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82570 Fix AppBar's title doc (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82575 [flutter] when primary mouse pointers don't contact a focused node, reset the focus (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82581 [flutter_releases] Flutter Framework Engine roll (team, tool, framework, engine, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes)
82589 Fix typos (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
82596 Removed default page transitions for desktop and web platforms. (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82611 Migrate manual_tests to null safety (team, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82671 TextField terminal the enter and space raw key events by default (a: text input, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop)
82753 Revert "Added axisOrientation property to Scrollbar" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
82818 Fix "Added AxisOrientation property to Scrollbar (#75497)" analysis failures (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
82843 refactor: Add MaterialStateMixin (severe: new feature, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
82986 Re-add the removed MediaQuery.removePadding of PopupMenuButton (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83014 fix a DropdownButtonFormField label display issue (severe: regression, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
83177 Elevation for Stepper(horizontally) (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83407 enable lint prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83512 Move cursor position to the end of search query in SearchDelegate after query is set (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83537 Support WidgetSpan in RenderEditable (a: text input, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: typography, waiting for tree to go green)
83639 [TextSelectionControls] move the tap gesture callback into _TextSelectionHandlePainter, remove _TransparentTapGestureRecognizer
. (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
83689 fix a Scaffold.bottomSheet update bug (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83696 Support for keyboard navigation of Autocomplete options. (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
83744 Fixed large amount of spelling errors (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83752 Keyboard events (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
83826 l10n updates for June beta (framework, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
83830 Make tooltip hoverable and dismissible (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83843 Clean up the bindings APIs (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83863 Ensure the Autocomplete options scroll as needed. (framework, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop)
83903 Remove stripping scriptCodes for localization. (f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83904 Revert "fix a Scaffold.bottomSheet update bug" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83923 Remove deprecated hasFloatingPlaceholder (team, framework, f: material design, severe: API break, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
83924 Remove TextTheme deprecations (team, framework, f: material design, severe: API break, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
83926 Remove deprecated typography constructor (team, framework, f: material design, severe: API break, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
83943 enable lint use_test_throws_matchers (tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83947 Fixed TimeOfDay.hourOfPeriod for the noon and midnight cases. (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83959 Remove "unnecessary" imports. (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
84017 Mixed null safety in dev/devicelab (team, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
84064 migrate localization to null safety (team, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84268 Only trigger AppBar scrolledUnder state for vertical scrolling and not horizontal (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84285 Fix the effective constraints so that they don't exceed max values (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
84298 Adds borderRadius property to DropdownButton (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
84303 Switch sample analysis over to use package:flutter_lints (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
84364 [flutter_releases] Flutter Stable 2.2.2 Framework Cherrypicks (tool, framework, engine, f: material design, cla: yes)
84374 fix indentation issues (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
84393 ReorderableListView should treat fuchsia as a mobile platform. (framework, f: material design, a: fidelity, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality)
84434 Add TooltipTriggerMode and provideTriggerFeedback to allow users to c… (severe: new feature, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: gestures, waiting for tree to go green)
84476 Turn on avoid_dynamic_calls lint, except packages/flutter tests, make appropriate changes. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
84478 Turn on avoid_dynamic_calls lint in packages/flutter tests, make appropriate changes. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
84566 Add optional label customization to TimePicker (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84570 Fix scrollbar error message and test (framework, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: error message)
84581 Add optional param to useRootNavigator when showSearch (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
84739 Revert "TextField terminal the enter and space raw key events by default" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
84740 Release retained resources from layers/dispose pictures (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
84746 Revert "TextField terminal the enter and space raw key events by defa… (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
84806 Make buildHandle onTap optional (a: text input, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
84807 Fix an animation issue when dragging the first item of a reversed list onto the starting position. (framework, a: animation, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality)
84827 Revert "Add optional param to useRootNavigator when showSearch" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
84872 Reland: Add optional param to useRootNavigator when showSearch (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85144 Deprecate the accentIconTheme ThemeData constructor parameter (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85150 Fix SnackBar assertions when configured with theme (severe: crash, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: error message)
85151 Remove nameless todo (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
85159 Randomize Framework tests, opt out some tests that currently fail. (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
85254 Add dart fix for RenderObjectElement deprecations (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
85260 Added AlertDialog.actionsAlignment OverflowBar configuration (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
85306 Add space before curly parentheses. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
85351 Removed ButtonBar from flutter_gallery (team, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85358 Replace uses of ButtonBar in doc/samples with Overflowbar (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85370 Audit hashCode overrides outside of packages/flutter (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85412 Update flutter doc references to conform to new lookup code restrictions (a: tests, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
85451 Revert "Audit hashCode overrides outside of packages/flutter" (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
85472 Remved ButtonBar references from material tests (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85484 Eliminate some regressions introduced by the new lookup code (a: tests, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: api docs, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
85497 Fix three additional cases where doc references are not conforming to new lookup code restrictions (a: tests, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85501 Migrate dev/benchmarks/macrobenchmarks to null safety. (team, f: material design, cla: yes, a: null-safety)
85547 Removed PaginatedDataTable ButtonBar special case (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85567 Reland "Audit hashCode overrides outside of packages/flutter"" (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
85585 Added AppBar.textButtonTheme (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
85640 Expose selectionHeightStyle and SelectionWidthStyle on SelectableText (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85673 Revert "Randomize Framework tests, opt out some tests that currently fail. (#85159)" (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
85697 Use additionalActiveTrackHeight when painting the radius of RoundedRectSliderTrackShape's active track (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85714 Revert "Added AppBar.textButtonTheme" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85736 Remove "unnecessary" imports. (waiting for customer response, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
85783 code formatting (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
85789 Scale selection handles for rich text on iOS (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
85799 Don't lose composing region when dragging handle in a word (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
85825 Fix the Interactive App for the MaterialStateOutlinedBorder class (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85996 Migrate devicelab tasks a-f to null safety. (team, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
86041 [flutter] prevent errant text field clicks from losing focus (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86141 [flutter] tab navigation does not notify the focus scope node (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86171 Revert "Remove TextTheme deprecations" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
86188 Add a "troubleshooting" section to the AppBar API doc (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
86198 AppBar.backwardsCompatibility now default false, deprecated (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
86223 Null aware operator consistency (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86268 Revert "Migrate devicelab tasks a-f to null safety." (team, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
86318 Reland Remove TextTheme deprecations (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86323 Dart Fixes for clipBehavior breaks (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86355 Additional ListTile API doc - Material widget dependency (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
86369 Add fixes for ThemeData (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86372 Added AppBarTheme shape property (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86374 Migrate devicelab tasks a-f to null safety. (team, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
86386 Revert "Clean up the bindings APIs" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
86388 Clean up the bindings APIs (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
86404 Revert "Clean up the bindings APIs" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
86415 Remove obsolete doc for removed param (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86434 [Fonts] Fix icons sorting (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
86438 Clean up the bindings APIs (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
86439 Text selection toolbar position after keyboard opens (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86441 [Material You] Introduce large FAB size and allow for FAB size theming (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
86464 [Fonts] Use exact matching for icon identifier rewrites (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
86484 Revert "Clean up the bindings APIs" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
86576 Add floatingLabelStyle parameter to InputDecoration (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86657 [Fonts] Fix identifier rewrite regression (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
86683 Fix analysis script to run from anywhere (team, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
86791 Avoid passive clipboard read on Android (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
86793 Randomize tests, exclude tests that fail with randomization. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
86810 Add label widget parameter to InputDecoration (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86910 Added Checkbox support for MaterialStateBorderSide (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
87002 Add enableIMEPersonalizedLearning flag to TextField and TextFormField (platform-android, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
87062 Allow for customizing and theming of extended FAB content padding (framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
87104 fix the DropdownButtonFormField's label display bug when the hint
is non-null (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87171 Revert "Keyboard events (#83752)" (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
87174 Reland: Keyboard events (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
87211 Added BottomNavigationBar landscapeLayout parameter (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87281 Deprecate ThemeData.fixTextFieldOutlineLabel (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, will affect goldens)
87328 Updated skipped tests for material directory. (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, tech-debt, skip-test)
87375 Revert "Avoid passive clipboard read on Android" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87408 [flutter] replace 'checked mode' with 'debug mode' (a: tests, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87498 Allow for customizing and theming extended FAB's TextStyle (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87528 Fix some errors in snippets (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
87647 Changed Scrollbar to StatelessWidget (framework, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
a: tests - 118 pull request(s)
#76288 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
78522 Shortcut activator (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, cla: yes)
79581 [flutter_driver] Add waitForTappable to flutter_driver (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
79599 Adds text attributes support for semantics (a: tests, framework, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
79959 Unblock roll by reverting #79061 (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes)
79975 Use testUsingContext in downgrade_upgrade_integration_test (a: tests, team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80003 Refactor text editing test APIs (Mark III) (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80161 Move gradle_non_android_plugin_test from its own test builders into tools integration.shard (a: tests, team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80172 Cache location of Java binary in devicelab tests (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, team: infra)
80480 Adopt FakeProcessManager.empty (a: tests, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
80756 Migrate LogicalKeySet to SingleActivator (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, severe: API break, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
80817 fix sort_directives violations (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
80822 Migrate ios_add2app_life_cycle to earlgrey 2 and latest iOS SDK (a: tests, team, cla: yes)
80901 fix unsorted directives (a: tests, tool, framework, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
81009 Allow ios_add2app to be launched without tests (a: tests, team, cla: yes, a: existing-apps)
81150 [flutter_driver] support log communication for WebFlutterDriver (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81153 Enable avoid_escaping_inner_quotes lint (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
81226 Revert "Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
81235 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
81240 Add benchmark for number of GCs in animated GIF (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81316 Revert "Refactor text editing test APIs (Mark III)" (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81497 Update documentation for scrollUntilVisible and friends. (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81565 Link to correct extended integration test driver file in integration_test README (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, t: flutter driver, waiting for tree to go green)
81569 [flutter] reject mouse drags by default in scrollables (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81578 Enable library_private_types_in_public_api lint (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
81792 Reduce potential collisions from Gold RNG (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green, team: infra, team: presubmit flakes)
81794 Reland GC related bench update (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81807 Character activator (a: tests, a: text input, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81829 Revert "Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
81859 remove unnecessary String.toString() (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81961 Only skip license initialization on flutter test
binding (a: tests, team, tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82005 Revert "Reland GC related bench update" (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes)
82042 Reland GC benchmark changes again (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82057 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82059 Revert "Reland GC benchmark changes again" (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes)
82069 Reland GC tracking benchmarks (a: tests, team, tool, framework, cla: yes)
82084 Enable unnecessary_null_checks lint (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
82238 use throwsA matcher instead of try-catch-fail (a: tests, team, tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82290 use throwsA matcher instead of try-catch-fail (a: tests, team, tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82297 remove noop primitive operations (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82308 Force LANG=en_US.UTF-8 in test runner (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82328 use throwsXxx instead of throwsA(isA
82337 Revert "Init licenses for test bindings (#81961)" (a: tests, team, tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82348 Remove redundant MediaQueryDatas in tests (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
82386 Turn on win_build_tests_2_3 shard, skip 'build windows' tests (a: tests, team, cla: yes)
82457 end of sort_child_properties_last (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82499 Replace testUsingContext with testWithoutContext in protocol_discovery_test (a: tests, team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82508 Remove "unnecessary" imports. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82525 Revert "Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82564 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82589 Fix typos (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
82712 [flutter_test/integration_test] added setSurfaceSize test coverage (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, will affect goldens, integration_test)
82926 [web] Make web integration tests shadow DOM aware. (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82939 FlutterDriver: deprecate enableAccessibility; redirect it to setSemantics; add setSemantics tests (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, d: examples)
83337 Test WidgetTester handling test pointers (a: tests, framework, cla: yes)
83361 Remove iOS version override in ios_add2appTests unit tests (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83407 enable lint prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83734 Fix typo in documentation (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83744 Fixed large amount of spelling errors (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83752 Keyboard events (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
83843 Clean up the bindings APIs (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83959 Remove "unnecessary" imports. (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
84256 alignment of doc comments and annotations (a: tests, team, tool, framework, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
84365 Fix wrong reference in deprecated (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
84472 Android e2e screenshot (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84476 Turn on avoid_dynamic_calls lint, except packages/flutter tests, make appropriate changes. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
84478 Turn on avoid_dynamic_calls lint in packages/flutter tests, make appropriate changes. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
84809 Make scrollbar assertions less aggressive (a: tests, team, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation, a: error message, tech-debt)
84812 Disable auto scrollbars on desktop for legacy flutter gallery (a: tests, team, framework, team: gallery, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, integration_test, tech-debt)
85094 Remove tests checking Xcode 11 naming conventions (a: tests, team, platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85151 Remove nameless todo (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes)
85306 Add space before curly parentheses. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
85370 Audit hashCode overrides outside of packages/flutter (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85412 Update flutter doc references to conform to new lookup code restrictions (a: tests, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
85451 Revert "Audit hashCode overrides outside of packages/flutter" (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
85484 Eliminate some regressions introduced by the new lookup code (a: tests, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: api docs, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
85497 Fix three additional cases where doc references are not conforming to new lookup code restrictions (a: tests, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85567 Reland "Audit hashCode overrides outside of packages/flutter"" (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
85672 Change devicelab test ownership (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85731 Specify rasterFinishWallTime (a: tests, framework, cla: yes)
85783 code formatting (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
86386 Revert "Clean up the bindings APIs" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
86388 Clean up the bindings APIs (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
86397 Added 'exclude' parameter to 'testWidgets()'. (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes)
86404 Revert "Clean up the bindings APIs" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
86438 Clean up the bindings APIs (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
86449 Make LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding work with setSurfaceSize and live tests (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, will affect goldens)
86484 Revert "Clean up the bindings APIs" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
86667 Add string attribute api to text span (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86701 Add a "variant: " prefix to variant descriptions in test names (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86730 Revert "Make LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding work with setSurfaceSize and live tests" (a: tests, framework, cla: yes)
86739 Reland: Make LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding work with setSurfaceSize and live tests (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, will affect goldens)
86744 Fixes for upcoming changes to avoid_classes_with_only_static_members (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86793 Randomize tests, exclude tests that fail with randomization. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
86808 Remove unused build_mode_test (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86816 Fix driver test to run locally. (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86822 Remove unused tiles_scroll_perf_iphonexs__timeline_summary (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86823 Revert "Reland: Make LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding work with setSurfaceSize and live tests" (a: tests, framework, cla: yes)
86826 Remove obsolete plugin_test_win (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86827 Remove obsolete textfield_perf test (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86828 Remove unused flutter_run_test (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86829 Remove unused web_incremental_test (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86912 Reland 2: Make LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding work with setSurfaceSize and live tests (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
86962 Remove obsolete codegen_integration tests (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
87098 [gen_keycodes] Remove nonexistent Web keys and improve their emulation (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87171 Revert "Keyboard events (#83752)" (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
87174 Reland: Keyboard events (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
87202 Restore the WidgetTester's original surface size after testing setSurfaceSize (a: tests, framework, cla: yes)
87233 Revert "Reland 2: Make LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding work with setSur… (a: tests, framework, cla: yes)
87239 Reland 3: Make LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding work with setSurfaceSize and live tests (a: tests, framework, cla: yes)
87240 Restores surface size in the postTest of test binding (a: tests, framework, cla: yes)
87258 Revert "Restores surface size in the postTest of test binding" (a: tests, framework, cla: yes)
87408 [flutter] replace 'checked mode' with 'debug mode' (a: tests, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87467 [flutter_driver] Remove runUnsynchronized
in VMServiceFlutterDriver
(a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87515 Revert "Added 'exclude' parameter to 'testWidgets()'." (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt, skip-test)
87533 Fix Cuptertino dialog test to check correct fade transition (a: tests, team, framework, a: animation, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
87535 Add Cupterino button animation test (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
87589 Skip flaky golden file test (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
f: cupertino - 89 pull request(s)
#75497 Added axisOrientation property to Scrollbar (framework, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
76288 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
78202 Dedup CupertinoAlertDialog and CupertinoActionSheet source code (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
78284 Add CupertinoScrollbar api docs (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
79966 Add onTap and autocorrect into CupertinoSearchTextField (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
80541 l10n updates (f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
80587 Add dart fix for DragAnchor deprecation (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
80756 Migrate LogicalKeySet to SingleActivator (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, severe: API break, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
80805 Update bottom_tab_bar_test.dart (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
80817 fix sort_directives violations (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
80834 [flutter_conductor] begin migrating //flutter/dev/tools to null-safety (team, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
80901 fix unsorted directives (a: tests, tool, framework, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
81000 Remove "unnecessary" imports in packages/flutter (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
81080 Add trailing commas in packages/flutter/test/cupertino (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
81100 Modify CupertinoSearchTextField's prefix icon. (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
81153 Enable avoid_escaping_inner_quotes lint (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
81226 Revert "Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
81235 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
81278 Assert for valid ScrollController in Scrollbar gestures (framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: error message)
81406 Add trailing commas in examples and packages/flutter/ (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
81578 Enable library_private_types_in_public_api lint (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
81647 Add slider adaptive cupertino thumb color (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
81829 Revert "Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
82057 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82084 Enable unnecessary_null_checks lint (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
82327 update the DragStartBehavior documetations (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
82328 use throwsXxx instead of throwsA(isA
82387 first part of applying sort_child_properties_last (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
82441 Sets textInputAction property of CupertinoSearchTextField to TextInputAction.search by default (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
82457 end of sort_child_properties_last (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82525 Revert "Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82564 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82589 Fix typos (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
82671 TextField terminal the enter and space raw key events by default (a: text input, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop)
82675 fix a ListWheelScrollView childDelegate update bug (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
82753 Revert "Added axisOrientation property to Scrollbar" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
82764 Fix scrollbar drag gestures for reversed scrollables (framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
82818 Fix "Added AxisOrientation property to Scrollbar (#75497)" analysis failures (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
83020 Assign late variable without initstate in flutter_gallery (team, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
83407 enable lint prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83639 [TextSelectionControls] move the tap gesture callback into _TextSelectionHandlePainter, remove _TransparentTapGestureRecognizer
. (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
83744 Fixed large amount of spelling errors (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83752 Keyboard events (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
83826 l10n updates for June beta (framework, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
83843 Clean up the bindings APIs (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83959 Remove "unnecessary" imports. (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
84064 migrate localization to null safety (team, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84256 alignment of doc comments and annotations (a: tests, team, tool, framework, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
84374 fix indentation issues (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
84476 Turn on avoid_dynamic_calls lint, except packages/flutter tests, make appropriate changes. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
84478 Turn on avoid_dynamic_calls lint in packages/flutter tests, make appropriate changes. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
84599 Feat(cupertino): [date_picker] Date order parameter (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
84739 Revert "TextField terminal the enter and space raw key events by default" (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
84740 Release retained resources from layers/dispose pictures (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
84746 Revert "TextField terminal the enter and space raw key events by defa… (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
84806 Make buildHandle onTap optional (a: text input, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
84809 Make scrollbar assertions less aggressive (a: tests, team, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation, a: error message, tech-debt)
85159 Randomize Framework tests, opt out some tests that currently fail. (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
85254 Add dart fix for RenderObjectElement deprecations (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
85306 Add space before curly parentheses. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
85412 Update flutter doc references to conform to new lookup code restrictions (a: tests, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
85484 Eliminate some regressions introduced by the new lookup code (a: tests, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: api docs, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
85673 Revert "Randomize Framework tests, opt out some tests that currently fail. (#85159)" (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
85783 code formatting (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
85789 Scale selection handles for rich text on iOS (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
86008 Add newline at end of file (team, tool, framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
86323 Dart Fixes for clipBehavior breaks (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86386 Revert "Clean up the bindings APIs" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
86388 Clean up the bindings APIs (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
86404 Revert "Clean up the bindings APIs" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
86438 Clean up the bindings APIs (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
86482 Add textDirection property to CupertinoTextField and CupertinoTextFormFieldRow (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
86484 Revert "Clean up the bindings APIs" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
86683 Fix analysis script to run from anywhere (team, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
86775 Add thumb color customization to CupertinoSwitch (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
86793 Randomize tests, exclude tests that fail with randomization. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
87002 Add enableIMEPersonalizedLearning flag to TextField and TextFormField (platform-android, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
87139 🔋 Enhance cupertino button fade in and fade out (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
87171 Revert "Keyboard events (#83752)" (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
87174 Reland: Keyboard events (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
87236 Fix inconsistencies when calculating start/end handle rects for selection handles (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
87289 Updated the skipped tests for cupertino package. (team, framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, tech-debt, skip-test)
87421 update ScrollMetricsNotification (framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
87528 Fix some errors in snippets (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
87533 Fix Cuptertino dialog test to check correct fade transition (a: tests, team, framework, a: animation, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
87535 Add Cupterino button animation test (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
87537 Revert "Updated the skipped tests for cupertino package." (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
87538 Updated the skipped tests for cupertino package. (reland) (team, framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt, skip-test)
87591 Added autofocus property to CupertinoSearchTextField (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
a: null-safety - 75 pull request(s)
#78032 Added null check before NavigationRail.onDestinationSelected is called (severe: crash, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
79860 BorderRadiusTween.lerp supports null begin/end values (framework, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
79908 Start migrating flutter_tools test src to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
79911 Migrate tool version to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, a: null-safety)
79985 Convert some general.shard base tests to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80002 Migrate more tool unit tests to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80008 Migrate intellij tests and context_test to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80011 Cast Config values map values to dynamic instead of Object (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80016 Migrate template to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80018 Migrate fake_process_manager to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80085 Migrate persistent_tool_state to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80088 Migrate visual_studio_test to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80095 Migrate web_validator to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80096 Migrate first_run and bot_detector to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, a: null-safety)
80139 Remove crash_reporting and github_template from reporting library (team, tool, cla: yes, a: null-safety)
80154 Migrate tools test fakes to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, a: null-safety)
80159 Remove flutter_command dependency from reporting library (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80168 Migrate features_tests and other tool tests to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80304 Migrate flutter_tool plugins.dart to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80320 Migrate reporting library to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80324 Pull XCDevice out of xcode.dart (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80392 Migrate flutter_manifest to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80399 Split out XcodeProjectInterpreter from xcode_build_settings (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80548 Migrate pub in flutter_tools to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80549 Migrate xcodeproj to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80605 Refactor LocalizationsGenerator initialize instance method into factory (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80614 Migrate xcode.dart and xcode_validator.dart to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80763 Migrate gen_l10n to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80916 Move FakeOperatingSystemUtils from context.dart to fakes.dart (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
81002 Migrate analyze_size to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, a: null-safety)
81006 Migrate forbidden_from_release_tests to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
81352 Replace MockAndroidDevice and MockIOSDevice with fakes (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
82498 Replace testUsingContext with testWithoutContext in a few places (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
82882 Remove more mocks from error_handling_io_test (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83137 Move globals.artifacts to globals_null_migrated, update imports (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83147 Migrate build_system, exceptions, and source to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83153 Migrate compile to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83310 Migrate localizations and generate_synthetic_packages to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83311 Migrate deferred_components_gen_snapshot_validator to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83381 Migrate build system build.dart to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83441 Migrate pubspec_schema to null safety (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83442 Clean up null assumptions for Xcode and CocoaPods classes (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83443 Clean up null assumptions for Gradle classes (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83445 Clean up null assumptions for project.dart dependencies (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83504 Remove more mocks from error_handling_io and attach_test (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83817 Migrate project.dart and all dependencies to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, a: null-safety)
83854 Migrate deferred_components_prebuild_validator to null safety (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83855 Migrate iOS project migrations to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83862 Migrate a few tool libraries to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
83894 migrate complex layout to null safety (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
83956 Migrate application_package to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
84011 Migrate vitool to null safety (team, cla: yes, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84013 "Migrate" dummy packages to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84017 Mixed null safety in dev/devicelab (team, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
84061 migrate mega_gallery to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84063 migrate update_icons to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84064 migrate localization to null safety (team, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84065 Migrate gallery test to null safety (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84066 migrate platform channels benchmarks (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84136 Migrate android_semantics_testing to null safety (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84140 Migrate hybrid_android_views to null safety (team, cla: yes, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84145 Migrate integration_tests/channels to null safety (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84153 Migrate dartdoc to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84156 Re-land "Migrate android_semantics_testing to null safety (#84136)" (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84227 Migrate android application_package to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
84372 Fix assemble iOS codesign flag to support --no-sound-null-safety (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode, a: null-safety)
84469 Migrate build_macos and web_test_compiler to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
84820 Audit devicelab log streaming for nullability (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
84840 fix _owner
nullability in routers.dart
(framework, cla: yes, f: routes, will affect goldens, a: null-safety)
85242 Migrate flutter_cache to null safety (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
85501 Migrate dev/benchmarks/macrobenchmarks to null safety. (team, f: material design, cla: yes, a: null-safety)
85998 Migrate devicelab tasks i-z to null safety. (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
86325 Migrate devicelab framework code to null safety. (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
86374 Migrate devicelab tasks a-f to null safety. (team, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
86378 Migrate devicelab tasks f-i to null safety. (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, a: null-safety)
a: accessibility - 51 pull request(s)
#76288 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
79599 Adds text attributes support for semantics (a: tests, framework, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
80600 Standardize how Java8 is set in gradle files (team, tool, a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
80817 fix sort_directives violations (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
80995 Add trailing commas in packages/flutter/test/{painting,physics,semantics,schedule}
(framework, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81065 Add trailing commas in packages/flutter/test/rendering (framework, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
81083 Make compareTo more robust in semantics.dart (framework, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81226 Revert "Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
81235 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
81362 Add trailing commas in packages/flutter/test/widgets (framework, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81578 Enable library_private_types_in_public_api lint (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
81829 Revert "Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
82057 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82457 end of sort_child_properties_last (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82525 Revert "Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82564 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83067 Add Gradle lockfiles and tool to generate them (team, tool, a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83407 enable lint prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83434 Updates override of SemanticsUpdateBuilderSpy to enable soft transition (framework, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83619 Migrate microbrenchmarks to null safety (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83635 [gradle] Unlock all configurations if a local engine is used (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83744 Fixed large amount of spelling errors (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83843 Clean up the bindings APIs (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83894 migrate complex layout to null safety (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84017 Mixed null safety in dev/devicelab (team, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
84065 Migrate gallery test to null safety (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84136 Migrate android_semantics_testing to null safety (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84154 Revert "Migrate android_semantics_testing to null safety (#84136)" (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
84156 Re-land "Migrate android_semantics_testing to null safety (#84136)" (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84166 Revert "Re-land "Migrate android_semantics_testing to null safety (#84136)"" (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
84476 Turn on avoid_dynamic_calls lint, except packages/flutter tests, make appropriate changes. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
84478 Turn on avoid_dynamic_calls lint in packages/flutter tests, make appropriate changes. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
84820 Audit devicelab log streaming for nullability (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
85370 Audit hashCode overrides outside of packages/flutter (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85451 Revert "Audit hashCode overrides outside of packages/flutter" (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
85484 Eliminate some regressions introduced by the new lookup code (a: tests, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: api docs, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
85567 Reland "Audit hashCode overrides outside of packages/flutter"" (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
85736 Remove "unnecessary" imports. (waiting for customer response, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
85783 code formatting (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
85996 Migrate devicelab tasks a-f to null safety. (team, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
85997 Migrate devicelab tasks f-i to null safety. (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
86267 Revert "Migrate devicelab tasks f-i to null safety." (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
86268 Revert "Migrate devicelab tasks a-f to null safety." (team, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes)
86374 Migrate devicelab tasks a-f to null safety. (team, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
86378 Migrate devicelab tasks f-i to null safety. (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, a: null-safety)
86386 Revert "Clean up the bindings APIs" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
86388 Clean up the bindings APIs (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
