Cupertino widgets
Beautiful and high-fidelity widgets that align with Apple's Human Interface Guidelines for iOS and macOS.

An iOS-style modal bottom action sheet to choose an option among many.

A button typically used in a CupertinoActionSheet.

An iOS-style activity indicator. Displays a circular 'spinner'.

The default Cupertino context menu for text selection for the current platform with the given children.

An iOS-style alert dialog.

An application that uses Cupertino design.

An iOS-style button.

A macOS-style checkbox.

A palette of Color constants that describe colors commonly used when matching the iOS platform aesthetics.

An iOS-style full-screen modal route that opens when the child is long-pressed. Used to display relevant actions for your content.

A button in a ContextMenuSheet.

An iOS-style date or date and time picker.
Desktop Cupertino styled text selection controls.

A macOS-style text selection toolbar.

A button in the style of the macOS context menu buttons.

A button typically used in a CupertinoAlertDialog.
A dialog route that shows an iOS-style dialog.
A Color subclass that represents a family of colors, and the correct effective color in the color family.

An iOS-style form row.

An iOS-style form section.

An iOS-style transition used for summoning fullscreen dialogs.
Styling specifications for a CupertinoTheme.

Container that uses the iOS style to display a scrollable view.

A block that uses the iOS style to create a row in a list.

A typical iOS trailing widget used to denote that a CupertinoListTile is a button with an action.
Defines the localized resource values used by the Cupertino widgets.
A RawMagnifier used for magnifying text in cases where a user's finger may be blocking the point of interest, like a selection handle.
A route that shows a modal iOS-style popup that slides up from the bottom of the screen.

Container at the top of a screen that uses the iOS style. Many developers use this with `CupertinoPageScaffold`.

A nav bar back button typically used in CupertinoNavigationBar.
A page that creates a cupertino style PageRoute.
A modal route that replaces the entire screen with an iOS transition.
Basic iOS style page layout structure. Positions a navigation bar and content on a background.

Provides an iOS-style page transition animation.

An iOS-style picker control. Used to select an item in a short list.
A default selection overlay for CupertinoPickers.
Rounded rectangle surface that looks like an iOS popup surface, such as an alert dialog or action sheet.

A macOS-style radio button.

An iOS-style scrollbar that indicates which portion of a scrollable widget is currently visible.
Describes how Scrollable widgets behave for CupertinoApps.

An iOS-style search field.

An iOS-style segmented control. Used to select mutually exclusive options in a horizontal list.

Used to select from a range of values.

An iOS-13-style segmented control. Used to select mutually exclusive options in a horizontal list.

A navigation bar with iOS-11-style large titles using slivers.
A sliver widget implementing the iOS-style pull to refresh content control.

The default spell check suggestions toolbar for iOS.

An iOS-style switch. Used to toggle the on/off state of a single setting.

An iOS-style bottom tab bar. Typically used with CupertinoTabScaffold.
Coordinates tab selection between a CupertinoTabBar and a CupertinoTabScaffold.

Tabbed iOS app structure. Positions a tab bar on top of tabs of content.

Root content of a tab that supports parallel navigation between tabs. Typically used with CupertinoTabScaffold.

An iOS-style text field.

Creates a CupertinoFormRow containing a FormField that wraps a CupertinoTextField.

A CupertinoMagnifier used for magnifying text in cases where a user's finger may be blocking the point of interest, like a selection handle.
iOS-style text selection controls.

An iOS-style text selection toolbar.

A button in the style of the iOS text selection toolbar buttons.
Cupertino typography theme in a CupertinoThemeData.
Applies a visual styling theme to descendant Cupertino widgets.
Paints an iOS-style slider thumb or switch thumb.

An iOS-style countdown timer picker.
Find more widgets in the widget catalog.
Unless stated otherwise, the documentation on this site reflects the latest stable version of Flutter. Page last updated on 2024-09-11. View source or report an issue.