DevTools 2.42.3 release notes
The 2.42.3 release of the Dart and Flutter DevTools includes the following changes among other general improvements. To learn more about DevTools, check out the DevTools overview.
General updates
#Added "View licenses" shortcut to the About dialog. - #8610
Lower the wasm optimization level to resolve crashes on the dart2wasm build. - #8814
Inspector updates
#- Enabled the new inspector by default. This can be disabled in the inspector settings. - #8650
- Fixed an issue where selecting an implementation widget on the device while implementation widgets were hidden in the new inspector showed an error. - #8625
- Enabled auto-refreshes of the widget tree on hot-reloads and navigation events by default. This can be disabled in the inspector settings. - #8646
Network profiler updates
#- Fixed an issue where the HTTP requests would sometimes not be displayed properly, particularly when DevTools is communicating with an application over a slow network connection. - #8860
Full commit history
#To find a complete list of changes in this release, check out the DevTools git log.
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