86404 Revert "Clean up the bindings APIs" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
86438 Clean up the bindings APIs (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
86484 Revert "Clean up the bindings APIs" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
87147 Update the skipped test for dev. (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, tech-debt, skip-test)
tech-debt - 48 pull request(s)
#78276 Remove MockStdIn and MockStream (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
80321 Remove mocks from fucshia_pm_test, reduce createMockProcess usage (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
80792 Modified TabBar.preferredSize to remove hardcoded knowledge about child Tab. (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
82348 Remove redundant MediaQueryDatas in tests (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
83852 Remove globals from android application_package (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
83894 migrate complex layout to null safety (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
83923 Remove deprecated hasFloatingPlaceholder (team, framework, f: material design, severe: API break, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
83924 Remove TextTheme deprecations (team, framework, f: material design, severe: API break, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
83926 Remove deprecated typography constructor (team, framework, f: material design, severe: API break, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
84011 Migrate vitool to null safety (team, cla: yes, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84013 "Migrate" dummy packages to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84061 migrate mega_gallery to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84063 migrate update_icons to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84064 migrate localization to null safety (team, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84065 Migrate gallery test to null safety (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84066 migrate platform channels benchmarks (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84136 Migrate android_semantics_testing to null safety (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84140 Migrate hybrid_android_views to null safety (team, cla: yes, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84145 Migrate integration_tests/channels to null safety (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84153 Migrate dartdoc to null safety (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84156 Re-land "Migrate android_semantics_testing to null safety (#84136)" (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety, tech-debt)
84594 Clean up NestedScrollView TODOs (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
84809 Make scrollbar assertions less aggressive (a: tests, team, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation, a: error message, tech-debt)
84812 Disable auto scrollbars on desktop for legacy flutter gallery (a: tests, team, framework, team: gallery, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, integration_test, tech-debt)
85246 Add dart fix for AndroidViewController.id (team, framework, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
85254 Add dart fix for RenderObjectElement deprecations (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
85359 Split project.dart into CMake and Xcode projects (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86323 Dart Fixes for clipBehavior breaks (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86369 Add fixes for ThemeData (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86808 Remove unused build_mode_test (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86812 Remove unused flutter_gallery_instrumentation_test (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86822 Remove unused tiles_scroll_perf_iphonexs__timeline_summary (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86826 Remove obsolete plugin_test_win (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86827 Remove obsolete textfield_perf test (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86828 Remove unused flutter_run_test (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86829 Remove unused web_incremental_test (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86962 Remove obsolete codegen_integration tests (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
87063 Updated the skipped tests for animation (framework, cla: yes, tech-debt, skip-test)
87138 Replace iOS physical/simulator bools with enum (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
87147 Update the skipped test for dev. (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, tech-debt, skip-test)
87289 Updated the skipped tests for cupertino package. (team, framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, tech-debt, skip-test)
87293 Updated skipped tests for foundation directory. (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt, skip-test)
87328 Updated skipped tests for material directory. (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, tech-debt, skip-test)
87515 Revert "Added 'exclude' parameter to 'testWidgets()'." (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt, skip-test)
87533 Fix Cuptertino dialog test to check correct fade transition (a: tests, team, framework, a: animation, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
87538 Updated the skipped tests for cupertino package. (reland) (team, framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt, skip-test)
87546 Updated skipped tests for painting directory. (team, framework, cla: yes, will affect goldens, tech-debt, skip-test)
87589 Skip flaky golden file test (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
d: examples - 44 pull request(s)
#76288 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
78284 Add CupertinoScrollbar api docs (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
79669 Reland the Dart plugin registry (team, tool, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
80600 Standardize how Java8 is set in gradle files (team, tool, a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
80908 migrate from jcenter to mavencentral (team, tool, cla: yes, d: examples)
81226 Revert "Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
81235 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
81406 Add trailing commas in examples and packages/flutter/ (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
81578 Enable library_private_types_in_public_api lint (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
81706 Integrate MaterialBanner with the ScaffoldMessenger API (severe: new feature, framework, a: animation, f: material design, a: fidelity, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
81829 Revert "Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
82057 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82457 end of sort_child_properties_last (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82525 Revert "Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82564 Migrate to ChannelBuffers.push (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82843 refactor: Add MaterialStateMixin (severe: new feature, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
82926 [web] Make web integration tests shadow DOM aware. (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
82939 FlutterDriver: deprecate enableAccessibility; redirect it to setSemantics; add setSemantics tests (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, d: examples)
82963 Update rendering smoke tests to assert a frame has been scheduled (team, framework, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83067 Add Gradle lockfiles and tool to generate them (team, tool, a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83070 Assign late variable without initstate in layers (team, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83407 enable lint prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83428 add AnimatedScale and AnimatedRotation widgets (severe: new feature, framework, a: animation, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
83635 [gradle] Unlock all configurations if a local engine is used (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83661 Remove unused SingleTickerProviderStateMixin
from AnimatedSize
example (framework, a: animation, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
83744 Fixed large amount of spelling errors (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83790 Revert "Dispose render objects when owning element is unmounted." (team, framework, cla: yes, d: examples)
83843 Clean up the bindings APIs (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83920 Reland "Dispose render objects when owning element is unmounted. (#82883)" (#83790) (team, framework, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
84476 Turn on avoid_dynamic_calls lint, except packages/flutter tests, make appropriate changes. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
84478 Turn on avoid_dynamic_calls lint in packages/flutter tests, make appropriate changes. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
84639 [versions] update dependencies (team, cla: yes, d: examples)
84809 Make scrollbar assertions less aggressive (a: tests, team, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation, a: error message, tech-debt)
85148 Update GestureDetector docs to use DartPad sample (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, f: gestures, documentation)
85174 Migrate iOS app deployment target from 8.0 to 9.0 (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode)
85270 Run build_tests shard and check in project migrations (team, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
86386 Revert "Clean up the bindings APIs" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
86388 Clean up the bindings APIs (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
86404 Revert "Clean up the bindings APIs" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
86438 Clean up the bindings APIs (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
86484 Revert "Clean up the bindings APIs" (a: tests, team, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
87021 [Documentation] Add AlignTransition
interactive example (framework, cla: yes, d: examples)
87126 Perform no shader warm-up by default (team, framework, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
87238 Revert "Perform no shader warm-up by default" (team, framework, cla: yes, d: examples)
a: quality - 28 pull request(s)
#76145 Add support for pointer scrolling to trigger floats & snaps (framework, a: fidelity, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop, a: mouse)
78032 Added null check before NavigationRail.onDestinationSelected is called (severe: crash, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
79860 BorderRadiusTween.lerp supports null begin/end values (framework, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
80237 Tweaked TabBar to provide uniform padding to all tabs in cases where only few tabs contain both icon and text (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
80453 Fix FlexibleSpaceBar Opacity when AppBar.toolbarHeight > ktoolbarHeight (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
80792 Modified TabBar.preferredSize to remove hardcoded knowledge about child Tab. (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
81278 Assert for valid ScrollController in Scrollbar gestures (framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: error message)
81295 Override MediaQuery for WidgetsApp (severe: new feature, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
81303 [Framework] Support for Android Fullscreen Modes (severe: new feature, e: device-specific, platform-android, framework, engine, f: material design, a: fidelity, cla: yes, a: quality, customer: crowd, waiting for tree to go green, a: layout)
81706 Integrate MaterialBanner with the ScaffoldMessenger API (severe: new feature, framework, a: animation, f: material design, a: fidelity, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
81884 Gesture recognizer cleanup (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, a: quality, f: gestures, documentation)
82293 Better hover handling for Scrollbar (framework, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop, a: annoyance, a: mouse)
82764 Fix scrollbar drag gestures for reversed scrollables (framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
82843 refactor: Add MaterialStateMixin (severe: new feature, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
82885 Re-apply "Gesture recognizer cleanup" (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, a: quality, f: gestures, documentation)
83014 fix a DropdownButtonFormField label display issue (severe: regression, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
83863 Ensure the Autocomplete options scroll as needed. (framework, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop)
84393 ReorderableListView should treat fuchsia as a mobile platform. (framework, f: material design, a: fidelity, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality)
84806 Make buildHandle onTap optional (a: text input, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
84807 Fix an animation issue when dragging the first item of a reversed list onto the starting position. (framework, a: animation, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality)
85009 Add delta param to scaleupdate so it matches dragupdate (framework, cla: yes, a: quality, f: gestures, waiting for tree to go green)
85024 [docs] Add TileMode.decal images (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
85150 Fix SnackBar assertions when configured with theme (severe: crash, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: error message)
85152 DismissDirection.none will not prevent scrolling (framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
85246 Add dart fix for AndroidViewController.id (team, framework, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
85254 Add dart fix for RenderObjectElement deprecations (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
86323 Dart Fixes for clipBehavior breaks (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
87143 Fix leading overscroll for RenderShrinkWrappingViewport (framework, a: fidelity, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, customer: crowd, waiting for tree to go green)
engine - 28 pull request(s)
#80459 [flutter_releases] Flutter Dev 2.2.0-10.1.pre Framework Cherrypicks (tool, framework, engine, cla: yes)
80570 [flutter_releases] Flutter Stable 2.0.5 Framework Cherrypicks (engine, cla: yes)
80806 Cherrypick engine to 584bf9fb4faf6c276ed424e15d435fa67a61e086 (engine, cla: yes)
81303 [Framework] Support for Android Fullscreen Modes (severe: new feature, e: device-specific, platform-android, framework, engine, f: material design, a: fidelity, cla: yes, a: quality, customer: crowd, waiting for tree to go green, a: layout)
81425 [flutter_releases] Flutter Beta 2.2.0-10.2.pre Framework Cherrypicks (engine, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes)
81508 [flutter_releases] Flutter Stable 2.0.6 Framework Cherrypicks (engine, cla: yes)
81927 [flutter_releases] Flutter Beta 2.2.0-10.3.pre Framework Cherrypicks (team, tool, framework, engine, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes)
82310 Roll Engine to 44ba0c7c4bfd (5 revisions) (framework, engine, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82500 Revert "Roll Engine from 490068230f9a to c118a134fb11 (3 revisions) (… (engine, cla: yes)
82581 [flutter_releases] Flutter Framework Engine roll (team, tool, framework, engine, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes)
83372 [flutter_releases] Flutter Stable 2.2.1 Framework Cherrypicks (tool, engine, cla: yes)
83533 Revert "Roll Engine from a962fb3b8214 to a6eb22454cae (1 revision)" (engine, cla: yes)
83643 Revert "Roll Engine from 73fe3dd31c7c to aca8aa2335a5 (1 revision)" (engine, cla: yes)
83750 Revert "Roll Engine from ac6087b5cbc4 to ad10ab8d695e (7 revisions)" (engine, cla: yes)
83942 Revert "Roll Engine from 939fb62b303b to 2398a8c4f1c8 (7 revisions)" (engine, cla: yes)
84226 Cherrypick engine bb3c49a9c3edf931a5601f0245faa85f5e077cb4 (engine, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84364 [flutter_releases] Flutter Stable 2.2.2 Framework Cherrypicks (tool, framework, engine, f: material design, cla: yes)
84375 Cherrypick engine to 56bc70e04f2e73046b4957d1deb5e6e46294ac09 to incl… (engine, cla: yes)
84485 Cherrypick engine to ddbac024d165c373396e1f125666848d1539a38d (engine, cla: yes)
84666 Manual roll of engine from e0011fa561d6 to 2118a1bb4bf0 (7 revisions) (team, engine, cla: yes)
84814 Revert "Roll Engine from ced58ef9c13e to 86dacc0aad71 (9 revisions)" (engine, cla: yes)
84889 Revert "Roll Engine from ced58ef9c13e to b9616cad9c7d (14 revisions)" (engine, cla: yes)
85278 [flutter_releases] Flutter Beta 2.3.0-24.1.pre Framework Cherrypicks (engine, cla: yes)
85719 [flutter_releases] Flutter Stable 2.2.3 Framework Cherrypicks (engine, cla: yes)
86901 [flutter_releases] Flutter Beta 2.4.0-4.2.pre Framework Cherrypicks (engine, cla: yes)
86966 Cherrypick Engine 7b282df38673d1a2e4f384224db241b0679a9786 (engine, cla: yes)
87191 Revert "Roll Engine from 95a40884c738 to 3cc37d3b4d87 (2 revisions)" (engine, cla: yes)
87275 Revert "Roll Engine from 74121a42bc7b to 40451453ab11 (2 revisions)" (engine, cla: yes)
platform-ios - 27 pull request(s)
#80904 Only run xcodebuild -showBuildSettings once (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, t: xcode)
81342 Remove Finder extended attributes before code signing iOS frameworks (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, t: xcode)
81435 Remove extended attributes from entire Flutter project (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode)
82576 Remove symroot from generated iOS Xcode build settings (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode)
83315 rsync instead of delete and copy Flutter.xcframework for add to app (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, a: existing-apps, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode)
84372 Fix assemble iOS codesign flag to support --no-sound-null-safety (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode, a: null-safety)
84411 Add Designed for iPad attach destination for ARM macOS (platform-ios, tool, platform-mac, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-target-arm)
84595 Fix iOS native integration_tests example project (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, integration_test)
84596 Set up iOS native integration_tests in ui example project (team, platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, integration_test)
84602 Fix integration_test podspecs warnings (team, platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, integration_test)
84615 Remove unnecessary reference to iOS configuration in README (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, documentation, integration_test)
84890 Set up iOS native integration_tests in ui example project (team, platform-ios, cla: yes, integration_test)
85051 Check for either ios-x86_64-simulator or ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator in module test (team, platform-ios, cla: yes, platform-host-arm)
85053 Check ios-arm64_armv7 directory when validating codesigning entitlements (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85059 Support iOS arm64 simulator (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, platform-host-arm)
85075 macOS unzip then rsync to delete stale artifacts (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85087 Avoid iOS app with extension checks that fail on M1 ARM Macs (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-host-arm)
85094 Remove tests checking Xcode 11 naming conventions (a: tests, team, platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85145 Do not list Android or iOS devices when feature disabled (platform-android, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85174 Migrate iOS app deployment target from 8.0 to 9.0 (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode)
85265 Check ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator directory when validating codesigning entitlement (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-host-arm)
85642 Support iOS arm64 simulator (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-host-arm)
85650 Wait for iOS UI buttons to exist before tapping (team, platform-ios, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
86840 Increase Flutter framework minimum iOS version to 9.0 (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode)
87138 Replace iOS physical/simulator bools with enum (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
87244 Exclude arm64 from iOS app archs if unsupported by plugins (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode, platform-host-arm)
87362 Exclude arm64 from iOS app archs if unsupported by plugins on x64 Macs (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode, platform-host-arm)
team: flakes - 24 pull request(s)
#79961 Mark integration_test_test as unflaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
80163 Mark mac_gradle_plugin_light_apk_test flaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes)
80315 Mark linux_validate_ci_config not flaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
80325 Mark Mac gradle_plugin_light_apk_test not flaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
81346 Mark dart_plugin_registry_test not flaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
81347 Mark linux_skp_generator not flaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
81792 Reduce potential collisions from Gold RNG (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green, team: infra, team: presubmit flakes)
82384 Mark linux_platform_channels_benchmarks not flaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes)
82385 Mark animated_image_gc_perf not flaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
82759 Mark mac_ios_platform_channels_benchmarks_ios not flaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
82760 Mark win_build_tests_2_3 not flaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
82761 Enable win_gradle_plugin_light_apk_test and mark unflaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
83288 Mark new_gallery__crane_perf unflaky (cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
83289 Mark linux_large_image_changer_perf_android unflaky (cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
83290 Mark linux_complex_layout_scroll_perf__devtools_memory unflaky (cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
83295 Mark linux_platform_channels_benchmarks unflaky (cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
83297 Skip flaky debugger_stepping_web_test (tool, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
83300 Mark flutter_gallery_sksl_warmup__transition_perf_e2e as flaky (cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
83384 Mark flutter_gallery__transition_perf_e2e flaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes)
83965 Make retry logic more permissive for network errors (tool, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
85650 Wait for iOS UI buttons to exist before tapping (team, platform-ios, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
87354 Mark 'Mac plugin_dependencies_test' unflaky (cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
87355 Mark devtools_profile_start_test not flaky (team, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green)
87589 Skip flaky golden file test (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
a: text input - 23 pull request(s)
#73440 Hardware keyboard: codegen (a: text input, team, framework, cla: yes)
78522 Shortcut activator (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, cla: yes)
80756 Migrate LogicalKeySet to SingleActivator (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, severe: API break, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
81678 [key_codegen] Remove webValues (a: text input, team, cla: yes)
81807 Character activator (a: tests, a: text input, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
82671 TextField terminal the enter and space raw key events by default (a: text input, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop)
82962 Key codegen for Hardware Keyboard: Linux (GTK) (a: text input, team, cla: yes)
83537 Support WidgetSpan in RenderEditable (a: text input, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: typography, waiting for tree to go green)
83752 Keyboard events (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
83974 Add TextInputType.none (a: text input, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84055 Allow Flutter focus to interop with Android view hierarchies (a: text input, framework, cla: yes, a: platform-views, f: focus)
84806 Make buildHandle onTap optional (a: text input, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
85008 [RenderEditable] fix crash & remove TextPainter.layout
short-circuiting (a: text input, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85081 Select All via Shortcuts (a: text input, framework, cla: yes, a: desktop)
85121 New scheme for keyboard logical key ID (a: text input, team, framework, cla: yes)
85138 Docs improvements for minLines/maxLines (a: text input, framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation)
85381 Migrate RenderEditable shortcuts from RawKeyboard listeners (a: text input, framework, cla: yes)
86679 RawKeyEventData classes support diagnostic and equality (a: text input, framework, cla: yes)
87086 [gen_keycodes] Move GLFW keys to logical_key_data (a: text input, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87098 [gen_keycodes] Remove nonexistent Web keys and improve their emulation (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87152 [Keyboard] Accept empty events (a: text input, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87171 Revert "Keyboard events (#83752)" (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
87174 Reland: Keyboard events (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
will affect goldens - 22 pull request(s)
#76742 Add a bitmap operation property to transform widgets to enable/control bitmap transforms (team, framework, cla: yes, will affect goldens)
78744 Fix painting material toggle (#78733) (framework, f: material design, a: fidelity, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
80129 Add BackdropFilter blend mode (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
80173 Roll Engine from 398bede5b914 to 8863afff1650 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
81700 Roll Engine from 3e578c6e0d77 to 578449f10fde (23 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
82712 [flutter_test/integration_test] added setSurfaceSize test coverage (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, will affect goldens, integration_test)
83379 Add ability to specify Image widget opacity as an animation (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
84840 fix _owner
nullability in routers.dart
(framework, cla: yes, f: routes, will affect goldens, a: null-safety)
85736 Remove "unnecessary" imports. (waiting for customer response, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
86000 [flutter_tools] revert change to SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION (tool, cla: yes, will affect goldens)
86449 Make LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding work with setSurfaceSize and live tests (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, will affect goldens)
86591 Close the exit port used by the compute isolate utility function (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
86596 Roll Engine from 14a9e9a50e17 to 334fa806add1 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
86690 Roll Engine from 9edde7423fba to f0325b6a3d6d (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
86725 Roll Engine from f0325b6a3d6d to 19f853d5a733 (14 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
86734 Fix an exception being thrown when focus groups are empty. (framework, cla: yes, will affect goldens)
86739 Reland: Make LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding work with setSurfaceSize and live tests (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, will affect goldens)
86791 Avoid passive clipboard read on Android (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
86877 Remove default expectation for UserTag (framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
86912 Reland 2: Make LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding work with setSurfaceSize and live tests (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
87281 Deprecate ThemeData.fixTextFieldOutlineLabel (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, will affect goldens)
87546 Updated skipped tests for painting directory. (team, framework, cla: yes, will affect goldens, tech-debt, skip-test)
f: scrolling - 22 pull request(s)
#75497 Added axisOrientation property to Scrollbar (framework, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
76145 Add support for pointer scrolling to trigger floats & snaps (framework, a: fidelity, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop, a: mouse)
81278 Assert for valid ScrollController in Scrollbar gestures (framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: error message)
82293 Better hover handling for Scrollbar (framework, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop, a: annoyance, a: mouse)
82687 Update the scrollbar (severe: new feature, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop)
82764 Fix scrollbar drag gestures for reversed scrollables (framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
83828 Fix widgets with built-in scrollbars (framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83863 Ensure the Autocomplete options scroll as needed. (framework, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop)
84393 ReorderableListView should treat fuchsia as a mobile platform. (framework, f: material design, a: fidelity, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality)
84570 Fix scrollbar error message and test (framework, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: error message)
84807 Fix an animation issue when dragging the first item of a reversed list onto the starting position. (framework, a: animation, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality)
84809 Make scrollbar assertions less aggressive (a: tests, team, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation, a: error message, tech-debt)
84812 Disable auto scrollbars on desktop for legacy flutter gallery (a: tests, team, framework, team: gallery, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, integration_test, tech-debt)
84828 Fixed an issue with overflow exceptions with nested lists inside a reorderable list item. (severe: regression, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84988 Adds mainAxisMargin property to RawScrollbar (severe: new feature, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85152 DismissDirection.none will not prevent scrolling (framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
85221 [new feature]introduce ScrollMetricsNotification
(severe: new feature, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85338 Expose minThumbLength, crossAxisMargin, and minOverscrollLength on RawScrollbar (severe: new feature, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85499 Re-land"[new feature]introduce ScrollMetricsNotification
" (severe: new feature, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, customer: crowd, waiting for tree to go green)
87143 Fix leading overscroll for RenderShrinkWrappingViewport (framework, a: fidelity, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, customer: crowd, waiting for tree to go green)
87421 update ScrollMetricsNotification (framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
87647 Changed Scrollbar to StatelessWidget (framework, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
documentation - 21 pull request(s)
#78173 Improved AssetImage Docs (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
78284 Add CupertinoScrollbar api docs (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
81012 Fix "LUCI console" link (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
81706 Integrate MaterialBanner with the ScaffoldMessenger API (severe: new feature, framework, a: animation, f: material design, a: fidelity, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
81884 Gesture recognizer cleanup (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, a: quality, f: gestures, documentation)
81932 Add some examples of widgets that support visual density (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, d: api docs, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
82843 refactor: Add MaterialStateMixin (severe: new feature, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
82885 Re-apply "Gesture recognizer cleanup" (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, a: quality, f: gestures, documentation)
83428 add AnimatedScale and AnimatedRotation widgets (severe: new feature, framework, a: animation, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
83661 Remove unused SingleTickerProviderStateMixin
from AnimatedSize
example (framework, a: animation, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
84182 Add RotatedBox Widget of the Week video to documentation (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
84365 Fix wrong reference in deprecated (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
84494 Fix grammatical error in services.dart (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
84615 Remove unnecessary reference to iOS configuration in README (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, documentation, integration_test)
84809 Make scrollbar assertions less aggressive (a: tests, team, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation, a: error message, tech-debt)
84847 Fix documentation of equality functions. (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation)
85024 [docs] Add TileMode.decal images (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
85138 Docs improvements for minLines/maxLines (a: text input, framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation)
85148 Update GestureDetector docs to use DartPad sample (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, f: gestures, documentation)
85484 Eliminate some regressions introduced by the new lookup code (a: tests, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: api docs, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
87561 [DOCS]Update some Focus docs (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
d: api docs - 18 pull request(s)
#78173 Improved AssetImage Docs (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
78284 Add CupertinoScrollbar api docs (framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
81706 Integrate MaterialBanner with the ScaffoldMessenger API (severe: new feature, framework, a: animation, f: material design, a: fidelity, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
81884 Gesture recognizer cleanup (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, a: quality, f: gestures, documentation)
81932 Add some examples of widgets that support visual density (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, d: api docs, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
82843 refactor: Add MaterialStateMixin (severe: new feature, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
82885 Re-apply "Gesture recognizer cleanup" (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, a: quality, f: gestures, documentation)
83428 add AnimatedScale and AnimatedRotation widgets (severe: new feature, framework, a: animation, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
83661 Remove unused SingleTickerProviderStateMixin
from AnimatedSize
example (framework, a: animation, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
84182 Add RotatedBox Widget of the Week video to documentation (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
84494 Fix grammatical error in services.dart (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
84809 Make scrollbar assertions less aggressive (a: tests, team, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation, a: error message, tech-debt)
84847 Fix documentation of equality functions. (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation)
85024 [docs] Add TileMode.decal images (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
85138 Docs improvements for minLines/maxLines (a: text input, framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, documentation)
85148 Update GestureDetector docs to use DartPad sample (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, f: gestures, documentation)
85484 Eliminate some regressions introduced by the new lookup code (a: tests, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: api docs, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
87561 [DOCS]Update some Focus docs (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
a: internationalization - 15 pull request(s)
#80541 l10n updates (f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
80901 fix unsorted directives (a: tests, tool, framework, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
81425 [flutter_releases] Flutter Beta 2.2.0-10.2.pre Framework Cherrypicks (engine, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes)
81898 Expose basicLocaleListResolution in widget library (framework, a: internationalization, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
81927 [flutter_releases] Flutter Beta 2.2.0-10.3.pre Framework Cherrypicks (team, tool, framework, engine, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes)
82581 [flutter_releases] Flutter Framework Engine roll (team, tool, framework, engine, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes)
83407 enable lint prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83744 Fixed large amount of spelling errors (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
83826 l10n updates for June beta (framework, f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
83903 Remove stripping scriptCodes for localization. (f: material design, a: internationalization, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84256 alignment of doc comments and annotations (a: tests, team, tool, framework, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
84476 Turn on avoid_dynamic_calls lint, except packages/flutter tests, make appropriate changes. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples)
84478 Turn on avoid_dynamic_calls lint in packages/flutter tests, make appropriate changes. (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green)
84732 [gen_l10n] Make app localizations lookup a public method (tool, a: internationalization, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85783 code formatting (a: tests, team, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, a: internationalization, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
severe: new feature - 14 pull request(s)
#81295 Override MediaQuery for WidgetsApp (severe: new feature, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
81303 [Framework] Support for Android Fullscreen Modes (severe: new feature, e: device-specific, platform-android, framework, engine, f: material design, a: fidelity, cla: yes, a: quality, customer: crowd, waiting for tree to go green, a: layout)
81706 Integrate MaterialBanner with the ScaffoldMessenger API (severe: new feature, framework, a: animation, f: material design, a: fidelity, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
81858 Deprecate GestureDetector.kind
in favor of new supportedDevices
(severe: new feature, framework, cla: yes, f: gestures, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop, a: mouse)
82687 Update the scrollbar (severe: new feature, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop)
82843 refactor: Add MaterialStateMixin (severe: new feature, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
83082 Add SerialTapGestureRecognizer (severe: new feature, framework, cla: yes, f: gestures)
83428 add AnimatedScale and AnimatedRotation widgets (severe: new feature, framework, a: animation, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
84308 Added rethrowError to FutureBuilder (severe: new feature, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: error message)
84434 Add TooltipTriggerMode and provideTriggerFeedback to allow users to c… (severe: new feature, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: gestures, waiting for tree to go green)
84988 Adds mainAxisMargin property to RawScrollbar (severe: new feature, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85221 [new feature]introduce ScrollMetricsNotification
(severe: new feature, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85338 Expose minThumbLength, crossAxisMargin, and minOverscrollLength on RawScrollbar (severe: new feature, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85499 Re-land"[new feature]introduce ScrollMetricsNotification
" (severe: new feature, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, customer: crowd, waiting for tree to go green)
t: xcode - 13 pull request(s)
#80904 Only run xcodebuild -showBuildSettings once (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, t: xcode)
81342 Remove Finder extended attributes before code signing iOS frameworks (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, t: xcode)
81435 Remove extended attributes from entire Flutter project (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode)
82476 Tool exit on xcodebuild -list when Xcode project is corrupted (tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode)
82576 Remove symroot from generated iOS Xcode build settings (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode)
83315 rsync instead of delete and copy Flutter.xcframework for add to app (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, a: existing-apps, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode)
84372 Fix assemble iOS codesign flag to support --no-sound-null-safety (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode, a: null-safety)
84729 Use -miphonesimulator-version-min when building App.framework for simulator (tool, cla: yes, t: xcode)
85174 Migrate iOS app deployment target from 8.0 to 9.0 (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode)
86840 Increase Flutter framework minimum iOS version to 9.0 (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode)
86905 Respect plugin excluded iOS architectures (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode, platform-target-arm)
87244 Exclude arm64 from iOS app archs if unsupported by plugins (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode, platform-host-arm)
87362 Exclude arm64 from iOS app archs if unsupported by plugins on x64 Macs (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode, platform-host-arm)
f: gestures - 8 pull request(s)
#81858 Deprecate GestureDetector.kind
in favor of new supportedDevices
(severe: new feature, framework, cla: yes, f: gestures, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop, a: mouse)
81884 Gesture recognizer cleanup (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, a: quality, f: gestures, documentation)
82885 Re-apply "Gesture recognizer cleanup" (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, a: quality, f: gestures, documentation)
83082 Add SerialTapGestureRecognizer (severe: new feature, framework, cla: yes, f: gestures)
84257 fix a PlatformView gesture bug (e: device-specific, framework, cla: yes, f: gestures, waiting for tree to go green)
84434 Add TooltipTriggerMode and provideTriggerFeedback to allow users to c… (severe: new feature, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: gestures, waiting for tree to go green)
85009 Add delta param to scaleupdate so it matches dragupdate (framework, cla: yes, a: quality, f: gestures, waiting for tree to go green)
85148 Update GestureDetector docs to use DartPad sample (framework, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, f: gestures, documentation)
skip-test - 8 pull request(s)
#87063 Updated the skipped tests for animation (framework, cla: yes, tech-debt, skip-test)
87147 Update the skipped test for dev. (team, a: accessibility, cla: yes, tech-debt, skip-test)
87289 Updated the skipped tests for cupertino package. (team, framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, tech-debt, skip-test)
87293 Updated skipped tests for foundation directory. (team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt, skip-test)
87328 Updated skipped tests for material directory. (team, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, tech-debt, skip-test)
87515 Revert "Added 'exclude' parameter to 'testWidgets()'." (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt, skip-test)
87538 Updated the skipped tests for cupertino package. (reland) (team, framework, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt, skip-test)
87546 Updated skipped tests for painting directory. (team, framework, cla: yes, will affect goldens, tech-debt, skip-test)
a: desktop - 8 pull request(s)
#76145 Add support for pointer scrolling to trigger floats & snaps (framework, a: fidelity, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop, a: mouse)
79989 Remove flutterNext (tool, cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop)
81858 Deprecate GestureDetector.kind
in favor of new supportedDevices
(severe: new feature, framework, cla: yes, f: gestures, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop, a: mouse)
82293 Better hover handling for Scrollbar (framework, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop, a: annoyance, a: mouse)
82671 TextField terminal the enter and space raw key events by default (a: text input, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop)
82687 Update the scrollbar (severe: new feature, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop)
83863 Ensure the Autocomplete options scroll as needed. (framework, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop)
85081 Select All via Shortcuts (a: text input, framework, cla: yes, a: desktop)
platform-host-arm - 8 pull request(s)
#80758 Launch Chrome natively on ARM macOS (tool, platform-mac, cla: yes, platform-host-arm)
85051 Check for either ios-x86_64-simulator or ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator in module test (team, platform-ios, cla: yes, platform-host-arm)
85059 Support iOS arm64 simulator (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, platform-host-arm)
85087 Avoid iOS app with extension checks that fail on M1 ARM Macs (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-host-arm)
85265 Check ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator directory when validating codesigning entitlement (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-host-arm)
85642 Support iOS arm64 simulator (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-host-arm)
87244 Exclude arm64 from iOS app archs if unsupported by plugins (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode, platform-host-arm)
87362 Exclude arm64 from iOS app archs if unsupported by plugins on x64 Macs (platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode, platform-host-arm)
team: infra - 7 pull request(s)
#78761 removed CIRRUS_CHANGE_MESSAGE and CIRRUS_COMMIT_MESSAGE (team, cla: yes, team: infra)
80064 [devicelab] Refresh documentation (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, team: infra)
80172 Cache location of Java binary in devicelab tests (a: tests, team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, team: infra)
81792 Reduce potential collisions from Gold RNG (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green, team: infra, team: presubmit flakes)
86329 Bump addressable from 2.7.0 to 2.8.0 in /dev/ci/mac (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, team: infra)
86393 Always write devicelab test results to a file if the resultsPath option is present (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, team: infra)
87525 Bump cocoapods from 1.10.1 to 1.10.2 in /dev/ci/mac (team, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, team: infra)
integration_test - 7 pull request(s)
#82712 [flutter_test/integration_test] added setSurfaceSize test coverage (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, will affect goldens, integration_test)
84595 Fix iOS native integration_tests example project (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, integration_test)
84596 Set up iOS native integration_tests in ui example project (team, platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, integration_test)
84602 Fix integration_test podspecs warnings (team, platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, integration_test)
84615 Remove unnecessary reference to iOS configuration in README (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, documentation, integration_test)
84812 Disable auto scrollbars on desktop for legacy flutter gallery (a: tests, team, framework, team: gallery, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, integration_test, tech-debt)
84890 Set up iOS native integration_tests in ui example project (team, platform-ios, cla: yes, integration_test)
a: animation - 6 pull request(s)
#81706 Integrate MaterialBanner with the ScaffoldMessenger API (severe: new feature, framework, a: animation, f: material design, a: fidelity, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
82765 Do not crash if table children are replaced before they are layed out (severe: crash, framework, a: animation, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
83428 add AnimatedScale and AnimatedRotation widgets (severe: new feature, framework, a: animation, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
83661 Remove unused SingleTickerProviderStateMixin
from AnimatedSize
