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Platform idioms

The final area to consider for adaptive apps is platform standards. Each platform has its own idioms and norms; these nominal or de facto standards inform user expectations of how an application should behave. Thanks, in part to the web, users are accustomed to more customized experiences, but reflecting these platform standards can still provide significant benefits:

  • Reduce cognitive load : By matching the user's existing mental model, accomplishing tasks becomes intuitive, which requires less thinking, boosts productivity, and reduces frustrations.

  • Build trust : Users can become wary or suspicious when applications don't adhere to their expectations. Conversely, a UI that feels familiar can build user trust and can help improve the perception of quality. This often has the added benefit of better app store ratings—something we can all appreciate!

Consider expected behavior on each platform


The first step is to spend some time considering what the expected appearance, presentation, or behavior is on this platform. Try to forget any limitations of your current implementation, and just envision the ideal user experience. Work backwards from there.

Another way to think about this is to ask, "How would a user of this platform expect to achieve this goal?" Then, try to envision how that would work in your app without any compromises.

This can be difficult if you aren't a regular user of the platform. You might be unaware of the specific idioms and can easily miss them completely. For example, a lifetime Android user is likely unaware of platform conventions on iOS, and the same holds true for macOS, Linux, and Windows. These differences might be subtle to you, but be painfully obvious to an experienced user.

Find a platform advocate


If possible, assign someone as an advocate for each platform. Ideally, your advocate uses the platform as their primary device, and can offer the perspective of a highly opinionated user. To reduce the number of people, combine roles. Have one advocate for Windows and Android, one for Linux and the web, and one for Mac and iOS.

The goal is to have constant, informed feedback so the app feels great on each platform. Advocates should be encouraged to be quite picky, calling out anything they feel differs from typical applications on their device. A simple example is how the default button in a dialog is typically on the left on Mac and Linux, but is on the right on Windows. Details like that are easy to miss if you aren't using a platform on a regular basis.

Stay unique


Conforming to expected behaviors doesn't mean that your app needs to use default components or styling. Many of the most popular multiplatform apps have very distinct and opinionated UIs including custom buttons, context menus, and title bars.

The more you can consolidate styling and behavior across platforms, the easier development and testing will be. The trick is to balance creating a unique experience with a strong identity, while respecting the norms of each platform.

Common idioms and norms to consider


Take a quick look at a few specific norms and idioms you might want to consider, and how you could approach them in Flutter.

Scrollbar appearance and behavior


Desktop and mobile users expect scrollbars, but they expect them to behave differently on different platforms. Mobile users expect smaller scrollbars that only appear while scrolling, whereas desktop users generally expect omnipresent, larger scrollbars that they can click or drag.

Flutter comes with a built-in Scrollbar widget that already has support for adaptive colors and sizes according to the current platform. The one tweak you might want to make is to toggle alwaysShown when on a desktop platform:

return Scrollbar(
  thumbVisibility: DeviceType.isDesktop,
  controller: _scrollController,
  child: GridView.count(
    controller: _scrollController,
    padding: const EdgeInsets.all(Insets.extraLarge),
    childAspectRatio: 1,
    crossAxisCount: colCount,
    children: listChildren,

This subtle attention to detail can make your app feel more comfortable on a given platform.



Dealing with multi-select within a list is another area with subtle differences across platforms:

static bool get isSpanSelectModifierDown =>
    isKeyDown({LogicalKeyboardKey.shiftLeft, LogicalKeyboardKey.shiftRight});

To perform a platform-aware check for control or command, you can write something like this:

static bool get isMultiSelectModifierDown {
  bool isDown = false;
  if (Platform.isMacOS) {
    isDown = isKeyDown(
      {LogicalKeyboardKey.metaLeft, LogicalKeyboardKey.metaRight},
  } else {
    isDown = isKeyDown(
      {LogicalKeyboardKey.controlLeft, LogicalKeyboardKey.controlRight},
  return isDown;

A final consideration for keyboard users is the Select All action. If you have a large list of items of selectable items, many of your keyboard users will expect that they can use Control+A to select all the items.

Touch devices


On touch devices, multi-selection is typically simplified, with the expected behavior being similar to having the isMultiSelectModifier down on the desktop. You can select or deselect items using a single tap, and will usually have a button to Select All or Clear the current selection.

How you handle multi-selection on different devices depends on your specific use cases, but the important thing is to make sure that you're offering each platform the best interaction model possible.