example (framework, a: animation, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
84807 Fix an animation issue when dragging the first item of a reversed list onto the starting position. (framework, a: animation, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality)
87533 Fix Cuptertino dialog test to check correct fade transition (a: tests, team, framework, a: animation, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
a: fidelity - 6 pull request(s)
#76145 Add support for pointer scrolling to trigger floats & snaps (framework, a: fidelity, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop, a: mouse)
78744 Fix painting material toggle (#78733) (framework, f: material design, a: fidelity, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
81303 [Framework] Support for Android Fullscreen Modes (severe: new feature, e: device-specific, platform-android, framework, engine, f: material design, a: fidelity, cla: yes, a: quality, customer: crowd, waiting for tree to go green, a: layout)
81706 Integrate MaterialBanner with the ScaffoldMessenger API (severe: new feature, framework, a: animation, f: material design, a: fidelity, cla: yes, d: api docs, d: examples, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, documentation)
84393 ReorderableListView should treat fuchsia as a mobile platform. (framework, f: material design, a: fidelity, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality)
87143 Fix leading overscroll for RenderShrinkWrappingViewport (framework, a: fidelity, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, customer: crowd, waiting for tree to go green)
platform-mac - 6 pull request(s)
#80475 Find Android Studio installations with Spotlight query on macOS (tool, platform-mac, cla: yes, t: flutter doctor, waiting for tree to go green)
80477 Find VS Code installations with Spotlight query on macOS (tool, platform-mac, cla: yes, t: flutter doctor, waiting for tree to go green)
80479 Find Intellij installations with Spotlight query on macOS (tool, platform-mac, cla: yes, t: flutter doctor, waiting for tree to go green)
80758 Launch Chrome natively on ARM macOS (tool, platform-mac, cla: yes, platform-host-arm)
82048 Prevent macOS individual pod framework signing (tool, platform-mac, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
84411 Add Designed for iPad attach destination for ARM macOS (platform-ios, tool, platform-mac, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-target-arm)
platform-web - 5 pull request(s)
#76145 Add support for pointer scrolling to trigger floats & snaps (framework, a: fidelity, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop, a: mouse)
79989 Remove flutterNext (tool, cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop)
82687 Update the scrollbar (severe: new feature, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop)
83509 Router replaces browser history entry if state changes (framework, cla: yes, f: routes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)
85637 [web] Remove the part directive from the web key map template (team, cla: yes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)
a: error message - 5 pull request(s)
#81278 Assert for valid ScrollController in Scrollbar gestures (framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: error message)
84308 Added rethrowError to FutureBuilder (severe: new feature, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: error message)
84570 Fix scrollbar error message and test (framework, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, a: error message)
84809 Make scrollbar assertions less aggressive (a: tests, team, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, f: cupertino, d: api docs, d: examples, waiting for tree to go green, documentation, a: error message, tech-debt)
85150 Fix SnackBar assertions when configured with theme (severe: crash, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: error message)
severe: API break - 4 pull request(s)
#80756 Migrate LogicalKeySet to SingleActivator (a: tests, a: text input, team, framework, f: material design, severe: API break, cla: yes, f: cupertino)
83923 Remove deprecated hasFloatingPlaceholder (team, framework, f: material design, severe: API break, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
83924 Remove TextTheme deprecations (team, framework, f: material design, severe: API break, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
83926 Remove deprecated typography constructor (team, framework, f: material design, severe: API break, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
platform-android - 4 pull request(s)
#81303 [Framework] Support for Android Fullscreen Modes (severe: new feature, e: device-specific, platform-android, framework, engine, f: material design, a: fidelity, cla: yes, a: quality, customer: crowd, waiting for tree to go green, a: layout)
85145 Do not list Android or iOS devices when feature disabled (platform-android, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
86911 Remove AndroidX compatibility workarounds (team, platform-android, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
87002 Add enableIMEPersonalizedLearning flag to TextField and TextFormField (platform-android, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, f: cupertino, waiting for tree to go green)
t: flutter doctor - 4 pull request(s)
#80475 Find Android Studio installations with Spotlight query on macOS (tool, platform-mac, cla: yes, t: flutter doctor, waiting for tree to go green)
80477 Find VS Code installations with Spotlight query on macOS (tool, platform-mac, cla: yes, t: flutter doctor, waiting for tree to go green)
80479 Find Intellij installations with Spotlight query on macOS (tool, platform-mac, cla: yes, t: flutter doctor, waiting for tree to go green)
87232 Show Android SDK path in doctor on partial installation (tool, cla: yes, t: flutter doctor, waiting for tree to go green)
a: typography - 3 pull request(s)
#78927 Add TextOverflow into TextStyle (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: typography, waiting for tree to go green)
83537 Support WidgetSpan in RenderEditable (a: text input, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: typography, waiting for tree to go green)
84887 Substitute a replacement character for invalid UTF-16 text in a TextSpan (framework, cla: yes, a: typography, waiting for tree to go green)
a: platform-views - 3 pull request(s)
#84055 Allow Flutter focus to interop with Android view hierarchies (a: text input, framework, cla: yes, a: platform-views, f: focus)
84095 Add onPlatformViewCreated to HtmlElementView (framework, cla: yes, a: platform-views)
85648 Create flag to enable/disable FlutterView render surface conversion (framework, cla: yes, a: platform-views, waiting for tree to go green)
severe: crash - 3 pull request(s)
#78032 Added null check before NavigationRail.onDestinationSelected is called (severe: crash, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: null-safety)
82765 Do not crash if table children are replaced before they are layed out (severe: crash, framework, a: animation, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
85150 Fix SnackBar assertions when configured with theme (severe: crash, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: error message)
customer: crowd - 3 pull request(s)
#81303 [Framework] Support for Android Fullscreen Modes (severe: new feature, e: device-specific, platform-android, framework, engine, f: material design, a: fidelity, cla: yes, a: quality, customer: crowd, waiting for tree to go green, a: layout)
85499 Re-land"[new feature]introduce ScrollMetricsNotification
" (severe: new feature, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, customer: crowd, waiting for tree to go green)
87143 Fix leading overscroll for RenderShrinkWrappingViewport (framework, a: fidelity, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, customer: crowd, waiting for tree to go green)
a: mouse - 3 pull request(s)
#76145 Add support for pointer scrolling to trigger floats & snaps (framework, a: fidelity, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop, a: mouse)
81858 Deprecate GestureDetector.kind
in favor of new supportedDevices
(severe: new feature, framework, cla: yes, f: gestures, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop, a: mouse)
82293 Better hover handling for Scrollbar (framework, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop, a: annoyance, a: mouse)
platform-windows - 2 pull request(s)
#82659 [tool] Improve Windows install process (tool, cla: yes, platform-windows, e: uwp)
82668 [tool] Prefer installing multi-arch Win32 binaries (tool, cla: yes, platform-windows)
f: routes - 2 pull request(s)
#83509 Router replaces browser history entry if state changes (framework, cla: yes, f: routes, platform-web, waiting for tree to go green)
84840 fix _owner
nullability in routers.dart
(framework, cla: yes, f: routes, will affect goldens, a: null-safety)
f: focus - 2 pull request(s)
#84055 Allow Flutter focus to interop with Android view hierarchies (a: text input, framework, cla: yes, a: platform-views, f: focus)
85562 [Focus] defer autofocus resolution to _applyFocusChange
(framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, f: focus)
severe: regression - 2 pull request(s)
#83014 fix a DropdownButtonFormField label display issue (severe: regression, framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green)
84828 Fixed an issue with overflow exceptions with nested lists inside a reorderable list item. (severe: regression, framework, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
e: device-specific - 2 pull request(s)
#81303 [Framework] Support for Android Fullscreen Modes (severe: new feature, e: device-specific, platform-android, framework, engine, f: material design, a: fidelity, cla: yes, a: quality, customer: crowd, waiting for tree to go green, a: layout)
84257 fix a PlatformView gesture bug (e: device-specific, framework, cla: yes, f: gestures, waiting for tree to go green)
a: existing-apps - 2 pull request(s)
#81009 Allow ios_add2app to be launched without tests (a: tests, team, cla: yes, a: existing-apps)
83315 rsync instead of delete and copy Flutter.xcframework for add to app (team, platform-ios, tool, cla: yes, a: existing-apps, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode)
platform-target-arm - 2 pull request(s)
#84411 Add Designed for iPad attach destination for ARM macOS (platform-ios, tool, platform-mac, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-target-arm)
86905 Respect plugin excluded iOS architectures (team, tool, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, t: xcode, platform-target-arm)
platform-fuchsia - 1 pull request(s)
#85586 [cleanup] Remove run_fuchsia_tests.sh
. (platform-fuchsia, cla: yes)
e: uwp - 1 pull request(s)
#82659 [tool] Improve Windows install process (tool, cla: yes, platform-windows, e: uwp)
dependency: dart - 1 pull request(s)
#85364 Update stack_trace.dart (team, dependency: dart, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
t: flutter driver - 1 pull request(s)
#81565 Link to correct extended integration test driver file in integration_test README (a: tests, framework, cla: yes, t: flutter driver, waiting for tree to go green)
t: hot reload - 1 pull request(s)
#84363 [flutter] unify reassemble and fast reassemble (framework, t: hot reload, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
cp: 2.2 - 1 pull request(s)
#78649 Treat some exceptions as unhandled when a debugger is attached (tool, framework, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, cp: 2.2)
cla: no - 1 pull request(s)
#81022 fix resampling leads to Hard to tap (framework, cla: no)
team: gallery - 1 pull request(s)
#84812 Disable auto scrollbars on desktop for legacy flutter gallery (a: tests, team, framework, team: gallery, f: scrolling, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, integration_test, tech-debt)
a: state restoration - 1 pull request(s)
#78835 [State Restoration] Restorable FormField and TextFormField (framework, f: material design, cla: yes, a: state restoration)
team: presubmit flakes - 1 pull request(s)
#81792 Reduce potential collisions from Gold RNG (a: tests, team, framework, cla: yes, team: flakes, waiting for tree to go green, team: infra, team: presubmit flakes)
a: layout - 1 pull request(s)
#81303 [Framework] Support for Android Fullscreen Modes (severe: new feature, e: device-specific, platform-android, framework, engine, f: material design, a: fidelity, cla: yes, a: quality, customer: crowd, waiting for tree to go green, a: layout)
waiting for customer response - 1 pull request(s)
#85736 Remove "unnecessary" imports. (waiting for customer response, tool, framework, f: material design, a: accessibility, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, will affect goldens)
a: annoyance - 1 pull request(s)
#82293 Better hover handling for Scrollbar (framework, f: material design, f: scrolling, cla: yes, a: quality, waiting for tree to go green, a: desktop, a: annoyance, a: mouse)
Merged PRs by labels for flutter/engine
#cla: yes - 1729 pull request(s)
#19631 Fix behavior of BackdropFilter on a transparent background (cla: yes)
20535 fuchsia: Delete unused compilation_trace code (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
23467 Hardware Keyboard: Linux (GTK) (affects: text input, cla: yes, platform-macos, platform-linux, platform-windows, embedder)
25070 [iOS] Fixes crash of TextInputView when Flutter deallocated (platform-ios, waiting for customer response, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25290 [fuchsia] create component context in main (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
25307 TaskSources register tasks with MessageLoopTaskQueues dispatcher (cla: yes, embedder)
25343 fuchsia: Handle multiple views in platformViews path (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
25373 Add API to the engine to support attributed text (platform-ios, platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
25381 fuchsia: Reliably pass View insets (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
25385 [fuchsia] Use scenic allocator service (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
25389 [iOS] Fixes context memory leaks when using Metal (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25395 Deduplicate plugin registration logic and make error logs visible - take 2 (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25412 Windows: Add support for engine switches for WinUWP target (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-windows)
25446 [iOS] Make FlutterEngine new method available (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25453 Add automatic onBackPressed behavior to FlutterFragment (platform-android, cla: yes)
25465 Forward a11y methods from FlutterSwitchSemanticsObject (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25474 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 0Db2pEb0U... to R3xv3K9Hz... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25476 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from a9NOB6sdo... to eV1E54W8a... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25477 Windows: Only terminate display for last instance (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-windows)
25479 Roll Dart SDK from 3f36938a7cff to 1fd6151bb137 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25480 Add Dart SPIR-V transpiler (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25486 Use 'For example' in place of 'e.g.' (cla: yes)
25487 Roll Skia from 5c6258287461 to b5344509a270 (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25488 Roll Skia from b5344509a270 to b99622c05aa0 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25489 Roll Dart SDK from 1fd6151bb137 to 23cdf0997052 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25490 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from eV1E54W8a... to TSNvj5bMY... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25491 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from R3xv3K9Hz... to 9ujC5zDr6... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25493 Roll Skia from b99622c05aa0 to 3295ea8d703c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25494 Roll Skia from 3295ea8d703c to 27d827820c0a (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25495 [fuchsia] stop using SmoothPointerDataDispatcher (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
25496 Reland Dart plugin registrant (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25497 Fix bug when build_fuchsia_artifacts.py is called without --targets. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
25498 Add Windows UWP CI builders (cla: yes)
25499 Roll Dart SDK from 23cdf0997052 to f79253a6b189 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25501 Roll Skia from 27d827820c0a to 022636b15aff (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25504 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 9ujC5zDr6... to -EQHGXqib... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25506 Made sure not to delete handles of dart objects if the isolate has been deleted (cla: yes)
25507 Roll Skia from 022636b15aff to 79aaa9b6c1c5 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25508 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from TSNvj5bMY... to qkWDPuWbY... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25509 Roll Skia from 79aaa9b6c1c5 to 148f04d50e98 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25510 [libTxt] resolve null leading distribution in dart:ui. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
25511 Roll Dart SDK from f79253a6b189 to 7379283a735f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25512 Roll Skia from 148f04d50e98 to a12796b42c0e (13 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25513 [web] Use greatest span font size on the parent paragraph (cla: yes, platform-web)
25514 Roll Skia from a12796b42c0e to 3cffe81f0d16 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25517 Roll Dart SDK from 7379283a735f to 1f827532b5ca (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25519 Roll Skia from 3cffe81f0d16 to d3a1df8da790 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25520 [web] Optimize oval path clipping (cla: yes, platform-web)
25521 Roll Skia from d3a1df8da790 to cd2f96dd681d (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25522 Eliminate unnecessary conditional on UWP in build (cla: yes, affects: desktop, platform-windows, tech-debt)
25523 FlutterView: Use default backing layer (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-macos)
25524 Fix accent popup position (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-macos)
25525 Roll Dart SDK from 1f827532b5ca to 5f4726d9574f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25526 Fix analysis errors in text.dart (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25527 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from -EQHGXqib... to FieTRhouC... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25528 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from qkWDPuWbY... to QCLH6ZmWl... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25529 Roll Dart SDK from 5f4726d9574f to 7a51dacd2a59 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25530 Roll Dart SDK from 7a51dacd2a59 to 3352be987525 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25531 Roll Skia from cd2f96dd681d to fe91974471fd (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25532 Roll Skia from fe91974471fd to ee7a854b614e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25533 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from FieTRhouC... to b08-YST9Y... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25534 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from QCLH6ZmWl... to jc1NEESPY... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25535 [Linux] revise dark theme detection (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-linux)
25536 Roll Dart SDK from 3352be987525 to b5cd2baf642f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25537 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from b08-YST9Y... to 3AhDN6ITO... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25538 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from jc1NEESPY... to 0dM14Kk3A... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25539 Roll Skia from ee7a854b614e to a56e553d5869 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25540 WINUWP: Conditionalize plugin related wrapper (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-windows)
25544 Reduce the warning severity for FlutterEngineGroup (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25545 [web] Fix linear gradient transformation matrix (cla: yes, platform-web)
25548 [macos] Release the copied pixel buffer after texture creation (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-macos, embedder, cp: 2.2)
25549 [web] Fix gradient matrix transform when shaderBounds is translated (cla: yes, platform-web)
25550 Roll Skia from a56e553d5869 to d276cdfdeebd (17 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25551 Fix VsyncWaiter (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
25553 Roll Dart SDK from b5cd2baf642f to 72caeb970608 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25556 [web] Render ellipsis for overflowing text in DOM mode (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
25557 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 0dM14Kk3A... to RgZnCZ5ng... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25558 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 3AhDN6ITO... to 4numS0K6T... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25561 [web] Fix firefox crash during font loading (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
25563 Roll Skia from d276cdfdeebd to debcbbf6a8ee (22 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25565 Roll Skia from debcbbf6a8ee to 785a3262d116 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25566 Support SKP captures in flutter_tester (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25567 Roll Dart SDK from 72caeb970608 to e8cb08ba389a (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25569 [web] Start splitting the engine into smaller libs (cla: yes, platform-web)
25570 Add FlutterCompositor base class (cla: yes, platform-macos)
25575 change the Android FlutterEngine class doc around multiple engines (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25578 Add more doc for how the plugin registration process works and how to customize it (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25579 Distinguish between touch and mouse input (cla: yes, platform-windows, embedder)
25585 Fix the kernel path in the DartPersistentHandleTest.ClearAfterShutdown test (cla: yes)
25589 Roll Skia from 785a3262d116 to cdee12018087 (13 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25591 Roll Dart SDK from e8cb08ba389a to 05538f0a8a5b (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25592 Roll Skia from cdee12018087 to 3c1ed9cbe23d (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25593 Roll Clang Mac from RW7LSJ9ld... to UStSqd7xn... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25594 Roll Clang Linux from pRlhGPqYQ... to GiGTah6EB... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25595 [flutter_releases] Flutter Dev 2.2.0-10.0.pre Engine Cherrypicks (cla: yes)
25599 Roll Skia from 3c1ed9cbe23d to 5c5f09bc28b8 (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25600 Support text editing voiceover feedback in macOS (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-macos)
25601 [web] Remove dart language versions from engine files (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
25602 [web] Catch image load failures in --release builds (cla: yes, platform-web)
25603 [flutter_releases] Flutter Dev 2.2.0-10.0.pre Engine Cherrypicks part 2 (cla: yes)
25604 Roll Dart SDK from 05538f0a8a5b to 0b565abb0c24 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25605 Fix html version of drawImageNine (cla: yes, platform-web)
25606 Fix usage of (soon to be removed) Name.name (cla: yes)
25607 Roll Skia from 5c5f09bc28b8 to be834bfa2c3a (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25608 Roll Skia from be834bfa2c3a to cbb60bd0b08e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25609 Roll Skia from cbb60bd0b08e to 333de882b62c (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25610 Roll Dart SDK from 0b565abb0c24 to eff12d77a2ad (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25612 Add Metal to the FlutterCompositor struct in the Embedder API (cla: yes, embedder)
25613 Roll Skia from 333de882b62c to 665920e9b9fb (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25614 Fix drawVertices when using indices for web_html (cla: yes, platform-web)
25615 Remove --dartdocs in preparation for removal from tool (cla: yes)
25616 migrate tests to nullsafe (cla: yes, platform-web)
25617 kick build (cla: yes)
25618 Roll Skia from 665920e9b9fb to 096226809997 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25619 [flutter_releases] Flutter Stable 2.0.5 Engine Cherrypicks (platform-android, cla: yes, platform-web, platform-windows, platform-fuchsia)
25620 migrate tests to nullsafe (cla: yes, platform-web)
25621 Roll Skia from 096226809997 to de89bf0cd7b2 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25622 Roll Skia from de89bf0cd7b2 to 1efd7fc9937c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25624 Roll Skia from 1efd7fc9937c to c42f772718ad (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25625 Roll Skia from c42f772718ad to e2b457ad5fab (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25627 Roll Skia from e2b457ad5fab to 624a529fbd01 (11 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25628 [Android KeyEvents] Split AndroidKeyProcessor into separate classes (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25630 Roll Skia from 624a529fbd01 to 6e927095e1d9 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25631 Roll Skia from 6e927095e1d9 to 68072a46765b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25632 Start of refactor of Android for pbuffer (platform-android, cla: yes)
25634 Roll Skia from 68072a46765b to d0ca961bd22c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25636 Roll Skia from d0ca961bd22c to 66aed2136b87 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25637 Roll Skia from 66aed2136b87 to 163ba10ddefa (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25638 Roll Skia from 163ba10ddefa to 9d4741370cf1 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25640 Roll Skia from 9d4741370cf1 to be82005209c0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25644 Wire up Metal shader precompilation from offline training runs. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25646 Remove if from lerp.dart
docs (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25648 Roll Skia from be82005209c0 to 59f1a9cb7a34 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25649 Update gtest_filters to disable TimeSensitiveTest. (cla: yes)
25652 Roll Skia from 59f1a9cb7a34 to e49703faf265 (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25653 Start microtasks only in non-test envs (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
25655 Revert "[fuchsia] Use scenic allocator service" (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
25656 Roll Skia from e49703faf265 to 8ced56f05f2c (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25657 Library and Class ctor from the next dart roll requires fileUri (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25659 Include paragraph height in the top-level text style. (cla: yes, platform-web)
25660 Roll Skia from 8ced56f05f2c to 9d11cbdef854 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25661 Provide a stub platform view embedder for tester to avoid emitting errors (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25663 Revert "[fuchsia] Use scenic allocator service (#25385)" (#25655) (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
25665 Roll Dart SDK from eff12d77a2ad to d05e7fc462ba (10 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25666 TalkBack shouldn't announce platform views that aren't in the a11y tree (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25667 Roll Skia from 9d11cbdef854 to d8c2750cf607 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25668 Roll Skia from d8c2750cf607 to d9bf97c5e249 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25670 Add Android accessibility global offset of FlutterView (platform-android, cla: yes)
25674 Roll Skia from d9bf97c5e249 to fb5865e6509c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25676 Roll Skia from fb5865e6509c to 647563879004 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25677 Roll Skia from 647563879004 to 94df572a1374 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25678 Roll Skia from 94df572a1374 to e05860862631 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25679 Roll libpng to afda123a503bdc41df13f86316cf5f83bc204761 (cla: yes)
25682 Roll Skia from e05860862631 to d0ef90769b47 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25683 Migrate third_party/expat dependency to googlecode (cla: yes)
25684 Roll Skia from d0ef90769b47 to 04c82165b1c7 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25685 Roll Skia from 04c82165b1c7 to 5ba330cd1324 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25686 Roll Skia from 5ba330cd1324 to c34dc525fc09 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25689 Roll Skia from c34dc525fc09 to e7dfbfea1f39 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25690 Revert TaskRunner changes to fix Fuchsia Test failures (platform-ios, cla: yes, platform-fuchsia, embedder)
25691 Roll Skia from e7dfbfea1f39 to 9a56eb70638a (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25692 Reland "TaskSources register tasks with MessageLoopTaskQueues dispatcher" (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, embedder)
25693 Roll Skia from 9a56eb70638a to 8676ebe35045 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25694 Roll Skia from 8676ebe35045 to 5d627f3eba1c (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25697 Roll Skia from 5d627f3eba1c to 716aeb900849 (13 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25698 fix AccessibilityBridgeMacDelegate to grab nswindow from appdelegate (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-macos)
25699 Roll Skia from 716aeb900849 to 7111881617a1 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25700 Wire up paragraph font weight and font style in canvas golden test (cla: yes, platform-web)
25708 Return an empty canvas in the TesterExternalViewEmbedder (cla: yes)
25709 Fix accessibility of embedded views in Android 9 and below (platform-android, cla: yes)
25711 Roll Skia from 7111881617a1 to 071182ed1da5 (22 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25712 Roll Skia from 071182ed1da5 to 82007f568d90 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25714 Roll Clang Linux from GiGTah6EB... to zRvL_ACCG... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25715 Roll Clang Mac from UStSqd7xn... to bf4GDBSQE... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25717 Roll Skia from 82007f568d90 to 395274e664cf (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25718 Roll Dart SDK from d05e7fc462ba to 7f16d6f67d91 (14 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25719 Roll Skia from 395274e664cf to 7b60deedbd98 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25720 Roll Skia from 7b60deedbd98 to 94d3dd82f350 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25721 Roll Dart SDK from 7f16d6f67d91 to 805527e063af (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25722 Roll Skia from 94d3dd82f350 to 7b8f14991dae (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25723 Roll Dart SDK from 805527e063af to 4ead30825322 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25725 Roll Skia from 7b8f14991dae to 7978abafee41 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25729 Add web ImageShader support for drawVertices. (cla: yes, platform-web)
25730 Roll Skia from 7978abafee41 to 600bc360ff01 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25731 Roll Dart SDK from 4ead30825322 to b207c9873e6c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25732 Roll CanvasKit to 0.26.0 (cla: yes, platform-web)
25733 Roll Skia from 600bc360ff01 to 92934d75284d (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25734 [canvaskit] Implement TextHeightBehavior (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
25735 Roll Skia from 92934d75284d to 9a0da785a5ba (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25736 Remove "unnecessary" imports. (cla: yes, platform-web)
25737 Use GN instead of Ninja to generate compile commands and save ~1sec off of no-op builds. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25738 Fixes ios accessibility send focus request to an unfocusable node (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25739 Allow dumping trace information during GN calls. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25740 Roll Skia from 9a0da785a5ba to 48f106501cd2 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25741 [CanvasKit] Support all TextHeightStyles (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
25743 Fix incorrect platformchannel response when clipboard getData is not supported (cla: yes, platform-web)
25744 Roll Skia from 48f106501cd2 to 1dcf46359c5a (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25745 [fuchsia] Adds a singleton to access inspect root node. (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
25746 Roll Dart SDK from b207c9873e6c to cbffcce7200e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25747 [web] Render PlatformViews with SLOT tags. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
25748 Roll Skia from 1dcf46359c5a to 08c660890718 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25750 [fuchsia] Remove now unsed wrapper for zx_clock_get (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
25751 Roll Skia from 08c660890718 to d7872aca1d6c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25752 Roll Dart SDK from cbffcce7200e to af7f6ca66d16 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25753 Roll Dart SDK from af7f6ca66d16 to 9948dbd6786f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25754 Roll Skia from d7872aca1d6c to 5d8a09ebff9c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25755 Roll Dart SDK from 9948dbd6786f to 3ef1518441e1 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25756 Roll Dart SDK from 3ef1518441e1 to 1d1bde67c094 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25757 Do not use android_context after it is std::moved in the PlatformViewAndroid constructor (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25758 Ensure stdout and stderr from failed test runs are reported from run_tests.py
. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25759 Roll Skia from 5d8a09ebff9c to 08ea02560710 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25760 Use "blur_sigma" instead of "blur_radius" in Shadow. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25761 Roll Skia from 08ea02560710 to 4df5672a5b7f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25763 Roll Dart SDK from 1d1bde67c094 to cb00fcef63bd (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25764 Roll Dart SDK from cb00fcef63bd to 0546ef689975 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25765 Roll Skia from 4df5672a5b7f to 467103022f9b (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25766 Roll Skia from 467103022f9b to adcf2ef54ec6 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25767 Roll Skia from adcf2ef54ec6 to c36aae31a446 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25768 Roll Dart SDK from 0546ef689975 to 4b6978f8afef (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25769 Implement ColorFilter.matrix for html renderer (cla: yes, platform-web)
25770 Fix crash when FlutterFragmentActivity is recreated with an existing FlutterFragment (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25771 Get FTL test running again (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25772 Disable ImageDecoderFixtureTest.CanResizeWithoutDecode due to flakiness (cla: yes)
25773 Roll Skia from c36aae31a446 to 8e3bca639bce (15 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25774 Roll Skia from 8e3bca639bce to 2cc6538c601a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25775 Roll Dart SDK from 4b6978f8afef to d688c837d18f (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25776 Roll Skia from 2cc6538c601a to f6051bdba093 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25777 add TextLeadingDistribution
to webui TextStyle
(cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
25778 Roll Skia from f6051bdba093 to e6318b557a29 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25779 Roll Dart SDK from d688c837d18f to ecdb943b5ed5 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25780 Roll Dart SDK from ecdb943b5ed5 to 1e3e5efcd47e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25781 Roll Skia from e6318b557a29 to 827dab407ec0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25785 [Engine] Support for Android Fullscreen Modes (platform-ios, platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
25786 Manual Skia roll to be1c99658979972e87cad02e9e5b979c190f2c99 (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25787 [vsync_waiter] add AwaitVSyncForSecondaryCallback() (cla: yes)
25789 Pause dart microtasks while UI thread is processing frame workloads (platform-ios, cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
25790 Add a stub implementation of FlutterMetalCompositor (cla: yes, platform-macos)
25794 Roll Skia from be1c99658979 to b7223e1269f2 (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25796 Roll Skia from b7223e1269f2 to 3386533c20fe (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25797 Fix a11y tab traversal (cla: yes, platform-web)
25798 Roll Skia from 3386533c20fe to ae33954b4932 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25801 Roll Skia from ae33954b4932 to 66bce0c26f97 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25803 Roll Skia from 66bce0c26f97 to 421c360abe76 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25804 Build engine artifacts when cross-compiling for macOS (cla: yes)
25806 Remove override; method no longer called (cla: yes)
25807 Roll Skia from 421c360abe76 to 91216673f726 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25810 [tools/gn] Add mac as target_os and mac_cpu (cla: yes)
25811 Roll Skia from 91216673f726 to d1c9e52144bc (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25812 web: improve engine dev cycle on Windows (cla: yes, platform-web)
25813 Roll Skia from d1c9e52144bc to ffeef16664ea (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25815 [build_fuchsia_artifacts] Move license copying into BuildBucket(). (cla: yes)
25816 Update firebase_testlab.sh (cla: yes)
25817 [flutter_releases] Flutter Beta 2.2.0-10.2.pre Engine Cherrypicks (cla: yes)
25818 Roll Skia from ffeef16664ea to 27c4202f4bd6 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25819 Enable JIT memory protection on macOS (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25822 Roll Dart SDK from 1e3e5efcd47e to 8bab67dad50b (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25823 Roll Skia from 27c4202f4bd6 to 65d7ab2c074a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25824 add flag to identify sub-trees with PlatformViewLayers and always paint them (cla: yes, embedder)
25825 Roll Skia from 65d7ab2c074a to 958a9395e6ca (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25826 Fix and re-enable flaky test MessageLoopTaskQueue::ConcurrentQueueAndTaskCreatingCounts
. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25827 Avoid calling Dart_HintFreed more than once every five seconds (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25828 Correct an inverted null pointer check (cla: yes, platform-macos)
25829 Roll Dart SDK from 8bab67dad50b to 21aa7f8cbde8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25830 Fix a11y placeholder on desktop; auto-enable engine semantics (cla: yes, platform-web)
25832 Roll Dart SDK from 21aa7f8cbde8 to 90993fcb8554 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25833 Roll Skia from 958a9395e6ca to fa06f102f13b (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25834 Roll Dart SDK from 90993fcb8554 to b5ff349bffc8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25835 Roll Skia from fa06f102f13b to 83dae92318b3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25836 Roll Skia from 83dae92318b3 to 2b8fd2e8e010 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25837 Roll Dart SDK from b5ff349bffc8 to a45eaf6402c3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25838 Roll Skia from 2b8fd2e8e010 to fb7d378a1ac1 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25842 Move path part files to libraries (cla: yes, platform-web)
25843 [flutter_releases] Flutter Stable 2.0.6 Engine Cherrypicks (platform-ios, platform-android, cla: yes, platform-web, platform-macos, platform-linux, platform-windows, platform-fuchsia, embedder)
25844 Roll Skia from fb7d378a1ac1 to 8c281fbd03fe (15 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25845 Roll Skia from 8c281fbd03fe to a9d3cfbda22c (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25846 Roll Skia from a9d3cfbda22c to 3934647d225a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25847 Remove flake inducing timeouts (cla: yes)
25848 Roll Skia from 3934647d225a to e74638b83f1b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25849 Roll Skia from e74638b83f1b to 013a9b7920e2 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25851 Fix crash when both FlutterFragmentActivity and FlutterFragment are destroyed and recreated (platform-android, cla: yes)
25852 Roll Skia from 013a9b7920e2 to 00a199282e4b (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25853 fuchsia: Fix bad syntax in viewStateConnected msg (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
25854 Roll Skia from 00a199282e4b to e4c4322da6bb (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25855 Roll Skia from e4c4322da6bb to 14efdd3d50db (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25856 Revert Dart SDK to 1e3e5efcd47edeb7ae5a69e146c8ea0559305a98 (cla: yes)
25857 Roll Skia from 14efdd3d50db to 3010f3d79193 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25858 Fixes BUILD.gn if is_fuchsia (legacy embedder) and is_debug (cla: yes)
25859 Roll Skia from 3010f3d79193 to 5276ba274b38 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25860 Moved PlatformMessage's to unique_ptrs (platform-ios, platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia, embedder)
25861 Roll Dart SDK from 1e3e5efcd47e to 6397e8b91103 (18 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25862 Roll Skia from 5276ba274b38 to 31fddc376993 (14 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25863 Move more parts to libraries. (cla: yes, platform-web)
25864 deflake more shell unittests (cla: yes)
25865 Roll Skia from 31fddc376993 to 097263bb5089 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25866 [web] Fix some regex issues in the sdk_rewriter (cla: yes, platform-web)
25867 Switch PlatformMessages to hold data in Mappings (platform-ios, platform-android, cla: yes, platform-macos, platform-fuchsia, embedder)
25868 A11y inspect (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
25869 Roll Dart SDK from 6397e8b91103 to ee8eb0a65efa (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25870 Roll Skia from 097263bb5089 to 5dfb3f40684b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25871 Enable avoid_escaping_inner_quotes lint (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25872 Roll Dart SDK from ee8eb0a65efa to 8c109a734bdc (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25873 Roll Dart SDK from 8c109a734bdc to b98a1eec5eb5 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25874 Roll Dart SDK from b98a1eec5eb5 to 6ecae204598d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25876 Roll Skia from 5dfb3f40684b to 5c95bcb48b9b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25877 Roll Dart SDK from 6ecae204598d to 3cc6cdab8eaf (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25879 Windows: UWP ViewController accepts a CoreApplicationView and exposes to plugins (cla: yes, platform-windows)
25880 Roll Skia from 5c95bcb48b9b to c779d432f336 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25881 Roll Skia from c779d432f336 to ff8b52df55ff (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25882 [Win32] Don't redispatch ShiftRight keydown event (affects: text input, cla: yes, platform-windows)
25883 Update key mapping to the latest logical key values (affects: text input, cla: yes, platform-web, platform-macos, platform-linux, platform-windows, embedder)
25884 Implement smooth resizing for Linux (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-linux)
25885 Roll Dart SDK from 3cc6cdab8eaf to b8f4018535fa (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25886 Roll Skia from ff8b52df55ff to ec79349bad50 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25887 Revert the Dart SDK to 1e3e5efcd47edeb7ae5a69e146c8ea0559305a98 (cla: yes)
25888 Roll Skia from ec79349bad50 to 671177905d22 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25890 Revert "Revert the Dart SDK to 1e3e5efcd47edeb7ae5a69e146c8ea0559305a98" (cla: yes)
25891 Roll Skia from 671177905d22 to 75b43ce6ccd3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25892 Streamline frame timings recording (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25894 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from RgZnCZ5ng... to uQgs5ZmFq... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25895 [web] Fix incorrect physical size due to visualviewport api on iOS (cla: yes, platform-web)
25897 Roll Skia from 75b43ce6ccd3 to bf688645acf9 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25898 Revert "Fix a11y placeholder on desktop; auto-enable engine semantics… (cla: yes, platform-web)
25899 Ensure that AutoIsolateShutdown drops its reference to the DartIsolate on the intended task runner (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25900 Fix composition when multiple platform views and layers are combined (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25901 Don't call release_proc when attempting to wrap an SkSurface which fails (cla: yes, embedder)
25904 Roll Skia from bf688645acf9 to 537293bf155f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25905 Roll Skia from 537293bf155f to adadb95a9f1e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25907 pull googletest from github instead of fuchsia.googlesource (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25918 Exclude third_party/dart/third_party/devtools from the license script (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25924 Delete unused method from engine_layer.h (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25932 Add missing semantics flag for embedder (cla: yes, embedder)
25940 Remove unused parameter in flutter application info loader (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25943 Update documentation for embedding SplashScreen (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25952 Added exception if you try to reply with a non-direct ByteBuffer. (platform-android, cla: yes)
25954 [flutter_releases] Flutter Beta 2.2.0-10.3.pre Engine Cherrypicks (cla: yes)
25957 [web] Resolve OS as iOs for iDevice Safari requesting desktop version of app. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
25961 Hardware Keyboard: iOS (platform-ios, cla: yes, platform-macos, embedder)
25964 Fix GIR transfer annotation (cla: yes, platform-linux)
25982 Web ImageFilter.matrix support (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
25984 fuchsia: Fix multi-views fallout (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
25985 Add an allowlist flag for Skia trace event categories (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25987 Add image generator registry (cla: yes)
25988 Platform channels, eliminate objc copies (platform-ios, platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-macos, platform-fuchsia, embedder)
25991 Make SceneBuilder.push* not return nullable objects (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
25993 Roll buildroot to pick change to cppwinrt invocation (cla: yes)
25994 [canvaskit] Set a maximum number of overlay canvases. (cla: yes, platform-web)
25998 Sped up the objc standard message codec (platform-ios, cla: yes, platform-macos)
25999 Roll Dart SDK from b8f4018535fa to 86c749398b3a (16 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26001 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from uQgs5ZmFq... to aCsEHpnS0... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26003 Add dependency on Windows SDK CIPD package (cla: yes)
26006 Roll Dart SDK from 86c749398b3a to b4210cc43086 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26009 Roll Skia from adadb95a9f1e to 1dc2d0fe0fa0 (98 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26011 Ensure correct child isolate initialization in enable-isolate-groups dart vm configuration. (cla: yes)
26012 Roll Skia from 1dc2d0fe0fa0 to 115645ee9b1b (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26018 Roll Skia from 115645ee9b1b to c411429239e9 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26019 Use pub get --offline for flutter_frontend_server and const_finder (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26020 Roll Dart SDK from b4210cc43086 to 04e55dad908d (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26021 Unique frame number for each frame (cla: yes)
26022 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from aCsEHpnS0... to OyXxehV6e... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26023 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 4numS0K6T... to -FIIsjZj2... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26024 Roll Skia from c411429239e9 to 72de83df3a03 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26025 Roll Skia from 72de83df3a03 to dabb2891c4a1 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26026 Return a maximum nanoseconds value in FlutterDesktopEngineProcessMessages (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-windows)
26027 Roll Dart SDK from 04e55dad908d to 094c9024373c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26028 Extract FML command_line target (affects: engine, cla: yes)
26029 Extract Windows string_conversion target (cla: yes, affects: desktop, platform-windows)
26030 Roll Dart SDK from 094c9024373c to 2ea89ef8f6de (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26031 Use string_view inputs for conversion functions (code health, cla: yes, platform-windows)
26032 Support Windows registry access (cla: yes, affects: desktop, platform-windows)
26034 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from -FIIsjZj2... to KZCe5FqMb... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26035 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from OyXxehV6e... to DSk0IzBHv... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26036 Roll Skia from dabb2891c4a1 to 686dd910dd6c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26037 Revert Dart SDK to b8f4018535fa792891e2add3a475f35e3ec156ab (cla: yes)
26038 Add uwptool.exe (cla: yes, affects: desktop, platform-windows)
26040 Remove use of package:test and package:mockito from flutter_frontend_… (cla: yes)
26041 Roll Skia from 686dd910dd6c to ab1ec37ff32c (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26042 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from DSk0IzBHv... to 3lWeNvs3G... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26043 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from KZCe5FqMb... to ZYimHxg7C... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26045 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 3lWeNvs3G... to 4VJj6gJdU... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26046 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from ZYimHxg7C... to 4fB2dR4mP... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26047 Roll Skia from ab1ec37ff32c to 799658f5c22d (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26050 Add support for zx_channel_write_etc and zx_channel_read_etc. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
26051 Remove debug print (cla: yes, platform-web)
26053 Skip SimpleRasterizerStatistics test on Fuchsia (cla: yes)
26054 Move parts to libraries (cla: yes, platform-web)
26056 Trigger an engine build to re-open the tree (cla: yes)
26057 Update README so it's not mobile-specific (cla: yes)
26058 Roll Skia from 799658f5c22d to 99ebb17aeda8 (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26059 Use cached CanvasKit instance if available (cla: yes, platform-web)
26060 Roll Skia from 99ebb17aeda8 to dc753cfc65ec (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26061 Roll Skia from dc753cfc65ec to cb41df0bfad4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26064 Roll Skia from cb41df0bfad4 to abdffd5d0055 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26065 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 4fB2dR4mP... to BTHMLi6Sh... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26066 Roll Skia from abdffd5d0055 to bb006430ae82 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26068 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 4VJj6gJdU... to TJX7h698s... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26069 Roll Skia from bb006430ae82 to 96bc12d19b9e (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26071 Roll Skia from 96bc12d19b9e to 7c328b4b42c5 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26072 Move more parts to libs. Move bitmap/dom canvas to /html (cla: yes, platform-web)
26073 Revert "[web] Catch image load failures in --release builds" (cla: yes, platform-web)
26074 SceneBuilder.addPicture returns the layer (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26075 Manual SDK roll for DevTools SDK integration (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26077 Get licenses check deps from gclient rather than pub (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26079 Roll Skia from 7c328b4b42c5 to 0c9962a7c8a5 (15 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26080 Formatting cleanup for CONTRIBUTING.md (cla: yes)
26081 Make 3xH bot script happy (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26082 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from BTHMLi6Sh... to 1PbnXEErn... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26083 Fix splash screen with theme references crash on Android API 21 (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26084 Roll Skia from 0c9962a7c8a5 to 8fac6c13fa59 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26085 fuchsia: Fix first_layer handling (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
26086 Roll Dart SDK from b99466d472e3 to d59cb89f73fe (1340 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26087 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from TJX7h698s... to GNyjTge9c... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26088 Roll Skia from 8fac6c13fa59 to c1b6b6c615a7 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26089 Roll Skia from c1b6b6c615a7 to d9a7c5953df3 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26090 Roll Dart SDK from d59cb89f73fe to 934cc986926d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26091 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 1PbnXEErn... to MoY7UVVro... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26093 Roll Skia from d9a7c5953df3 to 827bb729a84d (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26096 Roll Skia from d9a7c5953df3 to 827bb729a84d (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26097 Roll Skia from 827bb729a84d to 433d25c947e4 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26100 Roll Skia from 433d25c947e4 to 0270bf5d10be (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26101 Roll Dart SDK from 934cc986926d to 171876a4e6cf (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26102 Roll Skia from 0270bf5d10be to 4e9d5e2bdf04 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26103 [flutter_releases] Update Dart SDK to 2.13.0 (cla: yes)
26104 [fuchsia] rename SessionConnection to DefaultSessionConnection (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
26105 Set exitcode to 0 on successful uwptool launch (cla: yes, affects: desktop, platform-windows)
26106 Get android_lint deps using gclient rather than pub. (cla: yes)
26107 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from GNyjTge9c... to q1qWG9XiN... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26108 Roll Skia from 4e9d5e2bdf04 to 84f70136abfb (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26110 Use a comma-separated args string for UWP (cla: yes, platform-windows)
26111 Roll Skia from 84f70136abfb to 66441d4ea0fa (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26113 Roll Skia from 66441d4ea0fa to 537b7508343d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26114 [fuchsia] migrate shader warmup to be triggered by dart code (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
26116 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from MoY7UVVro... to WYD7atCH7... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26117 Revert "Sped up the objc standard message codec (#25998)" (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-macos)
26119 Roll Skia from 537b7508343d to 6b719c25cade (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26120 Use PackageManager to locate installed UWP apps (cla: yes, platform-windows)
26121 [uwptool] Support lookup of full package name (cla: yes, platform-windows)
26122 [uwptool] Add uninstall command (cla: yes, platform-windows)
26123 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from q1qWG9XiN... to mdsssGtoC... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26124 Remove counter from eintr wrapper (cla: yes)
26127 Roll Skia from 6b719c25cade to ca9f6a855071 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26129 Manual roll of Dart SDK to c119194b23d990140e4f8505c6b0a86b60f196bd (cla: yes)
26131 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from WYD7atCH7... to uffIHSwYt... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26133 Revert "SceneBuilder.addPicture returns the layer" (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26134 Reland "Fix a11y placeholder on desktop; auto-enable engine semantics" (cla: yes, platform-web)
26135 Roll Dart SDK from c119194b23d9 to ba8506bdcef7 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26136 Roll Skia from ca9f6a855071 to 3193a04b09d8 (21 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26137 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from mdsssGtoC... to y3xw-lhxW... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26138 output fuchsia json package manifest (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26139 Move CanvasKit files from parts to libraries (cla: yes, platform-web)
26140 Roll buildroot (cla: yes)
26141 Roll Skia from 3193a04b09d8 to cad48c6868bf (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26142 Revert "Fix composition when multiple platform views and layers are c… (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26143 Roll Dart SDK from ba8506bdcef7 to e0f30709e25f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26144 Roll Skia from cad48c6868bf to 99e6f0fcfb44 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26145 Roll Skia from 99e6f0fcfb44 to 6b49c5908545 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26146 Roll Dart SDK from e0f30709e25f to 943fcea0b446 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26147 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from uffIHSwYt... to CudXaX-jL... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26148 Roll Dart SDK from 943fcea0b446 to d616108772bd (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26149 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from y3xw-lhxW... to a6aB7cNgl... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26150 Roll Skia from 6b49c5908545 to 29b44fc226e9 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26151 Roll Skia from 29b44fc226e9 to 6f520cd120c0 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26153 Roll Skia from 6f520cd120c0 to aecf8d517143 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26155 Roll Dart SDK from d616108772bd to a527411e5100 (0 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26156 Roll Dart SDK from d616108772bd to a527411e5100 (0 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26158 Fix composition when multiple platform views and layers are combined (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26162 Revert "output fuchsia json package manifest" (cla: yes)
26163 reland output json manifest file in fuchsia_archive (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
26164 Let the framework toggle between single- and multi-entry histories (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26166 fuchsia: Improve checking/logging for composition (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
26167 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from CudXaX-jL... to RT1RbBM69... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26168 Roll Skia from aecf8d517143 to df2dbad1a87d (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26169 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from a6aB7cNgl... to 9-tG_VdU_... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26170 fuchsia: Only send different ViewProperties (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
26171 Roll Skia from df2dbad1a87d to bc8e0d8ba0d4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26172 Add deferred components diagrams for wiki (cla: yes)
26173 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from RT1RbBM69... to q_v1AFsEq... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26174 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 9-tG_VdU_... to PVI875Hyp... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26175 Roll Skia from bc8e0d8ba0d4 to bc7c754ce395 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26176 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from q_v1AFsEq... to lU-S8er5G... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26177 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from PVI875Hyp... to TB587FHc5... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26178 Roll Skia from bc7c754ce395 to f91ce0201328 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26179 Provide build information to the inspect tree. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
26180 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from lU-S8er5G... to q9Qi_9RMf... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26181 FlView: Handle leave-notify-event (cla: yes, affects: desktop, platform-linux)
26183 Add uwptool install command (cla: yes, affects: desktop, platform-windows)
26184 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from TB587FHc5... to v4P6zkHIE... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26185 Deeplink URI fragment on Android and iOS (platform-ios, platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26186 Roll Skia from f91ce0201328 to d22a70be4f00 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26187 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from q9Qi_9RMf... to l6XmTSLnt... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26188 Roll Skia from d22a70be4f00 to 9c2769ec1198 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26189 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from v4P6zkHIE... to KmSY84b_E... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26191 Roll Skia from 9c2769ec1198 to 2da029b28f97 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26192 Roll Dart SDK from a527411e5100 to 67be110b5ba8 (1351 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26193 Replace flutter_runner::Thread with fml::Thread. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
26195 Roll Skia from 2da029b28f97 to c1f641104531 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26196 Prepare to move --delete-tostring-package-uri option to Dart SDK (cla: yes)
26197 Roll Skia from c1f641104531 to 469531234936 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26200 [icu] Upgrade ICU to 69.1, the same commit used by Chromimum latest (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26201 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from l6XmTSLnt... to AUWVgDkx6... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26202 Roll Skia from 469531234936 to 5b38536d76ae (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26205 Add frame number to trace events so dev tools can associate the right frame (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26206 Roll Skia from 5b38536d76ae to 2fed9f62d29a (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26207 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from KmSY84b_E... to 7WNQRHsHN... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26208 fuchsia: Fix occlusion_hint handling (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
26209 Add more diagrams for deferred components docs, fix alignment of existing one (cla: yes)
26210 Capture the layer tree pipeline as a weak pointer in the OnAnimatorDraw task (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26212 Roll Dart SDK from 67be110b5ba8 to 510f26486328 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26213 Roll Skia from 2fed9f62d29a to e8cd0a54041e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26215 Adds package:litetest, uses it instead of package:test under testing/dart (cla: yes)
26216 Roll Skia from e8cd0a54041e to 3d854bade6de (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26217 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from AUWVgDkx6... to boele8geO... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26218 Roll Dart SDK from 510f26486328 to 13e329e614f2 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26219 EngineLayer::dispose (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26220 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 7WNQRHsHN... to F5TX4MaEg... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26221 Roll Skia from 3d854bade6de to 66125eac158d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26222 Roll Dart SDK from 13e329e614f2 to 2eea032403e2 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26223 Roll Skia from 66125eac158d to 5696bcd0f7f8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26224 Roll Skia from 5696bcd0f7f8 to bdfd77616177 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26225 Roll Skia from bdfd77616177 to fb8d20befa8f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26226 Provide better messaging when user attempts to use non-secure http connection. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26227 Fix CanvasKit SVG clipPath leak (cla: yes, platform-web, cp: 2.2)
26232 Revert Dart SDK to 67be110b5ba8fc84af5e7136389e52a13ccbc9d5 (cla: yes)
26233 plumb frame number through to framework (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26237 Fix frame request tracing (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26238 fix mobile a11y placeholder (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26242 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from F5TX4MaEg... to mx5LVKqk8... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26243 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from boele8geO... to 5qwj-Mw7_... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26245 Roll Skia from fb8d20befa8f to d9ea2989d6e9 (20 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26246 Roll Skia from d9ea2989d6e9 to d7d7a8215e6c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26247 Refactor: Group together externally-managed UIDartState. (cla: yes)
26248 Roll Skia from d7d7a8215e6c to a65c295c1c9b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26252 Roll Skia from a65c295c1c9b to 814c6db4c04d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26253 suppress output from intentionally failing tests (cla: yes, platform-web)
26254 Use 'pub get --offline' for scenario_app deps (cla: yes)
26257 updated the documentation for message loops a bit (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26258 Roll Dart SDK from 67be110b5ba8 to 3a8c551ec08e (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26259 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 5qwj-Mw7_... to ih1GwcLki... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26261 Use path dependencies for testing/symbols (cla: yes)
26263 Roll Skia from 814c6db4c04d to 10e7e77909c5 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26265 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from mx5LVKqk8... to 56WoN2WG2... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26268 Roll Skia from 10e7e77909c5 to 8988cb464391 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26269 Roll Dart SDK from 3a8c551ec08e to 87b37682b24f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26271 Migrate to ci.yaml (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26272 Fix hybrid composition case and enable test (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26274 Roll Skia from 8988cb464391 to 9c7e04cd6f37 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26276 Roll Clang Mac from bf4GDBSQE... to xwRoi0Lbe... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26277 CanvasKit: recall the last frame in the animated image after resurrection (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26278 Roll Skia from 9c7e04cd6f37 to d24422a9fe4a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26279 Drop package:image dependency from testing harness (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26281 Roll Dart SDK from 87b37682b24f to 43fe359811ea (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26283 Roll Skia from d24422a9fe4a to 1f193df9b393 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26285 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from ih1GwcLki... to JuoV30Dy2... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26286 Roll Dart SDK from 43fe359811ea to ff8dd0a9bbe1 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26287 Roll Skia from 1f193df9b393 to edb7aa70fcf3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26290 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 56WoN2WG2... to 3AWY87vDb... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26291 Roll Skia from edb7aa70fcf3 to 1c4a0b89b0f6 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26292 Roll Clang Mac from xwRoi0Lbe... to bf4GDBSQE... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26295 [vm_service] Add vm service port to inspect. (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
26298 Cleanup toString transformer (cla: yes)
26299 Roll Skia from 1c4a0b89b0f6 to 2758a3189ade (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26300 Roll Dart SDK from ff8dd0a9bbe1 to 3c595684faca (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26302 Add support for compositing using Metal on macOS (cla: yes, platform-macos)
26303 Roll Skia from 2758a3189ade to 60e52284d55d (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26304 roll CanvasKit 0.27.0 (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26307 Roll Dart SDK from 3c595684faca to 144f3bb9b017 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26308 Roll Skia from 60e52284d55d to 36c5796f0bd0 (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26309 [uwptool] Refactor command-handling to a map (cla: yes, affects: desktop, platform-windows)
26310 Roll Dart SDK from 144f3bb9b017 to 551af75f42c0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26311 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from JuoV30Dy2... to nN6J_ZcaY... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26312 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 3AWY87vDb... to E47v59mWP... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26313 Clean up testing/benchmark (cla: yes)
26314 Roll Skia from 36c5796f0bd0 to a39b80bfd34c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26315 [uwptool] Move Launch, Uninstall to AppStore class (affects: tests, cla: yes, affects: desktop, platform-windows)
26316 Roll Skia from a39b80bfd34c to 7c67ebcd3bd4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26317 Roll Dart SDK from 551af75f42c0 to a70c4b0fafc2 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26318 Roll Skia from 7c67ebcd3bd4 to 9604eab2bdca (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26320 Roll Skia from 9604eab2bdca to 465819d7c20d (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26321 Make tools/gn compatible with Python 3 (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26322 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from nN6J_ZcaY... to aeRo3f-er... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26323 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from E47v59mWP... to -ISyWoKV3... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26325 Clean up Dart scripts in ci/ (cla: yes)
26326 Roll Dart SDK from a70c4b0fafc2 to 1efa8657fe8e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26327 Roll Skia from 465819d7c20d to 0ea0e75a3d29 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26328 prevent ios accessibility bridge from sending notification when modal (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26329 Clean up upload_metrics.sh (cla: yes)
26331 android platform channels: moved to direct buffers for c <-> java interop (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26333 Handle only asset-only components case (platform-android, cla: yes)
26334 Roll Dart SDK from 1efa8657fe8e to 1c14e29fbfba (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26335 Sets a11y traversal order in android accessibility bridge (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26337 Roll Skia from 0ea0e75a3d29 to 8447f13c6d4b (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26338 Use the image generator registry & protocol for resolving image decoders. (cla: yes)
26339 Roll Skia from 8447f13c6d4b to ec9d0e865d77 (1 revision) (cla: yes)
26340 Roll Dart SDK from 1c14e29fbfba to 5ae74b9c13b0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26341 Use package:litetest for flutter_frontend_server (cla: yes)
26342 Remove group() support from package:litetest (cla: yes)
26344 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from -ISyWoKV3... to dd7nw2tfc... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26345 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from aeRo3f-er... to GNvpzwlsb... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26346 Roll Dart SDK from 5ae74b9c13b0 to 53da3ba84895 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26347 MacOS: Do not send key event if modifiers flags haven't changed (cla: yes, platform-macos)
26348 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from dd7nw2tfc... to 80lum62wn... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26349 Roll Dart SDK from 53da3ba84895 to 79f1604820d2 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26350 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from GNvpzwlsb... to qLBO-PTv_... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26351 Roll Dart SDK from 79f1604820d2 to 99aa976af869 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26352 Roll Dart SDK from 99aa976af869 to cf0a921e4380 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26353 Roll Skia from ec9d0e865d77 to f88eb656c123 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26354 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 80lum62wn... to RnPV5ymFi... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26355 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from qLBO-PTv_... to l5hYeTpdW... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26356 Roll Dart SDK from cf0a921e4380 to c696ecf5a8a0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26357 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from RnPV5ymFi... to nRqbdi_ZK... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26358 Fix: Strip option doesn't work for linux .so files (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26361 Roll Skia from f88eb656c123 to 29670b085358 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26362 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from l5hYeTpdW... to oT8kKQch3... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26363 Roll Skia from 29670b085358 to 09eb337d304a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26364 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from nRqbdi_ZK... to -F-5r68i6... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26365 Roll Skia from 09eb337d304a to 0e4477e7139a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26367 Roll Skia from 0e4477e7139a to db418ec6cd6f (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26368 fuchsia: Fix View create vs render race (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
26369 Fix race with engine destruction in Shell
(cla: yes)
26370 Roll Dart SDK from c696ecf5a8a0 to bb9d96ffbafa (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26371 Revert "Provide better messaging when user attempts to use non-secure http connection. (#26226)" (cla: yes)
26373 Roll Dart SDK from c696ecf5a8a0 to 7250fd6379b2 (0 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26374 Roll Dart SDK from bb9d96ffbafa to 7250fd6379b2 (0 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26377 Delete framework test from Cirrus (cla: yes)
26379 Roll Dart SDK from 7250fd6379b2 to 3731dc83886c (1379 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26380 Add script to serve fuchsia packages (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26381 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from oT8kKQch3... to pfJX5Fu8B... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26382 Use -rdynamic when building test executables in order to improve backtraces (cla: yes)
26383 Update buildroot to d86d028552a050f25fb25bf9163f7df0cee9f9a4 (cla: yes)
26384 Implement ImageShader for html Canvas (cla: yes, platform-web)
26385 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from -F-5r68i6... to tWU3PEj6V... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26386 Add Float32List support to StandardMessageCodec (platform-ios, platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-macos)
26387 Roll Dart SDK from 3731dc83886c to 0b7d0953ce47 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26391 Add back inexpensive framework tests (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26392 Roll Skia from db418ec6cd6f to 30fd35da015e (20 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26393 Roll Dart SDK from 0b7d0953ce47 to 42d74caa7d26 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26394 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from pfJX5Fu8B... to x9gmyu-IU... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26395 Adding webdev in DEPS (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26397 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from tWU3PEj6V... to OB7ucXyBd... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26398 Roll Skia from 30fd35da015e to 6576de67a439 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26399 Roll Skia from 6576de67a439 to 966fb69e5db5 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26400 Reland "Provide better messaging when user attempts to use non-secure http connection. (#26226)" (cla: yes)
26401 Roll Dart SDK from 42d74caa7d26 to 5b70042e9fe2 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26402 Roll Skia from 966fb69e5db5 to 8cdf28fe2d89 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26403 Remove build timestamp from build_info.h. (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
26404 Roll Skia from 8cdf28fe2d89 to 569c01bfa28f (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26405 [flutter_releases] Flutter Stable 2.2.1 Engine Cherrypicks (cla: yes, platform-web)
26406 [web] Ensure handleNavigationMessage can receive null arguments. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26407 Roll Skia from 569c01bfa28f to ee7e22acd20f (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26408 Add Handle.replace(int rights). (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
26409 Disable hidden symbols on unoptimized builds in order to improve test backtraces (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26410 Roll Dart SDK from 5b70042e9fe2 to e2f96cd405a3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26411 Roll Skia from ee7e22acd20f to 4987c4af499d (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26412 Fix iOS key events in platform views (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26413 Roll Skia from 4987c4af499d to ad5b44720f97 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26415 Roll Skia from ad5b44720f97 to e5240a24987b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26416 Fixes iOS refuses to accept semantics rect update if UISwitch is not … (platform-ios, cla: yes)
26417 Roll Dart SDK from e2f96cd405a3 to 23230583a210 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26418 Add Linux Framework Smoke Tests to pre/post submit. (cla: yes)
26419 Roll Skia from e5240a24987b to 9b2baac1d650 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26420 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from x9gmyu-IU... to kWrYHMQWQ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26421 Revert "Add Linux Framework Smoke Tests to pre/post submit." (cla: yes)
26422 fuchsia: Delete all the legacy code! (cla: yes, Work in progress (WIP), platform-web, platform-fuchsia, tech-debt)
26423 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from OB7ucXyBd... to Rbr2O4K3O... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26424 Roll Dart SDK from 23230583a210 to e6f56536dd12 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26425 Roll Skia from 9b2baac1d650 to 1a7fb9b3962e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26426 Canonicalize runner debug symbol path for fuchsia. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
26429 Fix deferred components startup threading and improve .so search algorithm. (affects: engine, platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26430 Roll Skia from 1a7fb9b3962e to 0fb5e6290f1e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26432 Roll Skia from 0fb5e6290f1e to e1c2beb3beef (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26433 "Reland "Add Linux Framework Smoke Tests to pre/post submit."" (cla: yes)
26434 Roll Skia from e1c2beb3beef to 3af709f71a60 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26435 SingleFrameCodec GetAllocationSize and ImageDescriptor.dispose (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26436 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from Rbr2O4K3O... to anl_Ge_vz... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26437 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from kWrYHMQWQ... to kn_6DzM7h... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26438 Reclaim paragraph memory more aggressively (cla: yes, platform-web)
26440 Make resume dart microtasks static to avoid capturing vsync waiter (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26442 Add bottom view inset to FlutterWindowMetricsEvent (cla: yes, embedder)
26446 Fix Fragment not transparent in Texture render mode (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26447 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from anl_Ge_vz... to _AaCM1K4Z... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26449 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from kn_6DzM7h... to mgoUMLlft... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26451 MacOS: Don't remove pointer after drag if released inside window (cla: yes, platform-macos)
26453 Add todo to handle_test. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
26454 Add trace-skia-allowlist to the Android intent flags (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26455 Roll Skia from 3af709f71a60 to ace17c2f4689 (32 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26456 support history entry replace in multi entries browser history (cla: yes, platform-web)
26457 Roll Clang Linux from zRvL_ACCG... to aUPvom0rf... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26458 Roll Clang Mac from bf4GDBSQE... to rm-r5Uy50... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26459 Roll Dart SDK from e6f56536dd12 to efccf1e46351 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26460 Better logging pthread_setspecific
(cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26461 Roll Skia from ace17c2f4689 to 35981296a8f4 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26462 Make litetest throw on test failure instead of exit() (cla: yes)
26463 Add debug symbols (symbol-index) to serve.sh for Fuchsia. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
26464 Roll Skia from 35981296a8f4 to bdda1a3ccdde (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26468 Roll Skia from bdda1a3ccdde to b4403a95292b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26469 Roll Dart SDK from efccf1e46351 to 002db0ae4563 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26470 Revert "android platform channels: moved to direct buffers for c <-> java interop" (platform-android, cla: yes)
26471 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from _AaCM1K4Z... to i9cDU3Lze... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26472 Add Float32List support to the Linux standard message codec (cla: yes, platform-linux)
26473 Roll Skia from b4403a95292b to 2a63f8242274 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26475 Roll Skia from 2a63f8242274 to b1eb7dd759b9 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26476 Roll Skia from b1eb7dd759b9 to 890498e3d730 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26477 Roll Dart SDK from 002db0ae4563 to 89ffc22de5cb (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26478 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from mgoUMLlft... to JMl78sNB8... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26479 Roll Dart SDK from 89ffc22de5cb to 77491c775d8f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26480 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from i9cDU3Lze... to oPWKIUaFo... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26481 Roll Dart SDK from 77491c775d8f to 7fef568a9b33 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26482 Add the images for TileMode.decal (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26483 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from JMl78sNB8... to Y13BYMF29... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26484 Roll Dart SDK from 7fef568a9b33 to 069554af24d6 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26485 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from oPWKIUaFo... to 5c4YB-7_r... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26486 [iOSTextInputPlugin] bypass UIKit floating cursor coordinates clamping (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26487 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from Y13BYMF29... to xLBoLtUi8... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26488 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 5c4YB-7_r... to xxNJ4Crvh... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26489 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from xLBoLtUi8... to sWU99T5u7... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26490 Roll Skia from 890498e3d730 to 481b3240fb7e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26491 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from xxNJ4Crvh... to MdVGflQxJ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26492 fix a LateInitializationError (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26493 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from sWU99T5u7... to 76zSlrdqM... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26494 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from MdVGflQxJ... to FmS6HazcE... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26495 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 76zSlrdqM... to 2ke-RgVsK... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26496 Roll Skia from 481b3240fb7e to 7e114d7b3c23 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26497 Roll Skia from 7e114d7b3c23 to 8942247ae46e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26498 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from FmS6HazcE... to k9XWcZPZO... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26499 Roll Dart SDK from 069554af24d6 to 643d01d6a8e3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26501 Roll Skia from 8942247ae46e to 77724af76ce2 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26502 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 2ke-RgVsK... to hopGYPnVP... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26503 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from k9XWcZPZO... to DJjuIbfI5... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26504 Roll Skia from 77724af76ce2 to a9109c50fb1f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26505 Roll Skia from a9109c50fb1f to c7abc8bfa02f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26506 Cache Handle.koid(). (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
26507 Roll Skia from c7abc8bfa02f to fe9b4316d8de (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26508 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from hopGYPnVP... to xi7pltS1F... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26509 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from DJjuIbfI5... to mDjEP9hR9... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26510 Fix pub_get_offline.py undefined variables (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26511 Roll Skia from fe9b4316d8de to 9af0bca3de2b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26512 Roll Skia from 9af0bca3de2b to b069582d16d3 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26513 Cloned frame timings have same frame number (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26514 Roll Skia from b069582d16d3 to f9d1c159b3cc (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26515 Reland: "android platform channels: moved to direct buffers for c <-> java interop" (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26516 Add Unopt builders to ci config (cla: yes)
26517 Roll Skia from f9d1c159b3cc to 4943421095e1 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26518 Fix gradient stop out of range error (cla: yes, platform-web)
26519 Docuements the new flag in BrowserHistory.setRouteName (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26520 Roll Skia from 4943421095e1 to d774558eb189 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26521 Roll Skia from d774558eb189 to c9b70c65436e (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26522 Roll Skia from c9b70c65436e to f4f9c3b6cc62 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26523 Roll Dart SDK from 643d01d6a8e3 to 302c6dd3c29c (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26524 Revert "Add API to the engine to support attributed text (#25373)" (platform-ios, platform-android, cla: yes, platform-web)
26525 Revert "Implement ImageShader for html Canvas (#26384)" (cla: yes, platform-web)
26526 Add an encoder for CharSequence in StandardMessageCodec (platform-android, cla: yes)
26527 Added more descriptive error to StandardMessageCodec for types that override toString (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26528 Reland "Add API to the engine to support attributed text (#25373)" (platform-ios, platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26530 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from xi7pltS1F... to MVkOwZQtv... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26533 Roll Dart SDK from 302c6dd3c29c to 4ce8bbf4738d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26534 Roll Skia from f4f9c3b6cc62 to d51fbe1a78b5 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26536 Migrate flutter_runner to Scenic.CreateSessionT. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
26537 Fix incorrectly inserting Float32List in the wrong location in encodable_value (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26538 Fix create_arm_gen_snapshot target (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26540 Revert "Add support for compositing using Metal on macOS" (cla: yes, platform-macos)
26541 Roll Skia from d51fbe1a78b5 to 2e76c84b8b8a (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26542 Guard task queue id for fuchsia (cla: yes)
26544 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from mDjEP9hR9... to pCoQB3Wr-... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26545 Roll Dart SDK from 4ce8bbf4738d to 47e55d2e746a (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26546 Roll Skia from 2e76c84b8b8a to b8416d27be1e (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26547 [iOSTextInput] fix potential dangling pointer access (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26548 Roll buildroot to 91b3d1f3a878a6d6ce0749a233d5d467c4daaf41 (cla: yes)
26549 Re-enable non-smooth scrolling. (cla: yes, platform-linux)
26550 Roll Skia from b8416d27be1e to 03e783020013 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26553 Roll Dart SDK from 47e55d2e746a to cd41b767a29d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26554 Add support for compositing using Metal on macOS (cla: yes, platform-macos)
26555 Roll Skia from 03e783020013 to 6e82db35a695 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26556 Roll Skia from 6e82db35a695 to cb66e25d23d8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26557 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from MVkOwZQtv... to DvgL0sNJV... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26559 Roll Skia from cb66e25d23d8 to 6f4bacb9df54 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26560 Roll Dart SDK from cd41b767a29d to 6186a3ef5ffa (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26561 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from pCoQB3Wr-... to vGpSL2e_a... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26563 Roll Skia from 6f4bacb9df54 to 7b6a92818d23 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26564 Update dep overrides in flutter_frontend_server (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26565 Roll Skia from 7b6a92818d23 to 357e67e7af3b (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26566 Reland reverted #26384 (cla: yes, platform-web)
26567 Roll Skia from 357e67e7af3b to 053eb1ba91d5 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26568 Disable Skia reduceOpsTaskSplitting (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
26569 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from DvgL0sNJV... to 3Xj5uw866... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26570 Roll Dart SDK from 6186a3ef5ffa to 202c42e3395c (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26571 Roll Skia from 053eb1ba91d5 to 7856eb88eda0 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26572 Roll Skia from 7856eb88eda0 to 7aa7939a60b9 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26573 Web: add support for TextInputType.none (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26574 Linux: add support for TextInputType.none (cla: yes, platform-linux)
26576 fixes crash when sets mouseTrackingMode before view is loaded (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-macos)
26577 Roll Dart SDK from 202c42e3395c to 2e9c4305a6aa (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26578 Roll Dart SDK from 202c42e3395c to 2e9c4305a6aa (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26579 Roll Skia from 7aa7939a60b9 to 568ef84d3f8a (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26580 Remove "unnecessary" imports. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26581 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from vGpSL2e_a... to ldByLqm7f... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26582 Roll Skia from 568ef84d3f8a to 2692b0dd119f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26584 Roll Skia from 2692b0dd119f to 08d0d86b8180 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26585 Android: add support for TextInputType.none (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26586 Roll Dart SDK from 2e9c4305a6aa to 39814844606e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26587 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 3Xj5uw866... to 7jqSNhU_b... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26588 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from ldByLqm7f... to otF0aYh8E... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26589 Roll Skia from 08d0d86b8180 to bb04e3d47ef8 (13 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26590 Add a filterKey argument to Skia shader trace events (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26591 Docs, debugDisposed for ImmutableBuffer (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26592 Roll Skia from bb04e3d47ef8 to 8cb7c3be75a7 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26593 Wait for the native callbacks from the spawned isolate (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26595 Roll Dart SDK from 39814844606e to 657d6dbde485 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26596 Fixes handleNavigationMessage in order (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26597 Roll Skia from 8cb7c3be75a7 to bcfdc1d43872 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26598 Roll buildroot to 60e83491e8ce171687431e6e7a4b0cd20b4d8d40 (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26599 Provide the isolate cleanup callback to Dart_CreateIsolateInGroup (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26600 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from otF0aYh8E... to ICWUopirb... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26601 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 7jqSNhU_b... to 6CBxGudrv... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26602 Allow Flutter focus to interop with Android view hierarchies (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26603 Roll Skia from bcfdc1d43872 to aad4b80fa625 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26604 Roll buildroot to 823808de422a8912bcec8a06f548da96d72cc682 (cla: yes)
26605 Roll Skia from aad4b80fa625 to 14eee314b1f4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26606 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from ICWUopirb... to ddbxEQera... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26607 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 6CBxGudrv... to XClZ-9fkt... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26609 Roll Skia from 14eee314b1f4 to fc8cf91cee9f (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26610 Roll Dart SDK from 657d6dbde485 to fc99280265c9 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26611 Roll Skia from fc8cf91cee9f to 681e409625b9 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26612 Fix issues with RunExpiredTasksWhileFirstTaskUnMergesThreads (cla: yes)
26614 Fix Android imports stamp file write mode (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26615 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from ddbxEQera... to e0WQ49xxD... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26616 Roll Skia from 681e409625b9 to dc03537758f3 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26617 Enable Skia shader trace events by default (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26618 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from XClZ-9fkt... to qqVmyK6TU... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26619 Roll Dart SDK from fc99280265c9 to 5204465f71be (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26620 Roll Skia from dc03537758f3 to 9aa5c2c86089 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26621 Roll Skia from 9aa5c2c86089 to 8aef107f6d58 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26622 [web canvaskit] fix SkiaObjectBox instrumentation (cla: yes, platform-web)