Selectable text


A common expectation on the web (and to a lesser extent desktop) is that most visible text can be selected with the mouse cursor. When text is not selectable, users on the web tend to have an adverse reaction.

Luckily, this is easy to support with the SelectableText widget:

return const SelectableText('Select me!');

To support rich text, then use TextSpan:

return const
    children: [
      TextSpan(text: 'Hello'),
      TextSpan(text: 'Bold', style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)),

Title bars


On modern desktop applications, it's common to customize the title bar of your app window, adding a logo for stronger branding or contextual controls to help save vertical space in your main UI.

Samples of title bars

This isn't supported directly in Flutter, but you can use the bits_dojo package to disable the native title bars, and replace them with your own.

This package lets you add whatever widgets you want to the TitleBar because it uses pure Flutter widgets under the hood. This makes it easy to adapt the title bar as you navigate to different sections of the app.

Context menus and tooltips


On desktop, there are several interactions that manifest as a widget shown in an overlay, but with differences in how they're triggered, dismissed, and positioned:

  • Context menu : Typically triggered by a right-click, a context menu is positioned close to the mouse, and is dismissed by clicking anywhere, selecting an option from the menu, or clicking outside it.

  • Tooltip : Typically triggered by hovering for 200-400ms over an interactive element, a tooltip is usually anchored to a widget (as opposed to the mouse position) and is dismissed when the mouse cursor leaves that widget.

  • Popup panel (also known as flyout) : Similar to a tooltip, a popup panel is usually anchored to a widget. The main difference is that panels are most often shown on a tap event, and they usually don't hide themselves when the cursor leaves. Instead, panels are typically dismissed by clicking outside the panel or by pressing a Close or Submit button.

To show basic tooltips in Flutter, use the built-in Tooltip widget:

return const Tooltip(
  message: 'I am a Tooltip',
  child: Text('Hover over the text to show a tooltip.'),

Flutter also provides built-in context menus when editing or selecting text.

To show more advanced tooltips, popup panels, or create custom context menus, you either use one of the available packages, or build it yourself using a Stack or Overlay.

Some available packages include:

While these controls can be valuable for touch users as accelerators, they are essential for mouse users. These users expect to right-click things, edit content in place, and hover for more information. Failing to meet those expectations can lead to disappointed users, or at least, a feeling that something isn't quite right.

Horizontal button order


On Windows, when presenting a row of buttons, the confirmation button is placed at the start of the row (left side). On all other platforms, it's the opposite. The confirmation button is placed at the end of the row (right side).

This can be easily handled in Flutter using the TextDirection property on Row:

TextDirection btnDirection =
    DeviceType.isWindows ? TextDirection.rtl : TextDirection.ltr;
return Row(
  children: [
    const Spacer(),
      textDirection: btnDirection,
      children: [
          label: 'Cancel',
          onPressed: () => Navigator.pop(context, false),
          label: 'Ok',
          onPressed: () => Navigator.pop(context, true),

Sample of embedded image

Sample of embedded image


Another common pattern on desktop apps is the menu bar. On Windows and Linux, this menu lives as part of the Chrome title bar, whereas on macOS, it's located along the top of the primary screen.

Currently, you can specify custom menu bar entries using a prototype plugin, but it's expected that this functionality will eventually be integrated into the main SDK.

It's worth mentioning that on Windows and Linux, you can't combine a custom title bar with a menu bar. When you create a custom title bar, you're replacing the native one completely, which means you also lose the integrated native menu bar.

If you need both a custom title bar and a menu bar, you can achieve that by implementing it in Flutter, similar to a custom context menu.

Drag and drop


One of the core interactions for both touch-based and pointer-based inputs is drag and drop. Although this interaction is expected for both types of input, there are important differences to think about when it comes to scrolling lists of draggable items.

Generally speaking, touch users expect to see drag handles to differentiate draggable areas from scrollable ones, or alternatively, to initiate a drag by using a long press gesture. This is because scrolling and dragging are both sharing a single finger for input.

Mouse users have more input options. They can use a wheel or scrollbar to scroll, which generally eliminates the need for dedicated drag handles. If you look at the macOS Finder or Windows Explorer, you'll see that they work this way: you just select an item and start dragging.

In Flutter, you can implement drag and drop in many ways. Discussing specific implementations is outside the scope of this article, but some high level options include the following:

  • Use the Draggable and DragTarget APIs directly for a custom look and feel.

  • Hook into onPan gesture events, and move an object yourself within a parent Stack.

  • Use one of the pre-made list packages on