26623 Add support for native callbacks to the macOS embedder test harness (cla: yes, platform-macos)
26624 Roll Skia from 8aef107f6d58 to 2c9a6ec3a0d0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26625 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from qqVmyK6TU... to TqViQQzJo... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26626 [web] Allow some more nulls in platform_dispatcher. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26627 Python 3 support for macOS/iOS builds (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26628 [Android TextInput] clean up nested batch edits in closeConnection() (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26631 Roll Skia from 2c9a6ec3a0d0 to 5b5a4c6bf5d1 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26632 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from e0WQ49xxD... to p4LZtOVnJ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26634 Revert "Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from e0WQ49xxD... to p4LZtOVnJ... (#26632)" (cla: yes)
26635 Roll Skia from 5b5a4c6bf5d1 to f07b4ce437ad (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26636 Roll Skia from f07b4ce437ad to 89d460f27bd4 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26637 Revert "fuchsia: Delete all the legacy code!" (cla: yes, platform-web, platform-fuchsia)
26638 Revert "fuchsia: Delete all the legacy code! (#26422)" (#26637) (cla: yes, platform-web, platform-fuchsia)
26639 Roll Skia from 89d460f27bd4 to 70c21e34ca4f (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26640 Roll Dart SDK from 5204465f71be to 019918a203bc (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26641 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from e0WQ49xxD... to qDntzygjT... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26642 Remove compilation trace saving. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26643 Roll Skia from 70c21e34ca4f to 917f9193d244 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26644 [web] migrate some felt code to null safety (cla: yes, platform-web)
26645 Roll Skia from 917f9193d244 to 26666bda75b9 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26646 Roll Skia from 26666bda75b9 to 031d76b67447 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26647 [web] Fall-back to a DOM node if Shadow DOM is unavailable. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26648 Roll Dart SDK from 019918a203bc to 37338b2f4bbb (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26649 [web] migrate more felt code to null safety (cla: yes, platform-web)
26650 Roll Skia from 031d76b67447 to 163cc9124259 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26651 Roll Skia from 163cc9124259 to 6b2121d0ec57 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26652 Roll Dart SDK from 37338b2f4bbb to 4dc4671c3a87 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26653 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from qDntzygjT... to Q22GCF6Le... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26655 Roll Dart SDK from 4dc4671c3a87 to a2ef55cfb8ac (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26656 Roll Skia from 6b2121d0ec57 to 43c713d5cd1a (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26659 small clean-up of the license script (cla: yes, platform-web)
26661 Roll Dart SDK from a2ef55cfb8ac to b7c2babecc88 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26662 Add test for CanvasKit text memory crash (cla: yes, platform-web)
26666 Updates the objectc docs script to use env variables. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26668 migrate the rest of dev/ to null safety (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26669 [flutter_releases] Flutter Stable 2.2.2 Engine Cherrypicks (cla: yes, platform-web)
26670 Roll Skia from 43c713d5cd1a to 7391511f7be3 (24 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26671 Support scrolling in iOS accessibility (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26672 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from Q22GCF6Le... to 2Py2O7FIT... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26673 Roll Skia from 7391511f7be3 to 198ac15a907a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26674 [web] more null safety in tests (cla: yes, platform-web)
26675 Roll Dart SDK from b7c2babecc88 to 4882a5e99192 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26677 Roll Skia from 198ac15a907a to 2a3fb1baa186 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26679 Roll Dart SDK from 4882a5e99192 to 93ff88f22f01 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26680 Roll Skia from 2a3fb1baa186 to 1f6ca3a950e5 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26681 Roll Dart SDK from 93ff88f22f01 to fc2e183f4ea9 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26682 Cherrypick skia to 7391511f7be3 (cla: yes)
26683 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 2Py2O7FIT... to jNlbyBr6p... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26686 Disable ImageReleasedAfterFrame on Fuchsia (cla: yes)
26687 Roll Skia from 1f6ca3a950e5 to a1feabd38305 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26688 [web] use isTrue/isFalse in all tests (cla: yes, platform-web)
26689 Roll Skia from a1feabd38305 to d2e096069691 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26690 Roll Dart SDK from fc2e183f4ea9 to 51af508b1661 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26691 Roll Skia from d2e096069691 to 9d1cc0510039 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26692 Roll Skia from 9d1cc0510039 to ecc8e3bc043e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26693 Revert "Add support for native callbacks to the macOS embedder test harness" (cla: yes, platform-macos)
26694 Add support for native callbacks to the macOS embedder test harness (cla: yes, platform-macos)
26695 Roll Skia from ecc8e3bc043e to 1f5ee0d00c7f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26696 [web] test runner fixes: build, sourcemaps, Dart 1-isms (cla: yes, platform-web)
26697 Roll Dart SDK from 51af508b1661 to b541bcb9fd3d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26698 Roll Skia from 1f5ee0d00c7f to 08ac524b4331 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26699 Add pre-push git hook (cla: yes)
26700 Roll Dart SDK from b541bcb9fd3d to d622b98e77d7 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26701 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from jNlbyBr6p... to OP_AFyX5C... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26702 Roll Skia from 08ac524b4331 to 2a07fd68ebdd (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26703 Roll Dart SDK from d622b98e77d7 to c8a66f8e7ca1 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26704 Roll Skia from 2a07fd68ebdd to dd84dd09f304 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26706 Roll Skia from dd84dd09f304 to bc215ba3bbfe (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26707 Roll Dart SDK from c8a66f8e7ca1 to 935470ea59c4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26708 Roll Skia from bc215ba3bbfe to 1907f9051e17 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26709 [web] text_editing_test.dart nnbd; bump test dep (cla: yes, platform-web)
26711 [iOS TextInputPlugin] fix autofill assert (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26712 [web] more null-safe tests (cla: yes, platform-web)
26713 Roll Skia from 1907f9051e17 to 9b0841d822c3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26714 Revert dart rolls (cla: yes)
26715 Configuration files to describe engine builds. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26716 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from OP_AFyX5C... to iHnYdNmCi... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26717 Revert "Replace flutter_runner::Thread with fml::Thread." (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
26718 Roll Skia from 9b0841d822c3 to bc4bc5f1e284 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26719 [web] last batch of test null safety (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26720 [web] migrate web_sdk to null safety (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26721 Roll Dart SDK from d622b98e77d7 to eb912be5af54 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26722 Make ci/lint.dart more idiomatic and move to tools/clang_tidy (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26723 Revert "Replace flutter_runner::Thread with fml::Thread. (#26193)" (#… (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
26724 Roll Dart SDK from eb912be5af54 to 88b9786db62b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26725 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from iHnYdNmCi... to oY-eFO3pI... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26729 Roll Dart SDK from 88b9786db62b to 0a32380de829 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26730 Roll Skia from bc4bc5f1e284 to cd33e4accde2 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26731 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from oY-eFO3pI... to RkHrXJvD7... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26732 Roll Skia from cd33e4accde2 to d6c51edd5243 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26733 Roll Dart SDK from 0a32380de829 to ccdd47ff5673 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26734 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from RkHrXJvD7... to oZ_FM_PHa... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26735 Roll Dart SDK from ccdd47ff5673 to a38f02400658 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26736 Roll Dart SDK from a38f02400658 to 78fcc3e7aa05 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26737 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from oZ_FM_PHa... to 6hi4xXhT4... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26738 Roll Dart SDK from 78fcc3e7aa05 to ca1e2e543d44 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26739 Roll Dart SDK from ca1e2e543d44 to e48368c7cacb (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26740 Make Layer::AssignOldLayer non virtual (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26741 ImageFilterLayer should not contribute to readback region (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26742 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 6hi4xXhT4... to _VHCabwHc... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26743 Roll Dart SDK from e48368c7cacb to 5fdf43fdde62 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26745 Add family of dependencies that work on SPIRV. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26746 Add native Android image decoders supported by API 28+ (platform-android, cla: yes)
26747 Roll Skia from d6c51edd5243 to 2705cbf9bd1d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26748 Roll Skia from 2705cbf9bd1d to ef1f4991a688 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26749 Roll Skia from ef1f4991a688 to 50c3c2475882 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26750 Roll Skia from 50c3c2475882 to c238572723b0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26751 Roll Dart SDK from 5fdf43fdde62 to 03d33dd92243 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26752 Remove autoninja calls from the analyze script. (cla: yes)
26753 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from _VHCabwHc... to HLSrWqE34... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26754 Roll Skia from c238572723b0 to b5b7c982958d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26755 Fix Typo in create_sdk_cipd_package.sh (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26756 Delete window_hooks_integration_test.dart (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
26757 Fix windows keyboard: Extended key, delegate order (affects: text input, cla: yes, platform-windows)
26758 Roll Dart SDK from 03d33dd92243 to e0ea160bb165 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26761 Initialize EventChannel state (cla: yes)
26763 Roll Dart SDK from e0ea160bb165 to 7f1d45fab187 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26765 Migrate spirv to nnbd (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26768 Roll Skia from b5b7c982958d to 237bf5284da1 (24 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26769 Fix JSON map type declaration for SystemChrome.setApplicationSwitcherDescription arguments (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26770 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from HLSrWqE34... to 0JD2eM0c_... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26771 Roll Dart SDK from 7f1d45fab187 to 83edd189b2a3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26772 Log an error in DoMakeRasterSnapshot if Skia can not create a GPU render target (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26774 Roll Skia from 237bf5284da1 to 6ae690f8b2f5 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26775 Roll Skia from 6ae690f8b2f5 to af8047dbb849 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26776 [canvaskit] Only check missing glyphs against fallback fonts once per frame (cla: yes, platform-web)
26777 Roll Dart SDK from 83edd189b2a3 to 142674549a5d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26778 Roll Dart SDK from 142674549a5d to 2084c5eeef79 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26779 Roll Skia from af8047dbb849 to fab6ede2ec1d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26780 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 0JD2eM0c_... to ih-TlZVj9... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26783 Replace flutter_runner::Thread with fml::Thread (cla: yes, platform-web, platform-fuchsia, needs tests)
26785 Surface frame number identifier through window (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26787 Update NDK from r21 to r22 (cla: yes)
26789 Fix a leak of the resource EGL context on Android (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26790 Roll Skia from fab6ede2ec1d to 33da72d168d7 (24 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26791 Emit ViewRefFocused events in flutter_runner (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
26792 Roll Dart SDK from 2084c5eeef79 to 914b1c6d1c88 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26793 Roll Skia from 33da72d168d7 to 491282486e34 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26795 Roll Skia from 491282486e34 to b2cb817d23d0 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26799 Roll Dart SDK from 914b1c6d1c88 to 369366069b83 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26801 Roll Skia from b2cb817d23d0 to e8502cc73c5d (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26803 Revert "Support scrolling in iOS accessibility (#26671)" (platform-ios, cla: yes)
26805 Roll Skia from e8502cc73c5d to 8e814b3be082 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26807 Roll Dart SDK from 369366069b83 to 0796dd6c7bcf (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26809 Roll Skia from 8e814b3be082 to ca8191b0adef (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26810 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from ih-TlZVj9... to qEI_C9coX... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26811 [web] Render RTL text correctly (cla: yes, platform-web)
26812 Revert "Remove autoninja calls from the analyze script." (cla: yes)
26813 Issues/80711 reland (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26815 [build] Speed up incremental & no-op builds. (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
26816 [metal] Remove invalid texture error message (cla: yes, embedder)
26817 Roll buildroot to fc82ca44f1ae85c5fbfa06bd313477539ca50729 (cla: yes)
26819 Roll Skia from ca8191b0adef to 3f0e25ca47ff (15 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26820 [canvaskit] Fix bug where empty scene doesn't overwrite contentful scene (cla: yes, platform-web)
26822 Remove gn. ninja commands from test runner. (cla: yes)
26823 Remove built-in shadows from the @Config annotation (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26825 Migrate //testing to nullsafety (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
26826 Android lint to NNBD (cla: yes)
26827 Roll Skia from 3f0e25ca47ff to 7bf6bc0d0604 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26828 Remove outdated annotations from fixtures (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt, embedder)
26829 Roll Skia from 7bf6bc0d0604 to 5a479e187db4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26831 Remove analyze script (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26832 Roll Dart SDK from 0796dd6c7bcf to bb03d195583c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26833 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from qEI_C9coX... to K1Tu371Kz... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26834 Roll Dart SDK from bb03d195583c to 46a04dccfcdc (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26836 Roll Dart SDK from 46a04dccfcdc to 1fd0db5918c3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26838 Roll Skia from 5a479e187db4 to fe83ab67063c (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26839 Roll Skia from fe83ab67063c to 2421b9901b29 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26841 Roll Skia from 2421b9901b29 to 685e09b31a97 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26842 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from K1Tu371Kz... to YvOB9uq1d... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26843 Roll Dart SDK from 1fd0db5918c3 to b30cd791a933 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26844 Roll Skia from 685e09b31a97 to efe9df37e08d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26845 Roll Dart SDK from b30cd791a933 to debd5e54b544 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26846 Roll Skia from efe9df37e08d to 9a4824b47c03 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26847 Add missing context switches in Rasterizer (cla: yes, embedder)
26848 [docs] Add Gradient.sweep and TileMode.decal images (cla: yes)
26849 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from YvOB9uq1d... to _YU5l2N-C... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26850 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from _YU5l2N-C... to krpEDaT56... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26851 Roll Skia from 9a4824b47c03 to 64751750f474 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26852 Typo in tests names (cla: yes)
26853 Roll Dart SDK from debd5e54b544 to 77bc0eb4b39a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26855 Fix potential crash of "divide by zero" for invalid GIF image source. (cla: yes)
26857 Windows: Resize synchronization shouldn't wait for vsync if window is hidden (cla: yes, platform-windows)
26859 Revert "Issues/80711 reland (#26813)" (cla: yes)
26860 Reland ios accessibility scrolling support (platform-ios, cla: yes)
26868 Update cirrus gcloud credentials (cla: yes)
26870 Remove tech debt related to image disposal and layer GC (cla: yes)
26871 Roll Skia from 64751750f474 to 9f73b04b437d (10 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26872 Roll Dart SDK from 77bc0eb4b39a to b260adefae51 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26873 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from krpEDaT56... to 8F5w2I_W6... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26876 Roll Skia from 9f73b04b437d to 79e706ad238f (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26877 Remove usages of --no-causal-async-stacks (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
26878 Roll Dart SDK from b260adefae51 to 90aa0bd86307 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26881 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 8F5w2I_W6... to b88AaXCwv... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26883 Const finder NNBD (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26884 Roll Skia from 79e706ad238f to 343588ddf0e2 (11 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26885 Roll Dart SDK from 90aa0bd86307 to 7dcf180a625a (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26886 Increase CIPD package verification timeout (cla: yes)
26887 [canvaskit] Make the surface size exactly the window size so filters work correctly at the edges (cla: yes, platform-web)
26888 [web] Librarify paragraph/text files (cla: yes, platform-web, needs tests)
26889 Adds a python script for doing prod rebuilds (cla: yes)
26890 [flutter_releases] Flutter Beta 2.3.0-24.1.pre Engine Cherrypicks (platform-android, cla: yes)
26891 Roll Skia from 343588ddf0e2 to e2c4e7e62dad (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26892 fix javadoc (platform-android, affects: docs, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
26893 Roll Skia from e2c4e7e62dad to 80c83a1225d9 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26895 Fix tools/luci/build.py script (cla: yes)
26908 [web] Honor background color when rendering text to dom (cla: yes, platform-web)
26909 Reserve space for the line metrics styles created by ParagraphSkia::GetLineMetrics (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26910 Make clang_tidy test more hermetic (cla: yes)
26915 Roll Dart SDK from 7dcf180a625a to 2ca3cb6a1247 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26916 Symbolize crash backtraces using the Abseil debugging library (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26917 [web] Librarify keyboard files (cla: yes, platform-web)
26918 Roll Skia from 80c83a1225d9 to d1d0a9f1f334 (19 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26919 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from b88AaXCwv... to eN9tZUQWG... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26920 Roll Skia from d1d0a9f1f334 to b1e8f85fb802 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26921 Use unstripped executables when running tests on Linux (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26922 Update ci.yaml documentation link (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26923 Roll Skia from b1e8f85fb802 to 9a2d3d1e19e7 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26924 Make fuchsia python scripts work with python3 (cla: yes)
26925 Roll Dart SDK from 2ca3cb6a1247 to 092a61ba6f58 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26926 Roll Skia from 9a2d3d1e19e7 to aa938cea3385 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26927 font-subset builds its own zip bundle and adds a README (cla: yes)
26928 Implement a DisplayList mechanism similar to the Skia SkLiteDL mechanism (affects: engine, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26929 Roll Skia from aa938cea3385 to 83420eb81773 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26930 Roll Skia from 83420eb81773 to 8c3036c14570 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26931 Add an option to use a prebuilt Dart SDK (cla: yes, platform-web, needs tests)
26932 Roll Dart SDK from 092a61ba6f58 to 33c9448f6dbe (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26933 Roll Skia from 8c3036c14570 to 2bf88911b930 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26934 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from eN9tZUQWG... to ntgCqOS4m... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26935 Roll Dart SDK from 33c9448f6dbe to 4b5364175b06 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26936 Roll Skia from 2bf88911b930 to ecee7cc6fe88 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26937 Roll Skia from ecee7cc6fe88 to c5a65cb22d36 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26940 Roll Skia from c5a65cb22d36 to 3722d3195be5 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26941 [flutter_releases] Flutter Beta 2.3.0-24.1.pre Engine Cherrypicks (platform-android, cla: yes, platform-web, platform-fuchsia)
26943 Roll Skia from 3722d3195be5 to bd7ed7434a65 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26944 Roll CanvasKit to 0.28.0 (cla: yes, platform-web)
26945 Roll buildroot to 275038b8be7196927b0f71770701f3c2c3744860 (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26946 Builder configuration for windows_host_engine. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26947 Roll Skia from bd7ed7434a65 to 559185ad34e1 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26948 Roll Dart SDK from 4b5364175b06 to 557c841b50bd (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26949 Remove unused file: flutter/lib/spirv/test/exception_shaders/assemble.py, spirv-assembler.cc is what is actually used (cla: yes)
26950 Roll Skia from 559185ad34e1 to 9c81a4b7047d (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26951 Add unit tests for Dart entrypoint arguments on Linux (cla: yes, platform-linux)
26955 Roll Dart SDK from 557c841b50bd to 3a23cb476b32 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26956 Removes unnecessary error message: "Invalid read in StandardCodecByteStreamReader" for cpp BasicMessageChannel (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26957 Roll Skia from 9c81a4b7047d to 0b04b6b16f1f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26958 Make const_finder a kernel snapshot rather than app_jit (cla: yes)
26959 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from ntgCqOS4m... to BPvUey1RN... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26960 Roll Skia from 0b04b6b16f1f to cb316203573f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26961 Roll Skia from cb316203573f to 3a35f0b263cb (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26962 Roll Dart SDK from 3a23cb476b32 to 82e9a9e0dc8a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26963 Roll Skia from 3a35f0b263cb to e58831cd9578 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26964 Roll Dart SDK from 82e9a9e0dc8a to 624322b41ddb (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26965 Roll Skia from e58831cd9578 to 68d6983acd82 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26966 Roll Skia from 68d6983acd82 to bef379ba620a (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26967 Roll Skia from bef379ba620a to d253088fc211 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26968 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from BPvUey1RN... to T_EmrITXO... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26970 Record raster end as soon as frame is submitted (cla: yes)
26972 Roll Skia from d253088fc211 to 7bf799956d8b (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26975 Roll Dart SDK from 624322b41ddb to 4f1a93c0cd09 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26978 Roll Skia from 7bf799956d8b to 688d3180ab9d (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26979 [iOS TextInput] Disables system keyboard for TextInputType.none (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26980 Roll Dart SDK from 4f1a93c0cd09 to d2025958e351 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26981 [canvaskit] make picture disposal work on older browsers (cla: yes, platform-web)
26983 Roll Skia from 688d3180ab9d to 9f745d90d0e8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26985 Roll Skia from 9f745d90d0e8 to 1d9fe0090a7e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26986 Use package:clang_tidy in git pre-push hook (cla: yes)
26987 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from T_EmrITXO... to fSBeRabKp... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26988 Add missing license headers (cla: yes)
26989 Roll Skia from 1d9fe0090a7e to 96a7f06201e6 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26990 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from fSBeRabKp... to z6trYeCMx... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26991 [web] make analysis options delta of root options (cla: yes, platform-web)
26992 [web] fix actions flags in SemanticsTester (cla: yes, platform-web, needs tests)
26993 Minor correction of hyperlinks in FlutterFragment.java (platform-android, cla: yes)
26994 Always complete platform message requests. (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
26997 Remove presubmit flake reporting instructions from issue template. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26998 Roll Skia from 96a7f06201e6 to 0f1ac21185fe (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26999 --sound-null-safety instead of enable-experiment where possible (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web, platform-fuchsia)
27000 Roll Skia from 0f1ac21185fe to b1590f15a32b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27001 Roll Skia from b1590f15a32b to eef5b0e933e3 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27002 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from z6trYeCMx... to R1ENSI-od... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27003 Roll Dart SDK from d2025958e351 to eca780278d49 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27005 [refactor] Migrate to View.focus.*. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
27006 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from TqViQQzJo... to 4udsaggtH... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27007 Fix Fuchsia build on Mac (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27009 [web] felt --watch fixes (cla: yes, platform-web, needs tests)
27011 Roll Skia from eef5b0e933e3 to e5766b808045 (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27012 Allow fuchsia_archive to accept a cml file and cmx file (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
27013 Roll CanvasKit to 0.28.1 (cla: yes, platform-web)
27014 Revert "[Engine] Support for Android Fullscreen Modes" (platform-ios, platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27015 Roll Dart SDK from eca780278d49 to bbd701b4ba76 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27016 Configure contexts to reduce shader variations. (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
27018 Re-land Android fullscreen support (platform-ios, platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27019 Support right-clicking on iPadOS (platform-ios, cla: yes)
27020 Roll Skia from e5766b808045 to 661abd0f8d64 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27023 Roll Skia from 661abd0f8d64 to 1bddd42b9897 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27024 Roll Dart SDK from bbd701b4ba76 to fff3a3747a18 (1 revision) (cla: yes)
27025 Roll Skia from 1bddd42b9897 to baae2dd7fb9d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27026 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from R1ENSI-od... to vWnaCinzz... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27027 Roll Skia from baae2dd7fb9d to a7d429464276 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27028 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 4udsaggtH... to qq5J5tHIA... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27029 Roll Skia from a7d429464276 to 78af79e98d66 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27030 Roll Dart SDK from fff3a3747a18 to e6e47f919791 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27031 Roll Skia from 78af79e98d66 to 1df8756419ee (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27032 Roll Dart SDK from e6e47f919791 to 59f9594aed9a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27035 Roll Skia from 1df8756419ee to 4716a7681e4a (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27036 Prepare for cfv2 unittests. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
27038 Create flag to enable/disable FlutterView render surface conversion (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27039 Roll Skia from 4716a7681e4a to 62ce2488f744 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27040 Roll Dart SDK from 59f9594aed9a to 5103185fdff6 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27047 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from vWnaCinzz... to 2FIILk5GN... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27048 Temporarily opt out of reduced shaders variants till roll issues are resolved. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, needs tests, embedder)
27049 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from qq5J5tHIA... to eMHAbJpmO... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27050 Roll Skia from 62ce2488f744 to c6804edbaefc (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27051 Removes the licence check from cirrus (cla: yes)
27052 Give FlutterView a view ID (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27053 Fix use-after-free. (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia, needs tests)
27054 Roll Dart SDK from 5103185fdff6 to 9d7c40ba84c4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27055 Roll Skia from c6804edbaefc to 55b401ed9e6c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27056 Update buildroot to ignore new warnings from Clang package update (cla: yes)
27057 Delete legacy focus platform message request handlers. (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
27058 Roll Dart SDK from 9d7c40ba84c4 to d01a840fa25b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27059 Revert "--sound-null-safety instead of enable-experiment where possible" (cla: yes, platform-web)
27060 Roll Dart SDK from d01a840fa25b to 75ae501952db (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27061 Roll Skia from 55b401ed9e6c to 76e45134b8a7 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27062 Fix crash when splash screen is not specified for FlutterFragmentActivity (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, needs tests)
27063 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 2FIILk5GN... to 8L02NQinV... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27064 Do not expect WM_CHAR if control or windows key is pressed (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-windows)
27065 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from eMHAbJpmO... to pjxq0wD6b... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27066 Roll Dart SDK from 75ae501952db to 8234f00e521a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27067 Roll Skia from 76e45134b8a7 to b393c4bccd5f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27068 Roll Skia from b393c4bccd5f to c9897a55650a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27069 Partial reland of sound null safety for VM tests (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27070 [web][felt] Fix stdout inheritance for sub-processes (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web, needs tests)
27071 [web] Librarify text editing files (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
27072 Remove unnecessary experiment flag (cla: yes, platform-web, platform-fuchsia)
27073 Roll Skia from c9897a55650a to e1f72377e574 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27074 FrameTimings captures raster finish time in wall-clock time (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27075 Reland "fuchsia: Delete all the legacy code! (#26422)" (cla: yes, platform-web, platform-fuchsia)
27077 Roll Fuchsia from 275038b8be7196927b0f71770701f3c2c3744860 to 86a2f5264f8dc496dccdd4060e4bad4c33eef552 (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27078 Roll Skia from e1f72377e574 to 0734c6223cb8 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27079 Roll Dart SDK from 8234f00e521a to 54c79f559d23 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27080 JavaDoc error fix (platform-android, cla: yes, needs tests)
27081 [flutter_releases] Flutter Stable 2.2.3 Engine Cherrypicks (platform-android, cla: yes)
27083 Fixes inset padding in android accessibility bridge (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27084 [web] replace browser-related conditional logic with BrowserEnvironment (cla: yes, platform-web, needs tests)
27086 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 8L02NQinV... to TwKuP0eAM... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27087 [flutter_releases] Flutter Stable 2.2.3 Engine Cherrypicks Pt 2 (platform-android, cla: yes, needs tests)
27088 Update include path in FlutterDarwinContextMetal.mm (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, needs tests)
27089 [web] fix macOS info collection; print only on bot; propagate errors (cla: yes, platform-web, needs tests)
27091 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from pjxq0wD6b... to OzIwVa3oF... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27092 Roll Dart SDK from 54c79f559d23 to 3dc08e6ea29d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27098 Windows: Allow win32 apps to initialize with different assets path or AOT filename (cla: yes, platform-windows)
27109 Skip failing web golden tests (cla: yes, platform-web)
27112 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from TwKuP0eAM... to jJi9pAzTk... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27113 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from OzIwVa3oF... to tWUmW9zse... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27114 [web] skip overlay test on Safari (cla: yes, platform-web)
27115 Roll Skia from 0734c6223cb8 to 024668cf7f46 (25 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27118 Make scrollable unfocusable when voiceover is running (platform-ios, cla: yes)
27119 Roll Dart SDK from 3dc08e6ea29d to 428382bd1c75 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27121 Roll Skia from 024668cf7f46 to d584ddd1519c (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27123 Avoid capturing raw pointers to the SkPicture/DisplayList used by the RasterizeToImage draw callback (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, needs tests)
27124 [flow] Switch to directional shadows (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27125 Move the Android API JAR ahead of the third-party dependencies in the Javadoc classpath (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27126 Rename SkiaGPUObject::get() to skia_object() (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27127 Roll Skia from d584ddd1519c to 3c227305ac28 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27129 Roll Skia from 3c227305ac28 to 3dd52c758b6c (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27130 enable DisplayList by default (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27132 Roll Dart SDK from 428382bd1c75 to c514a807e19d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27133 Roll Skia from 3dd52c758b6c to b14bdcfee9b7 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27134 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from jJi9pAzTk... to jzKy-rCeR... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27135 Roll Skia from b14bdcfee9b7 to 9c060b55e116 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27136 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from tWUmW9zse... to 4MLcvcjCH... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27137 Roll Dart SDK from c514a807e19d to 3c78c06ceb91 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27139 Roll Dart SDK from 3c78c06ceb91 to f860b70c98d0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27140 Roll Skia from 9c060b55e116 to 1c467774e56e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27141 Use a Pbuffer surface when the onscreen surface is not available for snapshotting on Android (platform-ios, platform-android, cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
27142 Make rasterFinishWallTime required (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web, needs tests)
27143 Roll Skia from 1c467774e56e to e9ab391765c7 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27144 [canvaskit] Update goldens test for Thai (cla: yes, platform-web)
27145 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from jzKy-rCeR... to oiyYFMOd3... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27146 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 4MLcvcjCH... to QbIpQIqxK... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27148 Roll Skia from e9ab391765c7 to 04d79fc59488 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27149 fuchsia: Handle clips on platform views (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia, needs tests)
27150 Fix zip bundle structure (cla: yes)
27151 [web] Librarify semantics files (cla: yes, platform-web)
27152 Follow up cleanup of some unit tests for right click handling. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27153 Revert "enable DisplayList by default" (cla: yes)
27154 [web] Reassign content to temporary slot so Safari can delete it. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
27155 add support for SkPathEffect to DisplayList (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27157 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from oiyYFMOd3... to chKeQc7Mz... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27159 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from QbIpQIqxK... to tSP7U5udy... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27161 Roll Dart SDK from f860b70c98d0 to 559da0f2d2a4 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27162 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from chKeQc7Mz... to 1cvQeFtFt... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27163 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from tSP7U5udy... to GbnevjaIL... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27164 Roll Skia from 04d79fc59488 to e5d312975fea (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27165 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 1cvQeFtFt... to bWBLMrWY9... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27166 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from GbnevjaIL... to _qjVyc39z... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27167 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from bWBLMrWY9... to Bdm6sG4U3... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27168 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from _qjVyc39z... to H_WclqYkW... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27169 Roll Skia from e5d312975fea to 47540bb36158 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27170 Roll Skia from 47540bb36158 to 8cbd2b476cdb (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27171 Roll Dart SDK from 559da0f2d2a4 to f99e4033de1a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27172 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from Bdm6sG4U3... to etX11y7Bd... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27173 Roll Dart SDK from f99e4033de1a to 9b7b9f735866 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27174 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from H_WclqYkW... to C2OiQOT3x... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27175 (Reland) enable DisplayList mechanism over SkPicture by default (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27176 Roll Dart SDK from 9b7b9f735866 to bae7f5908cfb (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27177 Roll Dart SDK from bae7f5908cfb to 2758c89236ac (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27178 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from etX11y7Bd... to FYI3wC-M1... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27179 Roll Dart SDK from 2758c89236ac to 4c71ad843de0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27180 Roll Skia from 8cbd2b476cdb to e355e73eedad (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27181 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from C2OiQOT3x... to a1MOPse95... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27182 Roll Skia from e355e73eedad to fcd068ad7215 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27183 Roll Dart SDK from 4c71ad843de0 to 8ad824d8b114 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27186 Roll Dart SDK from 8ad824d8b114 to 4422591ed19b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27188 Roll Skia from fcd068ad7215 to ad77b4db8dc6 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27189 MacOS: Release backbuffer surface when idle (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-macos, needs tests)
27190 Roll Skia from ad77b4db8dc6 to 3037d9f322ff (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27191 MacOS (metal): Block raster thread instead of platform thread (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-macos, needs tests)
27193 Roll Dart SDK from 4422591ed19b to 586ecc5a0697 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27195 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from a1MOPse95... to CEpfImAgA... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27196 Roll Skia from 3037d9f322ff to 40242241c3bf (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27198 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from FYI3wC-M1... to YKiGmmdKT... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27201 Roll Skia from 40242241c3bf to 40586cf1f885 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27202 Roll Dart SDK from 586ecc5a0697 to 6f9810c8f7da (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27203 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from CEpfImAgA... to MVQ4QtbNK... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27207 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from YKiGmmdKT... to 57vjq86y7... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27208 Roll Skia from 40586cf1f885 to 66657d17c64b (11 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27209 [web] Clean up librarified files (cla: yes, platform-web)
27211 Adds python3_action GN target (cla: yes)
27213 Roll Skia from 66657d17c64b to 55d339c34879 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27214 Hides the scroll bar from UIScrollView (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27215 Avoid passive clipboard read on Android (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27216 Roll Skia from 55d339c34879 to 2dc2859c70b0 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27217 Roll Dart SDK from 6f9810c8f7da to 8697e05f98df (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27220 Roll Skia from 2dc2859c70b0 to f60052072ca9 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27222 Emit more info while running pre-push githooks (cla: yes, needs tests)
27224 Roll Skia from f60052072ca9 to 90f4e9f5f700 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27225 Fix spelling Ingore->Ignore (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27226 [fuchsia] make dart_runner work with cfv2 (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia, needs tests)
27227 Remove unnecessary variable assignment (cla: yes, platform-windows, needs tests)
27228 Roll Skia from 90f4e9f5f700 to d390c642acfb (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27229 Roll Dart SDK from 8697e05f98df to 2ec59f6c0e47 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27230 Revert "(Reland) enable DisplayList mechanism over SkPicture by default" (cla: yes)
27231 Roll Skia from d390c642acfb to bc26cfc9a54a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27232 [web] Librarify html renderer files (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
27233 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from MVQ4QtbNK... to AI_KDVmMU... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27234 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 57vjq86y7... to fgd_fxgRy... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27235 Roll Clang Mac from AA9aCrWNr... to GUxdhOlaK... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27236 Roll Clang Linux from d9nnr4pVX... to eDzL2utDI... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27237 Roll Dart SDK from 2ec59f6c0e47 to e4125ef075e6 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27238 Remove sky_services, flutter_services (cla: yes, needs tests)
27239 Roll Skia from bc26cfc9a54a to 744c6a1b1992 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27240 pub get offline for scenario_app (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27241 Migrate non-scenic-based fuchsia tests to cfv2. (affects: tests, cla: yes, platform-fuchsia, tech-debt)
27242 Roll Skia from 744c6a1b1992 to d471e7c36dd4 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27243 Roll Skia from d471e7c36dd4 to ae7f7edd499b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27244 Roll Skia from ae7f7edd499b to a2d6890c5b9b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27246 Roll Skia from a2d6890c5b9b to e822837a1322 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27247 Roll Dart SDK from e4125ef075e6 to 3f177d9ad50c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27248 Roll Skia from e822837a1322 to ba70138477f5 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27249 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from fgd_fxgRy... to HXQigwdUe... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27250 Roll Skia from ba70138477f5 to 26ea975e6c9d (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27251 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from AI_KDVmMU... to KsHfXaCpD... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27255 Roll Skia from 26ea975e6c9d to a89781215a81 (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27257 delete references to FilterQuality prior to its removal (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27258 Roll Dart SDK from 3f177d9ad50c to eb6ae1c165fc (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27259 Roll Skia from a89781215a81 to 54fd2c59bff2 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27260 Roll webp to 1.2.0 and buildroot (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27262 Set Flutter View ID to the view ID instead of of the splash screen (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27263 Roll Skia from 54fd2c59bff2 to 3c636f0987c6 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27264 Fix prebuilt Dart SDK use on Windows (cla: yes, platform-web)
27265 Roll Skia from 3c636f0987c6 to b1fd64e82efd (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27266 Windows: Fix AltGr key causing CtrlLeft to hang (affects: text input, cla: yes, platform-windows)
27268 Revert "Roll webp to 1.2.0 and buildroot" (cla: yes)
27269 Roll Skia from b1fd64e82efd to c2f5b311ceac (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27270 Roll Dart SDK from eb6ae1c165fc to ae01d698532b (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27271 Roll Skia from c2f5b311ceac to 39122d445939 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27272 Reland webp 1.2.0 (cla: yes)
27273 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from HXQigwdUe... to pt_XKNLXb... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27274 Use the prebuilt SDK's VM to run its frontend_server (cla: yes)
27275 Roll Skia from 39122d445939 to f5bd4e4b9f6b (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27276 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from KsHfXaCpD... to OPhOQ6shB... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27279 Roll Dart SDK from ae01d698532b to a8c4933bf92e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27280 Roll Skia from f5bd4e4b9f6b to beb2fbf0e66a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27281 Roll Skia from beb2fbf0e66a to 8573dab150a7 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27282 Roll Skia from 8573dab150a7 to 552a81a6c78b (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27284 Fix host_release tests for prebuilt Dart SDK (cla: yes)
27285 Roll Skia from 552a81a6c78b to 768843b52f9d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27286 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from pt_XKNLXb... to MkrnXce9t... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27287 Roll Skia from 768843b52f9d to b161a77d0321 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27288 [ci.yaml] Add platform_args, properties, recipe, and timeout information (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27289 encode DPR for shadows into DisplayList (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27290 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from OPhOQ6shB... to 7q7h2ljWo... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27291 Roll Dart SDK from a8c4933bf92e to 83a559e0a9bd (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27292 Build testing/dart snapshots with GN instead of in run_tests.py (cla: yes)
27293 Roll Skia from b161a77d0321 to 4b6e2f0d8818 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27294 Dispose of embedded views in CanvasKit after resize (cla: yes, platform-web)
27295 Fix the firebase scenario app run and assert that it does good things (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, needs tests)
27296 [web] Librarify all remaining files (cla: yes, platform-web, needs tests)
27298 Roll Dart SDK from 83a559e0a9bd to ab8bac9fd542 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27299 [web] delete e2etests and all related tooling (cla: yes, platform-web)
27300 Roll Dart SDK from ab8bac9fd542 to 812bf07cf737 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27301 Fix duplicated keys with CONTROL key toggled (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-windows)
27302 Build rules for scenario_app (cla: yes)
27304 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 7q7h2ljWo... to C6i1FgtOK... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27305 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from MkrnXce9t... to MKuIBsUt-... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27306 Roll Dart SDK from 812bf07cf737 to 40695d910591 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27308 Roll Dart SDK from 40695d910591 to fb3ebe02a0bb (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27309 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from MKuIBsUt-... to XZIR07Fmq... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27310 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from C6i1FgtOK... to FV0wVt4TU... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27311 Windows: Implement GetPreferredLanguages for UWP and support l18n (cla: yes, platform-windows, needs tests)
27314 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from XZIR07Fmq... to gySDhb-Ea... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27315 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from FV0wVt4TU... to rc7UXpK1K... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27320 Fixes some bugs when multiple Flutter VC shared one engine (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27321 Fix import order to unblock Dart roll (cla: yes, needs tests)
27322 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from gySDhb-Ea... to DM-zc7Snb... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27323 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from rc7UXpK1K... to PzuC0jXIy... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27327 fuchsia: Update SessionConnection & tests w/ FakeScenic (affects: tests, cla: yes, platform-fuchsia, tech-debt)
27329 [web] remove no longer used setFilterQuality (cla: yes, platform-web)
27330 [fuchsia] Cleanup unused method in dart:zircon handle (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia, needs tests)
27331 disable the directives_ordering lint (cla: yes)
27332 Make FlutterFragment usable without requiring it to be attached to an Android Activity. (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, needs tests)
27333 remove references to deprecated SkPaint::getBlendMode() (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27338 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from PzuC0jXIy... to vWn_wwccR... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27339 update the analysis options for tools/licenses (cla: yes, needs tests)
27340 [web] make Pipeline.run throw (cla: yes, platform-web, needs tests)
27341 [web] Final cleanup after librarification is complete (cla: yes, platform-web, needs tests)
27342 Add the ability to change the CanvasKit url at runtime. (cla: yes, platform-web, needs tests)
27343 Add [[nodiscard]] decorations to fml::HashCombine. (cla: yes)
27344 Don't specify the secondary build tree when importing glfw. (cla: yes)
27345 Build the robolectric tests by default for debug armv7 (platform-android, cla: yes)
27346 restore the directives_ordering lint (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, needs tests)
27347 Do not use the centralized graphics context options for Fuchsia Vulkan contexts (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia, needs tests)
27348 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from XuEHwe6le... to wUg-tGGCL... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27349 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from vWn_wwccR... to hykYtaK7D... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27350 Make dart wrappable classes use only one native field (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia, needs tests)
27352 Roll Skia from 4b6e2f0d8818 to 224e3e257d06 (42 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27353 [fuchsia] Use FFI to get System clockMonotonic (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia, needs tests)
27354 Ensure gclient sync is successful on an M1 Mac host. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-macos)
27355 Roll Dart SDK from fb3ebe02a0bb to 2b81a20ef985 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27358 Revert "Build rules for scenario_app" (cla: yes)
27360 Reland build rules for scenario app (cla: yes)
27361 [web] Fix webkit ColorFilter.mode for webkit (cla: yes, platform-web)
27362 NNBD migration for scenario_app (cla: yes)
27364 Revert "NNBD migration for scenario_app" (cla: yes, needs tests)
27365 Scenario nnbd (cla: yes, needs tests)
27366 Roll Dart SDK from 2b81a20ef985 to 3c094fbf2093 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27367 Fix dart analysis (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, needs tests)
27368 Switch test_suites to yaml. (affects: tests, cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
27370 refactor and simplify CI dart analysis (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27371 Set ANDROID_HOME in run_gradle.py (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27373 Enable Dart compressed pointers for 64-bit mobile targets (cla: yes)
27374 Roll Dart SDK from 3c094fbf2093 to ab009483f343 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27375 [web] fix a few analysis lints (cla: yes, platform-web)
27377 [fuchsia] fix race in DefaultSessionConnection (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia, needs tests)
27382 Revert "Make FlutterFragment usable without requiring it to be attached to an Android Activity." (platform-android, cla: yes)
27392 Add embedder unit test that reproduces https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/46275 (cla: yes, embedder)
27397 Make FlutterFragment usable without requiring it to be attached to an Android Activity. (Attempt 2) (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27398 Avoid using CompletableFuture (cla: yes)
27399 Roll Skia from 224e3e257d06 to 773a0b8c7e74 (44 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27400 [ci.yaml] Add Linux Android Scenarios postsubmit (cla: yes)
27401 remove the use of package:isolate (cla: yes, needs tests)
27402 Roll Skia from 773a0b8c7e74 to 36c1804e8f5c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27403 Roll Dart SDK from ab009483f343 to 746879714c96 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27405 [ci.yaml] Add linux benchmarks, add enabled branches (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27406 [web] enable always_specify_types lint (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27407 Reland enable DisplayList by default (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27408 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from wUg-tGGCL... to uhahzGJ6H... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27409 Lint android scenario app (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27410 Roll Skia from 36c1804e8f5c to 947a2eb3c043 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27415 [ci.yaml] Add xcode property to ci.yaml (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27416 Update the Fuchsia runner to use fpromise instead of fit::promise (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
27417 Add flutter test suites to test_suites.yaml. (affects: tests, cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
27420 [web] enable prefer_final_locals lint (cla: yes, platform-web)
27422 [ci.yaml] Mark Linux Android Scenarios as flaky (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27426 Roll Skia from 947a2eb3c043 to 9081276b2907 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27427 Accounts for inverse pixel ratio transform in screen rects. (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
27430 Roll Skia from 9081276b2907 to 0547b914f691 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27431 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from hykYtaK7D... to s2vrjrfuS... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27432 Roll Dart SDK from 746879714c96 to d53eb1066384 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27433 fuchsia: Log vsync stats in inspect (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia, needs tests)
27434 Use python to run firebase testlab, do not expect recipe to know location of APK (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27435 Adjust web_sdk rule deps (cla: yes, platform-web)
27436 Roll Skia from 0547b914f691 to 7d336c9557bd (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27438 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from uhahzGJ6H... to TWPguQ-ow... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27439 Roll Dart SDK from d53eb1066384 to fcbaa0a90b4b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27440 Roll Skia from 7d336c9557bd to 7dc26fadc90b (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27441 [ios] Fix memory leak in CFRef's move assignment operator. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27442 Roll Skia from 7dc26fadc90b to dd561d021470 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27443 Roll Skia from dd561d021470 to 0e99fbe5da5c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27445 Remove unused generate_dart_ui target (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27446 Roll Dart SDK from fcbaa0a90b4b to 207232b5abe0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27447 Roll Skia from 0e99fbe5da5c to a2d22b2e085e (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27448 Roll Skia from a2d22b2e085e to 3c8ae888b9d4 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27449 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from s2vrjrfuS... to dQkk1o8zS... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27450 Roll Skia from 3c8ae888b9d4 to 78aa969b2f75 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27454 [ci.yaml] Fix osx_sdk cache name (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27455 Replace array<fml::Thread, 3> with ThreadHost. (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia, needs tests)
27459 [fuchsia] boot lockup debugging improvements (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia, needs tests)
27460 Roll Skia from 78aa969b2f75 to 24f687942266 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27461 Fixes scrollable behavior in voiceover (platform-ios, cla: yes)
27462 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from TWPguQ-ow... to Cijd5dDSL... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27464 [web] dartdoc for PipelineStatus (cla: yes, platform-web, needs tests)
27465 Add a unit test for dart entrypoint args on macOS (cla: yes, platform-macos)
27466 Roll Skia from 24f687942266 to 763be55a9ed7 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27467 Roll Skia from 763be55a9ed7 to e2a9bdfba448 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27470 Roll Skia from e2a9bdfba448 to 385e0d77bee0 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27475 Revert "Reland enable DisplayList by default" (cla: yes)
27476 Roll Dart SDK from 207232b5abe0 to 87a4768078b2 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27477 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from Cijd5dDSL... to FwgLM4h6t... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27479 Roll Skia from 385e0d77bee0 to 657e375a16e6 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27482 Fix logcat checking (cla: yes)
27483 Roll Skia from 657e375a16e6 to f2de1b8b4dcf (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27484 Verbose output on CI from download_dart_sdk.py (cla: yes)
27485 Roll Skia from f2de1b8b4dcf to 94fda947ebeb (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27486 [flutter_releases] Migrate stable *_builders.json to ci.yaml (cla: yes)
27487 [flutter_release] Update beta .ci.yaml (cla: yes)
27488 Roll Skia from 94fda947ebeb to 3339e570a14f (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27489 Roll Dart SDK from 87a4768078b2 to 2abf053a8e9a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27490 Roll Skia from 3339e570a14f to 8c3adb8b1adb (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27491 Place Emoji fallback font at the front of the list (cla: yes, platform-web)
27492 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from dQkk1o8zS... to ufdC-mDPS... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27493 Revert dart rolls (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27495 [web] separate tests into build + test steps; add run command (cla: yes, platform-web)
27497 Add unit tests for Dart entrypoint arguments on Windows (cla: yes, platform-windows)
27498 Roll Skia from 8c3adb8b1adb to fe5d07a8e471 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27499 Roll Dart SDK from 207232b5abe0 to c99d9ea1ac3a (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27500 Roll Skia from fe5d07a8e471 to fb0440e5bcb6 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27501 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from FwgLM4h6t... to JuA3-RaN-... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27502 Roll Skia from fb0440e5bcb6 to c82ab0839f06 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27503 add test for scaled playback of DL and SkPicture (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27504 Roll Skia from c82ab0839f06 to 7c79a871c084 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27505 Roll Dart SDK from c99d9ea1ac3a to 6be3bb459ef1 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27506 MacOS: Fix external texture not working in OpenGL mode (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, needs tests, embedder)
27507 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from ufdC-mDPS... to Y9N1cBuxa... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27508 Do not resolve external textures unless there is new frame available (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, embedder)
27511 Roll Skia from 7c79a871c084 to 11a20bbbf4d5 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27512 Roll Skia from 11a20bbbf4d5 to 01e6273c46f0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27513 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from JuA3-RaN-... to 0PyjWN1eh... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27514 Roll Dart SDK from 6be3bb459ef1 to b410651bd18e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27516 Roll Skia from 01e6273c46f0 to 3d49efa8e177 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27517 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from Y9N1cBuxa... to jBy624LbH... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27520 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 0PyjWN1eh... to uhLYz8rWn... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27521 Roll Skia from 3d49efa8e177 to 8837c919fb8b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27523 Roll Skia from 8837c919fb8b to f02aa80ba91b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27524 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from jBy624LbH... to 1yUmKH13E... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27525 Roll Skia from f02aa80ba91b to 1f261da41ea4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27527 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from uhLYz8rWn... to vfv7CH0zH... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27532 Disables pre-push checks on Windows, runs checks in sequence elsewhere (cla: yes, needs tests)
27535 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 1yUmKH13E... to FGuPZEZLt... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27537 Roll Skia from 1f261da41ea4 to 52d6bd49747f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27539 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from vfv7CH0zH... to 897eI2xwc... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27540 Roll Skia from 52d6bd49747f to 95cc53bafd5f (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27544 Roll Skia from 95cc53bafd5f to 8f553a769b2b (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27545 Fix wrong thread name in thread_checker (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27546 Warn, but don't fail if prebuilt SDK could not be fetched (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27554 Roll Skia from 8f553a769b2b to fe49b2c6f41b (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27561 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from FGuPZEZLt... to 665qcW5C1... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27563 [web] Fix inability to type in text fields in iOS (affects: text input, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
27564 Roll Skia from fe49b2c6f41b to 946a4cb8acb7 (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27566 Added a test filter for objc tests (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27567 [web] use a different method for launching desktop safari (cla: yes, platform-web, needs tests)
27569 Extract the prebuilt Dart SDK to a temp directory and then move it after the extraction completes (cla: yes)
27572 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 897eI2xwc... to rQOi2N8BM... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27573 Roll Skia from 946a4cb8acb7 to 38a6e5aa1a49 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27574 Roll Skia from 38a6e5aa1a49 to 2373b9ed9617 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27575 Roll Skia from 2373b9ed9617 to 3f6e8d8864bb (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27576 Roll Skia from 3f6e8d8864bb to b5cd95b58fba (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27578 Roll Skia from b5cd95b58fba to d37bb6ae7248 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27581 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 665qcW5C1... to q6H_ZE5Bs... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27582 Roll Dart SDK from b410651bd18e to f82b36d0b4f0 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27584 Roll Dart SDK from f82b36d0b4f0 to d65b397fe868 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27586 FormatException.result?.stderr may be null (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, needs tests)
27589 [ci.yaml] Fix timeouts + properties (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27590 Roll Skia from d37bb6ae7248 to e40495da3db1 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27591 Add a unit test for FlutterFrameBufferProvider (cla: yes, platform-macos)
27593 Roll Skia from e40495da3db1 to 88dd356bf1af (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27595 Add fuchsia.net.name.Lookup (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
27597 [ci.yaml] JSON encode subshards key (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27598 analyze using the latest sdk from head (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
27599 [test] Empty commit (cla: yes)
27600 Fix shader mask for text and shader bounds origin (cla: yes, platform-web)
27601 Roll Skia from 88dd356bf1af to 3deb8458fbca (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27602 Roll Dart SDK from d65b397fe868 to e1414001c93b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27603 Reformat manifests (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
27604 Fix android zip bundles (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27605 Roll Skia from 3deb8458fbca to 95df484cb6a0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27606 Delete unused CI scripts (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27607 Revert "Use a Pbuffer surface when the onscreen surface is not available for snapshotting on Android" (platform-android, cla: yes)
27612 [web] disable golden check for Noto-rendered text (cla: yes, platform-web)
27614 Roll Skia from 95df484cb6a0 to d090aa7feee3 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27615 Revert "Enable Dart compressed pointers for 64-bit mobile targets" (cla: yes)
27616 Roll Skia from d090aa7feee3 to 77046a7f0fcf (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27617 Roll Dart SDK from e1414001c93b to 686070850ee3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27619 Roll Skia from 77046a7f0fcf to 7fc705bdd7e9 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27620 Roll Dart SDK from e1414001c93b to 686070850ee3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27621 [flutter_release] Cherry-pick tip of tree ci.yaml changes to beta (cla: yes)
27622 Roll to buildtools 30.0.2 (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27624 Roll Skia from 7fc705bdd7e9 to b6a7319f211c (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27625 Comment out terminate unit test until fix lands in Dart. (cla: yes, embedder)
27626 [flutter_release] Flutter Beta 2.4.0-4.1.pre Engine Cherrypicks (cla: yes)
27627 [flutter_release] Update dart_style to published version 2.0.2 (cla: yes)
27628 Roll Dart SDK from 686070850ee3 to b6150c16af27 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27629 Reland use a pbuffer surface when in the background (platform-android, cla: yes)
27631 Roll Skia from b6a7319f211c to ac747ca18f46 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27632 Fix edge swipes (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
27633 Roll Skia from ac747ca18f46 to 7a0d3c3f1219 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27634 remove maxdiff for backdrop_filter_clip_moved (cla: yes, platform-web)
27635 Roll Skia from 7a0d3c3f1219 to 4d5708c46464 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27637 Roll Skia from 4d5708c46464 to 5e332c8afc4d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27638 Roll Skia from 5e332c8afc4d to e3f2a63db7a8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27640 Roll Skia from e3f2a63db7a8 to bc6d93397f9c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27641 Roll Skia from bc6d93397f9c to 64e67c346c3f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27643 Roll Skia from 64e67c346c3f to ff322968e901 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27644 Roll Dart SDK from b6150c16af27 to ae3d41572581 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27645 Use preDraw for the Android embedding (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27646 Set AppStartUp UserTag from engine (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27647 Roll Skia from ff322968e901 to 14037fff49ff (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27648 Roll Skia from 14037fff49ff to ff7a4a576f64 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27649 Uncomment terminate unit test (Dart side fix has rolled into the engine) (cla: yes, embedder)
27650 Roll Skia from ff7a4a576f64 to 8e51bad14f7f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27651 Roll Dart SDK from ae3d41572581 to d1c7784d4c7a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27652 Add Ahem as a test font in CanvasKit mode (cla: yes, platform-web, needs tests)
27653 Move tests (cla: yes, platform-web)
27654 Roll Skia from 8e51bad14f7f to ad858e76e339 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27655 Fix NPE and remove global focus listener when tearing down the view (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, needs tests)
27656 Roll Skia from ad858e76e339 to d91d2341b9eb (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27658 Roll Dart SDK from d1c7784d4c7a to 9cc34270bd9b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27659 Update test scripts for coverage (cla: yes)
27660 Roll Skia from d91d2341b9eb to 795b5f133d2e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27661 Roll Skia from 795b5f133d2e to 6940cff9c3e7 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27663 Roll Dart SDK from 9cc34270bd9b to 019024dc988b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27664 Re-enable fml_unittests (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27665 Roll Skia from 6940cff9c3e7 to 747c32192285 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27666 Roll Dart SDK from 019024dc988b to 5e2a41b0088c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27667 Roll Skia from 747c32192285 to 885482935157 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27668 [ci.yaml] Extend windows host engine timeout (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27669 Roll Skia from 885482935157 to 64565aed5151 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27670 Analysis cleanup of web tests (cla: yes, platform-web)
27671 Fix NPE and remove global focus listener when tearing down the view (… (platform-android, cla: yes)
27674 Remove an assertion in AndroidImageGenerator::Register that was dereferencing a null (platform-android, cla: yes, needs tests)
27675 Roll Dart SDK from 5e2a41b0088c to e1e2ab3a7acb (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27677 Bump leakcanary to latest version (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27680 Log all Skia trace events if the --trace-skia flag is passed (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27681 Roll Dart SDK from e1e2ab3a7acb to 344338e1b540 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27682 Roll Skia from 64565aed5151 to feb459a1fb51 (17 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27683 fix a number of conditions for computing bounds from saveLayers (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27684 Specify the output paths of the scenario app lint task (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27685 Roll Dart SDK from 344338e1b540 to 7fbb06c714b1 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27686 Roll Dart SDK from 7fbb06c714b1 to 5938b787c27d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27688 Roll Skia from feb459a1fb51 to 9304aa532594 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27690 Roll Skia from 9304aa532594 to a4bfa8d77f91 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27691 Add support for IME_FLAG_NO_PERSONALIZED_LEARNING on Android (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27692 Roll Skia from a4bfa8d77f91 to 09d647449629 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27693 Roll Skia from 09d647449629 to d5a970111653 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27695 Fix potential crash of frame management while merging threads for pla… (platform-ios, platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, needs tests)
27696 Roll Skia from d5a970111653 to 8933de7bd03b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27697 Roll Skia from 8933de7bd03b to c665e1ed6bf5 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27698 Roll Dart SDK from 5938b787c27d to 5ea55dbb265e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27699 Roll Skia from c665e1ed6bf5 to bb2ef92d056f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27700 Roll Dart SDK from 5ea55dbb265e to 18fbde359f5b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27701 Roll Skia from bb2ef92d056f to 6926ba4d3c84 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27703 Roll Skia from 6926ba4d3c84 to a3eaeb4fd86a (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27704 Roll Skia from a3eaeb4fd86a to 400f52e691f2 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27705 [ci.yaml] Explicitly define open jdk dependency (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27706 Roll Dart SDK from 18fbde359f5b to 7c593a77ffed (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27707 [web] Fix analysis errors (cla: yes, platform-web)
27708 Create std::chrono
timestamp provider and move fml_unittests
to use this (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27710 Handle MaskFilter with 0 sigma (cla: yes, platform-web)
27712 Roll Skia from 400f52e691f2 to 917fef7ba76b (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27713 Sets accessibility panel title when route changes (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27717 [icu] Upgrade the ICU library to the same commit used by Chromium latest (cla: yes)
27719 Roll Dart SDK from 7c593a77ffed to ba67b106cf4a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27723 Roll Dart SDK from ba67b106cf4a to 852a61f8667a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27724 Roll Skia from 917fef7ba76b to 6cce9615a0e1 (16 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27725 Roll Skia from 6cce9615a0e1 to e33845317bf2 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27726 Roll buildroot to d28c48674b65936cf32063da51ef1445af82ac75 (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27727 Roll Dart SDK from 852a61f8667a to 6cffbe6d2a8e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27728 Roll Skia from e33845317bf2 to a37001e2caec (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27729 [flutter_release] Fuchsia f5 release branch (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
27730 [web] Analysis cleanup (cla: yes, platform-web)
27731 [ci_yaml] Add autoroller builder (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27732 macOS: Do not use dispatch queue when canceling idle callback (cla: yes, platform-macos, needs tests)
27733 Roll Skia from a37001e2caec to a4953515af8e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27734 [web] Code cleanup (cla: yes, platform-web)
27735 Roll Skia from a4953515af8e to 097a9a475951 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27737 TimePoint::Now uses DartTimestampProvider (cla: yes)
27739 Prepare for updated avoid_classes_with_only_static_members lint (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web, needs tests)
27741 [web] Code cleanup (cla: yes, platform-web)
27742 Add a run_tests flag that captures core dumps from engine unit tests and runs a GDB script (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27743 Roll Dart SDK from 6cffbe6d2a8e to 97359a15afd5 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27744 Roll Skia from 097a9a475951 to 6ad47a0ad606 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27745 Added assertion up to cv99 for FontFeature.characterVariant (cla: yes)
27746 Roll Skia from 6ad47a0ad606 to 66deeb27162c (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27747 Roll Skia from 66deeb27162c to 310178c7b790 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27748 Roll Dart SDK from 97359a15afd5 to c9f1521fd3fe (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27750 Roll Skia from 310178c7b790 to 32e07ae6bc26 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27751 Frame timings clone fix (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27752 Roll Skia from 32e07ae6bc26 to dc409946e9f0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27753 Roll Skia from dc409946e9f0 to 2527fd0b8d5e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27754 Roll Skia from 2527fd0b8d5e to 77292ac4a12f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27756 Roll Skia from 77292ac4a12f to 5def25af3f9a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27758 Roll Skia from 5def25af3f9a to c7218f57add1 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27759 Roll Dart SDK from c9f1521fd3fe to e4fa78b5025a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27761 Roll Dart SDK from e4fa78b5025a to fec06792b6e3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27762 Roll Skia from c7218f57add1 to 222c1c16317c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27765 Roll Skia from 222c1c16317c to 3a21d497bddb (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27766 [web] Code cleanup (cla: yes, platform-web)
27767 Empty commit to apply latest LUCI config (cla: yes)
27769 Roll Skia from 3a21d497bddb to 17eaf6216046 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27770 Roll Dart SDK from fec06792b6e3 to 07a45954b53f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27771 [web] Fixing clipping not being applied when height is zero (cla: yes, platform-web)
27774 [Keyboard] Send empty key events when no key data should (affects: text input, cla: yes, platform-web, platform-windows)
27776 [ci.yaml] Fix open_jdk dep naming (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27777 Unskip iOS launch URL tests (platform-ios, affects: tests, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
27779 Roll Skia from 17eaf6216046 to 8cd8e27c2ceb (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27781 Use a pool for dart actions to avoid OOMs (cla: yes, platform-web)
27784 Roll Skia from 8cd8e27c2ceb to ef721154a758 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27785 Roll Skia from ef721154a758 to 0d9a07907931 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27787 Roll Dart SDK from 07a45954b53f to c7a093ce1e6f (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27788 Revert "Use preDraw for the Android embedding" (platform-android, cla: yes)
27789 Roll Skia from 0d9a07907931 to ff9ee6787256 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27790 Roll Dart SDK from c7a093ce1e6f to 1672d9ab3d6c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27791 Roll Skia from ff9ee6787256 to 131410a7d139 (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27792 Roll Skia from 131410a7d139 to 21c2af2dca60 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27793 Improve documentation of Path.extendWithPath (cla: yes, needs tests)
27794 Roll Skia from 21c2af2dca60 to 3d019ddabc78 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27796 [web] update TODO format to match flutter repo and fix names, more code cleanup (cla: yes, platform-web)
27797 Roll Dart SDK from 1672d9ab3d6c to 6e821afc0cb4 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27802 Revert "Unskip iOS launch URL tests" (platform-ios, cla: yes)
27804 Update infra configuration files. (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia)
27806 [ci.yaml] Fix jdk version (cla: yes)
27807 Roll Skia from 3d019ddabc78 to 44600f613652 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27810 Roll Skia from 44600f613652 to d31b15da6e33 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27811 Reland using preDraw for the Android embedding (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27812 Roll Dart SDK from 6e821afc0cb4 to a325ab04ed38 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27813 Roll Skia from d31b15da6e33 to 8adb6255053f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27814 Roll Skia from 8adb6255053f to 14d87226b3ad (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27815 [web] Code cleanup (cla: yes, platform-web)
27816 Roll Skia from 14d87226b3ad to ab7ff17156a3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27817 Do not generate keydown event for empty modifier flags (cla: yes, platform-macos)
27819 [fuchsia] Fix DynamicLibrary.open path on Fuchsia (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia, needs tests)
27820 Roll gyp to 4801a5331ae62da9769a327f11c4213d32fb0dad (cla: yes)
27821 Roll Skia from ab7ff17156a3 to 126788e087af (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27823 [web] Update CanvasPool documentation (cla: yes, platform-web, needs tests)
27825 Roll Dart SDK from a325ab04ed38 to fa724490f430 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27827 Roll Skia from 126788e087af to ae2171eba699 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27828 Fix race condition in FlutterSurfaceManager (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-macos, needs tests)
27830 Roll Skia from ae2171eba699 to 31df6806c06b (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27832 Migrate Python script invocations to Python 3 (cla: yes)
27833 Roll Dart SDK from fa724490f430 to 2e22cdf76836 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27834 Roll Skia from 31df6806c06b to 62d42db2829d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27835 Enable Python 3 for all gn exec_script calls (cla: yes)
27836 Add GestureSettings and configure touch slop from Android ViewConfiguration (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web, platform-fuchsia)
27838 Migrate all Python hashbangs to Python 3 (cla: yes, platform-fuchsia, needs tests)
27840 Roll Dart SDK from 2e22cdf76836 to 2cddb14dc9a9 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27841 Roll Skia from 62d42db2829d to 028e45b2f013 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27842 Roll Skia from 028e45b2f013 to 464703f5148a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27843 Roll Skia from 464703f5148a to 2236b79a2ad3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27844 Roll Skia from 2236b79a2ad3 to 60f3e2a7d557 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27845 Roll buildroot to 6cee685b6bed193471aa7eaffae1fdc56cef0060 (cla: yes)
27846 Roll Dart SDK from 2cddb14dc9a9 to a171b36d2fdd (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27847 Roll Skia from 60f3e2a7d557 to 3bbecc3e9a2b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27848 Roll Skia from 3bbecc3e9a2b to 82f5815629bf (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27850 Allow iOS unit tests to run on Xcode 13 (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27851 Explicitly provide the string encoding (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27852 Add lockfiles in the scenario app (cla: yes)
27853 Specify string encoding in git revision (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27855 Roll Skia from 82f5815629bf to 3cb9b9c72d6c (24 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27856 Roll Dart SDK from a171b36d2fdd to 1588eca1fcb3 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27857 Roll Skia from 3cb9b9c72d6c to e7541d396f54 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27858 Roll Skia from e7541d396f54 to b6d60183850f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27859 Roll Dart SDK from 1588eca1fcb3 to 411cb0341857 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27860 Roll Skia from b6d60183850f to 1c38121964e5 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27861 Roll Skia from 1c38121964e5 to addccaf9cfb6 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27862 Roll Skia from addccaf9cfb6 to ea3489aa1d4c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27864 Roll Skia from ea3489aa1d4c to 46eb3ab80de7 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27865 Check a11y bridge alive before returning a11y container (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27866 Roll Skia from 46eb3ab80de7 to 86b2c952ae94 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27868 Roll Dart SDK from 411cb0341857 to 96fdaff98f48 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27869 Allow collapsed compositing range (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27870 Roll Skia from 86b2c952ae94 to 68f560683154 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27871 Roll Skia from 68f560683154 to 9cd9d0f3de06 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27873 Roll Skia from 9cd9d0f3de06 to 1b18454ba700 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27875 Roll Skia from 1b18454ba700 to 6ff2b7a4e556 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27876 Roll Skia from 6ff2b7a4e556 to 38d9e0e812ca (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27877 Add configuration for windows android aot. (cla: yes)
27879 Fix nullability of GestureSettings on ViewConfig (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
27881 Roll Skia from 38d9e0e812ca to 2cbb3f55ea7b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27883 Roll Skia from 2cbb3f55ea7b to de58ca28e59d (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27885 Roll Skia from de58ca28e59d to f0ffd4189742 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27886 Roll Skia from f0ffd4189742 to af844c79d535 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27888 Roll Skia from af844c79d535 to cef047a4904e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27889 Roll Skia from cef047a4904e to 40b82c6b5c2c (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27891 Roll Skia from 40b82c6b5c2c to 9fdcc517b2be (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27894 Roll Skia from 9fdcc517b2be to f3868628f987 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
waiting for tree to go green - 1309 pull request(s)
#20535 fuchsia: Delete unused compilation_trace code (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
25070 [iOS] Fixes crash of TextInputView when Flutter deallocated (platform-ios, waiting for customer response, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25373 Add API to the engine to support attributed text (platform-ios, platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
25389 [iOS] Fixes context memory leaks when using Metal (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25395 Deduplicate plugin registration logic and make error logs visible - take 2 (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25412 Windows: Add support for engine switches for WinUWP target (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-windows)
25446 [iOS] Make FlutterEngine new method available (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25465 Forward a11y methods from FlutterSwitchSemanticsObject (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25474 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 0Db2pEb0U... to R3xv3K9Hz... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25476 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from a9NOB6sdo... to eV1E54W8a... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25477 Windows: Only terminate display for last instance (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-windows)
25479 Roll Dart SDK from 3f36938a7cff to 1fd6151bb137 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25480 Add Dart SPIR-V transpiler (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25487 Roll Skia from 5c6258287461 to b5344509a270 (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25488 Roll Skia from b5344509a270 to b99622c05aa0 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25489 Roll Dart SDK from 1fd6151bb137 to 23cdf0997052 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25490 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from eV1E54W8a... to TSNvj5bMY... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25491 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from R3xv3K9Hz... to 9ujC5zDr6... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25493 Roll Skia from b99622c05aa0 to 3295ea8d703c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25494 Roll Skia from 3295ea8d703c to 27d827820c0a (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25496 Reland Dart plugin registrant (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25497 Fix bug when build_fuchsia_artifacts.py is called without --targets. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
25499 Roll Dart SDK from 23cdf0997052 to f79253a6b189 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25501 Roll Skia from 27d827820c0a to 022636b15aff (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25504 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 9ujC5zDr6... to -EQHGXqib... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25507 Roll Skia from 022636b15aff to 79aaa9b6c1c5 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25508 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from TSNvj5bMY... to qkWDPuWbY... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25509 Roll Skia from 79aaa9b6c1c5 to 148f04d50e98 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25510 [libTxt] resolve null leading distribution in dart:ui. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
25511 Roll Dart SDK from f79253a6b189 to 7379283a735f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25512 Roll Skia from 148f04d50e98 to a12796b42c0e (13 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25514 Roll Skia from a12796b42c0e to 3cffe81f0d16 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25517 Roll Dart SDK from 7379283a735f to 1f827532b5ca (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25519 Roll Skia from 3cffe81f0d16 to d3a1df8da790 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25521 Roll Skia from d3a1df8da790 to cd2f96dd681d (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25523 FlutterView: Use default backing layer (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-macos)
25524 Fix accent popup position (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-macos)
25525 Roll Dart SDK from 1f827532b5ca to 5f4726d9574f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25526 Fix analysis errors in text.dart (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25527 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from -EQHGXqib... to FieTRhouC... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25528 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from qkWDPuWbY... to QCLH6ZmWl... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25529 Roll Dart SDK from 5f4726d9574f to 7a51dacd2a59 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25530 Roll Dart SDK from 7a51dacd2a59 to 3352be987525 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25531 Roll Skia from cd2f96dd681d to fe91974471fd (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25532 Roll Skia from fe91974471fd to ee7a854b614e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25533 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from FieTRhouC... to b08-YST9Y... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25534 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from QCLH6ZmWl... to jc1NEESPY... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25535 [Linux] revise dark theme detection (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-linux)
25536 Roll Dart SDK from 3352be987525 to b5cd2baf642f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25537 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from b08-YST9Y... to 3AhDN6ITO... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25538 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from jc1NEESPY... to 0dM14Kk3A... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25539 Roll Skia from ee7a854b614e to a56e553d5869 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25540 WINUWP: Conditionalize plugin related wrapper (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-windows)
25544 Reduce the warning severity for FlutterEngineGroup (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25548 [macos] Release the copied pixel buffer after texture creation (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-macos, embedder, cp: 2.2)
25550 Roll Skia from a56e553d5869 to d276cdfdeebd (17 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25553 Roll Dart SDK from b5cd2baf642f to 72caeb970608 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25556 [web] Render ellipsis for overflowing text in DOM mode (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
25557 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 0dM14Kk3A... to RgZnCZ5ng... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25558 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 3AhDN6ITO... to 4numS0K6T... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25561 [web] Fix firefox crash during font loading (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
25563 Roll Skia from d276cdfdeebd to debcbbf6a8ee (22 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25565 Roll Skia from debcbbf6a8ee to 785a3262d116 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25566 Support SKP captures in flutter_tester (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25567 Roll Dart SDK from 72caeb970608 to e8cb08ba389a (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25575 change the Android FlutterEngine class doc around multiple engines (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25578 Add more doc for how the plugin registration process works and how to customize it (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25589 Roll Skia from 785a3262d116 to cdee12018087 (13 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25591 Roll Dart SDK from e8cb08ba389a to 05538f0a8a5b (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25592 Roll Skia from cdee12018087 to 3c1ed9cbe23d (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25593 Roll Clang Mac from RW7LSJ9ld... to UStSqd7xn... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25594 Roll Clang Linux from pRlhGPqYQ... to GiGTah6EB... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25599 Roll Skia from 3c1ed9cbe23d to 5c5f09bc28b8 (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25600 Support text editing voiceover feedback in macOS (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-macos)
25601 [web] Remove dart language versions from engine files (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
25604 Roll Dart SDK from 05538f0a8a5b to 0b565abb0c24 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25607 Roll Skia from 5c5f09bc28b8 to be834bfa2c3a (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25608 Roll Skia from be834bfa2c3a to cbb60bd0b08e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25609 Roll Skia from cbb60bd0b08e to 333de882b62c (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25610 Roll Dart SDK from 0b565abb0c24 to eff12d77a2ad (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25613 Roll Skia from 333de882b62c to 665920e9b9fb (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25618 Roll Skia from 665920e9b9fb to 096226809997 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25621 Roll Skia from 096226809997 to de89bf0cd7b2 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25622 Roll Skia from de89bf0cd7b2 to 1efd7fc9937c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25624 Roll Skia from 1efd7fc9937c to c42f772718ad (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25625 Roll Skia from c42f772718ad to e2b457ad5fab (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25627 Roll Skia from e2b457ad5fab to 624a529fbd01 (11 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25628 [Android KeyEvents] Split AndroidKeyProcessor into separate classes (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25630 Roll Skia from 624a529fbd01 to 6e927095e1d9 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25631 Roll Skia from 6e927095e1d9 to 68072a46765b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25634 Roll Skia from 68072a46765b to d0ca961bd22c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25636 Roll Skia from d0ca961bd22c to 66aed2136b87 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25637 Roll Skia from 66aed2136b87 to 163ba10ddefa (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25638 Roll Skia from 163ba10ddefa to 9d4741370cf1 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25640 Roll Skia from 9d4741370cf1 to be82005209c0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25644 Wire up Metal shader precompilation from offline training runs. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25646 Remove if from lerp.dart
docs (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25648 Roll Skia from be82005209c0 to 59f1a9cb7a34 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25652 Roll Skia from 59f1a9cb7a34 to e49703faf265 (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25653 Start microtasks only in non-test envs (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
25656 Roll Skia from e49703faf265 to 8ced56f05f2c (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25657 Library and Class ctor from the next dart roll requires fileUri (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25660 Roll Skia from 8ced56f05f2c to 9d11cbdef854 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25661 Provide a stub platform view embedder for tester to avoid emitting errors (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25665 Roll Dart SDK from eff12d77a2ad to d05e7fc462ba (10 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25666 TalkBack shouldn't announce platform views that aren't in the a11y tree (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25667 Roll Skia from 9d11cbdef854 to d8c2750cf607 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25668 Roll Skia from d8c2750cf607 to d9bf97c5e249 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25674 Roll Skia from d9bf97c5e249 to fb5865e6509c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25676 Roll Skia from fb5865e6509c to 647563879004 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25677 Roll Skia from 647563879004 to 94df572a1374 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25678 Roll Skia from 94df572a1374 to e05860862631 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25682 Roll Skia from e05860862631 to d0ef90769b47 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25684 Roll Skia from d0ef90769b47 to 04c82165b1c7 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25685 Roll Skia from 04c82165b1c7 to 5ba330cd1324 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25686 Roll Skia from 5ba330cd1324 to c34dc525fc09 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25689 Roll Skia from c34dc525fc09 to e7dfbfea1f39 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25691 Roll Skia from e7dfbfea1f39 to 9a56eb70638a (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25692 Reland "TaskSources register tasks with MessageLoopTaskQueues dispatcher" (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, embedder)
25693 Roll Skia from 9a56eb70638a to 8676ebe35045 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25694 Roll Skia from 8676ebe35045 to 5d627f3eba1c (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25697 Roll Skia from 5d627f3eba1c to 716aeb900849 (13 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25698 fix AccessibilityBridgeMacDelegate to grab nswindow from appdelegate (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-macos)
25699 Roll Skia from 716aeb900849 to 7111881617a1 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25711 Roll Skia from 7111881617a1 to 071182ed1da5 (22 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25712 Roll Skia from 071182ed1da5 to 82007f568d90 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25714 Roll Clang Linux from GiGTah6EB... to zRvL_ACCG... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25715 Roll Clang Mac from UStSqd7xn... to bf4GDBSQE... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25717 Roll Skia from 82007f568d90 to 395274e664cf (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25718 Roll Dart SDK from d05e7fc462ba to 7f16d6f67d91 (14 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25719 Roll Skia from 395274e664cf to 7b60deedbd98 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25720 Roll Skia from 7b60deedbd98 to 94d3dd82f350 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25721 Roll Dart SDK from 7f16d6f67d91 to 805527e063af (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25722 Roll Skia from 94d3dd82f350 to 7b8f14991dae (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25723 Roll Dart SDK from 805527e063af to 4ead30825322 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25725 Roll Skia from 7b8f14991dae to 7978abafee41 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25730 Roll Skia from 7978abafee41 to 600bc360ff01 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25731 Roll Dart SDK from 4ead30825322 to b207c9873e6c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25733 Roll Skia from 600bc360ff01 to 92934d75284d (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25734 [canvaskit] Implement TextHeightBehavior (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
25735 Roll Skia from 92934d75284d to 9a0da785a5ba (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25737 Use GN instead of Ninja to generate compile commands and save ~1sec off of no-op builds. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25738 Fixes ios accessibility send focus request to an unfocusable node (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25739 Allow dumping trace information during GN calls. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25740 Roll Skia from 9a0da785a5ba to 48f106501cd2 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25741 [CanvasKit] Support all TextHeightStyles (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
25744 Roll Skia from 48f106501cd2 to 1dcf46359c5a (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25746 Roll Dart SDK from b207c9873e6c to cbffcce7200e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25747 [web] Render PlatformViews with SLOT tags. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
25748 Roll Skia from 1dcf46359c5a to 08c660890718 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25750 [fuchsia] Remove now unsed wrapper for zx_clock_get (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
25751 Roll Skia from 08c660890718 to d7872aca1d6c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25752 Roll Dart SDK from cbffcce7200e to af7f6ca66d16 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25753 Roll Dart SDK from af7f6ca66d16 to 9948dbd6786f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25754 Roll Skia from d7872aca1d6c to 5d8a09ebff9c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25755 Roll Dart SDK from 9948dbd6786f to 3ef1518441e1 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25756 Roll Dart SDK from 3ef1518441e1 to 1d1bde67c094 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25757 Do not use android_context after it is std::moved in the PlatformViewAndroid constructor (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25758 Ensure stdout and stderr from failed test runs are reported from run_tests.py
. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25759 Roll Skia from 5d8a09ebff9c to 08ea02560710 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25760 Use "blur_sigma" instead of "blur_radius" in Shadow. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25761 Roll Skia from 08ea02560710 to 4df5672a5b7f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25763 Roll Dart SDK from 1d1bde67c094 to cb00fcef63bd (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25764 Roll Dart SDK from cb00fcef63bd to 0546ef689975 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25765 Roll Skia from 4df5672a5b7f to 467103022f9b (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25766 Roll Skia from 467103022f9b to adcf2ef54ec6 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25767 Roll Skia from adcf2ef54ec6 to c36aae31a446 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25768 Roll Dart SDK from 0546ef689975 to 4b6978f8afef (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25770 Fix crash when FlutterFragmentActivity is recreated with an existing FlutterFragment (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25771 Get FTL test running again (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25773 Roll Skia from c36aae31a446 to 8e3bca639bce (15 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25774 Roll Skia from 8e3bca639bce to 2cc6538c601a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25775 Roll Dart SDK from 4b6978f8afef to d688c837d18f (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25776 Roll Skia from 2cc6538c601a to f6051bdba093 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25777 add TextLeadingDistribution
to webui TextStyle
(cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
25778 Roll Skia from f6051bdba093 to e6318b557a29 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25779 Roll Dart SDK from d688c837d18f to ecdb943b5ed5 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25780 Roll Dart SDK from ecdb943b5ed5 to 1e3e5efcd47e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25781 Roll Skia from e6318b557a29 to 827dab407ec0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25785 [Engine] Support for Android Fullscreen Modes (platform-ios, platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
25786 Manual Skia roll to be1c99658979972e87cad02e9e5b979c190f2c99 (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25794 Roll Skia from be1c99658979 to b7223e1269f2 (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25796 Roll Skia from b7223e1269f2 to 3386533c20fe (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25798 Roll Skia from 3386533c20fe to ae33954b4932 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25801 Roll Skia from ae33954b4932 to 66bce0c26f97 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25803 Roll Skia from 66bce0c26f97 to 421c360abe76 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25807 Roll Skia from 421c360abe76 to 91216673f726 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25811 Roll Skia from 91216673f726 to d1c9e52144bc (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25813 Roll Skia from d1c9e52144bc to ffeef16664ea (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25818 Roll Skia from ffeef16664ea to 27c4202f4bd6 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25819 Enable JIT memory protection on macOS (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25822 Roll Dart SDK from 1e3e5efcd47e to 8bab67dad50b (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25823 Roll Skia from 27c4202f4bd6 to 65d7ab2c074a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25825 Roll Skia from 65d7ab2c074a to 958a9395e6ca (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25826 Fix and re-enable flaky test MessageLoopTaskQueue::ConcurrentQueueAndTaskCreatingCounts
. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25827 Avoid calling Dart_HintFreed more than once every five seconds (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25829 Roll Dart SDK from 8bab67dad50b to 21aa7f8cbde8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25832 Roll Dart SDK from 21aa7f8cbde8 to 90993fcb8554 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25833 Roll Skia from 958a9395e6ca to fa06f102f13b (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25834 Roll Dart SDK from 90993fcb8554 to b5ff349bffc8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25835 Roll Skia from fa06f102f13b to 83dae92318b3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25836 Roll Skia from 83dae92318b3 to 2b8fd2e8e010 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25837 Roll Dart SDK from b5ff349bffc8 to a45eaf6402c3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25838 Roll Skia from 2b8fd2e8e010 to fb7d378a1ac1 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25844 Roll Skia from fb7d378a1ac1 to 8c281fbd03fe (15 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25845 Roll Skia from 8c281fbd03fe to a9d3cfbda22c (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25846 Roll Skia from a9d3cfbda22c to 3934647d225a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25848 Roll Skia from 3934647d225a to e74638b83f1b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25849 Roll Skia from e74638b83f1b to 013a9b7920e2 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25852 Roll Skia from 013a9b7920e2 to 00a199282e4b (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25854 Roll Skia from 00a199282e4b to e4c4322da6bb (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25855 Roll Skia from e4c4322da6bb to 14efdd3d50db (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25857 Roll Skia from 14efdd3d50db to 3010f3d79193 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25859 Roll Skia from 3010f3d79193 to 5276ba274b38 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25860 Moved PlatformMessage's to unique_ptrs (platform-ios, platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia, embedder)
25861 Roll Dart SDK from 1e3e5efcd47e to 6397e8b91103 (18 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25862 Roll Skia from 5276ba274b38 to 31fddc376993 (14 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25865 Roll Skia from 31fddc376993 to 097263bb5089 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25869 Roll Dart SDK from 6397e8b91103 to ee8eb0a65efa (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25870 Roll Skia from 097263bb5089 to 5dfb3f40684b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25871 Enable avoid_escaping_inner_quotes lint (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25872 Roll Dart SDK from ee8eb0a65efa to 8c109a734bdc (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25873 Roll Dart SDK from 8c109a734bdc to b98a1eec5eb5 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25874 Roll Dart SDK from b98a1eec5eb5 to 6ecae204598d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25876 Roll Skia from 5dfb3f40684b to 5c95bcb48b9b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25877 Roll Dart SDK from 6ecae204598d to 3cc6cdab8eaf (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25880 Roll Skia from 5c95bcb48b9b to c779d432f336 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25881 Roll Skia from c779d432f336 to ff8b52df55ff (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25884 Implement smooth resizing for Linux (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-linux)
25885 Roll Dart SDK from 3cc6cdab8eaf to b8f4018535fa (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25886 Roll Skia from ff8b52df55ff to ec79349bad50 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25888 Roll Skia from ec79349bad50 to 671177905d22 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25891 Roll Skia from 671177905d22 to 75b43ce6ccd3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25892 Streamline frame timings recording (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25894 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from RgZnCZ5ng... to uQgs5ZmFq... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25897 Roll Skia from 75b43ce6ccd3 to bf688645acf9 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25899 Ensure that AutoIsolateShutdown drops its reference to the DartIsolate on the intended task runner (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25900 Fix composition when multiple platform views and layers are combined (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25904 Roll Skia from bf688645acf9 to 537293bf155f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25905 Roll Skia from 537293bf155f to adadb95a9f1e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25907 pull googletest from github instead of fuchsia.googlesource (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25918 Exclude third_party/dart/third_party/devtools from the license script (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25924 Delete unused method from engine_layer.h (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25940 Remove unused parameter in flutter application info loader (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25943 Update documentation for embedding SplashScreen (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25957 [web] Resolve OS as iOs for iDevice Safari requesting desktop version of app. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
25982 Web ImageFilter.matrix support (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
25985 Add an allowlist flag for Skia trace event categories (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
25988 Platform channels, eliminate objc copies (platform-ios, platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-macos, platform-fuchsia, embedder)
25991 Make SceneBuilder.push* not return nullable objects (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
25999 Roll Dart SDK from b8f4018535fa to 86c749398b3a (16 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26001 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from uQgs5ZmFq... to aCsEHpnS0... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26006 Roll Dart SDK from 86c749398b3a to b4210cc43086 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26009 Roll Skia from adadb95a9f1e to 1dc2d0fe0fa0 (98 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26012 Roll Skia from 1dc2d0fe0fa0 to 115645ee9b1b (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26018 Roll Skia from 115645ee9b1b to c411429239e9 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26019 Use pub get --offline for flutter_frontend_server and const_finder (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26020 Roll Dart SDK from b4210cc43086 to 04e55dad908d (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26022 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from aCsEHpnS0... to OyXxehV6e... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26023 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 4numS0K6T... to -FIIsjZj2... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26024 Roll Skia from c411429239e9 to 72de83df3a03 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26025 Roll Skia from 72de83df3a03 to dabb2891c4a1 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26026 Return a maximum nanoseconds value in FlutterDesktopEngineProcessMessages (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-windows)
26027 Roll Dart SDK from 04e55dad908d to 094c9024373c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26030 Roll Dart SDK from 094c9024373c to 2ea89ef8f6de (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26034 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from -FIIsjZj2... to KZCe5FqMb... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26035 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from OyXxehV6e... to DSk0IzBHv... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26036 Roll Skia from dabb2891c4a1 to 686dd910dd6c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26041 Roll Skia from 686dd910dd6c to ab1ec37ff32c (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26042 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from DSk0IzBHv... to 3lWeNvs3G... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26043 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from KZCe5FqMb... to ZYimHxg7C... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26045 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 3lWeNvs3G... to 4VJj6gJdU... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26046 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from ZYimHxg7C... to 4fB2dR4mP... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26047 Roll Skia from ab1ec37ff32c to 799658f5c22d (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26050 Add support for zx_channel_write_etc and zx_channel_read_etc. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
26058 Roll Skia from 799658f5c22d to 99ebb17aeda8 (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26060 Roll Skia from 99ebb17aeda8 to dc753cfc65ec (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26061 Roll Skia from dc753cfc65ec to cb41df0bfad4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26064 Roll Skia from cb41df0bfad4 to abdffd5d0055 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26065 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 4fB2dR4mP... to BTHMLi6Sh... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26066 Roll Skia from abdffd5d0055 to bb006430ae82 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26068 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 4VJj6gJdU... to TJX7h698s... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26069 Roll Skia from bb006430ae82 to 96bc12d19b9e (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26071 Roll Skia from 96bc12d19b9e to 7c328b4b42c5 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26074 SceneBuilder.addPicture returns the layer (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26075 Manual SDK roll for DevTools SDK integration (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26077 Get licenses check deps from gclient rather than pub (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26079 Roll Skia from 7c328b4b42c5 to 0c9962a7c8a5 (15 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26081 Make 3xH bot script happy (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26082 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from BTHMLi6Sh... to 1PbnXEErn... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26083 Fix splash screen with theme references crash on Android API 21 (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26084 Roll Skia from 0c9962a7c8a5 to 8fac6c13fa59 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26086 Roll Dart SDK from b99466d472e3 to d59cb89f73fe (1340 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26087 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from TJX7h698s... to GNyjTge9c... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26088 Roll Skia from 8fac6c13fa59 to c1b6b6c615a7 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26089 Roll Skia from c1b6b6c615a7 to d9a7c5953df3 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26090 Roll Dart SDK from d59cb89f73fe to 934cc986926d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26091 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 1PbnXEErn... to MoY7UVVro... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26093 Roll Skia from d9a7c5953df3 to 827bb729a84d (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26096 Roll Skia from d9a7c5953df3 to 827bb729a84d (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26097 Roll Skia from 827bb729a84d to 433d25c947e4 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26100 Roll Skia from 433d25c947e4 to 0270bf5d10be (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26101 Roll Dart SDK from 934cc986926d to 171876a4e6cf (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26102 Roll Skia from 0270bf5d10be to 4e9d5e2bdf04 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26104 [fuchsia] rename SessionConnection to DefaultSessionConnection (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
26107 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from GNyjTge9c... to q1qWG9XiN... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26108 Roll Skia from 4e9d5e2bdf04 to 84f70136abfb (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26111 Roll Skia from 84f70136abfb to 66441d4ea0fa (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26113 Roll Skia from 66441d4ea0fa to 537b7508343d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26116 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from MoY7UVVro... to WYD7atCH7... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26117 Revert "Sped up the objc standard message codec (#25998)" (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-macos)
26119 Roll Skia from 537b7508343d to 6b719c25cade (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26123 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from q1qWG9XiN... to mdsssGtoC... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26127 Roll Skia from 6b719c25cade to ca9f6a855071 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26131 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from WYD7atCH7... to uffIHSwYt... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26133 Revert "SceneBuilder.addPicture returns the layer" (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26135 Roll Dart SDK from c119194b23d9 to ba8506bdcef7 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26136 Roll Skia from ca9f6a855071 to 3193a04b09d8 (21 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26137 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from mdsssGtoC... to y3xw-lhxW... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26138 output fuchsia json package manifest (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26141 Roll Skia from 3193a04b09d8 to cad48c6868bf (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26142 Revert "Fix composition when multiple platform views and layers are c… (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26143 Roll Dart SDK from ba8506bdcef7 to e0f30709e25f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26144 Roll Skia from cad48c6868bf to 99e6f0fcfb44 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26145 Roll Skia from 99e6f0fcfb44 to 6b49c5908545 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26146 Roll Dart SDK from e0f30709e25f to 943fcea0b446 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26147 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from uffIHSwYt... to CudXaX-jL... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26148 Roll Dart SDK from 943fcea0b446 to d616108772bd (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26149 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from y3xw-lhxW... to a6aB7cNgl... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26150 Roll Skia from 6b49c5908545 to 29b44fc226e9 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26151 Roll Skia from 29b44fc226e9 to 6f520cd120c0 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26153 Roll Skia from 6f520cd120c0 to aecf8d517143 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26155 Roll Dart SDK from d616108772bd to a527411e5100 (0 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26156 Roll Dart SDK from d616108772bd to a527411e5100 (0 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26158 Fix composition when multiple platform views and layers are combined (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26164 Let the framework toggle between single- and multi-entry histories (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26167 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from CudXaX-jL... to RT1RbBM69... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26168 Roll Skia from aecf8d517143 to df2dbad1a87d (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26169 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from a6aB7cNgl... to 9-tG_VdU_... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26171 Roll Skia from df2dbad1a87d to bc8e0d8ba0d4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26173 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from RT1RbBM69... to q_v1AFsEq... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26174 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 9-tG_VdU_... to PVI875Hyp... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26175 Roll Skia from bc8e0d8ba0d4 to bc7c754ce395 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26176 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from q_v1AFsEq... to lU-S8er5G... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26177 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from PVI875Hyp... to TB587FHc5... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26178 Roll Skia from bc7c754ce395 to f91ce0201328 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26179 Provide build information to the inspect tree. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
26180 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from lU-S8er5G... to q9Qi_9RMf... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26184 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from TB587FHc5... to v4P6zkHIE... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26185 Deeplink URI fragment on Android and iOS (platform-ios, platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26186 Roll Skia from f91ce0201328 to d22a70be4f00 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26187 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from q9Qi_9RMf... to l6XmTSLnt... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26188 Roll Skia from d22a70be4f00 to 9c2769ec1198 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26189 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from v4P6zkHIE... to KmSY84b_E... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26191 Roll Skia from 9c2769ec1198 to 2da029b28f97 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26192 Roll Dart SDK from a527411e5100 to 67be110b5ba8 (1351 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26193 Replace flutter_runner::Thread with fml::Thread. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
26195 Roll Skia from 2da029b28f97 to c1f641104531 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26197 Roll Skia from c1f641104531 to 469531234936 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26200 [icu] Upgrade ICU to 69.1, the same commit used by Chromimum latest (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26201 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from l6XmTSLnt... to AUWVgDkx6... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26202 Roll Skia from 469531234936 to 5b38536d76ae (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26205 Add frame number to trace events so dev tools can associate the right frame (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26206 Roll Skia from 5b38536d76ae to 2fed9f62d29a (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26207 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from KmSY84b_E... to 7WNQRHsHN... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26210 Capture the layer tree pipeline as a weak pointer in the OnAnimatorDraw task (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26212 Roll Dart SDK from 67be110b5ba8 to 510f26486328 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26213 Roll Skia from 2fed9f62d29a to e8cd0a54041e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26216 Roll Skia from e8cd0a54041e to 3d854bade6de (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26217 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from AUWVgDkx6... to boele8geO... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26218 Roll Dart SDK from 510f26486328 to 13e329e614f2 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26219 EngineLayer::dispose (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26220 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 7WNQRHsHN... to F5TX4MaEg... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26221 Roll Skia from 3d854bade6de to 66125eac158d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26222 Roll Dart SDK from 13e329e614f2 to 2eea032403e2 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26223 Roll Skia from 66125eac158d to 5696bcd0f7f8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26224 Roll Skia from 5696bcd0f7f8 to bdfd77616177 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26225 Roll Skia from bdfd77616177 to fb8d20befa8f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26226 Provide better messaging when user attempts to use non-secure http connection. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26233 plumb frame number through to framework (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26237 Fix frame request tracing (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26238 fix mobile a11y placeholder (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26242 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from F5TX4MaEg... to mx5LVKqk8... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26243 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from boele8geO... to 5qwj-Mw7_... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26245 Roll Skia from fb8d20befa8f to d9ea2989d6e9 (20 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26246 Roll Skia from d9ea2989d6e9 to d7d7a8215e6c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26248 Roll Skia from d7d7a8215e6c to a65c295c1c9b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26252 Roll Skia from a65c295c1c9b to 814c6db4c04d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26257 updated the documentation for message loops a bit (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26258 Roll Dart SDK from 67be110b5ba8 to 3a8c551ec08e (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26259 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 5qwj-Mw7_... to ih1GwcLki... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26263 Roll Skia from 814c6db4c04d to 10e7e77909c5 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26265 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from mx5LVKqk8... to 56WoN2WG2... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26268 Roll Skia from 10e7e77909c5 to 8988cb464391 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26269 Roll Dart SDK from 3a8c551ec08e to 87b37682b24f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26271 Migrate to ci.yaml (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26272 Fix hybrid composition case and enable test (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26274 Roll Skia from 8988cb464391 to 9c7e04cd6f37 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26276 Roll Clang Mac from bf4GDBSQE... to xwRoi0Lbe... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26277 CanvasKit: recall the last frame in the animated image after resurrection (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26278 Roll Skia from 9c7e04cd6f37 to d24422a9fe4a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26279 Drop package:image dependency from testing harness (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26281 Roll Dart SDK from 87b37682b24f to 43fe359811ea (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26283 Roll Skia from d24422a9fe4a to 1f193df9b393 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26285 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from ih1GwcLki... to JuoV30Dy2... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26286 Roll Dart SDK from 43fe359811ea to ff8dd0a9bbe1 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26287 Roll Skia from 1f193df9b393 to edb7aa70fcf3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26290 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 56WoN2WG2... to 3AWY87vDb... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26291 Roll Skia from edb7aa70fcf3 to 1c4a0b89b0f6 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26292 Roll Clang Mac from xwRoi0Lbe... to bf4GDBSQE... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26299 Roll Skia from 1c4a0b89b0f6 to 2758a3189ade (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26300 Roll Dart SDK from ff8dd0a9bbe1 to 3c595684faca (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26303 Roll Skia from 2758a3189ade to 60e52284d55d (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26304 roll CanvasKit 0.27.0 (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26307 Roll Dart SDK from 3c595684faca to 144f3bb9b017 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26308 Roll Skia from 60e52284d55d to 36c5796f0bd0 (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26310 Roll Dart SDK from 144f3bb9b017 to 551af75f42c0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26311 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from JuoV30Dy2... to nN6J_ZcaY... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26312 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 3AWY87vDb... to E47v59mWP... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26314 Roll Skia from 36c5796f0bd0 to a39b80bfd34c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26316 Roll Skia from a39b80bfd34c to 7c67ebcd3bd4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26317 Roll Dart SDK from 551af75f42c0 to a70c4b0fafc2 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26318 Roll Skia from 7c67ebcd3bd4 to 9604eab2bdca (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26320 Roll Skia from 9604eab2bdca to 465819d7c20d (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26321 Make tools/gn compatible with Python 3 (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26322 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from nN6J_ZcaY... to aeRo3f-er... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26323 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from E47v59mWP... to -ISyWoKV3... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26326 Roll Dart SDK from a70c4b0fafc2 to 1efa8657fe8e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26327 Roll Skia from 465819d7c20d to 0ea0e75a3d29 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26328 prevent ios accessibility bridge from sending notification when modal (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26331 android platform channels: moved to direct buffers for c <-> java interop (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26334 Roll Dart SDK from 1efa8657fe8e to 1c14e29fbfba (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26335 Sets a11y traversal order in android accessibility bridge (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26337 Roll Skia from 0ea0e75a3d29 to 8447f13c6d4b (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26340 Roll Dart SDK from 1c14e29fbfba to 5ae74b9c13b0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26344 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from -ISyWoKV3... to dd7nw2tfc... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26345 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from aeRo3f-er... to GNvpzwlsb... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26346 Roll Dart SDK from 5ae74b9c13b0 to 53da3ba84895 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26348 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from dd7nw2tfc... to 80lum62wn... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26349 Roll Dart SDK from 53da3ba84895 to 79f1604820d2 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26350 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from GNvpzwlsb... to qLBO-PTv_... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26351 Roll Dart SDK from 79f1604820d2 to 99aa976af869 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26352 Roll Dart SDK from 99aa976af869 to cf0a921e4380 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26353 Roll Skia from ec9d0e865d77 to f88eb656c123 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26354 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 80lum62wn... to RnPV5ymFi... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26355 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from qLBO-PTv_... to l5hYeTpdW... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26356 Roll Dart SDK from cf0a921e4380 to c696ecf5a8a0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26357 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from RnPV5ymFi... to nRqbdi_ZK... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26358 Fix: Strip option doesn't work for linux .so files (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26361 Roll Skia from f88eb656c123 to 29670b085358 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26362 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from l5hYeTpdW... to oT8kKQch3... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26363 Roll Skia from 29670b085358 to 09eb337d304a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26364 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from nRqbdi_ZK... to -F-5r68i6... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26365 Roll Skia from 09eb337d304a to 0e4477e7139a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26367 Roll Skia from 0e4477e7139a to db418ec6cd6f (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26370 Roll Dart SDK from c696ecf5a8a0 to bb9d96ffbafa (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26373 Roll Dart SDK from c696ecf5a8a0 to 7250fd6379b2 (0 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26374 Roll Dart SDK from bb9d96ffbafa to 7250fd6379b2 (0 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26379 Roll Dart SDK from 7250fd6379b2 to 3731dc83886c (1379 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26380 Add script to serve fuchsia packages (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26381 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from oT8kKQch3... to pfJX5Fu8B... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26385 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from -F-5r68i6... to tWU3PEj6V... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26386 Add Float32List support to StandardMessageCodec (platform-ios, platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-macos)
26387 Roll Dart SDK from 3731dc83886c to 0b7d0953ce47 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26391 Add back inexpensive framework tests (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26392 Roll Skia from db418ec6cd6f to 30fd35da015e (20 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26393 Roll Dart SDK from 0b7d0953ce47 to 42d74caa7d26 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26394 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from pfJX5Fu8B... to x9gmyu-IU... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26395 Adding webdev in DEPS (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26397 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from tWU3PEj6V... to OB7ucXyBd... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26398 Roll Skia from 30fd35da015e to 6576de67a439 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26399 Roll Skia from 6576de67a439 to 966fb69e5db5 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26401 Roll Dart SDK from 42d74caa7d26 to 5b70042e9fe2 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26402 Roll Skia from 966fb69e5db5 to 8cdf28fe2d89 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26404 Roll Skia from 8cdf28fe2d89 to 569c01bfa28f (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26406 [web] Ensure handleNavigationMessage can receive null arguments. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26407 Roll Skia from 569c01bfa28f to ee7e22acd20f (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26409 Disable hidden symbols on unoptimized builds in order to improve test backtraces (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26410 Roll Dart SDK from 5b70042e9fe2 to e2f96cd405a3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26411 Roll Skia from ee7e22acd20f to 4987c4af499d (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26412 Fix iOS key events in platform views (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26413 Roll Skia from 4987c4af499d to ad5b44720f97 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26415 Roll Skia from ad5b44720f97 to e5240a24987b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26417 Roll Dart SDK from e2f96cd405a3 to 23230583a210 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26419 Roll Skia from e5240a24987b to 9b2baac1d650 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26420 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from x9gmyu-IU... to kWrYHMQWQ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26423 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from OB7ucXyBd... to Rbr2O4K3O... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26424 Roll Dart SDK from 23230583a210 to e6f56536dd12 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26425 Roll Skia from 9b2baac1d650 to 1a7fb9b3962e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26426 Canonicalize runner debug symbol path for fuchsia. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
26429 Fix deferred components startup threading and improve .so search algorithm. (affects: engine, platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26430 Roll Skia from 1a7fb9b3962e to 0fb5e6290f1e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26432 Roll Skia from 0fb5e6290f1e to e1c2beb3beef (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26434 Roll Skia from e1c2beb3beef to 3af709f71a60 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26435 SingleFrameCodec GetAllocationSize and ImageDescriptor.dispose (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26436 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from Rbr2O4K3O... to anl_Ge_vz... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26437 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from kWrYHMQWQ... to kn_6DzM7h... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26440 Make resume dart microtasks static to avoid capturing vsync waiter (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26446 Fix Fragment not transparent in Texture render mode (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26447 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from anl_Ge_vz... to _AaCM1K4Z... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26449 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from kn_6DzM7h... to mgoUMLlft... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26453 Add todo to handle_test. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
26454 Add trace-skia-allowlist to the Android intent flags (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26455 Roll Skia from 3af709f71a60 to ace17c2f4689 (32 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26457 Roll Clang Linux from zRvL_ACCG... to aUPvom0rf... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26458 Roll Clang Mac from bf4GDBSQE... to rm-r5Uy50... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26459 Roll Dart SDK from e6f56536dd12 to efccf1e46351 (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26460 Better logging pthread_setspecific
(cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26461 Roll Skia from ace17c2f4689 to 35981296a8f4 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26463 Add debug symbols (symbol-index) to serve.sh for Fuchsia. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
26464 Roll Skia from 35981296a8f4 to bdda1a3ccdde (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26468 Roll Skia from bdda1a3ccdde to b4403a95292b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26469 Roll Dart SDK from efccf1e46351 to 002db0ae4563 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26471 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from _AaCM1K4Z... to i9cDU3Lze... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26473 Roll Skia from b4403a95292b to 2a63f8242274 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26475 Roll Skia from 2a63f8242274 to b1eb7dd759b9 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26476 Roll Skia from b1eb7dd759b9 to 890498e3d730 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26477 Roll Dart SDK from 002db0ae4563 to 89ffc22de5cb (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26478 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from mgoUMLlft... to JMl78sNB8... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26479 Roll Dart SDK from 89ffc22de5cb to 77491c775d8f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26480 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from i9cDU3Lze... to oPWKIUaFo... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26481 Roll Dart SDK from 77491c775d8f to 7fef568a9b33 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26482 Add the images for TileMode.decal (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26483 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from JMl78sNB8... to Y13BYMF29... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26484 Roll Dart SDK from 7fef568a9b33 to 069554af24d6 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26485 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from oPWKIUaFo... to 5c4YB-7_r... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26486 [iOSTextInputPlugin] bypass UIKit floating cursor coordinates clamping (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26487 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from Y13BYMF29... to xLBoLtUi8... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26488 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 5c4YB-7_r... to xxNJ4Crvh... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26489 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from xLBoLtUi8... to sWU99T5u7... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26490 Roll Skia from 890498e3d730 to 481b3240fb7e (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26491 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from xxNJ4Crvh... to MdVGflQxJ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26492 fix a LateInitializationError (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26493 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from sWU99T5u7... to 76zSlrdqM... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26494 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from MdVGflQxJ... to FmS6HazcE... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26495 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 76zSlrdqM... to 2ke-RgVsK... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26496 Roll Skia from 481b3240fb7e to 7e114d7b3c23 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26497 Roll Skia from 7e114d7b3c23 to 8942247ae46e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26498 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from FmS6HazcE... to k9XWcZPZO... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26499 Roll Dart SDK from 069554af24d6 to 643d01d6a8e3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26501 Roll Skia from 8942247ae46e to 77724af76ce2 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26502 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 2ke-RgVsK... to hopGYPnVP... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26503 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from k9XWcZPZO... to DJjuIbfI5... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26504 Roll Skia from 77724af76ce2 to a9109c50fb1f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26505 Roll Skia from a9109c50fb1f to c7abc8bfa02f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26506 Cache Handle.koid(). (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
26507 Roll Skia from c7abc8bfa02f to fe9b4316d8de (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26508 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from hopGYPnVP... to xi7pltS1F... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26509 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from DJjuIbfI5... to mDjEP9hR9... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26510 Fix pub_get_offline.py undefined variables (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26511 Roll Skia from fe9b4316d8de to 9af0bca3de2b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26512 Roll Skia from 9af0bca3de2b to b069582d16d3 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26513 Cloned frame timings have same frame number (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26514 Roll Skia from b069582d16d3 to f9d1c159b3cc (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26515 Reland: "android platform channels: moved to direct buffers for c <-> java interop" (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26517 Roll Skia from f9d1c159b3cc to 4943421095e1 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26519 Docuements the new flag in BrowserHistory.setRouteName (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26520 Roll Skia from 4943421095e1 to d774558eb189 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26521 Roll Skia from d774558eb189 to c9b70c65436e (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26522 Roll Skia from c9b70c65436e to f4f9c3b6cc62 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26523 Roll Dart SDK from 643d01d6a8e3 to 302c6dd3c29c (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26527 Added more descriptive error to StandardMessageCodec for types that override toString (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26528 Reland "Add API to the engine to support attributed text (#25373)" (platform-ios, platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26530 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from xi7pltS1F... to MVkOwZQtv... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26533 Roll Dart SDK from 302c6dd3c29c to 4ce8bbf4738d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26534 Roll Skia from f4f9c3b6cc62 to d51fbe1a78b5 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26536 Migrate flutter_runner to Scenic.CreateSessionT. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
26537 Fix incorrectly inserting Float32List in the wrong location in encodable_value (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26538 Fix create_arm_gen_snapshot target (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26541 Roll Skia from d51fbe1a78b5 to 2e76c84b8b8a (9 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26544 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from mDjEP9hR9... to pCoQB3Wr-... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26545 Roll Dart SDK from 4ce8bbf4738d to 47e55d2e746a (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26546 Roll Skia from 2e76c84b8b8a to b8416d27be1e (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26547 [iOSTextInput] fix potential dangling pointer access (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26550 Roll Skia from b8416d27be1e to 03e783020013 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26553 Roll Dart SDK from 47e55d2e746a to cd41b767a29d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26555 Roll Skia from 03e783020013 to 6e82db35a695 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26556 Roll Skia from 6e82db35a695 to cb66e25d23d8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26557 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from MVkOwZQtv... to DvgL0sNJV... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26559 Roll Skia from cb66e25d23d8 to 6f4bacb9df54 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26560 Roll Dart SDK from cd41b767a29d to 6186a3ef5ffa (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26561 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from pCoQB3Wr-... to vGpSL2e_a... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26563 Roll Skia from 6f4bacb9df54 to 7b6a92818d23 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26564 Update dep overrides in flutter_frontend_server (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26565 Roll Skia from 7b6a92818d23 to 357e67e7af3b (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26567 Roll Skia from 357e67e7af3b to 053eb1ba91d5 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26569 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from DvgL0sNJV... to 3Xj5uw866... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26570 Roll Dart SDK from 6186a3ef5ffa to 202c42e3395c (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26571 Roll Skia from 053eb1ba91d5 to 7856eb88eda0 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26572 Roll Skia from 7856eb88eda0 to 7aa7939a60b9 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26573 Web: add support for TextInputType.none (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26576 fixes crash when sets mouseTrackingMode before view is loaded (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-macos)
26577 Roll Dart SDK from 202c42e3395c to 2e9c4305a6aa (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26578 Roll Dart SDK from 202c42e3395c to 2e9c4305a6aa (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26579 Roll Skia from 7aa7939a60b9 to 568ef84d3f8a (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26580 Remove "unnecessary" imports. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26581 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from vGpSL2e_a... to ldByLqm7f... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26582 Roll Skia from 568ef84d3f8a to 2692b0dd119f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26584 Roll Skia from 2692b0dd119f to 08d0d86b8180 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26585 Android: add support for TextInputType.none (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26586 Roll Dart SDK from 2e9c4305a6aa to 39814844606e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26587 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 3Xj5uw866... to 7jqSNhU_b... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26588 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from ldByLqm7f... to otF0aYh8E... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26589 Roll Skia from 08d0d86b8180 to bb04e3d47ef8 (13 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26590 Add a filterKey argument to Skia shader trace events (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26591 Docs, debugDisposed for ImmutableBuffer (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26592 Roll Skia from bb04e3d47ef8 to 8cb7c3be75a7 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26593 Wait for the native callbacks from the spawned isolate (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26595 Roll Dart SDK from 39814844606e to 657d6dbde485 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26596 Fixes handleNavigationMessage in order (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26597 Roll Skia from 8cb7c3be75a7 to bcfdc1d43872 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26598 Roll buildroot to 60e83491e8ce171687431e6e7a4b0cd20b4d8d40 (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26599 Provide the isolate cleanup callback to Dart_CreateIsolateInGroup (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26600 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from otF0aYh8E... to ICWUopirb... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26601 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 7jqSNhU_b... to 6CBxGudrv... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26602 Allow Flutter focus to interop with Android view hierarchies (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26603 Roll Skia from bcfdc1d43872 to aad4b80fa625 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26605 Roll Skia from aad4b80fa625 to 14eee314b1f4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26606 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from ICWUopirb... to ddbxEQera... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26607 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 6CBxGudrv... to XClZ-9fkt... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26609 Roll Skia from 14eee314b1f4 to fc8cf91cee9f (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26610 Roll Dart SDK from 657d6dbde485 to fc99280265c9 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26611 Roll Skia from fc8cf91cee9f to 681e409625b9 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26614 Fix Android imports stamp file write mode (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26615 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from ddbxEQera... to e0WQ49xxD... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26616 Roll Skia from 681e409625b9 to dc03537758f3 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26617 Enable Skia shader trace events by default (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26618 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from XClZ-9fkt... to qqVmyK6TU... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26619 Roll Dart SDK from fc99280265c9 to 5204465f71be (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26620 Roll Skia from dc03537758f3 to 9aa5c2c86089 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26621 Roll Skia from 9aa5c2c86089 to 8aef107f6d58 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26624 Roll Skia from 8aef107f6d58 to 2c9a6ec3a0d0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26625 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from qqVmyK6TU... to TqViQQzJo... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26626 [web] Allow some more nulls in platform_dispatcher. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26627 Python 3 support for macOS/iOS builds (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26628 [Android TextInput] clean up nested batch edits in closeConnection() (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26631 Roll Skia from 2c9a6ec3a0d0 to 5b5a4c6bf5d1 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26632 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from e0WQ49xxD... to p4LZtOVnJ... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26635 Roll Skia from 5b5a4c6bf5d1 to f07b4ce437ad (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26636 Roll Skia from f07b4ce437ad to 89d460f27bd4 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26639 Roll Skia from 89d460f27bd4 to 70c21e34ca4f (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26640 Roll Dart SDK from 5204465f71be to 019918a203bc (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26641 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from e0WQ49xxD... to qDntzygjT... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26642 Remove compilation trace saving. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26643 Roll Skia from 70c21e34ca4f to 917f9193d244 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26645 Roll Skia from 917f9193d244 to 26666bda75b9 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26646 Roll Skia from 26666bda75b9 to 031d76b67447 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26647 [web] Fall-back to a DOM node if Shadow DOM is unavailable. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26648 Roll Dart SDK from 019918a203bc to 37338b2f4bbb (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26650 Roll Skia from 031d76b67447 to 163cc9124259 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26651 Roll Skia from 163cc9124259 to 6b2121d0ec57 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26652 Roll Dart SDK from 37338b2f4bbb to 4dc4671c3a87 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26653 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from qDntzygjT... to Q22GCF6Le... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26655 Roll Dart SDK from 4dc4671c3a87 to a2ef55cfb8ac (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26656 Roll Skia from 6b2121d0ec57 to 43c713d5cd1a (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26661 Roll Dart SDK from a2ef55cfb8ac to b7c2babecc88 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26666 Updates the objectc docs script to use env variables. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26668 migrate the rest of dev/ to null safety (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26670 Roll Skia from 43c713d5cd1a to 7391511f7be3 (24 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26671 Support scrolling in iOS accessibility (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26672 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from Q22GCF6Le... to 2Py2O7FIT... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26673 Roll Skia from 7391511f7be3 to 198ac15a907a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26675 Roll Dart SDK from b7c2babecc88 to 4882a5e99192 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26677 Roll Skia from 198ac15a907a to 2a3fb1baa186 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26679 Roll Dart SDK from 4882a5e99192 to 93ff88f22f01 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26680 Roll Skia from 2a3fb1baa186 to 1f6ca3a950e5 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26681 Roll Dart SDK from 93ff88f22f01 to fc2e183f4ea9 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26683 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 2Py2O7FIT... to jNlbyBr6p... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26687 Roll Skia from 1f6ca3a950e5 to a1feabd38305 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26689 Roll Skia from a1feabd38305 to d2e096069691 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26690 Roll Dart SDK from fc2e183f4ea9 to 51af508b1661 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26691 Roll Skia from d2e096069691 to 9d1cc0510039 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26692 Roll Skia from 9d1cc0510039 to ecc8e3bc043e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26695 Roll Skia from ecc8e3bc043e to 1f5ee0d00c7f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26697 Roll Dart SDK from 51af508b1661 to b541bcb9fd3d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26698 Roll Skia from 1f5ee0d00c7f to 08ac524b4331 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26700 Roll Dart SDK from b541bcb9fd3d to d622b98e77d7 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26701 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from jNlbyBr6p... to OP_AFyX5C... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26702 Roll Skia from 08ac524b4331 to 2a07fd68ebdd (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26703 Roll Dart SDK from d622b98e77d7 to c8a66f8e7ca1 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26704 Roll Skia from 2a07fd68ebdd to dd84dd09f304 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26706 Roll Skia from dd84dd09f304 to bc215ba3bbfe (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26707 Roll Dart SDK from c8a66f8e7ca1 to 935470ea59c4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26708 Roll Skia from bc215ba3bbfe to 1907f9051e17 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26711 [iOS TextInputPlugin] fix autofill assert (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26713 Roll Skia from 1907f9051e17 to 9b0841d822c3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26715 Configuration files to describe engine builds. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26716 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from OP_AFyX5C... to iHnYdNmCi... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26717 Revert "Replace flutter_runner::Thread with fml::Thread." (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
26718 Roll Skia from 9b0841d822c3 to bc4bc5f1e284 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26719 [web] last batch of test null safety (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26720 [web] migrate web_sdk to null safety (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26721 Roll Dart SDK from d622b98e77d7 to eb912be5af54 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26722 Make ci/lint.dart more idiomatic and move to tools/clang_tidy (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26724 Roll Dart SDK from eb912be5af54 to 88b9786db62b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26725 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from iHnYdNmCi... to oY-eFO3pI... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26729 Roll Dart SDK from 88b9786db62b to 0a32380de829 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26730 Roll Skia from bc4bc5f1e284 to cd33e4accde2 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26731 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from oY-eFO3pI... to RkHrXJvD7... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26732 Roll Skia from cd33e4accde2 to d6c51edd5243 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26733 Roll Dart SDK from 0a32380de829 to ccdd47ff5673 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26734 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from RkHrXJvD7... to oZ_FM_PHa... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26735 Roll Dart SDK from ccdd47ff5673 to a38f02400658 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26736 Roll Dart SDK from a38f02400658 to 78fcc3e7aa05 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26737 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from oZ_FM_PHa... to 6hi4xXhT4... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26738 Roll Dart SDK from 78fcc3e7aa05 to ca1e2e543d44 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26739 Roll Dart SDK from ca1e2e543d44 to e48368c7cacb (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26740 Make Layer::AssignOldLayer non virtual (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26741 ImageFilterLayer should not contribute to readback region (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26742 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 6hi4xXhT4... to _VHCabwHc... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26743 Roll Dart SDK from e48368c7cacb to 5fdf43fdde62 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26745 Add family of dependencies that work on SPIRV. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26747 Roll Skia from d6c51edd5243 to 2705cbf9bd1d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26748 Roll Skia from 2705cbf9bd1d to ef1f4991a688 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26749 Roll Skia from ef1f4991a688 to 50c3c2475882 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26750 Roll Skia from 50c3c2475882 to c238572723b0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26751 Roll Dart SDK from 5fdf43fdde62 to 03d33dd92243 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26753 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from _VHCabwHc... to HLSrWqE34... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26754 Roll Skia from c238572723b0 to b5b7c982958d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26755 Fix Typo in create_sdk_cipd_package.sh (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26756 Delete window_hooks_integration_test.dart (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
26758 Roll Dart SDK from 03d33dd92243 to e0ea160bb165 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26763 Roll Dart SDK from e0ea160bb165 to 7f1d45fab187 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26765 Migrate spirv to nnbd (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26768 Roll Skia from b5b7c982958d to 237bf5284da1 (24 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26769 Fix JSON map type declaration for SystemChrome.setApplicationSwitcherDescription arguments (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26770 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from HLSrWqE34... to 0JD2eM0c_... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26771 Roll Dart SDK from 7f1d45fab187 to 83edd189b2a3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26772 Log an error in DoMakeRasterSnapshot if Skia can not create a GPU render target (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26774 Roll Skia from 237bf5284da1 to 6ae690f8b2f5 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26775 Roll Skia from 6ae690f8b2f5 to af8047dbb849 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26777 Roll Dart SDK from 83edd189b2a3 to 142674549a5d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26778 Roll Dart SDK from 142674549a5d to 2084c5eeef79 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26779 Roll Skia from af8047dbb849 to fab6ede2ec1d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26780 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 0JD2eM0c_... to ih-TlZVj9... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26785 Surface frame number identifier through window (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
26789 Fix a leak of the resource EGL context on Android (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26790 Roll Skia from fab6ede2ec1d to 33da72d168d7 (24 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26792 Roll Dart SDK from 2084c5eeef79 to 914b1c6d1c88 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26793 Roll Skia from 33da72d168d7 to 491282486e34 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26795 Roll Skia from 491282486e34 to b2cb817d23d0 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26799 Roll Dart SDK from 914b1c6d1c88 to 369366069b83 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26801 Roll Skia from b2cb817d23d0 to e8502cc73c5d (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26805 Roll Skia from e8502cc73c5d to 8e814b3be082 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26807 Roll Dart SDK from 369366069b83 to 0796dd6c7bcf (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26809 Roll Skia from 8e814b3be082 to ca8191b0adef (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26810 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from ih-TlZVj9... to qEI_C9coX... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26813 Issues/80711 reland (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26819 Roll Skia from ca8191b0adef to 3f0e25ca47ff (15 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26823 Remove built-in shadows from the @Config annotation (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26825 Migrate //testing to nullsafety (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
26827 Roll Skia from 3f0e25ca47ff to 7bf6bc0d0604 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26828 Remove outdated annotations from fixtures (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt, embedder)
26829 Roll Skia from 7bf6bc0d0604 to 5a479e187db4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26831 Remove analyze script (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26832 Roll Dart SDK from 0796dd6c7bcf to bb03d195583c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26833 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from qEI_C9coX... to K1Tu371Kz... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26834 Roll Dart SDK from bb03d195583c to 46a04dccfcdc (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26836 Roll Dart SDK from 46a04dccfcdc to 1fd0db5918c3 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26838 Roll Skia from 5a479e187db4 to fe83ab67063c (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26839 Roll Skia from fe83ab67063c to 2421b9901b29 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26841 Roll Skia from 2421b9901b29 to 685e09b31a97 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26842 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from K1Tu371Kz... to YvOB9uq1d... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26843 Roll Dart SDK from 1fd0db5918c3 to b30cd791a933 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26844 Roll Skia from 685e09b31a97 to efe9df37e08d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26845 Roll Dart SDK from b30cd791a933 to debd5e54b544 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26846 Roll Skia from efe9df37e08d to 9a4824b47c03 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26849 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from YvOB9uq1d... to _YU5l2N-C... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26850 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from _YU5l2N-C... to krpEDaT56... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26851 Roll Skia from 9a4824b47c03 to 64751750f474 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26853 Roll Dart SDK from debd5e54b544 to 77bc0eb4b39a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26871 Roll Skia from 64751750f474 to 9f73b04b437d (10 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26872 Roll Dart SDK from 77bc0eb4b39a to b260adefae51 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26873 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from krpEDaT56... to 8F5w2I_W6... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26876 Roll Skia from 9f73b04b437d to 79e706ad238f (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26878 Roll Dart SDK from b260adefae51 to 90aa0bd86307 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26881 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 8F5w2I_W6... to b88AaXCwv... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26883 Const finder NNBD (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26884 Roll Skia from 79e706ad238f to 343588ddf0e2 (11 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26885 Roll Dart SDK from 90aa0bd86307 to 7dcf180a625a (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26891 Roll Skia from 343588ddf0e2 to e2c4e7e62dad (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26892 fix javadoc (platform-android, affects: docs, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, tech-debt)
26893 Roll Skia from e2c4e7e62dad to 80c83a1225d9 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26909 Reserve space for the line metrics styles created by ParagraphSkia::GetLineMetrics (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26915 Roll Dart SDK from 7dcf180a625a to 2ca3cb6a1247 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26916 Symbolize crash backtraces using the Abseil debugging library (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26918 Roll Skia from 80c83a1225d9 to d1d0a9f1f334 (19 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26919 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from b88AaXCwv... to eN9tZUQWG... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26920 Roll Skia from d1d0a9f1f334 to b1e8f85fb802 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26921 Use unstripped executables when running tests on Linux (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26922 Update ci.yaml documentation link (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26923 Roll Skia from b1e8f85fb802 to 9a2d3d1e19e7 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26925 Roll Dart SDK from 2ca3cb6a1247 to 092a61ba6f58 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26926 Roll Skia from 9a2d3d1e19e7 to aa938cea3385 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26928 Implement a DisplayList mechanism similar to the Skia SkLiteDL mechanism (affects: engine, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26929 Roll Skia from aa938cea3385 to 83420eb81773 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26930 Roll Skia from 83420eb81773 to 8c3036c14570 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26932 Roll Dart SDK from 092a61ba6f58 to 33c9448f6dbe (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26933 Roll Skia from 8c3036c14570 to 2bf88911b930 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26934 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from eN9tZUQWG... to ntgCqOS4m... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26935 Roll Dart SDK from 33c9448f6dbe to 4b5364175b06 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26936 Roll Skia from 2bf88911b930 to ecee7cc6fe88 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26937 Roll Skia from ecee7cc6fe88 to c5a65cb22d36 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26940 Roll Skia from c5a65cb22d36 to 3722d3195be5 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26943 Roll Skia from 3722d3195be5 to bd7ed7434a65 (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26945 Roll buildroot to 275038b8be7196927b0f71770701f3c2c3744860 (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26946 Builder configuration for windows_host_engine. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26947 Roll Skia from bd7ed7434a65 to 559185ad34e1 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26948 Roll Dart SDK from 4b5364175b06 to 557c841b50bd (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26950 Roll Skia from 559185ad34e1 to 9c81a4b7047d (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26955 Roll Dart SDK from 557c841b50bd to 3a23cb476b32 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26956 Removes unnecessary error message: "Invalid read in StandardCodecByteStreamReader" for cpp BasicMessageChannel (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26957 Roll Skia from 9c81a4b7047d to 0b04b6b16f1f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26959 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from ntgCqOS4m... to BPvUey1RN... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26960 Roll Skia from 0b04b6b16f1f to cb316203573f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26961 Roll Skia from cb316203573f to 3a35f0b263cb (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26962 Roll Dart SDK from 3a23cb476b32 to 82e9a9e0dc8a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26963 Roll Skia from 3a35f0b263cb to e58831cd9578 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26964 Roll Dart SDK from 82e9a9e0dc8a to 624322b41ddb (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26965 Roll Skia from e58831cd9578 to 68d6983acd82 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26966 Roll Skia from 68d6983acd82 to bef379ba620a (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26967 Roll Skia from bef379ba620a to d253088fc211 (6 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26968 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from BPvUey1RN... to T_EmrITXO... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26972 Roll Skia from d253088fc211 to 7bf799956d8b (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26975 Roll Dart SDK from 624322b41ddb to 4f1a93c0cd09 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26978 Roll Skia from 7bf799956d8b to 688d3180ab9d (8 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26979 [iOS TextInput] Disables system keyboard for TextInputType.none (platform-ios, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26980 Roll Dart SDK from 4f1a93c0cd09 to d2025958e351 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26983 Roll Skia from 688d3180ab9d to 9f745d90d0e8 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26985 Roll Skia from 9f745d90d0e8 to 1d9fe0090a7e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26987 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from T_EmrITXO... to fSBeRabKp... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26989 Roll Skia from 1d9fe0090a7e to 96a7f06201e6 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26990 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from fSBeRabKp... to z6trYeCMx... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26997 Remove presubmit flake reporting instructions from issue template. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26998 Roll Skia from 96a7f06201e6 to 0f1ac21185fe (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
26999 --sound-null-safety instead of enable-experiment where possible (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web, platform-fuchsia)
27000 Roll Skia from 0f1ac21185fe to b1590f15a32b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27001 Roll Skia from b1590f15a32b to eef5b0e933e3 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27002 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from z6trYeCMx... to R1ENSI-od... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27003 Roll Dart SDK from d2025958e351 to eca780278d49 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27005 [refactor] Migrate to View.focus.*. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
27006 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from TqViQQzJo... to 4udsaggtH... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27007 Fix Fuchsia build on Mac (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27011 Roll Skia from eef5b0e933e3 to e5766b808045 (12 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27012 Allow fuchsia_archive to accept a cml file and cmx file (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
27014 Revert "[Engine] Support for Android Fullscreen Modes" (platform-ios, platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27015 Roll Dart SDK from eca780278d49 to bbd701b4ba76 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27018 Re-land Android fullscreen support (platform-ios, platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27020 Roll Skia from e5766b808045 to 661abd0f8d64 (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27023 Roll Skia from 661abd0f8d64 to 1bddd42b9897 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27025 Roll Skia from 1bddd42b9897 to baae2dd7fb9d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27026 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from R1ENSI-od... to vWnaCinzz... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27027 Roll Skia from baae2dd7fb9d to a7d429464276 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27028 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 4udsaggtH... to qq5J5tHIA... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27029 Roll Skia from a7d429464276 to 78af79e98d66 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27030 Roll Dart SDK from fff3a3747a18 to e6e47f919791 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27031 Roll Skia from 78af79e98d66 to 1df8756419ee (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27032 Roll Dart SDK from e6e47f919791 to 59f9594aed9a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27035 Roll Skia from 1df8756419ee to 4716a7681e4a (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27036 Prepare for cfv2 unittests. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-fuchsia)
27038 Create flag to enable/disable FlutterView render surface conversion (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27039 Roll Skia from 4716a7681e4a to 62ce2488f744 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27040 Roll Dart SDK from 59f9594aed9a to 5103185fdff6 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27047 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from vWnaCinzz... to 2FIILk5GN... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27048 Temporarily opt out of reduced shaders variants till roll issues are resolved. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, needs tests, embedder)
27049 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from qq5J5tHIA... to eMHAbJpmO... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27050 Roll Skia from 62ce2488f744 to c6804edbaefc (4 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27052 Give FlutterView a view ID (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27054 Roll Dart SDK from 5103185fdff6 to 9d7c40ba84c4 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27055 Roll Skia from c6804edbaefc to 55b401ed9e6c (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27058 Roll Dart SDK from 9d7c40ba84c4 to d01a840fa25b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27060 Roll Dart SDK from d01a840fa25b to 75ae501952db (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27061 Roll Skia from 55b401ed9e6c to 76e45134b8a7 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27062 Fix crash when splash screen is not specified for FlutterFragmentActivity (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, needs tests)
27063 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 2FIILk5GN... to 8L02NQinV... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27064 Do not expect WM_CHAR if control or windows key is pressed (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-windows)
27065 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from eMHAbJpmO... to pjxq0wD6b... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27066 Roll Dart SDK from 75ae501952db to 8234f00e521a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27067 Roll Skia from 76e45134b8a7 to b393c4bccd5f (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27068 Roll Skia from b393c4bccd5f to c9897a55650a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27069 Partial reland of sound null safety for VM tests (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27070 [web][felt] Fix stdout inheritance for sub-processes (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web, needs tests)
27071 [web] Librarify text editing files (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
27073 Roll Skia from c9897a55650a to e1f72377e574 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27074 FrameTimings captures raster finish time in wall-clock time (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27077 Roll Fuchsia from 275038b8be7196927b0f71770701f3c2c3744860 to 86a2f5264f8dc496dccdd4060e4bad4c33eef552 (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27078 Roll Skia from e1f72377e574 to 0734c6223cb8 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27079 Roll Dart SDK from 8234f00e521a to 54c79f559d23 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27083 Fixes inset padding in android accessibility bridge (platform-android, cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27086 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 8L02NQinV... to TwKuP0eAM... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27088 Update include path in FlutterDarwinContextMetal.mm (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, needs tests)
27091 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from pjxq0wD6b... to OzIwVa3oF... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27092 Roll Dart SDK from 54c79f559d23 to 3dc08e6ea29d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27112 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from TwKuP0eAM... to jJi9pAzTk... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27113 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from OzIwVa3oF... to tWUmW9zse... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27115 Roll Skia from 0734c6223cb8 to 024668cf7f46 (25 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27119 Roll Dart SDK from 3dc08e6ea29d to 428382bd1c75 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27121 Roll Skia from 024668cf7f46 to d584ddd1519c (7 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27123 Avoid capturing raw pointers to the SkPicture/DisplayList used by the RasterizeToImage draw callback (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, needs tests)
27124 [flow] Switch to directional shadows (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27125 Move the Android API JAR ahead of the third-party dependencies in the Javadoc classpath (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27126 Rename SkiaGPUObject::get() to skia_object() (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27127 Roll Skia from d584ddd1519c to 3c227305ac28 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27129 Roll Skia from 3c227305ac28 to 3dd52c758b6c (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27130 enable DisplayList by default (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27132 Roll Dart SDK from 428382bd1c75 to c514a807e19d (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27133 Roll Skia from 3dd52c758b6c to b14bdcfee9b7 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27134 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from jJi9pAzTk... to jzKy-rCeR... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27135 Roll Skia from b14bdcfee9b7 to 9c060b55e116 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27136 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from tWUmW9zse... to 4MLcvcjCH... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27137 Roll Dart SDK from c514a807e19d to 3c78c06ceb91 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27139 Roll Dart SDK from 3c78c06ceb91 to f860b70c98d0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27140 Roll Skia from 9c060b55e116 to 1c467774e56e (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27142 Make rasterFinishWallTime required (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web, needs tests)
27143 Roll Skia from 1c467774e56e to e9ab391765c7 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27145 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from jzKy-rCeR... to oiyYFMOd3... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27146 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from 4MLcvcjCH... to QbIpQIqxK... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27148 Roll Skia from e9ab391765c7 to 04d79fc59488 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27152 Follow up cleanup of some unit tests for right click handling. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27154 [web] Reassign content to temporary slot so Safari can delete it. (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-web)
27155 add support for SkPathEffect to DisplayList (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27157 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from oiyYFMOd3... to chKeQc7Mz... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27159 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from QbIpQIqxK... to tSP7U5udy... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27161 Roll Dart SDK from f860b70c98d0 to 559da0f2d2a4 (5 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27162 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from chKeQc7Mz... to 1cvQeFtFt... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27163 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from tSP7U5udy... to GbnevjaIL... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27164 Roll Skia from 04d79fc59488 to e5d312975fea (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27165 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from 1cvQeFtFt... to bWBLMrWY9... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27166 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from GbnevjaIL... to _qjVyc39z... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27167 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from bWBLMrWY9... to Bdm6sG4U3... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27168 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from _qjVyc39z... to H_WclqYkW... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27169 Roll Skia from e5d312975fea to 47540bb36158 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27170 Roll Skia from 47540bb36158 to 8cbd2b476cdb (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27171 Roll Dart SDK from 559da0f2d2a4 to f99e4033de1a (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27172 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from Bdm6sG4U3... to etX11y7Bd... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27173 Roll Dart SDK from f99e4033de1a to 9b7b9f735866 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27174 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from H_WclqYkW... to C2OiQOT3x... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27175 (Reland) enable DisplayList mechanism over SkPicture by default (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27176 Roll Dart SDK from 9b7b9f735866 to bae7f5908cfb (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27177 Roll Dart SDK from bae7f5908cfb to 2758c89236ac (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27178 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from etX11y7Bd... to FYI3wC-M1... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27179 Roll Dart SDK from 2758c89236ac to 4c71ad843de0 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27180 Roll Skia from 8cbd2b476cdb to e355e73eedad (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27181 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from C2OiQOT3x... to a1MOPse95... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27182 Roll Skia from e355e73eedad to fcd068ad7215 (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27183 Roll Dart SDK from 4c71ad843de0 to 8ad824d8b114 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27186 Roll Dart SDK from 8ad824d8b114 to 4422591ed19b (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27188 Roll Skia from fcd068ad7215 to ad77b4db8dc6 (2 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27189 MacOS: Release backbuffer surface when idle (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-macos, needs tests)
27190 Roll Skia from ad77b4db8dc6 to 3037d9f322ff (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27191 MacOS (metal): Block raster thread instead of platform thread (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green, platform-macos, needs tests)
27193 Roll Dart SDK from 4422591ed19b to 586ecc5a0697 (1 revision) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27195 Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from a1MOPse95... to CEpfImAgA... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27196 Roll Skia from 3037d9f322ff to 40242241c3bf (3 revisions) (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27198 Roll Fuchsia Mac SDK from FYI3wC-M1... to YKiGmmdKT... (cla: yes, waiting for tree to go green)
27201 Roll S